Saturday, October 29, 2016

TRUMP: (brings us) 4 "Halloweens" and 1 Delayed National Election ...

What bigger "Sign" from GOD, does our "religious-right-voter" NEED?, to become
convinced that Beelzebub in on our Ballots -- arrayed against the "Good Witch" from the North??

Our treacherous Republican Party is playing fast and loose with TREASON, to make sure a WHITE MALE replaces President Obama!!

C'm-ON!, Voting Men and Women, and eligible boys and girls, just because we've never had one before, is no Reason we don't sorely NEED some kind'a WOMAN;, right now!!

Republicans got thumped by Voters when they frontally attacked the Federal Government to Shut It Down; so they broke their Oaths of Office, along with anything else they could break, to starve our Country into Economic and Social Collapse!  We already KNOW how the Republican Party GOVERNS!! What in Hell do you think these Obama Years have been all about?  

Stay Vigilant!  Only 10 Days left to prevent their B.S. from bringing them victory!!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

USA: "Down" ; (for the COUNT)?? ...

... Let us All; PRAY the the REPUBLICANS aren't hiding too many ANARCHISTS??
Two Weeks to Go! ... before we really KNOW!

Let's Pray: that our VOTES; in the only Poll that matters, will Free us from those who seek total control of our Government, but, have no interest in Governing!

Let's Pray: that our VOTES will free the Honest Cops from the tyranny of their fellow Dirty Cops!

Let's Pray: that we Free ourselves from the Tyranny of those who get away with "breaking" the LAW, from the inside!  (former Federal Prosecutors, Crooked Mayors, Dirty Cops, and their UNIONS, Sleazy Lawyers; Crooked Judges; Slimy Congress Persons and Senators ... the list is much longer)!!

Stay Vigilant; and VOTE!  Your Democracy, Your SAFETY, Your Freedom, and Your Constitution are in Peril!   (Read Moynihan on Reagani's NeoCon's rejection of REASON

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Monday, October 24, 2016

must BLACKS, also "Teach" ...(as we get "better"; going forward)??

"Unpacking" JIM CROW

Before we plunge blindly into the next round of JIM CROW that is being staged for us by the Republican "Barbarians", as they busily prepare for the 2016 election results; Citizens, of ALL skin shades, should strive to learn from someone who is a different shade than themselves; exactly HOW they perceive the World they occupy!!  BLACKS, as Willie Lynch makes clear, much learn from BLACKS of different skin colors, generations, gender, sexual orientation, and Region of Birth!!

The Obama years have shown to the entire World the many "different" Realities we each inhabit.  Some effort must be made to quickly learn from someone we have been sure are "beneath" us!   If so, BLACKS can begin by Google-ing Willie Lynch, and explain it to their children?  Whites, who have insisted on controlling what is taught to our children in schools, have been engaged in much more than taking power from the PTA!!  I have, on many occasions, found by "dropping in" on classrooms my children attended, horrific lessons coming from the mouths of (mostly white women) teachers.  I never hesitated from challenging those crimes I caught being committed.  I have changed Teachers, and Schools, to protect my children from "brainwashing" and ignorant "teachers".

Blacks have survived, mostly, by being inventive, and by being what we, today, call "street-smart" . That practice has launched our recording industry, and made a lot of whites rich.  A nation-wide "Teach-IN" could work wonders.  Unfortunately, the Republicans have taught us all they know; and that "ain't good"  (for anybody)!!

Stay Vigilant!  Let's not allow this election to simply put "lipstick" on the JIM CROW pig, and "spin" it forward into the 21st Century??

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Saturday, October 22, 2016

will TRUMP "Trash" Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and JUSTICE SOUTER; (and get away with it)??

a Present for the USA; from the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!

Expecting to stay IGNORANT, and KEEP their Freedom, our Republican Party has displayed the deep ignorance of their current crop, by exposing their failure to understand what a Republic is all about!!

We're reminded that this is how Rome collapsed!  JIM CROW has obviously rotted what few brains survived our Civil War, and tried to remain alive in our Sewer States!  That Region has, with the help of the Heritage Foundation, been spreading their cancerous blight throughout our Nation, by turning State Governments RED!  (Putin's favorite Color, no doubt)!  Given that, they can be forgiven their ignorance of what Ben Franklin, one of our Founders, thought about Republics,\; maybe even Abe Lincoln (whose Hallowed Ground, TRUMP violated today); but, just four years ago, Justice Souter explained what this bag of Reivers (theives); are all about!  Given their Fascist Roots, Rubio and Cruz might be cut some slack, but those two Vipers are just as venomous as the others!!  Surely, some of the Republicans in office today are acceptable; but they've chosen to hide their hands.  The only safe path for our Republic is to do as I did:  VOTE THEM ALL OUT!!


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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

TRUMP-NUTs: wanna run USA "Like a Biz-nezz"?? ...

... What Kind'a Bizz-nezz? ..(stupid)

There's CLEAN Business, and DIRTY "biz-nezz"

When our Congress wrote Laws, in 1970, establishing Multinational Corporations in the USA, all  bells rang in the halls where Dirty Businesses (MOBS, Human Traffickers, Protection Rackets; etc) flourish!

TRUMP moved from the dirty business of using Casinos to stiff Banks, to (copy) Falwell and others who made Dirty Businesses from Universities, and the Christian Religion, in this Country!  He has FAILED at that also.

Why, because GOVERNMENT, the weapon used by a Free People to protect themselves from Criminals and Tyrants, is their mortal enemy!  They want to own Government, now that Global Markets are available for their activities??  TRUMP is, so far, the strongest weapon of the Political Extremes, than Stalin,  Hitler, and Mussolini were in our recent Past.  Will enough White Voters succumb to the FEAR they wage through their campaigns of Terror and Lies; to give up that weapon, to the BAD GUYs??  Have our Children become so blinded by "bread and circuses" that they will gleefully embrace their own Doom?  Real Tyrants like Putin, Netanyahu, Assad, and (wanna-be) TRUMP, are betting on it!  TRUMPs Financial Backers, and his Shady Operator Supporters in the Republican Party, areforces on-board that Train!

Stay Vigilant!  It's not BUSINESS!  It's the Business-Model that matters!  20 DAYS LEFT (to save your Country)!!  Don't continue "feedin' the Crocodile"!!

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

my FIRST: "First-Lady"??

The BEST of them ALL??

Starting with Eleanor Roosevelt; followed by Bess Truman, the "First-Ladies" in my lifetime, have
ranged from inconspicuous, to Celebrity; but none have emerged into her own, unique, place in that role, quite like MICHELLE OBAMA!!  Yesterday's Speech in New Hampshire, describes, in "un-spin-nable" language, the home-grown Monster, that threatens our future as a Nation; like none before now.  Without mentioning the Monster's name, the Speech did more than any other Media Event, to awaken our Nation from its disastrous trance!

Forced by Politics, and Convention, to stay in the shadows of their white, male, husbands, here is the list of First Ladies who preceded Michelle Obama:  Eleanor Roosevelt, Bess Truman, Mamie Eisenhower, Jacqueline Kennedy, Lady-Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Rosalynn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Laura Bush.

Our Country, in a long-running "Backlash" to FDR, has been driven to the Hard Right, by Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, most notably.  This movement to the Right, has produced a Republican Party that has fed Fascism for too long, and now faces a fattened, appeased, and powerful group of Citizens, who will not be deterred from their beliefs by any facts, or revelations that don't spring from within their own, peculiar, "Religion"??

Stay Vigilant!  With only 23 DAYS before Ballots are cast in this Country, VOTERS still have a chance to make sure that none of these Monsters remain in Office in our Congress , and throughout our Nation..  This is the only way to Remain SAFE, and, hopefully, build a better future, as we wait for these old, twisted, and hateful folk to "pass away"??

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Scorched Earth" inside REPUBLICAN PARTY??

R we about to see TRUMP, on "Steroids"??

Seven years ago I decided to write down my "take" on what was unfolding in the United States, as the "Cracker" element of White America reacted to the first Black President in our History.  My grandchildren are too young to understand, in language they would grasp, what transpired, and how it came about.  Approaching 1500 Blogs on the Internet, now, I am sure my decision to do this is a good one.  Since the Global Criminal Elements find the Internet useful for their purposes, as well, as States that sponsor Terrorists; chances are that the Web will survive well into the future.  Congratulations to those of you who hung in there, and followed THE OWL the entire way.

Unfortunately TRUMP, and his MEDIA hounds, have one more Debate to inflict upon the world!  We have to wait another week for it, though.  Twenty days later, we'll know what USA Voters will decide.

Stay Vigilant!  Guv'na PENCE, strangely going "wobbly" in his on-again support of now "unshackled" partner in this crime; is predictably attempting to brush all of this under the robes of JESUS!!  Our literature is full of situations where Slave Masters, approaching death, hobbled down to the Slave Quarters in search of Christian "Forgiveness" from the Slaves.  Such is also the story of AMAZING GRACE!!  Now, CATHOLICS are spreading their version to cover TRUMP (and Christie, and Giuliani)??  VOTE AGAINST EVERY REPUBLICAN you find on your ballot!!  Only by retrieving the House of Representatives from the clutches of the filth therein, can we hope to reach a future we all long for!  MAKE AMERICA "CIVIL" AGAIN??

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

TRUMP: has "Exposed" the Republican Party?? (by "channeling NIXON)??

Has he also "Trashed" his garbage-man??

Guv'na PENCE should have taken a clue from the Bush Family (ALL, except for the "brown one"); who have run as far from TRUMP as they could; and remain Republican!!

Old, "I'm not a Crook!" NIXON, sent the Grand Old Republican Party down this treacherous road; happily followed by the "affable dummy" (Reagan), the Bush Family, and darth vader-Cheney !

Although forced to resig the Presidency, NIXO  set a  pattern for TRUMP's foray into politics -- down to not releasing Tas Returns!  After yesterday's revelations, in which TRUMP, from his own mouth, admits to committing the crime of sexual assault!  From Tom Delay, in 2003, on; we could "smell the (GLOBAL) rats" as they climbed on-board the Republican Raft, destined for our Sewer States!  Mormon Republicans in Utah are pulling up stakes in one helluva hurry, as Mike Lee breaks his embrace of Trump.  Where does this leave terrible-teddy CRUZ and master Marco RUBIO??

Hoping to clean their skirts, and avoid a complete Turnover of the House of Representatives, a month from now; they're trying to get TRUMP to resign, voluntarily!!  I'm sure TRUMP has more of his special language reserved for their answer??

Stay Vigilant!  Any Citizen eligible to vote on November 9th who does not Vote; or, Votes for anyone other than the only Candidate remaining who can defeat TRUMP, is sacrificing our Country!!  NOT ONE REPUBLICAN!!!  nixon, LIKE trump, BELIEVED HE WAS ABOVE THE LAW!

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Friday, October 7, 2016

is GOD "taking the MIKE" from TRUMP (like 4 yrs ago, w/Mitt)??

4 yrs ago it was Sandy; this time its Matthew

TRUMP needs to Dominate  the Media?  (tomorrow);  he can "deal" with MATTHEW about that??


we ALL, KNOW WHAT THE REAL "bad guys" are doing??

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

FIVE MORE WEEKS (until) "BREXIT-too"??

The POUND "sinks" more, today!
(is this what Mcconnell and his Rabble Republicans are seeking for the USA?)

Republicans say they don't agree with TRUMP; but, they Support Him, (but, not in the open)!
TRUMP Lies, Cheats, and Steals, (by his open admission) -- that's o.k. with too many White Male Voters: but, they can't stand the thought that Hillary may have told, even one, teeny Lie!

Everyone knows that White Males have presided over a Racist Nation, since it was Founded; yet, almost no white person will admit they are racist!  Ditto!, for their general oppression, and cultural disrespect for Women??  They would cut their tongues out, rather than admit to this madness!

I call these REALITY GAPS that cause normal, organized, and rational minds great pain!!  TRUMP supporters see "no problem"!

If our whoring MEDIA keeps permitting this phenomenon to reign in the Nation's consciousness; they might succeed in their goal to destroy our Democracy!

Stay Vigilant!  Check your bank accounts??

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Monday, October 3, 2016

is GIULIANI the "Real" (man) "Behind the Curtain"??

As TRUMP "spirals down"; Giuliani springs into view!
(besides) we all know that PENCE is TRUMP's Garbage Man!

Several years ago, I met a FRENCH visitor to the U.S., during an intermission at a Concert.
The subject of the FRENCH REVOLUTION came up, and I half-muttered "sometimes, I feel we need one here" .  Her response was immediate -- don't even THINK that!  She went on to explain that France, in the 21st Century, is still plagued by that Revolution.  On reflection, it takes many years, and too much blood-shed to recover any kind of stability from that kind of upheaval in any culture.

Reflect upon the years of economic hardship, and mega-death, that followed the rise of a German Megalomaniac, and the resulting VOTE that lost their Democracy, in 1933.

Then, consider the LOSS of WEALTH!!

Stay Vigilant!   If you want to KEEP your Country, VOTE against any, and all Republicans!!  They cannot, and will not, abide our Constitution -- decried by Dick Cheney as a Suicide Pact!

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

TRUMP's END GAME: His Beloved "UN-Educated Voter"??

TRUMAN proved that the "un-Educated", may not be STUPID!! ...(also)

President Truman, the best possible President for the USA, at the Right TIME, for our Country and for Our World, fought and won a tight race against these same forces that have managed to reassemble inside the Republican Party, to pursue their hunger for raw POWER!  They have demonstrated, since 2008, that they have no interest in GOVERNING the United States!

It may turn out that TRUMP and his "true-believers", may become "Marks" in their own CON game!!  This Lot, clearly lacks the Strength to hold on to any "Victory", should TRUMP win.  What, and who, will step into the vacuum?  Organized, State-Sponsored, CRIME!  Investigate Guiliani and his crooked Cop "Partners"

Stay Vigilant!  37 Days left to remove the scales from your eyes; come out of your Media-Driven "Trance", and SAVE YOUR COUNTRY!  VOTE like your life depends on it!  It probably does in some way or other!  Don't THINK that Syria can't happen here; or, that no force can be as bad as ISIS or ASSAD or PUTIN!!

POLLS in Britain were WRONG! ... (after all)  People Live LIES, and tell LIES to Pollsters!

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