Monday, June 30, 2014

RACE: Where POWER trumps WEALTH??

Are Wealthy CRACKERS courting the "PITCH-FORKS" (again)??

We're told that FDR got the "Rich", in our Great Depression of the 1930's, to accept an upper limit of a 90% rate on their Federal Income Taxes, by threatening them with the "Communist" sentiments growing in the country.  If so, this may have been the "seed" of the madness that we're seeing in our House of Representatives today.  He succeeded, in the longer-run, in driving "Mad Ronnie" (A staunch DEMOCRAT, under FDR) into the arms of the, Neo-Fascists; who rose in this country following World War II.  The "false" Communist-Witch Hunts of the 1950s; J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI, obsessed with "Communists" among the uprising of Black Youth in the 1950s and 60s; Co-intellpro, "cooked-Intelligence" that led to the Invasion of Iraq;  the list is hundreds of instances long.

Wealthy Crackers have always known how to "use" the less-intelligent, dirt-poor, and more violent whites among them, to "protect" their wealth.  That is, in part, what is going on today!  "Tea" Rhymes with "T"; and that stands for TRASH!  By modifying their terminology and adopting the term: "Conservative"; they've succeeded in recruiting BLACK adherents (also poorer and less-intelligent?); to their cause!  

Recent events (Mississippi, for example), may indicate that they have crossed an "invisible" LINE, by throwing too many Whites "under the bus" economically.  THEY WANT JOBS, Too!!  The Income Inequality that grows from the "stop-Obama-even-if-we-destroy-the country" movement that is proceeding in our House of Representatives and Senate, and in State Houses among the Red States; may have HIT A LIMIT?  All of the the People are PISSED at them!  The question is whether they decide to express that anger at the Ballot Box this Fall; or go straight for the PITCH-FORKS; to punish those Politicians (in both Parties) who are playing the "anti-Obama-game" in response to their differing Districts.  They all recognize the threat posed by their diminishing numbers.

Non-whites don't "get-it" though!  That's because, through Religion, they've been led into tactics that betray their true interests.  Independence comes from the sort of wealth that leads to POWER!  Blacks, and other non-whites have failed, so far, to "grasp" the fact that monetary wealth, coupled with the power of COMMUNITY (held together by Religion) explains the continued success of CRACKERS to stay in power!  Non-whites still pin their hopes on some "fuzzy concept of moral persuasion".  Whites can play both as "idividuals" seeking wealth, AND keep their COMMUNITY clout!  Non-whites CANNOT.  The only clout the increasing numbers of non-whites poses is in their VOTES -- which are very easy to manipulate by CRACKERS with Power!  They won't throw off the oppression-through -Discrimination by CRACKERS (both, wealthy and poor) UNTIL they "GET-IT".

Stay Vigilant!  The "WORMS" are still turning!  Blacks and non-whites have to recognize the limits of "personal wealth" (Oprah?) and concentrate on real, economic CLOUT!

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

"BLACK STARS" : A "Fading" "WORLD"??

"Within" the OTHER "Fading" World??

The word is, that BOBBY WOMACK died a few days a go.  Yet, another "Black Star" fades!.  Several months back, BOBBY "blue" BLAND also died.  These two guys were very instrumental in my being able to maintain my SANITY during my daily slog of dealing with CRACKER INSANITIES;  over a period lasting  almost eight DECADES!  Life "outside" our Cracker Bubble; that masquerades today as "Western Culture", can be quite untenable; especially for non-whites,  even today!  In my youth it was downright miserable and very dangerous.  It's that way (for "so-called-illegal) immigrants, today!

Since the darkest days of Chattel Slavery, Blacks in this country developed their MUSIC; to unite and console themselves.  It was, as I remember, in the early 1950's that the Black portion of the Post-War,  Pre- "Baby-Boomers" sharply increased the economic value of what the Crackers in Missouri called "Race Music" (everything musical that Blacks created; from Field Hollers, to Spirituals, to Blues, Rag-Time,  Jazz, Big-Band, Rhythm & Blues,  and Rock and Roll,  I turned 13 years of age in 1952, shortly after the 45-R.P.M. recordings emerged, and was a beneficiary of this phenomenon as it was occurring. I have an extensive collection of those recordings; gleaned "for free" from the local Radio Station that banned them as "Race Music".  Then, the white teenagers "discovered", what they were taught to be the "music of the devil", and they couldn't get enough!  The Brits caught on, came to this country, invaded the black churches to find out how to "exploit" the music; and the rest is "History"! (Beatles, Stones, the whole sorry lot!).  The Black Stars were mostly "screwed", as a consequence, in every way imaginable.

Over my life-time, I have been privileged to meet and spend time with hundreds of these gifted  Black artists -- many of whom the "Cracker Exploitation" never stumbled across.

They say you know you're getting old when nobody knows your music, or, your 'STARS" (?)  Their "loss"!!

Stay Vigilant!  Find ways to survive, and "Overcome"??

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

BEHOLD: The RETURN(?) of The "GOOD" white(S)??

What Hath MISSISSIPPI Wrought??
Now that we are all "hip" to the fact that we've been misled:  IT WAS EUGENICS (soft genocide(?); since the late 1800's,; just MAYBE;  things will turn back to our "better days" immediately following the end of World War II in this country ??

Long-time readers of this BLOG might recall an account of my Grandfather explaining to me in the mid-50's (black youth were going on strike and committing Civil Disobedience in Missouri, then:  long before it became "fashionable" to include whites and Jews (not white yet, in Missouri).  He explained that there had to be SOME "good" whites -- or, no blacks or Natives would have survived the 19th Century!
With the arrival of McCarthyism and its supporters, like Mad Ronnie Reagan, this nation plunged back into the "darkness" of extreme Right-Wing Politics.  Congress "turned" on Harry Truman; not  un-like they now have "turned" on President Obama.  The four assassinations in the early-to-mid-60s marked our lowest point as a nation. Our long slog to return to pre-War sanity; and to end the Cold War consumed us.  Our biggest mistake might have been attempting to win back Vietnam for the French!  Churchill and de Gaulle's collective fingers were on that one, I'm afraid.  FDR warned Churchill against such foolishness!

But then there was Mississippi, last week!  The "Mind-F-Media" is scratching its collective heads; wondering "what-the-"F"?  So far, it seems to have kicked into "high gear", the Civil War inside the Republican Party, the Tea Party, and their assorted Religious Nuts who are roaming the country trying to turn it "RED"!
Is their "GRIP" slipping?  Maybe! ; our Constitution may actually  survive this attack from within?

It just might be that more whites are beginning to realize that this crap is putting their "asses in a sling" also?

Those troops who managed to return home from Iraq are bringing that War and its Weaponry to a bedroom near YOU, maybe?  The Boston "Shoot-Out" at the boat in the backyard, was a first glimpse of what happens when the white Cretins we favor for our local police-forces get  greater and greater "firepower"!  The NRA certainly does not mind this turn of events -- it sells more weaponry!  Can't control who will be in the Firing Lines?  The Elites don't mind; Romney told us what they think about the "Takers" of what the Privileged think is "theirs by Right"!
Stay Vigilant!  This BOAT is still "a-rockin"!  Will we all be as lucky as that Tsarnev kid?
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Friday, June 27, 2014


 Something EVERYONE Should KNOW (about)!!

As a holder of three college degrees, and Life Experiences (personal and professional) greater than those of more than ninety-percent of the American (USA) citizens; I thought I knew a fair amount about EUGENICS!

WRONG!!  Like most of us, I was carefully "fed" snippets! ; with the important stuff, kept obscure!  For example, did you know the Elites of Great Britain were more "responsible" for the formation of Adolf Hitler than were most Germans?  Hitler derived his guidance from "Academics" in the United States!  Did you know that this most vile combination of color racism, political elitism, tribalism, financial privilege, and religious "dogma" COMBINED to create a force of EVIL on the planet that threatens, today, to provide serious damage to the lives and property of us ALL?  A summer reading MUST, for people who want to peer behind the "curtain" that obscures the current  instances of "anti-science", "racial" politics, and assault on Government, that abound in this country: is:  A Troublesome Inheritance  Genes, Race and Human History, by Nicholas Wade.  It is the book to choose!  I find it hard to put down!  Virtually every page reveals "details" that we all "probably don't know".

Like you, probably, I have heard of the "Tuskeegee Experiment (presented as a threat to poor, uneducated , Southern Blacks -- NOT YOU!  I have been fed  "snippets" of the Holocaust in Germany (presented as a Child's Story - Anne Frank; and as the work of a singularly Evil individual; who was "punished") -- clearly no threat to YOU!  Today, we have open "Elitism" practiced by angry and dispossessed, heavily-armed whites across this country.  This kind of social dynamite is being fed by our Judiciary and our POLITICS!  THAT affects YOU!!!

Taking "Seed" among scientists and pseudo-scientists in Great Britain, the concepts quickly spread to the United States at a time when the "Trash" of the Deep South, following our Civil War, succeeded the Master Class who founded the nation.  Sweeping together much more than "race" and "economics" ("drivers" of our Civil War), Eugenics cast a blanket to include "undesirables" of every sort that would fit into a sick, privileged, imagination.  We saw evidence of it in the Supreme Court Rulings yesterday,  In spite of promises that Bush v. Gore was a "one-off"; the Supremes returned again and again;: Citizens United, to protect the money power of the Elites; the ruling yesterday to curb Presidential Powers; and, God Help Us All, Monday's rulings on Birth Control could make it easier for the Medical Profession (the "heart" of Eugenics) to degrade the health and life-spans of everyone! (Obamacare)  The Court is openly "regulating" the "Separation of Powers" provision of our Constitution; as that concept applies to the Executive and Legislative Branches.  "Separation of Powers" is key to "Checks and Balances"; the genius in the Constitution of the United States!  This "aint funny" folks! 

Stay Vigilant!  Check your mirrors and your bank accounts!  Eugenics is something that YOU need to know and be prepared to fight!  (The roles in this played by our "Ivy League" Universities is "shocking"!
Who is "US" and who are "THEM"; today???  Give Eugenics your tired, your poor, your non-white ...

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Thursday, June 26, 2014



Today, as our "mindless" youth go crazy in anticipation of our soccer match in Brazil; our Supreme  Court drones on in its interminable task of "Managing" this nation's "Unfinished Business" concerning our non-white citizens.  The failures of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, JFK, Harry Truman, and the lesser Presidents, on this subject ,are still very much "with us" -- and, because of our cycles of exporting our poison, the Middle East may be, finally, entering the "final" phases of settling the Sectarian Strife that has profited the Europeans and their clone countries for centuries.  CHENY-BUSH? (anyone)??

From Abortion, and Voting, to "Borders"; all of these roads revolve around "skin color" issues; dominant in the "white" parts of our Planet.  In the Middle East, the racial (skin color?) issue is introduced by "Europeanized" Israelis.  Too bad, for all of us, the Sephardi Jews did not maintain their richly-deserved primacy within that group.  Check out their history in Spain before the Catholics drove them out!

Back to Soccer:  "Team USA" is reminiscent of a very important part of U.S. history that has been kept "hidden" by powerful forces in this country; those dedicated to shaping the "Mass Mind".  "Brown Babies" are those babies, sired, mostly, by African-American and Caribben-American soldiers; who were left behind with the mothers of the nations involved.  The Germans have a special name for these children
This is a phenomenon of World War II, and countries across our globe have them -- Korea, Phillipines, throughout Europe, Vietnam.  The individual stories of what happened to most of these children can be heart-rendering.  It high time we all brought them out of the "shadows"??

But, driven by the Cracker-Mind-Set that holds this country in stasis, we await the "Supreme's'" latest art-work on "Abortion".  The entire issue revolves around the dwindling number of white babies born in the United States.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to YOU and to THEMSELVES!  Boehner is going "bonkers"!:  the "Crackers" in his midst have painted him into a corner.  He is now prepared, in spite of the Repoob sermon on "austerity", to squander our precious few dollars on a years-long "law suit" of the President of the United States.  NOW, do you wonder why so many of us think our "average" citizens have "sh*t for brains"??  Non-whites must be kept MARGINALIZED at all COST!  (Cheney wants to drastically RAISE TAXES to get his War Machine back in operation)!!

Then, there's MISSISSIPPI (this has been a busy week)!  One of the "Katzenjammers" showed up to turn the tide back in the direction of Sanity; -- Arizona showed up; South Carolina did not.  So, is there an awakening "split" even among our most hard-core race haters?

Finally; what is all of this "horsesh*t" about BORDERS??  Pull your heads out!  Look closely at "Team USA!  Look at the crumbling of borders all over our Planet!  The Middle East and Ukraine are certain to drive our futures: unless things change, fundamentally and FAST!!  Want secure Borders?  Shoot your cell phones!!

Stay Vigilant!  VOTE (EARLY --and often?)  Learn How to Vote ABSENTEE!

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

BLACKS (southern): "SURPLUS" (still)??

The "Curse" Survives?

Kudos to Nina!!  Mississippi is "up a notch"; pulling itself above the dregs in social standing in our country?
It took a while; but the Mississippi version of "Alabama" takes a turn;  we can no longer "Damn" them all; at least for now.

The "surplus" character of this entire caper to "save" the Senate chances for Thad Cochran, is inescapable!
Throughout our history; when powerful whites get their asses in a "crack"; they turn to Blacks and other Marginalized non-whites to "save" them.  That's why whites, in all areas of the country, all income classes, and all political persuasions, work so hard to keep non-whites MARGINAL!  The tragedy is, that when they are FINALLY invited to the bargaining table, they prove to be poor at bargaining!  Whites, also, have no incentive to remain committed to any "deal" they make.  Bubba Clinton knows this, Jeb of the Bush(s) knows it; (he's teaching it to the Rubio-Clone with the Batista roots).  The Labor Movement; the Civil War; Reconstruction; King's Civil Rights Organization's Decisions; are all examples.  

Those Blacks who manage to get out of the Deep South, and also west of the Mississippi River for a significant period in their lives, are those who have even a slight chance of significantly improving their socioeconomic lives in this country.  Once away from the Hell Hole of their birth, they have to manage to rise beyond the "Mom & Pop" and "Massa" models of wealth recognition and formation.  Few Do!  Even those "selectees" chosen by rich Crackers to do their dirty work (Condi, Clarence, members of the Hoover Institution) operate from defective economic models for their personal lives and for marginalized non-whites, in general.

The results show that some white Democrats in Mississippi "get it", and are learning to work "with" people who are not-white to build serious competition for the Tea Party Mad Dogs!  Congress!  Are you taking notes?  We could save  this country, yet!

Stay Vigilant!  A glimpse of  ("Racism" :21st Century -- Global)??

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UNITY?? for IRAQ?? ... what about US??

"Sauce For The Gander"??

Have our leaders "slipped a cog" in their brains??  It staggers the senses to hear members of our "Do Nothing" (for this nation; that is) Congress, foment on and on over the Middle East, the IRS, and Obama (whatever he does, thinks, or represents to them)!   Congress is pathologically incredulous in its response to anything attempted by the Obama Administration to govern THIS nation!  UNITY must start here!

Yet they expect some sort of  "unity" to occur in Iraq and the rest of the world while we become less able to govern ourselves, by the day!  I just watched a painful hour-long "one-on-one" between Charlie Rose and Dick Cheney.  The topic, of course, was Iraq:  what Cheney thought they did wrong? (Nothing);  why things are now falling apart all over the Middle East? (Obama did it!).  The man should be observed closely;  his twitching visage showed his struggle to contain his ideological and pathological rage against the "blowback" now emerging..

 I was struck by an image of some evil little boy who knows he could have, and should have been caught and stopped long ago; but, somehow he made his way to a point in his life, where he found the opportunity, and the opportunity and resources to place our entire world "in play"!  He saw a hornet's nest; purposely and vengefully smashed it; and is now blaming everyone who tries to contain the damage from his actions.  He's a sick puppy!!

Charlie let him get away with telling monstrous lies.  Their big LIE centers on SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement).  Cheney knows that most citizens, or journalists, will NOT check the facts, but Wikipedia will provide you with enough facts to pierce the LIE Cheney is pushing!

Bush signed SOFA in 2008 (the year of our Financial Meltdown).  He committed the United States to be out of Iraq completely by December 31, 2011:  AFTER he and Cheney left office.  Negotiations with the Iraqis over a SOFA took place under Secretary Gates as the Bush Administration wound down.  To even open their slimy mouths to pin any of this on Obama is the depth of human indecency.

Looks like one of their "kind" got gutted in Mississippi's Run-off election tonight.  MISSISSIPPI!, of all places!  Looks like there are a few sensible whites in even the worst of "Hell Holes"!  Take That!, Virginia.

Stay Vigilant!  Identity Crises began "breaking out" all over the planet as after ("w") threatened  "Crusade"?

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"BLAME" or "CAUSE"(s ???)

Don't Be Confused!

As the results of their "Handiwork" come rolling in, the Republicans who, (Cretins fully in charge), run our House of Representatives, are, in full bore, cranking out  "BLAME" to throw our FBP and his Administration, out of the White House; while the Middle East unravels!!  On 26Sept2002, an advertisement on the Op-Ed page of the Yew York Times, signed by 33 scholars, laid out, in detail, what would happen if "W" and his merry band invaded Iraq!

In November, 2006, Mubarak warned the "motley crew" not to "hang" Saddaam; citing consequences: .  Some Reports claimed that they jerked his head off, with a noose, anyway!   Maliki was Iraqi Prime Minister, then!   THESE ARE CAUSES(?) -- Not, "Blame"?  The blood-thirsty cretins in our Congress don't think you're intelligent enough to understand that.  After all, you swallowed NAFTA, and the Dot.Com theft -- before the invasion.  Following their invasion, this band of cretins watched you swallow the Wall Street/Housing Debacle, and ultimately, their teetering collapse of our entire economy.  Yet they expect you to continue to love and support them??

Another old saying goes:  "Blame" is for GOD and small Children!"  Last I looked, there were no children running Congress -- only racist "Conservatives" that are willing to destroy the world to get one Black Man out of our White House!  Perhaps its their "brains", or other crucial body parts, that are small

You can believe this:  Obama has been a "Miracle Worker" since he stepped into this mess; but the rate and way the Middle East is unraveling today is probably beyond ANYBODY's powers to "fix"!  A new world (perhaps a lot uglier, for a lot of people, than the one we have today) will undoubtedly emerge; if, and when, the carnage stops.

Its a failing of people who think they are "Superior" or, "GODs" or, must always be in CONTROL; to think others are too stupid to make them pay for their foul deeds.  "T'ain't Necessarily So"!

Stay Vigilant!  Time for Whites on this Planet to realize they are submitting to people who will cheerfully see EVERYONE perish in their "CAUSE"!

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Monday, June 23, 2014

RESPECT THE "BUMP" (Really???)

More "Enlightenment from ARKANSAS?

Ah!, Arkansas -- a place that has graced us with the "Clintons" and Wal-Mart!  Just goes to show what wealth lies at the bottom of the Cracker Mind-Set??  This morning, on the tube, appeared a perfectly coiffed and made-up young black female (Southern accent), who explained a movement among Wal-Mart employees (who are Single Mothers) to force that company to stop abusing pregnant women.  The "bump" is, obviously their expected child!  That scene, and mind-set, speak volumes!!

The question should be WHO must "respect the 'bump'"!!  Obviously the male participant in the production of the "bump", was not involved in the conversation; the "mother" was curiously disrespectful of her "bump"; -- ALL demand for "respect" was placed on Wal-Mart.  At least these economically and racially disadvantaged members of our society are doing SOMETHING to protect their interests (if NOT, necessarily, their own children).  The speaker lost a child on the job at Wal-Mart months ago, and is pregnant again (still Single).
"God Bless The Child"!!

Perhaps soon we'll know whether or not we're "past" the Clintons.  Clearly, both Bill and Hillary have made huge advances, to include personal wealth by "working" their insights on black poverty; gleaned from their time in Arkansas.  They have managed to roam the globe,  to find "substitutes for American Blacks in places like Ireland and Palestine; thereby creating personal wealth and Foundations, and setting up a Pedestal for Chelsea.  Don't think for a minute that these are not smart people.  The "losers" are clearly those who expect to significantly improve their socioeconomic status with help from the Clintons.  They, like the Johnsons, are getting over like Fat Rats while the Taxpayers foot the bill.  The Clintons did LBJ one better, by also finding ways to "screw" whites who or as stupid, and un-educated as the Blacks those Whites hate so much.  The Obama experience has laid bare the Psyche of  White American, and,  those "lighter-skinned" Americans in this Hemisphere.  We know, now, who is stuck most deeply in the heinous racial past of this part of the World.  We see clearly the role of Christian Religion in the sorry state of race and gender relations that exist today!

The real question is: WHO will DO things that effectively address the root causes of our RACE & GENDER Maladies?  

Non-White Women on this planet could do well to study VERY CLOSELY the history of slave women in the Americas.  They should start in Latin America, where the Catholic Church first planted the "Evil Institution".  Places like the Columbian "Choco", "Cuba", "Haiti", "Mexico" (ground-zero); and our "Hell Holes" in the South of the United States of America.  These slave women include, clearly,  the most HEROIC WOMEN, as a group, in the history of our Planet.

Unfortunately, their minds have been poisoned with the notion that GOD is a White, European, Male!
Jonestown showed how difficult it is to overcome the effects of that "Kool-Aid".  Until a way is found, the "Bumps" will continue, un-abated, and the whites of all economic levels will continue their "Games"!

Stay Vigilant!  The more things change, the more the "Past" clings!  NO "CONSERVATIVE", anywhere on the planet, deserves to "preside" over ANYTHING!

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

WOMEN: "Can We 'TALK'??

The Hour is Late -- Time to "Waken"??

When my daughters were young teens, following a divorce wherein I was given their custody, I promised them that I would do everything I could to make SURE that they would not have to "spread their legs" in order to have a roof over their heads or food to eat!  If only ALL fathers would do that, the world would have far fewer problems, socially, economically, racially, and in terms of gender.  NOT EVEN ROYALS can, or will, make such a promise!  Prostituting their daughters has been their time-worn practice for expanding wealth and power.  We may not have had the Chattel Slave Trade in the Americas, were it not for Isabella of Spain!  As a country that frees its citizens of the burdens of Royalty, the United States promises this freedom!

Women, of all colors and income classes, have had to "fend for themselves" on reaching puberty -- after being fed "fairy-tales" of Princes in their earlier years.   The major Western nations are all guilty!  But, that was then, what about now?
We're coming off almost 50 years of "experimenting" with gender freedoms in the United States; to very mixed results.  Some of the new attitudes and practices have been beneficial for all females; most have NOT!  Women of color are in dire straits today, except for the few who were selected to "assist" white women work their "issues".  Males, of all colors and income classes have been "marginalized" in ways not yet addressed, that has produced dangerous "blowback"; especially for young, college-aged females from upper class families.  There has never been any "meaningful" protections provided for very young females, of any color or class.  Regionally, the spotty record of 50 years of gender unrest in this country verges on "disastrous" with celebrities, of all types, hogging all of the benefits.

The "politics" of all of this threatens even tougher times ahead for this country.  We're, evidently, "past" the lessons learned from the experience of the First Black President.  We're seeing all sorts of evidence of "disappointment" and "failed expectations".  Some of that is due to the "Over-reach" and lies; implicit in the "hucksterism" of our politics.  The bulk of it is due to the highly financed, and firmly entrenched, opposition to Race throughout all segments of our Governments, Regions, and Society' in general.  Are we ready for the GENDER ROUND?  It can be worse; because it will "snowball" race into the next phase of social change.  No matter who wins, or loses, in 2016, these after-effects of our post-2008 experience will be present.  Despite, how women respond at the polls, the next 16 years will be "rocky": socially, politically, economically, and in terms of public safety!  Evidence of that is all around us.  Religion will be the major vehicle of mayhem!

For time immemorial, women have set and maintained the social order.  That's true today; in both tribal and "advanced" societies.  The color issue, when blended in with Gender, will become the most explosive.  Non-white women have been "short-changed" over the past several decades of the "Feminist Movement".  They are coming upon a day when their re-assignment to "subservience" will become apparent; and they can no longer delude themselves! 

Stay Vigilant!  Vote Wisely!!  Study EVERYTHING!  Get Involved!

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

OBAMA: "Pope Too" ; Two "Inadequate" SAVIORS??

"Ain't NOBODY Gonna' "Save" us; BUT Us!! "

With War (and rumors of War?) spreading across our globe, and refugees mounting to record levels (leaving life-times and generations of "progress" in the rubble); our "ship of fools" sails on toward whatever our ultimate fate will be!  President Obama's Poll Numbers show that a slight majority of our citizens have "given up" on him!  It's not that he hasn't beat the hyenas (Boehner, McConnell, and their adherents) at every turn; AND side-stepped the strangle-hold of Israel on our Foreign Policy since World War II; IT'S THE WAY HE'S DOING IT, that pisses-off the voters!  JOHN-WAYNE-McCain may doom us, yet!

Cheney's total performance should convince even the most thick-headed, that some people can commit murder, in your face, and walk away "scott -free"!  I guess that elevates Cheney to the level of George Zimmerman; and, to a lesser extent, O.J??  Last I heard, O.J. was in jail!  Cheney hasn't made it there yet!  No jail for "W", though; asylums would be most fitting for the Bush's!

The "Messiah", or the "Savior" syndrome, is deeply rooted in the psyche of too many people.   Blacks from the Deep South ("Hell Holes", "Sewers":  take your pick); still wait for others to "fix" their problems for them, rather that get up off their asses; get organized,; and make real progress!  It took the new mayor, Bill de Blasio of New York, a white "progressive" to bring "Justice" for the Central Park Five.  That crappy Black Mind-set derives from the version of Christianity taught to Blacks in and from the "Hell Holes"!  I learned as a small child attending church in the Segregated U.S., that BLACK and WHITE "Preachers" and "Politicians" are really the same "CAT"!  It's no surprise that "Rev'm Al" Sharpton and "9-9-9" Cain ran for President of the United States in the same time-period!  Liberal Whites, and "Conservative" Whites, both play their cynical games well!   Black and Brown New York City residents knew damn well that they would get no "Justice" from the likes of Bloomberg or Juliani!

As for Pope Too: I see his assigned territory to be Latin America!  I'm reading the history of SLAVERY on the Spanish Frontier; The Columbian Choco' 1680-1810, Lot'sa Luck, there, Pope-Too!!  Is this the real root of drug-trafficking in the Americas?

Stay Vigilant!  Will the 2014 Off-Year Election be "strike three", as called by GOD (whoever he or she really is!)??  Get off your ass! Go VOTE (AT LEAST)!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, June 20, 2014


Encouraging Signs?

I attended a special Court Session today, where 166 persons were sworn in as NEW CITIZENS for these United States of America.  A former employee, from Mexico, was one of them.  If you have not attended one of these sessions, (the USCIS holds them regularly), you should!  It is disturbing to see how much has been lost, that we formerly took for granted, in general attitudes citizens have about our country, since I entered school in 1945.  It was refreshing to see so many people, from more than 2 dozen countries, are eager to subscribe to those old, mostly discarded values.  I wonder, for example, how many of our politicians can "pass" the kind of close scrutiny for law-abiding, and morals that these new citizens passed.  Not many, I'm afraid.   The Oath they all swore to, today, is one that is violated, daily, in our faces, on T.V, by our so-called "leaders" and Representatives in our Congress.  "Representation" is a cash-and-carry trade today; and what and who is "represented" depends heavily on the cash received by the Representative.  That's the result of widespread corruption of our Courts and Judicial System over the past several decades.

Fewer than 5% of these new citizens could pass the "whiter than Nancy Reagan" test, however.  Stark reminders of the fierce determination of our "Conservatives" to deny, at all costs, the continuation of our historic Immigrant tradition.  COLOR is the last frontier!  It remains, steadfast, as the "border" for marginalization within our society and economy.

From the WASP limitations of the Founders, to expansions of coverage for religion, and nationalities other than Anglo-Saxon, the traditional "Open Door" policy for Immigrants to these shores, hit a brick wall when the direction became from South of our Border and the skin colors changed dramatically. Already weary from "blood-line" battles that include "abortion, and  color discrimination, "Conservatives have to dig deeper and find less obvious methods to pursue their core beliefs.

Readers of this blog know that my mother died an horrific death in childbirth in 1945.  It was standard practice, then and there, to deny medical treatment to people who were not white.  Those people had to seek treatment from non-white "practitioners" or go without.  Whether or not you could pay for medical services did not matter.  To this day, witness the struggle over Obamacare, a significant portion of this country firmly believes that medical care should be denied to the poor and to minorities.  Why?

The answer lies in a long and sordid history of Bastardization of Science and the culpability of the medical profession.  An English Philosopher, Herbert Spencer, misapplied (according to Darwin) his findings for "survival of species", as pertained to animals in the wild; to humans.  From there, the terms and theories of Social Darwinism developed, leading to Eugenics.  If the "strong" survived, the "weak" did not; then it became clear that Man could do quite a lot to "weaken" other men.  Multiple schemes and practices were developed, by doctors and psychiatrists, leading to "Mercy" killing, "culling of the "infirm", "medical experiments", and the Holocaust.  Racism rests well in the arms of this type of thinking and it has been embraced and spread by Christianity over centuries.  Its in their bones, so to speak!  Google people like Spencer, Francis Galton, ( a relative of Darwin's); and you will discover the ugly train that has led to our current day woes in medical care, abortion, racial discrimination, and other "blood-line" practices.  Royalty, arranged marriage, and other practices are still around that link back to the tribal roots of the racism that we can't "shake" in this country.  It  has led to a bizarre crippling of our current government, at both Federal and State levels.

Stay Vigilant!  Immigrants (regardless of color) still believe in this country;  AND THEY KEEP COMING!

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Oh! SAY, CAN "you" SEE??

Are There None So "Blind"  .. as YOU??

It is said that a "picture" is worth a thousand words!  If so, then a "motion" picture could be worth a million words?  If put on Television, even orders of magnitude more?  Consider the impact in recent days of those Katzenjammers -- (McCain and his evil sidekick, Graham).  They are everywhere on the MEDIA "grinding our asses to the bone" on a daily basis, demanding that more of our our young military be fed to that "meat grinder" known as the Middle East!  There is blood on the hands of these guys; as well as their "enablers" in the MEDIA, such as Schieffer (TX), and Woodward (OK)  -- from those "hearts of darkness", aka, "sewers" to be found in our Southwest.  The toll of death, already amassed on the strengths of their prevarications and half-truths, put Hitler's deeds in a milder light.  Yet, they scream for more!

Tricky Dick Nixon was first to learn how to master Television, by finding ways to convince us that we didn't "see" what he did, or "hear" what he said.  Now, in spite of re-running contradicting videos, McCain and Graham keep repeating their cycle of lies, to our faces, and they get away with it!  Their tactics erode our ability to believe in our capability to self-govern or nation, and to support our President; NO MATTER who HE or SHE might be in the future.  This use of technology has overpowered the ability of the brain of the average viewer to function as nature intended!  The POLLS show how effective, and damaging to the concept of Democracy, this phenomenon is!

Talking Heads in our Media slip in their private opinions as they read scripted questions posed to "guests": all under the guise of providing NEWS to all of us!  How Sad this is!  Only the most intellectually gifted have a CHANCE of "catching on" to the process.  Mean-while, the "bought and paid-for" politicians carry on with their tactics of "rolling" the voting public while stuffing their pockets!

Born of their history of domestic terrorism against Blacks and other non-whites in the South, this phenomenon also includes a new phenomenon of the "180-degree spin on words".  Especially good for landing an accusation or telling lies; the "liar" must be first to accuse his or her opposite of lying!  The viewing public is unable to sort out the truth, even after the "lie" is exposed.  The Media invented  a  "lie", some time ago, when they asserted that there are "two sides" to truth.  If so, then it follows there are "two-sides" (at least) to lies?

What is a blind-believer in something like racial "superiority", or racial "purity" to do?  Kiss it up to GOD; has been the practice, for time immemorial.  A recent picture of twin tornadoes in Nebraska prompted some commentator to suggest that GOD was dragging (his or her) fingernails across the earth.  Could it be that GOD (whomever HE or SHE might be) is "sick and tired" of Mankind sweeping their "crap" under their "rug"?

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

THE "FOCUS" -- "MANAGING" the "MASTER-mind-F**K"??

How To COPE, Day-To-Day?

Marginalized people, anywhere on the planet, in order to preserve their sanity in the daily onslaught of Media-driven propaganda; have to have some sort of "focus" -- some knowledge or tools by which they can "cut through" and "grab hold" of their own lives.  The goal of MEDIA today is to keep us all "mollified" with our plight; whether it is the worst of the worst, to be found among darker-skinned peoples in the "THIRD" World, or somehow-better; to be found in the more DEVELOPED countries.  

Then there's the "pecking orders"  socially, economically, employably; within each country -- driven by religion, wealth, skin color, education, and political "protections".  MEDIA in the U.S. is evolving in two distinct directions: ONE works to keep our "mass-minds" focused on the PAST (FOX NEWS, the Murdoch rags, etc).  The OTHER, purports to be more FUTURE oriented, or "Progressive"(MSNBC).  There is the MONEY channel (CNBC) for those with money and sophisticated enough to manage their money, themselves.   To find a focus that works, MONEY and SKIN COLOR are most important.  Research our intellectual roots and the formation of our Constitutional Government, and you will find this to be true.  Religion, and "Equal Opportunity" are both "packaging" to mask the behaviors that we have all experienced, both in the past, and within the past week.

"Mourning" Joe on MSNBC provides the slickest "pot" in which our toxic brew of wealth, race, and power is stirred on a daily basis.  When his forerunner,  IMUS, got too far off course, failing to keep the MIND-Effed "in-line" with the accepted notion of our "progress"; he was turned upon and let go.  "Joe" may treading dangerously close to that fate, I'm afraid, if he maintains his "Anti-Colored", and "Anti-female" postures.

To measure any movement we must have a scale: the baseline could be obtained from a careful viewing of last night's FREEDOM RIDERS, by American Experience, which aired on PBS.  A careful study of the state of the CRACKER MIND-SET in the United States in 1961, is displayed clearly, and is a good starting point from which to measure any "progress", and to see clearly what "Joe" may be up to.  His job is to Protect and Preserve that Mind-Set under a "Conservative" rubric, and serve it up as a "new norm"!  His ding-bat sidekick is there for eye candy and to reassure a lesser-intelligent and/or discerning female audience.

Why should you care?  How's your money, these days?  Is your money "funny"; and getting worse by the day?  How about your TIME??: -- it's much more important than money!  If you want to manage the stress in your life, get a firm hold on both your time and your money.  Then "Manage" the "mind-effers" in the Media.  

Stay Vigilant!  FREEDOM RIDERS is a good place to start to understand why your world may be upside down and getting worse; why our government has been taken over by "Conservatives" who are today's embodiment of the Alabama/Mississippi Governors of 1961; why both Jack and Bobby Kennedy were thrown off-guard by their relationships with Governors Patterson and Barnett.  Why the Russians may understand more about our racial behaviors and beliefs than WE do!  You can explain the Conservative preference for Clarence, and Condi, and the "Terrorists" they rely on to keep their game going.  You might also understand why the First Black President is being systematically weakened and denigrated, and our economy is held together by the Federal Reserve.  We may be back to a time like the end of Truman's 2nd Term.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Repoobs Hasten the Demise of the GOP?  LET'S All HELP Them!!

BARRONS (16Jun14 issue) quotes Eric Cantor:

        "What divides Republicans pales in comparison to what divides us  conservatives from the left and their Democratic" allies.  (House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, on his stunning primary loss to a Tea Partier).

RIGHT ON! Eric. ("pales" is a nice touch).  The "Left" and "Democrats" you reference include those citizens who, at worst, are Aversive Racists.  "Conservatives" embrace virtually ALL of the Dominative Racists.  These terms were defined by Joel Kovel, in  White Racism A Psychohistory,   (Pantheon Books, New York, 1970),  as:

     "1.  The type who acts out bigoted beliefs.  Whether a Night Rider in the South or a member of a mob protesting open housing in Chicago, he represents the open flame of race hatred. ... let us call him the dominative racist."

     "2.  The type who believes in white race superiority and is more or less aware of it, but does nothing overt about it. ... he tries to ignore the existence of black people, tries to avoid contact with them, and at most to be polite, correct and cold in whatever dealings are necessary between the races.  We call this complex type the aversive racist, in accord with his most characteristic style of handling the race problem."

In Iraq under Cheney Bush, military members from the South may have brought along their behavior toward blacks back home. (Abu Ghraib)?  If so, those chickens are coming home to roost!  It remains to be seen whether Kerry at STATE and Hagel at DEFENSE can clean house fast enough to turn away future threats to our nation!

Because of the poor education level of most Southern Blacks, they easily believe that Bull Connor, the televised DOMINATIVE, is a thing of the past.  Trayvon should have corrected that misapprehension!

Stay Vigilant!  If we want to move in a strong direction toward a healthy economic and social FUTURE, like the one California is preparing; we should VOTE OUT all "dominatives" (Republicans)!  The NIGHTMARE could END!!  Religion of our SOUTH was born in a violence never before seen in the history of human bondage. 

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, June 16, 2014

"WE" Are a FORCE for "GOOD" (in the world)

The Grand (white) "American DELUSION"??

In 1974, as a Major in the Air Force, I decided to "drop in" on my son's 6th grade class in a school on Base.
It was a History Class, and the teacher told the children that "slavery was good for blacks, because it "humanized" them.  I stopped the class (in uniform) and told the children that the teacher was WRONG.  What she told them was her opinion; and not fact.  I immediately withdrew my son from that school and placed him in a private school that had better teachers and better programs.

Fast forward forty years, and I hear a female caller on C-Span, today, utter the words: "We're a force for good in the world".  She was defending the Cheney/Bush campaign to attack Iraq.  After Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, 9/11,  Afghanistan and Iraq; she clings fervently to that blind belief in support of the Foreign Policy  this country has practiced since WW-II.  I don't recommend outright rejection of that mind-set; I implore the reader to investigate that belief!  

That ubiquitous "we"; when uttered in the Media by a white of that type, almost ALWAYS excludes blacks and non-whites!  It is assumed that we will adopt their views.  Their "America" consists of older, white, citizens from the Deep South.  In recent years that contingent of our population has spread farther West ,and North, to form our RED STATE America: a  growing collection of impoverished, violently religious, under-educated, states.

The C-Span caller was protesting a presentation by Hillary Mann Leverett, Senior Adjunct Professorial Lecture School of International Service, American University, about our current predicament in Iraq and throughout the Middle East.

To cut through the Right/Left "Bull-sh*t" in the MEDIA, and get an astoundingly clear picture of our predicament in the Middle East, and how we got here, you must hear what this lady has to say!  The story reaches back to Nixon/Kissinger; the late Carter years; the late G.H.W. Bush years, and proceeds through
Cheney/Bush,and 9/11.  The story; not one I've heard ANYWHERE before, makes sense of what, to fore, has been a jumble of nonsense; except to the most hard-lined Neo-Con, "Conservative", or Southern Bigot.
The sad part of the story is that these people have inhabited our State Department, and the FMS part of our Defense Department for decades.  Until this is changed, the madness will continue; in the Middle East and in Africa, as well as Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Her story will make clear the "mind-set" that drives the supporters of our foreign policy, and, lately, the cabal that is forming to permanently shut down the proper function of our Constitutional Government by taking over the House of Representatives.

Stay Vigilant!  Free Your Mind!  Learn what "else" has been "hidden" from us by our Politicians!  McCain and Graham are the "leaders" who most  insist on continuing this madness!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Hyena's Rant!: Take No Responsibility!

This Father's Day gives us the Usual Suspects on the Hard Right, ranting on the Media about Iraq, and how its all Obama's doing.  They must think that our brains are as challenged as theirs!  Why does ANYBODY take seriously ANYTHING coming from the mouths of the likes of Boehner and McCain?

We're approaching the 20th Anniversary of the O.J. Trial.  That was the event that cut to the core of the racial divide in this country, socially, legally, and, especially, the raw brutality of  Law Enforcement, at all levels, against Minorities.  As a resident, property-owner in the Los Angeles  area from 1984 to 1989, I witnessed, first hand, the climate of fear engendered by Gates' Cops; overseen by the one-and-only(?) Black Mayor of Los Angeles: Bradley.  It came as no surprise to me that O.J. would "un-earth" centuries of wrong-doing by being involved in the stuff he and his wife, and their families and friends were into.  

White "America" has now "answered" the O.J. affair with their revenge in Florida in the Trayvon Martin Trial.  A white, all female jury "exonerated" a near-white from murdering a black child.  O'Mara, after studying Johnny Cochran carefully, has delivered his "tit" for "tat"!  The country is more deeply divided than than ever in the past century.  So Much for Obama-the Deliverer; The "Savior".  Those who voted for him in 2008, but not in 2012, were probably expecting another Clarence Thomas??

Believe it or not, there is an over-arching theme here.  Whites Get A "Pass"!!   A derivative of their claim to be "Chosen", Exceptional, etc.  Their global racism is "OUT" for everyone to see.  Blame your religion, or, blame Mark Twain for teaching "Huck Finn" to white males.  Near-white males, like Governor Chriistie, are now becoming beneficiaries of the mantle?  It's all about what you're willing to believe, Truth and Fact are in the trash cans of our minds.

Women can take a lesson from all of this,  White women (are you listening Hillary?) have not yet figured out the root of the "inequity" they face in the corporate world.  More than "gender"; this is about being a "member" of the "forgiven".  Drucker taught us that promotion to the top in the Corporate World, (Organized Crime, too?) depends more or dependability than competence or "merit"!  Smart Blacks broke that code decades ago!  It's all about CREDIT and/or BLAME!  The e-mail lady in the New Jersey Bridge caper is learning that the hard way:  she is just not hard-wired the way the system requires!

Stay Vigilant!  Ladies don't make credible "fall-guys"!
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Saturday, June 14, 2014

"president" McCAIN??

Let THAT Roll Off Your Tongue!!

If you can, without retching, then the Pew Pollsters know a lot about you! And, your I.Q. is probably below 50.  Then try "president" PALIN!!  If you get the same result: your I.Q. is likely below 10.  If you can tolerate "president" CRUZ?  Well, then, you get the drift, I hope.

In these days of finger-pointing at Iraq; and over Iraq, people like McCain and Cruz. are out in force , blaming President Obama for things that Bush (W) and Cheney did long before Obama came to Washington.  In fact, as I remember, those "Conservatives" and their Neo-Con sidekicks, claimed they were invading Iraq to bring "Democracy" to that country.  Malaki is roundly criticized for what is happening in the Iraqi Government today.  Iraq seems to be copying our House of Representatives!!  Shouldn't this crowd be proclaiming (once again) "Mission Accomplished"??

Stay Vigilant!  Voters in VA might be on to something!  You CAN vote these obstructionists out of office!

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All Rights Reserved : Williams LLC

Friday, June 13, 2014

"TWEENERS" : the "FACE(s)" of the 21ST CENTURY?

What's Behind The NUMBERS?

It's clear that traditional color racism has survived, intact, its passage into the 21st century in the U.S.  Whites, with the aid of Institutions like public schools, their "christian" churches, "political" leaders from the South and their sidekicks from other parts of the country, succeed in teaching their children, early, to fear, avoid, or hate blacks and persons of color.  The "upset" in Virginia was staged by those poor whites who are losing their socioeconomic perch to "immigrants" (of color, of course --"The" Border" is their euphemism).

As the borders, drawn on the maps of the Middle East by Britain and France after World War I, melt more rapidly, Britain announces little or no interest.  What's a "wacked-out" McCain to do!!  The SMART MONEY is mindful of the fact that too many of the "insurgents" in the Middle East have white faces, and/or Western Passports.  Because of the Racism embedded in our Immigration Policy; a threat looms to these shores, as a result!  White talking heads in our Media scratch their heads, figuratively, on camera, while their non-white sycophants nod in agreement; claiming that they "can't understand what motivated the Santa Barbara shooter a few weeks back.  If they READ his writing, and understood Racism 101 in the U.S., they would recognize that he was a TWEENER -- someone too close to white, while fearing being treated as if he were black!
An entire new Market is opening up in the U.S. for Tweeners as the numbers for whites continue to decline.
Jendal, in Louisiana, Haley, in South Carolina (East Indians are the world's experts on color racism) come quickly to mind.  Black Americans, accustomed to living for centuries with white-skinned Terrorism, have not yet figured out a strategy to counter these new "overseers" for white Southern racism.

Revisit WASP:  White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant!  This was the "race" preferred by our FOUNDERS.
Reginald Horsman, in RACE and Manifest Destiny, Harvard University Press (1981) shows, in great detail why Anglo-Saxon really means "whiter" white!  He traces the lineage of Angles and Saxons to the Woods of Germany.  Hitler, a pretender to Arianism, thought the Brits were not as "white" as the Germans?  Anyway, they were warring "cousins" in World War II; much as the Israelis and Palestinians are warring "cousins" in the Middle East today.

Back to the "unwashed" in Virginia, who voted out Cantor last week:  Jews in the United States did not reach acceptance by "whites" until long after World War II.  They "arrived" as whites during the Civil Rights struggles of the Sixties.  TWEENER(s):  those not-quite-whites who are brighter than a brown paper bag; live in the kind of fear that Mark Twain described in his book about the Master's baby who was switched by a slave for a baby born at the same time from his wife.  Now that's real Terror!  I don't think you'll see Ted Cruz appearing in public along side his Dad very often -- for more reasons than their extreme-right ideology!
Today: "Conservative" is a blanket term, used to cover everything from "fiscal common sense" to Neo-Con/Neo-Naziism!

The PEW numbers released yesterday (hyped in the Media, inaccurately, as signifying "polarization"), reveal a REAL picture.  The "pulling apart" of the public in the United States, has been covered in the Media for some time in terms of the "splitting away" of the, mostly white,  Middle Class.  It really is a measure of the "DIVIDE" among and within groups of whites, and blacks, and Tweeners.  Expressed in some venues as "Urban vs. Rural", weaknesses; within the groupings  in terms of the chances for "tweener" individual's to "advance";  socially and/or economically, are STARTLING!  Some reports show the Right/Left
Extremes (from Socialist to Neo-Nazi or Neo"Con") as 25% "hard core" for both; ballooning to low 30s; and a MAJORITY in the Middle of 40% ;ballooning to low 60s.  That "Middle" contains (although not broken out) mostly urban dwelling "Liberals" of all colors; and those whites who don't want to live like McCain and Graham!  BUT They DO NOT VOTE! ;especially in Mid-Term Elections.  This could explain why Boehner is in a rush to "Plug the Hole" in HOUSE Leadership before the extreme Right can capitalize on the UPSET in Virginia?

Stay Vigilant!  Are you a Tweener?

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Thursday, June 12, 2014


"They Broke It" : We ALL "Own It" ??
GOD Help Us All!  Cantor was whipped by an ECONOMICS Professor!  The WORLD is in a FINANCIAL Crisis -- they're DIFFERENT.  All of the world's economies were "broken" when the Financial Boys on Wall Street (MONEY BOYS) "screwed the moose" in Housing in the States in 2008!

That collapse was spurred by War Debt that sprang from Cheney/Bush (and Cheron?) gambits in  Iraq, from Afghanistan, and, from "9-11" -- answered by TAX CUTS under Cheney/Bush (and reinforced in a HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES chaired by Boehner since January 2011). They "Broke" us all; and now cry crocodile tears over "Obama's Debt"!  The newly-minted Professor who will soon join them, preaches the crap of Hayek and "Serfdom".    He has the "serfdom" part wrong: most of his followers, and most people in the developing world, are facing a new type of "slavery", defined by "jobs" that don't pay living wages.  Let's hear it for "mis-education"!!  How can we expect people who don't understand the difference between Economics and Finance, and who probably don't read or think very well, to CORRECT anything with their votes?  The confusion takes yet another spiral toward chaos.

That chaos is taking shape in the form of a Civil War between the Republican Party (now Tea Party) and the Republican Establishment (those who have money and used to call the shots).  Readers if this blog can recall the OWL's warning of a "cancer" in the belly of the Republican Party that could kill it!  That worry is here today.  Unfortunately, its also present around the globe; as the wrecking ball of war debt continues to bounce from Country to Country!  (Brazil, anyone?)  Who "profits" from the impending collapse of Iraq? Or, from the sharp spike in oil prices?  Tom Friedman told Charlie Rose last night that President Obama has it right!  Repoobs, trading on viceral hatret of President Obama, is marching their followers and the Party toward the cliff of collapse (hopefully one limited to the Party).  Obama, according to Friedman, presides in a world where most countries are "weak", and are busy attacking other nations that are "weak"!  Being the strongest nation on the planet is of little or no help in a situation life this.  Traditional default to the "blazing guns" of Cheney/Bush, McCain and Graham, and the race-hatin' Tea Party nuts, is an illusion!
If you live in the United States, you may be under the illusion of a "return" to the "good old days".  JOBS will never be like they were before the 2008 collapse -- for ANYONE!

Stay Vigilant!  College Professors are notorious for dispersing pet theories that they don't have to defend in the real world !
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Take a "Geo-Socioeconomic" View?

Those of you who read my Blog yesterday may think I' PRESCIENT; but, I assure you, I'm Not!  Who, from this distance, could have seen the tremendous "upset"vote in Virginia's 7th District??

What anyone could see, if they can manage to reach "geo-socioeconomic" vantage points regarding global affairs, is the coming CRACK between rich and powerful whites, at home and abroad, and their less-well-off relatives.  The poorer Crackers spoke in Virginia yesterday.  Maybe "tomorrow" in other places, like Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi.  Saxby Chambliss of Texas is "resigning".  Perhaps he got what he wanted from his campaign that painted a quadriplegic war hero as a supporter of Bin Laden.  He can reap his Tea Party rewards and run?

What about MONEY and COLORs?  We've seen, painfully, over the past six years what the Repoobs think of a black President.  Their real color angst is over the color of the Men, Women, and Children, of late, that are streaming across our Southern Border.  The point of the spear, so to speak, in yesterday's vote in Virginia, was the anti-immigrant, anti-"amnesty" vote.  Poor and Middle Class Whites seem to be up in arms against non-white immigrants from lands to our South!  The Republican Establishment had BIG BUCKS riding on their plan of "bait and switch" on Immigration.  BIG MONEY didn't "Spend" in the 7th District Virginia Election!  Could it be that the Voters have found a way to counter the plague of "Money in Politics"??  

The winner was an ECONOMICS professor in some no-name college.  Internationally, the Financial Markets are taking note as the MONEY BOYS in the United States have to recalibrate their chances of taking the reins of our Congress this Fall.

Stay Vigilant!  This story is just beginning to get interesting!  2016 just got a longer ways off??

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All Rights Reserved;  Williams LLC

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


The ROT is Everywhere, and Spreading!
"Had Enough", Yet??
Whether it's the shooting (murder), of  COPs in Vegas yesterday, or in an Oregon High School this morning, or "Snowden", or "Bowe Bergdahl; you have to be dead not to feel the rising sense of frustration in this country with the unwillingness of the Repoobs to permit our federal government to function.  They're busy spreading their rot to the State Legislatures across our country, courtesy of ALEC.  Our only hope of halting this madness is to VOTE them out in 2014, to reverse the path we left open to them in 2010!  But, the MEDIA is busy with Hillary and "Benghazi", and the Congress is having a grand old party time with the VA!  Meantime, frustration rises, and nothing is decided.  The Economy came first, and thanks to the "ADULT-HOOD" of President Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, the repair work achieved since the Repoobs tanked the economy in 2008 has been "spectacular".  It happened in spite of everything the Repoobs could literally throw at the FBP!   Boehner said it:  The Repoobs (Tea Party) is the Republican Party, and the Republican Party is Repoob!   Theyall  have to be turned out of office, no matter where you find them!  By focusing on Hillary before the 2014 Election, Repoobs hope voters will stay home this November, thereby allowing them to keep on doing us in!

Repoobs are successful in finding the level of intellect and maturity of the vast majority of our citizenry.  The MEDIA is gorging themselves on the profits they achieve by stirring up the rabble.  The MOB mentality that is feeding on itself, is slowly changing its awareness to realize that the real Terrorism is at home and wears a face that familiar and non-threatening to most white citizens.

The Bergdahl affair would not exist in the nation that we were as late as the mid-70s.  Citizens knew, then. that SURPRISE is the critical military element that makes accurate INTELLIGENCE necessary; thereby enabling military actions to prevail.  MORALE, also known as Unit Discipline, is fundamental to a strong and successful military.  Repoobs have succeeded into convincing our dim-witted,  Media-driven public to work against both,  the concepts of SURPRISE and MORALE. 

Congressional demands to KNOW everything the Commander-in-Chief knows is INSANE!  Military units without proper discipline decay into the "clique" that appears to have turned against Bergdahl.  I saw this kind of mind-set rising in the military as I approached the end of my service in 1982.  Reagan, Cheney, and "W" did tremendous damage to our military and to our intelligence capabilities.  The collapse of the Soviet Union obviously did little to deter the KGB, as Putin reminds us.  The "victor" seems to have lost its way under the "leadership" of a Repoob Congress, and characters like Rumsfeld and Cheney.

Stay Vigilant!  Is RACE the magic ingredient in our "national cocktail" that keeps the public dull-witted and compliant with the Repoobs?

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Monday, June 9, 2014


Non-Whites Have the MOST to Lose??
The FBP is taking Executive Action to address an issue our RECALCITRANT Congress will never take!
By  Executive Order, Payments on College Loans can be lowered (but, check the fine print)!  Who will benefit?

Probably not a lot of non-whites in this country.  Half-Truths in a time of PROPAGANDA are more dangerous than LIES, so be sure to learn about what we're not told about EDUCATION in the United States:
1.  Education above the High School Level has historically been preserved for the SONS of rich whites in the United States.  It had NO CONNECTION to employment; the students were already RICH!

2. Families and producers of Agricultural Wealth have always been a dedicated adversary to EDUCATION at all levels, and for all poor children -- their labor was needed in the fields and on the range.  Non-whites were deliberately kept "barefoot and ignorant"!

3.  The Deep South has produced, over centuries, both black and white "Educated"  products" who are incredulously "non-productive" in just about any pursuit except "Politics".  The levels and types of "ignorance"  they retained and proclaim, vary by color and family background.  "Religion" is more important to them than "Education"!

4.  The Value of "Grades-Based" Degrees have been in steep decline among employers in the U.S. since the 1970s.  The costs of "College Degrees" began, at that time, their asymptotic upward spiral, while the value of college "out put" entered steep decline.

5.  "Colleges" that sold their stock on Wall Street became notorious, under Cheney/Bush for "swindling" non-whites for "education" that was either worthless, or not delivered to the student.  Massive student debt, with no "Education" provided, became a scandal.  The numbers that surround permanently un-employed job seekers with huge student debt is "scandulous"!

Careful study BEFORE selecting a school or a "Major", is critical; for a student to have an even chance of "purchasing" a degree that will pay for itself!

Stay Vigilant!  Get the WHOLE TRUTH about YOUR education investment!  Most Colleges don't need your money!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, June 8, 2014


"Science" DESTROYS the "Cracker-Mind-set"??
A Troublesome Inheritance, by Nicholas Wade, is a book that everyone; especially non-whites who can read and think for themselves, must read!  I've always thought that Genetics, a rapidly evolving, break-through science, would ultimately destroy the vast empire and structure the "Cracker Mind-set"  amassed over the past several centuries.  In the United States, the period beginning in the 1830's, and reaching their peak in the 1840-s with the un-provoked invasion of Mexico by the United States, was also the period when Race in Religion, in Science, and in the Expansionist thinking of the "Exterminator" Presidents, reached its pinnacle.

That is also the period in which Mormonism was "invented".  The Superior Race then was the Anglo-Saxon Race.  The Mind-set informed the nation's response to Reconstruction, and the establishment of JIM CROW.

A "Panic Button" was pressed when Sterling revealed  hidden beliefs by whites and Jews, in 2014, in regard to Blacks.  Reaction across the political spectrum, by whites from the Ultra-Left to the "Fox"-Right, was immediate, and similar.  The Pandora's Box had to be closed, and the perpetrator had to be punished; and, then, rewarded.  His punishment was the forced sale of his Basketball Franchise, and his reward was $2B.

It is long past the time when Blacks, and other non-whites can comfortably allow the exclusive control of all matters involving Race to remain in the hands  of "Bubba", or before him, "Tricky-Dick Nixon" (don't forget Jekyll and Hyde LBJ), and in between, "Mad Ronnie Reagan".  Their true sentiments toward Blacks are, and were, artfully disguised in a way that meets with acceptance by whites; while lulling non-whites back into their pitiful places in our economy, our politics, and our social fabric.  It is yet to be determined whether the saccharine songs of Pope Too will accomplish the same results in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa.  (Recent activities in Uganda will alarm those who honestly pray for "progress").  The despicable behaviors of the Prosecutor, Defense, Judge, and Jury in the Trayvon Martin trial should awaken anyone who has  a pulse to the fact that "progress" in the eradication of Race, is an illusion!

Blacks in the United States should declare their individual "Independence" and define themselves, for themselves!  After nearly 400 years of bed-swapping in the Americas, it is INSANE to allow one drop of African lineage to rule this nation's politics, economics, and social order!  Individual responsibility and initiative in this one area would bring about a real American Revolution!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

"BUBBA" in North Carolina ...

.. Workin' His "Magic"??

Once again, we see a white ex-President, "on-stage", praising a black woman who, in life, had been "chosen", first, by whites, as "special".  I was sick to my stomach when the Bush(s), both Daddy and "W", were on stage during the funeral of  Coretta King.  Who really believes that a "Bush" respects anybody black, after "Stand Your Ground" gun laws, and "A Fine Job, Brownie" treatment of Katrina?  I understand the impact that Maya Angelou had on black women; my own daughters, for a fact.  But, like Martin Luther King, she can be manipulated in death to benefit mostly those groups who are not black.

During my twenty years as an Air Force Officer, begun less than ten years after Truman's Executive Order went into effect, I met soldiers, mostly Air Force, but also Army and Navy in "Joint" assignments.  They ranged in age from World War II, to post-Sputnik; were all colors; and were from every part of our country.
The variety in backgrounds and beliefs was amazing, and shocking.  Remember, military "integration" "took hold" in the teeth of the Civil Rights explosions that followed the assassination of President Kennedy.
The racial strife within the military was a topic of my Master's Thesis, completed in 1972.

The variety of beliefs, and even the character, of black soldiers, was the most shocking.  Those from deeper in the old South were the most "religious" and least likely to show any respect for themselves.  Their belief in a "white" God was unshakable.  We can see from Oprah, and others like her, where that rigid belief in a white God comes from.  "Bubba" understands the power of that belief in a way that the Bush(s) will never grasp.  If you have seen God Loves Uganda,, you witnessed how some of the lowest life forms Missouri produces "flipped" an entire nation in a direction of Rwandan genocide; all in the name of their white, evangelical "Jesus".  The Reverend P. Thomas Stanford cited this phenomenon in his book, published more than a hundred years ago.  Moctezuma believed it!  Had he not, Cortes surely would have been defeated, and there would not have been a Chattel Slave Trade, inspired by Bishop Las Casas!

Black women in the United States have to be wary of the power they give others while they, child-like, believe that they are awakening some "moral force" in whites that will "save" them from the kind of sexual, gender and racial violence they face. 

Stage Vigilant!  Undisciplined Emotions in this age of Social and Propaganda Media can be dangerous.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

NEEDED!! A (world-wide?) "Crash-Course" in FASCISM!!!

Save Yourself!, Save Your Country?

Seventy years ago today, I was an "ageing" 4-year-old.  My generation still holds vivid memories of those "black-out" years of World War II, and KNOW; unlike the generations that followed us, that all of those who fought and died, or were injured, or returned needing mending in non-medical ways, did so to DEFEAT FASCISM!!  Today, very few people understand what that was.

We hear a lot about NAZI(s), and HITLER, but no explanation of who they were, what they believed, and what they did.  How did a Democracy lose its form of government to the Tyranny and Brutality of  Nazism?  Could it happen again?  Joe Stalin, a Communist, was our Ally in World War II.  Like the "flipping of a switch", our national awareness of Nazism was extinguished and replaced by a militant and virulent Anti-Communism in the United States.  The Cold War further served to obliterate awareness of Nazism.  We may have done this at our peril!

Elections throughout Europe this year, and politics in the United States since 1960, show drifts to the Hard Right!  Today, we are in a place where, politically, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter, Johnson and Clinton(?) would not have been considered "Centrist" enough to win national election.  The power of Media, Corporations, and Computer-driven FINANCE are crowding out Democracy in favor of policies that limit choice for the Public; in voting, in access to earned income, among economic issues like wages, jobs, and access to health care.  Inflation is rising steadily in all areas impacting child-rearing.  The Middle Class and the public at large feels "strangled" as a new "Red-Tide" sweeps across the nation.  The U.S. Constitution is under attack from persons elected and selected to "Uphold and Defend" it!  The Media deliberately eschews Truth and Fact in favor of Gossip, Innuendo, mis-information, partial-information, and outright lies!.  The frustration and disillusionment with self-government grows steadily.   

The spread of Fascism across Europe, following the end of World-War I, is a subject that desperately needs re-visiting today.  Economic hard-ship, the nurturing "soup" of Fascism in the last century, in once-again stalking the planet.  This time, with computing power, and "Social Media", Fascist movements can spread more widely and rapidly.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't read the new books by "Talking Heads" in our Media.  You've already heard them as scripted news!   Read books written before 1980!!

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Thursday, June 5, 2014


Too Many of the "Koch-Hyenas" don't "Get-It"

Not the brightest people in the U.S., the Tea Party Republicans think the President of the United States should "Represent" them, and act accordingly.  NOT!  If these people could possessed functioning education at 6th grade-level or above, they'd KNOW better.  It is the genius of our Founders that provided us with a system with divided powers, three co-equal branches, one of which is EXECUTIVE!  Because Abraham Lincoln understood this, we survived our Civil War, divided, but intact.  Unlike virtually all of the other males who occupied the Presidency, he was willing and able to withstand the murderous opposition of a nation to save it from itself!  Barack Obama is able, and willing, but it remains to be seen whether that long-divided nation will survive the current domestic insurgency  that is viewed as Neo-Conservatism by some, and  Neo-Fascism, by others.  The venom is real, widespread, well funded and organized.  All three branches of government at the federal level is infected, and that infection has been growing rapidly since 2000.

A quick look will convince all who have eyes and a functioning brain, that the current convergence of powerful Media, Corporate Greed, a "broken" Economy, and a public hooked on Propaganda and gossip in place of NEWS, makes the final outcome, this time around,  "too close to call"!

The President has to be a damned good "Politician" to gain office; but has to be an exceptional Executive to prevail; in times like these.  Not since President Lincoln has the personal attributes of the holder of the position been the core driver of the insurgency.  It is a sad fact of our racial history that even the most intellectually limited white person firmly believes that he or she is a better Executive than any person of color!

What looks like "irrational" and "outlandish" behavior becomes "perfect sense" when  racial ingredients are acknowledged.  Putin, hungry and ambitious for Russia to re-gain the world stage, is ever-mindful of the power of  "blood-ties" as a tool for stirring up sh*t on a global scale.  Europeans don't know what the Hell they should do, as a result!  The rise of Neo-Fascism is evident from recent European election results.  While, for decades and generations, all attention has been placed on the threat of Communism; no attention was paid to the slowly-growing Fascism in our midst.

"Representatives" can be; and most are, "bought and paid for".  Today, in the U.S. Representatives are abandoning their perches to become high-paid personages in the Media..  Classic Fascist tactics are visible to all who will open their eyes, read a few old books, and use their brains.  Media darlings, today, read from scripts, have to have the "right" look on camera, and have minimal "acting" skills.

The current crop of "Hyenas" vary in personal motivation from "sour grapes", to regional imperatives based in the outcome of our Civil War, and, most dangerously, ambitions for personal, tyrannical  power!

Stay Vigilant!  These are, indeed "troubled" times.  "God" helps those who know how to help themselves??

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014


"Revolutionary Change"??

Diane Feinstein and Saxby Chambliss?? Now there's a strange pair of bedfellows!!  But, if you think more carefully about what we're seeing, the State Department has come to the fore in Foreign Affairs in a way and at a level unparalleled since 1948.  Dean Acheson, a key figure in the Marshall Plan, Bretton Woods, and NATO, is also known as the "architect" of the Cold War.  His State Department term saw the attack of McCarthy and his hyenas; and he was succeeded by John Foster Dulles.  The newly formed, then, Defense Department (formerly the War Department) subsumed the State Department in Foreign Affairs as the Cold War Progressed.  Eisenhower, alarmed at what he was seeing, warned us in 1959.  Truman, alarmed at what he saw the CIA doing, openly admitted that it was a mistake to have created that agency.

When I was commissioned in 1962, I received mandatory training on how to behave as a Prisoner of War.  I was told a story that POW bodies dug up after the Truce in Korea, showed no physical harm to the decedents.  They reportedly lacked the "will to live".  We were told that the Koreans simply told the prisoners about the "history" of the United States and it literally destroyed them.  Remember, a huge percentage of  U.S. troops, both in World War II and Korea, did not know how to read!

Over the intervening years, the Defense Department quickly grew in strength, well beyond anyone's ability to manage well.  All the "wheels came off" once Cheney began mucking around in our "Intelligence", and, prior to 9/11, it was known that plans were being drawn to attack Iraq.

Fourteen years later, with the detritus of Iraq, 9/11, Abu Ghraib, behind us; and Afghanistan fading in our rear view mirror, its becoming clear that fundamental changes in warfare have occurred, and we are long overdue in making the proper adjustments.  Just about all of Acheson's safeguards, post World War II, militarily, diplomatically, and economically are in severe need of overhaul.

Against this background, the decision of the Malignant Right to pick a fight with President Obama over the negotiated release of a Prisoner of War, appears extremely bizarre, and puzzling!  Especially so, when we recognize that the leading attacker, Senator John McCain, is, himself, a former Prisoner of War with questionable behavior as a prisoner!

"There is something rotten in Denmark!", as the old saying goes.  Thinking citizens who care deeply for the future of their country and their children, should WANT TO KNOW what it is!!  Look to MISSISSIPPI, and we might find an answer.  The Koch-Hyenas are advancing there, and in Iowa.

Stay Vigilant!  Serious Attackers don't announce their identity, their true intentions, or their activities!

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