Sunday, May 31, 2015


The Ultimate "FALL GUY"??

Lewis Paul Bremer III; Remember Him?  He was our State Department Diplomat who followed the Generals into Iraq, a couple of months after "Shock and Awe", to assume the role of Occupational Authority, and Head of the Iraq Provisional Government.  He's the guy who, among many other things, is accused of "disbanding" Saddam's Army; sending the Sunni's home with their weapons, no money, and nothing to do!  Ruling by decree, Bremer also banned the Ba'ath Party; Saddam's Ruling Party.

This many years on, we see that those Sunni Military members, failing to find a real voice in the government of Iraq, since Bremer,  now provide the base for what is now ISIS, or ISIL.

The Cheney/Bush Administration brought us Iraq and its aftermath, within a decade following Rwanda and Bosnia.  Both of these events, under the Administration of Bill Clinton, were extreme examples of the utter depravity, and rapidity, with which human beings, in relatively modern and "developed" nations, could turn to slaughtering one another!

Bosnia came from the fracturing of Yugoslavia, a republic formed at the end of WW II (1944-1992), It was  ruled  by Marshall Tito.  When he died, his sons fought over his succession, causing the republic to split along ethnic lines.  You'd think our State Department would have learned that the "magic" of people like Tito; who could rule over people of differing ethnicity in what was described as "socialist fraternity and unity"; might not be something that could be "instantly dispensed"  by one of our Diplomats.  Bremer took orders directly from Rumsfeld.  

Stay Vigilant!  The Lies our GOP mental midgets spin, in attempts to blame President Obama, are  "evaporating" as more is learned on the ground in the Middle East.  Our President is emerging more and more as a "Genius" for getting our troops out before the Civil Wars began!  The GOP couldn't, and wouldn't have done that!  Only FOOLS plunge into Civil or Religious Wars that are not their own!!

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

CRACK DOWN!! ... on RIGHT, and LEFT "Xtremes" ??

"Too FEW who will FIGHT!  ... Too MANY who will DIE!"
(emphasis added)

Mark Shields said it, on PBS; and it's slowly becoming clear to the Stupid Masses, who are constantly being "mind-f*cked" by MEDIA..

Whether it is Religion, Politics, or Economics; Technology has driven the world's population to their separate "extremes" in each realm.  In both Religion and Politics, individuals quickly arrive at a place where they are willing to KILL someone to get their way.  Those who have NOT (yet?), are quite willing to allow others to do the Killing for them -- (death penalty, Killer Cops, White Citizens killing Black Kids, etc.).

I left Missouri in 1959; fleeing earlier versions of what we see in Fergugon, MO., today.  After I met my goals of a BA in Physics, and a Commission in the Air Force,  I found myself, in 1962, in SAC, at WACO, TX., for four months, and in Maryland, in the USAFSS, at  Fort Meade, by July.  My EDUCATION about "America" and its Citizens took-on a new trajectory.  The East Coast was, then, radically different from the West Coast.  Race Hatred, experienced in Missouri, at the hands of Catholic Germans, mostly; was replaced by an "Indifference mixed with Hatred" type of racial-stew, was typical inside what is now known as the "Beltway"!  No Black Person could rent housing in the District of Columbia, for example.

The Irish version, and the Italian versions of Catholic attitudes toward Race, were emerging openly;  evidenced by first reactions by the Kennedy Brothers to racial turmoil as it erupted in 1962 and continued into 1963.  My Catholic co-workers were scared to death that Kennedy would spark a public turn against Catholics.

My co-workers also explained to me prominent Hatreds "within" Ethnic Groups ("Lace-Curtain", vs. "Shanty" Irish; and; why Italian fathers would KILL their daughters, rather than allow them to emigrate as individuals; the way Irish women did).  The "racial temperature" of Washington, D.C, and Baltimore, MD were beyond description.  Eastern Maryland was a single term used to describe the racial climate within an entire appendage of that State.  This morning, O'Malley, in his Announcement Speech, ignored the Italians in the part  on  "inclusivity" .. . wonder why?

Stay Vigilant!  Whether it's WAR, or not:  10,000 "Boots on the Ground" against ISIS, or not; White America is at its Wits End!   Experts at Inflicting Terror on persons of color;   they are Chicken-Sh*ts, who turn on each other, (and , as always, Obama), when the "wimps" in the GOP, (entering the RACE by the dozens); take postures on DEFENSE!  Rand Paul is the only Exception!

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Thursday, May 28, 2015


Our "Emperor Jones" Curse??

I was appalled (didn't think it possible, at my age) to find the Black Faces among the "candidates" for Prosecution, in the FIFA Corruption, exposed by the DOJ yesterday.

On the block of Black Businesses, in my Town, on East Main Street, was the Maple Leaf Club (historical: under a new name), owned by one of the richest Black Men in our Town.  My Grandfather's business was "three-doors-down" from there.

As a child, I was told scary stories about the MOB, and its connections to that Club's  Owner.  He and is wife were our "neighbors" - - joined across the Alley that completed our "Block".  They were among the "nicest" people I knew.  His Business was the only Black Business that our Community did not consider to be "legitimate".  Grandpa told us to stay away from that Club, but we often sneaked in, only to face Grandpa's wrath, when he soon arrived to "retrieve" us.

I have always associated the Blacks  with "Emperor Jones"; the type of Black who found ways to get "rich" by exploiting his own people.  It's the name of a famous Broadway Play written by Eugene O'Neill.  Today we find these characters among Blacks who are attracted to the Republican Party (Herman Cain, Dr. Carson, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas); there is also a "Latino" version of this syndrome growing among us today.

This kind of corruption has always been attractive to young non-white males who are born poor.  We see most of  them today in our jails; "tracked" there by our Public Education Systems.  The alternative to these people, in Black Communities, are those Black Men, mostly Preachers, who think they can "redeem" the White Man from his Evil Ways.  We're long been caught between these extremes; while the entire World becomes complicit in keeping tragedies like these alive.

Stay Vigilant!  the current issue of The Americas Quarterly, shows how Small, Non-White Business Owners are using Social Media Technology to Trade directly with counterparts anywhere in the World.  We no longer have to go "Through the White Man" to Trade; to Communicate; or to make our fortunes!

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"CRONIES" : "Rich Thieves"??

World "Players"??

"Outside" the LAW; "Above" the LAW; there is little question that BIG MONEY BOYS, around the world, are being "Busted" by the Obama Administration for their High-Level Criminal Activities.

The Cracker-Politicians (Republicans),here in the U.S.,  who claim that "nobody is AFRAID of Obama"; may have to think again??  Crooked Politicians in the U.S. have, long ago, learned how to Commit Crimes "Within" the Law.  We've seen highly paid Lawyers, Prosecutors, Governors, and crooked Cops, of course;  all implicated in obvious crimes, yet, manage to ESCAPE punishment! They do so by "shielding"  their "Cronies"!!

Peter Drucker taught his classes, thirty years ago, in his MBA Programs, that a Global Economy cannot succeed without Global LAWS, Global Postal Services, Global Banking, and safe Global Travel.  We're a long way from achieving that.  As fast as the Global Economy grows; even faster do the Global Thieves Multiply!   In the United States, Cronies favor the Republican Party, for some reason.  Republicans may be starting to FEAR Obama, right about now??

Netanyahu "bent his pick" trying to help the Republicans in their 7-year campaign to destroy Obama's Presidency.  Barry should be "beyond caring" by now, about what the "Mourning Joe" Crowd obsesses over!!  Jeb and Hillary have to play with that crowd now?

Stay Vigilant!  Meet the NEW Attorney General; Just like the OLD Attorney General??  "Sure Ain't Alberto Gonzalez"!!!

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Kudos to Nebraska!!

Nebraska Lawmakers vote to Repeal Death Penalty!

Whites in Nebraska, who can view our world with capabilities ABOVE the Cracker-Level "Leadership" that the GOP has inflicted on this nation, has voted, with VETO-PROOF majority, to outlaw the Death Penalty in that State.  The Guv'na, of course, is opposed, but enough whites with some semblance of Humanity, have found their way into that state's Legislature to accomplish this feat!  Long, a practice that disproportionately executes Black Americans, the Death Penalty is treasured by "Conservative" Whites.  in those States, like Texas and Oklahoma,who "revel", or "Rebel" in the practice of putting blacks to death.  With recent difficulties in finding drugs and other paraphernalia limiting these Executions, many states are taking highly unusual steps to Keep the Laws on their Books.

Killing them, on the streets, while they're young, seems to be a new, less costly, practice in the United States.

Stay Vigilant!  Almost 2 dozen "Crackers" and their supplicants have come forward on the GOP Primary circuit, seeking the Presidency in 2016.  This nation may not "survive" four years of the "Cracker-Level Leadership" they Represent!

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Monday, May 25, 2015


Why Do Whites ALWAYS "WIN"??

No matter the PROBLEM de-jure, between Blacks and Whites in the United States; the outcome is always the same -- the Whites "Win"!  Why??  Well, many believe that is the "Legacy of Slavery"; others believe it is "Because Blacks still Believe JESUS was a European"; it's none of that.
There's an old story from the days of Lincoln and General Grant, that Lincoln solved the issue of Slavery and Economic Competition; permitting the reuniting of the North and South' by using a Secret Law Firm he knew, named Dewey, Cheathum & Howe.  Bill Clinton found that they were still in business, 130 years later, and he used them to finally solve Reagan's "Welfare Queen" Problem!

Obama has to find that Firm. He has to put the problem of increased Alienation between Blacks and Whites in their hands!  The damage that it poses to the Nation and to Public Order is too great!: Will you Help Me??

DEWEY?: "Without Doubt!

  CHEATHUM?:   "By All Means"!!

HOWE?:  "Therein lies the "Rub"!  Blacks no longer believe so Blindly that the Bible holds the Words of God; so we must use other methods of appeal.  We tried to separate them from Violence with Martin Luther King, but the White Right found a way to usurp his message, after they Murdered him!  We tried "Integration", to enrich the greedy among the Blacks, but now, they realize that Killer Cops can't distinguish their sons from the sons of Poor Blacks!

OBAMA:  But some way has to be found to put the Blacks "Back to Sleep",;so Whites can continue to "have their way with them"!

HOWE:  It will take more than Money, this time; or FAME and Money (consider Oprah's fate); or "Connection" to Power (Consider the fates of Condi and Clarence, and their damaged images). Colin's image show promise of being repaired, after being in bed with those Snakes.  Whites face the dilemma of declining numbers; and most immigrants are not white anymore.  Give us a few Days.  Let us Confer with Jeb and Hillary, and we'll get back to you!

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SOLUTION: To Get "RID" of Killer Cops??

"Let's Cut to the Chase"??

Did you notice the "sanitized" coverage our White Media gave to the Mass Killings in Waco by the white Banker Gangs?  Many more dead than in Ferguson or NY City or Cleveland; but NONE of the Dead were shown on TV, NO BLOOD was shown; and the white Cops were seen "Buddying" with the killer bikers.  Closely contrast that scene to the "Slave Hunt", breathlessly being covered by the white media in the search for a black  "Suspect" in the murder of a white family.  Get the PICTURE??

Time to GET SMART??   In the recent issue of Americas Quarterly, Peter K. Manning, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, makes it clear that Body Cameras will NOT solve the problems facing beseiged, Terrorized, Minority Communities, and their fight against Police Terror.  Killer Cops DON'T fear politicians (even their Guv'nas); but they DO FEAR Immediate Termination, without Pay or Benefits (especially their lucrative Retirement).!!
The state of Idaho, reportedly, is full of Retired Cops, grown rich on public pensions and confiscated drugs, cars, houses, and even airplanes, they are allowed, by LAW, to seize for personal gain!  If cops were convinced that they could lose all of this; Minority killings would stop IMMEDIATELY!

As Manning points out; politicians and Judges, (and Unions?) are part of the "Culture" that currently protects Cops, no matter what they do.  With all of that PROTECTION in their "system", Cops can do whatever "turns them on".

Technology now allows the Public to KNOW who the bad cops are!  Public Protest that does not relent until a COP is stripped of his badge and all benefits, will solve a great deal of our Crime Problems.  If Unions intervene, any good Lawyer should win cases for "compromise of public safety " for a "Class" of Injured, and Threatened, Members of the Public.  A credible threat of Law Suits that could Bankrupt a Union, might do that trick??

Stay Vigilant!  Street Protests targeted at all Cops, and arguments over Cameras, are DECEPTIONS that will get us NOWHERE.  We have to focus on MONEY; their true motivation.  That will put an end to Cops seeking to "Police" in Communities where they have "no skin in the game"?? 

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

ISIS: a "Foundling" in the "Broken-GOP-Pottery-Barn"??

GOP should have HEEDed those "Warnings" from Colin Powell??

On this Memorial Day Weekend; May my fellow Veterans find some Peace and Comfort!

MEDIA, PA; 1971.

For my readers who are worried, like me, about impending collapse of our Country under the relentless attack by our Malignant GOP; read and research further the MEDIA that could lead us all to some TRUTH, for a change.  J. Edgar Hoover, and his 48 years of TERROR against U.S. Citizens; Politicians and Public Figures, mainly; but he was "fixated", like the GOP, in his Fear and Hatred of Blacks.  His FBI treated Black Americans, much the way Police Forces around the country do today.  He wrote about a coming "Race-War", and was obsessed with COINTELPRO.

What you should know about the FOX and other MEDIA-Mania about ISIS, or, ISIL:

      (1)  It is an IDEA, or Ideology, rooted in a Major Religion.
      (2)  Any IDIOT would know that you can't KILL any IDEA with BULLETS and BOMBS!

In fact; that kind of global Terror, "feeds" on the violent responses currently being advocated by our Malignant GOP.

As we approach the Election of 2016, our nation's future grows more "shaky".  Can we add Ohio to the list of states with Rogue Police Forces, and "compliant" Justice Systems??

Will we go the "Way of the U.K." and splinter into multiple Parties.  I can count FIVE!

(1)  Malignant and Racist GOP that has done all it could to Destroy Obama; while weakening our Country in the process.
(2) Sane GOP Remnant; currently in hiding.
(3) "Bill and Hil" DEMOCRATS:  currently raising Ooodles of Bucks for (Chelsey?)
(4) "Pissed-off" Liberal, White Democrats
(5) NON_WHITES: who are beginning to realize they NEED their own party!  (Even Rubio will find that the Malignant GOP has no "room" for non-whites; no matter how light their skin color.  After the Blacks, the Right will come after Natives, Mexicans, "Lighter-Latinos", and finally, Asians.

Stay Vigilant!  The technologies we pushed for to win the Cold War, have "blown-back"??
We Vets did NOT Fight for this outcome!!

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

OHIO returns to "RACE"

Note the "Progression"??

Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and now, Ohio??  Note the progression??  They're all Border States -- those states Slaves had to reach to "Escape North".  Our Nation's transition from the Civil War and Slavery to "Reconstruction" depended on the Ohio Presidential Candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes.  Hayes and Taft were "linchpins" for the the "prosperous years",  as the Crackers put the War   behind them, and Economic Expansion lay ahead.  On the backs of the Blacks?

From Boehner in the South, Kasich in the Guv'na Chair in Columbus, and Crackers in the Judicial System "doin' their thing" in Cleveland (as far North Blacks could get before crossing into Canada); RACE rears its ugly head again in OHIO -- just in time for the 2016 Elections.  Only one Candidate, Kennedy, has won the Presidency in our History, without winning Ohio.  

Kasich may be angling to sweep these GOP "minors" we see, currently, in the Race?  If  Kasich is not careful, he could "implode" like Guv'nas Christie (NJ) and  Guv'na of Indiana; Pence!

The real secret weapon for  Cheney-Bush was "Blackwell" in Ohio.  He was the Black "Catherine Harris"; northern version.  No better "Tom" served the GOP; except for Clarence Thomas, perhaps.

Ohio brings RACE back to the Big Leagues.  The SPLITS in Cleveland; COPS vs Community; Judiciary vs Community; and Black Upper Classes vs Black Lower Classes.  COPs have always known that Lower-Class Blacks have NO FRIENDS anywhere; and, therefore, were "fair game" for EXT-inction!!   White reaction to Trayvon Martin made it clear that  Cops; Cop wanna-bees (Zimmerman); and Judicial "Practitioners" are  2015 purveyors of Hitlerian "Social Cleansing"??

Stay Vigilant!  My research in 1972 revealed that Negative Values toward the Poor and the Non-White are SHARED VALUES (all color, all classes) in the United States. Our Public Administrators are the Agents insuring our Historic Racial Status Quo!!

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Friday, May 22, 2015

An EVENING with the "DUKE" !!

"DUKE ELLINGTON"; (of course!)

In the Spring of 1973, or '72, my wife and I were in a Lounge at the Hilton, in Las Vegas.  Onstage were Duke Ellington and his Band.  My wife, then a very attractive "light-skinned" woman, the kind the Boys in the Band flirted with, was getting their treatment.  I protested, by gesture, and Duke, at the Break, had the spotlight put on us.  He made some comment about the "commotion"., and,  He then joined us at our table for drinks.  He returned, on Breaks, throughout the evening.

That was Duke Ellington! ; ever the showman, ever the Promoter, and one Wonderful Human Being!  In my travels, I was blessed to  meet tens, or hundreds, of Jazz and Blues Legends.  I was "hooked" in my Teens in Missouri, by performers like King Pleasure, and similar recordings of the 40's and 50's.  In Venues like, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., The Queen Mary: the list was long; I met and "partied" with performers from Ernie Andrews to Nina Simone.  They all came up the "hard way".  As Black Performers, they all were "working" long after contemporary white musicians, of lesser talent, had "retired".  They were also paid less.  On the evening that Duke was shoved into a small Lounge at the Hilton, the "Headliner" was Ann Margaret, as I remember!  So, go Figure!  Red-Neck Gangsters controlled many a Black Musician throughout our History.  Louis Armstrong told stories of  "checking-himself" into Jail, to prevent petty Mobsters from stealing his Pay.

Young Blacks cheat themselves, by allowing Whites to dictate their tastes in Music.  Thousands of talented Blacks, from Vaudeville to this day, have left a rich legacy that whites still "feed on" for their livelihood; while young Blacks are left to re-invent inferior material for their living.  Tragic!!

Stay Vigilant!  Re-Connect with their Legacy?   You might find your way back  to true "Community", and, to a healthier and wealthier Life!

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

ultimate evil?? ... CHENEY-BUSH-"Energy"??

Remember:  "BEFORE" 9/11??

As I remember, the Cheney-Bush Administration was caught up, in early 2001, in ENERGY Issues; (Think ENRON; think OIL).  There were Court Battles in failed attempts to get the Administration to "come clean" with whatever they were doing "behind closed doors" in "Secret" Conferences on Energy.
Bush went, with break-neck speed, from being "Best Buddies" with Enron "Big-Wigs", to DENIAL OF Knowing them (that well)??

Enron "outed" itself in the ruined fortunes of those riding the ENRON Bubble.  Then; 9/11 happened; then; their manipulating our Hate and Fear; then; "Anthrax" (they had to back-off that one, when they found out they were not able to keep the public convinced that it was NOT, like McVeigh, HOME-GROWN.  It seems you can't scare HELL out of White Folk with Anything WHITES do??

It became clear that Massive Fear, Mixed with Old Hatreds, was powerfully lucrative.  Especially so, when a "Savvy MEDIA" caught on to the Fortune that awaited them in the process of "stirring the pot" by hyping the FEAR.  That climate carried us through the 2004 Presidential Election.  Tom Delay, 2003,  was in HEAVEN scaring HELL out of Democrats in the TEXAS Legislature.  Somewhere in there (2000-2003) the opportunity to start a War in Iraq became possible.  It's difficult, even now, to determine what Cheney got from it, and what Bush got from starting that War!   That question has not been explored, yet! 

We're well down the road from there now; and the HATE and FEAR syndrome has been taken over by  HARD RIGHT POLITICIANS.  They now have our Supreme Court, our Criminal Justice System, and our Electoral Political Systems (State and Federal), tucked under their Wings!!

WE all, got the SHAFT from all of that.  We're not blameless, however, it was OUR FEAR and HATREDS they were manipulating.  MEDIA found the climate of FEAR and SUSPICION very useful in their role of Obfuscating and Hiding TRUTH.  They sold their Limbaugh Stink-Pile instead, at tremendous PROFIT!  "Mushrooming" (Feeding Crap to the Public, while keeping them "In the Dark"), on matters of most serious concern to their personal lives and fortunes, became our WAY OF LIFE, starting in 2003!

NOW, we face a crumbling Middle East, and possibly, a Crumbling EU.  If we thought 2008 was Bad News -- what could these horrendous Cheney-Bush "Products" have in store for us??

Stay Vigilant!  Get out your MIRRORS and ask:  What Can I DO?? to keep "Syria" from becoming OUR Future??  Consider VOTING the SCUM out of office!!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

will UKRAINE be LENS for veiwing the "World's" FUTURE??

of SNAKES and MEN??

My Dad warned me: "If you decide to "Run" with Snakes; you'd better prepare to BE the MEANEST Snake in the bunch"!!

Poroshenko, President of Ukraine,  told the BBC that he has "no option" except to "negotiate" with Putin

Could this mean that the EU has "given up" on Ukraine?  I'm somewhat rusty, since my studies of World Geography in 1960, at San Francisco State.  We studied Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine as a group of nations; as I remember.  Do they all face a similar fate today?  Does Putin have more "Allies" in the EU than "Enemies", or "Resisters"?  Have we been wrong to believe that the Middle East is where we need to place our major energies and attention?  These are questions that the shallow "Talking", or "Gossiping" Heads in our MEDIA will not likely pose to its Listening and Viewing Public!  Could Ukraine  be more important than Iran, or ISIS, or, even Saudi Arabia and Israel??  The Oil Menace of the 1970s in the Middle East, may have morphed into an Oil Menace posed by Russia against the EU today??

If the typical American Citizen had an I.Q. above 50, they would be SCREAMING at the likes of Boehner and McConnell to "cut the crap" and start paying attention to the future Security of this Nation; instead of continuing to "cripple" President Obama in his attempts to deal with Putin.

Stay Vigilant!  Why must we wait until the SH*T hits the FAN, before we get SERIOUS about our Suvival?  Bikers in Waco are NOT what we should be focused on!

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Everybody TALKs about WORK: NOBODY "DOES" (enough)??

Nobody works as hard as YOU Do??

They say our Economy Doubled in Value since 1980; while WAGES have fallen!  "Workers" at all pay levels are "Pissed"!  My Grandchildren say that none of their peers think they will HAVE TO Work!!  "Money Corrupts"; they say.  The problem is that nobody takes time or has the patience to teach children the fundamentals of WORK, while they're YOUNG ENOUGH; for it to do some good!  Community (the real thing) solved that problem, in this country, before 1980!

Isolation is the major impact of Technology in 2015:  Children are isolated and alienated from their Parents, their Neighbors, their close Relatives (who live more than a block away).  We give them Social Media to idle away their TIME; and,  kill what little Imagination they manage to develop!

All around them, people seem to live well, with no visible means of support!  So, why sweat the FUTURE?  We can't fault the adults, though; this has been going on for so long that they no longer have the will or the capability to change course!

The Biker Murders, currently taking place in a Hell Hole like Waco, TX, may be all they have to look forward to?

Stay Vigilant!  We're witnessing the best Society that Too Much Money in Too Few Hands; can BUY!!  Get a PhD for your EGO; but learn how to become a PLUMBER, if you want to EAT??

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, May 17, 2015

how about a "VIRTUAL-Community" for BLACKS in the Americas??

"Taking Stock"

Drunk on "Free" MONEY from the FED; Hedge Funds and Foundations are busy "consolidating" power at the top.  A "Run" at AFRICA, led by Foundations, promoting "Missionary" projects, seems to be very popular.  Many Movie Stars who haven't been in the public eye recently, can be seen on Commercials, begging for funds in the name of the Miseries of Black and Brown Children in Africa, and other parts of the world.

Except for whatever falls from the table of the Rich; the Poor and Marginalized (all colors) will have to fend for themselves, it seems.  China and India are not known for Equal Rights, you know.

The Republican Right have spent the past 7 years making it perfectly clear that the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to our Constitution will NEVER come to fruition.  That's what Jim Crow was all about!  Boehner and McConnell have demonstrated that they want to see those old policies carried forward into the 21st Century.  The Democrat Party and Liberals, seem to be "confused" on this issue, as evidenced by their huge "no-show" at the Polls in 2014.

So, where does all this leave the Marginalized?  It's clear by now that "Integration" was a "Dream"; much-more adhered to by Blacks and Browns than by Whites.  As Bessie Smith sang: "It's Hard to Love Somebody, who Won't Love You".  Over-committed persons of color, acting as isolated individuals, will learn the consequences of this as Institutionalized  Public Policies proceed as planned by the Hard Right.

"Community" is the tool that was abandoned by the marginalized, in their rush to "Integrate".  It was the power of "Community" that forced Voting Rights Legislation.  Isolated individuals, toiling in an "internal Diaspora", will get no where!  A RETURN to places of birth; formerly abandoned for lack of opportunity, will not be an answer.  Geography has been overcome by Technology.  Our ancestors left us messages in the songs they wrote and performed.  The "messages" were carefully "selected" by Black Communities, and, revealed their strategies for survival.  From Louis Armstrong to Nina Simone; there are Thousands of them.  It is possible to return, VIRTUALLY, to a  "Community" of those who are Willing. By selecting  Virtual Home Towns, or sites in Cyberspace, marginalized people can organize there; for their National and Regional issues and projects.  If properly constructed, Virtual Home Towns can become  Virtual City States; that can negotiate Trade Deals for its citizens.

Stay Vigilant!  Think About it!! Technology Takes, but it also provides us Tools; for those who are willing to work together??  Don't Take Any Wooden Nickels??  Consider how "RUSH" used RADIO to build his evil,  HARD RIGHT "Community". 

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, May 16, 2015

a "Motherless Child": raising MOTHERLESS Children??

True "Love"
"Ain't PRETTY" !!
The Bible
warns us,

Those of my BLOG readers (this is #1043), know a lot about by almost 76 years on this Rock.
In this month for Mothers, I'll borrow from Billie Holliday to focus again on Mothers.  My Mother: Born,1908; Married, 1930; Died: 1945; together with her ninth child.  My most vivid memories of her have sustained me all these years; through many twists and turns. Raised in wealth and security, her teen years were decorated with Bootleggers, High Rollers, and our worst Market Crash.  She married, for LOVE, into the "teeth" of the Great Depression.  We must all pray for MOTHERS; good, bad, and ugly, in 2015!

We live in the Era of Revolution for Women all over the Planet.  The tectonic events occurred  between 1955 and 1965, as I remember.  All HELL broke loose as we entered the Seventies!  Stresses on Females (all ages) have increased greatly over the past six-and-a-half decades.  Especially so, for those who bear children.  Because of this, CHILDREN (all ages, classes, colors) catch the brunt of all of this -- primarily through DIVORCE.  As women convince themselves that they are "gettin' ahead", MEN bear less and less responsibility.  MEN find ingenious ways to use women to fight with other MEN.  All the while, MEN shirk all responsibility, all accountability, and their link to humanity.  This shows up (in "Spades"(?)  in our POLITICS.  Snake-Oil Politics poses as advocates for "Women", while tightening the screws on any woman who tries to control any aspect of her reproductive health.

As a male, single parent, for the past three-and-a-half decades, I've seen enough to grow increasingly worried for the well-being of my grand-children.  Just as babies reach instinctively fo bright baubles, our "Capitalist" Economy has been based (thanks to LBJ and Disney) on the juvenile instincts of our population.  Pretty Things, or Pretty People; it all sells

Our versions (Roman, Anglican, German) of "Christianity" are based on  "Pretty Art" that depicts a fake European (Pretty) picture of Jesus.  Black Slave Women were "hooked" to an extent where they came to "value" Massa's Baby, more than their own.  That curse is alive in 2015.  In the Americas, the role of the Clergy (Catholic and Protestant) has been to deliver poor and non-white women to the "Hammer" of Male Exploiters.

Stay Vigilant!  Pray for Women!  Their plight will define what happens to all of us.  May they grow the ability to "see" True Love!

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Friday, May 15, 2015

"BYE-BYE" to "B.B." (King)

A "Savior" of Many Souls!

Had he lived just four more months, B.B. would have "made 90"!  Ninety years of toil, bringing solace and consolation to the mature;  as well as fun and jubilation to the young, in these United States.  Long abused and exploited by whites, along with Duke Ellington and hundreds of other giants of our music, B.B. "toiled in the vineyards", and eventually conquered his "conquerors".

Long before the Crackers found gold in his music, and before they permitted it to be aired on radios in this country; his music as well as all music by Black Artists was "covered" by whites and "banned from the Air" as Race Music.

I turned 13 in 1952.  Rosemary, (an "older woman" of 15) taught me how to dance.  You had to know how to get in at Miss Mabel's House, where teenagers gathered after school.  A Juke Box and dance floor comprised one room of her tiny house.  She whipped up delicious food in her kitchen , that she sold to kids who could afford it (slipped it free to kids who couldn't).  We had our music, and were safe and "free" in our world.  That was 12 years before the "Mop-heads" showed up.  I have hundreds of those old "45's", acquired "free" from the local Radio Station where they were banned as Race Music.  B.B. and "T-Bone" Walker were prominent among the music we danced to.  

I guess only we old folk remember what it was like, before the Beatles.  The MEDIA obscures and lies about that part of the History of Rock and Roll.  They're mostly interested in the parts featuring Whites.  Unfortunately, Black and Brown Youth in 2015 are complacent and compliant in today's versions of that same old "system".  Kudos to artists like Stevie Wonder, Prince, and Quincy Jones who appear to have maintained control over their product.  Too many Black Artists, today, continue to become more "valuable dead"; when whites own all Rights to their work.

Stay Vigilant:  Those who do not know, or ignore, the Past, will certainly repeat the worst of that Past!

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Thursday, May 14, 2015


"That's The Way The SYSTEM Works" ??

Did anyone else "pick up" on the fact that, in the face of Multiple Deaths, a single white male manages to receive "special-handling" by Authorities; with ,"Kid Gloves"??  We've heard little or nothing in the way of "accountability": from the young white male who deliberately drove an aircraft, full of air travelers, into a mountain-side.  Those non-white individuals, in charge of the lives of  passengers on the disappeared Maylasian-Air Flight, were "investigated" in excruciating detail.

The young white male, responsible for the safety of the passengers on-board the train that crashed in Pennsylvania, was able to "walk-away" from the Authorities, under the protection of his "Lawyer"; who appeared on the scene along with the First -Responders.  Not a "peep" of protest from Talking Heads in the MEDIA!  Does anyone think, for a moment, he would have been able to do this if  he were not white, and, like the pilot, PROTECTED by a UNION??  So, who IS Responsible for Public Safety, these days.?? It seems these guys are getting a "Huck Finn" PASS;( like Tom Brady??)  Like the White Killer-Cops, the white MEDIA allows plenty of time for him to get his STORY together.

Do we have to accept a "Mistakes Were Made" wave-off, like the Republicans have found useful; allowing THEM to escape blame for the stupendous number of Public Deaths and Impoverishments they have caused since 2000?

If all of this adds up to some kind og "White Affirmative Action"; then the Trayvon Trial and Zimmerman's Slick Legal "Trial" in the Media; and the Cop-Killers who have been "absolved: by "The System"; take on special meaning!  The NTSB does not punish Crimes!!  CONGRESS can be blamed for EVERYTHING, and NOTHING (in effect)!!

Stay Vigilant!  Public Safety is what's at issue here, folks.  Getting involved in petty Sports allegiance or biases, is monumentally STUPID!!  This could go down in history as an example of THEFT of  Common Sense  of an entire Nation!!  Let's Pull Our "Heads Out"!! PUH -LE_E_Z_E!!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What "MOURNING" JOE(s) "Don't Tell You" ??

"Banana Republic"??

I awoke and flipped on the "Telly" to get the latest News on the horrible "Train Wreck" in North Philadelphia, last night.  I caught  "Mourning Joe" (Scarborough) "ranting" against President Obama for his mention of FOX News as a poor source of "Information" for this country.  Joe's show; (FOX-lite), bears the Roger Ailes "stamp".  I "toggle" channels to the other JOE (Kernen), to check on the MARKETS.  Both are  "Conservatives", and staunch "Obama-haters",  They both put on quite a show as they mix their mind-sets with their "News".

The Mayors of our Cities have been pressing for Infrastructure Repairs in this country for quite a long time.  Our Cities are growing, because people can't Make a Living in the Rural and Suburban parts of this country.  The Train Wreck last night may shut down the Boston-to-NYC-to Washington train route for quite a while. That line is our only version of what passes for Hi-speed Rail in this country. The financial losses may be considerable.

This is further evidence of the "Conservative" 3-Point Process for destroying the United States:

      (1)  Loot our Treasury through Tax Cuts that favor the top 1% of our Population
      (2)  Start Wars, and decline to pay for them
      (3)  Let our Infrastructure "wear out"; in the name of "Austerity" 

This process, begun by Ronald Reagan in 1980, has contributed a great deal to our decline as a Nation.

If you read Du-Bois' account, in Souls of Black Folk,  of the seven-year period in our history; 1865-1872 -- the life of the Freedmen's Bureau and the Freedmen's Bank, you'll understand better the thinking of today's Conservatives, their Roots, and their Mind-Set.

Grant, President following Johnson and succeeded by Hayes, was in the "thick" of efforts that set the stage for the treatment today of persons of color, and particularly, African-Americans.  Read Du-Bois' account of this period and you will learn that the systematic "looting" of all assets gained by former Slaves during Reconstruction, is the MODEL, being used by the "Conservatives" of today.

Stay Vigilant!  If you read  DuBois, you will also see the early stages of the "Justice" System they designed for Blacks.  It will clear up the confusion over Voting Rights; and, you will also understand better why this thing we call Racism may NEVER disappear!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

the "Little Piggy" in the BRICK House

"The Three Little Pigs"

In 1947, at the age of 8, in 3rd Grade, we all knew the story of the "Three Little Pigs".  Our Teacher used that story to get us to understand the importance of reliable SHELTER.  We were taught the "Basics" of FOOD, CLOTHING, and SHELTER; the security they provided, and, how they were provided for us.  We were also taught the importance of Structures, and Building Materials (Brick, versus Straw and Sticks).  We had all lived through the WAR years, and were very aware of the importance of SAVING, and wise SPENDING.

In 2015, it appears that none of our children know any of this; not only at the age of nine, but NEVER!  These survival topics have been taken for granted!!  Adults, who should have known better, were lured into treating their houses as "slot machines, for cash"!  Slick Lawyers, in Divorce Cases, cheat clients, mostly women, by taking advantage of their ignorance of hidden costs!.  No one seems to  know how to recognize costs!!

We were all taught how easy it is to "Take Candy From a Baby".  Today, in our ultra-modern, super-sophisticated economy of 2015; we have adults, teenagers, and children as young as 3, who can be convinced to pay large sums of money for NOTHING of any Real Value!

I knew, in 1947, that I wanted to be like the Piggy in the Brick House!  Now, in 2015, that lesson and the habits that came with it, will sustain me into by "Hospice Days".  My Medical Costs and my Retirement Income are both secure, as a result.

Stay Vigilant!  The Past held values that we have trashed!  We stand in awe that so many of our youth "see no future" for themselves.  Go Figure!!

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Monday, May 11, 2015


A Pattern of "Texas-Style" Nullification?

Maybe, some day, our MEDIA might get a suspicion that there may be a "pattern" to  reports of "quasi-rebellious" behavior, coming from our RED (Repoob) States?  Guv'na Abbott "warns" that the United States is about to Invade Tesas!

Twenty years ago, the Oklahoma City Bombing, was committed by Timothy McVeigh; who resolutely went to this death in defiance of the United States Government.  The trail over the past two decades has led us through:   9/11; Anthrax Attacks; Bundy's Militias in Nevada; and, now, Government Officials, in State Houses and in our Senate, appear to have taken up his cause.  The "bone" that Guv'na Abbott threw to the MEDIA was designed to enlist their support in his cause.  They did so by "breathlessly reporting" the feared invasion of TEXAS!

If we view it the way the Media presents the "news"; it's "laugh-able".  If we take a serious eye and ear; we see a "pattern", and hear a "message: that extends through just about every "twist" our nation has experienced since 1995!  The Guv'na lends the highest-level of credence to the McVeigh mind-set.  There are many adherents in our Congress; in both Houses.  If we overlay the Guv/na's "warning" of impending Civil War with the record of our "actual" War, Oklahoma City compares with Fort Sumpter in the minds of the Far Right.  

Stay Vigilant!  As the 2016 Presidential Campaigns wears on; realize what the HARD RIGHT may really be up to!

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Saturday, May 9, 2015

A CRISIS OF "will" ... "Absence" of TRUST??

It's GLOBAL !!

The U.K. Elections provide some "relief", with which  U.S. Political Shenanigans might be "re-evaluated".  Ambassador Kerry is earning the old South term, "N*-Lover", and is beginning to share the treatment meted out to President Obama.  It may be the "Good-Old-Boys" have lost their TRUST that Kerry would "stick with his own"??  Now, the new Texas Guv'na has proven there's space in their Asylum to the RIGHT of former  Guv'na Perry!!  We haven't hit "bottom" with our Right-Wing, yet.

If the tectonic shift in Scotland "blows up" on Conservative,  David Cameron; his victory may prove to be  "pyrrhic"!  Then, there's the possible withdrawal of the U.K. from the EU.  All of this "alphabet-soup" spells Global DIS-TRUST; writ large!!

Dial down to Baltimore!, and we find similar circumstances:  City Leaders can't TRUST (or "Manage") their Cops.  The Cops don't TRUST anyone who is not a White Cop.  We got another glimpse of the "Gang Nature" of our Nation's Cops, at the (Catholic) Funeral Mass, in NYC, for a Cop who was not a "quick-enough draw", when confronted by an ARMED Black male.  Religion is not the POWER it used to be, I guess.  Fellow Gang Members descended from all over the Nation.  We're learning that some Cops can't even TRUST other Cops!

As a result of all of this(?): our WILL, to do even ordinary things, like spending time with a child, is lacking EVERYWHERE!  In a parent's defense; most often, the BOSS(es) won't let them!  They need FMLA, and proof of an emergency!

Poor, inner-city Kids, lack the WILL (for those with the ability) to READ a book!  If you can READ, it doesn't matter as much what others try, or fail, to "teach" you ... you can Learn On your Own!  Self-learning, combined with street experiences, can be powerful.  In our sick MEDIA, and Social MEDIA society, nobody really wants those "beneath them" to succeed at anything!

Stay Vigilant!  WILL returns, only when despondent people "HIT BOTTOM"!!  The "turn-around" still lies ahead; for individuals as well as Nations.  Let's pray that we will not see much more bloodshed??
In the mean-time, summon the WILL to take better care in your personal life?  Remember, our ENEMIES are "Driven"!!

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Friday, May 8, 2015

"MOMMAs DON'T LET (their male) BABIES ("Grow Up"!) ??

"Being There" !!

Well-informed Parents KNOW: that Boys (all colors, all classes) are harder to "raise" than girls!  Nature "fixed" it that way.  Boys who are NOT taught the "hard stuff"; like reading and math; before the "Gonads" take over; are most often LOST to their emotions, and to "Civilized" society..  We also KNOW that most CRIME is committed by Males, between the ages of 16 and 29: the exact time, when "Gonads" are raging within them!

The whole world saw the Baltimore!  MOM giving her teenage son a "head whuppin" on T.V.  White MEDIA almost had an orgasm over it!  The Mom and Son had to be on every Bigoted White Talkin' Head's show!. "Just "Lettin' the N*'s be N*'s!"!

All of this fits neatly into the pattern of our jail population, our school drop-out problem; our gun-deaths on the streets of Inner Cities; and our Police "Cultures".  White "Leaders" have been "intentionally" poisoning the Public Education for Black and Brown males, for DECADES!  The WEIGHT falls on MOMMA; because, DADDY (all colors) can arrange, very easily, to be "Absent" (in 2015)!

If the dreamed, and new Baltimore! is ever to become reality, the current Leaders have to get ALL of this Right!.  We know by now that leaving out the ECONOMIC piece of the MOVEMENT lead by Martin Luther King, redounded to the failures we see today.  To succeed this time, Leaders have to Replace Cops and Replace BANKERS!! Check out the Scams run against financially-stable property owners of Color, in the 2008 Real Estate Melt-Down!

Economics of Inner Cities are all about CASH FLOW; or, the re-circulation-within the community; of the funds that flow, into the Cities, and then flow out again to the target recipients pre-determined by the Regions Bankers.  We KNOW that virtually NONE of our citizens know or understand our Federal Reserve System.  We also know that Public Schools DO NOT teach Money and Banking to students.  Black and Brown students need MOST to understand the rudiments, BEFORE the "Gonads" turn on!  They need to know that the Rich pay their Bills, if, at all, with OTHER PEOPLE"S MONEY (OPM)!

I accompanied a young Hispanic friend into a bank in San Diego, in the mid-1990s, and witnessed the Teller; reacting to him as if a Stray Dog had entered the Bank.  He wanted to open a Savings Account.
After I "chewed-her-ass-out"; she changed her tune and opened his account.

I'm not even sure that our Black and Brown "Leaders" know how the Federal Reserve System works; or, where the Federal Reserve Bank in their region is located.  Nothing can be more important!  W.E.B. DuBois, in The Souls of Black Folk, wrote, 50 years after Emancipation, and 150 year ago:

"He .. (newly-Freed Slave), .. felt his poverty; without a coat, without a home, without land,
tools, or savings, he had entered into competition with rich, landed,
skilled neighbors.
To be a poor MAN is hard, but to be 
a poor RACE in a land of DOLLARS
is the very bottom of hardships."

(Note and emphasis added)

Books have been published since 2008 that show the role of The Fed (under Greenspan) in the collapse of 2008; and the role of The Fed (Bernanke and Yellin) in our Economic Recovery post-2008!  The Banks and Wall Street (parts of which became  Banks, for a while, during the Crisis) were as "thick as thieves" in that Collapse!

Stay Vigilant!  What will be gained (?); if our "Leaders" invite in the same EVIL Money that "screwed everybody but the Top 1%" seven years ago!!  Get smart on "Gentrification" -- Baltimore!, surely, has some of that in their newly-refurbirsed HARBOR? --  Are you listening? -- DETROIT??

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

BLACKS: "GET IT RIGHT!" ... (this time)??

Perilous Times for Non-Whites?

"Mourning Joe" reveals that the WHITE-RIGHT and the WHITE LEFT may "come together" to deal with Baltimore!  Both Parties see the "difference" Baltimore! portends..  They each have to Revise their Race Strategies.  How can they get back, or, as close as possible, to "business as usual" in matters of RACE in this country?

Not since the 1960's has the "ground" shaken this badly.  White Cops may have to face trial in Baltimore!; for their foul deeds!  Not, apparently, in South Carolina -- where the "evidence" is irrefutable; of course.   Nor, in Ferguson, or other parts of our country.

Blacks were "sold out" at the end of the Civil War; and, again, after the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's.  Will this be "Round Three"??  The Clinton's drove the Democrat Party farther to the RIGHT during their time in office.  The Republican Party has been hurling their "lashes" against Blacks since the end of World War II; thanks to Nixon!

This time is Historic in many ways.  "Sludge" on the RIGHT, in record numbers,  have appeared among Repoobs;  as they see their first opportunity to run, "free" of Obama.  They are, undoubtedly, "warming the bed" for "Stand-Your-Ground-Jeb- Bush"!  

Then, there are so many Non-White "Brokers"; many of whom claim to be Non-Black (Bobby Jindal, and Marco Rubio, for example); who are "selling" their capabilities to assist in mis-treating Blacks.

The planet is "awash" in CASH (available to Rich Whites, only).  The RIGHT is using that money to  Maximize Oppression of Non-Whites; and the LEFT is using the money to get RICHer, by "Feeling the Pain" of non-whites on the planet (throw in endangered animals)!  Their Foundations multiply as they become the MISSIONARIES for this  latest round of  "Let's Screw Africa"!

Either Blacks want Freedom and Liberty, the same as Whites -- or they Don't!!  No half-measures, this time.  Blink this time, and it's "Game-Over".  Twenty-First Century "Handkerchief Heads" are ready on both the Right and the Left; waiting to "cash-in"!

Stay Vigilant!  Time for Blacks to "Grow Up"!  Southern Blacks may be dreaming, still,  of  "moving into Massa's House"; but the rest of us know that "ain't ever gonna happen"!  The Religion we "inherited" from Slavery does not work for us!  If we're to be FREE, we need our OWN?? 

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

a NATION with "CLOSETS" for Skeletons??

"I'm KIN; and, YOU Ain't"

That is what Rupert Crosse, as the Black, Ned McCaslin, told Steve McQueen, as Boon Hoggenbeck, 
in Faulkner's Classic: The Reivers  , released in film in 1969.  Faulkner's tale includes the topic of RACE-Mixing, a practice that is common-place throughout the Americas; and,  a plague to all of those, like most Cubans in the USA, who DENY  their African ancestry.  In the United States, Black versions of every European and "Latin" Immigrant Group can be found.  Many Blacks are "KIN", i.e., have ancestry, and, don't know it; because of the MASS Lies Whites have told for centuries.  I'm waiting for the day we can touch a white person and know instantly the percentage of African Ancestry their families have long been covering up!

That could remove the biggest incentive that keeps Racism alive!  The Republicans have been raising Holy HELL, and staying alive politically, because of the amount of African Ancestry that shows on our President.  Imagine; no more Baltimore!(s).  We need EMANCIPATION for WHITES!!

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Monday, May 4, 2015

"WHITE(s)" ... must 'JUDGE-NOT" ??

What'evr You'se Li-bl,
To READ in Dat Bi-bl,
(Apologies to GERSHWIN's Ghost)

As the early results of Baltimore! (2015) roll in; it appears that it may be TECTONIC in Scope!  It just may be that at least SOME Black Americans are ready to declare White Folk Unfit! to sit in Judgment regarding anything that People-of-Color on this Planet  may do, or think!

Baltimore! has made it clear that persons who hold fast to their "whiteness" live in a World that "whites" keep  totally separate from the World the rest of us inhabit -- except for those material items they cross racial divides to steal, and claim as their "own"!  ENOUGH, already!

Baltimore! shows also, more clearly than ever, that MEDIA in the Western Hemisphere is OF the Whites, By the Whites, and For the Whites!  Non-white "Talking Heads" follow White Scripting.
It was comical to witness "Mourning Joe", and Mika, this morning as they lay their race-based Propaganda-Planks to buttress whites, as they prepare to use MEDIA to "set-free" those Cops charged by the Baltimore Prosecutor.  Follow their rationale closely to see if the Black Co-conspirators are given treatment that equals that of the whites who were "charged" along with them.  Joe and his "hangers-on" make it clear that this issue is NOT settled!

It is strange to ponder their thinking, as they continue to believe they can exercise Total Control over the Global Economy that is only beginning to take shape.  Maybe, if they HOG all the money, and CONTROL global MEDIA, they can "manipulate" their way to success??  Incidentally, they hold a "monopoly" on Nuclear Weapons -- something else that might keep sane people up at night!  Rich-Whites  have begun to "cannibalize" their own, "poorer" whites!

Since 2008, the White Right in the United States has made it crystal clear that they Will Not respond in kind to the most mild entreaty to give up their Historic Evil Practices.  We now have a Supreme Court that has SIX Catholics (enough to rule without restraint).  They show signs of returning to the days of the first Catholic, and most hated of our Justices; Roger Taney (1836-1864)!  Welcome to the Inquisition - 21st Century!

Stay Vigilant!  If Cops can't be Above the Law, how will Whites maintain the Control they so jealously guard?  The Republicans refuse to Cooperate, Compromise, or even Consider whatever President Obama has proposed; even when the KNOW he has the Protection of our Country's Survival "Interests " under consideration.  "Judge Not! ... that Ye also, Not BE Judged??  Will Republicans  have to do an "about-face"??  Watch Boehner!

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Sunday, May 3, 2015

is "White Supremacy" (really) "INFALLABILITY" (in disguise)??


Today, the Baltimore! Curfew has been lifted.  Those of us who don't live there, may be "praying" attention to the "newest addition" of Super-White, being shown off in London; or listening to "Adolph" Cruz, as he espouses his bilge; blaming Obama for the  activities in Baltimore.  The Mayor and the Guv'na, are each holding (separate, of course) Press Conferences.  The Guv'na picks a Catholic Church for his "back-drop" as he goes before MEDIA.  Gays are waiting, with baited breath, for our SCOTUS to "hand down" the latest in Scalia/Thomas "Infallablilkity" ( Decision on Gay Marriage) .

Now, the really hard work begins for citizens of Baltimore.  The Guv'na, symbollically,  holds himself apart from the City, posing for of the "rest" of Maryland?  I spent four years of my early life in Anne Arundel County.  THAT Maryland, (1962-1966),  has not  essentially changed!

MEDIA has been "revealed" as a major "player" in just about any NEWS story it touches.  "Legitimate" MEDIA is WHITE MEDIA, in the United States -- events in Baltimore have revealed that, more clearly than ever.  Skeptical Whites must now admit the extent to which White members of MEDIA (all political stripes) INJECT themselves into a story; either by their actions or in-actions!  They are handicapped by "reporting" experiences and lives they don't share!

As Baltimore proceeds with its humongous task of becoming ONE CITY, working in harmony; "Infallable" whiteness will find ways to inject itself.  From the times of the Conquistadors and the arrival of the Inquisition in the Americas, it really has been all about new wealth for whites, and, finding "converts" to enslave!  These lines are more clear now, and will pose the major opposition to any progress Baltimore might achieve.  Even IF the City succeeds; there will be the Ugly Face of BIG MONEY GENTRIFICATION!  Washington, D.C., Detroit, MI,  San Francisco, CA, are just a few cities that are suffering the Blight that Big Money inflicts.

Stay Vigilant!  VIRTUAL COMMUNITY is what Blacks in the United States share, as a Legacy from our Forebears.  We must find a way to work together and exorcise "life-suckers" from our Commerce.  If those at the bottom tier are to find a way to survive, the rest of us have to make sure that they get their share of the Creativity we represent!  "Blood-suckers", in the past, have wound up "owning" All of our Creations!   We live in the "Land of the Yankee Trader".  Baltimore is a major Port City,   In this new global economy, we all must master the "Tricks of Trade"!!

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

the "GAMES" white folk "PLAY" ...

... are DEADLY!!

"Baltimore" will become a "phrase" that will carry multiple messages; for some time to come!
It has already ripped off "O'Malley's COVERs"!  It is reported that he established the pattern for "Policing" that got 6 officers "Charged" yesterday.  Politicians may have to work out a new "Game-Plan" for getting elected, because of Baltimore??  I'm sure Hillary's Researchers will be working  "overtime"!!

As President O'Bama reminds us; "None of this is new"!!   A lot of the things being protested in Baltimore, and other large cities, are NATIONAL in scope; and have been suffered by Blacks and Browns in this country since its Founding.  The constant "factor"?? -- White Attitudes!! and, White "Social Distance".   Many still pretend to "not know", and to proclaim that "change" or "Reform" will come; in the future.

"Baltimore" explains WHY; the NRA and the FOB operate "above the LAW".  It explains why and how politicians of all colors contribute to these miserable outcomes.  The MEDIA shows us that Black Violence SELLS on T.V.; and will get the attention of "white viewers".  I guess its better action, than what comes with watching guys in Prison.  "Baltimore" explains why Politicians appeared powerless to do anything in the face of the Massacre by Gunfire of Primary Grade Children in Connecticut.

"Baltimore" makes us hear again the "warning" given by Justice Thurgood Marshall, as he faced retirement, and the knowledge that he would be replaced by Clarence Thomas.  As "Black-Back-Support" for Scalia, Thomas has labored dilligently since 1991 to help Scalia turn our Supreme Court into an Inquisition for the 21st-Century.  In this version, Scalia and Thomas interpret LAWs as if their findings come as messages, straight from their God!  Both Justices are open supporters of the far Right Tea Party.  Thomas's wife was on their payroll -- Thomas failed to report it, as required.
The labyrinthine restructuring of our National Justice System has been led in Congress by the likes of Orrin Hatch, to supplement Appointments of Ronald Reagan and "Daddy" Bush (with the help of a Jesuit Priest in Missouri). 

Justice Marshall warned us to be on the look-out for "Black Snakes"; asserting that they were as deadly as White Snakes.  After 29 years if Scalia, amplified by Thomas for the last 24 of those years; the Court has been Permanently lodged on the EXTREME RIGHT.  "Baltimore" may also be an indication that a significant portion of our Nation is ready to move back toward the Center??

Stay Vigilant!  Technology has "re-defined"  both, COMMUNITY,  and, SOCIAL DISTANCE!  Three Black Police-persons were Charged in Baltimore, along with three Whites (one of them a Black Female).  We learned in Los Angeles, in the 1980s, that Blacks and Browns admitted to the Police Force, were driven out by the CULTURE; if they couldn't or wouldn't "go-along"!   Persons of Color have to learn to look "deeper than skin" to find decent human beings!  In our clamor for Cameras, we must expect more "confusion" from visuals?

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Friday, May 1, 2015


What's YOUR "Share"??

We can all get a little relief from the fact that the Baltimore Prosecutor has Charged Six Cops with "Murder" (in varying degrees).  But, remember; NYC "ruled" that their most recent  Death-by-Cop Incident  was a "Homicide".  Their Grand Jury, refused to  punish them!  So, let's not "count chickens" -- yet!

In the meantime, "assess" your own assets: your "time"; your "money"; the number and quality of your "relationships".  Don't be surprised to find that you are losing ground, in just about all three of these important determinants of your life's quality; and, in your very LIFE!

If you look closely, you will find a number of ways you are "financing" your employer -- if, you're lucky enough to have a job.  If you have to commute as a part of your job, who pays the costs of the commute?  If you have to take "time" to attend your child's school activities, do you get "paid" by your employer?  If your Boss calls a meeting on your "day-off", do you get "paid" to attend?  Can you find other ways that your employer has "shifted" his or her Costs of Doing Business, onto YOU?
If you look carefully, and then add up the dollars, you might be surprised how much you are "Share-cropping" your employer's business.  You will also find that your "share" of business growth that materializes is ZERO (or, damn close to it)!!

Businesses, before Reagan-Era Economics, were known to "squeeze" their suppliers.  Then, "Suppliers" were stand-alone businesses, who could "pass on" those extra costs.  Now the Employees are "squeezed" -- mostly in the paycheck, but also for the "time" they need to lead a healthy LIFE.
Employees "pass on" those costs in damaged relationships, and poorly-raised children.  Again, IF you HAVE a JOB (and can keep it)!!

People like those in Baltimore, and Ferguson, and parts of NYC, DON"T have JOBS!  They're being "squeezed" by those who DO!  The costs to them and their loved ones is DEHUMANIZING!  In case they are not "humiliated" enough, Privileged, White, and Other members of Society inflict Predatory and Murderous Policing on them; to prove we're BETTER than they are!

Stay Vigilant!  The REAL COSTS are those encountered in the streets of our Cities.

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