Friday, July 31, 2015

WHY Must "CONSERVATIVE" (always mean) 'NIGGARDLY" ??

"Pristine" NEGROs ??

As I re-read Souls of Black Folk, by Du Bois, I'm overwhelmed by his description of the People he met as he trudged the back roads of Tennessee, in the 1880s, in search of Black Folk who wanted to "learn", and needed a Teacher.  His description of his first job, and the people who eagerly sought the learning, that months before, would have meant instant DEATH for them; lets me know the "pristine" and "pure" beings they were, and how they coped with day-to-day living in their, so-called, FREEDOM!  The chains had been removed, but little else had changed!

It becomes clear how WHITES, in order to maintain the tremendous Privilege and Wealth they acquired through hundreds of years of THE TRADE, cling so desperately to "Conservatism" today.  From the day they left Europe for the Americas, the American Dream for Whites, has changed little.  They MUST keep Blacks and other Non-whites beneath, and behind them, at all costs!!

After more than three hundred years of THE TRADE; one hundred years of Jim-Crow, and now, fifty-five years of "Integration" ; we have produced curious new "products" among Whites, and among Blacks.

Both sides of that "Original Sin" have made their separate and new pacts with the "Devil"; resulting in the horrid political and economic mess we contend with today!

Look up NIGGARDLY; It is a most-interesting word, with a long history.  Any Blacks who "go-bananas" over the "N"-Word; clearly have no clue of this old, English-language word.  It Means:


I don't know about you, but I have never seen a group of words that so completely define a "Conservative"; politically, socially, or economically; black, white, or, among their "hang-arounds"!!

Stay Vigilant!   Blacks, ESPECIALLY, must find their way back to those "innocents" , then, recently freed from shackles, and overcome the psychological and spiritual damages done to them by "Christianity", "Education", the LAW; and "Integration"; since the 1880s!  They will re-discover the strength of Family and True Community, untainted by the Perversions they have been taught and the false hope they have been enticed to pursue.  If they fail to do this, they HAVE NO CHANCE for success, as a group, or, as individuals, in the "Trade-based", Global Economy that is unfolding all around us! 

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Thursday, July 30, 2015

To Market? ... TO MARKET !! ... (to BUY a FAT pig)???

A Fairy Tale??
From the "transformation" currently underway in San Francisco, to the, now, 20% who proclaim they will vote for TRUMP; there seems to be ever-increasing "prices" placed on every aspect of our daily lives.  Housing, Health Care, Civics, Transportation, Education, even SECURITY; you "plunks yer money down, and take's yer chances"!   Our Politicians have always been salesmen, of a sort; but the guy who currently "commands the oxygen" on the Silly Side of our politics, is a looming, new  force that is well beyond Politics as we've known it.  Prices, are the elusive elements in everything; from what it will cost to "educate" your child, to what it will cost for new medications being "hawked" on T.V.  (That was illegal, incidentally; as recently as 50 years ago).

China, the second largest economy in the World, today, is trying to MANAGE its fledgling Stock Market.  Wiser heads KNOW that authentic markets cannot be "managed" ... successfully.  

BIG MONEY seems to view all of human interaction in terms of "Markets".  Once, there was a world-wide "market" in Human Beings.  After the Crowned Heads of Europe grew FAT from it, Chattel Slavery was "outlawed".  Some might say slavery is making its return; in the forms of "Human Trafficking", and the manipulation of Workers Wages.  If your life grows more and more "unmanageable" daily, take a closer look at your pay stub, and ask whether you have sold your Time, to the extent that you have no Time left to LIVE!

The 20% who support TRUMP (so far) appear willing to put their Country on the Block and auction it off to the highest bidder.  That 20% can be found on the Republican Right, and "based" in the Sewer States, long known for raising Pigs!

Are 21st Century "Advertising" methods, nothing more that "Coercion" or driving forces not unlike those used for "driving pigs"??

What about the decline in our living conditions?  From failing infrastructure, to a life time of "renting" our housing (until we're priced-out); we might think we're being "conditioned to live in slop"!

Stay Vigilant!  Surely, you say, "wiser heads" will prevent these outcomes?  Where are they?  After Obama/Biden, who will fight them?

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

HOW (Alright)WHITE'S "ROLL"??

Should (Hang-Around) BROWN'S "Take-Notes"??

On the Bloomberg Channel, this morning, (Joe and Mika were off and into more of their Repoob 'Drivel"), I saw Blankfein and Bloomberg "scrunched" together at a "kiddie-table" for an interview that scared the interviewer.  On MSNBC, there were details of the Civil War brewing within the NFL.  Looks like the Owners will be shopping for a Federal Judge "on the take"??

Blankfein and Company were be-moanin' the growing contempt for Banks among the General Public.  Tom (Sawyer) broke his cell phone -- at a "bad" time; and, maybe, "on-purpose"??  

It appears that NEW RULES for "Alrights" were born with Reagonomics: ??

      (1) from BUSINESS SCHOOLS:  Bend, or break, the Law (and, any Rules and Regulations), whenever the "Benefit" outweighs the costs -- if, and,  whenever,  an Alright is "caught" (almost NEVER)!  
      (2) from JOURNALISM SCHOOLS:  Make up the "facts"; truths rarely matter.  Ratings boosts are immediate, while "corrections" rarely matter -- the desired messages have, long-since , been "received"

BLACKS and Hang-Around BROWNS:  Beware!! These Rules DO NOT apply to you!  There is no "support structure" among Enforcement Institutions and their Helpers, that will provide the same treatment for non-whites.  There was only one Johnny Cochran, it appears.

POOR and Middle-Class WHITES:  Beware!! You're no longer 'Alright", since 2008!

Could it be: that the Spell, cast over White Voters  by the Magic Quilt, sewn together with racist threads, by Ailes and Atwater, is wearing thin under the weight of the Obama Years?  Could it be that Racist Christianity is no longer sufficient "compensation"  for Poor Whites?   The Real (white) Christianity in the United States, (even before Reagan) is ORGANIZED SPORTS.  The religion that is celebrated during our most-segregated hour on Sundays is only "for show"??

Stay Vigilant!  A Civil War is brewing within the NFL between Owners and Goodell; (he was consistently lauded, whenever he "mistreated" Black Players), is only beginning! 

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why NOT! (??) -- Bernie SANDERS?

Why "Go Back"??

I remember Goldwater, on the Tube, somewhere around the time he left the Senate, responding to a question about Lyndon Johnson's "honesty".  His reply referenced the fact that Lyndon entered Public Office a very Poor Man, and left it, a VERY Rich Man!.  In those days, that could be scandalous; today?, no-one thinks much of the fact that too many of our POLITICIANS "loot the place". while they're in office!  Hell, we're totally enthralled by a "Biz'ness" Man, on the Republican Ticket, who claims to be  "rich as Croesus", and wants to be our NEXT Pres.  I'm sure we won't like the "biz'ness" he wants to perform on this country; while we struggle to escape our  post-2008 condition!

When I was born, a very Rich Man was President.  He was honest, worked hard to get us through the Great Depression and through World War II.  Harry Truman, who followed him into the Presidency, was also recognized to be "Honest", although there were some MOB ties from his earlier political days.  Nobody faulted Harry for taking a Nickel from Government that he didn't earn!

Then came Tricky Dick: first, as Eisenhower's Vice President.  Ike "smelled a RAT", and threatened to get rid of him.  Should-a Done It!!  We'd all be a heap better off, today!!  The Agencies and Departments of the Executive Branch,  is where the Politicians "Mine" their riches!  Members of the House of Representatives control those budgets, and our more crafty practitioners find ways to cut themselves in on "biz'ness deals"!  DOD, HEW, HUD;  the reports are rampant; look them up!

In my life time, only THREE Presidents, other than Truman and Roosevelt, are considered to be fully "honest" -- Kennedy, Carter, and, so far, Obama!  Now that we've broken the string,  why go back??  Nobody questions Sanders' HONESTY!  Can't Say That for the Repoobs!  We've become so conditioned, we EXPECT our Politicians to be Corrupt!

Stay Vigilant!  We're never gonna get completely out of this trap that was sprung on us in 2008, until we break the ties back to Corruptions of the past 35 years!  Too many of  those running, who are not "on-the-make", are Right-Wing Radicals!

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Monday, July 27, 2015

Does Their "WE", Include ME??

THIS is THE QUESTION for 2016!!
If you Need to Ask (yourself), the ANSWER is (probably) NO!!

So many Candidates; so FEW Options!!  These are Times that bend even "miniscule" minds.
Some of those included  in the Poll numbers we hear quoted, are responding VISCERALLY to this election campaign.  Some (a smaller number, for sure) actually REASON their responses to what they hear.

The Republican Clown Car is full of Candidates, all of whom are appealing to WHITE voters.
How many ways can the group of white voters be "carved up"??  How big is that group (proportionally), anyway?  There are, most likely, SOME white voters who will NOT vote for ANY Republican Candidate.

What is the size of that Group?

A quite enjoyable way to approach this conundrum would be to watch The Sting, the 1973 movie starring Redford, Newman, and Shaw.  It is set to the fabulous music of Scott Joplin, from the place of my birth.  If TRUMP comes to mind; WE are the "Mark"; so, what EXACTLY is the "Sting"??
Stay tuned, we'll all learn that soon enough!

Stay Vigilant!  Look up the History of the Republican Party.  It grew from a Party  named  KNOW-NOTHING!!  Surprised??

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

"IRAN Deal": or, Studyin' WAR; circa 2015!

What would "Ronnie" Say???

If you're trying to cut through the "bullsh*t" swirling around the IRAN DEAL, in our MEDIA: while the "knuckle-draggers"  who have taken over our House of Representatives swarm to do the bidding of their owners, I highly recommend a return to Gwynne Dyers' WAR, published in 1985.

That was the first year of Mad Ronnie's second term, and, four years before
THE WALL, fell in Berlin!   It is astonishing how much, the thoughts of  our World Leaders, then, (including Mad Ronnie) differed; from the sludge being offered by our Sewer State War Dogs, in 2015!

"You know, I turn back to your ancient prophets in the Old Testament and the signs foretelling Armageddon, and I find myself wondering if ... if we're the generation that's going to see that come about .  ... There have been times in the past when we thought the world was coming to an end, but never anything like this."  Ronald Regan

Gwynne Dyer begins his book with this quote.!!   Consider, for a moment, what we have going on,today, in the Middle East, and compare it to what was happening there in 1985.  The 1983 Bombing of our Marines in Beirut, Lebanon, seems small in comparison to what is happening throughout the Middle East today!  Also known as the "Cradle of Civilization", the Middle East of 2015, could easily be the place where all of "Civilization" Dies!! ... IF, the War Dogs get their way. 

The amazing feat of accomplishment, laid before the Congress by President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and the other P-5 Nations and Germany; is nothing less than the bringing together of ALL of the Security Council Nations, and Germany, and Iran, in a long-term agreement to work together to keep the World from stumbling into Nuclear War.  The World, outside of the Middle East, has essentially cordoned it off; thereby, innocculating us from the MADNESS that currently reigns there!

We are beset today, in our Politics, by what passes for Intellect in our Sewer States.  This has come about, since 1985, largely because of the Low Road Regan chose for our National Policy-Making, and for which Voices would be "heard" in the Nation.   We could very well be witnessing the demise of the Republican Party, as a result.

Stay Vigilant!  If you're wondering what, and whom, to believe in this MEDIA-driven "Sh*t Storm", a quiet read of WAR should clear up things; and put them in a proper perspective for we need to do, today.  It will also reveal how tragically VENAL the opponents of this Iran Deal are!

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Friday, July 24, 2015

DEATH: (under "COLOR" of) TERROR -- TERROR: (under "Color" of) LAW and RELIGION??

The Strange and Bitter Crop, still grows; in the U.S.??

It has been almost four years since we were all transfixed by the Murder of Trayvon Martin.  Since that time, there has been a steady succession of Black Deaths; most of them Murders, committed, or influenced, by COPs!  The KLAN, always associated in some way with Tax-Payer-connected Institutions, seems to be residing, in 2015, inside our U.S. Police Forces!  Sandra Bland, pulled over by a Cop for "not signalling" a lane change, in TEXAS, is the latest, and most complex case.  The  Texas Bureaucracy is struggling; in its strung-out "explanations" for what took place within Police Custody.
MEDIA is eagerly assisting the COP side of the issue.  What is offered to the Public, so far, is Supposition.  The Dash-Cam Video informs us all with the actions that predicated whatever came between the arrest and the Death!

All of the well-meaning efforts over the past 100 years to get rid of this cancer in our National Tissue, seem to have come to naught!  The People are way ahead of the Politicians, in their recognition of this behavior that puts the LIE to our claims of "Justice" within our Government.

There have been so many cases since the death of Trayvon, it is difficult to list them all; much less get them in correct order of occurrence.  It is a sickening list of Terror, perpetrated, mostly by white males with guns, acting under the Color of Law!  The MEDIA, and white Public, are eager to assist in minimizing or covering up these events.

We now have a  National Figure, growing stronger from the vile juices of events like these, and   from the"Immigration" issue, in his demagogic run for President, on the Republican Ticket in 2016!  Rather than recoil in horror from this set of circumstances, reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s, the Public chooses to view it as "Entertainment"!  Can we hear, the Romans, of-old; laughing??

Stay Vigilant!  In this run-up to the Post-Obama Era, Much Stranger Events may be in the offing!
TX; FL; NM; MD;  SC; NY; OH; MO; the list of States continues to grow.  Is the emergence of TRUMP linked to Dillon Roof's exploits? 

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WHY "Black-Lives" MUST Matter!!

An "Old; Double-Curse"
Sandra Bland, TEXAS, alone, black, female commuter:  A combination that spelled DEATH!
Reminiscent of the lone, black, female, travelling the back roads of New Mexico recently?  She had the good sense to speed away from those bastards; as they fired live rounds at her, and her children!
It brought up old memories of Crossville, TN, in 1962, as I drove, with my pregnant wife, from Waco, TX to Washington, D.C.  Our generation of Black Citizens always knew there was a threat of "anonymous" death on those roads.  We took as many precautions as we could.

This is 2015; we have yet another generation of Blacks who must learn the hard, and horrible lessons from those Spanish Catholic Bishops and their Christian Teachings, in Mexico, 500 years ago;  who decided that ALL persons who were not White, and not born in Europe, were less-than human!  The first Mexican Revolution was started, in 1810, over this issue!

Blacks are "Double-Cursed", because, under the force of the LASH (slavery), the English Christians inserted their special version, that taught Slaves (Reinforced by "Booker-T" and Sewer-State Black Preachers) to accept disrespect among themselves, and from others.  

THIS GENERATION must find a way to break these "curse(s)" and learn to breathe FREE!!  The experiment, tried during the Civil Rights Movement to prove that Black Christianity was more MORAL, and could melt the hard-hearts of Whites; has FAILED.  That should be clear to everyone by now!!  The Obama treatment, alone, must have convinced the World of the depth of depravity still practiced by Whites (with, and without guns) in this country!!

Stay Vigilant!  HUMAN RIGHTS -- nothing less!  This must be the stance taken by all persons, hopefully, but by BLACKS in the U.S., in particular.  The Blacks in South Africa are ahead of us??

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

first, You Tell a LIE;(in the MEDIA) ...

then, You SPREAD the LIE; (in the MEDIA)

then, You "Argue" "Both Sides" of the LIE, (in the MEDIA)

(definition for:  PROPAGANDA; circa, 2015)

This might EXPLAIN why, as Mom's would say: "People's CRAZY, today; who ain't NEVER been CRAZY, befo" !!  If you feel, like many others of us, that the whole WORLD is going, steadily, MAD; you may be among the more Sane of us?

This ain't your Hitler/Goebbels Propaganda!  That was strong enough to turn the entire German Population; but it was most effective in its Stigmatizing, and Fear-Spreading impacts.  We may have met our first, MEDIA-produced, spell-binding Hate-Monger, posing as a Republican Politician, running for Office..  The power of Ailes and Atwater has grown to produce a virulent FOX-Den??

People are standing in line, hoping to get jobs, in this sick MEDIA.  They think they are in search of  fame and fortune; and may not realize how important they will become to the MEDIA machine!  We see, finally, the entire  Republican Formula,?  As they seek POWER, they spread a widening DARK AGE.!  From NIXON, to REAGAN, and, finally(?) "Dick and Dubya"!!  Will JEB make it back into Power,  to "finish" the Job??

Stay Vigilant!  If you read Michener's MEXICO, (1992), you will find a description of  the DARKNESS. that gathers in the final stages of decline of RELIGIONs!!  It shows the over-reaching power of Religions to define human perception.  Those who struggle to keep Religions in operation, commit desperate acts!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

from SWITCH-BLADEs, to GUNs??, and, from ADULTs to CHILDREN???

for the BLACK, (U.S.) readers of this BLOG!

The streets of Chicago are running RED, this Summer, again, with the BLOOD of Black Children, who are gunned-down by BLACK CHILDREN!!  This should make every American sick-to-the-stomach; but, it obviously does not enrage Blacks as much as the killing of a Black Child by a Cop??

In 1947, I was allowed to enter the "work-force" of the U.S,  That meant, I was permitted to look for odd jobs, under the supervision of my older brothers and sisters.  One day, on the streets, I said to them, "Look!.. there goes Crazy Johnny!"  I still remember the "click" and the feel of the blade against my throat!.  The drunken woman he was with said: "Aw, Johnny. he's just a baby, he did'n mean no harm".  He let me go (I got an ass-whup'in for it when I got home).  Later, when I was eleven, a classmate's Mother, in a fight with a drunk, stabbed him, killing him on the street.  In those days, the weapon plaguing the Black Community was the "Switchblade", made popular during World War II.

Professor Hubbard taught us how to disarm kids, and destroy switch-blades, when they were found  at school.  (We opened them, propped them against a curb, and broke the blade with our foot).  The Cops in Missouri, (all white, at that time) expressed their attitude regarding the killings:  "Let the N*ggers Kill Each Other"!  They rarely investigated a killing, or arrested black perpetrators for killing blacks.

Today, White Institutions, Laws, and Public Policies, provide Guns to Black CHILDREN, as freely, as they have access to candy!  There's not much evidence that White feelings about Black-on-Black killings have changed significantly over the past sixty-eight years.  Guns are not so easy to take away from children, and they are not so easily  destroyed!  When the Children of any group, take to routinely killing each other; death of their Culture, and their total EXISTENCE  is threatened.! De Tocqueville told us that Blacks and Native Americans faced Death, by design, at the hand of Europeans.  The Native deaths, were to be more immediate, and more violent.  The design was to WORK Blacks to death!  Today, tWhites have placed he deaths of both groups on "auto-pilot" as their mechanisms have been buried inside accepted White Institutions, such as the Church and the Public School.

Stay Vigilant!  COPS don't live in your "community", and have never wanted to!  Only those living there can "Police" this problem, as we did in the forties and fifties!  This can be done, where enough black males are "tough enough" to stand up to their children!

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Monday, July 20, 2015

"Alright" WHITEs, and "Hang-Around" BROWNs

What Has Changed?

The Usual Suspects were clustered at the feet of Joe and Mika this morning to absorb the "Wisdom" of the most "Alright White" on TV today.  His Hang-Around Browns, ever in attendance, offered little more than "background".  Perhaps they should learn to sing, to keep with tradition?

They're troubled with TRUMP and CUBA, it seems.  The Cuban Flag flies over Washington D.C. today, for the first time since Ike's Administration.  Strange, but this Event comes on the heels of the "Stars and Bars";  taken down from State Capitol Grounds in South Carolina.  The Republican-organized, WHITE RIGHT Opposition to Anything and Everything Obama, since 2009, seems not to have worked too well for them!

Reverend Joseph Lowery's Benediction at President Obama's Inauguration in 2009, carried the portents of some of this?

If you're White, you're alright,
If you're Brown, you can Hang Around,
But, if you're BLACK, get BACK!

It is a popular Doggerel, learned by Black Children during Segregation in the United States, that is traceable back to Vaudeville, Minstrels and Bill Broonzy (1883-1951):

Measure our "Progress" from that Benediction in 2009 to this day in 2015, and we find that minor cracks are only now beginning to appear in that rock-solid belief system that lies at the base of the Benediction,  European Culture, and the Global Economy.  It hasn't changed since 1500;  held in place by Christianity, "Race-Science" aka Eugenics, and the Social Darwinism of Nazi's. Unfortunately, the beliefs embodied in the doggerel are subscribed-to by humans, of all colors, in all Seven Continents on this planet!   That remains a threat to any success we might expect from the Global Economy.

Trump and the entire Clown Car of  Repoobs are in a "tizzy" in their struggles to keep the doggerel's beliefs intact, while PRETENDING otherwise.  JEB, while trying to pry open the BUSH-Bookends (from Daddy Bush, and Clarence Thomas in 1991;  to "Dick and Dubya" in 2008 and our imploded Economy) has to find a way to regain the lead in the Polls, that he has lost to TRUMP.

Stay Vigilant!  Can the world's Blacks and Browns gain access to their OWN Markets; currently controlled by Whites?  Will they gain control over their own cash flows?  Whites currently take Black and Brown Markets for granted, throughout the world!  BIG MONEY can accomplish much more, and faster, than the LASH!

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

McCain v. TRUMP

Repoobs Go "Bananas??

Trump attacked McCain's "Hero" Status; Republicans Recoil:  "Never Attack Veterans"!!
Where were they, when Senator Saxby Chambliss attacked  multiple-amputee, Cleland, a War Hero, in Georgia.  It seemed to "work" for Republicans then!!  The Senate candidate, then, and Lobbyist, now, attacked Max Cleland and took his Senate Seat!

McCain gave the 'finger' to Rubio; Rubio is where he is in the Senate because of Palin; Palin has her power because of McCain!  This crap seems to runs in circles!  This is Sunday morning, after all.  What if Trump blamed McCain for Palin??  Would the Repoobs be CHEERing?  Don't Think So!!

Stay Vigilant!  Let the Republicans continue to carve each other up; maybe we'll get a better, and new, Party from all of this!  

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

"SILVERLEEN" ... and the WAR-Years!

Will the U.S. "Decline" into "RED-NECK"-ery"??

As I get closer to 76 (next week), I'm experiencing "flash-backs" to my early youth.  I'm visited with "cameo" memories of the War Years.  World War II, that is.  Those years held our "finest hours", too!  There were Spring Days, lying in the grass, gazing up at War Planes flying over-head; Summer Nights, with all of the drama of "BlackOuts".  Daddy was an Air-Raid Warden, so we were allowed to stay up later than normal.  My childhood ended in 1945,  as most of you know; but that is probably why those vivid "Picture Memories" linger.  Many of the memories might have been influenced by Hollywood images; but "Hollywood" never made images of Black Neighbors, huddled around radios in the back-yard, "cheering on" Joe Louis (The Brown Bomber fought from 1933-- Golden Gloves,  until 1951 -Marciano)!  I met the Bomber in the early 70's, in Las Vegas, at Caesar's Palace .

Hollywood never made images of "Silverleen", either.  That Black Woman was "Hell on Wheels" as I remember; and, my Mother's good friend.  She lived across the street from us, and was a mean Step-Mother to a family containing  our distant Cousins.  My most vivid memories stem from a time in 1943, when she was fighting for her Divorce, and hid some of her furniture at our house.  Many of the Musicians that lived on our side of the Tracks, played at Silverleen's house for Rent Parties.

Those were Years of Crisis, sparked by Pearl Harbor, and, were not unlike our most recent Years of Crisis, sparked by 9/11.  One great difference is that we had Mature Political Leadership, at both the Federal and State levels.  Roosevelt, followed by Truman, held the Red-Necks and Sewer Rabble at Bay!!  FDR had to struggle to win a Declaration of War from Congress!

Red-Necks Re-surged, most recently, in 1994, led by Newt Gingrich;  a Sewer State Politician, who thought he could outsmart the Sewer State Politician who defeated Daddy Bush in 1992.   Gingrich and his "comrades" set the stage for our current "Terror" in the House (of Representatives), that has been continued by John Boehner, and has spread to the Senate, under McConnell.  Using classic Sewer State Political maneuvers, first made available by Nixon, McConnell's extreme efforts to win the Senate and "defeat"  Obama,  has cursed both the Republican Party and our Nation, with the emergence of TRUMP!  Red-Necks are "clumping" with DONALD, like tissues in a Sewer!  Smug members of both Parties, who think TRUMP will NEVER win the General Election,  may be fooling themselves!!  DONALD may win in "unconventional" ways!  Think about it:  with "proportionally-awarded" Delegate tallies, a candidate could possibly be on the Ballot in 2016 without winning any Primary Election??

Stay Vigilant!  Look back to Harry Truman to measure how far we have fallen as a Nation, and as s Society!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, July 17, 2015

the "BULLY" U "grew-up" With??

Is "The DONALD", like the BULLY Next Door??

Our limp-brained "Talking Heads" in the MEDIA, wonder, out loud,  questioning why Trump is rising so rapidly in the Polls.  Think, for a moment, back to the first "bully" you knew;  it was probably in your close family, or, "next-door".  The Donald is Super-Rich; a "Red-Blooded (white) American Male"; and, he's a BULLY.  He appears to be a "Bully's Bully", because he is so well liked (or, envied?)?? Bullies, today, abound, in all colors,, religions, both genders, rich and poor, and in every sector of the planet!

Start with your bigger brother, or sister, who pushed you around because they COULD.  After a while, complaining to Mom, fell on deaf ears, so you had to invent some other tactic to keep your possessions, your self-respect, and your wits, intact!  As we grow through life, we run into people who try to PUSH us around, because they can GET AWAY with it!  Reflect back on "Dick-and-Dubya" to see how far FEAR and Bullying pushed this country toward Disaster!  Trump apparently wants to lead the next round??

Today, thanks to Nixon, in 1973, fewer than 1% of our population is engaged, in any way, in the DEFENSE of our Nation!  (So much for the old HIPPIE claim: "nobody rides for free"!!  Now, EVERYBODY expects that.  The electorate may be in search of  a BULLY to lead that 1%??

Stay Vigilant!  If YOU won't stand up; there are Bullies, standing in line, in what used to be the Republican Party, who will use their MONEY, and their impaired morals, to win you over??

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

when "Little" FISH DOMINATE (News Media)

a HEIST?? ...both,  within our MEDIA, and OF our MEDIA??

When a FOX imposes himself as the Biggest FISH; the "Cock of the Walk"; a Media BULLY, to be bowed to by ALL;  and gets paid $B of mostly Public Funds into the bargain; it's about time that the PUBLIC, that OWNS the air-waves, puts an end to that Crap!

Republicans allowed these Racist Blow-Hards to dominate their Party, because they're a bunch of Greedy Cowards, and they are craven for the votes of the Scum-Element in our Electorate.  To not only allow a shake-down,  of the Public's Air-Waves, but, also the Take-Over of a National Election??  Where are those FREE and BRAVE defenders of our Freedoms??  Why are they SILENT??

The POLLS that outlets like FOX are attracted to, are also the POLLS frequented by "Pole-Cats".  They have set themselves up as the "Deciders" of which  Candidates will be permitted to run in 2016 for the Presidency of the United States (on the White Right) in the United States.  Its amazing these
hooligans were not SHUT DOWN the first day they asserted such nonsense!  A voting Public that cannot or will not defend itself and its prerogatives from such Self-Promoters, will certainly NOT be able to defend its DEMOCRACY!  Besides ... WE OWN the AIR WAVES; and they DON'T!

Stay Vigilant! and join those of us who feel its past time to "piss on" FOX and break the "SPELL" they have cast over the REPOOBS! Learn more about our MEDIA:: and

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

POPPI's "Tri-Cycle" or, How To NEVER be POOR!

Don't Nobody NEED to be Poor in the USA Today!

My Grand-Children call me "Poppi".  When I ask them if they want to NEVER be Poor; they say they Want to be "Rich".  I tell them that, unless someone else manages their lives, WELL; they can never STAY Rich, if,  they NEVER know how to NEVER be Poor (in the USA)!

I then tell them stories about Cycles.  Uni-Cycles, Bi-Cycles, and Tri-Cycles.  Of course, they all recognize the Tricycle!  Its strange, how early in their lives Kids grasp the concept of "Money" ... most have that awareness around the time they get their first Tricycle.  I tell them in the early days of our country, people rode Unicycles, graduating to Bicycles, as the Unicycle faded, and we, later began starting our children to ride on Tricycles.  The Unicycle has the biggest wheel, and is most prone to "disaster".  The Bicycle has wheels of equal size, and is more stable, but can easily "tip over".

The tricycle, however has 3 wheels; One big one, and two small ones of equal size.  The big one is your spending, the two small ones represent saving and investing.  

If we associate the Big Wheel with SPENDING our money; the Unicyclist processes money the way a Horse "processes" Hay.  The Bicyclist tries to SPEND and SAVE in equal amounts and they never succeed.  Only the Tricyclist who SPENDS more than he saves or INVESTS; and, also, automatically saves and invests,FIRST, from whatever amount of money received, in equal amounts  This "cyclist" can be GAURANTEED a path toward a life that knows NO POVERTY!!  Kids catch on to this quickly.  Grown-ups, "educated" in the U.S. school systems, NEVER LEARN this basic system.

Before you can keep money, and grow rich, you first have to HAVE Money that you NEVER Spend!  That's your investment money.  If any child, below the age of twelve, automatically saved, and then invested from the TOP Ten Percent of ANY AMOUNT of money they receive; they most often, will NEVER KNOW Poverty!  The TRICK:  Keep Control of Your Money!!  Make sure others can neither control nor confiscate your savings and investments!  No amount of money is too small to apply to this system! 

Stay Vigilant!  Keep the size of that Big Wheel within bounds, so the smaller wheels can create Wealth faster.  Racism can be cured by Wealth, properly managed and properly invested.  Racism can Destroy our Country if we continue to allow Wealth  to pursue Power through Politics! Never fail to apply the first ten percent of any income you get, to your savings and investments!  Don't BLOW your Investments!  Follow this for life, and although you can't CHOOSE the circumstances of your birth, you can CURE them!! ... in the USA.

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Monday, July 13, 2015

for "LOVE"? or, for "MONEY"??

Tina Asked: "What's  Love Got ta' Do With It??"

Once again, we learn the tragic details of a Career Story, of a famous Black Female Entertainer, who joins those of Billie Holiday, and  Tina Turner:  ...  Nina Simone!  Thanks to her daughter, Nina Simone's story is told in a new  Docmentary :

Striking parallels surface, hidden for years by MEDIA, in the lives of Tina and Nina. Lack of control of the money they made; criminally brutal physical abuse; both were forced to leave the United States in efforts to "survive"!  Tina survived, Nina did not: dead in 2003;at the end of a Biblical "three-score-and ten" life-span; from her birth, in 1933. in Tryon, North Carolina.  Mom's Mabley used to joke, in the 1960's about Nina, and Tryon.  "Tryon, North Carolian!  They means' jes what that sez'... If you don't hurry on through there; they'll Try-On ya"

If you can, be sure to see:  What Happened, Miss Nina.

Stay Vigilant!  We all live in a color-coded world that traps Females, Blacks, and other Persons of Color, in a mind-jarring "Game of Roulette",in which the color choices are:  Black and White?  Ain't no kind-a LOVE got nuttin' to do wit dat!!  One more Black Entertainer is added to the pile of those who have become worth more Dead, than Alive! to White "owners"??

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Sunday, July 12, 2015

RACE(2015): and the CAROLINA(s)


On closer examination, several things "pop out" as peculiar, when considering the Racial Events of the past several months in South Carolina.  The fact that the events occurred there was not unexpected; given that State's egregious record on Race.  South Carolina, now struggling to "eschew" that record; North Carolina assumes the mantle of Most Racist of the Carolina(s).  Given North Carolina's recent racial history, that reflects a switch of their roles, as North Carolina continues to retreat from its "Progress" in Racial Matters.  In all instances, we're talking about changes in White Behavior; the peculiar behavior of Blacks in those States, as throughout the Sewer States, remains unperturbed.

Blacks in the Old South appear to continue their old, sleepy, "Love" politics, that lowers their level of threat to their fellow Whites.  Their Black Christianity is truly a "Blessing" for White Christians in the Old South.  Whites have been given a PASS, to continue along their path of designing a New Jim Crow for the 21st Century.  The old model no longer fits a time when White strengths in the electorate are declining rapidly.  The new model must deal with Mexicans and Cubans.  TRUMP has appeared to lend a hand.

South Carolina and Louisiana are "Peculiar", in that both have East-Indian-lineage Governors.  Historically these persons migrate to parts of the planet where there is deep division between Blacks and Whites and serve as a "Buffer".  Ghandi, and the Indian Community, in Apartheid South Africa, for example.  Jindal, the Guv'na of Louisiana is running for President in 2016 on a platform that is to rhe Right, Racially, of David Duke.  East India is where you go when you want to understand the ROOTS of Race, Color, Caste, and Class. 

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks in the United States mus get beyond the childish habit of measuring Racial Progress by the ability of Whites to shift their public behaviors!  Leave the Church, and look around it, at black kids killing each other on the streets with Guns supplied by Whites.  Black Unemployment statistics have worsened over the period referred, when they say; "we've come a long way"!  To my experience, not much has changed ; when Obama, the first Black President must repeat the plea to white employers, to eradicate black unemployment disparities, that was made by President Kennedy in 1963!

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Saturday, July 11, 2015

'EVIL' "Thrives" in the Lands, of BLIND-BELIEVERs??

Why do Republicans LOVE "Sanctuary" in Florida (for Cubans), yet, HATE "Sanctuary" in San Francisco (for Mexicans)??

Many "forces" in our Lives, DEPEND on Blind-Belief; to thrive, and to grow.  Global Religions; Government Agencies (like the FBI, and CIA); for example.  The FBI admits publicly, for a change, another of their grand MISTAKES, in permitting Dillon Roof to obtain the gun (legally) that he used to murder nine Believers in their Church.  Pope Too is working diligently to reclaim his "flock" in the Americas, while NOT changing Church Teachings, and covering for Sex Scandals, and other failings of the Nazi Pope he serves alongside.  I would love to see the FBI "come clean" concerning COINTELPRO, and the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission.  FBI involvement in the assassination of JFK is still "dripping" out from cracks.  The Peculiar Brand of Black Grace that permits White South Africans to hold on to wealth and Power, will, likely allow many Whites in our Sewer States to do the same.  Blacks have a long way to go to retrieve the teachings of Douglass, and to "let go" of the Poison of Booker T., and Willie Lynch, and the Poisonous Version of Christianity that was taught by the LASH!  A black woman called a racist cop, who murdered her ex-husband, because she wanted her "ex" to pay Child Support!  That is straight out of Willie Lynch!!

Trump is riding high on Blind Believers in White Supremacy, as he drives the Wedge deeper between Cubans and Mexicans, and between "Hispanics" and Blacks.  White America rewards him by placing him on TOP of the list of Republican Clowns running to replace President Obama.  Could it be that our Nation has returned, 185 years, back to a time when White Northern Racism was in bitter conflict with White Southern Racism??  We all know how THAT turned out!!  Mark Twain took a look at both sides, and decided to "Piss-on-Em" as he headed for San Francisco!  Removing Robert E. Lee's Flag (storing it away, actually) will not SOLVE anything; except in the "thinking" of our Blind-Believers; of all colors!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP is obviously in thrall to some force that is smarter and richer than he is.  He smells POWER, and is willing to forsake $M, for $B??  The United States has failed to teach its children the HEALTHY SKEPTICISM; that made it a Great Nation!!

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

r Republicans being "THROWN" by their "Race"-Horse??

A Plaintive Cry, from the White Deep South!

Harry Golden gave us minute detail of Republican Party Ritual involving Race; and the special role played by South Carolina, and its Politicians, in that Ritual.  Mr Kennedy And The Negroes, (1964).  It traces back to the days of the Eisenhower Administration; to Ike, and especially, to Nixon.  Johnson worked his "magic", legislatively, to cover for the Hard Right's response to Kennedy's initiatives on Race.

It was Nixon, however, who, on the graves of both Kennedy and Martin King, "outfitted" the Republican Party with the "Race" Horses, that rode them to victories, finally, once Reagan reached the White House.  The Bushes were both ready and able to "take the reins", and lead us to our sorry racial stance in 2015!

Yet, in these depths of national despair, a plaintive cry from South Carolina's State House of Representatives, from a White Lady who decided: "This issue ain't gettin' no better with AGE!!" (emphasis added), to bring us all up short and make herself heard.  NOW! seems to be the time for the United States to turn against the internal Treason (Robert E. Lee's term for it) that we've coddled from the Sewer States since 1870.  Waved like a bloody shirt by FOX and other Right Wing Media; and, now, on the lips of Politicians like Trump, with background sung by Christie, Cruz, and Rubio; the Lady has had enough! with their rhetoric and their tactics.

Our House of Representatives, in Washington, D.C., would not follow South Carolina, however!  Today, the Republicans ran like "scalded dogs" from an Initiative brought to the Floor for a Vote, by Minority Leader Pelosi.  They connived to  KILL any chances that our Nation might follow the State of South Carolina and turn away from HATE.

I was reminded of a summer in the late Sixties, when my 5-yr-old son ran into the house and told his Grandmother that the little boy next door called her a "N*gger"!  When I confronted the boy's parents, I found a white father, from Pennsylvania, in tears, and a mother, from Mississippi, staunchly defending her son.  The father was at his wits end, trying to convince us that no matter what he tried, his kids were growing up Racists!  My first two children had learned from playing in the yard with the kids of other Air Force Officers, beginning a couple of years earlier in Ohio, that white kids thought something was "wrong" with their skin color.

Stay Vigilant!  Unless the Republican Party finds a way to "Hear" the White Lady in South Carolina; we may be seeing the final days of the GOP!  As the Civil War approached, the Whig Party died, and the Republican Party was born.  The evil and cynical Politics, "engineered" by Nixon, and "feared" by Johnson; has become "stardard fare" for the Republican Party -- "launched" into their dogma, by Reagan!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"Ideology" TRUMP's "All Reason" (again)??


I viewed "Mourning Joe's"  Pitiful attempt, this morning, to deflect attention away from the plight of the Republicans, as they are "devoured" by Donald Trump.  "Channeling" Starr, and the old Republican Attacks on "the Clintons" won't DO that trick!!  TRUMP, a monster bred by MEDIA, is an Opportunist, who is totally lacking in Moral, or any other kind of Compass!  To treat him as some kind of Public Entertainment, could be a FATAL Mistake.  TRUMP see's an "opening" to Power, unlike any that has existed since the "run-up" to our Civil War, (1831-1861).  Once again, our greatest ENEMIES live among us.

The years of combat with President Obama, have taught the White Rabble in our country that only Obama could have put together the winning coalition of whites, blacks, and assorted other Non- whites and Millenials.  If TRUMP succeeds in knocking both Hillary and Jeb out of competition in their relative Parties, White Rabble wins (again)!  Whites don't face an "immigration problem" because our State Department allows Europeans (to include Canadians and Australians) to come and go at Will!   This is a Race War, masked as "Immigration"!

Learn our History: Abolitionists; Anti-Slave Movements, Invasion of Mexico, Expansion of Slave Territories beyond Texas, into Utah, Arizona and New Mexico; Compromise of 1850, and the Fugitive Slave Law!!: All of these events ,that occurred between the Presidencies of Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln, opened up more "Cracks" in White Public Opinion, making our Bloody Civil War, Inevitable!   Under Pressure, Whites vote for the most EVIL among them!  Cheney/Bush understood this well!!  FEAR must be cranked to the MAX (both domestically and internationally).

Stay Vigilant!  IF Blacks in this country don't manage to get beyond Booker-T,  slavery-based behaviors, and embrace SELF-RESPECT, as  demanded by Frederick Douglass;  our Country slips, once again, into Chaos! (Note the reappearance of Guiliani, and Christie;  current minor Bullies.)  Millenials are ageing.  Whites get meaner and more racist as they age.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

of BLACKs and GODs and "JACK-LEG" Doctors ??

A Tale of "Self-Policing" Professions?

Those of your who are early readers of this BLOG, may remember that I "lived" among a group of fine, old, Physicians at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital (Marine Hospital), in San Francisco, for more than a year, starting in 1960.  I was "set upon" by the medical staff, who, realizing that I was attending S.F. State, and studying Physics, warned me about "Socialized Medicine".  As I recall, that was their greatest Preoccupation!

Remember also, that I grew up on the Black Side of the Tracks in a small Missouri Town.  That town had 3 Black Doctors, and  a College for Blacks, established by the Town Founder's daughters, and named for the Founder.  Founded, with the help of the CME Church, in  1882, it was burned to the ground  by the Ku Klux Klan, in 1925.  It was never replaced!

The youngest of our 3 Black doctors was a graduate of Kansas University; and my Grandmother was determined to get my mother married to him.  My mother had other plans; she married the guy she loved, in 1930.   In 1945, when Mother was experiencing severe difficulty with her 9th pregnancy, NONE of the three black Doctors, could, or would even try; to help her.  One placed her in our Black "Hospital", and abandoned her to the attentions of teen-aged "Nurses".  I learned, at the age of 6, that Doctors are not "Gods".  When I learned, also, that Whites were in control of who went to Heaven, and how that journey would start;  I realized that maybe their White God, was not, really, GOD!  Nothing I have experienced in my almost 76 years has shaken that vision, or those revelations.

None of the Doctors in San Francisco's Marine Hospital were Black, as I recall.  They all appreciated what I was doing and encouraged me.  They helped a lot as I was studying "Eleven Blue Men" (a study of control of epidemics).  One surmised that we all would be in trouble when the last of the old and experienced physicians died or retired.  They told me that proper DIAGNOSIS requires EXPERIENCE, and  is a skill rarely achieved by Doctors. 

In these days of Obamacare, and at this late stage of life, I find that my life, and the lives of Blacks, in general, are under threat; from the many subltle "Segregations" that exist in U.S. Medicine.  White Doctors, versus Non-whites, Doctors vs. Nurses, "Immigrant" Doctors vs. White Doctors; the list of "fractures" is long.

In Missouri, when a Plumber, for example, did a poor job for you, that plumber was often dubbed a "jack-leg"; a "professional" on the outside; an "incompetent" on the inside.  All Professions have these; while NO Profession drives out their poor-performers sufficiently to protect the lives of the Public.  That is extremely the case for Black Patients.  Prone to view all Doctors as "Gods"; Blacks and other Non-whites have been "sitting ducks" that are quietly buried, after treatment at the hands of "Jack-Legs"!

Stay Vigilant:  For Blacks; willingness to question your Doctor; is far more serious than "Yer Money or your Life"!

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Sunday, July 5, 2015

the COWBOYs vs. the JIHADISTs?

MIS-INFORMATION "Abounds" (still)??

This Independence Holiday Weekend finds us exposed to "revelations" regarding ISUS; alongside massive expressions of "jittery-ness", as evidenced by the over-wrought response to a False Alarm in Washington, D.C.

I learned most from two sources:  I watched "Captain America"; and I viewed Fareed Zacharia"s

In those months leading up to the Invasion, I was reading one of Wallerstein's books that warned of disasters to ensue, should "W" invade Iraq.  At the time, as I recall, "W" was assuring us that he had no intention of doing that.  I also recall Powell, later, as Secretary of State, warning Cheney and his "Cowboys" about "Pottery-Barns"!!  If anyone has been "blind-sided"; it was the Citizens of this Country who were then, and are now, being steadily fed a diet of "Bullsh*t" about the entire affair! We must ALL recall the fact that the Bush Administration did not want us to know ANYTHING about Abu-Ghraib!  Most of that debacle is still held "under-wraps".  Virtually all of those in his "Cabinet of Enemies" have lent their voices in attempts to smear blame to President Obama -- in spite of the FACT that Obama pursued and captured Bin-Ladin, while "W" lost interest.  The Bushites KNEW of impending Civil War, but now pretend that our troops would NOT have been harmed; and, instead, could have PREVENTED it.  I wonder if the Kurds believe that!

This morning, Fareed's Presentation tells us about Camp Bucca, and the Bush Administration's release, in 2004, of Bakr al-Baghdadi.  On the Internet you can find a Jim Hoft release dated June 12, 2014, wherein he claims that Obama released Baghdadi in 2009!  Those less-skilled Citizens, who "swallow" the bilge from FOX, might be "cut some slack" for their abysmal ignorance??

"Captain America", on the other hand, shows us how Hollywood has waltzed  public images from Anti-Social Gunslinger, to Lullaby-singing Cowboy, to White-hat Sheriff!  TV carried it into our homes with "Rawhide" and "Marshall Matt Dillon".  Violence, from the gentle Cowboy, would erupt only when chasing Rustlers, or, when getting rocks off in Towns along the Trail!  Our Cowboys, today reside in our Military and within our Police Forces.  "Captain America" also extends the Comic Book tradition in our country, with its twin goals of promoting White Supremacy and White Male Violence.

Stay Vigilant!  The most coveted "space" on our Planet in 2015:  is that "space" that contains the eyes and ears, and whatever "brain" there is, to be found on the unwitting "consumer" of MEDIA Content!

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Friday, July 3, 2015

Does "Same-Sex" (marriage) MEAN "Same-POWER(marriage)??

an "Independence Day" Topic??

From the days of King Henry VIII, the entire World should be aware that "the little woman" in a marriage, was certainly not EQUAL in power to the male partner in that marriage!  Even for Super-Rich-Royal-Women!  We didn't have to wait for the expose` of Videotape, from inside an Elevator, and the Concerns of the NFL; to learn that these problems have survived centuries of Engagements and Marriages!

Fast-forward to July 4, 2015:  Independence Day, in the USA!  The SCOTUS, Presents US, with Nationally-Legal, "Same-Sex Marriage"!  Males with Males; Females with Females.  How will this shift the "Power Balance" within Marriages, from what we've always known; under strictly Heterosexual Orthodoxy?  Will there even BE a different Orthodoxy created by this?  The Mind Races!

Will there be more Divorces?  Or, Fewer?   Will there be more Violent Break-Ups on the Male/Male side of the question?  Anybody who has been in a marriage for more than two years, KNOWS "they ain't easy"!!  I'm sure, switching the "hitters" around won't change that!

The Old Wedding Industry is set to get it's socks knocked off!  Lawyers who formerly handled Divorce Cases, will find a new, Hazardous Duty element introduced to their Practices.  Males have tended over time to have considerably more money than females, so the New Divorce Industry may have a "High" side, and a "Low" side??

Traditionally, (European Royal History) Marriage has had a lot more to do with Property and other Assets, than with any tender Human Emotions.  This aspect of the new Unions, will, more than likely, be "Amplified"??  Will "Domestic Violence" assume a new, more violent characteristic?

Where Children are involved in future break-ups, very little can be expected to change.  Like the Old Model; the only victims of Divorce who will be given Few or No Choices; will be the Kids!

Stay Vigilant!  New Warning Signs may have to be prepared for the new Marriages ahead?   Tamper with REALITY, at your Peril??

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"Declare" One's Own Freedom??

What IF? . .. in 2015, U.S. Citizens who live as "Whites" Declare Themselves to be FREE from all Psychic and Social SEPARATION, based on Skin Color, that has prevailed in this Nation, since its founding?  Our FOUNDERS brought these beliefs to the NEW WORLD, especially to the United States, from Europe.  European Immigrants to the United States have reinforced these beliefs, ever-since, with their arrival.

Perhaps "Roof" and the nine Race Murders in the Charleston Church a few weeks back will not be repeated!  Perhaps, similar white males who labor under the burden of "Proving" their fidelity to the "Cause", will, henceforth, be free from it!  Perhaps terrified white Cops will not feel the need to gun down 12-year-old black children, on sight!  Perhaps Blacks, especially those in the Sewer States will cease playing the Roles that keep our sick racial structure alive!  Maybe "Racism" as we have known it, will End!  The "Cracker" Element among Whites, instead of trampling each other, to Run for President on the Republican Ticket in 2016, will work instead, to transform our public schools into places where children emerge with accurate knowledge of who we have been as a Nation, and whom we no longer want to be!  Perhaps CHRISTIANITY will be cleansed from the filth it created during the Crusades, and carried forth into the Atlantic Slave Trade. Perhaps Muslims will do the same on their side of the Major Religious Divide on our Planet; and ISUS will, simply, "GO AWAY"!!

If the World's Major Religions would "straighten up", accordingly; so-called Leaders like Putin and Netanyahu, who trade on Racial and Tribal Strife to enhance their Power, will lose those "Religious" Supports.  The World might become a Sane Place; and NO NATION would choose to hold Nuclear Weapons, inorder to protect "Their Kind".

Stay Vigilant!   Such a little thing; such MONUMENTAL Effects!  Our 2015 MEDIA would have to radically alter its Business Model .. they are currently "benefitting" to the "tune"  of $B.  People who are not white, may be surprised that they, too, can have  healthy images portrayed on Television!

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

When "COMMON SENSE" was "FREE" (and Common)??

A Seventy-Year "U-Turn" ?

In my formative years, our Country was lead by FDR, and Harry Truman; both men with ample "Common Sense".  One was "stinkin' rich", while the other was "upper middle", by today's standards.

They led this Nation, to oppose Hitler and Tojo.  When FDR died, Truman led us into the Cold War.  Both, World War II and the Cold War have retired to the History Books; but I remember what it was like to live in a Nation where virtually EVERYONE stood shoulder-to-shoulder to fight, save, sacrifice, and pray for Victory.  They did not complain when our nation went into debt that exceeded  our total Net Worth!  All-in: to win the War!  The few who opposed this effort were not "stoned" or ostracized.  They were mostly ignored; allowing them to rise, later, as fierce Red-Baiters (once the heavy lifting was behind us! ) That element seeks to take control of our Nation toady.  Media, Entertaining Propagandists, and BIG MONEY Interests have come together; to gain  POWER, that they has sought since the end of  the Collapse of 1929!

This History is mostly unknown by those born after 1947; largely due to the capture of the Public's Concerns by Nuclear Threats, and other FEARS that assisted our Extreme Right to grow and multiply!  They have created a Military where hardly ANYBODY has any "skin" in their ventures; and certainly NOT our Hard Right Politicians!  That doesn't make much Common Sense; Does it??
They started Wars and refused to raise funds to pay for them.  No "Common Sense" there, either!
They raised taxes to benefit those who refused to sacrifice anything to repair this nation's growing Structural,  and Spiritual Needs!  It certainly defies Common Sense, for Voters to take these people Seriously!  Yet, many do!  They "entertain" themselves, while they contemplate which of these indequate candidates is "leading" in a Wacko, Media-Driven, "Horse-Race".  This defies Common Sense; it Makes No Sense; .. it is MADNESS!

Stay Vigilant!  The only person speaking Common Sense on the Political Stump today, is Bernie Sanders, and NOBODY expects him to WIN!!  Where's the Common Sense??  In this REALITY Age, "Reality" can be selective.  Old Fashioned "Common Sense" has been thrown overboard!  Time to TURN BACK??  You don't have to Pay Nobody!  Simply say NO to the prevailing "Reality"??

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Is PUTIN's "BOY" (in Greece) "TRAPPED"

Has he "joined" Assad and Netanyahu?

As the USA makes ready to celebrate its Independence Day; could it be that Countries like Syria, Israel, and Greece face a future wherein they grow more DEPENDENT on Russia?? Think about it!  THINK, beyond the Propaganda we hear in our MEDIA.  Look back at recent events, and see if you can "SEE" a Pattern?

After calling for a VOTE, it looks like the current Greek Government fears they will fail; and, that the Greek People really don't want to leave the European Union.  Putin's scheme to weaken Europe may be "foiled" ; yet again?  What's up with Egypt??  Orchestrated into its role as a "Prop" for JC's  "deal" with Arafat and Barak;  post-Mubarak-Egypt appears to be "wandering" alone amidst the growing mayhem in the Levant, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.  Is Putin at play here also?

It seems clear from his actions in the Ukraine, the strategy for Putin is to play on Ethnic and Tribal Divisions for purposes of Economic and Political Gain.  A Global copy of the Republican Strategy in the USA, since Nixon embraced the Sewer States as the Base for their Party.  Global changes are driving all Peoples on the Earth back toward their Tribal Behaviors!

Obama may have "head-faked" them all!! Absolutely sure that the global, and centuries-old, Revulsion for Non-White Skin, among the Peoples of the Earth, would continue to work its Evil; Putin, given the strife and fear caused by the Internet and Global Economics, surely felt he had the "wind at his back"!.  For a while, he seemed to be proven right!  Europe was very slow to catch on, in spite of open taunts from Putin.  No longer!  Even the Republican Party is getting the "hint" that skin-color racism may be weakening its hold on human affairs.

Stay Vigilant!  This story ain't OVER yet!  We now need to AWAKEN the Black Southerners in the USA??

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