Monday, October 13, 2014


Less-Well-Off Minorities and Poor Whites DON'T??

In the mid-80's, as a single parent, I had one child in Private Prep School in Los Angeles, one a student at Cal-Tech, and one a student at U.C. Santa Cruz.  I was enrolled in the Drucker Institute for my AEMBA, and I complained to Peter about the explosive rise in tuitions each year.  He explained why, (too lengthy for this space), and concluded that any "institution" whose "Input" Costs explode, while "Output"  Value plummets; is courting COLLAPSE!  

Defense RDT&E Laboratory Infrastructure Studies under Clinton did a lot to change that outcome, and shifted the picture to one in which Universities became partners with Industry and Government to cut costs.  In fact, the costs were shifted to students under Congressional "reforms" of student loan programs.  This happened shortly before Gengrich led the "Cracker Revolt" in the House of Representatives, that has since grown in Congress, and THINK TANKS.  

Rich students, both foreign and domestic, benefit immensely from the new arrangement.  They come from MONEY, and don't need the "pedigree stamp" to get a job, in the way that Middle Class and Lower Class students always have.  It explains why U.S. students "drop-out"??.  Immigrant students who are poor  have been especially targeted by the "Mills" that sprung up to get a cut of the $Billions "divvied-up" between Colleges and Universities, and Government "profits" from outrageous interest costs extracted from students.  Rich immigrant students benefit more than anyone!  Most poor and minority students wind up with huge debt, and no "pedigree".  All Rich students revert to the original purpose for "higher education" in the United States in the 1920's -- "broadening" for rich, white, males!  Many European nations often don't tie college education, paid privately, to employment opportunity.  The GOVERNMENTS make sure that those students who work in their industiries are educated and trained IN HIGH SCHOOL, and costs are  paid through  taxation from all citizens!

Mark Cuban, on CNBC this morning, showed that he understood part of the story, and recommended limits on amounts that can be borrowed to "fix" the problem.  He blamed the college "administration" for most of the problem, but also implicated the lazy, overpaid faculty.  He did not note that "military-industrial complex, and those lazy professors often "collaborate" in raping ideas from bright students, and profiting from their ability to "own" the companies formed.  Congress set all of this up!

My Grandfather was right in the 1950's: NEVER VOTE for the same politician TWICE!! They can't plot and get organized, if we do that.
Stay Vigilant!  Make Your VOTE Count??
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