Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A "Harvest" of DISASTER??

"Amazing Grace", and the "Global" BLACK Female

Phylis Wheatley told us, in her famous poem in the late 1700's, that "Negros" must be refined to join the Angelic Train.  Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas reflect that sentiment, as they perform their roles, under the Tutelage of the Bushes.  In the late 1700s, according to the books available for the period, "Negro",; a word that means "Black" in the Spanish language, was used for Native Americans, as well as Africans, and, was applied to all people who were NOT White!  

The Southern Black Mind-set; so highly visible to the World, from  the Stage of the Funeral in Charleston, is deeply rooted in the teachings of Booker T. Washington.  It holds firmly to the "refined" belief;. taught by Christians of the time, to Phylis Wheatley.  It is a "gateway", in thought,  that can lead African Americans back into a "Jim Crow", 21st-Century Version!  

Frederic Douglass, W.E. B. Dubois, and Malcolm X, understood that without healthy, deeply held, convictions of a personal self-worth derived independently from the teachings of their Oppressors; a People are DOOMED!  Black Mama's who sing Amazing Grace to their children MUST tell them the story of John Newton (1725-1807), the English Slave-Captain who wrote the song.  Once over his FEAR, and in possession of his "Grace"; John went right back to transporting Slaves!  Obviously, "Grace" from his GOD, was a PASS, an Indulgence, an Excuse, or a Dispensation, that allowed him immunity from his Evil!.

 DOOM is becoming more evident, daily, in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Levant.  It was reported in our MEDIA that Boko Haraam is using the "stolen girls" to slit throats of  victims!  In addition, these girls must serve their captors in the manner of traditional "concubines".  What is the response of today's White Christians; descended from those who held sway, traditionally, over the self-concept of all persons of Color; for more than 900 years??   A "toilet", or, an I-Phone; or, some other highly inadequate measure; designed to maintain the historic "Grip" Europe holds over Africa; while enriching new generations of Whites!

Stay Vigilant!  The problems with Color and Race we face, did NOT originate here; NOR are the most egregious applications to be found in the Americas!  The Old World is where it began,  and may be the stage, upon which this DRAMA ultimately plays out!!  Will the United States be dragged along?? 

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

USA: "CIVICs" .. 101??

Did U Learn This??

As Voters stand poised to "give Away" our Country 1n 2016; to just about any "Con-Artist" that manages to "sell" them the best Line; ask yourself if you were ever taught:  "In the United States of America; the PEOPLE are "Sovereign".  This was taught, in the "better" High Schools of this Country, several decades ago!  It MEANS: that  Voters hold the  Maximum Power,!  That is true because, collectively, Voters get the opportunity to "Clean HOUSE" every TWO YEARS!  That's how often we, collectively, can CHANGE the "Butts" that sit in every one of the 435 seats in our House of Representatives.  That includes Boehner!

Too often, we also "give away" that power to every" piece of work" that manages to get into our State Legislature; and, too often, the Guv'na's Chair!

Stay Vigilant!  STATE'S RIGHTS is a phrase  made up by Insurrectionists seeking to usurp the power of Citizen Voters, and to Destroy our Government; 150 years ago!  If you're old enough and smart enough to find a way to VOTE on Election Day; remember you can GET RID of the people holding YOUR SEATS in the House of Representatives!  To Break these past 7 years of GRID-LOCK, U Can Vote AGAINST your Congressional Representative!  Your Senators become "Elective Targets" every 6 years!  One-third of them become "vulnerable" along with ALL Members of the House, every 2 years.

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Time for (Black/White) ACTION: "Take Down the NRA"??

It Could Get MUCH Worse!

It was recently reported that ASIANS and WHITES share the same BIAS against Persons of COLOR!  My research, forty years ago, showed that the Tang Dynasty in China (600-900 AD) discriminated against Koreans, based on their Darker Skin Color!  As China emerges, it behooves people in the Americas; who have long suffered from this kind of bias, to WAKE UP!  The Rise of China can vastly complicate our internal racial problems.  It appears that Russia, and Israel, have already "captialized" on the RACE of President Obama.  

The sooner whites and blacks in the United States come together on a single, concrete,  Achievement to end our racial nightmares, the better off we'll be!.  No single ACT could go as far as TAKING DOWN THE NRA!!  It has made Cowards of our Politicians, Empowered our Racist Cops to Murder Black Children, Profited from illicit Gun Trading, Drug Traffic, and Human Slave Traffic.  There exists no EVIL that is more powerful.  Collective action by, supposedly, FREE Citizens, could eradicate  this MENACE, Overnight!   Help lift the burden from those White Southerners who REALLY do HATE what "Roof" did, in their name, WITH A GUN!!

Stay Vigilant!  Stop Wring Hands and Complaining; DO THIS??

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thank "GOD" for NINA SIMONE! (and, Pirate Jenny)

Once More, to the WELL??

I was Privileged, to meet Nina; following her performance at Vine Street, in Los Angeles in the mid-80's.  I found her to be, in person,  even more over-powering than she had been, earlier, when I heard (and purchased) my first of her Albums,  decades  before.  She didn't take no crap off her audiences!  She halted her performance, as I remember, to "tongue-lash" some White-Trash women, who  wouldn't "shut-up", while she was performing.  Nina was certainly NOT a typical "Accommodating Black" from the Deep South!

Fast-forward to yesterday in Charleston.  That Event was tasteful, informative, and necessary, given the "TIMES" we are in, racially; when Whites strive, en-masse, to protect Cops who Murder young Blacks.

During the years I lived in Miami, I had to "ride-out" several HUGE hurricanes.  We "barricaded". on the 14th floor of a High Rise in Biscayne Bay.  As the storms came; larger in size, and, in rapid succession, I reflected on Pirate Jenny, and her Ship in Charleston Harbor.  I also realized that those Hurricanes followed a defined path from the West Coast of Africa, leading toward the Bahamas, and Miami.  Thispath traced  the "graveyard" for Millions of Slaves who were "thrown overboard to lighten loads in storms!  A perfect Metaphor for Charleston in 2015?

Will the United States, as it did following the Civil War, "lighten its load" by throwing today's Blacks "overboard"??  Will there be enough "Accommodating Blacks", aka,. Black Conservatives, to make that "possible"?  Clarence, and his buddies on the SCOTUS, don't seem to be winning, lately, Are they attempting to bring back the Good 'Ol Days of Slavery?  Unfortunately, it is true that, traditionally,  those "Accommodators" were Black Preachers1  Black Preachers even spied on Civil Rights Workers for those operating the Mississippi "Sovereignty Commission"!

Stay Vigilant!  God's "WELL" of Mercy and GRACE, may run Deep, but it could Run DRY??  "Americans", of all colors, throughout our "Half-Planet", need to re-visit History: from 1291 through 1691, and LEARN how we got to where our world  "stands" today --  as China looms on the Horizon.   BLACKS have been left confused about WHO they are!  So have the Native Americans!  Hit the Books!  hint: (the Bible was re-written in Europe in 1611) -- the struggles between Christianity and  Moslems, have a very long History, extending back to Charlemagne and Medieval Europe!

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Friday, June 26, 2015

A Nation; "CAUGHT", between WHO to love; and, HOW to love??

The GAP between Good and Evil??

As we struggle forward as a Nation, in our eternal GAP between GOOD and EVIL, President Obama, and this day (June 26, 2015) will, undoubtedly,  go On Record, HISTORICALLY!  On this 
Same Day, this President speaks to the Nation on a breakthrough SCOTUS Ruling, legalizing Gay Marriage (GOOD); AND, commemorating Nine Murder Victims in our Sewer State of Record:  South Carolina.  In this State ,where Rebellion against our Union first raised its Ugly Head; Murder! ; for no reason greater than SKIN COLOR, brings us all to Reflection!

Alexis de Tocqueville, in his book, Democracy in America (1830), spelled it out clearly.  This Nation was founded by Rich White Males, who decreed immediate DEATH for Native Americans, because their LAND was coveted; and a slower, more cruel DEATH for Black Slaves, because their
LABOR was essential!  It remains a true observation, in 2015, when Persons of Color "Create" and Prepare Feasts, and where Whites stand first in line to benefit from their Creations, Sweat, Inspirations,  Perseverance, and BREAKTHROUGHs!!  WHITES, as their birthright, continue to expect LOVE and Obedience in Return..  Victims, mostly young black males, range as low in age as Twelve!  Whites do little or nothing to protect them!

It's the LOVE , however, where we're "hung-up".  Up 'til this day, we were told WHO and HOW to Love, by Whites who claimed Christianity as their "Authority".  Today, they will be forced by LAW to relent on their efforts to enforce their views on WHO we can Love.

HOW we LOVE?  Willie Lynch, from the mid-1700s , remains the sad Rule Book , that dictates how Blacks should disrespect each other by denying their respect and affections for their Parents, Siblings, and all Neighbors who are Darker in Skin Color.  That Curse lies at the root of Black Powerlessness today, and at the root of White Hatreds and Indifference!

Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice; both "products" of the Bush Family and other "Conservatives", are the Poster Children for Black Self-Loathing.  This poison is the major impediment of "Black Progress".  Money must be joined by Organization,   based in TRUST, for any People to have true POWER.

The ENJOINDER, or Parallel Commandment, for WHITES (and their wannabee's) is to maintain maximum SOCIAL DISTANCE from anyone who has darker skin!.  This  hundreds-years-old behavior has become GLOBAL, following World War II!

Stay Vigilant!  One tiny step FORWARD; one GIANT step BACKWARD??

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Could the 2nd AMENDMENT, be "next" ??

"READING" Legislative "Intent"??

From the day I moved out, and away, ON My Own; Racial Discrimination in Housing has DOGGED my Path!  Starting in 1960, in San Francisco, throughout my careers, across more than a half-dozen states; this issue contained all the complications and physical dangers faced in raising my Family. No other force has more negatively complicated my life; and my Pocket-Book!  Today's SCOTUS ruling re: FAIR HOUSING is, Revolutionary -- a Ruling that will fundamentally restructure our Society and Free People in ways that may never be fully cataloged.!  The Real Estate Industry may be the most Egregious Institution constructed in post-WWII America!

The STAR Ruling today, however is the one Upholding OBAMACARE!  It comes like a  silver dagger to the heart of those Monsters, who have labored mightily among us, to  deny Health Care to our Citizens.  SCOTUS  did this by demonstrating their ability to READ Legislative Intent!!  The MEANING of Words and Phrases can be all-encompassing for extremely important issues -- like the uncontrollable  hemorrhage of ever-increasingly lethal GUNS in our midst!!  This SCOTUS has demonstrated its ability to READ Law, Correctly!  What a RELIEF it would be to rid ourselves of the prevailing interpretation of the 2nd Amendment by those who are our most intellectually-limited Citizens!
The long list of EVILS, confronting us all could be overcome!

Stay Vigilant!  It is very important WHO is placed in critical positions of Government in our system.  the Role of the Bushes (Daddy Bush,: --Clarence Thomas: "Condi" who provided "cover" for "W" in 9/11; and Jeb, who cynically made it possible for any white person to commit murder and walk "free", simply by convincing their fellow whites that they were "Afraid" of the skin color of others.  A 12-year black child was murdered under "color" of this law.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

WHERE? .. Does JEB go; .. to HIDE his GUN(law)??

"Evidence" can present a "clinging PROBLEM"?

Those of us who can't or won't SEE Jeb's RACISM, are not looking closely enough?  STAND YOUR GROUND (signed into Law by JEB) was IN the Charleston AME Church!! The Confederate FLAG was NOT!!  Jeb Bush is the Patron Saint of  "Roof", as well as "Rubio"!

Rubio is most useful for hiding  BOTH; the GOP loathing for Blacks, AND the "Latino" Loathing for "Mexicans"!  You have to live a few years, as I did, in Florida while JEB was Guv'na!  Interested in the prospects of small, and micro-businesses among non-white minorities; my Mexican Partner and I found Miami, between the years of 2003 and 2005, very interesting,!  Working within and among their many Chambers of Commerce, we were able to learn quite a lot; from prominent Koreans, Blacks, Haitians, and various "Hispanics"; to include Mexicans, Brazilians, and others, from Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, and the Caribean.  Miami poses several "cities" in ONE!  The City is RIFE with racial, linguistic, and ethnic animosities. Cubans, there, were mainly "Batista" Cubans -- they hated the Mariel Cubans!  The Color Problem in the United States, is MILD compared to what exixts throughout South and Central America and the Caribean.  Those immigrants who are "light-skinned", yearn openly to be considered "white".  (Batista was so paranoid of his skin color, that he constantly carried with him a small "tin" of white facial powder).

The GOP did us all a favor by Using, for Six Years, every conceivable expression via MEDIA to "signal"  their negative attitudes toward Blacks; in ways to make them CLEARLY understood!  IF they really have to part with the "Stars and Bars"; they'll still have President Obama around for a year or more, upon whom to vent their Racial Loathing.  The most egregious Leaders in this EVIL practice, are Boehner and McConnell! ( because of the POWER their Offices provide to them, to cripple our Country.

Miami is composed of a highly explosive "Pissing Tree" of Race, Color, Class, and Caste; where Blacks find themselves perilously close to the "bottom limb"; ranking, precariously above the Haitians.  The various Business Communities take "bizarre" steps to insure themselves against the next Riot!

Stay Vigilant!  You may learn why JEB, along with most of the GOP Clown Car of "Wannabee's"; is UNFIT to lead our country!

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

RACE: CHARLESTON 'plays' an "Institution-Shuffle"??

Will we ALL "blindly" DANCE??

Created in a Whiplash; Charleston has pulled out its "Institution-Shuffle"!  This tune has been specially crafted and orchestrated by the GOP, for this occasion.  It is designed to make us forget about the GUN, and forget about the astounding transformation of a young white kid who was "Normal", only three years ago!  They Pray, dearly, that it will work.  They know the Black Southern Mind, very well; so no problem there!  Remember, the Black Guy Shot Dead (in the back) by the Killer Cop was driving a Mercedes!

What about all those GOP Politicians??  I never realized that so many people could completely reverse their individual "Tunes" --  all at once!  These "market-savvy" Dudes know how easy it is to DISTRACT minds that are Child-like.

It's all about the FLAG! More precisely, it is about a PROMISE ot MOVE a FLAG.  It must survive the South Carolina Political Process, first.  Likewise, the MEDIA PROMISES us that the young white Murderer of the Church Bible Study Participants will be dealt with SWIFTLY under South Carolina State LAW.  In the mumbled part of the message, they tell us that "ROOF" may not have to face a JURY; he can waive that and throw himself on the Mercy of a South Carolina Judge.  He's sure to get BETTER "Justice" than any Black South Carolinian; and MAY even Walk-Free!!

Stay Vigilant!  The end of this SAGA is a long way off.  We can TRUST the South Carolina Judicial INSTITUTION to take care of it's interests?  the 2016 Presidential Election "hangs" in the balance?

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Monday, June 22, 2015

"Gram'Pa"; My Mother's FATHER!

A Tribute ; in this "Season of the Fathers"

I loved my Dad; but, I think I loved my Grandfather MORE!  He was the one who taught me HOW to work, HOW to save money, and HOW to "read the Crackers"!  Those skills have proven to be crucial in my successes; throughout several careers.   Those skills sustained me, from Poverty, through a career in the Military, and, on through a second career in the Aerospace Industry.  I am convinced that any child born without white skin in the United States NEEDS these skills; in order to survive, and thrive, in ANY career path!  They are rarely taught, ANYWHERE!

Gram'Pa was so "light-skinned" that most Crackers in Missouri would not, on sight, see him as "Negro", or "Colored".  Those were the words favored by White Folk in Missouri in my early years.
He was a successful Businessman; setting up Shop in 1907.  Through Riots, and instances where he was "burned-out", literally, by Competitors, he persevered!  He even survived being robbed by his Banker (white) and a street thug (Colored)!  He lost one eye in the street robbery.  He had three children and sent the two who would go, to College.  His only Son, my Uncle, was having too much fun as a Rich Colored Man in the Roaring Twenties.  His Sister was Mattie Bridgewater, of Tulsa Riot Fame.  He died a peaceful Death, in his sleep, at the age of 78.

His wife was a dark-skinned Colored Woman of French lineage.  Although a fierce founder of the AME Church in our Community, she failed to lure Gram'Pa to attend.  He was a staunch believer in the old saying that the faithful should "dwell with their God in Private -- and, not make a Public "Show", flouting one's "Achievements".  This is at odds with many AME Congregations.

Through all of the Horrors that plagued our Family after 1945, Gram'Pa, in his way, "kept his hand in" by supporting us, eight orphans, while his wife refused, in many instances!  Under her influence, my Grandmother was able to persuade her Church Members to follow her lead.  Gam'pa; like Dad, was the best Kind of any Parent, known; who believed, first and foremost in "Being There" 24 hours a day, seven days a week!  Always steady, never veering in his Guidance!  No child should ask for more!  Most children today, get far less than that!

Stay Vigilant!  Following the Crowd, can "doom" your child!

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race: "INSTITUTIONS" -- "words" --"flags" -- GUN(s) --"roof"

Where do YOU HIDE with your RACISM??

Without Question; our MEDIA has supplanted Public Education as the most powerful Institution for aiding, abetting, and spreading RACISM across Generations.  "Roof" had many "parents"!!  It's quite amazing that this "product" was "produced" in the aftermath of TRAYVON.  If Roof is to be believed, it took less than three years! (Public Education replaced THE CHURCH decades ago).

After many attempts to "tone down" the RACISM of IMUS, and Limbaugh; we've arrived at "Mourning Joe";  our daily "watering hole" where Institutional Racists, mostly in politics, or Sports and Entertainment, can practice their "Safe, Sophisticated Racism.  There is no shortage ofmembers of our various  Minorities ,who regularly appear and "Assist" Joe in his Mournful Attempts to provide aid and comfort for his fellow Alabamians and similarly-minded people across our Sewer States.

Their mantra, today, is "The Flag".  Led by none other that Mitt Romney, our artful "shape-shifter",  who led the GOP  Exposition on Race - 2012, in Tampa; posing as a GOP Political Convention; HE NOW confronts, not GUNS, not RACE, but, a FLAG (that he has supported in the Past)!  The most frantic MEMBER of  that Institution; or shall we call it the GOP Cuckoo's Nest? -- is Jeb Bush, who doesn't know where to go to "get rid" of his weapon of choice: "Stand Your Ground"!

Get it through your thick heads:

    (1) The FLAG did NOT KILL those people in Charleston (and elsewhere).  A GUN did!
    (2) "Roof" has exposed the "Jewel" of Racist Mantra:  "Race had nothing to do with it!!!

Roof has openly admitted, to the entire world, that RACE had EVERYTHING to do with it!!  We have to expose Talking Heads and Police Organizations that continue to spread this Bullsh*t!!

Stay Vigilant!  Everything is out in the open now; including the startling role that Black Christians, and their Leaders have played in keeping our Onerous Brand of Racism ALIVE!  White America is almost "giddy" and "clicking their heels" after receiving their "Forgiveness" message over the past weekend.  It reminds me of the Schizophrenia of Tutu's South Africa "Truth", and "Forgiveness" Commission.  Why do Whites on this Planet, HATE their own children so much, that they work so hard to PERPETUATE this Poison??

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mother was CME; her Mother was AME

The Horror Years in "Church"

From the televised Services in Charleston, this morning (interrupted for Commercials, of course), it becomes clear that the White South received its "Blessed Assurance" that things can return to "Normal".  The Southern Black Christian is just as confused, and "Joyful" in the face of Terror; as always; in the Past!  Their brand of "Love", has certainly NOT persuaded many people!

From 1945, when my Mother died, until 1952, when my Grandmother died, I, too, had Sundays like those televised today.  The Songs were the same, the Message from the Pulpit, the same.  The Horror of Recent Death; that lingered for those who lost Loved Ones, was there;   returning "fresh" every Sunday Morning.  In 1952, when, according to the Bible, I had become a "Man" (at the age of 12); I quit going to Church regularly!

Why?  Several reasons; but, primarily because the Messages were Hollow, and easy to see through.
Often, it was because our Bishop would send us an ignorant, "Holy Roller" to be our Minister. It took a long time for the Congregation to "get rid" of him.  Today's Deep South Blacks are still stuck in those same, ages old,  "ruts".  Their "Belief", today, is the same,  "submissive"  type; that makes them so hard to Defend, and so easy to Murder!

My Principal Reason, though, came with the realization that My Mother was buried in a place, for her Journey to Heaven, that was SEGREGATED from the places where Whites entered their 

If there was more than One Heaven, I reasoned, My Mother, surely, went to the REAL one!   I didn't Give a Damn, where, or if, there was a White Heaven!  I have since learned the many ways Blacks, to this day, (check out our Athletes) are robbed and abused under the impact of those old 'Beliefs"!

A careful research into the methods utilized by the Romans to construct the Fraud that we now know as Christianity, shows the sorry path the World has since traveled,, and why.  As President of the Bishop Allen Society, in College, I learned the History of the AME Movement.

Stay Vigilant!   Race-Driven-MEDIA, was busy, this morning, alongside their Black "Helpers", repairing any damages "Roof" may  have done to our Race-Baited Politics, and Social Controls !
(Looks like his DADDY gave him the GUN!)

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Let's START( a real) "MOVEMENT"??


After Baltimore! and Ferguson!, and now, Charleston! (twice); perhaps its time to realize that those Old, White, Slave-Owning, FOUNDERS of this Nation gave us a TOOL, that is Non-Violent, and WILL SAVE BLACK LIVES!  No matter who you're scared of, or worship, or "suck-up to", YOUR BLACK LIFE should MATTER -- if only to YOU!

HOW:  Dedicate yourself to actions that will  Vacate the SEAT of any Member of the House of Representatives who does not SUCCEED in getting Effective Gun Control into LAW before Labor Day, 2016!!  The period between Labor Day and the first Tuesday in November, is the time that EVERY member of the HOUSE sweats!  Why?  Because EVERY ONE of them is vulnerable to being VOTED OUT!  Any Members who, either, think they Can't, or simply, WON'T make this happen, is OF NO USE TO YOU -- and may as well be an accomplice to Roof!  Let's Bring Down the "Roof" on the Heads of the Members of the House of Representatives, in 2016, if they fail us again??  Let's PROVE that NO SEAT is SAFE??

HOW:  if you are willing to go door-to-door, in your Congressional District and work AGAINST your  Member of Congress; you can get them out!!  Voters are more prone to go vote, if they are convinced to vote AGAINST a Politician.  If you can't go; PAY someone who will!  Let MONEY work for YOU, for a change!  Don't BELIEVE that ANYONE could be WORSE that what we now have!!

Farrakhan noted sometime ago, (accurately) that young Whites MIMIC young Blacks; and, have done so for Hundreds of Years, in this Country.  Whites have come here from Europe, to Copy creations of our young Blacks.  This may be the time for Young Blacks to LEAD a Movement that will SAVE THEIR LIVE(s)??  Think about IT!  PARTY DOES NOT MATTER IN THIS INSTANCE!!  Both Democrats and Republicans can act against your Interest.  Ignore the Charlatans who ask you for your MONEY, or, More Likely, Lead Organizations that PRETEND to do this for you!  YOU must ACT -- no "stand-ins".

Stay Vigilant!  We're BEYOND WORDS, now -- ACTION: is needed; targeted against  those who WILL NOT make this GOAL a REALITY, before the NOVEMBER 2016, Presidential Election.  Let's show the rest of this Planet that Democracy CAN WORK (without Violence).  Report your progress  on Social Media??

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RACE-driven MEDIA?? (Asymmetries)

As Plain as the "Day"??

Charleston has done it again!  About a month ago, a "Cop-Killing-as-Usual" caught the MEDIA in an"about-face" so sharp, you could hear Red-Neck's Cracking, everywhere!  A "surprise" Video-Tape did that trick.  Now, the "audacity" of another white male, this one who looks to be about the age or 10 or 12, has caught our MEDIA, once again, with its "RACE-Pants-DOWN!!

Why is this?  Because everyone LIES about RACE in the United States.  Our President learned, to his deep disappointment, that they LIE about GUNS, also -- especially to Pollsters.

PROPOSAL:  Every voting citizen who REALLY wants these shootings to STOP, should follow my lead and WRITE their Member in the House of Representatives, telling them that you will WORK to get them thrown out in 2016, IF; there is NO CREDIBLE Action Pending, or Completed; that will break the BACK of the NRA , AND: get some sensible GUN CONTROL in place in this Country!!

MEDIA LOVES MONEY more than anything!! That's what drives Careers, and, it follows strong Ratings.

In Politics, MONEY is on the side of the White RACE, and the  GOP!  Close observers note that just about EVERY MEDIA figure, WHITE or BLACK, exposed themselves, in some way, in their reporting of the Massacre of the Charleston Nine.  Some, who were White, "faked" close relationships with Persons of Color.  Others, of the few Non-Whites, "faked" close relationships with Persons who claim to be White. Most of these performances  readily strained credulity!  Their "acting' would win few awards!  Some, simply lied to the public about their feelings, in general.

They clearly do NOT recognize what is required of them as Protectors of our Democracy; or as Providers of Accurate and Timely Facts for our Voting Public!

This deranged little white boy may have exposed the "Gulf" between the RACES in our nation, in a way, not this obvious, since our Civil War!

Whites now focus on "HEALING" -- which translates into: "How soon can we get back to Normal".  Many Blacks, however, are beginning to realize that they are undoubtedly ON The Firing LINE; and there are no "Sanctuaries", except for those that remain in deceived minds.

Stay Vigilant: CONTROL by Whites, is foremost in the minds of our MEDIA, and those behind these deeds.  That is without doubt!.  Loss of "Imagined" Control; to the minds of those like  this deceived youngster, is plaguing our Entire Planet?? 

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Friday, June 19, 2015

WHO? ... sent this CHILD on his "MISSION"??

You Should WANT to Know!!

The Citizens of the United States are "slammed" once again, against the NRA and their own sinking feelings of accumulating MADNESS!  "The People", driven by Propagandist MEDIA; are being driven slowly MAD!!  From Timothy McVeigh, to Holmes in Aurora, to any of a dozen other males (mostly White); a large "army" of shooters have appeared, one by one, on our streets, since 2008.

The confused, uneducated "Baby" in the Charleston Church Massacre, is the first who admits to being on a "Mission".  We must not let MEDIA obfuscate the details of this event, as they have with so many others.  Someone, hopefully, at the TOP , among our Government Law Enforcers, must be seeking answers to this question!  WE ALL need to know any answers they come up with!

Starting with those Hard Right Politicians, whose very words were mouthed by Shooter Roof; and continuing with the "usual suspects", like Limbaugh, Hannity, and O'Reilly;  "agents provocateur" must be exposed!!  As I remember, people leading the Investigation of the Oklahoma Bombing, pleaded with us, to NOT sweep that event aside.  Executing McVeigh did not make us any safer, it appears.  For those Whites who take comfort in the fact that all of the Murdered, this time, were BLACK; they may be taking false comfort!  The army of politicians running in the GOP Primaries, are NOT moderating their Racist Appeals to Hard Right, White Voters.

Stay Vigilant!  Those who were raised on Hollywood's stories of the Old, Gunslinger, WEST; must remember that the Old Sheriff's were NOT Stupid!  They Confiscated the GUNS!!

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Thursday, June 18, 2015



I first learned of our National Response to RACE, in the mid-Fifties, with the SCOTUS Ruling of "Brown v. Board".   White America was in no mood to take that Ruling, "lying Down".  Eisenhower, reportedly registered his Racial Bias to the Decision by having "Under God" added to our National Allegiance.  The BAD APPLE, then, and since, was NIXON!  Seizing on the Post-War, national shift to the Hard Right within the Republican Party, Nixon, as Vice-President , became a "McCarthyite" and a Racial, "Red-Baiter".  Reagan, joined those forces, providing aid and support from his position within Hollywood's Screen Actor's Guild.  Both Nixon and Reagan, moved deeper to the Right and deeper toward RACISM as they gained political power.  During the Eisenhower Years, South Carolina was, undisputedly, the Most Racist of the Southern States; a place where every Republican Candidate for President had to go to get his "Race-Stripe" of approval.  It remains so, today.

Jeb Bush, who signed "Stand Your Ground" into LAW; was headed for South Carolina yesterday, to get his "Stripe", when the NEWS broke of the Church Murders in Charleston.  A second white male, this one only 21 years old, has been caught, in Charleston, Murdering unarmed Blacks.  Jeb turned tail!  Small wonder, given the tragic trail produced by "Stand Your Ground" , and the young Blacks who have been Murdered in its name!

The MEDIA hastens to deem these white males "Sick".  That tactic shift away their Responsibility, and has worn thin: --- its White Society that is "Sick".  Sick with their own, personal, Racism, that every candidate running on the Republican Ticket for 2016 KNOWS is there; and very artfully appeals to.  Trump is better at Race-Baiting than Jeb, or Boehner, or McConnell, or any of the many "Lilliputians" who have declared, and are rumored to declare, on the Republican Ticket.
This young white Murderer, reportedly, uttered the words "Take Back Our Country":  a phrase coined by the Tea Party, on the Republican Right.

Even Southern Blacks should realize that GOD can't protect those who WILL NOT Protect Themselves!!  Leaving that job to "Massa", while the Black Folks "Prays All Day", won't work in the 21st Century!  Black and Brown Citizens must learn that Submissiveness invites more Trauma!  Frederick Douglass told us that hundreds of years ago!

Stay Vigilant!  Don't expect Hannity, or Limbaugh, or McConnell, or Boehner, to change course!  They're too close to their PRIZE:  the White House in 2016!  Citizens have to find a way to break the grip of the NRA!  The Country might SAVE $Trillion's, in the process. Speak UP! Speak OUT!

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

WHY?? ... Would (scotus) "STRIKE-DOWN" Obamacare??

SIMPLE; for "Simpletons"??

SUPPOSE: The Majority of our Supreme Court Justices are not only Conservative; they're really, to the RIGHT of most Libertarians, who are Ayn Rand "Social Darwinists".

Social Darwinism,  https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Social_Darwinism, predominated throughout Europe after Spencer coined the phrase "Survival of the Fittest".  MEDICAL Experts have led that movement from the beginning; "executing", legally, the "unfit"!  In the beginning, the "unfit" were, what we call today, the "handicapped".  

Thanks to Adolph and his followers (taught by American predecessors from the 1870s); the "unfit" became the poor, the sexually deviant, and all Persons of Color.  After World War II, the "socially unacceptable" became those Poor who were also Non-White.  (That explains why no White Doctor in Missouri , during my Youth, would provide any services to anyone who was Not White).

No Conservative, today wants the Poor or the Non-White, to get Medical Care.  To their way of thinking, that would be getting "in the way of" Nature; as it , naturally,"eliminates" those who are "Undesirables".

Stay Vigilant!  If any of this comes as a SURPRISE; you've just no been PAYING ATTENTION to rhe Rhetoric of the Hard Right.  Many Persons of Color have "participated" in their own (legal) deaths, by "blindly believing" that Doctors are GODs!

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"TRUMP BABIES": Let the White "RABBLE" Rise?

Here We Go "Again??

The Entire World has reached the place, where the United States was in 1876:  The "White North" was "tired" of the burdens of the newly-freed Slaves, and the "White South" was all to eager to MAKE MONEY and get off their asses; where Sherman had left them!  Enter "Booker-T-Washington", the slickest, and sickest Race-Man known to the Planet; before Adolph in Germany's  

Willing to doom Blacks to a future in which they would totally lack any level of Respect from whites or, from themselves; a future in which they would voluntarily give up the right to vote; and, a future in which persons of color would NOT have access to good education; "Booker-T" made his deal with the Devils, and embraced Segregation.  (Read his Atlanta Exposition Speech).

We have been cursed ever since with Black Conservatives, mostly from the Sewer States, who still accept some mixture of these positions and values.  Republicans, in general, LOVE these miscreants; Clarence Thomas being their "Favorite"!

Fast Forward to 2015:  Whites, all over this country, find themselves, once-again, "on-their-asses" financially; left there by Rich Whites in 2008 (Republican Treachery at Work)!

Enter TRUMP:  Knowing these poor whites will NEVER blame themselves, or their Fellow Whites, for their plight; Donald offers a variety of "Scapegoats" (all Racial, of course).  He's finding an enthusiastic "audience".  He could set the United States on a course that will lead to a repeat of Germany in the 30's and 40's; or "Syria", today!  We even find Black Millenials who offer "mollification" to their Peers!  How Sad!!

Stay Vigilant:  Blacks didn't have to acquiesce to "Booker-T"; Frederick Douglass was ageing, but still alive at that time!  His Message has, and will remain,THE MESSAGE that garners respect from others, and permits Black Americans to be viewed  by everyone, as HUMAN BEINGS on this Planet!

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Trans-"RACIAL" vs "Plessy"?? Who's BLACK? ("now-a-days, anyway"??

Who DECIDES -- in 2015??

The White/Black; or Black/White Lady in East Washington, has the Internet and the T.V. Media, "all-a-twitter"!!  Our empty "Talking Heads" can't let it rest!

"Plessy v. Ferguson" (1896): Get the Trascript!  Read It!  This Supreme Court Decision defined RACE for the United States; until the 1970's when the Evil Nixon and his henchmen designed the infamous "Boxes" they shoved us all into, to document Racial Identification in our National Census!.  It was left to White Folk to give the "eye-ball"  test for Documenting "Race".  Since a lot of Black Babies are born White; and "tone down" within a few years after birth, this issue of RACE just will not GO AWAY!  Especially; in this age of Self-Definition, and the GOP's ADDICTION to all things Racial!

Neither  has  "Passing"  gone away!   It seems that someone in Washington (state) finds it useful to "Pass" from white to black; in reverse of the centuries old, former pattern.  We know the "mating" patterns in the Americas, since Cortes and Columbus.  The Spanish Clergy and Conquistadors drew the first distinctions in their "Diez y Seis Raices".  Sam Houston, famously noted that there are no "Hispanics" who are not part African.  God help you; if you remain confused.  Only Republicans place a great deal of meaning to all of this.  The English and French, along with every other stripe of white, followed the patterns we all know.

Within the amorphous, and variously defined "black community", there are those who demand the right to decide this issue.  There are infamous "paper-bag" tests; used discriminate within Black Society.  Hence, we have Blacks from many places, "sitting in judgment" on the Lady from Washington State.

Stay Vigilant!  Remember; nature tells us: "Momma's Baby; -- Poppa's? (maybe)!  The Lady's Parents may be "Passing", too.  We knew, long before DNA, that more than 50% of Whites in the United States had traceable African Roots (geneologically).  In this Day of DNA -- there should be few questions left -- except: who administers, and interprets the DNA Tests!

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

R "Whites" No Longer CENTRAL ??

Are they "Too Rich"??

In the early Fifties, when citizens, post-War, were able to get telephones in their homes for the first time,  I remember our first line was a "Party-Line".  "Central" completed all calls, and, could "listen" on the line.  Fareed Zacharia reported, this morning the fact that no "Developed" Country is reproducing their population at a rate that will halt their declining numbers.  All of Europe, and Singapore, were cited.  Governments are "stepping in", to promote procreation!  Immigration will spare the United States of their fate, because our Immigrants tend to produce more than the 2.1-child-per-couple, needed to sustain population levels.

It has been known since the Sixties, that population declines as incomes rise.  (Don't tell the GOP and their stupid "Base"; they still blame "Abortion Clinics"!!

Declining Numbers do not deter WHITEs in the U.S. from their many attempts to remain CENTRAL in all our lives, however.

They "cut themselves in" on every conversation, and "sit in judgment" of everybody; on child rearing, and on dictating what they want to be the K-12 "Education" in all Public Schools; . Its their way to insure their  "Social Controls"; to "cut themselves in" on all financial transactions and provide access to every "pocketbook".  Social Media and Global Economics are making it harder and harder for Whites to keep up these Practices.  They've completed their "KLAN Make-Over", and they have all POLICING firmly under WHITE Control.  They hold the GOP" in-thrall" with their "Social Darwinism".  The fingerprints of "HERITAGE ACTION" http://heritageaction.com/ , can likely be found on many of their tactics.

Cheney/Bush set the Middle East on a course that benefitss Iran, over the Long Run.  Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Israel are all,threatened by this.  Keep your eyes on that fact, and forget about the distracing "Obama-bashing" that Boehner and McConnell are obsessed with.  ISIS, or Putin?? The GOP has a hard
time seeing the difference; or, maybe, seeing Putin at all??

Stay Vigilant!  A GOP Future for the U.S., is a very scary prospect!

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

HILLARY: "Breaking Chains" ??

Can She "Unchain our Hearts"??

In Hillary's "Four-Freedoms-Park" Speech, this morning, it became clear to me that
the "chain" that binds our Nation to "failed Reganism", causing us all to sink, evermore, into
Poverty for All; has to be broken!!   She listed the things that must be done.  She is correct, when she states that the GOP is addicted to "Yesterday" and it's chains of Inequality, Marginalization, Lack of Opportunity, and Despair!

It's clear that the path to Yesterday, offered by the Republicans, has not caught the Public's Imagination. Yet, even their young, green, candidates, (think Rubio) are wedded to it!  Why?  Because Hate, mixed with Fear is the Hybrid Horse  that has been ridden by Romney, McCain, the Bush(es), Reagan, and Nixon.  These  characters have given birth to our current National Nightmare; wasting our lives,our time, our talents and our MONEY!

Of all of our challenges, I feel that EDUCATION will be the hardest to reform.  The pernicious poison with which Nixon, and his succeeding Repoob Leaders, have "addicted" this Nation; was born in the 1850's,  and later became implanted deeply in U.S. Ivy League Universities (both Coasts). It grew to infect public and private education at all levels, since.  It began with a perversion of the Science of Natural Selection, when  Herbert Spencer, 1864, coined the phrase "survival of the fittest"; ushering in "Social Darwinism".   It grew to become the "Religion" of the Right Wing in the Americas; and the root of Hitler's activities in Germany, after 1930.  Under this rubric, the Republicans have managed to push us to a point where there are more Black Males in Prison in the United States, today, than there were in Chains before the Civil War!  We cannot continue to wander in this "Darkness"!! 

An expensive, Institutional Nightmare, from Kindergarten to Graduate Schools, has to be abolished; and replaced by people and Institutions that seek to develop ALL of the Talent this Nation Possesses.
Social Darwinism rules the Teachers Unions, the School Administrators, the Teachers, and the State Governments in all of our States.  The Textbooks were "cooked" by Texans, decades ago (Texas sets the national standards for our Textbooks).  We need a Fresh Start at Public Education: Rip Out all of the old wiring!

Stay Vigilant!  The Most Dangerous element of this belief system, (for Black and Whites) is the BLACK "Social Darwinist"!  Clarence Thomas has done MORE DAMAGE, and is in a position to continue;  to this Country, than any single person in my lifetime!  Our Police Forces today, are rife, with Social Darwinists of Color!

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Friday, June 12, 2015

Don't NOBODY; Love's NOBODY ...


"Don't Nobody" Love's

Such is the status of all relationships in our, 2015, Social-Media World!  Whether it be Race, Class, "acceptance", "recognition", "empowerment"; or simply the need to "feel safe"; such is the STATUS of COHESIVENESS among the "body politic" in the United States, today.  The Evil Lesson of Willie Lynch has, after more than three centuries, been applied by Government and Institutions to EVERYBODY !!  This, alone, can explain our Political Dysfunction, and the terrifying desperation of white Cops, as they see themselves as the only ones to "blame" if our historically marginalized Blacks and Browns escape their "Place" in our Social Fabric.  The Global picture of this can be found throughout the Middle East, as Netanyahu's attempt to import our sick system to make it easier for Israel to "hunker down" behind its WALLS of hate.  At Home, the GOP is the Party of HATE, and white FEAR!

Hillary will tell us all tomorrow how she will answer this challenge.  Her Husband, "Slick Willy" was able to blend the Atwater/Ailes formula that made Reagan so popular, with hints of FDR.  I have always thought he was the incarnation of Elmer Gantry.  That formula will not work in 2016!

Stay Vigilant!  No matter who, or what, you claim to be; your salvation begins with achieving some way to LOVE YOURSELF??

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

R both "BLACKs" and "WHITEs" being "Victimized"??

"Let's U and Him "Fight" !!

We awake. today. to NEWS that "Rupert" is "gettin' OUT"; he's throwing the whole ka-boodle over to his sons.  Atwater is "doin' time" elsewhere; but Ailes and his Gang are busy as Bee's trying to FIX their GOP MESS; now that New Hampshire has thrown in the monkey-wrench!

It's high time ALL of us look much more closely at the  MUCK their "Media" has been purveying??  Up to now, its been the STENCH that was most annoying; but now Blacks (mostly kids) are being MURDERED by Cops!  Will WHITEs be Next?? The White Kid who took the Video of the McKinney, TX Debacle, said that the White Cops "ignored" him!! One white member of the pool party said he felt he was "invisible" to the Cops!  Only true Racists can't see this Open Discrimination.

Why is it so pervasive, and why do we never seem to "move beyond" Race?  Partly because White-designed "Education" has convinced too many Blacks that Racism is "Over"!!  Most Whites no longer call Blacks  N*igger to their Face!  Too many Blacks relate Racism to Dogs, and Fire Hoses, and Fat Cops on Horses.

Those of us who can, and WILL Read, are discovering the true depths of the pile of Lies, obfuscations, and viscous "Policies" Whites have put into LAWS, and preached from Pulpits, over the past several hundred years. 

Two Books:  RACE and Manifest Destiny, (Horsman), 1981; and A Troublesome Inheritance, Genes, Race, and Human History,  (Wade), 2014, should make it clear that Racism, as we've known it has a very long Past ,with Europeans.  Naziism, as we've known it, began on THIS SIDE of the Atlantic, arriving in Germany following World War I.  Is it still with us?  Atwater and Ailes, ushered our present chapter, into our Politics, with Mad Ronnie Reagan!

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks and Browns, of all ages, Need to "Get Smart, Quick", and learn the roles "Science" and "Religion" have played in producing our current mess.  Its fairly obvious that Global Economics demands MORE, not LESS of what Hannity and O'Reilly are so cheerfully "dishing out"!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

IF: You're So "RICH"; Why Aint'cha "SMART" ??

The Plight of the "Black Conservative"

In 2015, the definition of a "Black Conservative", in the U.S. is any  Non-white. who admits African ancestry, and still believes Whites are "Smarter" than Blacks!  They don't yet realize that the Slaves of Old survived, on the realization that Whites were Mean, and Greedy, and Cruel, and Tribal in their "Organization"; but not very SMART!  Whites, like Mark Twain, and Film Story-teller, Disney (both Missourians) knew this; but their White Readers Did Not!  The phenomenon has produced everything from Birth of a Nation (ca. 1915), to Bart Simpson (ca. 1989).  The GOP bases its entire Party Strategy on this phenomenon.  Black Conservatives, in 2015, are found, mostly, in the Sewer States.

White Cops, and most GOP Politicians, seem to believe that Whites are Smarter than non-Whites; throughout the World.  They "have it out for" all non-white people, at all times, and anyplace on the Planet!  They are willing to "attack" at the slightest cause, or what they fear non-whites might do in the future!  They still see themselves as "Conquistadors" of old, or "Frontiersmen" without Frontiers, or simply,  "Gunslingers".

Black Conservatives realize that Abraham Lincoln made it Legal for them to bear Arms, but they choose NOT to, so they will appear "non-threatening" to Whites.  Post Civil War Legislation gave Black Males the Right to Vote; but they have chosen NOT to fight for the Vote.  They have, instead, chosen to let Whites cast votes in their stead, in order to gain, or keep their jobs.

Stay Vigilant!  It is becoming painfully obvious that these "Leaders" and their mind-sets cannot continue beyond 2015!  That Way, lies Re-Enslavement, or, WORSE!

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"All-HELL" to pay; in "Blue-Collar" HEAVEN??

Has White America "Set-itself-Up??

From my perhaps unique, perspective, McKinney (suburb of Dallas), Texas, is very different from Ferguson, MO, and, even Baltimore, MD!!  Ferguson is "down-scale" Suburban; while McKinney is more "Up-Scale" ,,, (there's more Money there).  Baltimore represents classic Urban America.  What is true in all three places is that the Cops represent "Blue-Collar" White America: educationally, financially, and in Mind-Set!  Their World View is Minimal; yet they are armed, and empowered by White America to KILL; in the name of Public Safety.  White America has, and continues to provide these guys "Knee-jerk" support; so long as they do not infringe on interests of those Citizens who are "higher in Class".  

Over the years, this has translated to Skin Color, in that it has been less than a century that Cops and Fireman were not "all White"!  In some places, for less than a few decades; while in others there are NO non-white Cops or Firemen serving in 2015.  This intersection of Economic Class, Race, and Cultural Limitations, with Black and Brown Citizens who have, for many decades, "done better"; is causing a National RASH of White Cops "Reverting to Type" with little, or no provocation!

McKinney shows "up-scale" Whites what may lie in store for them; if the GOP drags their "Neanderthals" into Power in 2016!  Many of the candidates running are reaching "up" from their rather dire economic beginnings.   Whites who fit this description are much more vicious in their Racial Attitudes; as they become insensed by the tensions of Global Competition.  

During my youth in Missouri, it was "standard" for white males to get their first car before finishing High School.  If they were "sick of school", their Dads could get them a blue-collar job; they could marry their High School Sweet-heart, and their lives were "Set"!  That path is dead, today.  The Police Force, the Fire-House, and the Military, are their only paths still open.  Even these opportunities are beginning to demand more education and sophistication than the average white guy achieves in this country.

Stay Vigilant!  It is getting harder and harder for MEDIA to ignore the fact that something, really UGLY, may be lurking behind these incidents, and they are no longer "immune"!

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Monday, June 8, 2015

WHY there are "So MANY" GOP candidates??

One for every "Sliver" of our White-Voter-Pie??

The "Market" for those Blacks that are found to be "acceptable" to Whites in the GOP, in 2015, must be "extremely competitive"!  Compare "Dr. Ben", with "9-9-9-Cain", or Clarence, or Condi!  Whites pick their Blacks, much more carefully than they choose their "Hispanic or Mexican"who can qualify as "acceptable" to the GOP today!  The Grand Old Party is struggling, desperately, to stay alive!

Be Careful!  Don't try to "wrap your mind" around this bunch!!  Your Mind may become more "twisted" than a wet sheet in your washing machine!  Consider:  Santorum, this time around, is attacking Pope Too!  The New Pope is not "Catholic-enough" for the former PA Senator.  Every kind of Racist,  Greedy,  Craven, anti-Female, or anti-Democratic, voter, has a "Candidate" in this bunch, that can "appeal" to them.

For those Whites, who want to test their "cleanliness", or their "escape" from our evil past; they simply have to compare their positions to each one of these crack-pots, for contrast.  More than six years of President Obama, has managed to drive this bunch BONKERS!  These GOP candidates find it difficult  to present a clear "pitch" that is fully sane!  They all "mix or match" some element of our old, socially, or economically, backward Past!

Non-white Millenials, who may have been brain-washed in our Public Schools, and are sadly ignorant of  those events in our nation's past that would make it possible to detect these disguised  GOPviews; can practice on this group and "catch-up".  Wacko's come in both Genders, and Non-white variations.

Stay Vigilant!   Blacks beware:  The image of Whites in this country is Multi-Polar; among all groups.  The image of Blacks is Uni-Polar!!  Blacks have much more to lose, by remaining "Confused" by all of this!

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Sunday, June 7, 2015



Less than 3 weeks after "Biker Gangs" appeared in Waco, marauding and murdering people; "Biker Gangs" made up of GOP "front-runners" rode into IOWA, today.  Characteristic of the GOP, the indicted former Texas Governor rode, at a distance from Earnst and Walker;  Is he also eschewing the "Gang" support for Walker and Fiorina? . http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/18/us/texas-biker-gang-brawl-shooting/   http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/republicans-vy-votes-joni-ernsts-inaugural-roast-and-ride-fundraiser

The MEDIA dropped the Waco Story like a "hot potata";  could it be they knew of Joni Earnst's plans for a big splash on Harley's in Iowa.  Many more people were killed in the Waco "Biker Wars"; but, after all, these were mostly white guys who could afford Harleys.  Poor Black kids in Baltimore and Ferguson were of  "another world".  We're starting to get "whiffs" already of what a GOP "win" in 2016 might mean for this country.  Maybe they simply wanted to conjure up  images of "Hillary-on- Harley", next to "Carli -on -Harley"??

Stay Vigilant!  Trivial "Stunts" won't answer the need for serious and wise Leaders with Integrity!!
I didn't see any; did you??  They could be "Brown-shirts", circa, 2015?  I seem to remember that "W" was also fond of Harleys!

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Saturday, June 6, 2015

"CORRUPT Institutions" ... the USA "Failure Mechanism"??

Sewer-State "Suicide-Mode"??

Corrupt Politicians, write Corrupt Laws, select Corrupt Judges, and then wonder why
the People won't enthusiastically ELECT them!  They have to TRAP their voters in "gerry-rigged" Districts, like they trap possums; back where they come from!

The Catholic Church lay the foundation for European Culture as they directed the extraction of Gold and Silver from the Americas.  In the process, they taught their "faithful" that people of color were less than human.  That conviction has endured, until this day, among the white AND the non-white "faithful".  You can "smell it" on their Politicians.  The Protestant strain of the FAITH, inherited that belief along with Martin Luther.  No matter how they shift their Institutions around, the result remains the same.  You can see it in the NFL, among the players in FIFA, throughout the GOP, the Supreme Court;  it's EVERYWHER!.  No matter how they try, they can't seem to "fix" the Kool-Aid; to get the RIGHT mix!!  This Crap carries forward, from generation to generation.  NOW its caught up in Social Media!  The real tragedy is to see the dysfunction of "Minorities" as they cling to the old beliefs.

Recognizing their plight, the GOP now moves to add "Women" and "Millenials" to the groups they want to prevent from voting!  The RIGHT, recognizing their inability to adapt to the 21st Century; are attempting, by Hook and by Crook, to find a "formula" that will reward the Grand Old Party with the Presidency -- after Obama, of course.

Public Administrators are the people who "run" Institutions, like Government Offices and Agencies, Religious and Public Education; Political Party Apparatuses; Legislatures (state, federal).  We never hear from these people!  We don't have a face for them.  They are the ones who keep the water, and the sewers flowing; among other things.  The have an old, and proud National Organization, but to the general public, they are both mute and invisible.  That's because Politicians "front" for them.
MONEY, thanks to the Roberts Court, makes it unlikely we will EVER hear from these people!

Stay Vigilant!  Sanity returns when we vow to fight CORRUPTION!  The hour is late! 

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Friday, June 5, 2015

Neither "POLITICAL", nor "CORRECT"??

BIGOTS "Out" Themselves?

The "Veneer" may be rapidly wearing off the GOP!!  What is emerging?  The Old KKK, in different clothing, and using different "cover".  When they complain about "Political Correctness", are they actually "blowing" their own cover??

They may be counting on our maddening ability to cheerfully apply "double standards"??  For example, there is a growing campaign to make Snowden  a HERO, even though he chose to hide out under Putin's protection??  At the same time, there is NO sympathy for the young Airman, (now, an Air-woman?), who enabled Snowden, to become Snowden.  What's up with all of that.  We don't even KNOW what, of our National Security Data,  Snowden and his accomplices have "released" !!
Many old, brazen, tactics of the KLAN, from one hundred years ago; such as, intimidating, public killings of black males; without accountability.  The anonymous "white community" provides them that "cover".  Virtually all of the GOP candidates for 2016, have no problem with that!

Voter Suppression tactics are open and "in the Public's Face", but "mainstream" citizens, have to struggle  to come to grips with what they see.  MEDIA is busy using new causes, like TransGender,  to  mask old crimes; like Child Molestation, acceptable?  There is a Religious "Cover" trotted out in the Sewer States, and in the Press, to cover the Incest of a popular Religious, "Media Family".  I guess its even easier today, to completely fool people who are already quite STUPID!!

Stay Vigilant!  Polishing Dumb or Evil Rocks will not make them less dangerous!. It may make them more "acceptable" to those who are intellectually challenged among us.  Beware the Talking Heads and their twisted logic??

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Thursday, June 4, 2015


People "Tolerate" CORRUPTION; until they DON'T!!

A warning to all "mega-criminals" who profit from technological advance:  People can get tired of it!!  Hitler found that out in World War II.  Japan learned that also, in World War II.  We had been warned by Stilwell  ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stilwell ), about War in Asia.  Truman knew that the Atomic Bomb would be the only thing that would take the will to fight away from Japan.

Today's Menaces comes from the Middle East, and characters like Netanyahu, Assad, and Putin.
The surprise was that Mbarak turned out to be a "decent fellow", when compared to Ghadafi, Assad, and the rest.  Oh Well!; as Europe retreats from its historic world role (1492-2015), what emerges is "anybody's guess" at this point!

One thing is clear, however: Europe will ride the Technology Horse until the "end" !! In World War I, Europeans wanted to test the ability of machines to slaughter people.  They got their answer.  As blowback, that War also produced Hitler, and, revelation of the deep racism of Europeans, Catholics, and Germans.  (Russians weren't too kind to Jews, either).

In 2015, the United States, Europe's "stand-in", since 1945, is testing new Technological Break-through's  in the field of FINANCE; hoping to maintain that Technological Edge gained over Suleiman in the 1520's.  Had Suleiman's forces gone back the next day into Vienna, Christianity might be "toast" today!  We might not be cursed , in our daily lives; with these Twisted Interpretations emanating from our Sewer States!  The Rabble in the Middle East today; who dream of restoring the Grandeur of Old Empire, are equally "ignorant and twisted"??

The Corruption of Race plied with MONEY; that feeds the Soccer Stink-Pile, the Football (USA) Stink-Pile, the Drug and Gun and Human Trafficking Stink-Piles; are all fed by advances in Technology; created in our efforts to "Win" the Cold War.

Stay Vigilant!  CLEAN HOUSE (globally) is the Right Track for the World!  "Bladder" is just a start!  Banks, Hedge Funds, Foundations, and other sources of funding for Corruption must be "flushed-out".  TECHNOLOGY will answer THAT Need, Too!!  We need to find  People with Integrity . .. that word that scares HELL out of today's GOP!!

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"DANCE" with the ONE who "BRUNG-YA" ??

"Four Freedoms"

Is Hillary trying to tell us all something important, by selecting "Four Freedoms Park??  FDR !! ... anybody remember him?  Does anybody below the age of 50, even KNOW who he was??

No matter your age, your race, your location on the planet, chances are great that  you are BETTER OFF, than you otherwise would be, if FDR had not led the World; the way FDR did between 1932 and 1945!

Some new, questionable, book is out, proclaiming to the ignorant, some lies to "explain" our losses at WAR, since World War II!!  My Generation was aware that FDR saw no good future for a return, by Western Nations, to Colonialism!.  He tried, in vain, to convince Churchill of the foolishness and costs associated with taking a Hike down that road!  Whether it was Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, Reagan's ventures into Central America and the Caribbean, we failed to WIN, any of 'em!!  The Middle East and Africa lie in ruins and distress today because Europe and the U.S. refuse to let Colonialism and Jim Crow to "go away"!

Everything important to our Economy, and, that of Europe;  the U.N., World Bank, IMF, the National Security Reorganization of our Government ... ALL of this can be credited to the Leadership of FDR.
Thrown in Labor Unions, Social Security, and other steps he took, to get this country through the Great Depression.  By Gosh!,  Even RONNIE REAGAN was a Democrat, and a FAN of FDR.

This Country was led astray, when they chose to follow the Extreme Right after the Presidency of Harry Truman.  The special Racial Beliefs of the Nazis were easily transplanted to the Right Wing in the United States.  Racism, Colonialism, Segregation, White Supremacy, are TREASURES clung to by the likes of LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, and partially, by Bill Clinton.  No President has served (even JC, from Georgia) who failed to bring a racial message acceptable to the Hard Right elements in our Politics.  It may be true that the True Costs of this Nations deeply held Racial Beliefs runs into the Multiple $Trillions!!

Stay Vigilant!  2016 will fail to change our tragic course; if the GOP gets their way (and Hillary fails to find a message that can appeal to "both sides" of the color line.

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MANIPULATING "Human Behavior"; for PROFITS and WAR??

That "DRONE-sound" from the RIGHT ??

The, (now approaching two dozen), "Choir-Boys plus one female" on the GOP Hard Right, are "droning" out a message for WAR.  You can bet your britches on that!  10,000 Boots (on the ground) -- that number is just a "teaser"!  Once Obama is no longer in office, who will stand up to them?

Don't get me wrong; I have long been convinced that those "wealthy and protected Citizens of Syria, in 2010, who were so content to snuggle up behind Assad, serve as a warning to their contemporaries in many other countries; on this planet, in 2015.  Our serious enemies don't exist in only ONE place!!  They are spread wherever Greed and Corruption reign!!  They can be found in just about all countries, as Actors, or, as Sympathizers.  We may be surprised to find who is taking  their money to do their bidding.  

We have to learn to look in places OTHER than those, where we're directed to focus, by MEDIA.  Behavior Manipulation for purposes of controlling populations began with Religions.  Governments copied the practice, and, with the onslaught of computing technology, MEDIA now assumes the "whip-hand" position!!

We may need a LAW prohibiting any Politician (already proven to be effective LIARs) from holding any position in MEDIA; of any kind.  A Total BAN should keep them out of  all Visual Media; (neither ON, nor OFF-camera!  "Mourning Joe" would be my "poster-boy" for such a LAW!

Stay Vigilant!  THINK about it??

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

SOCCER'S "Septicemic Bladder" RESIGN's !!

After 17 Years!

Can the GAME Recover??

Is the NFL Next??

Stay Vigilant!
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"LIBERTY" in 'Amerika (White Version)??

South Carolina "Reb" vs. Kentucky "Libertarian"??

As we enter a period when this Nation prepares for its "Exorcism" (Sewer State perspective), from President Obama, we're presented, by our Malignant GOP, with the spectacle of a "Johnny Reb" from South Carolina, versus a "Coon-skin" from Kentucky!  Any Person of Color that would take either of them seriously, simply has "sh*t for brains"!!

"Kentucky" is touted as a Libertarian; while everyone saw,  on T.V.,what the Johnny Reb represents! His version of a "Libertarian" was caught shooting a fleeing Black Man in the back!  This is what the Hard Right wants us to choose among; as we approach our Decision for 2016!  "Johnny Reb-JAG" wants "10,000 Boots On The Ground" in the Middle East!  Where will he find them?  Are you starting to feel a "Draft"??

Whites, Right and Left, view Libertarianism as License!  They have, ever since it was invented in the Wild West during that time in our History that followed Andy Jackson and Sam Houston. Those Butchers, along with the "gunslingers" of the Old West, were our early versions of Sociopaths.  These were the white males who could not "fit" in "Civilized Society" of the North-Eastern Seaboard.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be "waltzed" into another period like 2000-2008!  Remember, Slick Willy is still "hanging around" ... in the shadows!.

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Monday, June 1, 2015

"TERROR", Incorporated??

"MONEY-Centered" TERROR??

Can we see more clearly now; why the slaughter of innocent first graders was not enough to "wake up" the Citizenry from their  "coma";  and cure the "paralysis" that set in post-9/11??  We slept through "Anthrax", "Abu-Ghraib", "Intelligence-Failures" that came in serial fashion.  NOTHING seemed to make us strong enough to stand up against the WAR Dogs, and the NRA!

We did nothing as our Military was leached away by "Private Security" Companies that paid hand-selected soldiers to dump the uniforms for huge salaries; while their buddies faced the same threats for peanuts.  I saw creeps like Lindsey Graham rise to power within our Armed Forces, before Reagan arrived in 1980.  Lindsey was a JAG, a  Judge Advocate General, or Lawyer, in the Military.  They faced no bullets!!

In the face of these terrible years, our Nation has become a collection of Chicken-Sh*ts who hide behind "Stand Your Ground".  This SWILL from the HARD RIGHT should make reasonable people SICK AT THEIR STOMACHS!  Drug-, Human-, and Gun-Trafficking have grown asymptotically, along with the collapse of our surplus Economy.

Stay Vigilant!  We're being "Bushed", yet again.  In their wake, a GOP flood of mini-Napoleons are popping up by the dozens on the RIGHT.  We NEED a new Political Party -- a SANE Party, that appeals to those of us with Common Sense!  FEAR leads to Corruption, Death, and Poverty for Everyone!  Where will the WAR DOGS find the Troops they want to send to the Middle East?  The DRAFT??

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"Religious" KILLING ain't ENOUGH??

Also in the Middle East; courtesy of the likes of Sharon and Netanyahu, the World's NEXT HORROR looms!  WATER:  clean, drinkable, cheap:  that substance no human organism can SURVIVE without -- those, most Evil among us;  are well along, behind their WALLs, plotting the downfall of every living human on the Planet!!

Recent studies show that it starts as Border Wars; where both sides fight for a single water source.
They generally "f*uck-it-up" in such a way that both sides are threatened with death by THIRST!  In case you've forgotten; humans live for about 3 DAYS without drinkable water!  It could take more energy than is currently available to make Ocean Water drinkable!  

We awaken, in the past few days, with the Gulf of Mexico reaching for Tulsa, Oklahoma.  The wierd, backward folk who live there can "wash their butts" by walking around their houses.  The water is that high.  In the meantime, California is turning to dust!

Minor shifts in the Jet Stream, or the Prevailing Winds, and, Voila!, both people and crops face DEATH!

On a Planet covered by water -- we find virtually NONE of it is fit to drink!  Rich people, the world over are content to live in FILTH, while hoarding their $Billions!  Talk about FOOLS!!!

Stay Vigilant!  I'm sure some Western, "Wizard" has found new "Markets" in this mess!  We knew, since the 1960s that Technological Advances have been out-pacing Socioeconomic Advances.  The GAP is intolerably HUGE by now, and growing worse!  MONEY ain't the only thing the Top 1% is striving to get a "lock" on!  No more; GOP!  Please??

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