Saturday, October 25, 2014


The Dog "Not-Barking"??

Unless I missed it; none of the media outlets (especially, CNN) has yet noted that the Marysville shooting is the second in a row, where a racially-troubled, "integrated", non-white is the "shooter"!!  Just about ALL of the rash of shootings since Columbine, have "featured" white, male, "shooters".
Review the shooting account in Santa Barbara, and the internet revelations of that "shooter".  Why is MEDIA NOT pointing to that case for similarities?  Instead, they "blame" parents for not knowing what their kids are doing, and "lament" the fact that this kid seemed to have "everything"; socially, that white kids want.
Curious, ain't it??

I especially want to draw attention to the media campaign, belatedly, to get "parents" more involved.
Does this mean that the School "System" has given up on its demands, made in the late 1950's when they were forced to "Integrate" the nation's schools?  At that time they insisted, and prevailed,  in three areas :
          Programs would begin with First Grade, adding one grade each year, thereafter.
          Non-white Parents must relinquish their rights to have any input into whatever the "Educators"
          decided to do.  And, "Integration" within the schoold would proceed on terms set by whites; 
          who controlled the school "system" then; and continue, to this day.

Two patterns quickly emerged, "Tracking" was re-instituted, leading to "School-to-prison" for many black and brown males; and undermining of  parental authority was instituted, targeted, early-on, against  black and brown children.  This led to black children, early on, seeing "education" as "acting white"; and the killing of black and brown children, by other black and brown children.  This has been a pattern for the past 30 years or more!  "Backlash" was a multi-headed monster, that has led to places like Ferguson, today, and the ability of Republicans to undertake a six-year Media Campaign to carefully stigmatize and undermine the authority of the first Black President of the United States.
This country has "sown the wind" in terms of race and non-white cultures, and is beginning to reap bizarre and easily disguised results?  Whites have to stop insisting on controlling what is taught to non-white children!  
Stay Vigilant!  Open your eyes! VOTE!!
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