Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Front-Seat View of "Our Divide"?
Our midget-brained Media has moaned a lot lately over the fact that neither Mitt nor the President have revealed much to us regarding what they see "ahead".  "Net & Ya Who" went before the U.N. and touted his "Red Line", but God has given us all a "Bright Line" that divides the past, and its horrors, from the future, and its promise.
A couple of weeks ago I toured the French Quarter of New Orleans -- you know, the place that will ever be known for Katrina (2005).  Lest we succeed in air-brushing those images, along with the evil reigned down upon us all, courtesy of the Repoobs, who were running everything at that time, God has provided us with the stark contrast of Sandy (2012).  The timing is exquisite -- just a week or so before the most dreaded election of 2012!
We all now have front-row seats to compare real leadership (President, Governor, Mayor) with "pretend" leadership.  Anybody remember Governor Blanco, President George "W"and "Brownie", Mayor Nagin?  Anybody remember the response of our Congress then?  What will this stinko Congress' response be to Sandy?  We remember the general public's attitude toward New Orleans.  Anybody remember the response of  "Mama Bush"??
As I toured the French Quarter a couple of weeks ago, the stench of rot and neglect was everywhere.  Will that be the fate of the Eastern Seaboard?
It took a military General Officer to provide a bare modicum of competent government during Katrina!  Will the fact that Sandy "occupied" Wall Street, THE  money-center city in our country, make any difference?  If so, where will the money come from?  Will the tax-payers bail them out --again??
Does anyone still think that competent leadership from government, at all levels,  is something we can do without?  God went right to Trump's House and "smacked hell" out of him; for pete's sake!  Lets all get our notebooks out and make accurate comparisons between key reactions to these two storms.  I'll bet that the Money Boys will not rape the victims of this storm the way they did property owners along the Gulf Coast!  Or, traditionally, the "trailer trash" in Florida after those hurricanes.
Time to "refresh" our nation; dispense with the Repoob attack at the ballot box; and march resolutely into a bright future -- where we pay our bills and hold our leaders accountable!!

Stay Vigilant!

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The Candidate from OZ is at it Again!

Foiled, for now, by Sandy, Mitt is back in the media wearing his "Compassion" mask.   To compete with a real leader, the Repoob candidate claims now to "have a heart"; thanking those who contribute "privately" to the hurricane victims.  As we get around to assessing the full damage, we'll get a good look at Mitt's proposals to shrink the role of government and "privatize" FEMA.

It's amazing how one man can encompass all three OZ characters:  COURAGE? -- not enough to stand up to the likes of Limbaugh or the Tea Party; BRAINS? -- his economic and phantom "business" proposals for "fixing" our economy are wacky, at best;  HEART -- ask Seamous the Dog, ask the young, out-of-wedlock, pregnant Mormon,  ask those who still plan to vote for him, if they REALLY want him to take their government away ,and stop helping storm victims.

Haven't we had enough of this twisted and mean bunch?  From the time, in the early 90's, when they showed up in tow of the likes of Newt Gengrich, through the "Barbarian" attack on the 2000 election, and on to the squandering of a large budget surplus, to Iraq, Afghanistan, KATRINA, runaway debt, and, their finale', the near death experience for our national economy in 2008.  Voters who will  vote for more of this clearly have pudding for brains!

Stay Vigilant!

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Monday, October 29, 2012


What if "Big Money" Got Mugged on it's Way to Stealing an Election?
Sandy is now threatening to become "Katrina on Steroids"!  What'sa a pandering, witt-less, low-information, Media to do?  Well, the Des Moines Register has apparently decided to go for the "smart" money.  At the same time they chose that path, the televised media is shouting "nobody pays any attention to print-media endorsements anyway.  If we read the tortured rationale  Des Moines offered; and take into account the last time they endorsed  a non-Democrat, it was that very first Repoob; Tricky Dick!  Iowa has been invaded by something rotten.  Could it be Big Money?
The televised media has to follow the storm and cut short their coverage of the campaigns.  After getting all that money -- it seems such a shame!  But God truly does have more power than Big Money has.  The pause this brings may not refresh us, as much as give us time to return to our senses.  You don't have to think very hard to come to the conclusion that Mitt and the Repoobs are running a classic bluff on the citizens of this country.
Or, you can still conclude that only a white male (maybe, even Donald Duck?) can break the deadlock put in place by the Repoobs in Congress; and, therefore,  following the Iowan logic, they must choose Tricky Mitt.  This is their way of addressing their fear of the "Fiscal Cliff" that the Repoobs have concocted.
For those whining about the pain we suffered clawing our way back from the devastation of 2008, beware!  Check closely what "austerity" has done for those nations who tried it over the past four years.  Follow that, as prescribed by the Repoobs, and you'll learn what real pain is.

Stay Vigilant!

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Sunday, October 28, 2012


Voters Must Call Their Bluff
As a Mighty Storm inches up the East Coast, threatening to "Occupy" Wall Street and wreak all sorts of havoc from floods to snow storms and power outages in several states; the dreaded election of 2012 draws ever nearer.  It's now less than ten days away.  It seems that, after many years of damning the thing, the country may yet again be "saved" by the Electoral College.
Upon retirement a couple of decades ago, Justice Thurgood Marshall warned that the Ku Klux Klan was trading in their white sheets for the black robes of Judges within our Judicial System.  Had he remained a few years longer with us, I'm sure he would have added that the Klan was taking over the Republican Party (that's why I now call them Repoobs).
The leadership roles known in history as Grand Kleagle, Grand Dragon, and such, I'm sure have been inherited by the likes of McConnell, Boehner, and Cantor, with supporting roles for the likes of Limbaugh and Rove.  Somewhere in there, they'll have to assign a role to Mitt, but he's such a slippery character, I'm sure nothing will stick.  The last time the Klan exerted so much political influence in this country was about 100 years ago, under Woodrow Wilson.
What's their bluff?  Well after achieving a credit downgrade and a pall cast over the creditworthiness of the United States, Repoobs continue their kidnap of government and their blackmail of the national economy; all in pursuit of limiting our President to one term.  I'm referring specifically to the dreaded "Fiscal Cliff".  It is cited by our best and brightest corporate leaders as striking such paralyzing fear in them that they had to cause mass joblessness and threaten more layoffs.  All the while they continue to hoard cash on their balance sheets and hide personal and corporate wealth off-shore.  All of these tantrums continue because, it seems, they didn't quite kill the economy in 2008 and need dearly to get Mitt in to finish us off.
But what if Mitt gets the popular vote and Obama wins the Electoral College?  Well, the Repoobs will just have to stop holding their breath (and their bodily fluids) and begin to "play ball".  Maybe that's why the President stated, matter-of-factly, in the last Debate that the Fiscal Cliff "won't happen"!  Such a move by the voters will end the nightmare and bring on the brisk recovery everyone is looking for.
Stay Vigilant!  Its up to the voters, storm, or no storm!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, October 26, 2012


"Trick" or "Treat"??
From "Isaac" , before the Repoob Debacle in Tampa, to "Sandy", destined to strike Pennsylvania on Halloween, what's a sane person to think?  Could it be that God continues to weigh in on this election?  "Isaac" outed Eastwood's shocking bigotry; what will "Sandy" bring us?  Remember, all of these hurricanes begin off the west coast of Africa and pursues the path of the "Passage" plied in the horrendous trade that funded Western Civilization.  Could it be that the "ghosts" of those millions of Africans pushed into the sea along the Passage to lighten the load of the slave ships that plied the path for hundreds of years, are now "sitting at the right hand" of God and calling down wrath upon the wicked?  Something for the pious to consider before they vote?  Did we gain Amazing Grace, or only Amazing Wealth?
Now to Masks:  we've progressed from Tricky Dick to Tricky Mitt, the wearer of masks.  Behind each mask Mitt hides something very important for voters to know; --But, N-o-o-o!  Mitt the Mask Wearer gets away with hiding his money, his taxes, and the truth about what he intends to do to this country.  Are we a Ship of Fools, A Cuckoo's Nest, or simply a people consumed by greed, racism, and fear of the economy that is coming in the wake of the Collapse of Capitalism that occurred under the Repoobs in 2008?

Stay Vigilant!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


In 13 Days We Will "Self-Grade"
In full view of the citizens of the world,  viewed through the capabilities of the most sophisticated and fasted communications systems we have ever known, the citizens of the United States will "grade" themselves on several highly complex issues.
Are we an "outward-looking" people, or an "inward-looking" collection of self-interests?
Are we able to transcend our "internal isolations" and see beyond our individual and group fortresses sufficiently enough to preserve the united character of our nation?
Will we "double-down" on the everyone-for-themselves mind set that has reigned for 30 years?
Should "winner-take-all" trump traditional values like character, truth, honesty, trust?
How many really believe that domination by white males is the "natural order" for the planet?
How many are ready to trash  "science" that has brought the planet its "progress" and regress toward religious "truths".
Will we vote to continue our recent practices of "never compromise"?
Will we continue to permit the wealthiest among us to shirk their traditional role in providing jobs for our citizenry; hide their money outside the nation; take no responsibility for the consequences of their actions or inactions?
Will we vote to dump our war debts on the poor and the middle class among our citizenry?
Will we realize that "the government" is really "the people" acting in concert?
These are a great many things for the voter to think about.  Will they think? Will they Vote?

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


The Absence of Character??
Now we have the last "debate" under our belt.  Perhaps we can hold all this crap down for a few more days, and then the decision will be in (barring protracted legal battles over the "count").
"ME-TOO" -Mitt showed up for this last debate.  We've lost count of  his many faces.  The hangy-down, "poor me" face was much in evidence last night.  The topic was Foreign Affairs, a subject the Repoob crowd holds in great disdain.  Ignorance of the subject and inveterate lying were much in evidence from Mitt  last night.
At least somebody has been reading my blogs.  "Rope-a-Dope" was on the lips of many pundits follwing the debate.  But Mitt seems to have gotten that backward -- Mohammed Ali rope-adoped in the EARLY rounds.  He KICKED ASS in the final rounds.  That was the whole idea, Mitt!
But Mitt's followers are expected by the pundits to be un-deterred by his huge loss last night.  They know full well the content of skin.  Shades of color have a new, 3rd Millenium definition.  Any tinge of color is looked upon with disfavor, regardless of the charachter or capabilities of the wearer. 
 Stay Vigilant!  PLEASE VOTE, regardless of any obstacles!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, October 20, 2012


A Sad Saga of 4 Assassinations
I VOTED EARLY TODAY!  Since my first vote in a Presidential election in this country, IN 1960,  I have never been more convinced of the importance of a single national election.  At this point, following two of three scheduled "debates", it should be clear to everyone that this country is headed toward a new economy; both nationally and globally.  This President is being castigated for doing everything possible over the past 4 years to save our national and the global economies FROM TOTAL COLLAPSE.
The vitriol, disrespect, and thinly veiled contempt, available for all to see, are clearly driven by racial anxieties and fear of the final status of our national economy.  This is a huge contest between monied interests, led by a prominent "financier",  and the people's interest in stable and accountable government; for everyone!
In the recent PBS Election  Special, Race:2012  the intentions of our Founders to establish the United States as a country for persons deemed to be white were revealed as part of the Naturalization Act of 1790
In my 50 years of voting in Presidential elections, beginning with Kennedy/Nixon, I have noticed violent swings within the voting electorate.  I have a theory that they are tied to the 4 assassinations that occurred during the 60's; beginning with the President, in 1963.  As a 2nd Lieutenant, stationed at the NSA during the time, I was at "ground zero" for the unfolding of theses events, along with those Cuban Missile Crisis and War in Vietnam issues that proceeded them.  Kennedy, looking forward to 1964, felt that the voters knew Richard Nixon, full well, and would never vote for him as President.
The period was dominated by Cold War fears and racial anxieties associated with Cuba and the Civil Rights Movement.  Lyndon and his rascist and reactionary buddy, J. Edgar, have been shown to be pivotal in those lurches of the electorate since Kennedy's death; and catalysts for Watergate.  Johnson resigned, causing Nixon's election; Nixon resigned, causing Carter's election (J.C. Can Save America); Carter's failures caused the extreme-right lurch to Reagan.  From there is a straight-line path to the Economic Breakdown of 2008, with financial greed and racial anxieties fueling the ride.
The Economy we knew is now permanently gone, and what will replace it is yet to be determined.
As Race:2012  clearly shows; the new economy will be formed by some new structure of  our country.
Fueled by the fact that our population growth is driven by persons (both immigrant and native-born) who are not deemed to be white, a faction disguised as one of our two major parties, is poised to achieve what their forebears failed to do when they fired on Fort Sumpter.
Regardless of the winner in this election, this nation is in for much rougher sledding as we struggle to achieve an economy that will work.  The French Government failed, devolving to City States before engaging in their Revolution.  Let's hope that does not lie ahead for us.  VOTE LIKE YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, October 19, 2012


When you VOTE For It!!
The Money Boys and the Repoobs obviously feel there is such a thing as "legitimate" rape.
What in Hell can they be thinking?  Well, we've always known the Rich are "Different" -- but, this much?
What can "Legitimate Rape" be, in their minds?  You can list the ways:
     1.  They have all the money and you have to live your total lives in accordance with their dictates.
     2.  They make all the rules, and you have to obey.
     3.  All of your money must flow through their hands.
     4.  You must continue to blame "Government" for laying you off, moving your job offshore,
           and  the other things big money does, while avoiding  accountability.
    5.  You must make babies according to their rules and when they decide.
    6.  Women must return to "their place" in the social order (as they did, twice, in the past century).
    7.  You must believe their claim that they can continue to sit on their money and hide it off-shore until they re-gain the power to conduct business "without risk of any sort".
What they are seeking is to take over our Democratic Republic and  end  Capitalism as we have known it.
When will they come to their senses and return to doing business in the manner that made this country great?  When the voters wake up and say HELL NO! at the Polls.
Stay Vigilant!  I will vote early tomorrow.

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Visit To  "Our Roots"
I've been away for a week.  I had to travel to the New Orleans area to bury a younger brother.  I've travelled through that city several times, but never stopped, until now.  The last time through, I was fleeing from several hurricanes in Miami -- only to cross New Orleans FOUR months before Katrina.  Katrina will, perhaps, go down in history as the final proof of Peter Drucker's assertion that "government" cannot "protect" ANYBODY.
Following the ceremonies, I had a few hours to search for Kongo Square, and the New Orleans of Louis Armstrong  ("Pops", "Satchmo").  We found it co-located in a park dedicated to Louis Armstrong.
Except for the general decay of "The Quarter", Black New Orleans was scarcely in evidence, except for around the edges.  Gentrification is in full force in the French Quarter, and also circling around that real estate totally devastated by Katrina.
We were told that you could find a few blacks playing original Jazz in the Quarter, but mostly at street intersections.  As we searched in the narrow streets of the Quarter, a couple of "apparitions" occurred: in a narrow intersection, framed by a partial block of housing, appeared an extremely obese European on a Segway (the new, two-wheeled  mopeds you see on T.V.)  Then there was another, and another, ... for a total of about a dozen tourists.  I was struck by a vision of "pigs on wheels", riding through a graveyard.
When we arrived at the next intersection beyond the "wheeled" ones, we found our black Jazz players, surrounded by a small group of listeners.  It was truly worth the search.  The music was heavenly; starkly unlike the appropriated Jazz being played by non-blacks in the few clubs now open outside the "beer run" on Ramparts St.  The leader of the black group lost everything in Katrina and commutes from out of state to play his music in the Quarter.
The police showed up to scatter the Jazz musicians and clear that block for a "parade". We stayed to see it, and a group of about fifty Jewish people paraded by, led by a bride and groom and including a "Jazz Band", all Jewish, embedded among the marching guests. They approached the intersection and wheeled to the right; disappearing deeper into the Quarter. They arrived, and disappeared, enveloped within some "ether".
We found the best part of the Quarters in Frenchman St.  The River Walk nearby was alive with Sunday Afternoon Seafood Festivals.  I also found a copy of Ned Sublette"s The World That Made New Orleans.   Most of us are in some way aware of Andy Jackson as an "Indian Fighter" protecting the United States in New Orleans; fighting battles with the British after the war of 1812 was won.
What we don't know as well are the roots of New Orleans, starting in 1634, with the French settlement of  Trois Rivie'res (Canada).  From the Spanish, through the French, the history of ALL of the Americas flowed North, and South, from the Caribbean after 1492.  The original peoples, the foods we now take for granted (even in Europe), and the emerging new peoples who will dominate America Del Norte, all came from the same place.
 We have obscured this history by emphasizing the European invasions after the Mayflower.  U.S. Citizens of all colors should, pay special attention to that history now, in 2012, as people of the entire Americas "brown".  One of the people I met in the Quarter was a "Shaman" of the Lakota Tradition, who remarked that time progresses in such a way as to marginalize those citizens who over-emphasize their "whiteness".  Their values, beliefs, activities, attitudes, approaches to "law", all portend a wrong-headedness for them and for their children, LOOKING FORWARD!

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Mitt Knows SUCKERS Go FIRST For the Icing??
For those who watched last night's FRONTLINE, you can be pardoned if you think Halloween came weeks early.  The report revealed a shape-shifter and contortionist more devious than anything Hollywood could invent.
The show made it clear that Romney has been on the "mission" to take the Presidency of this country for most of his life.  What is not clear, or even slightly visibile, is WHY he is so driven, or WHAT he's really after.  It's not really smart to proffer such a pig in a poke when everyone knows the pig.  What we don't know is what or who else is in the poke with him.  People like him, in history, are known to be emotionally disturbed, while pursuing a vision that cannot beopenly  shared.  Mitt represents something entirely new in the politics of this nation.  His followers in the House of Representatives seem to be similarly driven.
Just about ALL of his "Plans" are invisible, and all his vital information on his money and his religion are kept secret.
What is truly amazing is that the polls tell us a significant number of voters blindly ignore what is so obvious to everyone else.  Mitt truly holds the voter is extremely low regard.  He takes his ability to hornswoggle them for granted.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

SLAVERY for the 99% in 2012?

Will We VOTE for it?
See this Sunday's (10/7)  NY Times article, headline: They Work Long Hours, but What About Results?  When you ponder what the author is suggesting, you'll realize that workers are encouraged to ingratiate themselves to their managers/bosses in order to avoid being laid off; and to find a scrap of time to have a private life and/or a family life.  Like the proverbial frog in a tub of water, the workforce finds itself long past having any "freedom" or "choices" when it comes to work.
The FEAR evident among the workforce, reflected by this article, shows the effectiveness of political and economic forces today in their move to get the workers locked into servitude.  Their secret tool is to convince us that its a "dog-eat-dog" world, now, and we must eat-dog to avoid being eaten.
There's a film showing near you entitled: We Won't Back Down.  See it, and you'll realize that parents are sacrificing their own children's present and future security in a horrible school system that their state government compels them to use.  You will also see how extremely difficult it is to do anything to change things, once the forces behind the system prevail.
Last Wednesday (10/6) you witnessed a masterful "snake-charmer" performance by a politician who got the viewing public to rave with approval while he "lied like Hell" to them, and  hid important facts they needed to hear.
In a global economy where everything is "marketed", everyone must become a "salesman".  That includes politicians, workers, educators, you-name-it.
The question is:  will we stop backing down before everything gets "locked-down" by the forces now holding our economy and nation hostage?  The Germans learned in the 1930,s, to their horror,  that they have to be careful what and whom they vote for!   Learn the POWER of truth and cooperation!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, October 7, 2012

FLASH: BIG BIRD is in the 47%!!

The Sinister Face of BIG MONEY
I told a story in an earlier blog about how the multinational corporations were excused from allegiance to this country in the legislation that made them "legal".  The events of this past week make it clear to the mass public that such an excuse from patriotism extends to Big Money. 
Just as the 47% declaration by Mitt in the secret Boca Raton meeting made it clear that we now have a 53% to 47% split in our nation, the debate results show that the voting public is "split" psychologically.
Mitt "doubled down" on the Clint Eastwood tack taken in the Repoob Convention.  It worked!  The average viewer, and some media pundits, have their heads and hearts with the 53%, and their butts with the 47%! Where are you??  How will you vote?  Will you vote?
Mickey Edwards, in The Parties Versus The People, shows how this separation within the nation is expressed by our political parties.
The President caught a break on Friday, to moderate some of the fall-out from his Wednesday "non-performance".  It came in the form of favorable employment numbers.  That made some of the Big Money Boys, who have been backing the mean 53% in secret, reveal themselves.  We saw Jack Welch, Steve Forbes, Mort Zuckerman, and others pop up to shore up Mitt and the Repoobs, and some of them cast aspersions on a respected institution of our government.
Can the voting public afford this split in their emotions vs their rationallity?  Can the country survive a combined attack from the Repoobs and Big Money?  Mitt now claims he wants to represent 100% of the nation -- while slashing away at every effort to bring us together.  To Mitt, "community" means his race and his religion; to the President, "community" embraces mankind.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Get Our Money Back!!!  Save Democracy!
Among the ten "clowns" of the Repoob Primary, one, evidently was an attack clown.  Only those clowns with the most chance to win (Santorum and Gengrich) got to see the Attack Clown in full.  In fairness to Huntsman, he had enough early and could not "stomach" the sinister proceedings.
The Attack Clown showed his true face in the first Debate with the President.
Why?  Because, as in the Primary, he was losing, and was desperate.  Romney-world, which is the home of the Attack Clown, is a very strange place in minds that don't function like the rest of our minds.  In that world, Lies are Truths, Reason is banished, Theft is the principal activity.
The Repoobs thought the economy was beyond survival, after their attack in 2008.  It seems that, what Toure' termed The Magical Negro in the latest issue of TIME, resuscitated it!  Horror of horrors! Now the engineers of the heist of history will have to give back the money they stole in the Bush Tax Cuts.
The Repoobs are fighting to "take back" their past glory.  The rest of us are fighting to take back our Democratic republic AND THE LOOT THEY STOLE.
Stay Vigilant!  If we succeed, perhaps we can get the biggest crooks into JAIL??

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


Thursday, October 4, 2012


The First "Debate" a Dud?
Like most of you, I slogged through last night's debate, at first hopeful, then concerned, then angry.  All of those $B for this crap??  This was a Media Event writ large; from the ageing Moderator who was trampled by the ding-bat bully with the gleeming teeth, to the President, who seemed to be "off his feed".  The Wacky and Wicked Media made out like a bandit; altho not as much as the Mutinous members of the House who are holding the entire country and the Global Economy hostage just to launch an "empty suit"!
Where's the Beef, Mitt?  While you're at it, Where's the money you should be bringing home from your earnings overseas?  You give a bad name to Used Car Salesmen!
The President was rope-a-doping last night, I hope!  We all know President Obama has been holding down the fort against these criminals all by himself for four years; waiting for "the Calvary" that has not yet arrived.
If the Calvary is in fact the Voter, we may not want them come; especially any voter was genuinely impressed by Mitt last night.  Do you really want this man's finger on "the button"??
Oh, and about Jobs?  Mitt's been working at creating jobs, by his account, for decades!  WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY??  Overseas!  Is it his "plan" to do that here at Chinese wage levels.
These "Debates" will really be a "rough patch" for the voter with an IQ above 25 to suffer!
The Hostage Takers in Congress have enough "green"; Mitt signaled last night that he will bring them "white"??
One last thing Mitt; give examples of things you would be willing to "Borrow From The Chinese" to fund?  Defense??

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


"Weakness" and "Strength",  Today
The latest issue of TIME Magazine features a cover article on Mitt Romney's version of Mormon Faith and Religion.  That article mentions the Mormon "White Horse Prophecy".  This Blog also cited the prophecy in "PROPHETS" AND "PROFITS", dated June 10, 2012.  See also: POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY, dated April 27, 2012.
Many in my generation are familiar with the phrase"Man on a White Horse", which pertains to a type of politician who rises to power and rules through strength; at a time when "the people" are in stress, and can't make decisions.  Check the following Google sites for more info:
The roots for the Mormon version trace back to Joseph Smith in the early 1800's and the birth of their uniquely "American" religion.  For an accurate, time-tested, description of what our young Democracy was like at that time, I rely on Alexis  DeTocqueville who saw our governing experiment in terms of the clash between three "peoples", the entering European, the resident Natives and the African slaves. The founders of Mormonism digested those times and wrote the prevailing social customs regarding race into their Book of Mormon  As time passed, the nation's obsession with skin color and biblical prohibitions morphed into a "science" called Eugenics in the early days of the 1900s.  The Mormons' did not modify their Book significantly on this topic until after the Civil Right Movement of the 1960s.
This information is offered for those who might still be confused as to who comprises the "47%" Mitt recently, and famously, described.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


In Defense of the GOP
H.L. Mencken, a famous journalist, essayist, and magazine editor was one of the writers I was introduced to during my college years.   I liked his political writings because of his ability to use words to skewer public figures, especially politicians, who were both extreme in their pursuit of their trade, and injurious to the public. "Boobs" is a term he used often in his writing.   I use his methods to express derision for those persons who have joined in extreme measures to dangerously distort politics as it has been practiced in this country during my lifetime. 
I coined the term Repoob to distinguish those who invaded the Republican Party, like a cancer, and threw overboard all members of  that party they considered to be "moderate", "reasonable", "civil", and honest stewards for the public good.  The term also includes the appendages outside the Party; in Media, hidden financial backers, and non-elected agents within the government.  Their attack on government, and the economy has been severe, causing massive unemployment and a decline in our financial standing.  The election of 2012 provides an opportunity to rid the country of this element through the ballot box. That outcome could also restore the Republican Party to its historical status in our nation's history. 
To excise the cancer, a straight ticket vote for the opposing party would do the trick.  It would also put the opposing party on notice that they could get similar treatment by the voters if they don't "straighten up" and take care of this nation's business.

Stay Vigilant!

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