Wednesday, October 8, 2014

DEATH: "Social Biases" in "WESTERN" Medicine??

It resides at it's ROOT!
"Savvy" Blacks (notice, I did NOT say "educated") in my generation, cannot be "surprised" that the first non-white EBOLA case in the United States was beyond the reach of Western Medicine!  Why?  As I learned at the age of 6, in 1945, and throughout my life until this day, people of color do NOT receive equitable treatment (if any) in the United States by the Medical Profession, or, it's attendant industries, such as Insurance and  Big Pharma!  Government; mostly at the State Level, but backed by all levels above the State, has been the "guarantor" of this practice.   Many of us know about the "Tuskeegee Experiment, but, mistakenly, think it was an isolated phenomenon.

Not so:  Europe learned, long before Doctors came to be Gods, that their twisted interpretation of Darwin's "Survival of the Species" could be used socially, to rid society of its "undesirables".  The practice traveled across  oceans and became "Eugenics".  The most recent example of this phenomenon was the ACT/SAT testing, recently "abandoned" by Big "Education".  It began in the United States about a hundred years ago, with I.Q. Tests , developed to "prove" that Christian Gentiles were "superior" in intellect to Jews.  It reached its pinnacle under Hitler, when German Doctors provided the core for the Holocaust Medical Experiments.  Results from those experiments lie at the root of modern "marketing" today.  MEDIA is quick to cover-up: (Catch Andrea Mitchell's show this morning, as she set-up the "alibies" for the incompentent racists in Dallas).  In New York City, in 1975, Doctors were routinely using welfare patients as "guinea pigs" for surgeries.  It would be interesting to see the results of an "honest" study of Stint Implant Patients, nationwide, by color, gender, and income class, to determine "success" versus "failure" rates.  Another study, using the same criteria, should measure those who needed treatment and were denied, for any reason.

Not only my Mother, in 1945, but six of my siblings who have died, were impacted by this phenomenon.  Too many non-white, and poor citizens, still view their "Doctor as God".  Too many die unnecessary, horrible, deaths as a result!  I have lost two brothers to this phenomenon wiithin the past three years!  Fortunately, after intense pleading, I was able to get my older brother to switch doctors, at the last minute; saving his life; by getting access to a doctor who was well trained, with the latest technology, and, who did not "discriminate".  Today, Doctors use their Nurses as a "wall" to avoid contact with their patients.
Stay Vigilant!  Yer' Money, or Yer' Life??  Not necessarily!  VOTE against the Conservatives who cling to the OLD WAYS!
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