Thursday, October 16, 2014

"KNOW-NOTHINGS" ?? Who "Knows"? --Does MONEY "KNOW"?

"TORTURED" Republican History

If you review the history of the Know Nothing Party;, you might be forgiven for thinking that you have been transported by to the 1850s.  Slavery, Kansas-Nebraska struggles, Secret Societies, Dying Whigs, Violent Anti-Immigration against Catholics (German and Irish, mostly; Chinese in San Francisco).  Our present Republican Party operates within a "Shell" that derives its name from that time, and that history.

Drucker Lesson:  MONEY knows MONEY!  It wouldn't know a good IDEA, if it crawled up its backsides!  In these times of hype and outright bullsh*t about Jobs and Gates; and how they rose to stardom and riches, it is still the good IDEAS, that money hungers for! Once the IDEA is ripped off, by BIG MONEY; the innovator, creator, dreamer, "technical genius" becomes expendable!  Pay close attention to TV Ads hustling your Ideas!  Zuckerberg's story is the exception that proves the rule.   MONEY BOYS benefit from  the myth that MONEY KNOWS BEST.

Then, there was yesterday! the Ides of October arrived: (is it a book-end to the Ides of March; when Putin and Netanyahu burst on the world stage with their high-wire acts.)   Margin Calls, anyone??  Most workers KNOW that their bosses may have all the MONEY and POWER, but most of them are dummer than crap!  They waste huge sums of money covering their stupidity, while buying the best PR available..  Want them to be YOUR boss??

But, Jobs and Gates, being white males, were easy Icons for the myth.  The Republican Party is counting on the history that flows from the 1850s to carry them to victory in three weeks.
They may prove the old adage:  If you're white; you don't have to be BRIGHT.  Non-whites can be as "creative" and "Innovative" as their personal survival demands; but only WHITES can fully benefit!
I'm sure that will be footnoted, somewhere in a future history written of the First Black President of the United States, who as Paul Ryan admitted to Charlie Rose is the "smartest person in the room"!

Stay Vigilant!  Watch your wallet, and your "creations"!  Are you ready for two more years of the Crap being dished out by Boehner and Mitch??  How do you plan to save yourself from the spreading diseases and poverty their policies bring?

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