Sunday, October 12, 2014

"TRIAGE" and the "DEATH" of DEMOCRACY (in the U.S)??

OBAMA: Inside Bush(es) "Pottery-Barn"??

While "Prominent Public Servants"  (both parties) play hop-scotch across the Color Line, the election date draws perilously near.   Palin-pushin' McCain in on with Marshmallow Candy this morning screaming for a TSAR!  Funny; that is also what Putin's screaming for.   In that moment, we get the bad news of ANOTHER EBOLA CASE in, of all places, DALLAS,TEXAS.  Will we "canton" TEXAS -- that large land where bank accounts are huge and brains are infinitessimal?  McCain wants 'American' Troops on the ground in the Middle East (no white or rich fighters, though).  He wants to throw our remaining national debt into a spiral by becoming the "be-all-and-end-all" for the Middle East interests of the white world.  Funny; I thought, yesterday, they figured ISRAEL would do that job.  Of all the "blather" from talking heads this morning, NOBODY mentioned ISRAEL!

White voters have only 23 days to "grow up",;"take some responsibility"; and "realize" they have been living in a world of elaborate lies, where slick Propagandists "Lead", enriching themselves, and promoting their careers?  Funny how "Fauci" promoted his career on the back of AIDS, and returns for more with EBOLA??  Meanwhile, the same transmission history is repeated.

Coming Together! is what is needed to save our Democracy, and our personal HEALTH!  These really have to begin, and remain perserved, AT HOME, you know!  NOBODY believes that CRAP of sowing Democracy in the Middle East.! Take a CLOSE look at Israel (especially if you don't think you're WHITE).  Look even closer at Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey!  They're all playing us for stupid, overly-rich pigs.  The Katzenjammers, Mitch and his gang, and others on the Hard Right, are skating perilously close to being seen as ENEMIES of the STATE??

Stay Vigilant!  EBOLA compares approximately with the ATOMIC BOMB when you consider the structural and economic damage it can wreak.  Racism, War,  and RED-State Politics are less worthy of our attention!.  VOTING BLUE, just might SAVE YOU!!

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