Thursday, July 31, 2014

R We "Willingly" BRAIN-DEAD??

Or, ""Something Else"??

The U.S. Congress "abandons" Washington, for the next 5 weeks, for their vacation from "Doin' Nuthin'!!
Don't know whether to be Happy or Sad.  Argentina is in "Default" (again), and the MARKETS are trying to "choose" their reaction.

Time for a Siesta?  Not if you care about what Putin and Netanyahu are up to!  Beleaguered Barack Obama, is not so much alone, today.  The EU is beginning to wake up to the threats to their future that are presented by the current state of  World Affairs. 

Is it that we're becoming "worn down" by the constant barrage of Hard Right politicians, the world over?
Are we "numb" to the carnage lying in the Ukrainian Poppy and Wheat fields?  Would we rather just be "entertained" as late-night comics make light of the dire events?  Is it just that nobody has enough "time" anymore, or enough money; to care much about anything?  This "water torture", this constant barrage of Extreme Right, Fascist and Racist Propaganda (soft, medium, and hard) through-out the World, is too much to bear?  Let's hope and Pray that is not so; because time is running out for the sane among us to turn the tide!

The efforts of the Israelis to drive visceral hatred deep into the psyche of Palestinian children portends blood feuding in the region FOREVER!  Those of you below the age of 40 should take special note of these facts!

Stay Vigilant!  Can U Still "SLEEP" at Nite??

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014


What "BASE" R U in??

Pay close attention the next time you hear the word: "Terrorist" spoken; especially from a "Journalist" or a "News" anchor on T.V.  If it's a Politician; like Putin, Netanyahu, or Boehner; pay CLOSE attention.  These guys are speaking to their "Base"; those "Believers" in whatever Cause the Pol is pushing at the moment.  More and more, the "Believers" are in charge of the future, for everyone on the Planet.

"Believers", whether in Israel, the United States, or Russia, are "unshakeable" in their goals and are willing to KILL anyone, and everyone to obtain their goals.  They start with killing the CHILDREN of the "Other"!
For those of you who take a thrill in being "Scared" all the time, be really SCARED of this fact:  When Everyone possesses their own, PRIVATE definition of TERRORIST; everyone becomes a terrorist to someone; and NO ONE can be held accountable!  The Republicans know that;  and are willing to continue tearing this country apart; Netanyahu knows that;  and will come on T.V. and Lie; to our faces, while continuing his "game"!  Their "Journalist-Mouthpieces" are insufficient for making Propaganda effective (think Andrea Mitchell, for example).  The Heads, themselves, are being drawn into the MEDIA to connect with their Base and to confront the "Public" with their assertions!

Stay Vigilant!  Welcome  to ORWELL - 2014!  Good Luck with hanging on to your sanity!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

THE"SPEECH" ... 10-Yrs 'On??

Just WHERE? R We Now??

The Hopes;   The Dreams:   The 'Promise';  
The Wonderment; The Fantasies;
This new, ugly chapter that is opening on our planet, written by the likes of Putin and Netanyahu, may be the REAL "Reality" of what all peoples on the planet today are REALLY FACING??' 

It was not just the non-white peoples in this world who, upon hearing Obama's 2004 Convention Speech, began to "Dream A-New"!  A lot of Whites did, also; as evidenced by the tortured final vote in November of 2008.  Hillary's "upset" was as "shocking" as was the appearance of this strange black kid with a funny name.  REMEMBER?  Miscreants like Limbaugh and McConnel went to work, before Obama was Inaugurated in 2009, to insure his FAILURE!
We've all been privy to that Ugly Show!  

Obama began his speech by invoking Lincoln; who unwittingly, for sure, ushered in a very Dark Chapter for the United States, and the world; that we're still struggling to escape from in 2014.  Events toward the end of that Chapter (Soviet "Collapse") have spawned another speech, by a world figure that is more and more being described as a "Megalomaniac".  Joined by like-minded "leaders" in the Middle East, he seems to be well on his way to plunging our planet back into the dreaded bloodshed of this same date a hundred years back.  Diseases that become Pandemics seem to be waiting in the wings, now, as they did then.
Why?  Ancient Blood Lusts, inside the United States, inside Russia, inside Israel, inside Syria, and inside Iraq; are simultaneously, reigniting recent passions in places like Libya, Egypt, and Gaza.  Only President Obama stands resolutely against that tide.  The White Right (Republicans) are earnestly working with sweat, hatred, and Big Money, to push for Armageddon, both here, and abroad.

A challenge:  read Obama's Speech -- then read Putin's recent Speech.  See is you can detect the direction of world events and what that portends for those you hold near and dear.  Can you afford to keep nurturing your attitudes, beliefs, and social practices??
Stay Vigilant!  The clock is ticking.  If this thing "blows" and Obama doesn't start getting some serious support at home and in Europe, prepare for a stark and miserable future for all!
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Monday, July 28, 2014

"FAITH-based" HATE "RIDES" (once more) In the U.S.??

The DEATH of Cooperation??
In his new book: A Troublesome Inheritance, (2014), Nicholas Wade writes:

"Changes in the social behaviors that underlie
a society's institutions
take many generations to accomplish.
It may have been in hunting or scavenging that early humans
first faced strong selective pressure to cooperate."
As we struggle, once again to make Democracy work in this country through the ballot box; having failed in 2008, 2010, AND 2012; we must slog again to the Polls to stamp out individualized attackers of our Rights, our Constitution, and our Laws!  Putin seems to have "figured out" Reagan's "magic" to get bottom-feeding whites in this country to vote against their own social and economic interests.  First he convinced them to turn on their Unions; silencing the most effective voice the Middle Class had against the Tyranny of Big Money.
The squeeze on wages began among Blacks in the inner cities in the late 1970s.  Reagan spread that poverty to the white Middle Class, with their help.  He appealed to their "faith-based" fears and hatreds of persons of color.  Republicans never let up on that theme.  Putin and Netanyahu have adapted the technique to their situations??
No matter the political stripe of the Republican in 2014; they ALL follow the line laid down by Reagan as he played his Siren Songs, convincing the STUPID that he "won" the Cold War by doing so!  All the way to the 2008 Collapse, Republicans have vowed to NEVER COOPERATE in governing this country.  
We've turned into a "Call-Center" Economy in the wake of it:  every-one faces relentless daily pressure to "grovel for peanuts" of our own time, and money, in order to stay EMPLOYED.  The panic grows.  "Managers" trend toward women who are trained to treat workers like Kindergartners; manipulating their work hours, while the Corporate Heads still their pay to enhance their profits.  Now those Corporate Heads are lining up to take these meager jobs "off-shore".  
Will the Reagan Syndrome prevail this FALL?  You damn-betcha in the Sewer (South and TOK); and RED States!  They've invented a new "boogey-man" in the "Mexicans" and the "Southern Border".  They will use this to kill off any serious attempt to "fix" our Immigration Problems.  They know that most white voters are too stupid to know the difference between "Mexican", "Cuban", "Latino" and "Hispanic"!!  DO YOU??

Stay Vigilant!  Can U Learn to COOPERATE with the Opposition??  Will U VOTE??
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Sunday, July 27, 2014

40 YRS!! from "WALLACE" thru "LITTLE-bush"??

"What DO we Stand For??"

"Hillary" posed this question to "Fareed" this morning in her hour-long session on Zacharia's GPS.  If you missed it; find it! It can "inform" even the most dull and obtuse among us.  

That "crowd"  of 76 million U.S. "souls"; known as the Baby Boomers were born after 1947; produced teens in our nation's streets by the thousands in 1968.  George Wallace, seeing political opportunities in the phenomenon, called them "Anawkists"!!  From that starting point, we can frame the following forty years  up thru 2008, when Cheney and his co-hort, Little-Bush, "finished off"  the nation Truman left us in 1952.  Little Bush was one of the Baby Boomers, Cheney, who is two younger than me, should have KNOWN Better!!

In the 40 years along our path to self-destruction, there were only 3 Presidents from the Left (Democrats): "Carter ("J.C.); anti-dote to Nixon's "evils":  "Billy-Bob Clinton" the closet Conservative who "triangulated" racial issues; and The First Black President (who is expected to "FIX" everything, instantly, while the worst among us do everything they can imagine to prevent his success.  Where we lurch next is anyone's guess!!

Hillary believes the World Opinion of the United States has fallen because we failed to continue telling our "story" about how good we are.  I disagree (Hillary is a "Pol" running to replace Obama); I think the World (especially the Non-White part) has figured out EXACTLY who we are!  And they don't like it.  Even the non-white part of our own population is crawling out of its centuries-long stupor, and is beginning to think new thoughts.  The sorry spectacle paraded before the entire world by our Republican Hard Right is forcing all but the brain-dead to see that this country is fatally flawed with the notion that whites can continue to rule if only they come up with better methods of scaring Hell out of the World's non-whites.  Netanyahu buys into this notion.  Putin is happier than a pig in slop; as this presents him with a greedy, stingy, quarrelsome, EU that is ripe for the plucking.  His moves in the Middle East are becoming more obvious.  Ukraine is a Basket Case.  Obama will leave a different pile of Sh*t for the next President.  Daddy-Bush's "CLARENCE THOMAS WEAPON will still be on the Supreme Court to "Lock-In" our March to Destruction. 

Baby Boomers, Star-Trekkers among them, that is, prefer "Darth Vader" as their next "Leader".  This crowd, entering Medicare today, just never managed to GROW UP!!  I'm re-reading Alan Seymour's
The Coming Self-Destruction of the United States of America.  An Australian Playwright, born in 1927; Seymour represented a generation of Whites on this earth who understand clearly what the racial upheaval of that time portended.  The book was published in 1969.  If he's still alive, Seymour is 87 years old.  Nobody listens to anybody over 40 these days.

Stay Vigilant!  On the Train to Hell, what do we DO??

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

a "TRAPPED" PEOPLE will "DIG" ??

WHY R "WE" Surprised??
We wake this morning to "shovels" and "poor doors"!  The DISCRIMINATORS obviously stayed up all night!  New York City "Builders" are planning new living spaces that discriminate rich from poor by installing separate doors and procedures to prohibit the poor from mingling.  Israel is taking time to reload as they double down on the Palestinians in a sealed piece of land where they're running out of water, and dying from the toxins and destruction of heavy artillery and other arms.  Shovels have stymied Tanks!  NOTE:  More than half of Palestinians are below the age of 17!  Is this Suicide for the Region, or What??

We must be aware that the Israel of Netanyahu; is NOT the Israel of Rabin, who was assassinated AFTER the Soviet Union fell.  There are more Russian Jews in Israel today, than anywhere else on the planet.  Is Putin the "Puppet Master" now?

Meanwhile, back at the Hole-In-The Wall (House of Representatives); Boehner has become, apparently, a "shill" for Ted Cruz; who has come over from the Senate to "direct" the House Republicans (now that Cantor is gone?).  The Congress is set to slink away until the Fall Election.  No help for Veterans!  It wasn't SHINSEKI, after all!  It was CONGRESS!! They have, for years, created the MESS the VA has become; and they don't intend to PAY for it!  Blame Obama is their default position for everything.  Voter Outrage is RISING!  (street demonstrations appeared last night in NY, demanding a withdrawal of U.S. economic support for Israel
No help for our IMMIGRATION headache on our Southern Border, either! 

 HOW DO THEY DISCRIMINATE?  Let us count the ways:

Geography;     National Borders;     Religion;     Language;     Culture;     Skin Color;     Political Region;
Income Class;    "LAW";     Wealth;     AGE;     Gender;     (had enough?)
DISCRIMINATION (Jim Crow model)  has gone GLOBAL; and may now be in the hands of Putin??

We may need to change the names of our Political Parties to DISCRIMINATORS, and INTEGRATORS:  Repoobs are doubling down to create yet another JIM Crow; to fit the global economy; the rest of us are pleading for the removal of  restraints on new HUMAN CAPITAL; so we can grow our way out of the sewer Cheney and Little Bush left us in.  The Scum to be removed this Fall is the Scum that came into Congress with Gengrich and earlier, with Watergate??

Stay Vigilant!  Can U "See" More Clearly NOW??
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Friday, July 25, 2014


If So; We're "Blessed"!!

Ever since Mad Ronnie took on Walter Cronkite; driving him from us so that the "Fairness Doctrine" strategy could be effected,  we've raced to the bottom in public awareness of important events.  Little Bush and Cheney pulled a similar number on Rather (not in the same league as Cronkite).  Limbaugh, FOX, and similar drivel has replaced the stellar "NEWS" we got from the likes of Cronkite, Severe-id, and Howard K. Smith.  Voting, and public participation in our "Democracy", have suffered, accordingly!

Rachel takes her time, and tells the WHOLE Story, not just "sound-bites" interspersed with unexplained, personal, OPINIONS!.  "Mourning Joe" and "Andrea Mitchell", along with "Reb'm Al" are some examples of the worst of the "Mind-Benders", along with O'Reilly and others from the FOX den.

Rachel has the special talent to make her stories fully understood and cogent, to a wide range of viewers of un-even "Intelligence" and education.  Right, Left, or "Independent";  viewers are fully informed of the topics Rachel chooses to explore.

At a time when "Security" is on the minds of most of us, a feeling that we can get SOME TRUTH; no matter how little, is Important to people who like to think they can make "informed" choices in the process of self-government;  performed by citizens who are "sovereign"!. 

Stay Vigilant!  Keep up the good works, Rachel!  Maybe some of your colleagues will "work harder"; focus more on TRUTH-seeking; and emulate your style!

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

"They" Won't-Even "DIE"-right (anymore)??

What's a Vengeful "Cracker" to Do?
Having pushed their "sludge" to the Top; in our House of Representatives, and installed weak female Governors in states like Arizona, South Carolina, and New Mexico(?); the Red-Neck-Right can't even enjoy public executions as they always have for more than a hundred years!.  Sewer states insist, against increasing obstacles, on KILLING in the name of the Public!  Another Execution "misfired" yesterday, in Arizona!  Add that to one last week in Oklahoma!

The Death Penalty is the most visible form of EUGENICS practiced in Institutions in the United States today.  Derived from Social Darwinism, invented in Britain and Germany in the late 1800s, it has been carefully woven into Politics and Public Institutions (like Public Education?) over the past hundred years.
It is returning abroad, with a "Vengeance", since Little Bush had a slip of the tongue and admitted in public that a "Crusade" was the Hard Right Response to Muslims and to 9/11!  He was convinced to "hush" that kind of talk.  The American Public was "duped" into thinking that the German Fascists did not worse than what was depicted in  the Diary of Anne Frank   That is a Monstrous Lie.  check Out:  This Evil is still with us; as well as some of those who participated in them.

The Scum doing the bidding of Putin in Eastern Ukraine, and terrified,  knee-jerk, Israelis are still spreading their version of Eugenics, I guess: considering  the recent killing by ethnic factions in Eastern Europe, and, among the Palestinians (for the "umpteenth time") in the Middle East.  I thought Little Bush was "solving" the Palestinian Problem, when he left Cheney in charge, and flew off to "ride shotgun" for Sharon!  Ooops! (big time: both in Ukraine and Israel on the same date: July 17, 2014.  Try as they might, their Lies and Obfuscations don't "explain" their actions anymore! -- not even to some of the most gullible.
 REAL CHRISTIANS know better!  Jesus gave them a much better message (about Vengeance); but  they've turned his message, (profitably), on it head for the past 500 years!  Chattel Slavery, the continued rape of  Sub-Saharan (Black) Africa, and various "special relations" with weak heads of state, have kept the filthy lucre flowing into Europe.  Now, Putin's Russia is their source for filthy lucre.  Check out the recent trip of young Hard-Right Christians, from Kansas City, MO.,  to UGANDA recently, to foment murderous tensions between Christians and Muslims in that country

Stay Vigilant!  It will be UNDER the (corporate) Bus, for all of us, if the Red-Necks and their rich backers get the Senate this Fall!
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"RELIGION" as a "WEAPON"?? Led by the "RELIGIOUS" RIGHT in the U.S.??

The World; Stuck in a "Process"??

Since the days of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, the trend toward deep political involvement by a "Silent" (religious) "Majority" in the United States; has advanced to outright virulent, faith-driven hatred!  The Political Involvement of religious groups has spread like POISON POPPIES!

"Religion" appears to have been the necessary ingredient; used to coalesce these elements among our citizenry,into the rigid, grid-locking, juggernaut that had stymied our House of Representatives; a majority of our State Legislatures; and,threatens to seize our Senate!; to complete their control of the Congress!  The World, obviously, has been watching; and a similar hardening of relations between races, tribes, and income classes, has led to the massive blood-letting we face, and, label, as "Terrorism".  The "Terror is multilateral; and the number of "Religions" involved has spread; to cover a large majority of  global population!  The process has grown more and more malignant over the past few decades, taken on state-sponsorship; and led to events like those in Syria and Ukraine!.

What can those of us who recognize what is happening do?  Speak Out!  Challenge your own Church!  Stop hiding behind claims of being "Chosen";"Exceptional"; "Freedom-Loving"; "Christian; or, in other ways, the "GOOD" People!  Praying is no substitute for Passivity!  This sickness is headed toward destroying Civilization for Everyone!

We must recognize that "Religion" is different from Churches, Sects, Congregations, and Tribes.  Differing Beliefs, held by the majority of us, range over Behaviors that are very different and humane, and  much less violent than that of our Hard-Core Right Wing "Religions".

Stay Vigilant!  Cynical applications of teachings from formal religions to purposes for expanding the power of individuals or groups, MUST BE STOPPED!  Only action from humane BELIEVERS; AND their CORRESPONDING ACTIONS can make this happen!  These Miscreants have to be removed from positions of power..  Indecision, confusion, and blind adherence to "traditional" teachings only FEEDS the EVIL!

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The 'FOX" and the "MORSEL(s)" -- "Putin" as "COLUMBUS" -- (2014)??

""Rupert" Poised to Pounce??
At the turn of the last Century, we had Hearst and his "Yellow Journalism".  Today, we have Rupert and FOX!!  He is getting ready to swallow Time Warner and put us all "in a trick"!

Last night, Charlie Rose interviewed Ian Bremmer of the Eurasia Group, and David Remmick of the New Yorker Magazine.  Both had intimate details of what is going on inside Russia, and how Putin has used Television, and his abilities to "squash" all Media that does not serve his purposes.  His purposes??  To Rule The World, of course!  Didn't you READ his Speech, delivered several months back!! SHAME ON YOU, if you didn't.  Even a seventh-grader (12 years old) could understand that speech!

Columbus is Back!  Not from that old 15th Century Kleptocracy of Spain, but from the new Kleptocracy of Putin's Russia.  His drive is the same:  Empire, Riches, Subjugation, Murder and Mayhem -- writ larger than 1492.  He has a "handle" on the latest in technology and can apply it more shrewdly than most of his victims realize (and more than his sympathizers realize)!  He understands Asymmetry better than most World Leaders; and, especially, the understanding of his not-so-silent supporters in the Republican Party and Tea Party.  Those interviewed last night expressed astonishment at how Putin used Russian Television has managed to wake up the darkest, most virulent,  Nativist strains among the Russian People.  They mentioned that some of this is spreading to Germany.  Anti-Americanism, and hatred of Western Leadership is growing in Russia, they say.  Under the cover of the Maylasian Airline Crime, an announcement concerning the status of Snowden; that he seeks to stay in Russia; came out.  Chumps who believed the Snowden Propaganda have another "think" to do, I guess??   

Having subdued the British Government, Rupert has moved on to the United States and may do the same here.  He is an American Citizen now (amazing what BIG MONEY can accomplish)!  He has plenty to work with here: The Sewer States citizens and their representation; the TOK  (Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas) state citizens and their representation; Arizona and Utah, both of them "flashing" Ethnocentrism and virulent anti-Mexican, and anti-Gay-isms.  Across the northern tier, there is much less concern with Borders (Canadians are white, after all), but still, states like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Minnesota are beset by the Loony Religious Nuts that are busy pushing the RED-Tide in the United States.

Beware Propaganda regarding the "DIVIDE" in the United States.  Yesterday's Choke-Hold murder by Cops in New York, reveal "Birmingham" on the Hudson; long after the likes of Juliani and Bloomberg have departed.  So much for the hopes of "Progressive" leadership!  In a nation that has "MARGINALIZED" the poor and the non-white, since it was founded;  The MARGIN is, and always has been the DIVIDE!

Stay Vigilant!  The TWIN TYRANNIES of Big MEDIA and Big MONEY are upon us all!

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Monday, July 21, 2014

PUTIN'S .. "B*TC*ES"?? : The "Missing" 40%

When Will They "Wake-Up"??

On yesterday's Fareed Zacharia Show, former National Security Adviser, Brzezinski, indicated that Putin is continuing to act as if he holds "all the cards" in World Affairs, today.  I think he's right!!  Putin got Little Bush to "look in his eyes for a soul"; and Little Bush Swooned!  Bushes LOVE Money, and Putin is supposed to be the "richest man" in the world today.  (Joe Biden's encounter with Putin on this topic is published in the New Yorker

Since the Little Bush encounter, Putin has been collecting "b*tc*es" from around the world; heads of state, prominent politicians, our Republican Right (especially from the "Hell Hole" and Sewer States).  READ UP ON THE STRATEGIES OF THE BRIC NATIONS!  If you look closely, it is astounding who is now at least a "soft supporter" of this STRONG MAN!  President Obama, alone on the world stage, is a lonely opponent; WHILE his arms have been tied by our Hard Right; from Sewer States; TOK States (Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas), and, throw in Utah??  Where is Britain (the Damsel in Distress the last time this happened)??  What's "paralyzing" the EU?

We have a  measure for his power advantage:  40%!  That's the difference between the support Putin derives from "his" people and what President Obama derives from the U.S. Public.  Pitiful!!  Republicans have NEVER seen our President as one of "them"!  Now the Republicans, using, since 2008, much of Putin's tactics in our internal politics, are "doubling down"; expecting our stupid off-year voters to REWARD them this Fall!!  Go Figure!  Is Netanyahu his dupe also?  Putin obviously has been "playing" the Middle East since 2008.

Brzezinski thinks we're being waltzed toward a conflict on the scale of World War II.  The craven Europeans are his Trump Card (ghosts of Stalin return?).  Anybody can see that the Repoobs will fight to the death to keep this country from "going into hock" (again) to "save"  Western Culture!  Will Putin's "B's" ever wake up??  If the gut-wrenching eyesore of rotting bodies lying in the sun for 96 hours doesn't convince them; what will?

Stay Vigilant!  There are no fools like Racist Fools!!

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

PUTIN:NETANYAHU: ... Their 'DANG" Problems?

Are the "Clouds" Parting, Yet??

Both leaders, Putin and Netanyahu are in the global MEDIA today, struggling to support the "mind-effs" in global public opinion that has worked so well for them!  The have been caught, as we used to say in the Military, "with their "dang's in a whang"!!  Their Lies are catching up with them!  Their Media "mouthpieces" are failing to hold the line in the past public mind-set!  They're both stepping up in person.  

They both are relying on ancient "nativist" or racist, or "nationalist" sentiments to keep their games going.
It works for nations as well as for small children; engaging in a pack of lies eventually catches up with you!!

The world has to INSIST that both of them exert GENUINE efforts to "get along" with the NIEGHBORS and serve their own people better!!  We're still paying Israel and Egypt to do the opposite??

The Methods they are using have spread to elements within the United States: the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Republican Party in the various RED states.  It is endangering us all.  Putin is pointing fingers at Ukraine; while Netanyahu is in the U.S. "banging the drum" of FEAR, constructed post-9/11 by Cheney-Bush.

Are we starting to "see-the light" yet??  This ain't funny folk.  We tried everything money could buy to "control" our border to our South!  Borders in the MIND are our REAL problem; based in some version of Religion.

Stay Vigilant!  Are we REALLY ready to Vote this Fall for continuation of this CRAP??  BOTH leaders HAVE DEMONSTRATED, Clearly: They care more about MONEY than they do about human beings; either their "own" or "others"!!

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What We (Don't; r-e-a-l-l-y) "WANT" to "KNOW"??

Selective Ignorance v. Enforced Ignorance
On the PBS Newshour, David Brooks remarked that the more education a citizen has, the more likely they are to participate in the ...  (New Segregation; i.e., RED/BLUE Divide) that is taking place in the United States today!  Surprise!, Surprise!!  "Education", in the U.S. has always been as "selective" among whites as it has been "coercive" for minorities.  It is the foremost white-controlled institution used to effect "genocide of the mind" on non-whites, and immigrants.

The "dual-citizen-ed-American" on the Malaysian Flight destroyed by Russian Separatists on 17 July, was reported to be on his way to Malaysia to meet up with the rest of his family.  He perished along with almost 200 other Dutch men, women, and (Mostly?) children!  What is the "Malaysian connection" today between the Dutc of today, and the Dutch of the late 1600s??  Read up on it??

I'm re-reading Lester C. Thurow's The Future of Capitalism (1996).  Other books he published, starting with arrival of  "Tricky-Dick" in 1968, and, "Mad Ronnie" in 1980, include:
      Poverty and Discrimination (1969)
      Investment in Human Capital (1970)
      The Impact of Taxes on the American Economy (1971)
      Generating Inequality: Mechanism of Distribution in the U.S. Economy (1975)
     The Zero-Sum Society (1980)
     Dangerous Currents:  The State of Economics (1983)
     The Management Challenge: Japanese Views (1983)
     The Zero-Sum Solution (1985)
     Head to Head: The Coming Economic Battle Among Japan, Europe, and America (1992)
Alan Greenspan was appointed Chairman, of our Federal Reserve by "Mad Ronnie" in in 1987, and served until 2006.  He waltzed us "up to the door" of the Global, "2008 Economic Debacle" and then "bailed out"??
Did he even READ any of Thurow's works??  Thurow was a professor of Economics and former Dean, of MIT's Sloan School of Management!! (For Pete's Sake!!)  How on earth did Greenspan get away with "pleading ignorance" about 2008.  We didn't expect Little Bush to understand; or for Cheney to care, about economic impacts.  So, go figure!!
Stay Vigilant!  There's no Fool like the "Willing Fools"!!  Notice how "white women" are ushered in to do the "house-cleaning"??
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Saturday, July 19, 2014


21st Century Warfare/21st Century Weapons??

The Good News:  We have President Obama!  The Bad News:  We got him too late?

Whether inside the United States, or on the Global Scene, The "Wolves" are loose.  Domestically, the "Third Column" that has formed inside our domestic politics has succeeded in "shutting down" the Federal Government, and "Corrupting" State Governments.  Abroad, Putin, and Netanyahu have turned to mass killing, not unlike that which emerged in the late 1930s.  Reasons today, at root, are the same now as then; blowback -- debt, and social strife from WAR.  Economic Deprivations have awakened ancient blood hatreds, cloaked in ancient Religions.  For those people who have "grown beyond" their raw religious ties, there is always RACE to scare them into "compliance" with  internal forces of evil!

Reagan; (claimed to have "won" the Cold War) sowed seeds that have now bloomed all over the planet.
The Race Shocks of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Acts, produced first "Backlash"; during the Presidency's of LBJ, Nixon, and Carter; to be joined by Greed and Suspicion (race-laced) under Reagan and Daddy Bush; and, finally;  capped off with stark raving FEAR, introduced by by Cheney and little-Bush!  The World Was Watching!  When Tiny Bush succeeded in structurally destroying our domestic, and emerging global economies in 2008; THE MESS WE HAVE TODAY appeared.  We may never see pre-2008 economies again!  The Republicans fully expect the fear-ridden white voting public, and their timid Liberal and Progressive white "opposition" to do little or nothing to stop them this November!

Enter: the age of Asymmetric Warfare, Social Media, and Lobbying on Steroids!  The world is now set for a full replay of 1939, with much better Propaganda, and Hi-Tech Weaponry.  "Murdoch-as-Goebbels" may not be too far-fetched. First, Division and Separation; then Dominance?  It's happening!  The deliberate missile-firing, yesterday,  on a passenger jet, killing almost 300 rich, whitest-of-the-white Europeans, is an act that seems not to deter Putin!  And, Netanyahu is (once again) trying to throttle the Arabs into submission.
Both actions were launched on the same day!  Coincidence??

Dominance!! That's the Goal for both of these Wolves.  In the 1930s round, Propaganda fueled the successes  in Europe; leading to the genocide of the Holocaust.  In this round, Economic Dependence and "Economic Integration" can produce the same effect??  Sorry, there seems to be no Churchill in Europe, these days.

Right-Wing Propaganda; from Limbaugh and FOX crazies to "Mourning Joe", is the slickest the world has seen -- tailored to the I.Q. and income of the target audiences.  People are so busy "watching"; they pay no attention to the "grooming" their minds get from the words spoken.  So far, the evil ones have not been able to overcome the power of the Internet to sneak truth to those who can still recognize it.

Stay Vigilant!  Its your VOTE, not your money, that could still turn the tide in this country.  The Europeans, "doped into a stupor on free money provided by our stupid U.S. "leadership" for sixty-three years, may never wake up in time.  Remember Rip-Van-Winkle??  Check Out: Alan Seymour's The Coming Self-Destruction Of The United States of America (1969).

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Friday, July 18, 2014

HOW "INTELLIGENT" R WE, (under O'bama)??

What 9/11 (should have) Told Us??

Our MEDIA reported, yesterday, that President Obama learn,(first)?) about the Malaysia "Crash"
from President Putin, in a phone call our President made to Putin.  Shades of "9/11"??, when our "Intelligence" was caught "flat-footed" (with the assistance of Condi; our National Security Adviser)?.  The flurry of finger-pointing and resignations, and promotions, then Awards, for "service"; all followed -- remember?

Then, as we geared up to invade Iraq, the "Intelligence" apparatus went in a "Tizzy", with Cheney, DOD elements, Congressional "experts", etc., all stirring the Pot.  Remember?  

We know that during World War II, our "Intelligence" kept the Manhattan Project a secret from President
Roosevelt, for a while  (they didn't "trust" him).   We also know that President Truman, after the Bay of Pigs, editorialized to get rid of the CIA.  Did our "Intelligence" morph into multiple Shadow Governments, at war with each other?  What's the condition now??

Did the Russians learn, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, just how much power our "Intelligence" apparatus had?  What did they do about it?  When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, did only their KGB survive?
SOMEONE should tell the truth about all of this Hay to the voting citizens of this country?? -- Don'cha THINK!!  We shouldn't have to listen to empty wagons like the Katzenjammers! (McCain and Graham), from our Sewer States.  Remember, its that same low-intelligence, low-life that is in charge of our House of Representatives!.  They're also taking over domestic police forces; perhaps in your town??  If you can still sleep well in the face of what is happening to us; then, IGNORANCE IS TRULY BLISS!!

Stay Vigilant! Is INTELLIGENCE Putin's Trump Card?

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PR: "who"? is "DEFENDING" "WHAT"???

Does "PR" (propaganda) Stifle Curiosity?
Yesterday (July 17, 2014) will go down in history as the date of two major events that signaled the face of the world's future: A Malaysian Airlines (again) flight full of passengers was destroyed (everybody dead) by a Surface to Air Missile.  This time, whoever did the deed, did not care whether we saw the wreckage -- it happened in a "War-Zone").  Gaza was invaded (again) by Israel.  This time, all stops are pulled to cover their actions with propaganda.  This morning, Mourning Joe "changed" the reporting of the deaths of the four boys in Gaza to "Playing" on the Beach.  Yesterday, the reporters on the spot, and the film footage, showed them collecting scrap metal.  The images are EXTREMELY different!  

Key Players: Netanyahu and Putin.  The Soviet Union collapsed in 1989.  Israel absorbed 784 thousand Russian Jews after 1989.
Take Syria into the picture, and Putin's imprint on the region is not insignificant!

The Propaganda (echoed in our Media) cites "Defense" of course.  The old OFFENSE of naked aggression appears to be changed to a mixture of incitements, and limited aggression covered by what one East Ukrainian cited as "professional" propaganda!

What each of these leaders have chosen to "defend" is their economies -- not their People (certainly not those targeted peoples, and nobody else is safe from them, either!  Such is the face of the world's future?  Has our tolerance for mega-death grown with our "need" for economic prosperity?  Keep an eye on that!  See what the Israelis and the Russians DO in the days ahead; ignore their propaganda!
The Hard-Right in both countries are aided and abetted by the Hard Right in this country, as it struggles mightily to stifle President Obama's efforts to turn this nation away from our recent aggression in the Middle East and toward the repair of our economy; and, a realization that there is no "Military" answer to the problems we face ahead.

Stay Vigilant!  See how much PROPAGANDA you can detect in what our MEDIA feeds us, minute-by-minute!  Watch closely to see if Europe (Germany and the Netherlands in particular) SWALLOW the latest murder of masses of their own people as a "cost of doing business".

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

"KILLING (undesirable?) KIDS" ... Still "Necessary"??

Israel in need of "Update"?

Four kids, collecting scrap metal on a beach to support their families in Gaza, were "blown away"; reportedly by the Israeli Navy.  It brings back the ghosts of the "Liberty", and strikes a nerve among those of us who, during World War II, also collected scrap metal, as kids.

We were warned by our parents, as kids, to be careful in our searching, because the Crackers who "occupied" and "circumscribed" every aspect of our lives, could shoot us on the spot for stepping on their property.  There would be no consequences.  At least we were close enough to see the enemy in those days.

In 2014; Crackers in the U.S. are much more sophisticated in expressing their feelings about our "undesirables"; on venues like Mourning Joe, where we get daily doses of bile from the Hard-Right and their supporters.  They are into heavy and constant mourning of their losses of white privilege under President Obama.  Their antics are growing more and more bizarre, as very little seems to work for them.  Maybe the Israelis can learn new methods from these Crackers, and more of the Palestinian children might stay alive?  (Of course, they're all over our Media, feigning "surprise" that there would be children on the beach in Gaza)!!

Newtown, CT;  Sanford, Florida; our Southern Border with Mexico; the young father who "cooked" his baby in a car in Georgia;  it's becoming more and more hazardous for children.  Everybody in the Media is finding some way to "excuse" or "explain" the killings, and threats of death to children; as "necessary"!

Why have we come to this?  Economic pressures!  In the global squeeze that has followed the debt caused by Right-Wing Wars and Tax theft, the stresses are popping out in ways that are most dangerous to the vulnerable.  Kids are always vulnerable!

Stay Vigilant!  Vote out any Republican!  Even YOU can become "undesirable" in this Social-Economic and Darwinian form of Government that is evolving!

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014


We "Should" Have It!!

Our Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew, on the "Telley" this morning, made the statement, ("we should have it") this morning, with some exasperation in his voice.

Readers of this Blog may remember an earlier issue dealing with this problem; perhaps a year or more ago.  When, I was a young Major in the Air Force, I wrote a paper for my Air Command and Staff Training, dealing with Congressional Legislation that enabled our current Multinational Corporations.  I noted that the legislation enabled them to avoid taxation!  I didn't think it was fair for those of us in Uniform to fight and die to preserve the strength and integrity of this nation; while the Corporations were not expected to do their part.  All of my life, up to that point, I, along with most of my fellow citizens felt that EVERYONE had the duty to pay their fair share of taxes.  Somehow, this all changed around 1970, when Congress wrote the Multinational Corporation legislation.

Corporate excess and abuse has grown steadily over those years, in terms of wrecking our economy, polluting our environment (not just the poor and minority citizens -- for EVERYBODY!).  Now, they're lining up, in droves,  to flee the country with their Corporate Headquarters (Cramer calls these places "maildrops" in places like Ireland); ALL TO AVOID PROVIDING THIS COUNTRY THE TAX REVENUES it needs to prevent becoming a Third World Nation!  I saw what that's like when I visited Indonesia and Mexico.  This ain't funny, Folks!!  Their War Costs, coupled with their unprecedented domestic Tax Cuts have already collapsed our Capital Economy!

This corporate move is coming when those "Crackers" who have a choke hold on the House of Representatives, and despise our President, are strong enough to keep the Congress from doing anything to "fix" the problem.  Ah! for the days, when Corporate America actually worried about Sherman Anti-Trust Laws!!

Stay Vigilant!  I think they are pushing the voters in the direction of the Pitchforks!!  They've rigged the voting in most of the country to a point where they think their jobs are "safe".  If you're paying attention;  in Kansas, of all places, REPUBLICANS are turning against Repoobs, in their Governors Chair and Legislature.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

the "Biggest" GUNS; THE "Largest" POCKETBOOK: the "Weakest" MINDS??

USA: (1945-2008) ??

In the 75 years that I've been alive;  Fascism  (on the rampage across Europe when I was born),; through World-War-II; through the Cold War; Korea; Vietnam; the Gulf Wars; (minor incursions into Central and Caribbean); the Collapse of Communism and the Soviet Union, and the Collapse of Private Capitalism in 2008; have occurred!!  From both inside and outside the United States, others of my age and longevity might see quite differing pictures.  If you consider yourself "white" and live in the United States, you will see a starkly different picture than those who are non-white, because of the amazing success, "whites" have had maintaining their race-based privileges, and keeping non-white citizens out of the economy. Presidents, from LBJ through Cheney/Bush, have played their roles.  

Communism is sometimes termed: "Socialism for the Poor", while Fascism is termed: Socialism for the Rich!  Of course, Corporate America is now in the driver's seat in the Governments of the United States (Federal and State).  Only the top 1% of U.S. citizens are managing to maintain and/or grow their incomes and assets. In the face of the collapse of private capital, the "Crackers" who have gained a "choke-hold" on Governments in the United States have managed also to "Kill" Fiscal Policy, leaving only Monetary Policy to keep the economy going.  Sorry, and Scary state of affairs!  The Rich hate Taxes, and they have ALWAYS hated FDR and his programs (those Fiscal Policies that got us out of the Great Depression of the 1930s).

My thirty-eight years in Research, Development, Testing, Engineering, and High-Tech Marketing kept me in key places and key events during just about all what unfolded after 1945.  My Advanced Degrees in Finance, Marketing, Banking, and Public Administration provided great teaching from some of the nation's best, brightest, and most experienced Professors.  Readers of this Blog ( can see over seven hundred articles covering most of my learning and experiences.  The Blog is intended to help those Blacks and Browns who are victims of the "selective ignorance" meted out to them by our 'Education" Institutions.

Black and Brown citizens of this country have been forced to become the nations "natural" innovators, due to their exclusion from most benefits of the U. S. economy; since the beginning of the country.  That is more true today, with the 1% in charge, than ever before.  In spite of it all, they've managed to survive and thrive.  So much so, foreign non-whites from places like Cuba, Mexico, Africa, and India are coming here to "cash-in"??  Their "value-added" appears to lie in their ability to acts as "Tweeners", or buffers, to keep whites in power for as long as possible. Avaricious and "confused" black and brown "Millenials" are being groomed as Drones for the future economy.

In the meantime, Europe and the "West/-leaning" countries realize that the days have come to an end where they can continue to "suck the blood" of the United States.  After 2008, our "blood-supply" has run out!  Our corporations are moving to Europe and taking their money with them!  Rich whites have taken to sucking the blood of poor whites, for the first time in my years here.

We became, over the years, blind and stupid "Consumers" -- running a "Consumer Economy" to the delight of the nations we rebuilt; in Europe,  Japan,  and South Korea.  We also mis-spent our Firepower (big Guns)!  What comes next, nobody seems to know, except, maybe, Netanyahu??

Stay Vigilant!  This nation has run on a toxic stew of racism, color-based-hatreds, and economic jealousy, held together with the implied terror of the lash, guns, ropes, theft, and LAW.  The "special sauce" that is stirred into that mix is this nation's obsession with a curious brand of  "Christianity"!  So go figure!  The Obama Years have allowed every Cracker Element hiding under their sheets to "Out" themselves; at home, and to the world!  They're paraded every day on "Mourning Joe"!

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Monday, July 14, 2014


You may remember Hillary warning us during the Clinton Years, of a "Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy"??  Well, we have been dissuaded (mostly by Media) from taking her seriously --  But that's "Our BAD"!!  She clearly was talking about a Confidential Memo produced by Lewis F. Powell, August 23, 1971.  This was shortly before Richard Nixon placed him on our Supreme Court.  Read the Damn Thing!!
If you have an intelligence quotient (I.Q.) of 50 or better, you might understand it.   If not, GET HELP!  If you've been even mildly "awake" since 2008; this PLAN by Powell, compared to events that have unfolded,, to this day, should make the hair stand up on your head!  First, they came for the Minorities; then the Poor Whites, and (this morning) the statistics are out showing the decline in MIDDLE CLASS Living Standards, projected for the next years ahead!!  Getting your attention, now??  Hillary should have known, because the Clinton Administration "joined in" with measures set in motion by Nixon and kicked into high gear by Reagan.  Is O'Bama "doomed" to go along?  Boehner's role over the years will also become clear; along with roles spelled out for the MEDIA, Academia, Corporate America, -- the list is long.

My title is taken from that of a famous book written by Dick Gregory, and published in 1972.  The book  addressed the lies that Black Parents have fed to their children, for centuries, that set them up for failure! The resulting deep wounds to their psyche stem from teachings and beliefs dispensed  by "Christians".   The teachings can be traced back thousands of years.  My mother, a devout Christian, raised us in the Methodist Church.  At night, after we knelt down to say our Prayers, she would read to us -- (before 1945)!  When she died, and I learned, at the age of 6, that the Christians did not allow her to go to their Heaven and be with the God she was taught to worship; I decided that something was fundamentally wrong with that Religion.  I have since learned, thanks to Bertrand Russell, that its NOT the RELIGION; its the CHURCH(es)!  Given what is happening today in the Middle East, we can add Mosques, Temples, etc.??
Pope Too is reported to be under attack by the Vatican for a statement he made recently regarding the percentage of Priests who are "Pedophiles".  The entire world is in stress over the fall-out from Religions and their "Churches".
Many of the stresses that are converging today on the world's populations can be traced to the Powell Manifesto, it appears.  The Corporate Plan is now being launched globally??
Stay Vigilant!  Is "Spirituality" the "thinking man's/or/woman's" religion of the future??  Where do you find the CHURCH??

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

GOLDWATER "EXTREMISM": -- "50 years later"?

Are We ON THE ROAD to the "DIASY" Ad??

Possibly no politician has had as much or more influence on my political upbringing than Barry Goldwater (the "all-white" Barry)??  As I worked my way up in ranks in AFROTC Det 280 at San Francisco State, between the years of 1959 and 1962; my fellow officers soon became aware of the fact that I did not share their "love" for Barry Goldwater.  They chided me about it, and, years later, gave me one of his books as a gift when I graduated as Cadet Colonel, and Cadet Commander.  I still have it.  Two years after my graduation and Commissioning, Goldwater gave his famous "Extremism" Speech at the Cow Palace in a new city that was in construction while I was a student, on the edge of San Francisco; Daly City.  I was at the age of today's "Millenials"!

Today, the seeds of that speech has "blossomed" into our Extremist Tea Party that eschews Compromise; the secret to success of all all forms of Democracy.  These people seem to stop at nothing to wreck, impoverish, starve, or, in any other way destroy "government".  They seem to not understand that "government" in their hands, gives them their POWER!  We don't "get it" yet, either; it seems!

We've reached a point where "PARANOIA" is on the march to war (again) in the Middle East; Nuclear Weapons (the "Daisy" message) are proliferating; the "Negros" and non-whites, feared so much by  Goldwater and his followers have "loosened their chains" somewhat; and finally, even Goldwater would probably be too "moderate" for today's Republican Party.

I left San Francisco in 1962, a new 2nd Lt, and, after a few months of "training" at James Connolly in Waco, landed at the NSA in the Washington D.C. region.  I was there for it all, the marches, the assassination, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the famous "Daisy" Ads and  "Extremism" Speech of 1964.  The 1964 Civil Rights Act was what drove Goldwater and his backers stark raving Mad!  It is incredible to watch those tapes of the speeches and realize how "distant" white psyche then was from the "muddled confusion" whites of today express in their words and actions.  From LBJ, to Nixon, to Ronnie, to Bush/Cheney, and 9/11; the march toward "Extremism" has been inexorable!  The move to rid the Republican Party of all Moderates and Liberals began then.  So did Conservative Media; ultimately attracting the likes of Rupert to these shores!

I met the "old fart" in the late 1980's at the French Consul in Los Angeles.  When I shook his hand, he recoiled as if I had "infected" him.  Poor old coot!  Don't get me wrong, I don't think even Ted Cruz is crazy enough to throw nukes in the defense of White Supremacy!  However, today's "Millenials"?? Give them many more years of the crap they're taking now from the Crazies who are running the House of Representatives, and anything could be possible.

Netanyahu?  Now there's a "Crazy" who might get there first -- pushed by the foaming at the mouth backers he has cultivated over the years in Israel.  He invaded our domestic politics during the Clinton Years, and is back to repeat his sins under Obama.

Stay Vigilant!  "Frogs" contentedly basking in a warm tub, obsessing over Lebron; are capable of some pretty awful things!

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Saturday, July 12, 2014


Does "Trayvon" provide a "Special Filter"??

Our Visual Media (so crucial to Television and Hollywood Films) "succeeds" in tricking us by playing with the way light falls upon objects.  It has been that way since the "picture-flipping" books of the pre-War years, I guess.  The technique has become very useful in other areas of our daily lives, also; principally, in the way "JUSTICE" has changed its face and practices as we enter the 21st Century.

In recent rulings involving Race, the "naivety" of our Chief Justice, on matters of RACE is trotted out by his defenders.  Of Course!  That's what none of our Senators could see when they CONFIRMED that guy!  Never in our history have we been told that our Senate seeks "naive" candidates to rule over our High Court!  How stupid of us, and them, NOT TO SEE that!  No sooner did the Roberts Court follow the beliefs of their leader: that this country is beyond RACE; and set aside protections for voting; than an avalanche of legal actions start spewing form our "sewer states" to restrict voting for Blacks, the Young, the Old  (did you get missed?  - that's probably on its way)!!  What a "Joke" this Court has become; when five "Justices", all of the religion that invented White Supremacy;  "voted" the way they did!  Their Robes ("Klan robes"!) that is; were "invisible" and so were their motives.  Post-Nixon and Watergate, Young Journalists began learning in school how to manipulate language to obscure TRUTH; they stopped pursuing Facts!  Lawyers learned in school how to break the LAW, while operating WITHIN the LAW (N.J. Bridge, for example)!  Do we have to rely on lucrative legal fees,  and greedy lawyers for any hope of finding real JUSTICE in the 21st Century??

Their timing is also worthy of note.  When our Legislatures in states and at the federal level are gridlocked over race and class, the High Court delivers the "coupe de grace"!!  They know in their wicked little hearts what they have done!

A year (to date) has passed since the Zimmerman acquittal.  Look as closely as you can and will NOT see the Grand Kleagle robes worn by O'Mara (another member of "the faith") as he conducted his "defense'  of 
Zimmerman; egregiously based on the oldest of racial stereotypes.  The "Prosecution" threw the case!   It IS Florida, after all!  You have to spend a couple of years, as I did, to detect how deeply racism buried in the Mass Psyche of that historic "malarial swamp"!

So, welcome to the 21st century, with five racial troglodytes on our Supreme Court serving as the gate-keepers for White Supremacy.  If the blacks in the old South EVER get as close, again, as they were to Voting Freely, they'd better be more organized and on OFFENSE -- not DEFENSE.  Anyone can "see"
once things become obvious!

Stay Vigilant!  Once Politicians can successfully manipulate Institutions in Free Societies to remove Rights from the citizens, NO ONE IS SAFE!

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Friday, July 11, 2014

WHERE?? .. Is O'BAMA'S "committed" BASE??

Has the "Bear" Left Washington to Search??

"Mourning"  Joe (grieving the impending loss of Jim Crow); "slammed" President O'Bama fiercely this morning in his never--ending efforts to provide "closet" aid to the Republicans, Repoobs, Tea-Party, and Out-Right Racists who are in full defiance of the American  (U.S.) Public!  They took the money out of our economy during the first decade of this century, and are are now choking off all funding, to starve the function of our Democracy.  After 6 years of this crap, they hope to achieve total control of Congress in November.

If they succeed, it will be because the Democrats (Liberals, Moderates, Progressives) are not as committed as is the Racist Right, in pursuing the future they want for this country.  Evil doesn't sleep!  The White Right has known what kind of fight they were in since the days of Roosevelt.  "Joe" just can't understand why "this time its different" from those earlier attacks on Bill Clinton; or John Kennedy.  

This country is at a crossroads in 2014; not unlike that of our Civil War!.  Then, Evil was bottled up within a defeated small region of our country that fought bitterly to preserve Chattel Slavery.  Lincoln paid the ultimate price for his opposition to them.  By assassinating him, the White Right got "back on track" through Jim Crow.  Roosevelt warned Churchill NOT to return to Colonialism in the world, post-War.  Churchill fomented "Vietnam" instead; leading to Kennedy paying the "price"; in his efforts to turn us away from a future he saw as devastating.  Johnson, with Kennedy out of the way, restored Southern Evil to power on an international scale.  Johnson, along with Nixon, realized the power to be gained by "converting" the Democrat Party to Republican, and they, once again, were back on the road to our present mess!

All along, the self-absorbed (white) Baby Boomers, were distracted by escaping the Draft, doing drugs, and pretending that Rock and Roll (re-packaged with white faces and slick marketing) was "their" music!!  Catch a T.V. program entitled "The Sixties",\; currently running, and the noted "Liberal", Tom Hanks, fails to note that white kids could claim "race music", only if it had a white, and British face.   People FROM HOLLYWOD form the "core" of O'Bama's "wishy-washy" Democrat Base!  They expect to bridge the divide with MONEY!

MONEY is being played by the White Right, also -- the Romney-style of MONEY.  If they get their way, the White Right will continue to hide their money off-shore: along with the JOBS, they talk about, but DO NOTHING to bring back!

The MEDIA is another "opposing force" for O'Bama!  White-Right-MEDIA (Coulter, Palin, Limbaugh) are "in your face" with their Racism.  "Mourning Joe" pretends to be even-handed!  PROPAGANDA reigns!!

Stay Vigilant!  Obama is a REASONABLE man in a GREEDY and dedicated, racist, and violent world!  So go get WISE??  "Reason" does not "play" in these circumstances.

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

WHY "selfishness" IS NOT "GOOD"; for a Person, Party, or Nation!

It KILLS children & trains them to be KILLERS!

In addition to systematically dismantling the infrastructure of our nation (like deliberately destroying one's own house); the cravenly "stingy" Far Right in the United States is at it again!  Since the early European Settlers, this element of our populace has had no trouble MURDERING Children; whether the young of Native Americans, African Slaves, poor immigrants (farmers, by ranchers); the story is consistent!  Now they're targeting "Brown" children struggling to cross our borders to escape conditions put in place by the likes of Ronald Reagan, Ollie North, Poindexter, the CIA, and Weinberger!  Remember IRAN-CONTRA??  The VATICAN and the ISRAELIS also "got a piece" of that action, as I remember.

This is a huge portion of our recent history, wiped from our minds and our consciousness, as these degenerates proceed, with the help of the Supreme Court, to destroy this country.  Sowing evil seeds has never been a wise practice for a people or an individual.  So much for GOOD SAMARITANS!!  Its about GREED, POWER, and RACE!  In the end, we all wind up like Syria??

Stay Vigilant!  Dig up everything you can on IRAN-CONTRA and try to understand what you were told, and what Congress COVERED UP!  Do it before you VOTE this Fall!

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014


THE "real" "AMERICANS(u.s.)"??

My Great-Grandmother was a daughter of a Virginia Slave.  From her picture, she was as "white" as Nancy Reagan!  If you read much history of slavery in the Americas, whether in Mexico, where the Catholic Church first came up with the idea;  or, in the U.S.; you can stumble across the fact that the Slave Masters preferred the "company" of their own slaves, to that of the "white trash" that worked for them as "Overseers".  The "best blood" of our Founders can be found coursing the veins of "Black" Americans, as a result.  To discover the "real" Daughters of the American Revolution ... (you can figure out what you have to do).

Virginia is a former slave state, one of the original 13 Colonies of our Founding, and a part of Appalachia!
Named "Un-ending Mountains" by Native Americans, Appalachia extends from New York down to Georgia.  As people migrated away from there, they took much of their culture and folkways with them.
I grew in Missouri, eating "greens", "corn-bread and beans", and similar fare.  A majority (7 of 13) of the original colonies are connected by the Appalachias.  Root stock:  Native Americans, Irish, English, Scotch, German, and Polish.  Quite a "brew"!

In an on-line article entitled: Appalachian Regional Ministry, the "stigma" attached to this region by movies from HOLLYWOOD, like "Deliverance", is a pattern that was followed by T.V. (Beverly Hillbillies).
Who are these people;  really!: (they, reportedly, prize their seclusion) , they represent many "strains" that are evident in our national struggle to govern ourselves under the first non-white President in our history.  Chief among them are poverty and poor education.  They have been lumped among the "white trash" in our Mass Media Mind-Set.  The Ministry article cites their enduring positive qualities: hard-work, family loyalty, kindness among "their own"; that serve our nation well to this day.  How, and where, do we find the "real" Appalachians today?  Even the "Appalachians" would probably not think of looking among our nation's "blacks"!!  No matter where you or your forebears came from, you probably have a significant number of "black" Americans who are "kin" to you!

Stay Vigilant!  Like a Malignant Spine, this region continues to infect or nation and our politics with centuries-old habits and beliefs.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Will the "Crackers" Among Us, remain able to "COMPETE"??

Will the "Smart" Whites "Wake-Up" (in-time)??

If your are being driven "crazy" by the crap emanating from our Congress; from the suicidal behavior of the Israelis; or, by the future direction of capitalist "markets";  Google: 

Ever since 2008, when the "Smart" Money Boys killed DEMAND in our Capitalist Economy, our economic survival has depended on the FEDERAL Reserve; and the INTELLIGENCE of Barack Obama!  "Keep em Barefoot and Ignorant"  has been the "First Commandment" of white rule, here in the United States, and around the world, since 1492??  This "Commandment" stopped working after 1960s in the U.S.; so, "work-arounds" using the Supreme Court, have been slowly put into place; starting with the DRED "Clarence" in 1991.  Ignorance policy paid off for them "in spades" for Clarence and Condi!  From the days of the "Lash and Bible", whites could not abide a non-white who could read one one letter of the English alphabet!  Instant DEATH was summarily decreed by white men, women, and children, as their remedy!

We were ALL lucky to get a Presidential Candidate, uniquely suited, intellectually, to handle the mess of Cheney/Bush -- but. "Crackers" choose to Destroy our Government, rather than to work with him!  It is the lack of an "educated" and skilled work-force (around the Globe) that is placing the future of Capitalism in Question!!  The over-arching policy is Global -- driven by Christian Churches!

I turned away from "Mourning Joe and his Sidekick" this morning, just as they were "cheering" the fact that the SAT and ACT will no longer be "required" by our nation's Institutes of Higher Learning ("Colleges")!  Having given up, long ago, on meaningful "education" and "enlightenment", in favor of "Networking" (led by the "Ivies"); our "higher" learning is following the race to the sewer route, that the rest of Public Education has taken since 1954!
NOTE:  Joe and his "other" were "bragging" about their difficulties scoring a requisite "1000" score on the SAT:  ALL of my children did BETTER than that!  It may buttress the point that, in order to be a "succcess" in the United States, its better to be "White", than "Bright??

I learned more in the next 15 minutes from Mohamed El-Erian, and Art Cashin, on another network, than from all the white "glitterati" on Joe's network.  Beware, there are "T-Poop, Obama-Hatin' plants" everywhere: ("Sick-Rant-Telly) comes quickly to mind.  As the Market decides what to do next, its best to keep your eye on your MONEY, rather than the likes of  "Romney-alias, Ted Nugent! ( "They are in "Cookin" unsuspecting "Frogs" in warm tubs)??

Since the 1960s; the "Crackers" among us have added a number of woes to their long worry list: "Women", Gays, Hispanics, Poor Whites -- the "Muslims", of course!  The harder they take swings at us, the 2000 market crash; two wars in the Middle East; the "Housing" Bubble; and, 2008; the worse off their condition gets!  Even MISSISSIPPI has put a limit on this crap!

Stay Vigilant!  Are we reduced to relying on the "Informed Greed" of "White Wealth" to save us from our Past Sins; both at home and abroad??  Check Out: "Macroprudential Policy"!!  WATCH YOUR MONEY!

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Monday, July 7, 2014


Can We all "HOPE"??

The last of the Baby-Boomers of the U.S. pass the age of 50 this year.  Born nine years before the first of them; I've witnessed in my lifetime the total saga of the sojourn of this staggeringly-huge, and "impact-ridden" bunch of  "youth"!  It is fiercely fighting nature's attempt to "mature" them, and, not doing it well.  Following the "leadership" of  some of the "worst" of that cohort, in governments, industry, warfare; it's amazing that we are still able to function -- even at this pitiful level we all decry!

It is expected that as a person "ages"; they learn from their mistakes and become Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser!  The Jury is still out!  Clinton was our first "Boomer" President.  By 2016, the "youngest Boomer" will be 52, and the oldest will be 68.  Of all the crap they've presented to us, and to the world, it can be hoped that the "Body and Bones" will "speak" to this cohort in ways that, so far, their "Brain" has not.  To me, it seems they have been "stuck" in that youthful rebellion that surfaced in 1968.  Blame it on the "Devil's Music" aka "Rock & Roll"??  Racism haunts the entire saga.

Every generation passes through a "rebellious" phase in the maturing process.  This group, perhaps because of its size, and the events that were "handed" to them (Cold War, Vietnam, and other "Colonial"/"Race" Wars), they got "stuck" in "denials of reality" and retreated so massively into drug-taking, and other types of  "dissipation".  Their example seems to be followed by a later generation that wants to "convert" our economy to one driven by "POT"-smokers!  What's Up With That?  Never acquired the taste or interest!  1939 can be blamed, I guess!

After 2008, however, the last two Presidents (book-ends? -- one born in 1948, the other in 1961), have had a hand in causing, exacerbating, or "fixing" -- take your pick -- the economic mess that now grips the world.  Its beginning to look like there is no "fix" for this economy.  It has been changed permanently!  It may take years before we can all see clearly what derives from the melt-down.  The explosion of technological change brought on since 1939 has impacted events in ways that are still in early stages of "unfolding".  The pace of meaningful "integration" of technology into our methods for producing wealth seems to have slowed , and become more difficult ( Wall-Street-Collapse, for example).  Societal changes in every culture in the world show a trait of REGRESSION toward their Darker social behavior in their past.

It's interesting that retreat into more primitive religious beliefs appear to be driving the behavior of  groups
AND individuals.  Struggles to obtain income, at the  levels taken for granted in our recent past, are issues for just about every individual and group.  Its a struggle that does not seem to get better; as "hierarchical" institutions and economic units weaken.  In spite of technological innovation, the ability to form and retain useful human relations continues to weaken, as old skills are lost or discarded.  So much for successful "networking"

Stay Vigilant!  TECHNOLOGY ani't GOD!  For many; even GOD is no longer GOD!

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

"RED" vs. "BLUE??; or, "HEARTS" vs. "MINDS"??

A "LIFE(?)" of the "Mind"??

As old at this nation (238 years), is the "struggle" between the basic beliefs of its Founders, buried in their respective Religions, that persons of Color, were sub-human; and therefore, worthy of the most brutal forms of DEATH!  The EXECUTIONERS, of course were White Males.  While Native Peoples were consigned to immediate and violet extermination, Black Slaves and their blood lines were consigned to unending "servitude" to Whites.  The Civil War that was fought, 85 years into the "Experiment"; was essentially an economic contest between those white males who did not want to have to "compete" with Slave Labor, and those white males who "benefited" from the Slave System.  The TECTONIC SPLIT in the psyche of the early whites:  the basic belief that persons of color, were to some extent "less than human"; and therefore, "undesirable"; was not "solved" or settled by the Civil War!  It is being "fanned" in our streets, and Courts, today!

Today (2014), as the entire World is reeling under the weight of this basic belief, the SPLIT remains in this nation, and is expressed most vociferously by the Republican Party and its surrogates.  The First Black President thought, naively, that he could "heal" that SPLIT; now called our "NATIONAL DIVIDE".  He has moved us beyond the place Abraham left us; but it is by no measure adequate to today's need!  

As we drift farther away from our paths toward Science, Reason, and "Fair Play" that produced the "America" touted in our literature and our Education and Religious teachings; it becomes clear that the deficits in our past attempts to produce a competent public, capable of governing itself in times of stress, HAVE PRODUCED SERIOUS FAILURES!  

Powerful Religious and Economic forces have joined (Globally) to "farm" the minds of whites; driving them back toward the Middle, or "Dark" Ages of their past ancestry from  Europe.  As a result, the Middle East is about to explode; as younger generations there will no longer take the "crap"!  Within the "strongest nation", the decline of the "MIND", in favor of its reliance on passions and "bloody appeals" to the HEARTS of whites has progressed rapidly!

Enter the role of technological advances since 1939:  Immediately, the pace of technological advance was much greater than the ability of the "People" to consume it intelligently; with reason and safety.  This could be the greatest damage the Cold War produced!   Economic gain quickly took over; "Science", and/or "Reason" have been trashed!  The vile preachment s of persons like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, and similarly-minded females, rattles the "MIND".  (So much for the socially superior roles that "women" can be expected to play??)  Their appeal to the rawest, most racist, emotions, connected to "blood lines" and similar "primate-level" urges, matches those in parts of our world where, understandably, Religion and Tribal Rule have held sway.  The rapid deterioration of the United States of America by some of its powerful white citizens, for Political and Economic gains, does not produce much hope for Mankind in the years ahead!

Stay Vigilant!  What is in your "Mind"  Who is manipulating it?  Will you lose all "control"??

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Saturday, July 5, 2014

A PARTY (self)-STRANGULATING?? ... using a A "Border" as a "Noose""??

Is there No (other) End, Possible??
As if the skin-color animosities against our First Black President were't enough to shame, shock, and rally the "whites" in this world to repudiate what they've seen and heard, in their name, coming out of the United States over the past six years; consider what is happening now, as Cracker Members of the Republican Cauldron attack women and children on buses!   Again, (mostly) because of their skin color! !  Does this passivity show that "whites" silently agree??
The extremely-low level of intelligence to be found in the Republican Establishment, today is scary!  THEY DON't (or can't?) UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF (intelligent) IMMIGRATION POLICY, as has been pursued by nations on this planet, for hundreds of years!  To help them, I suggest two sources:  MIGRATION and CULTURES A World View, by Thomas Sowell, a Black Conservative; from the days when "Black" and "Conservative" included people with genuine intelligence and self-respect.  The Malignant Right, today can only recruit those blacks who have serious deficits of BOTH!  The book was published in 1996 by Basic Books.  No matter who you are, as a citizen of this country, if you look hard enough, you can find a story of an Immigrant Group that touches your "blood line".
The other is Henri Bogardus' data on Social Distance.  Created during the last time this country faced an Immigration Crisis of this magnitude (the 1920s), it involved the struggle in this country to "sort-out" its "white" citizens.  As you read it, you will see the "ranking" or "pecking order" of the variety of "whites" among our citizenry.  (ex., "British" represented the "whiteest", of all whites, then; and also, today).
Our present Crisis is so intense that all persons of color will ultimately be impacted, along with groups like 
Women (all colors, all classes); the Poor (all colors, all classes),  "Workers" (all colors, over 55 years old,  all classes, all employment levels).  The Supreme Court Rulings during the Obama Years, clearly,  point in that direction.  People of color with College Degrees  will continue to find their expectations and legal protections against discrimination disappear.  Women can be returned to their "chattel" status of years prior to 1920.
BORDERS are disappearing, or losing their significance, around the globe.  Governments are weakening; tensions among peoples who have no recent history of strife, are multiplying.  Entire regions are impacted!  As North America progresses more toward "energy independence"; Mexico will come under increased scrutiny from the U.S. and Canada, for all of its resources.  After exploiting their labor, and natural resources (oil, water, etc), the question will then arise as to "what to do?" with their "people"??  Borders become meaningless, once  "government policy" is set at a "Regional" level!

Stay Vigilant! READ!;  LEARN!

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