Wednesday, September 30, 2015

SCOTUS: "Dis-ROBED" ?? (by POPE's Visit)

A Light in Dark Corners??

Shame on those Three "Justices" who declined invitations to attend the Speech, by Pope Francis, before Congress !  It so happens, that they are the three who remain most viciously opposed to "Justice" for people who have been struggling to become Free and Equal Citizens since our Civil War: Thomas, Scalia, and Alito!!  If there were any questions as to how the Justices "stack-up", from Hard Right to Hard Left, politically, this incident should shine significant light on the matter.

Remember, it was a SCOTUS Decision, Dred Scott, in 1857, that set the stage for our Civil War; over the issue of the  extension of Chattel Slavery.  The Congress passed, and the States Ratified the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to our Constitution, to provide Rights and Freedoms for the former Slaves.  The Congress, several Presidents, and Booker T. Washington, toiled to bring about JIM CROW; a system enacted to dismantle most of the provisions of those Amendments.  SCOTUS supported JIM CROW, and indelibly scarred us all with definitions for Color Racism, in their Plessy v. Ferguson Decision, in 1896,  Congress, in the heat and turmoil of the Assassinations of the 1960s. restored Voting Rights for the descendants of  former Slaves.  SCOTUS, the Roberts Court, "gutted" the Voting Rights Act, in 2013, by removing Legal Protections for Black Voters.  The three Justices who declined to hear the POPE, were also those who,  joined by Justices Kennedy and Roberts,  "did that dirty deed"!.

Now we have it:  Most Extreme:  Thomas; assisted by Scalia, Alito, Roberts and Kennedy; in order from Hard Right, toward the political Middle.  Least Extreme:  Sotomayor, assisted by Kagan, Ginsburg, and Breyer, in order, from Hard Left toward the political Middle.  Kennedy has been known to "swing"!!

Stay Vigilant!  The Issues, that, we tell ourselves, were "settled" by the Civil War, are kept very much alive by Justice "T-Party" Thomas, and his cohorts on the Hard Right, in our Supreme Court!!  As our country struggles to protect White Citizens who are terrified by Blacks, as always; as they also face  impoverishment at the hands of FAT CATS (Trump??) -- get ready for a Nasty Future in these United States.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

If a CAR could "TALK" !!

Thirty Years of "Fun and Drama" !!

Four years ago, (shy one month), The OWL, Blog number 3, was entitled: Heaven in my BMW 635csi.  The night before I purchased my "Bimmer", I saw Charlie Rose drive the identical car on his nightly Talk Show (black, on black; "in" Schwarz)!!  The car rolled off the assembly line, thirty years ago.  It is now a "Classic", I'm told,  by those who stop me on the street to admire the car.

My Dad used to say "Life begins at 40"!  Now that I've lived 30 years with my Bimmer, acquired when I was 46, I can attest to the truth of that assertion.  Those who have consistently read this Blog (this one is number 1176), know, that my Childhood ended 70 years ago, in September of 1945, in a Hell-Hole the entire world was recently introduced to: Missouri!  My Life's Journey began in earnest, when I permanently "shook that dust from my feet", and,  I left on a long and mostly lonesome drive West; landing in the San Francisco Bay Ares, in the City of  Berkeley.  The twists and turns of that Path, are only now, beginning to slow down!  

The Journey became especially interesting and dramatic, once Vasek Polak handed me the keys to my Bimmer, in his Establishment in Hermosa Beach, CA.  The roads stretching ahead, led from the beautiful horse trails of Palos Verdes, CA,; to Capitol Hill in Seattle; to Brickell Key, in Miami; and to many points in between.  It even includes the border towns of Tijuana and Juarez, in Old Mexico.

I'm slowing down, now, and the Bimmer will have to go to someone else who will enjoy its stories, and its "Joy" of the Road!  In this week's Barron's (magazine insert, page 18) read: When Extra Power Pays Off.

This article updates us on BMW's "racy M versions".

Stay Vigilant!  Anyone interested in more details of this Bimmer with a storied-life, can e-mail:

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No "Golden Rule" for ISRAEL??

Netanyahu: "wrong" choices??

As regards ISRAEL; the SILENCE was "deafening" at the U.N. in New York, during this September's General Assembly Session.  Usually, Israel, and Netanyahu, "dominate" discussions -- but not this year.  Was it the POPE? Was it Boehner? It may go all the way back to Falwell!!  Netanyahu, long ago, decided to "cast his lot" with the Biblical-Rabble
in our "Ol' South" -- to the detriment of his Country??  He seemed to feel that joining that bunch of Trash, which has given "death rattles" to the Republican Party; was the way to go!  He joined visibly with their efforts to denigrate, undermine, trivialize, back-stab, and, destroy Obama's Presidency.

Sowing the whirlwind among his neighbors, he now has a budding intafada on his hands, as the seeds sown by Sharon (assisted by DickandDubya) are starting to bloom inside Israel.  Do the world's governments have too much on their plates, now, to continue struggling with Netanyahu?  Will he wind up "in-the-soup" of blood-feuding, that has embroiled the rest of the Middle East?

Stay Vigilant!  We can all PRAY for Israel -- for our OWN sake!!  The speed at which Syria
imploded; destroying everything their wealthy citizens possessed, should cause everyone on the Planet to "quake in their boots"!!

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

CARLY?? "Seriously"??

"Dishin" version of Lee Atwater??

A most unsavory creature that knows -not truth in Media, has sprung from the same Sewy-Hole that produced Terrible Teddy Cruz!  With the same foul smell of our radical faction, also known as the Tea Party, this "woman" is hard to stomach!

Let's face it folk; you don't want to be served up the "dirty detials" of standard practices in human surgery, any more than we want to have graphic descriptions of how our "sausage" is made!  When I was a young student in San Francisco in 1960, two medical students from the U.C. Medical School were disciplined for whacking off the scrotum of a cadaver for their use as a tobacco pouch.  Medical Students have to have a certain sense of "detachment" in order to do their very unattractive, but very necessary jobs for their Customers.  Carly know this.  Listen Carefully, and you will NEVER hear her say that Planned Parenthood directs or participates directly in the widespread practice. or malpractices, more accurately, that occur THROUGHOUT and Medical and Pharmaceutical Professions today.  There is is HUGE profit in their myriad schemes that are, so far, LEGAL!  To play Carly's game of projecting this entire dirty business on Planned Parenthood, just because her "Base" and the pin-head consumers of MEDIA today are gullible enough to believe what they Don't Quite Hear Her Say; is very   near to CRIMINAL (or certainly should be)!!  Carly must be REJECTED for this Low-Down Practice!

Stay Vigilant!  Listen Closely!

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"PAPA"; in JAIL??

"Exestintial" Criminals??

Interrupting, in the middle, a Fareed Zacharia interview with "Bubba" Clinton, "Poncho - the Beloved" (of late) appeared on the television, from a location inside a Prison in Philadelphia!  Unless I missed it, I did NOT hear him recognize the "Existential" component -- "grounded in existence, or the experience of existence"  of the "Crimes" for which his prisoner audience may have been incarcerated, brutalized, and ignored, in perpetuity by our Social Mores in the United States!  De Tocquevile, who came here in the 1830s to study our Prison System; wrote about it; Du Bois, wrote about it in Souls of Black Folk; and, we ALL, if only in our Sub-Conscious Minds, recognize it!!

Could it be that a notion: that all without the Purest of White skin (i.e. Gachupines, Clergy, or Spanish Military) were Criminals; was implanted in our Sub-Conscious Minds, by teachings and practices of the earliest of Christians to arrive on American Continents, 500 years ago??   Non-whites have, ever since, been treated by White Christians, as "deserving": of the most brutal treatment!  (Dylaan Roof, for example?)

 Once  Protestant Christian Immigrants to these shores got their hands on this notion, and began to "turn the screws" on those Damned by the First Christians; the Americas have also been concurrently Damned!! Evidence of it is playing out in our House of Representatives while "Papa's" Visit is on-going!  This is the the CURSE that the CHURCH must Eradicate, in the hearts of its "flock"; if it is to survive the diminishing relevance of Whites on this Planet!

Stay Vigilant!  THINK carefully, READ truth; AVOID the urgings of our MEDIA, heavily tainted by  Ailes, Murdoch, and Limbaugh!

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Upon Coming to AMERICA!

CHANGE is "on the Wind"

Speaker Boehner, third in succession to the Presidency of the United States, "washes his hands"  of the Republican Leadership of the House of Representatives!! He is the first, to "voluntarily" resign, under no visible pressure, and within HOURS after hosting the first Papal Visit to that Body!!  Has he also become convinced that Republicans have become a "Down-Low" Party; a FACTION, like the threat our Founders warned us against??

Every-day White Catholics are being restored, before our eyes, from the weight of the Scandal that arose when long-lasting, widespread, Sex-Abuse of minor children was  found among Catholic Priests, world-wide.  Those most prone to practice their FAITH from a position that is Judgmental and imbued with an Air of White Supremacy, unfortunately, are also "restored".

You could see evidence of that if you looked closely at the faces of the darkest-skinned children among those assembled at the school in Harlem.  There was the stark look of fear, uncertainty, and doubts of acceptance that their parents suffered in Catholic Education.  The Dexel Family of Philadelphia targeted Native and Black Children within their "service tradition".  As we know from other sources, the Bible and Christianity were common tools used by Whites as they pursued a program of Killing Off adults, while impounding their children for indoctrination to favor "whiteness"; while, "forever" remaining Marginalized!  In my early days in the Air Force, I could easily spot a Black Officer from Philadelphia or New York, for that reason.  "Missionaries" from other FAITHS pursued the Native and Black children West of the Mississippi.

Also present in the Harlem School (Spanish Harlem, that is) were Immigrant Families from Non-White parts of the world.  Once prominent in large cities, such schools are now rare, due to the fact that Whites have done better economically, and have moved away, and taken away their financial support.  Traditionally, a Blue-Collar element, jobs for less-educated Catholic males, today, are found on Police Forces, and in Fire-fighting.  Those groups are feeling an economic pinch, thanks to DickandDubya, and are taking it out on Blacks across our Country.

Stay Vigilant!  Boehner's Resignation may bode more "Evil on the Way"?  The FACTION-alized Whites, who cheer Trump, have made impressive gains in both Houses of Congress, and show o signs of seeking Good Governance! 

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Friday, September 25, 2015

"PAPA" the LAND of the "FREE"??

Who? ... You??

Preaching the GOLDEN RULE in a place where those with the most GOLD, Rule; Pope Francis, aka "Poncho", is a BIG HIT!!  He has been doing the "hitting", however, from a place, high up, in the House of Representatives, where it will be most difficult for the Legislators in our Federal Government to "miss" his message!  This occurred within hours of his "Conquering" Cuba, in a way that was most spectacular!  Maybe those, most Greedy, who have been licking their lips to get back at the Cubans, after years of Batista and Fidel, will take pause?  You THINK??  Not on yer life!!

Talking to the Oppressors, and their paid lackeys in Official positions, "Papa" warns that the Greedy have dangerously overreached!  Massive outpourings of Migrants are flooding Europe from the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, as examples.  He spoke against the arms merchants, our death penalty, ... his Laundry List was long!  (Read the Speech)

Millions of people in this Country, Catholic and non-Catholic have become "Fans", and seem eager for his message of "Forgiveness".  Citing, among others, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, he raises a question for those of us who struggle:  "What is the Price of Forgiveness, and WHO "Pays" it??  In both cases, Lincoln and the Civil War, and, King, and the Civil Rights Movement, one hundred years later; the BLACK VICTIMS paid the price, and are still paying it; in a land where white Leaders bend every fiber to keep them Marginalized.  Beginning, in the early days of JIM CROW, these Leaders have been assisted by a Cynical Class of Black (known today as "Conservatives") who have found their way to riches and fame by serving the interests of those Leaders who work to Oppress.  Two, most prominent today, are Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice.  Both, the handi-work of Bush(es)!

Undoubtedly, Nelson Mandela could be added to the list of Leaders like Lincoln and King.  The "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions" that followed the surface collapse of Apartheid, also serve to reinforce the notion among whites that Blacks, somehow, "deserve" their suffering; and that no whites should ever be punished!  The Cycle is a Vicious One!
The ghosts of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Walter Scott can attest the the fact that JIM CROW today has become institutionalized in our Police Organizations, acting in league with Big City Mayors to maintain the marginalization of those Blacks who are too poor to escape their assigned habitats.. We can trace the early days of this phase, to Los Angeles and Mayor Bradley's Chief, Daryl Gates.

Stay Vigilant!  The POISON has worked its way deep into the Fabric of Society, throughout the Americas; from Argentina, to Alaska.  It'll take a HEAP of Prayin' to some GOD more powerful than any we have yet known, to make this CRAP STOP!! 

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Thursday, September 24, 2015


His Sunshine , and "wisdom" will be Missed!!

On September 22 2015, we lost Yogi Berra, at the age of 90.  Old enough to belong to the "Silent Generation"; he was significantly NOT Silent!  His witticisms will live long after him, as younger Generations repeat them without knowing their source.  Most youngsters, like my children, fell in love with Hanna Barberra's Yogi Bear T.V. show that aired in 1961.

Yogi will especially be missed for the clear-eyed, and unpretentious manner in which he embraced Life, and his beloved Game of Baseball.  He left both Fans and non-Fans with an awareness that was both unique and warm.

As we drift toward something that resembles a new Cold War between Russia and Europe; and, perhaps, between Russia and the United States;  those of us who are part of Yogi's Generation, and their resolute resistance to Despots that roamed this Planet during their Youth; it becomes startlingly clear that we DO NOT have that quality in abundance among our youth of today!  Today's Despots recognize that, and have seized on those opportunities they gain, as a result.

The mass Self-Absorption that surfaced in 1968, revealed Youth who valued their Nation's well-being much lower on their priority lists than did Yogi's Generation.  Succeeding Generations have descended even farther in that direction.  It is doubtful that we could assemble adequate Leadership to win a Cold War, or, certainly NOT a World War today.

Stay Vigilant!  Greed, Ambition, and Self-Promotion combine to form a corrosive concoction that destroys what is best about citizens in a Free Democracy!  We see it in action, as it prevents the cooperative actions necessary to solve, even simple, problems!

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015


This One really IS "Different"??

John Boehner, a Catholic, may "rue the day" he invited THIS Pope to Visit our Congress!
Currently under seige by the most radical and least intelligent Rabble this Country is capable of producing, our Country, our President, and our Congress are severely hampered in their ability to "govern"!!  The Rabble, emboldened by their stupendous number of "candidates" in the Republican Party, smell "victory", so far, in 2016!

This Pope tells them that the Bible and the Koran are "equally valid"?  Really??   THAT must blow
the tiny brains of our Rabble!!  Not only those who take their Christianity "straight", i.e., Catholic, are most directly affected -- those who take their Christianity "with chasers", i.e., Protestant, are also sent reeling by this Pope's message about their Beloved Bible! 

Another DIFFERENCE; not yet in much evidence through pronouncements or actions, comes from the fact that he is the first Pope of the "Americas".  That is very important because this side of our Planet is where the Inquisition moved, and set up shop to work those Evils that produced, and still perpetuate a  deeply-embedded sense of White Supremacy!  Profits from their evil trade and teachings have been used to enshrine their perpetual message in the Paintings of European "Masters", and on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  These pictures portray an indelible message that God is White, God prefers those who are lighter in skin color, and, therefore, Jesus, the Son of God must also be White.  History and Geography tell us otherwise, but the "Flock" is not exposed to much of that kind of "knowledge", through their "education".  These "Teachings" have worked economic miracles for White People on our Planet, over the past half-Millenium, and have trained non-whites to act in ways to limit their abilities to live fully-human lives!

Stay Vigilant!  Until all persons on this Coil get this message through their thick heads, and erase their various Beliefs in being "chosen", or Exceptional"; nothing of substance will CHANGE!!  The special perniciousness of the Americas as the Incubator for this Evil, has been the ability of Christian Churches, Schools, and "American" Institutions and Movements, from "Scientific Racism", "Eugenics", and similar efforts to "seduce non-whites", and to keep their color-racism alive.  How else to explain a Dylaan Roof in 2015, or murdering white ethnic Cops?

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

let's All PRAY; that POPE-TOO may "Lift" their CURSE??

"T'was a POPE that Did the DEED; T'will take a POPE to Erase IT??

The "Auxiliary" POPE arrives in the USA today! (one for the MONEY; too for LOVE).
Reports in MEDIA are that he will "Sanctify" Father Junipero Serra, who extended Chattel Slavery for Native Americans, from Mexico, where it originated, to what is now California.

The heart of History for Modern Europe, began beating in Mexico when TransAtlantic Slave Trading for Africans was approved by a Pope in the early 1500's upon a  Petition of Bishop Bartolome` Las Casas, in Chiapas.  Arguing that the Natives, cast into chattel slavery in the Silver Mines of Mexico, were not "productive" enough; he claimed that Africans would work out better.  At a time when Popes had more power than the crowned heads of Europe, (a Pope drew a line, decreeing Portugese Language on one side, and Spanish on the other, in what was today's Brazil); it took a POPE to make something as monumental as the SLAVE TRADE happen.  From the skirts of early experiments in Slavery in Mexico by the worlds most Malignant Entrepreneurs (the Conquistadors), flowed Skin-Color and attendant Discrimination that continues to plague the world in 2015.  It funded what we now refer to as European Culture!

Sorting out Negros, Blancos, and Indios, centuries before Nixon and his Dodgy Republicans decided to cram us all into Race Boxes in the U.S.;  for the convenience of the Federal Government and Crooked Politicians; Spanish Governors in Mexico came up with their Deis y Seis Raices.

Hildalgo and Allende, in protest over discrimination against criollos by gachupins, started a Revolution in 1810.  They both lost their heads in that War.  Two  Generals who were African mixtures (Guererro and Morelos) won that war for Mexico, gaining their Independence in 1821.  Their first Constitution abolished Slavery

Stay Vigilant!  The Pope's visit must not be a "balm" to make the non-whites  more comfortable in the degradation, while re-charging the white part of their flock to keep up their Racism!

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Monday, September 21, 2015


Republicans "Devolve" ??

Degeneration seems to be the Order of the Day for those Candidates engaging in the Republican Primary Elections in the USA.  A "Fierce Chihauhua" from Florida, and a "Bitter Betsy" from California, are advancing with giant strides among the angry, dissembling,  and, out-right lying, bunch who participated in their latest "Debate", sponsored by CNN.

The Grand Old Party is permanently changing, before our eyes, into a pitiable caricature of its somewhat better Past.  It turned rancid, almost from the beginning, by fielding JIM CROW Sympathizers and Enablers among its earliest Presidential successors to Abraham Lincoln.   By doing so, they inherited a bitter and insurrectionist element among the Populace that has only grown more bitter and malicious over time.  Vowing to "get-even" with the Federal Government for General Sherman; their "BASE" has inflicted severe and irreparable damage damage that has accelerated with the Obama Election in 2008.  Their steadfast opposition to any and everything necessary for our Nation to Grow and Prosper, has taken a terrible toll since the Red-Neck Rebellion sprang forth in 1994, led by New Gingrich!!  Our Country has grown steadily weaker!  They seem to have burned out TRUMP.  His Lamp is beginning to burn lower!

Fiorina as managed to make Palin seem more reasonable as President; and Master Marco is sure he will be able to "lead" the Country if he inherits those Boots.  Lead us WHERE?  -- That's the scary question.  Marco is even willing to "diss" the Pope to endear himself to the sludge that forms the Republican BASE.  

Stay Vigilant!  Remember days when Politicians took "the High Road"?  I can remember days when the Voting Public EXPECTED their Politicians to take that Road!  Not today, apparently.  Life in the Sewer of the Old South may lie ahead for us all.  You're not even safe in your Church, down there.

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Sunday, September 20, 2015


KUDOs to MHP!!

MHP and her Supporters on this morning's show (MSNBC), introduced a term I was not familiar with: "Intersectionality".  You can check it out, as I did, on line.  As a "feminist sociological theory", it is attributed to Kimberle` Crenshaw, in1989.  Actually, Flo Kennedy tried, in vain, to get Women of Color to understand this phenomenon in the Mid-Seventies; when it became clear that they were "swallowing" white feminism, and getting little or nothing in return!

Long before MEDIA, as we know it today; as a matter of fact, I became first aware with the NAT KING COLE Show, on NBC in the late Fifties; Entertainment has a been the dominant method for our Racist Nation (formed by our FOUNDERS to be a "White" Country) to propagate its Race Propaganda.  Nat's show was forced off the Air by protests that "Whites in the South would stop buying Cadillacs" -- General Motors was the Sponsor of that ill-fated attempt to "integrate" T.V. in the USA.

This morning's discussions centered on Matt Damon, and White Male Late-Night Show Hosts, and their failure, or unwillingness, to use Non-whites and Women as Writers for their Shows.

What Artists of Color don't "Get" is the psychological cloud in which all of this takes place.  Many, if not most, citizens of this Country are convinced, or at least "conditioned" by a belief that Non-whites are really Whites with darker skins!  That BELIEF convincesWhite,  market-driven, producers of Entertainment (all forms) to ignore significant economic interests of Persons of Color in their business practices.  There is no negative consequence to what whites do.  Persons of Color will buy their product, and, when they do "break-through", they most often "ape" whites in their appearance or in their portrayals.  Always seeking to be "different", while remaining the "same"; they're forced to constantly "innovate":  It doesn't take Whites very long to "COPY" those innovations; and then force the innovators aside.  NOTE: to ALL Entrepreneurs of Color, (and women): you will find a version of this syndrome also applies to "Inventions" and "New Ideas"!!  Once those with more money "get it",  Creators-of-Color are caste-aside, and very often not paid ANYTHING!!  Profitable businesses are often lost through this phenomenon! 

Stay Vigilant!  Persons of Color have to determine whether their "differences" are really more than surface-deep, and make corrections in their behaviors, accordingly.  They will never achieve true FREEDOM until they do.  Unfortunately, they have failed to deal with this phenomenon at it ROOT:  most people can reason, by the age of 6, that Jesus cannot be the figure reprsented to ALL by Europeans!  Whites re-wrote the Bible in 1611 -- they did NOT WRITE the Bible, originally!

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Friday, September 18, 2015

the FED: HOW TO GET back; TO "2+2+2" ???

the GOOD old DAYs ??

Peter Drucker told a story about Banking in the USA in the "good old days".  I filed it in my NOTES under "2+2+2".  

We were told that in those days, a Banker could go to work at 9:00 AM; Play a round of golf and have lunch, at 11:00AM; and then, end his work day at 3:00PM!!  That was because Interest Rates were very stable, and covered: 2% of "natural" inflation, plus 2% of inflation from growth in the economy (one half), and growth in the value of assets (the other half).  The Banks added their 2%, to cover the costs of "doing their business", and their profit.  The 6% Interest Rate became our Standard.

That lasted until Nixon took us off the Gold Standard, and the world was hit with Commodity Inflation from Oil, Coffee, even Sugar.  Wage and Price Inflation rose rampantly in our Economy, until Paul Volcker Chair of the FED for Presidents Carter and Reagan (1979 to 1987), KILLED inflation and brought oil and gold prices down from the rafters.

Money Boys then started playing with our Housing, as I remember, starting with the Keating Five in the United States Senate.  That turned out to be a practice run for the Big Caper targeting our Housing Market, that took place under the loosey-goosey reign of Dickand Dubya!.  We're still shell-shocked from that CRAP!  All of this happened under Alan Greenspan, who followed Volcker as Fed Chair, serving Reagan, Daddy Bush, Clinton, and DickandDubya (1987-2006)!!  The Housing Debacle of 2008, courtesy of the second-round Bush Administration, revealed that our Economy had been deeply linked to the GLOBAL ECONOMY that grew in the wake of Nixon and Kissinger tinkering with China!

Stay Vigilant! Hold-on to whatever part of your body that works for ya'; as we continue to  "ride-out" the aftermath of "2008"!  The Red-Neck Revolt that placed DickandDubya in Office in 2000, has metastasized into the Repoob-Tea Party, and what's left of the Republican Party we used to know.  Their REVOLT also killed our FISCAL POLICY; leaving the FED to carry the full weight of  "fixin" their F*ck-Ups!  We're back to 2% growth; where we need 4%!  Until the VOTERS kick the asses of the Republicans in Congress and force them to do their FISCAL job, and restore our  twin policies that have always stabilized our Economy, we will continue to "Limp Along" as a Nation; much the same way we injured Veterans have to??

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

IGNORANT:"BOSSY": white, u.s. MALES -- are DANGEROUS!!

"Death Throes" for JIM CROW??

With last night's "three-ring  Circus"; ( MEDIA, and two groups of CLOWNS), CNN wore us all down with 3 hours of scripted "performances".  This was palmed-off on the even more stupid Public, as a DEBATE!!  Just as we we're becoming convinced we can NOT get more STUPID; someone like TRUMP comes along to show us there is an even lower Layer of Stupidity to be found among white males in the USA!  The performance of the only "Bonnie" for these Gangster Politicians, who played varying versions of "Clyde"; managed to get away with telling  a fantastic, and gruesome, LIE about Abortion,  She escaped as an "unchallenged" WINNER for the evening!!  They speak only to whites, and promise their "wares" for the betterment of whites!

There is an old saying:

Those of us who expect to remain IGNORANT, and FREE
Expect  what "never WAS"; and will "never BE"!!

For all of those intellectually challenged white males on the stage last night, the lone black male and the only female; and to all who support them in any way; YOU must understand that you pose a much more serious threat to the future of the United States of America than any "Boogey Man" Threats that can be fantasized in your Xenophobic Deliriums soaked in Christianity!!  Those of your supporters who are NOT White, are even more of a threat.

The Constitution is established Basic Law in the United States.  As Amended and Adjudicated, it is CURRENT LAW!  FACTS Matter!; to most persons who do not have the luxury of living in the Hollywoodized World that is White America!  When anybody Fears and prepares for a fantasized Enemy, they give free reign to REAL Enemies.  The Ignoramuses (white and male, mostly) who have stymied the function of our Federal Government since the day Barack Obama was elected, have only compounded the damage brought on by the Malicious Stupidity and Delusional Hegemony of DickandDubya, and their Backers!.  Our Country is not yet repaired from the damage they brought on our economy and our lives, between the years 2000-2008!

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be seduced by all of this!  This "bunch" gained control of both Houses of Congress in 2014.  They have continued the Ruin of our daily Lives, and our Economy since then.  Why ever consider, for one instance, giving them Power in 2016??

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"HISPANICS" must OVERCOME! , .. (too)??

Say it ain't So; Joe!

Sam Houston, we're told, said it during his "Alamo" days in Texas, when he crudely "defined" Hispanics!   Joe Biden referenced that time in his speech yesterday during an Hispanic Heritage Event.  Decrying TRUMP's message as "not seen since the mid-nineteenth century"; he proceeded to tell the audience that they would have to "Overcome" TRUMP!

We might note, also, that Ted Cruz, winning his TEXAS battle with Governor Perry, the first to "drop-out" of the Clown Car on this round, is cozening up to TRUMP to catch his "glow"; and convince Republicans that he can be even MEANER than TRUMP!!  

Biden makes it official, I guess; we ARE in the throes of JIM CROW-2016!!  The newest Victims are "Hispanics", according to Republicans.  Linda Chavez, the "Condi" for Hispanics, may have to look for a new line of work!  Stuck at thirteen percent of the population, Blacks are no longer sufficient to take the load that Whites cast on the Marginalized; in order to support their place in the Socialeconomic Order.

Stay Vigilant!  All other Colors represented in our "Rainbow" of citizens, must take heed!  I'm sure Jeb and The Donald, and Evil TED will not be the ONLY Candidates among the Repoobs to "throw down" against Minorities.  The flood of Immigrants crossing our Southern Border are the result of Ronald Reagan's Wars in Grenada and Central America, in opposition to threats to Catholicism.  Israel joined that fray also, as I remember.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"TRUMP v. SANDERS" - 2016 ??

A "Nightmare" Scenario??

In 1949, Donald Trump, today, would be comparable to Jack Bailey, host of "Queen for a Day".  It was, perhaps, the most popular show "On the Air" when I was ten years old.  My Dad re-married, that year, and my Stepmother was "hooked" on that show, along with her other "Soaps", like "Days of Our Lives", and "Stella Dallas".  

The Second Chapter of my life began that year, and I was exposed to many things that my Mother would never have wasted her time with.  My Stepmother had been a "Maid" for White Folk; my Mother was too well educated and Wealthy to have to do that!!  My Dad worked his ass off, to make sure we had everything we needed.

Today, most of the Middle East is in a state of Flux; trekking on foot and by raft to reach Europe,  People who recently were very wealthy and relatively safe, are suddenly risking their lives to find food, and shelter from the elements.  Meanwhile, in the United States, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump hold White Voters in thrall, as they "choose sides" between a Candidate who promises a cure for our ills by "working together"; and a Candidate who promises to "succeed" in Foreign Conquests, and not FAIL to "get the oil", as DickandDubya promised !!  TRUMP's followers, like those of our last candidate named Bush, do NOT expect to have to put any of their "skin in the game"!  Some FOOLS cannot be cured, it seems!  NOTE: Uprisings are raging in Israel, now -- is Putin about to "flip" Netayanhu, the same way he "flipped" Asssad?  Just like Dubya, TRUMP admires Putin!

Blacks and other Non-Whites have to be especially wary of this Scenario; and pay particular attention to Hillary Clinton's handling of this scene as it now unfolds.  Remember, she and Bubba are from Arkansas, and are very skilled in INSTITUTIONALIZED manipulations of JIM CROW.

Stay Vigilant!  Citizens in our Sewer States (both black and white) show a peculiar attachment to JIM CROW and cooperate in ways that keep it alive.  Compare "uncle" Ben  to Booker T. Washington and his "Atlanta Compromise?  Last time the Repoobs sprang "999" on us!!  JIM CROW would never have been established in the last half of the 19th Century, without Booker T.!!  We're ALL living in very Perilous Times' as  both Europe, and the United States are besieged by "Blowback" from the Middle East!

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Monday, September 14, 2015

what does "WHITE FEAR" COST (all of us)??

Can you envision $Trillions$ ??

A French Citizen explained to me some years ago what the COST was to France, when their "Riff-Raff" took over their Government during the French Revolution (1789-1799).  Reason and Fact were the first casualties!  For the second time in the past  four years, we see the "Clown Car" reappear during a Republican Primary Season; as they vie for the Presidency of the United States.  There are many more of them, this time; there is still the requisite "woman" and "black"; both of whom are easily "expendedable" by the White Males?

The mind-set of the entire Nation has been "dragged" by these Obama-Hatin' Riff-Raff, sharply to the Political RIGHT!  No matter who wins the 2016 Election, the Nation will find itself with a Less-Intelligent President, whose World-View is dangerously limited.  The more they Act or Speak "Stupid", the more they rise in the Polls.  These "candidates" all seem to believe they can "do better" than Obama, because they're White, or, in the case of Dr. Ben, they have bona-fides as a "Booker-T" Consort!  (Think Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice)?? 

As the relentless Demography Clock ticks against males who run on white skins; who believe they have a Divine Right to Rule; the scene shifts to toward white males who are Billionaires?  Non-whites and Women may have to develop strategies that will work against the POWER of White Male Billionaires!

As an Immigrant Nation, that desperately needs Immigrants to grow and prosper, it is Suicidal to focus on White Males (with or without BIG MONEY) for "Leadership!!.  Even Mark Cuban seems to "smell" that!

Stay Vigilant!  White Male "Leaders" are a dying breed of "Emperors without Clothes"!!
It remains to be seen whether their MONEY will make up for their lack, in numbers.  In the meantime, the "white skin" effect still seems to work on Blacks in the Sewer States; and on those States, where the sludge, that has oozed out of our sewer,  infects, and turns RED!
These old beliefs may still work for gaining office, but, once in Office, they can't GOVERN!  Republicans in our House and Senate, and the deranged Clerk in Kentucky, are examples??

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

do "Non-Whites" and WOMEN need their OWN "Security"??

We ALL must FACE "History"??

Netanyahu; Putin; TRUMP; Assad; Obama; "Dickand Dubya"; Pope-Too; -- take your PICK!!
The entire Planet seems caught in some MAELSTROM of Calamitous Change, that NO ONE can escape!  The main theme seems to be the collapse of the European Model for ruling the Planet; and, with it, the Weakening or Collapse of it's Derivative Models in Canada, the United States, Australia, Latin America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and European Colonies in Africa and the Middle East.

In that Model, all LAW and ORDER was traceable to some European World Power, operated exclusively by White Males; either through Religion, or some other form of Government.  Both the LAW, and the ORDER were defined and enforced by White Males.

With declining Birth Rates in Europe and its Derivative Governments, Immigration has turned "non-White", and is becoming rapidly uncontrollable.  In the United States, that phenomenon has taken the form of Domestic Political Battles over Abortion (they need more white babies), and increasing need to "tighten the screws" on Blacks, Browns, other non-white immigrants, and, of late, MEXICANs!

In the United States, we've always known that Whites were interested more in ORDER, than in LAW!!   LAWS proliferated under a pretense that with Court Interpretations to assist, ORDER could be maintained.  Whites decided which LAWS to Enforce, while neglecting the enforcement of many Laws DEMANDED by the People;  Gun Laws, for example.  Whites have turned lately toward ORDER at any cost: "Stand Your Ground" is a LAW, courtesy of JEB BUSH, that permits Whites to "Shoot first, and make up their "Stories" about it, later!!  Our Police Forces today are Unionized hold-overs from the Ethnic Urban Immigrant Gangs of the Nineteenth Century!

As Blacks and other Marginalized Minorities resist the Oppression and Murder brought by "Police"; Organized Criminal Activities, such as Sex Trades and Human Trafficking raise their ugly heads.
Women, and especially, young girls are facing  life-threatening activities on College Campuses and in their Suburban Bedrooms.  "Police" Establishments, protected by their Unions, have little or no interest or capability to address these Threats.  They pretend to PROTECT by rattling Xenophobic Fears; aided by Politicians and Lobbyists for GUNS.

Stay Vigilant!  Get a clearer FOCUS on what is going on, and you MIGHT see WHO is doing WHAT to you; and WHY!!  The centuries-old alliance between Rich Whites and Poor Whites in the USA was broken by "DickandDubya"; so ALL HELL may break loose as we go forward??  New SECURITY FORCES and MEASURES are NEEDED!!

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

did SERENA "Melt"?? (yesterday)

will TRUMP  "win" -- by "Default"??

You saw it again, if you watched Charlie Rose's interview of Tennis Coach, Nick Bollettieri, last night! 
You saw two "Non-Colored" Males, discussing a Woman of Color, for the benefit of viewing and listening Whites!  All Non-Whites have to contend themselves with whatever "News" whites choose to report about us; "whenever" it suits their Fancy, to do so!  Blacks, in particular, will NEVER achieve the Freedom our ancestors sought for us, until we put a STOP to this practice!  We can no longer "mollify" our way forward!

Why?  Because this practice feeds the "Melting"  part of our vaunted "Assimilation" Myth in the USA --   for Blacks, Natives, and Immigrants of Color.  The ultimate goal of such Assimilation is that we effectively, and functionally, DISAPPEAR!  (more than we have, already).  Were it not for the Ferguson(s) and the occasional slaughter of a black male by whites, the MEDIA might declare us non-existent -- except for those topics they think will pique the interest of White Audiences; that is.

Last night's interest(?):  why did Serena "clutch", or melt(?) at the last moments, in the US Open; while she sought to win her Grand Slam??  When asked by Charlie why the Williams Sisters became such a phenomenon in Tennis, Coach Nick gave credit to their Father, while ignoring the role their Mother, Oracene Price, played in their training; starting from their age of Seven.  Coach Nick went on to infer that he was a more strict "Father" for Serena, when he coached her!  He compared Serena to Tiger Woods; claiming that both display an "inability to win"; when times are tough!  WHAT A CROCK!  White Males must believe this Crap, it seems.

TRUMP, also seems to believe this; about Blacks, Women, and, all of the Repoob Lilliputian Candidates he is CURRENTLY vanquishing.  His strategy may be to wipe out the Republican Field (with Jeb's help); to be left standing, alone, against whomever survives, on the Democrat side of the aisle.  Trump signed the PLEDGE, assuring that the 2016 choice will be an "Either-Or"!  Whether Hillary beats Sanders or not, Trump would either face a Socialist, or a fatally-weakened Hillary!!  He knows that Whites, and far too many "Progressives" (of all colors), will CHOOSE HIM!!  The compulsive, non-stop coverage; by all types of MEDIA, virtually assure this!

Stay Vigilant!  German and British Politicians are looking to the "Assimilation Miracle" pursued by the United States; hoping to survive the un-stoppable flood of Refugees (and whatever else manages to float in with them), from the MIDDLE EAST.  "Civilization", our history teaches, originated in the Mediterranean Region of the Earth.  We now face Spreading DEATH in Middle Earth!!  Russia may be emerging as the "winner"; from what is transpiring there now (Syria, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan) as it attempts to build its new Eurasian Empire?  Even the Demography Clock ticks in favor of this sorry spectacle; because Europe needs workers to replenish their dying populations. 

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Thursday, September 10, 2015


the "FACE" that "Hooked" a DEMOGOGUE??

Is this what the "smart Money" was waiting for?  Are we about to see the "Towering TRUMP" topple??   Paul Solataroff, discussed his Article in the up-coming Rolling Stone Magazine, on T.V. tis morning.  He quotes TRUMP's comment about Fiorina's "face"!  Responses are raging  in our MEDIA -- it  "ain't pretty"!!  What's that old SAW, about a "Woman, scorned"??  I guess we'll see if TRUMP wiggles out of this one.

Solataroff's  senses TRUMP's special insights;  to see deep inside people, and feed their innermost thoughts back to them.  He speculates that TRUMP has used that skill to "take away" the "BASE" of the Republican Party.  It is not clear to anyone, yet, what the result of that will be.  Can the Republicans EVER get their "Base", back??  If not, what will TRUMP do with it?  Will he give it to Senator Cruz??

So far, TRUMP's ability to winnow-away members of the Super-Religious, and Racist, Republican BASE -- while ADDING more whites to it; continues to increase his power of command over the huge stable of Repoob Candidates.  The "Rain" TRUMP makes, so far, has washed away HILLARY's claims of "inevitability"; invited more Candidates on the LEFT; and threatens Boehner's hold on the Leadership of the  House of  Representatives.  In the Mean-Time, President Obama continues his six-year winning streak;  to swat-away more of their puny and mean-spiritied actions to deny Obama the Powers of his Office!

Stay Vigilant!  There is much more FUR to FLY on the political Right in the United States!  On the other side of the Pond, the EU appears to be crumbling in the face of stampeding former citizens of Nations of the Middle East.  The Global Economy is still in it's ARRIVAL Stages, it appears!  Hold on to your britches as this process goes forward.  Russia is placing Troops in Syria, as well as Ukraine!  Where will Putin venture next?  Our "trivial pursuits" in the USA must provide quite a lure to those whose talents run toward MAYHEM??

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"Getting Right" with REAL ESTATE??

Don't "Gamble" with your HOUSE??

I was taught in my MONEY and Banking Class, at the Drucker Institute, not to view a house you live in as and "Investment".  "You have to live somewhere", they taught.  A home is much more than an "investment".  People went crazy between the years of 2005 and 2007, according to a Case-Schiller Index, plotted in Barron's, in an article by Hulbert, 7Sep15 issue; pg. 45.  Housing didn't get back "on track" until 2012.

Readers of this BLOG know that, as a single parent, I was able to finance college educations for my kids, because my jobs kept me moving around the country; and, something "funny" happened in Housing, some time around the late 60's.  Drucker explained it as the "collapse" in the Savings and Loan Industry.  I got out of Military Housing in 1970, when I bought my first house.  I never regretted it, until I started feeling "squeezed" in the late 1990's.  I decided to "sit it out" after Greenspan dropped Interest Rates in 2001.  I didn't buy again, until 2010.  Things are much better now.  The Index shows Housing "on track" with its slope before 2005.

We now know many more details of how many "dirty fingers" were in the debacle in Housing between 2005 and the Meltdown in 2008.  I rented in Miami between 2003 and 2005, and saw, first hand, Minority Small Business Owners, "gamble" , "big-time", buying and "flipping" houses.  We now know how "Operators" were "sharking" Minority Home Owners.  Most of them got away "clean"!  I experienced "dirty fingers", starting after 1989.  I got a good Real Estate Lawyer to help me catch the thugs and make them pay-up.! Those were the days of the Keating Five, when 5 of our most renowned U.S. Senators were busy "cooking books" on the side.  Some ot them were caught.  Not so, for the thugs who participated in the DickandDubya session!  We're still waiting to see some of those High Rollers, "Rolled" into Jail!

Stay Vigilant!  As we're being offered a DEAL (by someone in Real Estate, incidentally), REMEMBER:  Beware someone offering you a DEAL that smells "too good to be true"!

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Monday, September 7, 2015

the "DEVIL" MAKES THEM "do it"??

What "Links" Them??
It seems that every generation produces at least one; in these United States.  Dylann Roof, born in 1994, was enabled by technological advances that ensures his "message" will reach everyone on the Planet; in some fashion.  He is our latest, and most riveting example!  We see their faces in pictures of Lynchings, over the last two centuries; throughout the United States.  We see their "kin" on Police Forces, today, throughout the United States.  They appear with almost "certain"predictability"!!
Why??  Are there genetic links?  or: Is it "socially-induced" after birth, within certain social settings that can be described?  One thing is for sure, however: its Roots are very old, and, are nourished by succeeding generations.  They follow their paths with a "certainty" that resembles Religious Faith.  The examples they provide, are followed, across generations.  A "shunning"  of Dylann, by MEDIA, following an initial MEDIA-ORGY, only adds fuel to the suspicion that we KNOW, Why?; but are not willing to face some awful TRUTH that lives amongst us.  Our new Attorney General recently revealed that "Nobody is Safe", given the availability of Guns in this country.  For that, we can thank the NRA and our "Political Leadership" in Congress.  "John and Mitch", from opposite banks of the Ohio "Ditch"; man-the-controls-now, it seems.

No other topic has dogged my path, throughout life: from Klan Rallies in the 40's;  Emmett Till, in the 50's; King/Malcom/John and Bobby - Assassinations in the 60's; Race Rioting in the 70's and Police Rioting since!!  It was something else, though, in the Fifties, that I saw as the possible ROOT!
When White Teens began to disobey their parents in droves to get access to "Black" Music, the constant phrase you heard from the older generations was: "Its THE DEVIL's Music"!!  As Whites made more and more Millions of Dollars from the Music, that characterization disappeared.  The Message lingered, however.  Why the Devil?  At its Root, the Slaves were believed to be "Devils", as taught by Christians; who invented that System.  They taught the Slaves that they were "children of the Devil", and unfortunately, behaviors of too many of their descendants show that they still believe those teachings.  The Black Church was born out of that Pathology.  Thus, we have deeply-rooted beliefs, stemming from a Religion with the same name, but; informing its Victims and Victimizers with opposite, and not-quite-equal motivations!
Stay Vigilant:  Beliefs that Whites are "Chosen" by GOD; and that GOD is White, are still deeply rooted in populations throughout out Planet.  These "Devilish Beliefs" must be "cast-out" in some way!
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Of "race" AND "LABOR" AND "immigration" ??

How Did We Get Here??

During the JIM CROW early years, The Industrial "Bosses" reigned, until Teddy Roosevelt brought in Sherman Anti-Trust Legislation to "Bust" their Monopolies and their Goon Tactics, used to control Workers.

In 1935, FDR worked his "genius", by getting Blacks and Whites to work TOGETHER to get the Wagner Act passed into Law.  He also scared the BIG MONEY boys by convincing them of  the threat of Communism from Workers; thereby getting to "willingly" pay higher Tax Rates to fund the New Deal.  Once Unions were established, Whites Segregated Black Workers, so that no White could be "laid-off" until all Blacks were  "laid off" first.  Then Organized Crime moved into the Union Movement (there was money there, after-all).  By the time Reagan arrived in 1980, on his Union-Busting Tirade, Blue-Collar "Archie Bunkers" cheered him!!  He got their support by convincing blue-collar-whites that they were all Middle Class (thanks to their Unions; but they weren't smart enough to realize that). Nepotism also took control in Unions; so that even blue-collar whites had to be "sponsored" to get into a Union.

Over in Germany, in the mid-30's, Industrialists worked hand-in-hand with a rising "Spell-binder" who convinced the People that the JEWS were to blame for their Poverty.  They put them in "Work" Camps (Arbeit Macht Frie! -- Work Makes You Free!).  Germany lost its Democracy, and NO ONE in Germany was FREE from Fear there, again, until after 1945!

During the JIM CROW early years, IMMIGRATION into the U.S. was so overwhelming, the population of our Nation nearly doubled.  They came mostly from many European Nations, and nobody objected, or worried about their different languages!  Today's "Spell-binder" blames the poverty faced by whites on Mexicans!

Stay Vigilant!  All over our Nation, "Right to Work" forces dominate the RED states.  Moynihan warned whites to be careful of the way they oppressed Blacks, because poor whites would soon suffer the same fate!  They didn't listen??  We see Goon Tactics employed by Police Forces, where white cops act like Gang Members as they defy their Mayors, who are supposed to be their Boss!

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

"SALUTE" : the BUF!! (for a successful X-51 Launch) ...

... an Airplane well-worth "SAVING" !!

One of my two highest achievements during my 20-year Air Force Career, was "saving" the B-52 from extinction.  It faced a critical scientific Test, that National Guru's opposed, so they MUTINIED!  With the help of two 2nd Lieutenants, I spent a hot Summer, 36 years ago, breaking that Mutiny, and, successfully testing the Aircraft!  It "shook-up" the Pentagon, as I recall.

Fareed Zacharia showed the film footage, this morning, of the B-52 launch, in 2013,  the X-51; our latest effort in a decades-long research and testing quest for Hypersonic Flight; that can drastically shorten, safely, commercial point-to-point transportation on Earth.

Research on the B-52, began in 1947.  Its maiden flight was in 1952.   It was a stalwart in our Defenses during the Cold War.  Its pilots span generations.  It's loving Crew Support nicknamed it "The BUF"..If you can find one of them, ask them for a translation.

Stay Vigilant!  Nation's best days were those when our Government INVESTED in infrastructure for a better future for us all.  Thankfully, the Political Sludge, so popular today, has not managed -- YET -- to kill that??

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

"TRUMP" : the REAL "Meaning" ?? -- EXCLUSION!!

exclusion, the "real" face of EVIL??

We can TRUMP something, and stop it "dead in its tracks"; AND, we can also "TRUMP-Up" SOME CONCEPT, and ignite an horrendous, world-wide EVIL.  The Donald's SECRET?; he does  BOTH!!  Maybe that explains why he signed the PLEDGE?  Under his Strategy, YOU get to choose whom to victimize.  

He is Preaching EXCLUSION, folks; plain and simple!  But:  EVERYBODY does THAT, you say?
Yes, that's the PROBLEM!  Liberals are the WORST, because they practice EXCLUSION, while preaching INCLUSION!  Pope Too may be doing exactly that also -- by teaching Catholics to practice LESS Exclusion??  Think About it??  Hillary could LOSE, Big Time, if her Liberal Feminists have their WAY with her?  Mayor Emmanuel is practicing a twisted form of EXCLUSION, ever AS MUCH as the  DALY(s);  designed to keep Black Children ignorant, and murdering each other?  Black Parents have to "get a grip" and stop looking for "sympathy and empathy"??

TRUMP is RIGHT about JEB; however!  Any person who would sign a LAW, named "STAND YOUR GROUND", is UNFIT to lead a Democratic Republic!!  Making it easy for Whites to Murder Non-whites, and escape the LAW, is Criminal!!  We must all STAND OUR GROUND against JEB, or any other BUSH!! We know what they're really all about, by now!

As Refugees TRAMP across Europe, as a result of centuries-old European Policies in the Middle East and Africa, they face EXCLUSION, more, and more, as formerly Liberal Nations, turn more CONSERVATIVE.

Kentucky Far-Right Christians are ripping off Martin Luther King as they turn Non-Violent Resistance into an EVIL that subverts Constitutional Government!  Their ANCESTORS came to this side of the Planet, to escape Religious EXCLUSION in Europe; for Christ's Sake!!

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks and Browns, who practice internal EXCLUSION, as they struggle, individually, like Crabs, in attempts to escape the "Buckets" in which they're born, have to realize the FUTILITY and false achievement of INTEGRATION.  That Concept has been subverted by a new, WHITE JUGGERNAUT, that wears faces like TRUMP; O'Mara; McCollough; Dillyan Roof; Repoob Conservative Candidates;  Murderous Cops, Education "Experts" ... you get the point.  Mass Action may now work against efforts to reach INCLUSION!  As the Enemy shifts and borrows ideas to pursue their Strategies of EXCLUSION: so must those who need to "break" the Juggernaut??  TRUMP!  - TRUMP?? must be the new Slogan??  Don't be surprised if many Liberals aren't stealthy supporters of TRUMP??

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Friday, September 4, 2015

"PITIFUL" (or, Pitiable) IGNORANCE??

TRUMP's "Game"??
Is The Donald, purposefully exposing to everyone in ear- or eye-shot of MEDIA; the PITIFUL (black-word; "Pitiable" is the white-word) IGNORANCE of those of our Citizens who are attracted to him; like filings to a magnet?  I think he gets perverse pleasure from doing exactly that!!

Seen by others to be Born in a "land of  milk and honey"; both, Black and White U.S. citizens are displaying in our MEDIA their utter lack of learning of  basic facts and Law, that most of us understand as our "birthright":  Examples:

SEPARATION of Church and State
Equal Justice, Under Fair Laws
Innocent, until proven Guilty
Judged by a Jury of Your Peers
Freedom from STATE controls over your Person and Property, under Fair Laws

These are just a few things that people who are not U.S. Citizens come to believe exist for ALL Citizens of the U.S.  The  ignorance, is, unfortunately, WILLFUL.  If Religion says one thing, and the State says another, TRUMP followers are more likely to choose their Church as Law!  TRUMP followers come from those white citizens who have always believed that they did NOT have to be BRIGHT, if they were WHITE!  They felt that have the Freedom to confiscate whatever they lack from the "less fortunate", the "Weak", and all Non-Whites.  These ignoramuses believe THEY have these RIGHTS; and, can DENY Rights to any of their fellow citizens who are "Not Their FRIENDS"!

Blacks, born in to places where Whites have deliberately placed heavy restrictions on all activity, and limited access to basic human needs; make the Pitiful Mistake, of thinking they can "Take Charge" in their Hell Holes; leading to all of the basic evils known to Man!  Cops move through these "Bantustans", enriching themselves by drug-dealing, and engaging in other criminal activities.
The size of the PITIFULLY IGNORANT segment of the U.S.  (black and white) appears to be much larger than we realized.  MEDIA has no interest in exposing this facet of "Amerikan Life", because that would conflict with their "slice" o this ROT!

Stay Vigilant!  The EXPERIMENT in Democratic Republican Government in the United States of America, is under greater attack today, than I have witnessed in my long life-time!
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Has OBAMA already made "America" GREAT! ; (for the first time)??

TRUTH (in images) Lies Around, in all directions!

The pictures of President Obama, with what Canadians call "First-Nation" people;

 Thousands of blacks, browns, and near-whites, voting with their feet as they "overrun" Europe;

    Sykes-Picot unravels the Middle East, and Europe faces the 'Blowback'

A bizarre "left-over" from the 'Brady Bunch' flips a "finger" at the NFL,  and gets-away, while showing the world
how "White Supremacy "works" in Organized Sports.  TRUMP pleads for him in the MEDIA, and he escapes any consequences for "destroyed evidence": NFL "Justice??  Wonder if the Black Players agree??

The "Not-White" World, slowly awakens, as those who still live in their separate, "White Universe", cling to TRUMP; hoping he will bring their old, slave-based, two-tiered, greedy, World, BACK to life!  Today, we may also learn whether TRUMP will "voluntarily" give up his "leverage" over the Republican Party, in order to keep alive his chances to totally destroy that Party!  Will he sign their "Pledge"?

"America" first caught the world's attention for being "Great!", when George Washington, voluntarily, gave up his opportunity to become "King" of a his new country.  The Founders made a grave mistake, however,  by keeping, and protecting, Chattel Slavery; the worst form of slavery known throughout the History of Mankind!.  That mistake led us, and the World, to the multi-faceted problems that are now surfacing; as the former Victims of their Oppression, and impending Death; begin to awaken.
The Cancer metastacised, globally, in 2008, when DickandDubya managed to "blow up" the Economy of the Richest Nation on Earth!  Corruption, building in Government at all Levels, since 1968, reached its Global Stage; that confounds us all in its complexity!.  It is not clear how many more "Syrias" are lying ahead.

Ukraine may be the next test?  Its hard to imagine the full impact of the shocks to the Economies of the EU, alone.  All of the Middle East and all of Africa are implicated.
Stay Vigilant!  Our MEDIA lies to us daily, by implying that we have CHOICES, they KNOW, long since, no longer EXIST!
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

TAFT: Ohio "King" of JIM CROW??

a "SPACE" all to HIMSELF?

When it came to "aiding and abetting" JIM CROW, William Howard Taft, the fourth of five Ohio-based JIM CROW Presidents, was not "covered" in my BLOG yesterday, because he deserved more "space"!  At 332 pounds in body weight, one might "think" so, actually.  Taking office, following Teddy Roosevelt, in 1909, the list of devious deeds taken to oppress African American Citizens, and support the Jim Crow South, are quite astounding! (Teddy Roosevelt served between McKinley and Taft.  Taft served as Roosevelt's Vice-President.).  The List:

Taft promised (as did T. Roosevelt, before him), "not to offend the white South by appointments that conflicted with their racial values.:
Taft (continuing T. Roosevelt's Policy), declined "to enforce the Constitution's 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments."
Several actions involving "colored troops" (known today as Buffalo Soldiers) taken by Taft, both as President, and as Governor-General of the Philippines were racially discriminatory.
Taft continued Roosevelt's Policy of using Booker T. Washington to keep "held-down", any Advancement of African Americans , "insisting that the "strict enforcement" of the 15th amendment need not "involve the amalgamation of the race - nor involve social association or equality" under conditions of "negro domination"

Stay Vigilant!  There is the South, and their racial history and values (that keep producing products like Dillyan Roof); there is the North and West "Red" versions of this behavior and belief system -- but "Ohio" seems to be a "system" unto itself!   It remains a "must-win" State for Presidential Candidates!

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015


"Thank You", President Obama

As a proud African-American who knows my "Native Heritage" (Cherokee, Creek, Blackfoot, Choctaw, and Chickasaw); I was "privileged" to be born in a Region where the "Mighty Missouri" meets the Mightier,  Mississippi River!  My Ancestors (all tribes, all colors) Thank You Too!

For What?  For REMOVING the name of a JIM CROW President from Mount Denali  We all have an opportunity, now, to see our Past; NOT through "white-eyes"!!

Over a 100-year period; 1869-1969, the United States produced nineteen JIM CROW Presidents; beginning with Grant, and ending with Johnson (LBJ).  My generation, my parents generation, and my grand-parents generation,all suffered under these characters, ranging from the most Evil (Woodrow Wilson), to those who paid dear prices for trying to END the Evil System (Eleanor and FDR, Harry Truman, John Kennedy; Carter preached Christian Values, but did nothing much to end Jim Crow).  Bubba Clinton enriched himself by taking a page from LBJ and "fooling" Black Women!

Since 1970, beginning with Nixon, we've been in a protracted Race Struggle wherein Whites strive, once again, to "update" our old Chattel Slavery System, and, to produce a new Jim Crow for the 21st Century!.We're beginning to see its outlines emerge, as it comes into view.  This Version will entrap Whites, also, even as their numbers decline!  Race Strategists enlist modern MEDIA, to keep Whites scared out of their wits. while spreading a global Xenophobia, against all Non-Whites!   McConnell and Boehner (Kentucky and Ohio) are showing us how its done against our first non-white President..  Prisons, as Investments, owned by the wealthy, and used to entertain the poor and stupid among us; are employed as their tools,  along with Organized Sports  -- still using the "Slave-Breeding" methods of old; for their human raw material, used in their GAMES!

Of the 19 Presidents, 5 hailed from Ohio.  Hayes was first (1877-1881), and set the stage for JIM CROW with his "Compromise" to end RECONSTRUCTION, and cheat Tilden of his electoral victory in 1876.  Hayes was followed by Garfield, also from Ohio, who didn't "warm his seat" for even one year.

The next Ohioan was McKinley, who served 4 years, ending in 1901.  The last of the 5, Harding, only "warmed his seat" for two years!  Ohio is our only State that "stands" on the Slave, "sewer" region of our country, and stretches to our Northern Border.  It is the route Slaves often took, as they "followed the Drinking Gourd"!  We have a stealth Ohioan lurking among our Repoob Candidates vying for 2016!

The Race Wars were set in motion by our Extreme Right Wing after the Assassination of John Kennedy in 1963.  They were kicked into High Gear by Nixon, with the help of J.Edgar Hoover (also a side-kick of LBJ).  Everything went to HELL with the Rise of Reagan.  DickandDubya took the Race Campaign international with "Crusades".  Iraq, and Abu-Ghraib!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP has the whip-hand now.   Repoob Lilliputions, like Jeb, Rubio, and Walker, are clearly "over their heads" in this fight!  The Whites who are REALLY Sick and Tired, and won't TAKE ANYMORE; had better get organized!  Time is quickly running out!

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