Monday, February 29, 2016

will "Ohio" STOP-TRUMP(?); and, SAVE "America"??


I was able to see Governor Kasich, in Town Hall, in Tennessee, on C-SPAN2.  Not since
1948, when my Grandmother took me to see President Truman, on Whistle-Stop, in my home town, have I heard such "Common-Sense"!!  Before today, I had only heard and seen Kasich on stage with the other Republican CLOWNS running for President in 2016.  This horrible circumstance we find ourselves in, began, in Ohio, in 1870, with President Hayes.  It would be, somehow, appropriate for Ohio to rectify this??

There is no cynicism radiating from Kasich! Gut-level animosityies are prominent among all of the other candidates, except for Dr. Carson; who clearly lacks the qualifications necessary for the job he seeks  Several others, who were struggling, like Carson, have dropped out already. Only the most determined, and most flawed candidates remain in the Race, along with Kasich!  

On the Democrat side of this campaign season, Hillary Clinton is locked in combat with Senator Bernie Sanders. The character of their campaigns are EXTREMELY different from those of the Republican Candidates!  The petty rancor is absent.

The Three-ring Circus of TRUMP, RUBIO and TRUMP dominate the Media, and most of the public's attention.  The Sane Voice of Kasich is drowned out!  The dynamics seems to line up as follows:  Rubio has to Stop Cruz, if he hopes to get a chance to Stop Trump!  The wreckage from this three-way-wrangle may be so great, that no matter which one of them is left standing; he will be too damaged to win the General Election!

Stay Vigilant!  Try to hear Kasich over the DIN and the Mud-slinging.  If you succeed, I thinkyou might find him the best voice, with the best qualifications, for the job!!   Beware: the MEDIA will do just about anything; to prevent Sanity from having a hearing!  There is too much money in the streets for the MEDIA to slow down their brawl for its share!

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

TRUMP: "Fooling" ALL the people? ALL the time?? ... (til' November)???

Let's PRAY ,,, NOT!!

Rolling Stone Magazine singles-out "Redneck-Riviera-Joe" and his "mousey" sidekick, on MSNBC 
for their, obvious to those not "hooked", SUPPORT, and cozy relationship with "The "Donald".

The Internet is filing with anti-Trump hashtags.  Republicans, nervous about being "overrun" by TRUMP and his MEDIA supporters (Rubio has started using them).

Raintree County, is a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift.  It was released the year I finished High School (1957).  The film has "haunted me" for more than 50 years.  I watched it again, last night, and realized why.  It was set in the year that Fort Sumpter was fired upon, signalling the start of our Civil War!  The parallels to what this Nation is going through today, are unsettling

Stay Vigilant!  When asked repeatedly this morning on CNN for a response to David Duke's "backing" for  him, TRUMP claimed to know NOTHING of David Duke, or, about White Supremacy!!  Either TRUMP is "lying through his teeth"; or, he's unfit for election to Government; at any level!!

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

ADDICTION: the PRICE (whites) PAY; for "Privilege"??

OIL trade, DRUG  trade, SEX trade: for exploding GLOBAL "Markets"!!

If you watch the new ABC TV Series;  American Crime; or, Frontline's "Chasing Heroin" (2/23/16, on PBS); you will see the "sheet" ripped off white America's dirty secret:  Drug Addicition has become an Epidemic, inside upscale white Homes, Schools, and Neighborhoods.  This may be the reason TRUMP talks "gibberish" to his Voters -- they have "fried minds"!!

The British, in the late 1700s tapped into the Opium Trade to China.  We are told it took a very long time for China to overcome the effects.

Because the addicts are white, mostly, and privileged, COPS become Social Workers to these drug users and sellers.  They are treated like patients, rather than criminals,  as Cops view people who are Black or Brown!  Meanwhile, wealthy white families suffer; as siblings, parents, and children, and continue to die from drug-induced suicides, or overdoses.  

Doctors in the US learned, more than 50 years ago (with Darvon) that pain sufferers (mostly women), from psychic and emotional pain, could be "managed" with a long, and growing, list of "opioids".  The door was opened, then, to the stories. like those told by Frontline.

Stay Vigilant!  Cell-phones, and other current technology come to this situation, like gasoline to a fire -- especially among children between the ages of 6 and 16!  Wealthy White Parents have lived in Denial of this, as they always have, with Racism! They raise their children in the midst of growing evidence of the interrelationship of the Racism and the War on Drugs.  By continuing their decades-old practice of "pushing pretty lies" to their voters, Politicians have made most Voters "complicit" in the horrors they live.  This is not imagined fear; like the fear of Mexicans, that Trump likes to stir-up!  This Horror is Present, and Real for the numbers of Americans that are growing by epidemic proportions!

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Friday, February 26, 2016

BUBBA's: THIS ain't-no "MOVIE"!!

You will NOT "wake-up"; SAFE (this time)!!

TRUMP appears ready to "run the sewer" on Tuesday (March 1, 2016).  Called Super Tuesday; that is the day Our "Sewer-Line", (it runs from Charleston, SC, to El Paso, TX), goes to the POLLS.

Take a look at the latest Barrons: and their analyses of what lies ahead for our economy: they plot our last Recessions:
1973-5  NIXON (Republican)
1981-3  REAGAN (Republican)
1990-92  BUSH - I (Republican)
2002-3 DickandDubya (Republicans)

2008 - The GREAT Recession -Dickand Dubya (Republicans)

President Obama (Democrat) has been toiling steadily, since 2008 to haul our asses OUT of the Great Recession!  It appears, from today's numbers, he's "gonna-make-it"; DESPITE every ounce of Crap the Republicans could throw at him along the way!   Republicans have been living off of their "Blame it on N**rs* Strategy; ever-since Nixon invented it for them in 1972.  Lee Atwater picked up the theme and used it to get Reagan elected -twice!  Roger Ailes and Karl Rove assumed the role after Atwater died, and it has succeeded until today (Willie Horton, Welfare Queens, Butterfy Ballots).  Clinton copied the theme with "Sista-Soulja"!!  Black Women, ever the sucker for a sweet-talkin white male; love him, (and Hillary), just the same!  Nixon invented this strategy for the Sewer States!

Stay Vigilant!  Why, then, is a large contingent of Whites (and, God knows, how many more there are, "submerged" beyond the reach of Polls) even considering  an option to vote for another Republican??  The answer lies back before the birth of Christ!  Montesquieu tells us the Europeans caught this disease from the Egyptians!!

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

TRUMP: like the DOG that "Caught" the CAR??

NOW; what??

With the fate of the Repoobs (what's left of the old GOP), firmly clenched between his teeth; "The Donald" now has to get busy crafting a "Plan B"??  Incidentally, TRUMP is in a position to destroy the Two-Party System; upon which, the Founders built our Republic!  I don't think "The Donald"; admittedly, the "craftiest" Bulb -- but NOT the "brightest" Bulb within his entourage; expected this to happen!.  Entourage??  Are you among those stupid enough to believe that TRUMP has no "Backers"??  (I've got a Bridge, left behind by Christy, for sale)!!

Back to the Dogs:  The Repoobs in our Congress are hunkering down in their "Alamo", the HOUSE, and, their "Outback", the SENATE, where their beady-eyed Kl eagle reigns!  They're hiding behind their Chihuahua from Miami, who is "scared-to-death" of TRUMP.  They're digging "foxholes" inside the HOUSE, in preparation for a a battle-royal to stop President Obama from steam-rolling them with his Nominee for our Supreme Court!

TRUMP has to "take out" CRUZ; the wanna-be German Shepard from TEXAS.  He has to do that in Texas, however.  Will Trump  be able to do it, playing his DIVIDE; between Mexicans and Cubans?  That card may be held firmly by CRUZ, and his "foaming" white Cracker-Backers, in Texas.  We'll see!

TRUMP is clearly doing the rest of us a great favor by, naming his "Collaborators" (he "likes" Putin and Icahn, so far)!  He is also coaxing out into the open all of those most Evil, and Most Hate-filled, and Most Racist Whites, within our Population.  No longer held in check by "Political Correctness"; that lot is "letting it all hang out"!!  Same goes for TRUMP's Backers in our MEDIA, who show us that it is as easy to Corrupt our Elections as it has been to Corrupt our Judicial Processes!

Stay Vigilant!  Google the term" "Reactionary"!!  You will find a definition for both TRUMP and PUTIN; Putin promises the Russians he can "bring back" the Soviet Union; and TRUMP promises his Cracker-Followers he can "bring back" the antebellum South!!  Here comes THE NEXT AMERICA -- ready or NOT!!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

BLACKS: "economics" and FREEDOM ??

JIM CROW "Banking"??

My Grandfather's Generation (late 1870's - late 1950's) spanned a period in the United States that stretched from the collapse of the "Freedman's Bank", in 1874, past the SCOTUS ruling to Integrate Public Schools, in 1954, Gram'pa's Generation continued the frugality of the Freed Slaves, and built businesses.

Gram'pa's sister and her husband, Dr. Bridgewater, were key players in the "Black Wall Street" phenomenon in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1920's.   Their economic community was destroyed by a  Pogram of Poor Whites, who slashed and burned and stole their assets -- you can Google it by the misnomer of "Tulsa Riots" .  In Grampa's case, the white Bankers confiscated, at will, money from his Bank Accounts.  

Jim Crow Banking of the sort Gram' Pa had to put up with, STILL EXISTS, and, is "shadowed" today by Shadow Banking?

Throughout my lifetime, I always wondered two things:  why basic money-management, such as checkbook-balancing, was rarely taught in our Public Schools; and, why Banks were allowed to TAKE money (deposits) from Poor and Non-white Citizens;  yet, almost NEVER loan them a dime!!

In this Digital Age, Banks have the computing power to know exactly where equity lies inside assets held by the Poor, and Non-whites; and to engineer "Scams" like the Mortgage Loan Caper, that helped to Tank our Economy in 2008!  

Then, there are the Hedge Funds, which, purportedly finance small, start-up businesses.  Hedge Money grew rapidly under the Q/E strategies of our Federal Reserve System.  It befitted those Whites who were Not Poor; yet, almost NO BLACKS, or, non-Whites!  Arguments that these Funds benefited "Communities", instead; take advantage of the MYTH that "Black Communities" continued after "Integration" started in the 1970s!! A Community exists, only where an identifiable, viable, ECONOMY exists!  You can't find many of those in the United States where Blacks and Poor People, of all colors, live!

Stay Vigilant!  Data is recently available on the DIVIDE in America that is currently benefiting the Campaigns of TRUMP, RUBIO, CRUZ and the "also-rans" among Repoobs.  Blacks must realize that they will NOT achieve any meaningful goals without understanding basic ECONOMICS much better than they do!  Then, they have to find ways to build meaningful, and viable COMMUNITY! Blacks have over-relied on the Church! 

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Monday, February 22, 2016

APPLE: "pinned", between "Killer" COPS, and "sleazy" POLITICIANS ??

Our PUBLIC SAFETY "Conundrum"??

We saw, and heard it in Greater Boston, when an "army" of Cops "unloaded" on the Boy in the Boat -- they missed!!  We saw and heard it again, when an "army" of  Cops unloaded on a husband and wife in a car, near San Bernadino -- they didn't miss!  Our Police Forces, "over-armed", and lacking in brain power; are clearly NOT up to the task of protecting the Public from the Threats we face, both foreign and domestic.  We can't TRAIN our way out of this!  We need to clean "House", wholesale, all over this Country, within our Police Forces, and in the type of "Leadership" we Elect to Public Office!!

Now comes a sleazy Politician (a Rubio backer), seeking to "capitalize" on  the fact that the only people who could have answered the questions that our Law Enforcers can't, using available Laws and technology, was KILLED by the meat-heads we choose to Police us!  The Politicians, realizing the the Public is too stupid to know that it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to provide us with adequate LAWS to govern our lives and our Country; take to the stage and our MEDIA, twisting the situation so that they can, once again, turn Apple's plight into another "Get Obama" campaign!  Republican Politicians have moaned that they could govern us competently, if only they had MAJORITIES in both Houses of Congress!!  Well, Klansmen, What's your Damn Excuse, NOW??

This is serious stuff, folk.  In the 1998 film: "The Siege" starring Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis, Hollywood placed this conundrum before us, in a fictionalized "take-over" of New York City.
The issue cropped up again following 9/11.  We got a glimpse of what DickandDubya thought was
the answer, in Abu Ghraib??  Now, the question returns, threatening the future of a major Wall Street Firm.

The problem is that our Laws have not kept pace with the threats we face, both foreign and domestic.  Yet we tolerate Lawmakers (Legislators) at all Levels of Government, who perform in a manner that progressively leaves us NAKED!  Instead of playing Election Politics, our sleazy Politicians should work with those few we have, who have the integrity and brain-power we need SOLVE our Problems!!

Stay Vigilant!  If we continue down the road we're on; and continue to elect the sleaziest of Politicians to lead us; we will watch our Nation go "down the tubes";  losing any chance, of becoming GREAT!!

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

TRUMP "Inciting" a MOB ??

Resonating with our ROOTS??

The Voters in Senator Graham's "HELL Hole" spoke last night, loudly, and clearly!  They kicked Jeb (and the Bushes?) "to the curb", and erected Dylaan Roof as their "Poster Child"; to replace their "removed" Stars and Bars!  Gram'pa was "right-on", 65 years ago, when he explained their Social Contract in this Country. Under it, Poor Whites could "control" Non-whites in any they chose:  expropriate their Lives, their Livelihood, and their Properties; with no accountability -- so long as they Protected the Wealth of Rich Whites!  That long-standing Contract, drawn up during the implementation of JIM CROW, was "broken", when Poor Whites were thrown "under the bus" by an Unholy Alliance between Politicians and Lobbyists in Washington.  TRUMP is calling on the Crackers to "get even"!!  You can bet Dylaan will never see a day of punishment for what he did "In Church", in Charleston!

Our ROOTS rest on a triangular foundation that is formed by Slavery. Genocide, and Big (white) Money!  Genocide gave Whites the Land they coveted; Slavery (and Jim Crow; slavery- revised) provided them unlimited cheap labor, permitting the Wealthy (male, white, WASP) to Rule!  Today, they're known as "The Establishment".

The Religious Right spoke, during our last great period of social stress, rooted in Immigration, to give us "Bootlegging" (Volstead Act).  "Bootlegging" increased the power of MOBS that operated in our major cities.  "Crime Fighters" arose, resulting in J.Edgar Hoover, as "prime"!  The "line" was soon crossed between the "Criminals" and the "Crime-Fighter"; and that led to Lobbying as we know it in Washington, today.  Meanwhile, back in the Cities, the Cops realized they were in the "Cat-Bird Seat"!  They had the Guns, and, they enjoyed the status of being "Above the Law"!  The FBI provided them "cover" and the favor was returned.  Today, we see Police Forces exerting their Power over Elected Officials, and looting the Treasuries of Towns and Cities, through lucrative "early" retirements, all over this Nation.  They quite readily "get away" with their dirty deeds, that are now more open and brazen.

Into this Toxic Stew marches TRUMP, and CRUZ, and the criminally-ambitious RUBIO.  Get the Picture??  Having "knifed" Jeb, successfully, we now wait to see if the "Chihuahua" will take on TRUMP!  All of this is presented to us, courtesy of our Venal MEDIA,  full of "under-cover" Bigots, who operate without challenge for their transgressions against the Public!  Either Huey Long, William Jennings Bryan, or "Adolph" could easily have succeeded in their endeavors, given the "gifts" MEDIA has provided to this "Cuban Sandwich" sitting before us!

Stay Vigilant!  The Game still has time to Run!  The "wool" may yet fall from the eyes of White Voters!  They may see that the Terror at Home, is more real, and much more likely to destroy them and their world!  Read what Harry Truman had to say about Lynch Mobs -- and WHAT HE DID!!

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Saturday, February 20, 2016

The "Passing" of the JUDGE ...

What doe it all "mean"??
As the Casket rolled away from the Basilica this morning; following a Funeral Mass presided over by a Priest who is a cherub-faced Son of the dead JUDGE; we're all left to contemplate what lies ahead for us!!  This "Passing" is a matter of huge significance for the Nation, and the World!  It came "too soon" (he was only 79 years "young); it caught the World, by "surprise"!  One week after the death; its meaning is just beginning to dawn on us.

Given to us, in 1986, by President Reagan, for the purpose, do doubt, of fashioning a Judiciary Complement to "White Backlash"; Judge Scalia's task was aided by Daddy Bush when he appointed Clarence Thomas, in 1991, as Scalia's "help-mate".  The two of them set about "hastening" the departure of Justices O'Connor, and Rehnquist, to provide for a "solid core" of Justices of their ilk, on the Court.  "Dubya Bush" accomplished that, with his insertion of Roberts and Alito.  Just as they were warming up their Act; rolling-back "Justice" for Non-whites and the Poor, God-Almighty "struck-down" Scalia!  Could this be some sort of SIGN; of the end of a 30-year Movement in this Country??

During that time, Senators like Orrin Hatch labored studiously to pack Benches at all levels in our Judicial System with "Backward-Looking" Judges.  It has resulted in our "School-to-Jail" Prison Industry that has enriched Wall Street, while enslaving Poor, Black, and Brown "inmates".  One of them was released this morning after spending more than three decades in Solitary Confinement!  Will we finally escape the "Cold Dead Hands" of Ronald Reagan??  Not if any Republican gets elected to the Presidency in 2016!!  The increasing and encroaching "slavery" pressed upon us by BIG MONEY will continue!  None of can "exhale", as it is, due to the mad scramble to earn enough money to put food on the table!

Meanwhile, the death of TRUST; in our Society, our Economy, and our Lives, began with Reagan, and, has moved to a point, today, where Relationships of all types (professional and personal; economic and social), have become weakened and/or destroyed.  Policing has become divorced from Executive Power at all levels of Government.  NO ONE may remain SAFE!!

Stay Vigilant!  The up-coming Election can "Seal-the-Deal" for the Reactionaries being offered to us by the Republican Party.  They come in several flavors: "Conquistadores", "Inquisitors", or, cross-dressed as a "Youthful-Muti-cultural-Moderate" -- on the RIGHT; and: "Gender-flavored Bureaucracy", or "real Economic Revolution" on the LEFT.  TOUGH CHOICES??  Maybe for You; but I think the decision will be made by Voters below the age of 40??
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Friday, February 19, 2016

"Wherefore"(?) ... the SOULS of "White-Folks" ??

TRUMP "takes-on" POPE-TOO !!

Going "out-of-his-way" to find OFFENSE, at a comment made by Pope Francis during his visit to Mexico; TRUMP seized on an opportunity to get a rise from his curious "followers".  It should be obvious to everyone, by now, that TRUMP and the rest of the Repoobs, are courting the White Vote! -- ONLY!!
The Harder Right, and those most Vicious against Non-Whites they are red meat for them!  What's a "Good-White" to do??  The Pope says he meant "no offense", but the MOB that supports, what passes for Republicans these days (Kasich, and his followers; excepted). seems somehow "liberated" to speak openly before the Media; just like the followers of Bull Connor and George Wallace, a half-century back.

Has the 500-year, carefully-nurtured, image of the "Generous, Religious, All-Caring" White; who rules over a wayward and trifling Non-White portion of our Nation;  yet keeps them in perpetual servitude, gone permanently "awry"??  What happened to the "White Hats"??

A close look at the followers of Trump, versus Cruz; versus Rubio; versus Jeb Bush; shows distinct differences among them.  They all, except for Kasich, acquiesced in Trump's affront to the Pope.  Could it be that the only "Good" Catholic, for them, today, is one who Oppresses Non-Whites?  Do they prefer the Conquistador and the Inquisitor to all other kinds of Catholics?
Their knee-jerk support for Maiming and Murdering Cops would indicate that they do.  A careful look back to 1973; and to Nixon, and  SamYorty; both from Southern California, we see a trail of Blood and Mayhem that stretches forward through Rodney King, and  O.J.; and, we see "Leaders" like Reagan, and the Bushes keeping that Mind-Set alive,  From Dary Gates and his Cops "flippin' the Bird" at Mayor Bradley, to the Death-by-Cop Plague we see on our City Streets today, the attitudes of the White Right have grown more vicious.  This has become like a Religion to those in, what passes for the Republican Party today.

Where do those whites who are not so "Hard-Over" turn with their Votes?  How many "variants" are there among them?  Does Protestant vs. Catholic register?  What about Urban versus Rural?
Or, Deep-South vs. Newly RED? (mountain-West).  Does Texas, Rural Arizona and Southern California make up a distinct portion?

Stay Vigilant:  There are even "Liberal Whites" who lean to Trump.  Followers of Talk Jocks like Stern, Limbaugh, Imus, and Morning Joe; all appear to form some Red-Neck Faction.  So far, TRUMP seems best at attracting all of these White-Splinters.  Strangely, Kasich, the only Human-Being in the bunch, is ignored, while Haley of South Carolina is cross-dressing Rubio as some kind of "Moderate"!  We ALL may be ready for the "Booby-Hatch" before all of this ends!  The real Question:  Where does all this lead the United States??

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What ASSAD "Represents" ??

for those still "Confused" ??

When a "Leader" wantonly slaughters, his "Own People"; or acts in ways that will knowingly destroy their lives or livelihood; he: 

"Gives the LIE" to his own Religion; to any claims of personal Morality;  and, to any claim to Superiority, Exceptionalism, or, even HUMANITY!

He, or She, seeks POWER for its own sake!

Stay Vigilant!  A number of individuals are active, across our Planet today, in plain sight; who aspire to this status.!  Some of them seek the Presidency of the United States, in 2016.  No one; who remains "confused" in the face of this, can claim to be "rational" , or, informed!!  The same goes for their Supporters, and for those who seek to profit from these activities.

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TRUMP n' SANDERS: "Embryo's" ?? ...

... or, "Incubators" for the NEXT AMERICA??

Let's go back to Chicago, 1968, where Mayor Daley, having thrown his considerable "clout" behind John Kennedy's nomination for President, in 1960, finds himself in the streets with his Gestapo Police Force, "crak'n the heads" of White Kids!!  THAT, in my estimation, signaled the slow demise of Political Parties, as we knew them then.  Television, in 1960, by showing the Debates between Kennedy and Nixon, delivered the first blow against the immense power of "Ward-Healing Political Parties",  In 1973, Nixon, (who lost that first-Televised Debate); by seeking to take Racial advantage of Johnson-Era Failures, cast the Fate of the Republican Party with those Crackers leading the "Backlash" to Integration.  The rest, as they say, is HISTORY!!

After  those past  48 years, we now find Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emmanuel, struggling for his political life, and, saddled with those same Gestapo Police!  Those Cops highlight the POWER of Race and Ethnicity as bases for Political Power!   The sad truth is, that NEITHER PARTY can deliver what the Voting Public want, anymore!

Both TRUMP, and SANDERS, know this!  TRUMP clearly seeks the demise of BOTH, the Democratic and Republican Parties; and is well on his way to succeeding, with the help of Race-baiting Crackers; in the South by Southwest Corridor of our Nation, and, the RED States they have "flipped" by virtue of their "Backlash Wars".

Not unlike our Economy, where the OLD Job structure has been dead for decades, and the NEW Job structure has yet to form; the Democrat and Republican Parties are IMPOTENT to address the real desires of the Voting Public in 2016!

Beady-Eyed Mitch, who runs our Senate, obviously had planned a series of  "Shocks" from our SCOTUS, compliments of the Scalia/Thomas Syndicate, that would insure a WIN in 2016 for the Republicans.  Those "Shocks" may now be buried in the casket, along with Scalia!  Poor Clarence Thomas is left to "drift" on the Court, until someone else (Alito?) "employs" him!

Stay Vigilant!  Those Whites who are Sick of Race Politics, and realize that Whites will have to learn how to live in a World where they no longer hold "coercive sway" over the Planet's Non-whites; will drift toward Sanders;  the remainder will fight their "Alamo" to some bitter end, behind TRUMP!  (Polls now show that the Establishment is DEAD. or Dying, in Both Parties).  The Religious Wing Nuts; who have been the Drivers of "Backlash", since the early 1970s, and the RED Movement across the Country, will cling to CRUZ, who blatantly uses them to recognize his DREAM of becoming a 21st Century Dictator??

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

SCALIA: what BLACKS (n' Browns n' "Off"-Whites) MUST "Understand"

Don't be "Confused" !!

In his 2003 book: WHITE nationalism/BLACK interests;   Ronald W. Walters describes a White Nationalism Movement , begun by Ronald Reagan.  I believe, and my career experiences have shown, that our Nation has become caught in a Subliminal Civil War, since that time.  Blacks, in what became the United States of America,  have "survived" the worst form of Slavery known to Mankind; for almost 400 years, by NOT "misunderstanding" the Cracker Mind!  With the advent of Television, and the "Cartoon-ization" of all "education"; that task has become immensely difficult to achieve.  That is why Blacks, with measurably improved "education" fare, at this task, far worse than their ancestors.  The lives of their children show this; far all, who will look closely, to see!  The "Baby-Momma Factories" in our inner cities, eerily resemble the slave-breeding quarters described by Frederick Douglass!    

Since the beginning of Reagan's White-Nationalist Movement, and his placement of Scalia on our Supreme Court; the White-Right has seriously "fumbled the ball", several times (2000, 2001, 2008, 2012; and, now, with Scalia's Death, theyseem to have have "fumbled" at "first-and-goal", in their long travail.  Sanders and TRUMP are on the scene, and can benefit from this!

The first Slave Ship arrived on these shores, one year before the Mayflower.  The Mayflower bore on-board, Whites fleeing from the excesses of Catholicism in Europe.  This Nation's Founders made sure that Protestant Christians (White, and Male, and Rich) were to Rule, here.  Catholic Interests were never seriously contemplated, until Kennedy won the Presidency in 1960.  All Hell has broken loose since!!  Reagan was prompted to "Call in the White Cavalry"!  He did so by opening our Doors to the Vatican!  He also joined the Vatican in prosecuting Wars against "Liberation" Theologies in Latin and Central America.  Too many Blacks today believe that GOD is White, and Male, and European!!  They forget that our Declaration of Independence places "Life", before "Liberty"!!

Racism in the Americas, as the world has come to know it; is a "Catholic" Original!  Scalia, a devout Catholic, brought his deep-seated biases against persons of color to his job.  His pronouncements from the Bench have made that clear.  He and his lackey, Justice Thomas (Daddy-Bush handiwork), teamed up to drive Justice O'Connor off the Court.  Both Scalia and Thomas became unabashed adherents to the Tea Party!

Stay Vigilant!  All Voters in 2016, must realize they are in the terminal grips of this Movement!!  When under severe stress (2001, and, with Scalia's Death), the Movement Leaders attack the Constitution!  (they view it as some sort of "suicide pact", apparently).  McConnell, the Movement's present Grand Kl eagle(?) will stifle the Founders imprimatur, by openly defying the dictates of the Constitution; for filling Vacancies on our Supreme Court.  The Hyenas running on the Republican Ticket are cheering him on!  How Ironic(!?!)  Scalia's legacy is that of an "originalist" Justice -- one who strove to get inside the heads of the Founders who wrote our Constitution; even though; those Founders would never have embraced someone of his ethnic/racial background!

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Monday, February 15, 2016

SCALIA: a "TEACHING" Opportunity ??

Our NATION "on-the-edge" ??

Within moments after the news broke of Scalia's death; Repoob Candidates on stage in Saturday night's Debate, all pledged to replace Scalia!!  Any Fool should know; that can't be done!!

Why would the Voters, who can think for themselves, want Scalia replaced??  His death brings to an abrupt end, 30 years of Supreme Court EXCESS, unlike any seen for more than 100 years!  It has brought our Nation to the edge of a Constitutional Crisis, in which all three Branches of our Federal Government are seriously weakened at the same time!  Just about all of this is the handiwork of the Republican Party!

Do we want another citizens united?  How about bush v. gore?? The legal sanction of torture? Our prison industry for black and brown youth??
The intervention of a Florida Supreme Court Ruling??  The Florida Vote Recount?  The Clinton Impeachment?  Did Scalia and his "yes-man", Thomas drive O'Connor, the first female on the Court, into early retirement?  What really happened to Rehnquist??

Stay Vigilant!  HIT THE BOOKS!  Don't let this Cartoon, disguised as a Presidential Primary, lull you to complacency.  That's how they've won, so far, incidentally  --  we can't seem to see the serious threats underlying the "entertainment".  We can't afford to get this WRONG (again)!!

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

America's "BLACK SWAN" (arrives for Valentine's Day)??

Where Tragedy meets Intrigue(??)

Shocking News arrives, overnight, of the tragic death of Justice Antonin Scalia, member of the SCOTUS!

A "Tea Party" Friend, along with his lackey, Justice Thomas, Scalia was the mainstay of the Extreme Right's anarchic drive to take control of the United States Government.  The Movement, he is associated with, traces back almost 4 decades to Ronald Reagan, who appointed him; and "Daddy" Bush; who appointed Clarence Thomas.  The Movement is also traceable to the Heritage Foundation, where former Senator, DeMint, from South Carolina, now "pulls its strings".

A Black Swan:; is an EVENT, described in Economic Theory, that has major impact and is almost always misunderstood, and misinterpreted when it occurs.  Thankfully, our Markets were closed, and the SCOTUS is out of Season, when this Event occurred.  Scalia's Death throws the proverbial "monkey wrench" into the long-laid plans of Mitch McConnell, who leads the Senate; that must Ratify any Nomination the President makes; and, as evidenced by last nights Repoob Debate in South Carolina; it scrambles the campaign strategies of all of the Repoob Candidates, as they engage in what has been a deliberate weakening of our Country, and its Economy!!  McConnell announced their strategy almost eight years ago, when the Repoobs learned that President Obama was elected:  oppose everything and anything he does in office!!  Do anything that will prevent him from doing his Job!

Repoobs left Obama a ruined Economy; as they were kicked out in 2008.  They have consistently engaged in acts, often bordering on Treason, to pursue what can now be clearly seen as stealthy, slow-moving, Anarchy!  The last time our Country faced such organized revolt, the insurrectionists lost to President Lincoln.  Determined to not make the same mistake this time, Repoobs have deliberately spread the RED, to Dis-Unite as much of this Country as they could.  Any Fool can see how weak we have become as a result!

Stay Vigilant!  DO NOT confuse what you see on the RIGHT, with its opposition on the LEFT!!  Democrats are fighting to keep our Country UNITED!!  Republicans are NOT!!  We can now look forward to a Political Battle in this Country; like none seen, for more than 150 years!!  At the same time, President Obama must succeed in helping NATO stave-off Putin!

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

BLACKS: "EMINENT" domain ??

the BIBLE bade: "Render Unto Caesar" (??)

If Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia, is correct in his musings over a return to the Cold War; ;
this, time we will find the RED in "Amerika" on the RIGHT side of our Politics.  J. Edgar Hoover, and his ilk, saw it on the LEFT, in the faces of BLACK People.  They thought that any Black who would "think for himself", as Malcolm urged; would have to be Communist!  He ran the FBI that way; and, got involved in the fate of Martin Luther King, for that reason.  We must not overlook the fact that he and LBJ were "close"!

Medvedev is fretting over the events in Syria, and the outcome for OIL; of course!  Putin's "pincers" against Europe: Syria on one side  -- Ukraine on the other -- must not be turning out as he hoped??

In our Sewer States; TRUMP goes to "knuckle-junction" against CRUZ for the Cracker Vote.  TRUMP preaches to all of his followers, his  virtues of Eminent Domain!  Ferguson reasserts it's Eminent Domain by ratting-out on its Deal with the Department of Justice.  Missouri's "Domain"  is asserted over that of the American People??  That's "Bundy" thinking!

Eminent Domain holds that; when all else goes to HELL, all Human and Material Properties revert to control by the State.!  Kids without Parents, and, Property that is not "passed down" in compliance with the LAW; are some examples.  To most people, that means the "Guv a mnt";   but that's Not so, for the RIGHT WING NUTS.  For them;  The STATE is where their "Guv'na" rules; NOT the place where the President, or, our Federal Government, holds sway!  Slick Politicians have always known how to create HELL for Blacks and the Poor, whenever it serves their "interests", and/or, those of their "contributors".

Stay Vigilant!  As "Government" weakens in Mexico; Pope-Too comes to visit.  Before the Revolutions, the Catholic Church, in essence,  "Governed" Mexico!   Blacks have been "governed", since JIM CROW,  through their Preachers, who intercede on behalf of white Governors and Presidents.  We've evolved to "Flint" and "Chiraq", as a result??

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Why are TRUMP and the REPOOBs "hate- n' - On" MEXICO (so much)??

we can only Speculate ...?

We can, however, employ "informed" speculation!!  Twice: in its short History, Independent Mexico has experienced Revolution!  Their first one, ending in 1821, ABOLISHED SLAVERY -- 44 Years before the United States!!  In 1844, the United States, with highly questionable "Justification"; INVADED Mexico (some think Dick-n'-Dubya patterned  their Iraq-Caper on these actions of President Polk).

A better speculation would be that our Leaders, in both instances, thought they had an "easy mark"??

Mexico is really a very beautiful and peaceful place, once you get past their "Government(s) --( there are 31 States  and one Federal District:  (weakness and corruption are systemic); you can see the "hand" of the United States and various European Governments, in their troubled history.  Their people live too far from each other, and their Leaders live to close to the United States, and, do the "bidding" of U.S. interests.  Read the History!  You can start with Bernard De Voto's  The Year of Decision 1846.  Do this before you VOTE in 2016??  Pay particular attention to the back-room dealing between Polk's Administration and Santa Ana.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be surprised, to discover the true logic behind Trump's Make America Great -- Again??  The Old TV HOST may be looking for a "Come-back" --, on a Grander Stage"??  Don't fall for the old "Corruption and Drugs"  Argument, either:  that's like blaming  young Black and Brown inmates in our Prisons for all of the Guns and Drugs that are shipped into our Cities and Small Towns by Big Money Interests!!   Mordita is a delusion of grandeur , existing among the poor and dispossessed (in both countries) -- but they did NOT create corruption; any more than they PROFIT from it!!  Republicans have made the Cubans in our Country, distinct; in their special immunity from our Immigration Laws.  Should we be surprised how readily the Repoobs use them  against the MEXICANS??

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What "Happened" to HILLARY??



While nobody was lookin'; Hillary's "window" to win as first woman President; "opened, and closed"??

I've always thought that happened when Barack Obama gave his "keynote speech", during the 2004 Democratic Convention.

Stay Vigilant:  It ain't funny ... how TIME works its magic!!  Remember, it was the Fifteenth Amendment to our Constitution, that gave Black MEN, the Right to Vote.  Thanks to JIM CROW, that was delayed for 100 years!

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THE OWL "Knew" !!


One month, and two days after TRUMP threw his "hair-doo" into our RACE for the Presidency, THE OWL "Saw" "BERNIE" (check out my BLOG: Why NOT!; Bernie SANDERS??, July 28, 2015).

A few days back, THE OWL "Saw" Kasich ; emerging from the pack, in New Hampshire!  If I were you, I'd take his advice:  "get a Seat-Belt" for this Ride!!

Gram'Pa was right, in the 1950s, when he described for me the interaction of Economics, Social Taboos, and Religion; the "gears" of Racism in America.  Thanks to Trump and Kasich, his entire lesson will be made plain to the World; as the 2016 Presidential Campaigns swing back South-by Southwest; through our SEWER region -- home of our "Original Sin".   South Carolina is its "Capitol", but the entire State of Texas has been its "engine" for decades!  Gram'Pa was also right in his descriptions of differences between Northern Racists and Southern Racists.  In the more-than 60 years since, our Racism-Processes have matured;  to include a significant number of Black and Brown "Conservative" Sycophants!   They serve as "accomplices" to the system; now in design stages, to replace JIM CROW.

Stay Vigilant!  Young, white, women are more "savvy" than the Blacks who have become seduced by Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, and "Bubba" Clinton.  Their "Fix" for the Civil Rights Era, has worn thin, and, will continue to wear off!!  Have young white females opted for "The Hunger Games"??

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

a "DYLAANESQUE" "Future" for White Supremacy in "America"

Will "White Supremacy" VOTE in NH??

TRUMP, and his Cuban-lineage  fellow-candidates, surely HOPE they do!  Marco is "shocked" that President Obama has been trying to "CHANGE" America!  Where was he in 2008??  What other "messages" did Rubio "not get"??

When Republicans speak of  "Americans"; they're only talking about the WHITE ones!  No one can deny THAT, after these past several months of  MEDIA-driven Mania!  A new FACE for White Supremacy is emerging -- that of Dylaan Roof!  Set aside the images of the murdering cops in Ferguson, NYC, Baltimore, and, the other one, caught on video in Charleston, SC!!  The image of a baby-faced child, slaughtering harmless, old Blacks in Church, speaks volumes regarding the preoccupation of White America, and its never-ending ability to produce successive generations of more Terrorizing Killers.  Old-fashioned Lynching has been replaced by gun-wielding, YOUNG, white males!  They have all been swept, immediately, into a 21st-Century White- Legal-Protection System.  The White MEDIA dutifully erases all memories of their deeds, as quickly as possible!  Welcome to our 21st Century "Dylaan-World"??

Will Non-whites remain helpless in the face of all of this?  Maybe not -- a close look at what is building in Hawaii could be a case-in-point!  After more than a century of vicious attempts to eradicate all trace of Indigenous Hawaiian Culture, Native Hawaiians are gaining ground in their efforts to RESTORE all images the Whites have worked so hard to destroy.  The pattern is very clear after more than 500 years in the Americas; destroy the People; destroy their History; Eradicate or "shape" any remaining images of all Non-whites.  Hollywood has, in many ways, led this movement.  We don't have to let Whites continue to control and define our IDENTITY!!

Straight Outta Compton exposes the roots of Rap and Hip-Hop, circa 1988.  Those were the days of the Daryl Gates' LAPD.  I owned property in San Pedro, down by the LA Harbor, at that time.  That was before the Rodney King Incident!  After the cops involved won acquittal in their Simi Valley Trial, it appears the entire Nation turned toward a style of oppressive, and now, murderous, policing of Black and Brown males.
Compared to this history, Bull Connor and his Police Dogs, seem "tame"??

Stay Vigilant!  Latin American citizens are taking on their Corrupt Leaders, according to the current issue of Americas Quarterly.  U.S. Citizens could do the same, were they not so blinded by their Color Racism, and the elaborate means by which they perpetuate and extend it!  How deep a hole does White America intend to dig?

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Monday, February 8, 2016

NH: the "Stickiest-Wicket"??

For the OLDER Voters in NH
If you played Croquet, as I did in my early youth; you might remember those "double wickets" at the beginning, the middle, and the end of the game.  Those were the "sticky" parts of the game, and you needed every trick in your book to negotiate them successfully.  NH voters will have to draw on those old skills, as you vote tomorrow.  The NH voter has to SAVE the NATION from the Crap that has crawled out from the Repoob Sewer, to run for President of the United States, later this year.  Given the reports of drug-poisoning, so prevalent among New Hampshire citizens; we desperately need every SANE, and SOBER vote that can be found, to visit your POLLS tomorrow.

Less than an hour before it's Close, our Stock Market hovers, DOWN, around 400 points!!  Europe closed in even deeper "doo-doo", almost 4 hours ago.  It appears that the World of Finance is being "spooked" by the voters in New Hampshire and Iowa.  Our "Domestic Taliban" has a Candidate, who WON in Iowa!  Before John Boehner resigned as Speaker of the House, Ted Cruz, the Iowa-winner
managed to "cuckold" him in the House, by taking leadership over the "Crazy's" who drove him Out!  Why does it matter?  Because its is the House of Representatives that controls the PURSE, within the structure of our National Government.  House Members have leading control over the Fiscal Lever (TAX Law);   to manage our Economy.  If Cruz wins in November, the "Taliban-Wing" of the Republican Party will drag this nation back;  hundreds of years -- faster than anyone can "blink and eye"!

It was entertaining to watch  the Guv'na from NJ, play the "Gang'sta, as he tormented the "chihuahua" from Florida; but this is no time for "entertainment" !!  It's time to "get serious"!!  We've entered a zone wherein  White Supremacy can cost Everybody; a lot of Money!!  The Federal Reserve has done just about all it can with Monetary Levers to repair the damage the Repoobs did to our Economy in 2008!  Only FISCAL Levers can take us back to "normal".  The Republican House of Representatives continues to block all attempts to fix our Fiscal (Tax) Structure!  A candidate who can, and,  will  trigger a "massive dump" of House Seats, becomes essential -- on behalf of ALL OF US!!  The top three candidates who form the "Cuban Sandwich" (CRUZ-TRUMP-RUBIO) each, spell Disaster for our Economy!

Stay Vigilant!  Only one Repoob Candidate -- Kasich -- is sane, and powerful enough to dump the House Membership!  Whoever is the strongest candidate among the Democrat choices, MUST also be able to protect the Yield Curve for our Economy, by "Cleaning House"!!
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Sunday, February 7, 2016

what's so "TERRIBLE"; about, "Teddy" CRUZ ??

for Those Who (can/will) "SEE"??:

It was right before our eyes, in the "Debate", last night in New Hampshire!!  The BIG LIE, that kept growing, like Pinocchio's Nose!  It should come as no shock that "Politicians" Lie; but, the "way" they Lie, MATTERs!!  First ;Ted is distinctly "different" from the other Candidates on that Stage -- he is, clearl,y a highly intelligent, meticulously calculating, IDEOLOGUE, posing as a "Politician"!  All of his Senate Colleagues have been trying to tell us that.  Ted does NOTHING that is not carefully calculated (check out the painful way he performed the "Al Gore" kiss-your-wife stunt)!  The leaden foot-falls; the uncontrollable "thumping" of the podium when he speaks -- these are all "Tells" for the sharp-of-eye!  Ted is the kind of "Politician" the World saw, seventy-five years ago in Italy and Germany.  Should he ever get the POWER he seeks; we may NOT expect him to relinquish it; short of Death!  We don't need to head down that road, again!!

Carson was uncharacteristically combative last night; in the way he exposed Ted's LIE; settting Ted on a path that ultimately led to shifting the Blame for what happened onto CNN!  Like Trump, the other, most  "Beloved", by this year's Extreme Right Republicans; TED knows he can always use the MEDIA as his escape route, when cornered.  Carson was, characteristically, "self-effacing"; causing a "snafoo" during the Introduction Phase of the Debate.  He didn't even take-the-hint as Rubio, Jeb, and others, shoved past him to get before the crowd.  Poor "Uncle" Ben; what's a Black, Conservative, "Mollifier", to do??

Stay Vigilant!  CNN will not take Ted's LIE; "lying-down"; and neither should WE, the voting public!  Huge Mistakes, often can be avoided by heeding the "tiny-est" CLUEs.  DUMP CRUZ!!
TRUMP is a more/or less healthy "political" version of Bart Simpson, and,  Cruz is a "Malignant Version"??

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

NH "Upset"(??)

WHAT "IF"(??):

Enough New Hampshire Voters with "Common Sense'", show up and VOTE, three days from now, and, OHIO and FLORIDA (Kasich and Jeb) "steal the show"??  Wouldn't that be a "doozie"??  All of the other Republican "phoney balogney's"  woud get the BOOT!  What a "hoot" that would be.
That was my dream, last night.  Whatever strange power has protected this Nation; racist and murderous since it's founding, would, once again, show up at the last minute?

In case you missed it; Bloomberg will show you:  Momma Bush, at the age of 90, stooped over her walker, is shown trudging through a snow storm in New Hampshire; seeking votes for her baby boy!

In 2013, she said "we've had enough bushes"  In 2005, she told us what she (and "shoe-shopping":Condi, (??) thought about the Black Victims of Katrina:

But that was THEN, and, this is NOW!!  Do we need any more evidence that the Republican Party see's its very LIFE, "on the line", in New Hampshire?  Watch the last, Pre-NH,  Repoob Debate tonight; for clues!!

Stay Vigilant!  In this multi-sided "Death Struggle" between, and within, both of our Major Political Parties, WE ALL HAVE more at RISK, than our Greedy and Stupid MEDIA can grasp!  We, as a Nation, are far more VULNERABLE to Foreign Threats than we're being told!  What will it take
to blast these "Crazy Repoobs" our of their "Alamo"  mentality, and regain the use of our House of Representatives??

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Friday, February 5, 2016

Our FUTURE:: SHKRELI(?); or, trump(?); or CRUZ(?) OR: (SANDERS)(?) or HILLARY ??

"MONEY-boyz; Demagogues?? or, Pragmatists??

The peculiar "culling" that Iowa provides, is now clear. In four more days, we will suffer the "wisdom" of New Hampshire!  Already, the "field" has narrowed to Predatory "Investors", vs. a Demagogic "Lawyer" on the Political RIGHT -- and "Revolutionary" vs. "Pragmatic" ADULTS on the Political LEFT!  With the entire Planet going to HELL, both at Home, and Abroad, these choices are not at all comforting for Voters.  Those voters who lean to the Right, will be driven more by Ideology than by careful Thought!  Those who lean to the Left, will be driven more by their frustration with the Powers of the Super-Rich; and their steady loss of Control over their own Lives.

A quick look at the Republicans who control our House of Representatives will show that they think and act in "Lock-Step", driven by Ideology.  No Candidate focuses on New Infrastructure, to replace the Crumbling Infrastructure that is  choking our Nation.  Even in Healthcare, the single part of our Infrastructure that excites them, the Repoobs seek only to DESTROY the ACA (Affordable Care Act).  The RIGHT appears to be as bereft of Imagination, as they are over-wrought with Racial and Class Hatred!  No appeal to "Reason", on any level, penetrates their thick skulls.  They offer us a "Bundy-Land" FUTURE.  New Hampshire will not likely Change this ugly picture!

The Debate last night between Hillary and Sanders was so different from any of the Repoob Performances, that you can be excused for thinking they represent a different Country!!  Voters who have a reasonably-developed "world view", will undoubtedly lean AWAY from the Right-Wing Repoobs.  They, unlike the Repoobs, are NOT "suicidal"!!

Stay Vigilant!  The ultimate challenge for the Voter who seeks a safe, sane, and "workable" FUTURE for the USA, will be, almost certainly, to move away from the petty, immature, and hate-filled Republican Candidates!  Repoobs can't "see" or "understand" how their political stances FEED the world forces they fear most!  Assad-supporters followed their Greed-Instincts!  Look at what it "got" them!!

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"Uncle BUD" and the SUPER-BOWL!!

Virtual "Black Family"

I will watch the Super-Bowl, this year!  I look forward to watching it every year!  I almost NEVER watch Football, College, or Pro, at any other time of year.  Why?  "Uncle Bud" the God-Father for my children, taught me to watch the Super-Bowl!!.  You see, Uncle Bud was a Decorated, Retired, Full Colonel of the United States Army, who was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, in the U.S. Cavalry, at Fort Huachuca, AZ (where the USA "hid" its Black Military), in 1941.  We met Bud and his family, in 1962, when we were neighbors in Military Housing at Fort Meade, Maryland.  He was an Army Major, and I was an Air Force 2nd Lieutenant.   Bud and his wife,  have "passed on"; for almost twenty years, now.  Bud was, as a member of a Black Calvary Unit, a genuine "Buffalo Soldier".

For every visit, well into his Retirement, and mine,, we gathered in his handsome, fully stocked "Den" to watch Football.

Bud, knew just about EVERYTHING about every Black Player -- his life story, his family details, his college history, and, of course, every detail of his playing career.  They were all, his "family".  

We all know stories about Jackie Robinson, because White Media deigns to broadcast a story about him, from time to time.  As Black Media (magazines, newspapers, radio broadcasts, etc.) was destroyed over the years, by White Media;  the sycophancy of younger Non-White Generations increased; under the onslaught of "Integration"!  The phenomenon of   "devoted backers", like Bud; and the existence of the  "virtual families" of Black players in Professional Basketball and Football, also died!!  Bud was especially excited by the story of the "First" Black Starting  Quarterback in a Super-bowl, in 1988!

I was in College, in the late 1950s, when the Laws that kept Black and White athletic competitions segregated; were no longer enforced.  It took many years for Professional Football and Basketball Owners to "trickle" Black Players into Integrated Teams.  Bud, formed his "virtual family" of all those players as they were permitted to play, and admitted to all-white teams.  

The fate of the non-white player is obviously different from that of white players, as evidenced by Public Reaction to Black Quarterbacks.  The appearance of the Black Quarterback took more than twenty-five years.  The public reaction to the fact that Manning was defeated by the brilliant play of Russell Wilson in 2014  (the 2nd Starting Superbowl, after Doug Williams in 1988).  I was in Denver at the time, and in a "wake" climate, there was virtually no public notice of Wilson.  The silence was "deafening"!!

Stay Vigilant!  It is also true that White Quarterbacks have PR Teams to "Promote" their Public Image in a virtually all-White Press!.  The Non-White Press does NOT, or cannot play this role, given its condition, in 2016? 

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ALL "Hat"; NO "CATTLE" !!! (?)

trump "THUMP'S" ??
I'm reminded of the movie: GIANT, (Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean), as I mull over
the "Debacle" for this Country that has emerged from the Iowa Caucuses.  Dean played the role of a "Redneck Wildcatter", drilling for oil on Hudson's Ranch; who STRUCK it BIG, only to realize what MONEY Can't Buy!  That's the TRUMP story??.  CRUZ reminds me of a story rooted in real life, wherein a Demagogue used "Brown Shirts" to take him to POWER; and then destroyed them!  Using the power of their passion, he had NOTHING to give them, except more of their own fear and hatred!  Both then, and now, religion was the key energy driving those events.

The Republican Party, as a result, is in "deep doo-doo" now!  All three, (Trump, Rubio, Cruz) are Tea Partiers, who garner a majority of Republican Voters!  The Party appears to be on a path to PERDITION!  The GOP may have lost the trail back to the MIDDLE!
OR, maybe, there is no Middle, anymore??  The Secret to our Survival, as a Nation, has been that a Candidate has won the Presidency, who could manage the Middle!  Also known as the CENTER; it has "held" in our Past, because the majority of Independent  Voters swing either to the Right or Left to form a workable Administration.  That went "off-the-rails" when we got Cheney as our Stealth President!

President Obama may enter History as a "restorer", for fixing the Stunning Damages caused by DickandDubya!  That's true for restoring, both, a Banking System, and, a major Industry that had been rendered "inoperable".   Because his enemies couldn't get beyond their own racism; the majority of Tea- Party -Supported  Office Holders, can be found in our House of Representatives.  If the GOP voters pick the "wrong" one of these current Clowns, the Party can be OVER; literally!  The Fireworks lay ahead?

More Red-Necks will vote, in a few weeks,  in New Hampshire.  After that, Elections begin inside the REAL America; where there are large numbers of people who are NOT WHITE!  The level of Sycophancy among non-white Voters will determine the outcome of the Election for our Nation?

Stay Vigilant!  Watch GIANT, if you can sit for more than an hour and a half, and watch a slow-moving story that requires both Listening, AND Thinking!  This might be especially useful for those Voters, over the age of 45, who are just beginning to realize that many years lie ahead, in their lives, for which they have NOT PREPARED their FINANCES!!
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

TRUMP: in a CUBAN Sandwich?? (made in Iowa)

Can you define S-y-co-p-h-a-n-t ??

Did those Iowa TRUMP followers have second thoughts; deciding to hide behind Rubio, the sycophantic "bottom" of the Cuban Sandwich, made last night in Iowa??  There's no question, the White-Supremacy Extreme Christians have their candidate in CRUZ, the winner of Iowa for the Repoobs, and the TOP of the Sandwich!  Appropriately, the "Heat" is on all three!

Sycophant??  "servile, self-seeker"  Rubio represents this trait. It has served as a hidden "second-leg" of support for Republican Electoral Victories, since the arrival of Reagan.  There are both,  "racial" versions, and  "economic" versions.  Poor Whites, since Reagan, have consistently voted the interests of Rich Whites -- because they think they will get rich, that way.  Racial sycophants can be found just about everywhere! (Think, Clarence Thomas?)  The Black (appointed) Senator from South Carolina Endorsed Cruz!  The Republican Party is both, "Star-Crossed (cruz'd" and "Double-Crossed (cruz'd)"!!

TRUMP, CRUZ, RUBIO;  a "toxic" mixture that portends the DEATH of the Republican Party, or, at least a Nasty Open Convention.  If the Repoobs can't find an "Establishment" Candidate who can play the Nixon-turn-back to the Electoral Middle; they risk getting "shut-out" in the General Election.

Because Hillary was "TIED" by Sanders in Iowa; the DEMOCRATS have a giant case of "Heartburn" also.  Hillary's vulnerabilities are becoming more clear!  NOBODY; domestic or international, no matter what race, caste, or gender, can be "Happy" with any of the Iowa Results.

Stay Vigilant!  Ignore the POLLS and the Pundits!  They're obviously "making it all up" and filling the airwaves with foul odored GAS!  The Voters are clearly PISSED!  That's not going away any time soon!

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