Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Are you Old Enough to Know??

I just ordered Dick Cavett's Watergate, from PBS.  I defended my Master's Thesis in 1972, entitled American Values In Black and White   (University of New Mexico).  1972: an election year, in which Richard Nixon was seeking relection as President of the United States.  CREEP was the Committee to Re-Elect the President; an organ of the Republican Party.  The campaign ads and speeches were all about the Watergate Break-In; dismissed by Republicans as a "Minor Burgulary" in what we later learned to be an extensive, multi-layered COVER-UP of multiple cirmes against the people of our country.  In spite of the campaigning that year,  Voters re-elected Dick Nixon in a LANDSLIDE!

Less then 2 years later,  mid-1974, the majority of the nation agreed to putting the President on Trial for High Ciimes, if he was not Impeached.  He chose to Resign, and, later, Gerald Ford Pardoned him for his crimes.  Nixon accepted the Pardon, signifying that he HAD committed a crime.  He went to his death, many years later, still struggling to cover up the significance of his accepting the Pardon.

Those my age, who entered Military Service in 1962,  knew that Nixon was reeling from his 1960 loss, in his "run" for the Presidency against Jack Kennedy.  The Resignation was the result of  a "flip-flop" from the voting public.  Their view of Nixon; over that short period, stunned and deeply disturbed the entire nation.  J. Edgar Hoover, that great "enabler" of dirty deeds among top politician, died in 1972, as I remember.  The Kennedy/Johnson years had great influence on how Nixon set up operations in the White House (a taping system, which "did NIXON in" was also used by Johnson?)

The Voting citizenry, did not FLIP FLOP, in the years after the Pardon!  Gerald Ford lost to Carter in 1976, as a consequence of Watergate.

Looking back toward 1960:  Ford was "appointed" to replace Nixon's Vice-President, Agnew, who was caught stealing, in 1973.  Some see that as preparation to bolster the on-going Cover-Up.  (Ford, as I remember, was also a "tipster" to J. Edgar Hoover, every day, as to the findings and other activities, of the commission investigating Kennedy's assasination.  I lived in the area at the time, and followed the Washington Post accounts, daily.

The Republicans have stayed on the CREEP(y) side of all of that CRAP, by undermining Carter,  and picking Reagan, who was not too shabby himself, at the business of breaking the law as President (Iran-Contra, and making possible the current Drug-Alley, stretching from Panama to our Southern Border).

We've just lived through six years of an unprecedented campaign waged by the Republicans to  Demean, Denigrate, and Demonize the President of the United States -- not for his policies, because they set their strategy on the day he was elected in 2008.  It was because he was not WHITE!  They knew that racism lurked, at some level, in the bones and "gut" of every white citizen, and most of those non-whites who were "light enough" to get by.  We will know in a week if their campaign, waged by Deep South oppressors, linked with racist "Ethnics" from the North, works in 2014!  Their "strategy" has made clear to any enemies of this Nation, a clear method for destroying us, through internal collapse!

Stay Vigilant!  Hope this personally-recounted History Lesson helps in your decision for VOTING, six days from now.

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