Friday, February 28, 2014

"SIKO" ON Race ??

Another "Gift" from FOX Phews?

Last Night on FOX, O'Reilly interview Valerie Jarrett:  "You've got to get where these kids live", he said.
O'Reilly "lives" there?  Do we know what he's talking about?  Does HE know what he's talking about?
This aspect of the Cracker-Mind-Set is what is returning to discourse on this planet on the "white" side.
This is happening as too many of this world's "whites", with their support from non-white Spooks, are returning to their earlier Tribal status.  This country spent big bucks in our Public Schools in the last century to establish a homogenous white mind-set.  Since 1954, this mind-set has moved heaven and earth, and all else, to use the same Public School system to produce the mayhem we now see everywhere among non-white males, and the young white males that live off of that phenomenon.  Post 9/11, add the fear of "Muslims" to the animus motivating whites.  At the same time, non-white peoples who have been held in Tribalism by powerful world white individuals and institutions are struggling to get free (Check Out Tunisia).

To build on what FBP started yesterday, everyone who truly wants to make our situation better must:
     First, realize that we're in a very well organized and funded WAR.
     Media is the weapon of choice (white women, all of a sudden are thrust in our faces to work for the goals of both sides in the war.  (What's up with Judy Bloom, does she "live" with the Martins?)
     Understand how the media weapon is being used. 
     Understand how THE LAW is being used to undermine both Law and Order for all of us.
     Understand where Gender works to support Racists.
     Understand how effectively "Dirty" money in politics worked in the 2010 election to get rid of Pelosi, and place a "cypher" like Boehner, in her place to essentially stop all efforts to use federal law as in the 1960s.  Did you see Boehner's photo revealed in the Christie Investigation papers?

Blacks, Browns, and MOTHERS (as in MADD), are steadilly losing their fights because they don't understand or successfully address the tactics of the Extreme Right.  Today is the 25th Anniversary of the Brady Bill "failure" to increase gun safety in this country.

FBP may prove brilliant by searching quietly for "clean" money to drive out the "dirty" money that now dominates our politics.  Stop fighting with defective tools!  Even AZ will bow to "money" over "hate".

Stay Vigilant!  Check out the Racism buried inside the "Bubba" Machine!  Don't wait until 2016.  Was Joe Biden right about "putting Blacks back into slavery"?  What was he talking about.  What does he know?

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Save a BLACK Boy : Save a WHITE Boy ?? Old Messages Return ...

Black History Month (2014) goes out with a BAM (Black Men, should learn (again) How to be MEN)!

It has been noted by people, from Farrakhan to Noted Child Psychologists, that White Right Racists in this world should think twice about pursuing their age-old Genocidal Practices of shaping and controlling the images of non-white children on this planet.  It hasn't helped that the MOTHERS of non-white children still insist on feeding their babies the poison of white (Judeo-Christian) religions (in the various BRANDS available).

This FBP (for short), is truly miraculous!  He did something yesterday that, perhaps, no other man on earth could.  He skirted the WHITE MEDIA's controls over this planet's non-white voices and images; and sent a very important message to this planet (re-read the title?).  WE ARE ALL LIVING IN THE MEDIA AGE!!  We make war with the tools of the ages in which we live! (agriculture; knives: machines; guns : Media; Media!)  They say there was a "siko-Riley" present for the FBP's conversation with young Black Boys in the White House yesterday.

From the days of Faulkner, Caldwell, and  other truly-gifted cracker writers in this country, we've known the pattern white parents in the United States have used for centuries to develop and spread  physical, psychological, and emotional genocide to its non-white populations.   We all suffer still as our White Right persists! -- putting out calls-to-arms for their "Spooks".  My Grandfather (born in the late-1800s) was the only male in his family who chose not to "pass" for white.  Today, I have grandchildren who are torn with that very same "temptation- to-madness" suffered by my Grandfathers siblings, and their children.  

BRITAIN, FRANCE and SPAIN (early architects: enabled by the POPES) should give this Genocidal crap up; and erase it from our planet!  We now have Putin, dreaming the old empire-dreams of Suleiman!!  Will the madness ever end?  Re-doubling white efforts in sub-Saharan AFRICA, after killing off their crop of Marshalls, Douglass', and Du Bois;  is a fools path!

For Black Boys:  There was a very famous Black Russian Hero (popular among the "human" Russians)!  His name was Alexander Pushkin!  Look him up; read his books, learn about REAL MEN.

For White Boys:  Sure, your daddys can still get more money (for your un-educated,  non-productive, privileged, asses) than they will pay to Black College Graduates, (or their SPOOKS); but in the end, you WILL LOSE at this game!  You can't continue to DISCRIMINATE your way to success!
Stay Vigilant!  Otherwise, we're all doomed on this Blue Planet with the White Curse.

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Thursday, February 27, 2014


Another Drucker Story
from THE OWL
 For Black and Brown Folk

From My Drucker Notes in the Mid-80's:  Governments devolved from the Religions of Mankind, in their earlier tribal stages.  From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers, the tribes warred among each other for sustaining their populations.  Within their Societies, the Religious Leaders ruled.  They ruled principally by controlling access to information.  All information; when to plant, how to procreate, they had rules for everything.  Punishments were swift, and often severe for rule violations.  Many societies on the planet today are still close to functioning at that level.  In Mexican towns today, many civic functions are performed by the Catholic Churches.

As mankind moved beyond that stage, to more modern ways of living, GOVERNMENT emerged, promising their citizens everything that Religion provided, and, in addition, they promised to PROTECT
the people.  Hence we get this political madness that besets our world today.

Why? Because, in this Information Age, it is becoming more and more impossible for Government to limit access to information.  We also learned, following World War II, that Government is finding it more and more impossible to PROTECT anyone !!

Stay Vigilant!  Hope this helps to explain the Arab Spring, Lithuania, Netanyahu, Assad, Putin, our Tea Party Nuts, FOX "Phews", Snowden, --- the long and growing list of otherwise "confusing" MEDIA
STRESSES we're being bombarded with hourly!

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Saturday Night "LIVE" ...

In the U.S.; in the 1940's
No self-respecting (too few??) Black or Brown male in this country should be allowed to end this year's Black History Month without being aware of one fact:  Centuries of conditioning has produced whites, the world over, who are convinced that Blacks were sent to the United States to learn how to ENTERTAIN WHITES!!  All sorts of thieves, imposters, and white culture protectors have made fortunes from this fact.
From Elvis, to Marvin Hamlisch, and every sort of "musician" in between; the "rip-off's" have come in waves.
We're currently in the throes of the RAP version of this sad saga!
In my lifetime, I first saw this phenomenon in the 1940's when I visited my Grandfather's business.  He went into business in 1907, and after fighting whites all the way; the Right Wing variety got their hands on his business in the mid-50's; leveling that entire side of the block on East Main; where the blacks had their businesses.  The Historic Maple Leaf Club was destroyed at the same time.  That took the life, and the fight, out of Grandpa.
He died in 1958.
If you want to see a picture of that side of East Main Street, Google: They All Played Ragtime, by Rudi Blesh and Harriet Janis.  One of Grandpas closest friends was old Tom Ireland, who died, at the age of 97 in 1963.  Google also: New York Times, Sunday, September 1, 1963, for that story.

Ever wonder what white folk did in the Middle West for entertainment during the War Years?  (Before T.V.)?  The mostly German, Catholic, and EVIL whites of my home town (Misery is pretty much the same, today -- mean, ignorant, and "poorer than Job's Turkey"); would pack the kiddies and the pop-corn into the jalopy and drive NORTH to East Main on a Saturday Night to watch the "Coloreds" (few of them were that nice with their language) "at play"; and to hear that infectious Ragtime Music.  Starting in 1890, Ragtime was as big a hit as Rock and Roll became to Cracker Kids in the early 1950's.  Little Richard  was a very early victim of the many "invasions" that followed.  

On a lucky Saturday night, the whites were guaranteed to see a stabbing (switch-blades were the "guns" of that day). Luckier still, they might  see a rare shooting!  In 1950, Grandpa put me and my next older brother into "business" with a spanking "two-seater" shoe shine stand with its own door opening out on to East Main.  Now THAT was the real "Saturday Night Live"!!  The next morning, you could smell the alcohol on the breath of the choir in church as they "rocked" in with some of the prettiest music ever heard -- ANYWHERE, I'm sure!
Stay Vigilant!  Don't be a Dissembler, who sacrifices everything to "Fit In".  If you lose your honor, you will lose your dignity!
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


The Beginning of a New Day??

On this Second Anniversary of Trayvon's unpunished murder,  THIS NATION, this Beacon of Democracy, seems unable, unwilling, or both, to act in accordance with their own proclaimed standards and beliefs.

This Blog wrote first on this topic, on March 23, 2012 (HELP!  God Help US All!).  I predicted that the name of Trayvon Martin would go down in history along-side of Emmett Till, another youngster, my age at the time, who was also murdered by people claiming to be white, and, who "got away" with it.

Whether this continues from here, on not, will depend on the awakening of those of us who do not worship whiteness, or believe that we MUST be white to achieve JUSTICE in this country.

But, I write today, about the other weapon that was hidden in this story. It is growing in its powers to kill-off black and brown youth:  Trayvon was returning from the 7-11, they report, a den of fast food!  Descended from people who brought farming to the world (Mexicans) and those who produced just about everything as this country grew from its white-trash immigrant roots (Black Slaves); these children don't recognize healthy food anymore, don't know how to grow healthy food, and don't know how to prepare healthy food.

TIME (3mAR14) carries a feature: Young Kids, Old Bodies.  It's written at the 6th-grade-level, and has pictures so you can understand it; if you try!  President Andrew Jackson, Sam Houston, and that "killer" crowd had to send the U.S. Army to kill off the Native Americans.  To get their kids, they had to kidnap them, put them in INDIAN SCHOOLS, and beat the Indian out of them.  Very inefficient!  They survive today.  Alcohol was the tool used, over the past hundreds of years, by Crackers, to keep the Natives under what control they now they still retain.  TO KILL A PEOPLE; KILL THEIR KIDS.  That's the Cracker philosophy.  From the Mayor, to the Chief of Police, to the Cop on the Beat:  "Let the N*ggers Kill Each Other" was on their lips almost constantly.

Today, the Fast Food Industry is the killing agent of choice.  Don't contribute to your genocide!

Stay Vigilant!  Mama Obama is "Right On!" with her attempts to get us all back to food sanity.

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OH SUSANA: You WILL be known by the "COMPANY you keep" -- (in 2015): (think about it!)

the DAMNED!!!

If YOU could watch last nite's FRONTLINE (about the Vatican)
and still BELIEVE that a white man can
MOSES WAS RIGHT (you know)

Stay Vigilant!  Its not too late to save yourself.  Don't SEND your 8-yr-old Daughter to HELL!

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

OBAMA: "BEYOND: Black and White (finally! -- a PATH?)"

 -- to our FUTURE? )

Just Maybe ..,  Could it Be?  Is there a trail?, a path, a clearing in all of this mayhem around the world; starting in Tunisia, that indicate a new "opening" to the inhabitants of this planet?  An "opening" that suggests that the world is past ready to turn away from the Dictators, Gangsters, Militarists, Exploiters, Empire-Builders, Religious Zealots, Machiavellian-Bankers, and similar dealers is mankind's "gut and gore" History?

From Tunisia to Lithuania; from Healthcare Injustices to Obmacare; from Racist Laws and "Justice" to the first Attorney General, in half a century who is interested in enforcing the LAW; FOR EVERYONE!

"Leading From Behind"; America has Lost its Way" -- these are the cries of the likes of McCain and others, who, when our economy collapsed in 2008 were struck dumb and blind; without a clue of how to proceed.

SO FAR, OBAMA HAS AN AMAZING STRING OF WINS!!  Fifty years ago, today, Cassius Clay performed a similar "miracle" by going "through the fire" and finding a new, and better, path.

Just as the separation of the Red Sea pointed to a new way;, we may now see a new path toward a a (common-sense)  MANAGEMENT-driven LEADERSHIP; and away from the (fear and hate-based) DICTATOR-driven LEADERSHIP; so well loved by Obama's enemies.  

We may also have a choice, finally, between those knee-jerk mindsets presented by the Repoobs in their electioneering in 2012, and the mindsets of those of our citizens who believe that President Obama is CORRECT (both at home and abroad).  The Bullies love bluster and spilling other people's blood and treasure, but they do not lead!

If the Clintons and the Bushies think they can continue "mucking" in the old mud of race, money, class, gender, and sexual preference, THEY MIGHT BE WRONG!

Stay Vigilant!  2014 may be the year when  we choose between a well-managed country and continued chaos!  Which future path would YOU choose?  Let's Secure President Obama's remaining years in 2014!

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Monday, February 24, 2014

"RORSCHACH" america??

The "Insanity" of it ALL!

15 Months after the "Mitt-Fiasco" of 2012, and almost 9 months BEFORE the 2014 Off-Year Elections, it remains to be seen whether the Repoobs and their henchmen will finally succeed in "scuttling" what is left of this nation.  Only the hapless VOTERS can decide!

TIME Magazine, in its (3Mar14) issue, explains it all it terms of  "For-profit spies, freelance mercenaries and billionaire moneymen."  I seem to remember William Greider doing a better job at this explanation in his book: Who Will Tell The People:  The Betrayal of American Democracy (1993).  I saw this phenomenon in action in the year 2000, on T.V.; as, what Paul Newman called "no-neck monsters", with Southern drawls, gathered in Florida to launch our ill-fated Presidency of "W".  They're back, operating within for-profit companies and "outside" (of established political parties, that is) groups; identified by TIME as Club for Growth, Freedom-Works, the Madison Project, the Senate Conservatives Fund, and Heritage Action for America. 

The winds swirling in this world are gathering speed.  Just look at how fast the fires burned through the Middle East, to wind up just a few days ago with the "victory" for "the people" in Lithuania.  It ain't over, until its over", folks.  You can believe that -- "take it to the bank"!!  Nobody knows who is attacking this country, because these elements don't have to disclose their sources for funding.  Oops! There went your Democracy!

Rorschach??   One man's "Savior" is another man"s Terrorist, these days, it seems.

Stay Vigilant!  Guard YOUR sanity!!  Get out as many VOTERS in 2014 as you can.  LAST CHANCE??

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Sunday, February 23, 2014


Will THE WORLD'S BLACK FOLK, ever, "Wake-Up"??

"Mother" came this Sunday morning, at "first light"; as she has every morning for nearly 70 years now.  It was on that fateful Sunday in September of 1945 that we all last saw her alive.  She came to kiss us goodbye, as she went off to the "Black" Hospital to deliver our little brother.  Neither returned.

As I recline in my hot, tub, soaking these old bones, I re-read part of Derrick Bell's Faces At The Bottom Of The Well (1992).  I read the part entitled: Racial Symbols, a Limited Legacy.  I recommend it highly for anyone on this planet who yearns to put an end to the racial madness that has gripped it since 1492.

The "Nazi Pope" came "out" in the Media last week to confer with Pope Too (collude??).  Frontline  will air a special expose' this week of the "show trial" of the Pontiff 's Butler.  We can all decide, apparently, whether "the Butler did it!"  Oh, the webs they weave in Italy (from whence we garner the likes of Chrisite?).

Back to the 'Black Symbols' in Bell's Book:  The chapter I read this morning involved a conversation between a black "limo" driver and his Harvard, Black Professor, passenger.  Given what we know to have happened since 1992, the re-read is quite informative and enlightening.  Especially as we watch our Harvard-Educated Black/White first President struggle with some of the most intractable, and raw, racism; unlike any we've seen in our life-times!  "Bubba" Clinton and his international cronies are busy today "gentrifying" Harlem; where this chapter in the book takes place.   The "teaching" moment, delivered to the Professor by the chauffeur is exquisite!

Read it!  If you dare!  I recommend it especially to Toure', the black Millenial who counsels "mollification"! 
This should comfort those black mothers who have lost sons to this sickness recently, and those who struggle to keep their sons alive.

Stay Vigilant!  My Sunday Sermon.....

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Saturday, February 22, 2014


Who will click the "last" photo?

In these days of "social-media photos", who will be the lucky one to get the last picture before the
slippery Pol in New Jersey "looks as skinny as Obama"??

Stay Vigilant!  That PHOTO could be worth a lot!

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Maybe; but what KIND of PEOPLE??

Are they the kind of people who are infiltrating our State Governments in states like NM, LA, SC, UT, TN, and NJ?  (What's up with Christie and Martinez, by the way -- Is NM about to be "Diaz"-ed?, or worse?)

These people, like the "Spooks" who replaced the "Toms" in Black-lore, are "CRAVEN":  They cheerfully turn guns against their fellow citizens (NM troopers under Martinez), they abandon, or turn on their own children  to save their miserable hides or earn a bigger "buck".  They are contemptibly "faint-hearted", and, like their white variety, will meekly and blindly serve "power" -- no matter what!  Hispanics have to learn about Malinche!! (before its too late).  White Southerners have to "pull their heads out" before they are literally "eating dirt"!

People all over this planet are beginning to sense that something is terribly wrong when the Republican Governors of states like Louisiana, Tennessee, Utah, and South Carolina, enter the "corporate" space and act as "snipers" against their own citizens, who are trying to protect themselves in extremely difficult economic times!!  Whatever they're hiding has to be worse than what we can already see!

Both white and non-white voters have to STOP encouraging and electing these people.  NO REPUBLICAN should be elected (by anybody, of any color, who is NOT a Ga-Zillionaire!) in 2014.  If the American People lose the Senate in this Fall's elections, their fates are sealed by these Craven Corporate Interests.  Inspect your Democrats carefully, also.  Remember those fools who thought "Bubba" was our "first black" President!  Wrong: according to the History Books, many voters thought Lincoln was!.

Here's where non-white racism comes into play.  Poppa Bush knew that many, if not most blacks would support the advancement of anybody who was not white.  That African-American version of this malady has been used by the Republicans to import non-whites (mostly from India) as "stand-ins".  The Hispanic version of this malady produces Craven "operators" who hang out with the likes of Christie, and are carefully "handled", at terrific cost in NM dollars, by the NM "Karl Rove".  (look it up on Google!)

Stay Vigilant!  Pray, THINK, Read, "work some bones"; whatever you have to do -- but STOP THIS TRAIN!

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Friday, February 21, 2014


Priebus, and his REPOOBS, in Extremis??

Yesterday's Media blared the message that Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, may be turning "desperate" as his Republican Party continues to spiral down the "Tea Party Sewey-Hole"!

He issued a panic call for all "Conservative" Blacks to "come to the aid of the party"!

We used to call these people "Tom's"; but, starting with Poppa Bush, and Clarence Thomas, this trick used by "Bad" White Leaders, starting with President Jackson, has "advanced" to the point of Colin Powell, used by the "lessest Bush", to lie to the entire world on T.V., from the United Nations, before he would allow Cheney and his Cronies to push that President into "shock and awe"! in the Middle East.  The Future of Israel, and the entire Middle East may be permanently damaged.

Why "Spooks"?  Check out Sam Greenlee's book: (1969)

There is also Condi, and Oprah, who have put their own "spin" on the phenomenon -- making $Millions in the process.  I'm sure Priebus will get plenty of "candidates" to answer his call.  As all of the whites, from Palin and Bachmann, on the female side, and countless white, Tea Party male "characters" (to include leaders of major Religions), are being assigned to the "ash bin" of history; there may still be enough "pieces of silver" left laying around in GOP coffers.

After abandoning our children to the clutches of whites in our "Education" establishment in the 1960s;  in trade for "School Integration", we now know that the very lives of these children are at risk, as a result of decades of their "treatment" in our "education" institutions.  The children of  rich and foreign parents have benefitted more than our own children ( of any class, or color).  It mae take hundreds of years to correct the mistake made by Black Parents, when they deserted their children.  It is reminiscent of what Native Americans and Africans did when they believed "The Bible" was the source of the white man's power.  This struggle continues!

Stay Vigilant!  Read, THINK, INFORM YOURSELVES, Think Syria, and now, Ukraine??

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Thursday, February 20, 2014


May the Spirit of a "People",  Living Free, Never Die!

This Globe is Rocking with Greed, Corruption, and Tyrannies  organized
On Massive, Institutional, International Scales.

Pray that you not let these elements hijack your thirst for Freedom 
And Justice for your Country


"TERRORISM" and "The Color-Line"

A 21st-Century Adaptation?
Cheney and "W" had all of us "scared as Hell" when they rattled the image of the dark-skinned "Muslim" as the face of "Terrorism".  Following the Boston Bombing, our racist Media seemed momentarily confused as to whether the Tsarnev's were "white", or not.  Rolling Stone's seductive cover featuring the surviving brother, left us to draw our own conclusions.

Dominating yesterday's headlines were the Terrible Twin "Teds" from Texas (Nugent and Cruz) and their campaigns targeted to the 2016 Presidential Election (Nugent wants a new Texas white male to replace Perry; and Ted wants the Job as our President-elect in 2016).  But Nugent's racial bona-fides are not as questionable or disputable as are those of Ted Cruz.  The malignant and racist Right will have to reverse their "birther" campaign, change our Constitution, and "whiten" Ted Cruz  (he couldn't "pass" in my old home state of Missouri).  Nevertheless, the target is truly 2016 -- not 2014; and "Momma" Hillary, -- not Wendy Davis.  Nugent's rant even scared Hell out of Giuliani, (don't forget his racist reign as Mayor of NY) causing him to appear on Piers Morgan and "waffle" on race.
Seriously, folks, after Florida (again), and now Texas (always); white folk who want to be safe on this planet have to get serious about the real threats of Terrorism these two Teds pose for all of us on this planet.  Go back to Paris (Texas, that is), February 1st, 1893:  find the account of the lynching of Henry Smith at Texarkana (Ed. Coy), several months before. Wire reports of the event flashed on January 31, 1893.  Read it, if you can get through it!  You will see the exact same filth that spews from the brains of people like these "Teds", and what they're really all about, and what they are seeking for this country.  Look carefully at the account of the days-long event, its "country-holiday" atmosphere, in which entire families camped out, with their young children, engaged in torture that would put Abu-Grhraib to shame.  Anybody engaged, in any way, in bringing this kind of Hell back to this country, should in jail, not running political campaigns, or owning lucrative, race-baiting, Media outlets.  I saw the 1962 version of this Texas, in 1962, when the Johnsons (Lyndon and Lady-Bird) owned and ran that racist Media market.

America ... we have the problem!; not just Houston, or Dallas, or Waco, or wherever the Hell else in Texas!

Check out Charlie's (Rose) interview of former National Security Adviser, Jones.  Check out the new head of Homeland Security' warning that Syria represents a real threat to our HOMELAND SECURITY.  People who can pass for white will and can snuggle next door to YOU!, you know??

Stay Vigilant!  White folk can't keep pretending its only the non-whites they have to worry about!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"GOOD" WHITES vs. "BAD" WHITES (Revisited) ??

"Flaw-ida" (again) & "Nugent" (again)

Once again, this nation feigns "shock" over racist results from white-stocked juries, in Florida; rigged to approve 21st-Century Lynchings of its young black males.  Jurors are "leaking" some of the sewage that was hidden by our "Justice" system's racist practices.

"Respectable" white Republicans, (Romney and Forbes) provided aid and comfort to Ted Nugent during the 2012 election proceedings.  Then, there came "Rowdy Yates" and "Mama Bear-Palin".  The Brits got their fill of this crap, and the News Mogul who fled from there in scandal, has successfully set up shop in the United States.

As we augur toward the first "Mama (white)" President, the vile language is back; even before 2014!

When will the "good" whites, who managed to prevail during the days of Jim Crow, find the courage to stand up to this ilk and save their nation, their skins, and their FREEDOM; in this 21st Century??  We've been saddened as we watched Repoobs weaken our country economically, militarily, and now socially.
They are driven, I think, by the fear of "Mama Hillary" in 2016.  

As we watch Christie, and his "money-and gansta" backers, slowly "burn" under increasing investigation; we shift (again) back to TEXAS.  All trails underlying our woes; beginning before the Civil War, and, again, before Eisenhower left office, trace back to this state.  Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor tried to explain this psychological "racial-cuckoo's nest", in the movie: GIANT.  We didn't get the message.

Stay Vigilant!  Let's pray Churchill was right (in a way) about "good" white Americans; -- when he said they will try every wrong thing, before they try to do what is right.  As I remember, they came late, by at least a decade, to the Civil Rights Movement.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Still Linked to the Lash??
If you're a citizen of the United States of America who has not yet seen the movie: 12 Years A Slave; AND, you're truly concerned about a healthy and sane future for your country; -- See it!!  Pray over what you see, get MAD about what you see; because, as the late Senator Moynihan observed; what is meted out to the (Negroes -- the "word" in his time), will find its way to all whites who fall below the financial top tier in this country.  Look around you:  How are you doing these days??  Think about it!
It was reported on this morning's news that the CHRISTIANS in Syria and Lebanon SUPPORT what Assad is doing in Syria.  Pray about THAT, too!
From the movie entitled Waiting To Exhale, we learn about a super-achieving, liberated Feminist, who is also Black.  We see many of the 21st Century Stresses that black citizens still bear; this many years since "Abolition".  Sometimes called the "Black Tax", these myriad stresses, constantly harped in our propagandist Media, are being constantly modified, reformed, and re-applied, to people across color-lines, national borders, and political parties around the world!. 
One sad result is that black parents of black male children, and non-black parents of black male children are failing them in ways that even the slaves found ways to prevent!  They saved their children from deadly  harm, is ways that today's parents (all colors, both genders) either can't or won't!
Remember, NO CHILD ASKS TO BE BORN INTO THIS WORLD!!!  They are brought here in the throes of adult passions, and are then left to defend for themselves!
I visited Denver, Colorado the day after their team got their asses kicked in the Superbowl.  The local climate was cold, resentful, petulant, and self-pitying, like whipped puppies.  Their precious Manning, over-hyped by the Red-Neck Sports Media, got his clock cleaned by a black Millenial  (in his Twenties)on Seattle's Seahawks Team, who was obviously loved, trusted, and SUPPORTED by his team mates, and well managed; from the Owners down to the lowliest member of the team.  He's the ONLY 20-something, of any color, that I've seen in our Media, that is so superbly skilled.  NOT  so for DENVER!  Fish, and societies, rot from their "leadership" (heads) down!
Stay Vigilant!  We need to work smarter and cooperate better if we truly seek FREEDOM!
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Monday, February 17, 2014


The "Failure" Mechanism??
Yesterday, Southern Auto Workers demonstrated, once again, that they are still "stuck on stupid"; as they clearly demonstrated when, in the 2004 election for President, they voted for "W"; in favor of their "racist" leanings; and against Kerry, and their "economic" interests.  The Japanese and German auto manufacturers wanted some kind of "consultation" with their workers; but the "workers" were too stupid to see the benefit.
As we continue to "peel back" the white ethnic shenanigans in New Jersey and New York (don't forget Giuliani); we see the folly of ignoring the roles these "ethnics" play, in what could become, the ultimate demise of the Democratic Experiment begun by our founders.  On this President's Day, maybe we can all pause a little bit to consider where we are and how we got here??
Sure, the Southern States have given us our Civil War, and "hung"  our elections,; (don't forget Florida in 2000 -- which weakened the respect for our Supreme Court) but white "ethnics" may be joining this foolishness with their "Jersey-Bridge/Port-Authority" antics.
We're now hearing from China, Japan, and the Philippines, that our planet is slouching back toward 1938 in our Foreign Affairs.  That, coupled with the rising stalemate in the Middle East, and Russia essentially "trumping" the United Nations;  Dark Days are brewing ahead!
Perhaps now we might "get it", as to why the Fascists with Latin -American-Oligarchy-leanings in their backgrounds are behaving they way they are today in our Senate.  Do they see something in 2016 that we "don't"?; or, "won't" -- until its too late??
Stay Vigilant!  What's the "old saw" about those who spend their time and their money "digging ditches" for their enemies??
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Sunday, February 16, 2014


"The Bottom Line"
The Little Syrian-American "Dumpling", lead Prosecutor for the State of Florida, strikes again!  The Jury verdict in the Michael Dunn case came in late last night.  It was as I suspected, but not as raw as the Omara fiasco in the Trayvon Martin Trial.
Sure, our Institutions are Racist; everybody knows that; whether they'll admit it, even to themselves, or not!  After several centuries of swimming in this muck; so are the non-white victims of that racism.  We can see it now moving deeper into our politics and economics (observe the installation of "India-persons" in Louisiana, South Carolina, and, now Microsoft).  We may be witnessing a return of Lynching in the 21st century, and the enslavement of our white and non-white citizenry who do not "fit" the agendas of our top 1 or 2 percent.
Babies come from MOTHERS!  Not Institutions, not Systems, not Governments!  Fathers have choices as to their level of participation; and too many non-white fathers either opt-out or perform poorly.  We know why; it has to do with our love of violence in religion, sex, sports ... you name it.  Mothers can teach successful strategies to their sons.  Fathers either can't or simply "don't"!  Sons must be taught, once again, by WOMEN, to "hitch up their britches", strap on some common sense and appropriate other protection, and learn how to beat the white opposition, at least as cleverly and successfully as our enslaved forebears did!  We're failing miserably at this task in the 21st Century.
I think the principal reason is that Mothers have been lured into abandoning the best interests of their babies (both genders).  In our hi-tech gadgetry world, that should be easier to do today than in the past.  Perhaps it would work better if non-white women would think a little harder about what works for them (in employment, in their love lives, etc.); and teach those strategies to their sons.
What clearly does not work today, is the media-driven toxic mix of physical and psychological violence we see everywhere (in dress, language, music, etc).  Provocation without adequate defense is STUPID!!   
Fathers love the violence in sports.  Black fathers fantasize their prowess at "winning"; while white fathers fantasize their prowess at "owning and controlling".
Blacks have mis-read Martin Luther King and the entire Civil Rights era's messages; and have allowed their children to succumb to the white-driven messages that "racism is something in our past -- like slavery"  and; we don't need to "struggle" against them anymore.  Whites cleverly employ "tools" like Condi, Clarence, "Black Conservatives", and too many of our Black Clergy, to enforce their messages.  Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, and "common sense" scream that "struggle must be constant" against the Caste-driven brand of racism, invented in India, and exported through Europe to the Americas.
Stay Vigilant!  No one will save us, but US!  Whites have to understand that they are brewing a Holocaust by following the likes of Dunn and the NRA!
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

"FLAW"- ida??: The Road to our "Next America"??

What We Can ALL Learn
Remember the days shortly after 9/11 when "W", with Giuliani at his side, proclaimed a "Crusade" against the perpetrators?  Wiser heads on our extreme Right advised him to avoid that kind of rhetoric, and those sentiments went "underground".  They bubble up now and then in the strangest of places.  In "Flawida" for instance where we return, scarcely a year later, to another dead black teenager; gunned down by an irate citizen, un-provoked, who is claimed to be "white".  The same "GOD-Complex" appears on this shooter; Michael Dunn,,0,1523783.story#axzz2tQW4cZ3w  that has shown in one way or another on all of these white guys from Tim McVeigh in Oklahoma, to Zimmerman in Sanford, FL, and media operatives like Ailes and Murdoch, and: "justice officers" like the Florida State Prosecutors who helped Zimmerman escape justice.  The same little "dumpling" Prosecutor for the state of Florida figures prominently in this trial.  Jury is still hung-up in deliberations; although they managed to get one black juror (male) impaneled.  The smell in the air is the same as that for the Trayvon Martin Trial.
We are in a stealth war; a religious one; and a racial one; and its is against those who are "not Christian" in the way that these shooters seem themselves to be "Christian".  Unfortunately, Florida Blacks, whose enslaved forebears, as Professor Derrick Bell cites, "despite lives as chattels - things - somehow managed to surmount the burdens of servitude and evolve a new theology out of the religion given then as a pacifier.";  unfortunately, for these two Florida black teenagers, produced a "new theology" that has proven inadequate; when up against the "STAND YOUR GROUND" law in Florida, as applied to the activities of white males.  The white male "theology" (GOD Complex) is backed by large sums of money and loaded guns.  These black teenagers stand defenseless; their GOD, either un-caring, or pre-occupied.  Around the globe, Putin and Assad are betting that the inability of Islam to escape Tribalism fast enough to contend effectively against a rapidly-renovating-and-newly-marketed "Western Christianity", will assist them to a take-back control applying some combination of Stalinist Communism and Hitlerian Fascism??
In his latest speech on Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, the new head of that agency, on February 7, 2014, makes it clear that Homeland Security is directly tied to recent activities here in our Home Land!  He cites the Boston Bombing, and Syria, but we can add local Sheriffs (in Arizona). State Police (in New Mexico), and all of the activities funded for and by the NRA.  Expand your thinking to the curious trail of events involving Snowden, and you can wind up feeling mighty unsafe in a very short span of thinking.
As the Republican Party, as we have known it, continues to collapse, the progeny of Fascist Latin America, currently slithering around on the floor of our Senate, are obviously targeting a run in 2016, with all of the backing formerly given to the likes of Romney, Bachmann, McCain, and others.  They are concentrating the many un-yielding factions on the extreme Right, in hopes of launching TED CRUZ as their standard-bearer in 2016.  Don't think, for  a moment, that all of this may not be "of-one-piece"?? 
Stay Vigilant!  The funding to "flip" the Senate in 2014 is something we should all examine.  What's YOUR VOTE worth??
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Friday, February 14, 2014


.. On "Valentine's Day"
"Thank You for keeping me alive, and as Happy as I can manage to be"!  I LOVE YOU!!
On this "effed-up"  Blue Ball, with the White Curse, perhaps we can all take time to pause and reflect on ways to switch the dialog from "Makers and Takers" to "Users and Abusers"??  Sure, Brother Withers sang "You Can Keep On Using Me...";  But REALLY??  This complaint swings in all directions, from love lives, to work relationships, to financial relationships, to just basic human RESPECT!  Driven by forces of Race, Class, Gender, Tribe, and Religion; it remains an open question whether we can all redress the ways we relate with one another; in time to halt the slouch we're in that leads to our extinction.  We have been in this condition since the Fall of Rome, and, perhaps since the days of Pyrrhus and Hannibal!  We ALL have to work together to root it out!.  "Marketing" us with a new Pope with a kinder face than the Nazi one given his "pink slip"; won't cut it!!

Its not the STRESS; the lack of TIME; or lack of MONEY:  It's whether we are truthful and honest in our relationships!  Finger-pointing may illuminate, but never solves anything!
Gentrification, MAY now be the new Racism/Tribalism/Gender/Class toxic brew that is being stirred up to deal with the 21st Century.  Let's hope we can nip this poison in the bud??
Stay Vigilant!  You can't eat MONEY (ask Midas)!!
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

THE "HELL" That Awaits "Women"??

"Facts" Can Be Stubborn Things!
Let's all try pulling our "heads out" for a few minutes and consider a few facts:
(1)  Women; the world over, outlive men!  Women born today can expect to live more than 100
(2)  Western Medicine, which has never been kind to women or non-white minorities (and, many white "minorities" in the past); is consolidating its power with large amounts of money and political clout.

(3)  Thanks to politicians like "Tricky Dick", Hospitals entered the mix to "devour" the power of white doctors (think AMA); and Insurance Companies entered to "devour" hospitals, white doctors, and patients (those not white or "rich enough").  Obamacare is entering this picture after all of this time, to try and tamp down some of the most egregious outcomes of decades of the rampage of "Tricky Dick" and his healthcare schemes.

Fast-forward to this day.  The baby-boom portion of our population is "retiring" at the rate of 10,000 or more per day.  Women and minorities are among those who place lowest in financial conditions to "weather" what is happening in healthcare.

Long-story-short; women below the age of 65 today are most at risk of long-term existence in "assisted living".   that will vary in the amount of "assistance" in accordance with your ability to "pay".  Too many women, and most families remain "blissfully" impervious to these facts.  Younger women must take heed and prepare as early as their 30's!

Stay Vigilant!  If you're a woman, or young female, or have one in your family; stop the Republicans from continuing to foment this horrible future for all of us!

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014


A "Christie-Effect"  ??
The First Black President of the United States finally "grows" into the job; after five years of attack from some of the most vicious racists on this side of the planet.  News from Switzerland shows that the other side of our planet, where color-based politics and economics was invented, shows that the EU is coming under pressure of collapse due to the same sick tendencies of people who are most proud of being "white" and having the power and privileges that condition has historically presented to them.  Rumblings in Brazil may indicate that the non-whites in that country are finally finding their voice and getting up off of their knees.  This can be a blessing in disguise, if those members of our species who are most proud of their white skin are finally deciding to join the "human" race. 
Religions, which have been the incubators of this sickness plaguing the planet in places like Syria, Israel, and India-Pakistan should take a cue from this change, and relieve the planet of the pressures that have caused the "Terrorism" plague that emerged in the 1990s.  All Power to "Pope-Too"??
There's no news of what will ultimately happen to the deposed "Nazi-Pope".
A direct line can be drawn connecting "scientific racism", known as Eugenics, and the Nazi Holocaust.  The role of "Medicine" in this sordid history, is also under-reported and poorly-understood.  It is timely that the practice of medicine is starting to come out of the Dark Ages and eliminate its historic discrimination against patients, and care providers, who don't have white skin.  In my nearly 75 years, I have known many people who have died prematurely due to this history of with-holding services and care to persons who are non-white.  The numbers of sufferers are staggering.  Dr. Charles Drew, inventor of blood plasma was one of the best known cases.
White Americans (in ALL of the Americas) must accept the costs of their clinging to white-skin privileges.  Just think of the talents and economic wealth that can become available to us all when "whites" take their collective "foot" off the throats of non-whites. 
Stay Vigilant!  A new "Golden Age" for all could be just around the corner.  Vote against all Republicans!!
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014


A "Final Pass" at our Democracy"??
If you listen closely to "Morning Joe" these days (a substitute for "Imus in the Morning"?); you'll hear two important messages:  (1) Christie is "History"; and (2) Bring in Jeb Bush.  "Mama Bush" clearly wants no such thing; but she's probably too far gone to matter much to anyone these days.
Think about it:  "Hermanos-Bush", thus far, have perfected looting FEMA for political funds (courtesy of Florida and its hurricanes); have moved that technique to Louisiana and Katrina; Perfected the "falsification" of the 2000 election (robbing "Sandra" from her rightful place in history in Bush v. Gore); and have participated in the 9/11 - Twin Towers fiasco.  Along the way they hooked up with Giuliani; first "out-front" protector of Christie and his "Bridge-Gate" (now back-pedaling?).  All goes to show that Christie is no Jeb??
We all now have to do our homework on the Port Authority and its powers; in both New York and New Jersey politics.  Does the fact that it concentrates so much money and political power from both states, including the very rich, New York City, augur toward much higher involvement by the Republican Party?  Was Giuliani trying to stem the bleeding in his early venture "out front"?  Inquiring minds must dig out answers.  Does this pyramid of stench reach much higher than its SouthernTea Party, Northern Urban Machine, and Inter-mountain West bases?
Think about it!  No other explanation can make sense of the horrible events we have all experienced leading up the collapse of our economy in 2008; under the careful "government" of the Republicans.
They have morphed into the DO's who Do Nothing BUT provide a consistently Disloyal Opposition to the Democracy of this nation and to its founding principles.
Now they figure we're too stupid to prevent them from coming back into power in 2014 and 2016 to "finish us off"??
Stay Vigilant!  It's really NOT about Obama, or Obamacare!  Pull your heads "out"??
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Monday, February 10, 2014

"MARKETING" ;"Race and Class" ; & SLAVERY??

Domestic and/(also?) International??
One of the ways our current economic and social plights might be viewed is:  in terms of conflicts across borders, versus conflicts within borders.  With the current struggles within our Federal Government; (conflicts between the legislative, judicial, executive branches), we lose sight of  parallels extant, both across borders, and deeper within our borders.
P.O.V., (Point of View), is a show aired on local PBS.  You can Google (  Last night's airing of a decade-or-more study of two black boys in Brooklyn, NY, and their struggles with private school education; racial "integration" within that setting; and the losing battles fought by those minority children, their parents, and their communities.
"Marketing" which is becoming the Pac-Man devouring our Media, our economics, and our lives, is something we lose sight of;  and the egregious impact it has on every aspect of our daily living.  We are "marketed" ideas that determine how much, or how little, time we have in our daily lives.  We are then "coerced" through the "marketing" process to accept many conditions we would clearly not otherwise accept, given free choices.  BE AWARE; although much of this is clearly "racial" as we have known it in the past; it is rapidly sweeping in CLASS; and is rapidly re-ordering our politics and our lives. 
We lose sight of the COERCION inherent in this new approach to "marketing"; thereby, silently and unwittingly accepting conditions that herd us ALL toward slavery to Big Money, Big Data, and the power of Large Corporations and Financial Markets.  Through the lens of the current "marketing" approach to existence, we can see why large issues like HEALTH CARE, EDUCATION, POLITICS, EMPLOYMENT, and FINANCIAL HEALTH, are all important issues where we're losing what little control we use to have.  WHY??

Peter Drucker explained to us in the 1980's the key differences between MARKETING and SELING.
Ours is a nation based on SELLING; from the days of Slavery and the "Snake-Oil" Salesmen in Covered Wagons on the Trail West.  MARKETING is a creature of the Industrial Age.  It is constantly being adapted to the MEDIA age.

Marketing is an outcomes solution sought by starting with the customer, and a focus on actions to achieve the customer's desired outcome.  Selling, in contrast, is an outcomes solution sought by starting with a pre-prepared product or service, or process, and a focus on actions to achieve the salesman's desired outcome.  We are left to assume, in the case of selling, that the outcomes are also those of the customer!!  They rarely are!!

Two examples:  Politicians would have you believe they are public servants.  We know they really are people who are dependent upon raising money from donors who have specific interests.  They are really salespersons!  Minorities who seek "integration" for "assimilation" with whites and/or wealthier people who are also white, are left to assume that they can succeed, even when they know the whites have no incentive to fundamentally change their ways.  The self-deception woven into these "marketing" or "sales" processes have proven to be disastrous for many minorities and/or immigrants who "drink the Kool-Aid" and wonder why they never reach their goals.  Welcome to the Circus of 2014.  All cylinders are being cranked up by the Marketeering Rich as we approach the off-year election of 2014!

Stay Vigilant!  Your Democracy and the Safety and Security of your Family are on the line!  See if you can spot the International Parallels.

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Where's the WHITE Guy??"

In 2006, my Consulting Company gave a briefing to a Vice President of a major Bank regarding an approach to developing Entrepreneurialism among historically underrepresented groups within our citizenry.
I was assisted by a young H-1B from Mexico that I hired.  Mid-way of our "pitch", the bank executive interrupted with the question:  "Where's the White Guy?"  Assuming his vision was not impaired, I asked for clarification of his question.  His response was, essentially, that his bank would not deal with any company that did not include a "white guy" in its leadership.  Needless to say, that Bank continues its historic practice of shutting out entrepreneurial innovations that do not have white males in a "lead" position.
I was quite aware of the history that I had lived in this country, and many obstacles faced by minority business persons; but I was startled at the bluntness of his outburst.  This country was created by our founders to provide permanent advantages to all persons who were European (commonly considered to be "white"), male, and with "means" or wealth.  After the Civil War, the original, WASP founder class disappeared; to be replaced today by current "Overseer" whites who dominate our government and economy  It has been my experience that these whites operate under, what a young technology worker described as, a policy of: "what they can't control, they must destroy!"  This posture was prevalent within research laboratories; both within government and within private industry R&D organizations.  Early in the last decade, many of our best and brightest technologists abandoned R&D to "get rich quick" in finance.  Their skills at creating advanced computing tools were key.  Over the hundreds of years since our founding, these attitudes and practices have infiltrated virtually every level of  our social and economic fabric.  It has become a belief system.  All talent not "fitting" their template will be shut out, stolen from, or "encouraged" to allow white males to take credit for their innovations.;
Over that time, those groups on this planet who do not belong either to Native Peoples in the Americas, or the Africans brought to this side of our planet as slaves, are increasingly finding ways to benefit secondarily from those founding "benefits" originally reserved for white males; Asians (especially from India, to include those who became Pakistani); some Africans; and Hispano/Latinos, are becoming more prominent as they fill the "space" between white and black.  I noticed this phenomenon forty years ago when the Defense Department "set aside" a percentage of defense contracts to permit historically disadvantaged groups a chance to compete.  The "invasion" from India began at that point and has grown to its present predominance in Silicon Valley and within key Corporations.  Backed by the GOP, as converted at that time by President Nixon, Hispano/Latinos are courted; so long as they are not "from Mexico".
The performance of Congress since the GOP re-gained access in 2010, embodies this policy "on steroids".  Weakening or destroying the nation's economy is a tactic they openly use, as they re-design their strategies to retain white male power positions.  Two facts have emerged since 2008:  Big Money no longer displays its historic  interest in creating jobs; and anyone reaching for political or economic power, who is not white and male, will be viciously attacked and thwarted, with the intent of denying them any success.
Stay Vigilant!  As our economy shrinks, this "issue" emerges as a key policy issue harming everyone! 
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Saturday, February 1, 2014


The Emerging "Shadow" White Government? 
Could the Governor Christie "Jersey-Bridge Affair" foreshadow the rise of a new "shadow" white government in this country?  Could it be that, as the remnants of the old "shadow" white government of the Jim Crow South continues to wane, the Northern, Poor White, "Ethnic" phenomenon, that came to these shores along with the boatloads of poor whites from Europe following the War of 1812, is coming "into it's own"?  We still have Graham, McConnell,  'flip-flop' McCain, Rand Paul; and the "wanna-be" Cubans on our political scene; but they are Tea Party Remnants of the old race-baiting Jim Crow South.  That element is rapidly spreading its religion, hate, and poverty to the Inter-Mountain West.
1968, and "Chicago" and "Mayor Daly" were indicative of quite another strain of poor white politics in our country.  The Urban Ward-Healers who derived from the Ethnic Gangs of our Northern cities.
These were the same poor whites who died fighting for the North against the "Rebs" in the Civil War.  The Draft Riots of that day showed that these whites were no friends of Blacks (or any other non-whites, for that matter).
Their brand of politics depended on "loyalty" from their "kin, and kind" -- a form of "Gang" Politics, if you will.  Remember; Martin Luther King led one of his famous marches into the Chicago strong-holds of white ethnics.  Its ironic that the first black President for this country came from that same setting. 
My Dad told me stories of the 1930's when the "heat" was on in Chicago and the "Mob" came through our home town on their way to their "hide-out" in Kansas City.  He said you could hear the 'tommy-guns' rattling all over town as they performed their "rub-outs".  The local sheriff  "went fishing", of course.  In those days, the Ku Klux Klan was the real "shadow government" of this country; installed by an arch-racist, President Woodrow Wilson.
I met a number of these ethnic citizens, as fellow officers during my time in the military.  The more intelligent among them would ask me why Blacks, Native Americans, and Hispanics did not copy "their" people, and build political and economic strength based on their Parish or Ward models.  My answer was that some Blacks did form alliances with them.  I saw it in my home town; but those Blacks got wealthy as "individuals", not as leaders of a community.  They served to "deliver" money, connections, or other things of value sought from the black community.  Today, this practice is known as "gentrification" (think Detroit?)
I also noticed that ethnics carried this practice for "getting ahead" into the military.  They took care of their own, discriminated against everyone else, and demanded fierce "loyalty" from those they included in their groups.  The weaker members of their groups knew that they served roles as "throw-aways" when the "heat" was on for illegal dealings.  The weaker ones protected themselves by keeping "Pearl Harbor Files".
Stay Vigilant!  We're all about to see how these power-brokers deal "justice"; both inside and outside of their "groups".
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