Monday, November 30, 2015

EBOLA! ; ISIS ; TRUMP!! (??)

No Accident?? --
-- That these three "Scourges" appear at, or near, the same TIME, in our History??  The First, an Act of Nature, was inflamed and spread by the effects of Post-War Technologies.  The Second, and Third, followed quickly; in the wake of the Invasion of Iraq by Dick and W;  backed by the GOP and those of our citizens, who, while quaking in their boots with Fear and Hatred, submitted to encouragement to "retaliate"  in opposition  to Islam!  Recent revelations of what happened in Fallujah, explain, in detail, the rise of ISIS.  The constant "siren" of the GOP to somehow blame Obama for events that clearly occurred before he entered the Presidency, is "music to the ears" of those blind believers who are succored by each drop of venom that drops from the pursed and puckered lips of  Donald Trump!  These events, also, were made possible, due to the Power of Post-Cold-War Technologies!  Imagine the fate of our Troops in the current Civil War, if President Obama had NOT removed them in 2011.  The Civil War in Iraq was predicted, early-on, by Brighter Minds, in opposition to the Iraq Invasion!

Old, previously vanquished EVILs have been resurrected by TRUMP, and, enhanced by MEDIA techniques and technologies, have been spread vi-rally!  HYSTERIA is the evil wind that drives the flames of Hatred spewed by Trump.  MEDIA greed feeds the process!  The Republican Party, having made their Pact with several Devils, since the days of Richard M. Nixon, has truly "sewn the Whirl-wind"!  Media Talking Heads, like Mourning "Alabama" Joe, can barely pretend to be impartial as they speak so glowingly of TRUMP!  Those who are convinced that TRUMP can be stopped, are simply, not paying close attention!  TRUMP's litany persistently blares the message that ONLY HE has the POWER to SAVE "his" People!  At the rate he attacks every conceivable group, or individual, both within and outside the GOP, who criticizes or opposes him, in any way, WE WILL SOON KNOW WHO "his" People are!!  There may not be many in number; but, that may not matter!
The "Shrill One" is singing a  monotonous song that  will appeal to every "closet Bigot" in the United States! Many of those are People of Color!!
Unlike Ebola, the virus spread by TRUMP does NOT have a self-limiting trait!  It does NOT "burn itself out"!  The last time the World faced such a viral spread, total Continents were swept up in the Carnage!
Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP knows that the Moral Code of our Nation has been vanquished by Events of the past five and -a-half  Decades.  We have made too many mistakes; beginning with VietNam!  While we were failing to restore Colonialism for the French, we were also failing in our efforts to restore JIM CROW at home!  Efforts to "reason" with the hysteria of viral hatreds, spread by Media-Masters like TRUMP, are foolish!
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Sunday, November 29, 2015

colorado: "SHOOT's .. (again) / GOP "Takes-Cover"??

"Message" Heard??

Robert Dear, is the name of this one.  Bundy, the "old white guy" involved in the Nevada Shootings, spouted similar "Obama-Hate".  Clearly, the GOP multi-year campaign, taken up,  to a man (and one woman) by the Clown Car of their 2016 Candidates, will have to respond to this event.  Even their thick-headed "Base" can connect-the-dots on this Killing Spree.  Modern Media will find these guys, even in the nooks and crannies of our Colorado mountains!

Colorado Springs has been described as a "Mecca" for Hard-Right, Extreme, "Religious" Nuts.  The GOP drum-beat against Abortion and Planned Parenthood, evidently "resonated"; sparking this Event.

MEDIA struggles to push this incident under their "Mental Health" blanket, and resist the new theme of "Domestic Terrorism".  Those who have been "amused" by the GOP's antics, should be getting a bit "anxious", now, about the entire prospect that one of these Clowns could wind up in the Oval Office!

The GOP should be careful about their "Mental Health" dodge, however.  Connecting the Dots on that topic leads back to "Mad Ronnie Reagan"; who, as Guv'na of California hit on the idea of closing the State's Mental Hospitals, and throwing the inmates onto our Streets, with only their medications.
Our Homeless Problem started around that time, also!  Are you SURE this country can survive another round with one of these Know-Nothings in charge??

Stay Vigilant!  Even the truly Stupid cannot dismiss the messages Colorado brings us.  Maybe, they'll get around to watching Blind-Sided  It is interesting to Connect-The-Dots that tie origin and rise of ISIS to our Contract Soldiers, and what happened to Fallujah!  Then, check the story about the absence of training and equipment provided by the Police, for the Cop who was killed by Dear!!  It seems all their resources were shifted to SWAT Teams that proved to be ineffective!

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Is WORLD WAR "Rumbling"??

Time to take a "WORLD" View?

While the USA is "entertaining" itself with "Sectarian" and "Out-House" Politics; we live in a World of Nations that have other concerns!!  It just may be important for us to keep an eye on Putin, as we "get our groove" from TRUMP's Racism??  Frida Ghitis tells us that the world is walking the path that led to World War I.

As we entered the last Century, the world faced many of the problems we see today.  Flush with the new "technology" of the Machine Age, the World rushed to War to learn what "improvements" could be had by replacing the old Agricultural-Age weaponry with "Machine Guns".  They didn't like the answer they got.  The carnage that resulted, still stands our in History!   There is a theory that mankind goes to War with the tools defined by the way they earn their living.  If that is true, then INFORMATION, or MIS-INFORMATION will shape the weaponry of World War III.  If we look carefully at the non-verbal messaging on the faces of our Talking Heads on T.V., we can see that TRUMP is "converting" a large swath of them.

But, Putin is the guy with the Nukes, AND the Propaganda Machinery of the MEDIA Age!  TRUMP, so far, has only the latter.  Oil, and other Energy-Source issues, so prominent in the lead-up to WW-II, lie at the root of the multi-faceted hostilities we see around us today.

Stay Vigilant!  Remember, it was some obscure East-European Arch-Duke who provided the TRIGGER for World War I.  Is Assad today's "Arch-Duke"?   If we allow the GOP to "screw" us out of our DEMOCRACY; WWW-I; the War to End all Wars; may be a "picnic" by comparison!!

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Is CHICAGO our "OCCUPIED" West-Bank??

"Trouble" In-the-LOOP??

Blacks,( and Sane Whites) in Chicago know; their City has really "done-it", this time.  13 Months!!
16 Shots!!  Enough Said??

Rosa Parks accomplished more than all of the Black Preachers combined!!  She took the issue to  Moneyed-Interests, and got results!  Let's hope, the same works for Chicago?

Ever since the real "Mayor Daly" used Chicago Cops to "crack heads" of (mostly white and middle class) kids in the Chicago Streets, in 1968; that City has been in a constant "stew" of Repressions; Economic, Racial, and by Ethnic Division.  Over time, it has tried a White Female Mayor, a Black Male Mayor:  it has attacked "Welfare",  and, REFORMED the School Systems.  All of this was done within the worst of the old Ward-Healer Spoils Systems.  Blacks and other non-whites "played-into" that System.  They Lost!  Big-Time!  Their Kids are murdering each other, as a result!!

The Cracker Right LOVES Netanyahu, because his Repressive Tactics against Palestinians, appears to be working.  I'm sure TRUMP is impressed with his "Fence".  Netanyahu does not have to worry about a Constitution that offers the Freedoms ours does.  Cheney and "W" found our Constitution to be a "burden", so they "spurned" it.  The GOP has followed suit.

Blacks have to realize that Rosa and the Bus Boycott TRUMPED Bull Connor, because the Moneyed Interests were adversely impacted.  In these precarious Economic Times, MONEY must be made to TALK for the Oppressed!  Money is doing quite well for rich whites, Thank you Very Much.  Rich non-whites must look closely at the limits whites have placed on the spending of their money, and find remedies?  A Street Protest, in the LOOP, seems like a great start.

Stay Vigilant!  In order for CHICAGO to be the rotten mess it is today, many layers of "Government" from Ward Captains to the Mayor, and from the Cop on the Beat to the Judges on the Benches, have been complicit, for a very long time.   Our Founders knew that UN-CHECKED POWER is the ultimate EVIL on Earth!  We must find an effective way to CHECK the POWER of MONEYed Interests!

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Thursday, November 26, 2015

it's the "SHEET"!!; Stupid

TRUMP's"Magic" ..

... may lie in his ability to "Free" Whites to enjoy their Racism "in the open"!  From the time of President Wilson, the Racist President who strongly supported Segregation, the KKK was the REAL Political Party that dominated our Nation.  There are famous photographs of the Klan marching in Washington, D.C., during his Term in Office.  In the Decades that followed the 1929 Crash, the Klan went "underground".  They did not go away.  They have historically formed the core of that stubborn 25%-30% of the American Electorate that was "religiously" Hard Right!  Trump is LOVED by this part of our Society, and, gives "permission" to vent, to the rest of our Whites who pretend to be "above" that element of white, un-educated, mostly male Southerners.  Mourning ("Alabama") Joe collects many of these "closet" Racists on his daily gathering on MSNBC.  They can be found in all Colors.  TRUMP does away with the need for the SHEET, in 2015??  It is "Magic" for those whites who can use the secrecy of the Ballot Box to "cover" their true Values.

Stay Vigilant!  We all have to get a lot better, at understanding. and accurately determining what our "neighbors" truly believe ??

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

from "Whence" Cometh YOUR "Protection"??

"The" QUESTION for this "AGE"??

TRUMP "screams and rants" about PROTECTION, while instructing a MOB to attack a defenseless individual in their midst!  ANYONE who believes such a "Leader" will protect THEM;   is a FOOL!!
He doesn't even try to protect himself!  He hires Bullies and off-duty COPS,  for that purpose.

Instead of gathering in the streets and yelling about how much Black Lives Matter; Blacks, and other non-whites, had better begin to think seriously about their Physical and Economic Security; in these United States, post-Trayvon!  White Floridians, acting safely within Institutions they Control, made it abundantly clear during the Trial of Zimmerman, what they REALLY think about JUSTICE; and how it should be limited by Race!  Guv'na Jeb Bush "contributed" the Stand-Your-Ground- Gun Law!

A number of Public Administrators, paid to protect our Constitution, and provide Public Safety, turned their Oaths of Office on their heads!  This happened in Florida, but there are fresh Cases in New York, Illinois, Maryland, South Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, and Texas!  There are places where the Video Evidence was available, in abundance; yet, failed to allow "Justice" across the Color Line!

REFORM is the ready remedy; usually proposed by Whites-in-Office; on the Left, Right, and Center.  It is the exact same message they have used since our Civil War ended.  The Record of Reforms shows the transformation of Old Racist Policies, into New Racist Policies, written into "Law" or "Regulations", and then roundly ignored by White Administrators who control the impacted Institutions.

  What "Institutions"?

Prisons; Public Prosecutors; Grand Jurors; Educators; Police Forces;  Legislators (City, County, State and Federal); Priests, Ministers, and Rabbis;  the list is long!  These "Administrators, paid with public tax dollars, know what the Law "reads", and they know what their  "Politics" will allow them to do.  Into the Chasm between those two "known" factors, is scraped all of the egregious Injustices we see aired, daily, in our News Media.  Talking Heads have been trained to "spin" the News in ways that permit the status-quo to continue.  No Public Administrators are named, nor shamed; except for an out-of-favor Politician!   No corrupted Judge is ever exposed in Media!  No Public Prosecutors have bee held to account, (except for their personal peccadillos, or some sleazy "bridge" affair)!

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks, and other Non-Whites, have a lot to learn if they really wish to establish Justice, in these United States.  The GOP lets us know daily, just who thinks they are IN CHARGE, and expect to STAY in Charge!  Demonstrating and Petition-signing will not change their behavior! It can serve to win them Votes; from the Riff-Raff that put them in office.  Do your Homework!  Get to know better, those who may live next to you; yet, will work against your well-being! Economically, Politically, Legally: and other ways!  Learn the most effective ways to get and hold their attention, and for addressing your needs!   The VOTE, alone, will prove insufficient!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

GOP: a new "LOW" ??

Time to STOP "Laughing"??

TRUMP is now using, in his campaign, "openly",  approving verbal references to an: "Austrian with the little moustache" !   He is awakening old, ugly ideas and historic travesties, that have been, before now, referred to only in "dog-whistle" and other "euphemistic" language!!   I was correct in my very fist BLOG for the OWL (7Apr2011), when I wrote about "Ghosts of Goebebels" being "loosed" again on this Planet.

In a rally in Birmingham, TRUMP gave his approval for his crowd's  physical attack upon a member of the audience.  This is right out of the ugly play book of Nazis!  The Republican Party has almost two dozen other "Candidates" for President, who have "echoed"  TRUMP's language and tactics.  These are Monstrous Times, and it doesn't take "9/11" or "Paris" to make that fact evident!

All Societies, have their 'Wings", and corresponding "Wing-Nuts"; but these monsters are ushering in a FUTURE for all of us, that is BUTT-UGLY, and will become VIOLENT; if  Saner Elements within our Society don't step forward and help to Shut-Them-Down!  MEDIA must do its part.  It should realize that it operates on our Air Waves, at the indulgence of the Public-at Large!!

This GOP behavior betrays their claim to "Make Our Country Great"!!   These candidates, by their rhetoric and actions, show clearly, that they will NOT abide by any Oath of Office that requires loyalty to, and protection for, our Constitution!

Stay Vigilant!  Pretending to run for Public Office, these Clowns are spreading Hate, Suspicion, and Distrust, in ways that endanger the lives of people, here at Home, and,  around the Globe!  This morning's Joint Presentations by President Obama, and French President Hollande should make it clear to everyone that we must vigorously resist the harangues of these GOP "Sh*t-Stirrers"!  

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Monday, November 23, 2015


A New Low for "NEWS"??

Hounded by Papparazzi, the Driver of the Princess was found "Negligent"!

In 1997, we thought of Papparazzi as those merciless photographers who ruined people's lives in hopes of getting a photo they could sell to those contemptible "Scandal Rags"!  In less than 20 years, T.V, News Broadcasters (Right, Left, Center) have become "Papparazzi".  They HOUND us to DEATH with whatever story they think "has legs".  Every Channel, 24/7; its the same "bit"; from some standard "script" -- Ad-Nauseam!  We all are forced to live with Papparazzi News, today.  
Televised News has become one big Scandal Sheet!  They want us to think the rest of the World has disappeared -- no NEWS, from any other place, EXISTS!  A better plan to drive the MASSES to a Nervous Breakdown, could not be devised.  We all know how this happened, and who is responsible.  The amazing thing is how quickly people, we thought had "integrity" succumbed to this sleazy business!

An old Veteran of the Scandal Rags, TRUMP is ready made for this environment!  His Poll Numbers show that!  How do we explain our failure to STOP this CRAP, though??  

Could it be that we are Lemmings; always ready to believe and react to anything the MEDIA chooses to "shock" us with?? Or, are we Hamsters; who, like Rubio, are so ambitious to "rise" from a place like Hialiah?  And, are so Racist, as to believe that anyone who is not Black can be better than Obama?? These MEDIA Darlin's, will kiss any behind, or play in any gutter,  that permits them to "shoot the moon" to the White House??

Stay Vigilant!  If the Crap is driving you mad, just remember where the OFF button is??  Fight for your Sanity, and for the ability to Think for Yourself!!

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

we ALL, may be livin' some version of "SCHENGEN"??

Does "PARIS" threaten the "Unity" of an Extended Europe??
When I began my studies with Drucker, in 1985, Peter spoke a great deal about the emerging
European Economic Community, in which borders were essentially eliminated, for trade purposes, and for travel.  It was named for the Schengen Agreement, signed in 1985 by ten EU member states in the town of Schengen, Luxembourg.  With their common borders thus eliminated, their External Borders, took on much greater significance for such purposes as Security.

Thirty years later, we experience the unending horde of Refugees, spilling out of the Middle East; in flight, from widespread warfare.  Border Security cannot withstand such a flood of immigrants.
The Paris Killings last week, awaken political pressures to close those borders.  "The Donald", in the United States, striving to "own" what little is left of the Republican Party, uses Border Fences as his campaign theme.
What does all of this mean for Global Trade?  Nobody knows.  Given the staggering amounts of MONEY to be lost, I'm willing to bet that, even weak governments, will find a way to keep the MONEY flowing??

The concept of weak or ineffective borders can pertain, also, to Religions, Races, Nationalities, and their respective affinities.  National Identities have been a major issue since the Beirut Bombing of our Marines, that happened during Ronnie Reagan's first Term, in 1983.  Hostage-taking, that began with Iran in 1979, spread throughout the Middle East for a while.  People have been "voting with their feet "ever since those days of War between Sharon and Arafat.  The instabilities have grown; through Iran-Contra, Cold War Collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Putin-driven, "Cold-War-Echo", of 2015.

Political Parties are not immune from this question.  Republican Party Candidates, with their un-ending Hindsight, are rabidly pushing "Fences" and other devices that divide people, concepts, and causes.
They are firmly committed to "Conserving" our War-ridden Past.  The Democratic Party, in contrast, is busy putting forth ideas that counter the destructive and misleading slogans of the RIGHT, and provide Strategies for a more Secure and Prosperous Future.

Stay Vigilant!  Only those Religious "Apocalyptics" who are convinced there is NO FUTURE can be happy with the issues being circulated by these Repoobs.!!
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Saturday, November 21, 2015

is MEDIA playin' "OLD MAID" with us ??

A Child's Game?

When I was very young, we played "Old Maid".  An old "Victorian" Card Game, it was very popular in the United States during the War, and for a while after.  Nobody plays it now, it seems.  Maybe the Feminist Movement had something to do with that?  

In the game, players "held" their cards, and whoever was "dealt" the Old Maid, would try to foist-off that card, by tricking an unsuspecting opponent to "draw" it.

Suppose, in 2015, the Old Maid returns as a male, with strangely-colored skin, and "wierd" hair, and is running for President of the United States??  Someone who spent considerable money supporting Romney in 2012, and invented the "Birther" Charade; to weaken Romney's opponent.  Romney blew it, of course, so, this time, the 'Wierd One" has to do it himself!!  But he is well known as a "wooden-nickel" by those of us with more that a little bit of common sense,  Along comes our Sleazy MEDIA, "drunk as skunks" on the Big Bucks they can make, by tricking all of us to "Draw" this "Card"!!

The Sad Thing is, it just might work!!  The so-called "smart" players in this game, are so busy entertaining themselves, they might be playing into the hands of those Factions who would "cash-in" under a TRUMP Presidency.  Those who invested in "W", drew Cheney as the "Surprise Player"; and, if properly "connected", made out like Fat Rats under the Cloud of Fear that bunch stirred up! Some people found the 2008 Meltdown to be Highly Profitable!  Not all of them were in the United States. 

Stay Vigilant!  As we've been dragged down this road, since the days of the Iran Hostages; events have occurred that have been ever-more horrendous, and a new "World Order" has "congealed" around our feet.  TRUMP can "win" a "Casino" in 2016, that won't be too hard for him, to "bankrupt"??  Think about t??

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Friday, November 20, 2015

the "RADICAL" (kKknow-nuthin') PARTY??

are the Republicans DEAD??

We've known for a few years, now; that the Republican Party has been under attack from within.
Slowly, every Republican with a shred of Decency or Self-Respect has been driven out of the Party.
Post-Paris, TRUMP sees an "opening" to take the Party back to Europe in the Thirties; while Cruz seems to prefer the Stasi-Tactics from the Cold War.  Just think of what Senator McCarthy could do with today's  Sleazy MEDIA!!

After TRUMP suggested "Lists" by Religion and Tribe, Carson chimes in by comparing Muslims with "Dogs"!  I can't imagine how much lower the Party can sink!  Jeb, in his characteristic, half-heart fashion, is tip-toeing in their direction.  Rubio is under attack by both Jeb and Cruz!

I think its time to start referring to the Party by a name that fits their behavior: RADICAL kKknow-nuthin's.  After years of digging and trying different ways to express their hatred of President Obama, the GOP has finally tapped into that vile stream of Evil that flows at the bottom of our Society!  

Stay Vigilant!  With almost a year left before the 2016 Election, we have time to insist that the name of the Party must be changed to reflect their True Character??

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

HILLARY's "Road-Map"??

Now is the Time for all good Citizens to come to the Aid of their COUNTRY??

After listening, intently, to Hillary's Speech on ISIS, I Googled the Transcript.  Her speech sounded to me like a "roadmap" of the difficulties that lie ahead for all residents on this Planet.  There's little of the usual "Politics" in it.  You know, where "snake-oil" salespersons "sell" simple (and usually wrong) Solutions to complex issues??

Unfortunately, the listener has to be intelligent, thoughtful, and, knowledgeable of current affairs!  In my youth, we had that kind of nation.  Citizens huddled around radios to hear their President report to them the details of the Battles we waged in World War II.  There was some "hatred" of FDR; but everyone knew what our fringe element was all about, and our Media was Patriotic.  Today, we might not be considered insane to expect some in our Media to be on the payroll of Foreign Interests, Global Crime Syndicates, or home-grown Nihilists.

Read the transcript, I'm going through it and making notes.  Let's see what Jeb comes up with in response?

Stay Vigilant!  The days for "runnin' and hidin' " are gone!  It is time to sober up, put down the carnival barkers and the hate-mongers, and get a grip on the tasks ahead, for returning to some Civility, Stability, and Security in this World!  READ THE SPEECH!!

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

findin' "MY" People??

"Sign" of our Times??

One "sign" on the long road that tracks my life; one, that "points toward home"; bears the name of Della Reese!   Along with hundreds of other Black Artists that I have been privileged to be entertained by, learn from, and, live among, in these United States, I was blessed to see and hear Della;  "LIVE"!

She was born, almost exactly eight years before me, in Detroit, Michigan, and, named  Delloreese Patricia Early.    She is still "kickin'" !! She shares in a Cherokee Lineage, that is very common among those of us born WEST of  of the State of Ohio.  As I write this, I'm listening to her "Live" Album, recorded, in 1966, along with Herb Ellis (guitar), Bill Doggett (organ), Gerald Wiggins (piano), Ray Brown (bass),  and Shelly Manne (drums). A trumpeter (not named), "riffs" with Della on the Bridge of: Who Can I Turn To.    It is truly a  "spell-binding" performance!!  The Liner Notes quote the trumpeter, but do not give his name. (NOTE:  Trumpeter:  Bobby Bryant, b. May 19, 1934, Hattiesburg, Mississippi; d. June 10, 1998).  

This album was recorded during a classic "midnight-hour Jamm Session" Los Angeles!  I was lucky enough to attend a few of them during my days in L.A.  Ray Brown was the link.  I know I'm HOME when I fall into a group of American Citizens like these!  They speak a language that defies places, and dates, and, generations.  They take you back to Black Communities that worked, for those of us lucky enough to be born into them!  When you see it, and experience it, you are reminded of your roots, and confirmed, in ways that no other experience can match!

Most Americans have seen Della in one or more of her many Television Performances; on shows like "Touched by an Angel".  My all-time-favorite performance by Della, as an actress, is her portrayal of "Vera" in Harlem Nights; a film that also starred Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, and Eddie Murphy.

Stay Vigilant!  In spite of the disgraceful "plunder" of  contributions by  these wonderful Talents of Old (especially those that were subjected to Segregated, and exploitative Club Owners and other "Managers"), Black Youth can still find their way to the Treasures they left behind.  Let this be a Road Sign??  (APPLAUSE) forever; Della!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015


One is President of the U.S.;
the Other is a "Wannabee"

Yesterday, I watched, and carefully listened to President Obama, in Turkey, and Ben Carson, in Iowa.  What struck me was the sharp contrast between the two on the subject of Syrian Refugees.  Obama's views were consistent with his "better Angels" nature, and, his characteristic treatment of matters that are deeply troubling to the American People.  Carson, by contrast, fell squarely in "lock-step" with the most heinous tendencies of those of us who put "Self" first!  These are the people who avoided the Draft in the days of "Vietnam"; and military service, ever since.  These are the kind of people who rush to deny the rights and "humanity" of those not "like them".  Driven by FEAR for their own survival, they quickly abandon those principles they practice is calmer times; and that they want applied to themselves, when they're in need.  Some, even go so far as to murder and imprison those people they fear.  More than twenty Republican Governors, have, in "lock-step" acted to keep Syrian Refugees out of their States.  This morning, Paul Ryan, Boehner's replacement as third in Line of Succession to the Presidency, joined in the FEAR stance, against Syrian Refugees.  No doubt, this reflects a "whip-saw" of sentiments within these same people, from a few weeks back, when the body of a little Refugee Boy washed up on a Beach of the Mediterranean.

I finally got around to watching the movie of Ben Carson's Life Story.  It didn't help much to explain the real Ben Carson who appears before us on T.V., daily, in his Campaign.  EXCEPT, for an insight that only a black male who has lived the past 76 years in the United States, might have.  The youthful RAGE, so famously cited, that Carson has been derided for by his white competitors, seems to have disappeared "without a trace" in the man.  The Christian GOD he credits for "taking" his Rage, seems to be a GOD that Carson "shares" with NO ONE!  White Christian Zealots find him useful, nonetheless!

Vengeance is central to the animus that drives these spreading attitudes toward the Syrian Refugees.
"Vengeance" for what happened in Paris; and, is feared to happen in the U.S.  When President Obama sang "Amazing Grace", "forgiving" white Christians for the heinous crime committed there; 'shocked' Whites applauded him for doing that!  Carson aligns with the Vengeance crowd; alongside Whites, in our Deep South and other parts of the country where "doors are being slammed" against Syrian Refugees!!  President Obama does not do that!  Do Republicans feel they can seize on this difference; and, mixing it with their racial hatred for Obama, "leverage" their chances to "win" against Hillary in 2016?

Stay Vigilant!  "Compassion"; "Turn the other Cheek"; are quickly abandoned in times of Mass Hysteria!  Our MEDIA is busy raising that Hysteria.  President Obama, correctly, reminds us that this Nation was formed to set it apart from this sort of thing.  Republicans seem determined to destroy all of our Core Values!!

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Monday, November 16, 2015

This Ain't No "MOVIE"; folks!!

You cannot "change" the Channel!!

President Obama, in Turkey, this morning "struggled" to lower his language-grade-levels to meet the cretinous minds of those Press-members who were questioning him about TERRORISM!  It was incredible, how "thick-headed" they were!  They seemed to be confused as they struggled to determine which words they could  use,  in their PROPAGANDA Media goals, to win them some favor, and get their Reports "picked up" by Talking Heads on T.V.??  They remained baffled!

"Morning Joe" feigned "surprise" that only Republicans heeded his invitation to join him in this morning's  hatin'-on-Obama-bash!  Today's theme included the word "underestimate"!  It was picked up and repeated, ad-nauseam by those Reporters in Turkey, struggling to "translate" Obama!

Pope-Too has it right:  This is "piecemeal" World War III!

This will NOT be "over" soon!  We will NOT all be kept Safe!  We must GET OVER IT!!  We must learn how to LIVE, as if we hope to Survive!  We must learn what, and what-NOT, to teach our CHILDREN!  John Wayne and Ronald Reagan, are both dead!  Their Hollywood-produced MYTHS must be allowed to die, also??  If we fail to "Get-Along, Together"; no form of Conquest will work, instead!!

The seeds planted in Iraq in 2003, by Cheney and Bush, are "blooming"; along with the seeds planted in Florida, in 2000, when our Supreme Court interfered in that Presidential Election!  We may never know what kind of Lives we might have had, were those two events, (and, Abu-Ghraib?) somehow Averted??  We're deep in the DOO-DOO now, however!  Joe, and Jeb, and TRUMP, and Cruz, expect us to "double down" as we march, smartly, and with "bravado", along this Road to Perdition we were placed-upon, by Nixon,, and, propelled-along, by Reagan!  President Obama must be believed, when he tells us to avoid, at all cost, the temptation to turn these circumstances into some CRUSADE, or WAR of CIVILIZATIONS!!  That CRAP can "seal the doom" for our Planet!

Stay Vigilant!  Both, the expanding Terrorists, and our freshest  Demagogues, come from 2nd-Generation, young, immigrant males!!  The World is locked in a race to see which side "wins" the war for their Hearts and Minds!!

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

"BUSH-on-BUSH" ("Birther"?? ... anyone?)

JEB "channels" PARIS?

JEB was "on", this morning; trying to tie Obama to Paris!  Someone ought to tell him that Obama won't be on the Ballot in 2016?  The things he claims Obama ought to be doing against ISIS, are the things, reported 2 Days Ago, that the Obama Administration IS DOING!!  Bush can be excused, because FOX didn't "break" that story:  Al Jazeera "broke" that News!!  (see yesterday's OWL)

JEB tried to "capitalize" on Hillary's Debate last night in Iowa; and got his Brother's words fed back to him, by Jake Tapper!  The Monsters "un-Bushed" in Iraq by DickandDubya in 2003, grow larger,  more complex, and more frightening, everyday.

Then there's the "BIRTHER" issue for 2016 -- Ted Cruz!!  Nowhere in the MEDIA, nor on the lips of JEB, nor on the lips of TRUMP, the "Birther-in-Chief", is there much mention of the FACT that Ted Cruz is not a born Citizen of the United States.  After loudly, and foolishly, challenging President Obama on this issue, neither TRUMP nor JEB has mentioned it!  This could be a "two-fer" for JEB if he handled it right.  There must be some reason for the deafening silence on Cruz's BIRTH!   h-y-p-o-c-r-a-c-y is a strange way to spell: R_A_C_I_S_M??

Stay Vigilant!  Reports are out that ISIS recruits tend to be young/male/ and second-generation immigrants!!  Does that sound like anybody you know??  Our MEDIA should be ashamed!

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

PARIS, is "Calling" us ALL to UNITE! ...

...AGAINST Racist Demagogues fomenting Terror; wrapped in Religion!

The French Ambassador "slams" TRUMP, calling him a VULTURE!  We can thrown in Carson, Cruz, and Rubio, from the Race and Religion-bating candidates in the Clown Car, with Trump.

In my Youth, France was split by Hitler; and OCCUPIED!.  They know what lies before us all, if we fail to heed the growing Xenophobia, from the Liberal and Progressive LEFT, to the deeply Racist Republican RIGHT.  France has a similar problem with Le Pen, and Skin-heads!

War, in the 21st Century, uses MEDIA as its battlefield!  Yesterday's attacks in Paris, like 9/11 here, was a MEDIA-EVENT!  The "winners" in Warfare, into our future, will be those who convince "hearts and minds", the world over, to follow a road to peace and  "security", that provides "acceptance" for everyone!  In Media Wars, "bullets" serve only to "incite".  Those Demagogues who seek Dominance and Control, cannot understand this!   The Economic Model for Mass Media works against safety and security, both in person and property, for all citizens of our Planet!  Media is driven by near-term Profits, and will happily engage in Propaganda for that purpose.

Stay Vigilant!  This morning, there were reports of terms for a Peace Deal in Syria.  It BEGINs with a "Cease Fire" for all elements EXCEPT ISIS!  Maybe the tide is turning?

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Friday, November 13, 2015

COPs, and "Mordida" in Amerika

A "Recognition" Problem??

As a "Murder by Cops" phenomenon continues to grow on our streets;  more people are expressing "shock" from the clearly evident "detachment" displayed by the Cops involved!  There's no "hint" of concern for Public Safety shown in these incidents, by the Cops.  Come to think of it; neither was there any such concern evident from Mark Fuhrman, who admitted that he lied in his testimony, given in the  O.J Trial. The entire LAPD, under Daryl Gates was known, at the time,  by persons of color in Los Angeles, to be "predators"!  The Christopher Commission found the LAPD to be lacking in its concerns for "Justice" in its dealings with Black and Brown communities.  Even rich Blacks, (Miles Davis, for example) complained of foul treatment by Cops during the Bradley/Gates Regime.

Suppose, for a moment, that "Public Safety", has been a "Cover" under which an elaborate "Protection Racket" has grown, over many years, in this country.  Louis Armstrong told stories of the Italian Mob "shaking him down" for his pay, following his Performances.  He told of checking "himself" into Jail to escape the extortion.  We know that those Irish and Italian Gangs were forerunners of our Urban Police Forces.  Once they became Unionized and could tap into lucrative Pensions; their "mordida" became "institutionalized". When I lived in L.A., new, Chinese Immigrant Gangs, preyed openly, and with little restraint on their "own" people.  Years later, when I lived in Seattle, a similar pattern was seen among Vietnamese Gangs in Ranier Valley.  

This "alienation from the Public", found everywhere among Police Forces, has grown; both, in number and variety of Police Forces (City, State, County, Special District; School Districts; the list grows longer and longer.  "Service" Pensions for COPs are very generous.  After all, the Cops have "the guns"!!

White America is kidding itself, if it assumes itself Safe, under this Racket!  As their hunger for money and power grow, the concerns for the Public diminish!  Weak Administrators only serve to make the problem worse, on all fronts.  This is a Monster, that feeds on our Tax System!

Stay Vigilant!  It is a serious mistake to see the rising Police Slayings as a Racial thing.  There is enough Big Money in the Protection Racket to Corrupt all who are involved!  It may take Years, and Huge Dedication to weed this filth from our Police Institutions!

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Thursday, November 12, 2015

GOP and "Stealth" CIVIL WAR! (via LEGISLATUREs)??

"Before the Eyes" of "Babes" ??

Last night's episode of  "The Brain" with David Eagleman that airs on PBS, there was an "experiment" with babies that were less than "crawling" age!  A puppet show was held for the babies in which a stuffed "duck"-yellow, and two equally brown stuffed "teddy-bears" were the performers.  The Duck struggled to get the top of a box open.  The bear on the "left" struggled to HELP the duck.  The bear on the "right" exerted his strength to PREVENT the duck from opening the box.  Following the show, the bears were presented to the babies for "play".  Each of the babies, after some hesitation, chose the BEAR that appeared on the LEFT in the puppet show!  Earth to GOP!! --  even babies know the "value" of COOPERATION!!,d.cGc

The Third DEBATE(?) starring the GOP Clown Car, showed, without a Doubt, that all of their so-called "front-running" Candidates for 2016,  solidly support the NON-COOPERATION wing of the GOP!  Those with higher I.Q. capabilities may realize that this is a symptom of a much more ominous, but less obvious part of the "picture" we all see.  "Take-over" of LEGISLATURES, in the STATEs, and our House of Representatives and Senate in Washington, represents the combined dream of the "Tex-icans" and the other Sewer-State elements of our Population.  Sometimes billed as SECESSION, there can be little doubt that their "Think-Tank-driven efforts are driving us toward a new Civil War!  As our State Legislatures are turned RED, and our own "Christian-Taliban" grows; it is becoming clearer that the HARD-RIGHT will COOPERATE with Nobody other than "their own".  During the Century and a Half, since our Slave-Owning Sewer "fired" on Fort Sumter, in the Harbor of Charleston, SC, that began our first Civil War;  the Rabble have learned that "this time it must be different"??  Disguised as Secession, the strategy that appeared in 2008, pursued by McCain Voters, has operated  to oppose ANYTHING the new Black President tried to do, while in Office.  We have seen that this included McCain, himself, traveling Abroad, to undermine our Foreign Policy!  Boehner hosted Netanyahu, supporting similar goals  They will stop at nothing; they will Cooperate with NO-one!  They don't care if our Nation Defaults on its Debts.  Yet, they beat their breasts, trying to convince the most gullible among us, that they care about the Fiscal Future of their Grand-Children?? They have totally abandoned our Fiscal Present, for the past 7 years or more!  They are courting our total collapse!  They've trained their Young; (Rubio, Cruz, Roof) to collaborate in these efforts!  It should be no surprise to people who remain SANE; and, who do not believe in the DEVIL (in 2015); and, who realize that the ability to GOVERN is important; that they are all IRRELEVANT to those Clown-Car Members, like, Carson, Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and Fiorina!!

Stay Vigilant!  Research shows that GENOCIDE events have INCREASED on our planet, since the HOLOCAUST of the early 1940s!  (Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur, and now, the line of guerrilla bands that started with Bin Laden, the Taliban, Al-Caida, ISIS, and now, ISIL!!  BAD-GUYS don't come only in non-white colors; as our GOP loves to believe!!  Is TRUMP selling a "palatable" Holocaust for "Mexicans"??

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"MISSOURI-Racism" ... explained?


A close examination of the differences between the events at the University of Missouri and earlier events in Ferguson, Mo can be summed up, perhaps by a comparison of Prosecutor McCollough, to University President Wolfe, and Chancellor Bowen.  Under pressure to resign to lessen racial tensions, the President and the Chancellor complied.  The Prosecutor did NOT!

Comments from students on campus at M.U. are much the same as those of Black Students from the Deep South, in 1957, who attended Lincoln University at Jefferson City, the state capital, 30 miles from the campus of Mizzou,   They found Missouri racism much more severe than any they experienced at home!

Over many years, and  many travels since 1957, I have found that Missouri Racism is unique in several respects.  It appears to lack the "human" element that Faulkner relays in his tales of the Old South, and its  racial relations.  I remember white discrimination against Jews in my home-town during the 1940s, as even more "cold" than their treatment of Blacks.

In a discussion of this topic, in class, with Peter Drucker, he explained, that "Missouri, as a Border State, was neither trusted by the North, nor the South".  As I studied that line, I found that the Border Wars with "Bleeding Kansas" and John Brown, left its strains in Missouri Culture.  Missouri Racism is an especially "RAW" racism; that is firmly rooted in a state dominated by rural farms.  It has only two cities that could keep social behavior "Up to Date"!  What little Enlightenment can be found, lies' along a Rail-Road Right-of-Way, between Kansas City and St. Louis.  They are beacons for the great "un-washed" who range down through the Ozarks and into Oklahoma and Arkansas!  St Louis, today, is a "rotted-out-hulk", compared to what it grew to be between 1900 and W.W-II!  "Missou" lies in a "rough patch"!

Ironically, it was the Black Culture of Missouri that produced and influenced, both, Mark Twain, and Walt Disney!  The KKK burned George R. Smith College to the ground , in 1925.  It was one of the early Colleges, built for Blacks, in Missouri, before 1900,  It was where Scott Joplin invented  "Ragtime" Music.

Missouri will have to come to grips with this problem; in its State Legislature!  The Blacks in that Legislature will have to "man-up"!  The old "go-along, to get-along" tactics, of Booker T. Washington, have to be abandoned, if true Progress is to be found.  Because of "Integrated Education", too many of our young students, of all colors, know little or nothing of Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, or, even, Thurgood Marshall!

Stay Vigilant!  Maybe our Electorate will learn the value of Intellect", and "Enlightenment" and abandon its preference for the kind of  "ignorance" that is "trumpeted" by TRUMP, and "implanted" by Carson!

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Monday, November 9, 2015

"Earthquake" at "MIZZOU"

How Far will the Shock-Waves Reach??

Our Lazy, Corrupt, and Unaccountable MEDIA will not, so "inform", you; with appropriate "background"; but, Missouri is a Rabidly Racist State!  Events at Ferguson, and, now, the University of Missouri, might give the reader a "hint"?/  The "Enlightened" portion of that State, lies along a line that connects Kansas City, and St. Louis.  To the North of the line lies the "conservatism" of Iowa; and to the South lies the Racism of Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Under pressure from Black Football Players and Black Faculty, the President of Missouri University announced his Resignation this morning.

This is a BIG DEAL for Black College Graduates in Missouri.  Thirty miles away from its campus in Columbia, lies the State Capitol, and the HBCU, Lincoln University.  Founded by Black Soldiers from our Civil War, Lincoln has historically been the University that produced Black College Graduates in Missouri.  As the next in line to enter college in 1957, I, mistakenly, thought I might become an "Engineer", by attending Missouri University.  Mizzou remained solidly segregated in 1957, so I entered Lincoln University, instead, and majored in Physics.  I had to transfer to San Francisco State to continue my studies because of an incident involving a white Ph.D,Professor who chose to teach at Lincoln, despite efforts by Mizzou, to hire him away.  Mizzou has waged a Budgetary-Fratricide battle against Lincoln, that continues!  Five members of my family are graduates of Lincoln University.  Poor whites entered Lincoln, as  "commuters" in 1957; but refused to "integrate", in any significant way.  

From the lesser-privileged Blacks in Ferguson to, now, the more-privileged Black Faculty and Student Body at Missouri University; there appears to be an "awakening"?   Perhaps the full socioeconomic dimensions of "Integration", are beginning to DAWN on all of us??  The NFL and NBA are, undoubtedly, "paying attention"?? 

Stay Vigilant!  After the past seven years of GOP warfare against the first Black President; maybe more of us can awaken to facts that threaten the economic future for all of us, if candidates like those in the racist, GOP Clown Car, attain the Office of President of the United States!

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Sunday, November 8, 2015

For those NOT Born, "AT Home" ...

A THOUGHT,  for all "Immigrants"

(both Internal, and International)

If YOU were "born at HOME"
You know IT
You Love IT
IT knows, and,  LOVEs, YOU!!
HOME works, for you.

We're NOT all, so LUCKY!
Sometimes, HOME gets LOST!
Somehow; Whatever;
Whenever, you find yourself NOT "At Home"

People, are not the SAME;
Conditions are not the SAME;

It is POSSIBLE to Find HOME;
in one Life-time!

As soon as you are Old Enough;
and Strong Enough;
You MUST begin your Search.

May you Enjoy YOUR Journey!!
Remember, HOME is much more than a PLACE!

Copyright © 2015:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

CARSON/TRUMP "teach us", about RACISM (post 20th-Centry)!!

TECHNOLOGY, is subservient to MEDIA!!

MEDIA (visual-Media, especially) is the crucial, direct, "Link" to the Human Brain!  TRUTH, FACT, HISTORY, all become "irrelevant" when Media-SPIN is applied!! SPIN can be outright LIES, Soft Distortions, "Dog-Whistles", "selective omission", or words inserted into the mouths of "Talking Heads".!!

All of this has been learned from years of Research, some of which can be traced to Nazi Experiments on their Jewish Captives.  All the more Shocking, that SPIN has become the weapon of choice for Tyrants like Putin, Netanyahu, Assad, and many others.  TRUMP "Loves", both, SPIN and MEDIA!
Carson has learned a very effective SPIN that trades on permanently-rooted beliefs held and taught by White Christians, about the fundamental EVIL nature of AFRICANS!!  Earliest evidence of this belief comes from the time of the Kush Pharoahs.  Carson, like too many African-Americans may actually BELIEVE the old teachings of "Massa's Christianity".  Nevertheless, he is artfully "trading" on that Belief.  Italian Founders of  White Christianity stitched this Belief into their re-design of Christianity as they retrieved it from its Ethiopian Roots.   

Cortes found a Mexico that was much more highly developed than the rest of what we today refer to as Latin-America.  They had their own Gods, and did NOT give them up, as readily.  That could explain why TRUMP selects MEXICO as representative of the "BAD" Latinos??

William Greider in his article, "The GOP Crack-Up" (NATION, 9Nov15), describes in detail the vestigial nature of the Fundamentalist Christian Beliefs of the Old South about BLACKS, and RACE; and the reason it still lies at the core of the Republican Civil War. Ta- Neshi Coates argued "Reparations" with Fareed Zacharia on this morning's show; disagreeing with Obama, and others, as to the true cause of Black failure to find "Equality" in America.  I disagree with Coates, and virtually all others, because none have the "Balls" to critically examine the Christianity that Blacks in this country cling to; to their detriment!!  I decided long ago that Malcolm X and the Muslims, were NOT the answer, either!  Blacks need to find a GOD that Loves and Respects Them!!  Maybe then, they can learn to Love and Respect themselves!  Jim Jones should have taught us all that in Jonestown, years ago!

Stay Vigilant!  In SNL,  hosted last  night by TRUMP, its is reported that he was NOT able to find an Hispanic that would demean Mexicans!  Good for them!  He was able to find a Black that would demean Blacks, however!  That's true in all forms of today's popular Entertainment; and in real LIFE (Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice -- the two Bush-TOKENS)!  The road ahead is strewn with Psychological Land Mines on both sides of the COLOR LINE!

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

can we "Re-Examine" INTEGRATION??

The "Corpse" is "Ripe" for Analysis!!
Mid-way through a 6th Decade, since this Ugly Struggle began, starting with Assassinations, in the Sixties, and Cointelpro; the "push to integrate" is long overdue for re-examination.  Seven years into the Phenomenon of Obama as President; its abundantly clear that a powerful, well-organized element of Whites are determined to NOT SHARE POWER, in the USA, across Color Lines!  Our "Whites-Only MEDIA" knows this; and that extends far beyond FOX and "Friends"!

The "Well-Organized White Element" clearly includes those Rebels "holed up" in the House of Representatives; determined to keep our Federal Government from functioning normally, AND, equally-detemined to put a White Male, who "Speaks" their language, in the White House in 2016!  Starting with LBJ (and J.Edgar), Nixon (and J Edgar), the path to this day, was only temporarily interrupted by Gerald Ford!  Jimmy Carter, Reagan-Bush, and Slick Willy Clinton, managed to get it back on Track.  Had the "Knuckle-Draggers"  who took over in 2000, NOT imploded our Economy, in 2008, we would, clearly have not had two terms of Obama!  Some can argue that we really have NOT had unobstructed "Obama-Rule",  at all!  We, as a Nation have steadily struggled from "pillar to post" for that time; patching-up economic wounds in Banking, and halting economic hemorrhaging of Jobs and Income -- since the day Obama took Office in 2009!!  The "Dis-Loyal Opposition" made clear their determination to see him FAIL!
"Integration" has clearly been a one-sided affair, that found the majority of White Citizens in dedicated opposition!.  Why we still talk, hopefully, about it, after more than sixty years, defies common sense.  If  Dylaan Roof does not expose sufficiently, the depths of the Cracker Mind, just ask TRUMP, he clearly seems to know it well!  A close look might reveal that TRUMP and CARSON may be two sides of the same Coin!!  The supporters are allies!
Black and Brown pursuers of "Integration", do so, mostly as Individuals; from Michael Jackson and Oprah, to Condi and Clarence Thomas.  Their short term, personal-betterment strategies, have not improved the overall socioeconomic condition of Blacks and Browns in this country.  No Group Efforts have had much success since the day Clarence Thomas was placed on the Supreme Court.  Meanwhile, the Opposition has steadily progressed to a Prison Industry traded on Wall Street, and,  Police Forces, across the Country, that stand in unified opposition to Public Safety, while protecting their own safety, and economic interests.  They have organized and armed themselves accordingly!
Stay Vigilant!  The Outcomes in 2016 will certainly SHOCK us all, if we continue to Drift, inside our individual imaginations of some "Color-Blind Society".

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Friday, November 6, 2015


"Mystery" Solved??

This morning, President Obama announced that "Secretary of State, Kerry, informed him", that State Department Studies found the Keystone Pipeline to NOT be in the "National Interest"!!  Maybe you, also, have been "frustrated" by the use of this term by many Presidents in our Past.  I was never clear about what it meant; who determined it; and, why it was never explained in detail.  At least we now have been told that the National Interest is something our State Department determines, and informs the President of the United States of their "finding".

Last night, we were given "snippets" of Meacham's new book on Daddy Bush.  In it, Bush 41 states that Cheney was running his own, private, State Department; when he "served" under Bush 43!
That means Cheney determined the National Interests, during Dubya's Administration!  Now, the invasion of Iraq takes on a new meaning; along with secret Energy Meetings, "Enron", and, ultimately, the near collapse of our Economy!

The "Base" that elected that Administration for two Terms, is presently "holed up" in our House of Representatives, "crippling" our Federal Government, in hopes of taking back the "Reins", in 2016!  Looks like the Canadian Interests in Keystone were angling for a parallel strategy?

Implied in these events is the message, that the National Interest, is something that must be followed by succeeding Presidents??  We'll see!  They should, at least, be required to explain why our National Interest changed, and what has replaced it??

Stay Vigilant!  TRUTH appears to "breaking out".  It is breath-taking to learn that Daddy Bush held a view of matters that agreed with our view!  We would have to be "certifiable", to even consider voting for a Republican in 2016!!  Think of TRUMP and/or Carson, in this light??

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Twelve More Months
Twelve Months from today (barring the ability of the Rednecks who Control our House Of Representatives to "re-stage" the Election of 2000), we will have a new President-Elect!
Having driven the Rednecks "to Heel", President Obama seems relaxed, and having a "Good Time" observing their murderous "in-fighting"!  Today, however, these "Know-Nothings" are busy using their Chairmanships to harass Janet Yellen, the Head of the Federal Reserve!.  Careful to refer to our "Financial Institutions", rather than our "Banking System", Yellen appears to be "teaching" Financial Fundamentals of the Post-Repoob-Crisis-Era, to these "Boobs"; who think they have sufficient talent to "Govern"!  It is crystal clear, to anyone with an I.Q. above 10, that "Yellen ain't Greenspan"!!

The Boobs also have difficulty understanding that the Financial System, overseen by the Federal Reserve, is vastly more than their "pea-shuckin' local Banker" back home, who gives them Orders, and expect to gain the MONEY and Privileges they seek!  We all saw what these guys did with all that POWER in 2008!  Greenspan got out of the way, just in time, for the CRASH to fall on Bernanke!
In control of the FED from the Term of Reagan, into George W Bush's second Term, Greenspan had PLENTY of Time to Screw up our Banking System!  Apparently, he "missed" the expansion of our original 12-bank Federal Reserve System, into a World-Wide, Wall-Street-Driven "Financial Cabal"; complete with "Shadow Banking", and the "Monetization" of everything from Washing Machines to Potato Peels!!  Seemingly, everybody, everywhere, got a "piece of the action", EXCEPT those of us, Middle-Class and Lower-Class DEPOSITORS, in the United States!
With the Redneck Klan, safely tucked away in the House of Representatives, held in Check by the likes of Maxine Waters, and Elijah Cummings; President Obama may enjoy his last year in Office!! -- to RELAX and enjoy his Historic Accomplishments; in spite of the many attempts by this KLAN to "tarr" him with blame for their inept deeds!

Stay Vigilant!  A Glorious New Day Dawns, for the entire World, as the Clouds of "Western White Supremacy" withdraw!  It would HELP, if the Black Caucus would undertake a Project to teach the Basics of Personal Wealth, so well understood by Blacks like my Grandparents, to Young Blacks and Browns of Today!  Don't continue to allow white, "Organizations" to grow rich, by profiting from the money they raise, publicizing the results of their Historic Mistreatment of Persons of Color on this Planet!
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"KOCH v. NIXON" ??

"Value" Destroyed??

I returned to "Shocker Country" again,  after almost 40 years, (via T.V.), when I saw the Interview, yesterday, of the Koch Brothers; conducted by "Alabama Joe" and his Supplicant.  Surprisingly, I was somewhat favorably impressed by the part of the Interview that I was able to watch.  The KOCH's might consider "taking on" the MEDIA for the onerous image of them, we have been subjected to, over these many years!

One of the Brothers (Charles, I think) did most of the talking, and I was especially impressed by his story about their Dad forcing him to "work", from the time he was 8 years old!  My "work history" began, (outside the home), at that age, so I "resonated".  Unlike KOCH, who worked only for his DAD, my DAD's jobs began, when I was around the age of 5!  The DAD Jobs are the BEST Jobs any Child can have, because, as KOCH revealed, they teach the Child to conquer Boredom, and Drudgery; the two Evils that can destroy anyone's life; if not mastered early!

I roamed "Shocker Country" in those days, along-side the Haunts of Manhattan, Topeka, Lawrence, (in Kansas), and Lincoln and Omaha (in Nebraska).  Also, there were those "unlimited" windshield miles traveled to lands-end "Outbacks", like Russell (KS), and Scottsbluff (NE).  I was in search of 'replacement' Scientific and Technical Talent; so necessary to the ability of our Air Force to maintain its Lead in Basic and Applied Research; we also had the help of a budding "Silicon Valley".

Nixon, in 1973, killed the DRAFT, setting "free" all of the Talent, that had flocked to the Air Force to avoid the Jungles of Viet-Nam.  Several County Judges in Kansas and Nebraska told me stories wherein they told some young man who was "too big for his britches" that he had a choice of 60 days in the County Jail, or Enlisting in the Military.  It was the MILITARY, through Basic Training, that "broke" and/or "civilized" those males who did not get that "service" from our Dads!  Our Military Services were reduced to ASVAB-Level Talent in the mid-70's!!

Stay Vigilant!  Without the Inner Strengths provided by early development of these Values, no one can easily avoid, or "overcome" the onslaught of the DRUGS brought to this Country by the Policies of Old Triple Six!!

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

RYAN: perhaps "Worse" than BOEHNER??

Still "hatin'-on" OBAMA!!
In 1620, the first "boat-load" of White-Folk arrived on these shores aboard the Mayflower.  Here to "greet' them, were thousands of tribes of Native Peoples, and, a boat-load of African Slaves, that arrived the year before!  After learning a few techniques for Governing from the Iroquois Confederacy, and "borrowing" (plagiarizing?) Montesqueui;  they eventually got around to killing off the Natives; for Land, and constructing the U.S. version of a Color Line.  The Raices for the New World, were established in Mexico, by Catholic Clergy and Spanish Govenors, who imported their attitudes toward the Moors, to the Americas!

Held most rigidly by the Whites in the former Slave Territories, the practice of  Governing by, and preserving, the Color Line, was also  joined by Jewish and Catholic Ethnics (mainly Irish and Italian) in Northern Cities. Today the challenge for Whites on the Right, is to drag that Color Line in to its FOURTH Century, in the USA!  Those most dedicated to this can be found on our Lunatic Fringe, aka,  the Political RIGHT.  Calling themselves "The Tea Party", they are currently "holed-up" inside the Republican-led, House of Representatives; while busily turning that Body into a 21st Century "Alamo"!!(complete with anti-"Mariachi" background sounds)!
Ryan, in his first Press Conference as Speaker of the House, has not "missed a beat" in their anti-Obama Theme, invented 7 years ago by Hard Right Republicans in their campaign to make Obama "Fail" as President.  That theme rests, alive and well, with Ryan!  No Good Deed goes Unpunished, with these folk, and, therefore, Obama must be punished for cleaning up the wounds the Republicans inflicted on our Economy and our Citizens between 2000 and 2008!

Reputed to be a "Policy Wonk" with expertise in Budget Policy, it would seem ideal for Ryan to tackle the main failure of our Congress: FISCAL POLICY!!  The failure of Congress to fulfill its major role in Fiscal Policy can be blamed for our stunted Economic Growth!  MONETARY POLICY, the role of the Federal Reserve, has been carrying our Economy since the Republicans "bombed" it in 2008!!

Stay Vigilant!  Although the MEDIA spends 100% of its energies on the "Clowns"; they actually represent only 25% of our Electorate!!  All of this "Hoopla" is staged to frighten enough Whites among the 75% to Vote for the "Clowns"!  Too bad "young" adherents like Ryan, and Rubio, and Roof are still around in 2015!

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Monday, November 2, 2015

the IMPOSTER aboard the "Clown Car"??

Is TRUMP pullin' an ol' "Wheelbarrow STING"??

"Snippets" are leaking out from the "Gandy-Dance", held in Alexandria, VA, last night.  The Repoob wannabee's "danced" with MEDIA Networks, the "Reince-NC", and a famous "fixer"; in efforts to get their various Agendas realigned, and to put the viewing Public;  "F" n, back to SLEEP!

Among the "snippets" are CLUES; that, in the days of Cronkite, would set our Historic PRESS; hot on the trail of these CLOWNs.  But, NOT today!  The Peons in our MEDIA wouldn't know NEWS, if it crawled up their "dark place"!

What CLUES??  Well, a lot of us know that Manufacturing gave way to MEDIA, sometime back; around 1980.  The Old JOBS began disappearing fast, and Politicians began looking beyond Health Care for their next Bonanza.  It took a while, but MEDIA seems to be where the BIG BUCKS are!!  Nobody can smell that like TRUMP!!  He's the real MONEY BOY riding the Clown Car.  Politicians have been quitting their offices to get jobs in the MEDIA!  

MONEY In Politics has been mis-represented!  We were led to believe that MONEY bought VOTES during Elections; and POLITICIANS between Elections!  NOT SO!!  MONEY is raised, primarily, to pay off MEDIA!  The Bucks have been rising asymptotically in Elections, since the days of Old Triple Six; and the Networks are where the ACTION is!  TRUMP has been reported to have "run-ins" with both, the FOX and TELEMUNDO Networks.  Could it be that he is angling to Own, and, CONTROL MEDIA; thereby, Dictating the FUTURE for all of us?  The stiff-legged, and stiff-armed, CRUZ is shadowing TRUMP.  Could it be that Rubio kills his own chances, while taking down JEB, and CRUZ will be the "beneficiary"?? 

Stay Vigilant!  and, Stay Tuned!  This STING may be much bigger than any Conspiracy Dreamer could conjure up!  "Only in Amerika"!!

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Sunday, November 1, 2015

What BLACKS (and others, in the USA) "DO", that keeps WHITE RACISM "Alive"??

Ben Carson is the "Model"??

In Boulder, the Repoob Candidates, passengers in the White-Supremacist Clown Car, that is the Republican Party. Got "BOLDER"!!  They Attacked those who sought to expose them; while their brethren in the House of Representatives "Retreated, while facing Defeat"!!  Boehner, the Speaker of the House RESIGNED; and a younger, "kinder/gentler" White Male, has taken his place??  The Raging Racists who drove Boehner out, seem happy, so far, with Ryan.

What ties all of this together?  Massa's Version of Christianity!!  When I was born, there was a Senator from Mississippi in our Senate.
I was taught, very early in my life, that Bilbo pursued policies that conformed to his Christian belief that all Blacks should be kept: "Barefoot and Ignorant"!!  All Black Children in my community were taught that!

In spite of the many changes in Race Relations since 1947, when Bilbo left the Senate, the State of Mississippi has held firm to that policy.  That policy can be seen clearly, today, throughout the Old South, and as far West as Texas and Arizona!  Similar Policies have produced both, Dylaan Roof, and Ben Carson!  Carson is the epitome' of a non-threatening Black Christian!

When my Mother died in 1945, and a God-Fearing Woman, she clearly was; she could not "Go to Heaven" in the same way the Whites did!  She had be buried, separate and apart!  I have known, since the age of Six, that there are no White People in the Heaven my Mother inhabits!  Where in Hell the White Folk went, has never been adequately explained to me since that time!  I learned, during my MPA Research: 
(1) Europeans re-wrote the Bible, and, on pains of being burned at the stake, made it illegal to allow "the Common Man" to get his hands on one.
(2) All Slaves were taught Massa's Version of Christianity, which taught them to "Obey their Masters".
(3)  The United States was founded upon "Common" (White) Man's Versions of Christianity.
(4)  According to the Diaries of Lewis and Clark, and the research products of many others, this technique was key to the successes Europe experienced; especially Britain and France, as they Dominated more than 80% of our Planet, within a few hundred years after Columbus sailed to the Americas!!

The Repoob Revolt inside our Federal Government, and the bleeding-Red movements among our State Governments, in the wake of the election of our First Black President, can be clearly understood through this Lens.  So also, might the events in the Middle East; from Israel; where Netanyahu hopes to replicate this Model against the Palestinians, to the Arabs struggling to un-ravel their pent-up Tribal Hatreds.  Black Tribes in sub-Saharan Africa face similar struggles.  It may take a hundred years to un-due the Havoc, that Europe has wrought among our World's Populations!  

Stay Vigilant!  LEARN our History!  Modify your BELIEFS to match FACTS; and we might ALL Survive what lies ahead??

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