Sunday, November 30, 2014

COSBY/WILSON -- Strange Bed-Fellows??

The Power of MEDIA to DEVOUR

Those who court the "benefits" of MEDIA must also beware its WRATH??  No sooner than the O'Mara/McCollough Legal Trick was "sprung" upon us (aided and abetted by Guv'na Nixon); came the abrupt "Resignation" of Wilson.  His "moment" before the cameras was just one interview on ABC; but, it was  enough to "reveal" to anyone with a brain, who saw it, what "really" happened on that street in Ferguson, in August.  As for Cosby, its like the MEDIA has "backed-up" on him; like a leaky sewer?  These "leaks" are strange, and long-withheld; in that they reveal "old-stuff"  -- and does so in  drip-fashion,   Every-other day or so, we get another/ "surprising" claim of rape!

Both Cosby and Wilson have "escaped the clutches" of THE LAW; with the help of MEDIA.  Now both are being "burned" by MEDIA.  21st Century MEDIA may prove to be more damaging than nuclear weapons.  It depends on whose hands are "manipulating" it??  All  Social Media Junkies, who would  "kill" to be seen on line, had better pay attention --  remember the moth that flew too close to the flame??  Court it, at your peril!!  No Doubt, White America feels that it controls the MEDIA, but that "control group"  has too many "faces", and a very erratic "focus".

The MEDIA, over these past several weeks, has revealed several things about our white mind-set,  especially how it is easily, and quickly swayed by "viral-trends".  Not many of it's "positions" can be foretold. De Tocqville wrote in 1830, about American (U.S.) Whites:

"The men scattered over it" (U.S.) "are not, as in Europe, shoots of the same stock.  It is obvious that there are three naturally distinct, one might say hostile, races.  Education, law, origin, and external features too have raised almost insurmountable barriers between them; chance has brought them together on the same soil, but they have mixed without combining, and each follows a separate destiny.   Seeing what happens in the world, might one not say that the European is
 to men of
other races what man is to the animals?
He makes them serve his convenience, and when he cannot bend
them to his will he destroys them." 

Alexis DeTocqueville, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, ( pp 316-17)

This observation, made almost 200 years ago, rings true, as we struggle with white attidudes today.
We're witnessing an old, global, phenomenon; in the grip of a highly technological, and global, "communication" tool; manipulated by shallow minds with no regard for any history.

Stay Vigilant!  I'm sure we don't have to worry about the future of either Coaby or Wilson.  The Black guy has plenty of money, and, I'm sure, the same Hard Right interests who were so well served by this entire debacle, will "take care" of Wilson, as they "took care" of Palin.  Whites who are not true followers of  race-baiting Republicans, or the "Weird Right", in general, are the real "Losers".  They are being "Used and Abused" too!

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Saturday, November 29, 2014


The "Methods"

I'll always remember a television show on a Public Broadcast Stattion in Baltimore, in 1963.
It featured an old Native author, who, as a child experienced the "Indian Schools"  -- when U.S. Policy, carried out by Christian Missionaries, was to kidnap the children of Native Tribes and take the "Indian" out of them -- often by brutal means.  The point he left me with was the "Method" used by the "white-eyes" to ROB a culture of some feature Whites Valued.  They would teach the children of that culture to DEVALUE that feature, through denigration.  Once this practice took hold, the Whites would then claim that feature as their own.  This METHOD describes the technique used by Whites, then, and today, to USURP (for profit) the ownership of Music, Food Recipes, Clothing Styles, etc. (the list is endless), --after, first, "cleansing" it from those who  created it.  This method has continually worked among the Permanently Marginalized Groups described by DeTocqueville (Natives and Blacks), and, today,  is being applied to a Racial Group "Created" by Europeans -- The HISPANICs (formerly known as Creollas.

Outside of the Americas, the Europeans used a special "Divide-and-Conquer" method.  They woud study closely any racial, tribal, or religious tensions among the indigenous peoples, and move to  exploit them for both, profit, and to extend their rule.  The Europeans decided which groups were "Included" and which were not.  Borders were drawn in the Middle East and Africa, for these purposes.

From Ferguson, MO, to ISIS, these time-worn of European techniques have to be over-laid our current events to fully understand what is happening and what is likely to happen in our future.  The Profit Motive has only increased globally, as technologies drive the pace of Globalization.  Whether it's Taliban, ISIS, Boko-Haram,
or our own Hard-Right Groups with their Think-Tanks, working to take over the Government of the United States.  The activities and motives fit the ages-old TEMPLATE.  Ferguson also shows how a ("O'Mara/McCollough") NEW TEMPLATE, can selectively negate the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. This is prerequisite to the goal of a Neo-Con, Neo-Fascist group to place this nation firmly in the hands of  of certain whites.  They're emerging more and more into the open, under the rubric of opposing President Obama, and  "Regulation" by our Federal Government.  

Two recent events: the overturn by the Thomas-Roberts Supreme Court (Citizens United); of the 1907 Law preventing corporate funding of  politics 
and, the turn, away from our Industry-Based Economy (under Reagan), toward a FINANCE-based Economy.

What we see is the beginning of selective "cantonment" or  "Incarceration" for "Exploitation", of groups of people:  for their resources, labor, market-share, or, "whatever" the MONEY BOYS decide!  Whites who are not HARD Right, are either "Cowed" by Fear, or Propagandized to believe the Cops are always right.

Stay Vigilant!  We still have a Constitutional Government at the Federal Level -- at least for the next two years.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, November 28, 2014

deliberate "DENIAL" of "EQUAL PROTECTION" under LAW!

A "Challenged" Nation

Staring directly into the cameras, Darren Wilson, the Slayer of Michael Brown told the world how little regard he has for persons of color, and of the Constitution of the United States.  His only concern was for his own hide.  Released Evidence shows the extent to which the Governor of Missouri, was complicit with the Prosecutor, McCollough, and the entirety of government officials in the Saint Louis Area, to bring about what was clear Maniuplation, if not Conspiracy, designed to deny Justice for a Crime of Murder.  It also was constructed so as to  prevent a Trial, in which Justice could be pursued.

What O'Mara, and the State of Florida showed, through Media manipulation, as a successful way to sway a Jury and subvert a Fair Trial; McCollough and the Missouri gang took a step further, to make a Trial impossible!

All Citizens of the state of Missouri, and the United States of America are LOSERS in this chain of events.  This appears to be part and parcel of a national movement, echoed in the halls of our Congress, that uses FEAR and THREATS of Choas to Racially-Oppress a large geographic area containing African Americans.  The evidence is clear, and echoes rebound from many parts of the country.  Black parents, rightfully, have to fear for the lives of thier children.

This Nation is challeged: It must take a stand here, to preserve the Constitutional Protections of ALL citizens; or suffer a continuance of denial of those protections to others, whenever circumstances dictate.  Governor Nixon, a Democrat, joins forces with Governor Scott of Florida, a Republican,, and 20th century Governors, like  Wallace, Barnett, and Faubus.  The "Mississippi Sovereignty Commission", supported by the FBI, and Black Religious Leaders, comes to mind as a similar, state-level, "caper"!  We are witnessing Bi-Partisan Oppression in the RED States!

What to do?  Blacks, first and foremost, must accept the REALITY of their predicament, and no longer pretend they can PRAY it away! ; or, continue to participate in any popular deceptions that feed this sort of outcome.  MONEY, alone is not sufficient to attack this kind of problem.  It has been reported, that the Chinese Government, determined NOT to permit Democracy for Hong Kong, has designed a movement to "Infantalize" those who demonstrate for Democracy.  This is the REVERSE of the Patrimony, historically used to placate Blacks in the United States.  Infantalization seeks to reduce those striving for more freedom, to the status of Children, and makes their control by the State easier.  Blacks in the United States have been "infantalized" from their earliest days of Chattel Slavery.  Oprah, and Herman Cain, are examples of the inadequacy of riches as a remedy for Racism.  TRADE, however reaches beyond MONEY.  Blacks control $1T in spending power.  They can and should shape and direct that power to make it clear to states like Missouri that their CRAP will no longer be tolerated.  Only when Businesses, large and small, (especially Immigrant-owned Small businesses that prey upon Black Communities) suffer at their BOTTOM LINE, will they make common cause with the oppressed.  The Constitution Permits citizens to protect themselves in this way.  We are in a Globalized Economy now.  To continue to perpetuate the behaviors and beliefs of the past would be INSANE, for all involved.  There are other paths and relationships than can and should be pursued in order to find COMMON INTEREST.  THE LAW, as we have known it, has been proven indaequate by Missouri's Leaders.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014



The reports of numerous and large Public Demonstrations (Blacks, Whites, Other  Colors); from all Regions of the Country, provide the only "glimmer" of a "Possibility" that a new COMMUNITY can form that will save this nation from  Collapse and Chaos.

The murder of Michael Brown and the murder of Trayvon Martin keep us  aware that there has formed in this nation, in this new century, a massive leaning toward inflicting violent death, as a last resort, by those Whites who believe in Domination and Control at all cost.  They inhabit our Media, our Politics, our Police Forces, our Judicial System,  Gorvernorships, Mayoral posts, 
Religious and Educational Institutions.  They range from  active to passive in behavior; and those in the MEDIA often play on "many teams" drawn from a variety of national and international White Supremacists.  Political Party provides no clearer identification of these psersons than does Skin Color:  Racial Classifications; or Region of Origin  Tinderboxes like Ferguson exist in all parts of this country, and throughout the world

The Communication Technologies of the 21st Century are creating  similar mayhem in human interactions, to that of the Machine Gun in World War I.  The early 20th Century shocks that were experienced then, to Economic Systems, Political Systems, Health and Social Systems,  across the entire World, defined the 20th Century!!  The twin evils of  "24/7-Televised NEWS" and "Social MEDIA" have combined to present the tremendous 'dislocations" in human interaction that destroys family, community, religions, "cultures", and other forms of BONDING that permitted earlier societies to function successfully.  Some new, more effective ways of Bonding (Parent to Child; Child to Child; and Individual to Society) must be found.  Social Stability is fundamental to everything else.

Stay Vigilant!  What does RED/BLUE Mean? -- to YOU??  Is a steady diet of PROPAGANDA the ultimate weapon that destroys everything mankind has achieved??

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"CIVILIZED" Societies DO NOT "Justify" SLAUGHTER!!!

Same GAME : ROUND 2??

O'mara/Trayvon, in Florida, McCollough/Brown in Missouri.  Missouri "stepped up the game" eary-on.  The Governor of the state stepped in to shield a small, weak, "town", named Ferguson; throwing his ACE, a Black Trooper, in to calm the situation, and buy time.  The "High Noon" nature of the gunning-down in the street of an unarmed teenager, required TIME.  Time to gather the "facts" and fashion a credible (in their minds) story to 'fit the facts' they gathered.  Early indications of their intent were "leaks" to the Media of information, known only to the local Police, that prejudiced the Public in favor of the Killer Cop.  Visual Media made it unnecessary to mention the Race of the major participants in the Slaughter.  The incredible number of shots fired into an un-armed teenager, who was running away, said all there was to be said.  The murdered teen was then left in a pool of blood, lying in the street for several hours, unattended.  Animals get better treatment!  All of this was meant to send a message; but WHAT?; to WHOM?  Are O'Mara and McCollough Provocateurs for some larger Movement in this country?

It took more than 100 days of further "leaks" to a complicit MEDIA, before they were "prepared" to announce their answer to a greiving family seeking "Justice", and a very aroused Public, seeking clarification of many "questionable" events that followed the shooting.

During this interregnum, suspense mounted, and a complicit MEDIA served to exchange vital information, enabling a PROCESS, modified, controlled by Government Officials, and cloaked in secrecy.
The victim was denied, early-on any chance of "peer justice".  Instead, every effort and message was concocted to build prejudice within the Public, in favor of the Killer Cop.  Last night, well after dark, they dropped their "bomb" in the form of a speech by McCollough; Prosecutor and "Officer of the Law'.  He delivered a tortured description of their Secret, Grand Jury Procedure and the Findings that resulted.  Knowing well that there were only angry Teens in the streets, the Police waited until enough rage had built among the crowd, and the fires set were large enough to be "good video", before the Police moved in to "restore peace" and Firemen arrived to save, already totalled, businesses.  All the markings of a POLICE RIOT.

SHARED INTERESTS were ignored by just about every element of this Saga.  The Police claim they acted to protect the property of the small business owners.  The Small Business Owners were located in the Community, but obviously alienated from the Community, as were the Cops, and the Firemen.
Businesses in this country have to "get a grip" -- their long-term survival is threatened if the members of the Community return the same level of alienation, to a point where they STOP BUYING from them.  So far, members of the Community (Ministers, Social Groups) have not engaged the Business Community; preferring instead to deal with "Politicians".  They have not recognized that the life blood of the system is Business, and the sales of goods and services.   If Businesses, especially small businesses favored by minorities and immigrants, were ENGAGED in the community sufficiently to protect their business interests, NONE of the ABOVE could HAPPEN!!

Stay Vigilant!  Think About It -- a knee-jerk return to marching and preaching will FAIL.  Been there -- Done that!

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Monday, November 24, 2014


Missouri's "Waltz" toward INJUSTICE!

The Heinous Events in Ferguson, Mo, in August, were made absolutely Macabre, by the made-for-Media Presentation delivered by Attorney Bob McCollough tonight.  I watched his every move and facial expression as he delivered tortuured legal phrases to "Defend" a murdering Cop!
McCollough is a PROSECUTOR, but he "Defended" the Cop, while "Prosecuting" the slaughtered Teenager.  The SECRECY that was sporadically invoked throughout, made one understand why the KLAN in 2014 no longer needs white sheets to obacure their hand.  The warp of their minds was on display by McCollough for all to see.  I can't understand why any white citizen could feel "Safe" while being "served: by such a "Public Protector"!

From Governor Nixon, to Police on the streets, the TOTAL PROCESS was "staged", in minute detail to have maximum impact for those citizens who hunger for a Police State.

We are certainly a "Nation of Laws", that is undeniable!  Whose Laws?   Just, or Unjust Law??
Our Constitution prescribes "Due Process".  The PROCESS, carefully choreographed by State, County, and City elected Officials, was something not seen before; drawn out in minute detail over a period of  three months; SPECIFICALLY FOR TELEVISION coverage.  After promising to give their presentation during daylight hours, for purposes of Public Saftey; they waited until deep darkness (and were fifteen minuted late; starting to heighten the drama).  They knew in detail what "their audience" would be in the streets.  This type of incitement is more "scary" than the heavy military equipment they displayed in August.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't like your COMMUNITY?  CREATE YOUR OWN!   IT'S A "FREE" COUNTRY!! 

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BIG "HAPP'-nins" at "DEFENSE" -- and MO.!

Stormy Monday?

Hundred-plus days of anticipation from "Ferguson"; were met today with a surprise announcement of the resignation of Chuck Hagel (Secretary of Defense).  His Third Defense-Chief, for President Obama, is not that unusual, if we take a glance at the long list of Secretaries of Defense we've had since 1947; BUT, Eisenhower, the first President to serve a full term with the new Defense Department, left us with grave warnings against a Defense "Complex" in his Farewell Address in 1961.  Eisenhower had to nationalize the National Guard to protect the rights of black students in Arkansas.

Coming on the heels of heated threats from leaders of the Republican Party, warning President Obama of retaliation for his Executive Actions to adjust National Immigration Policy, it seems suspicious that the only remaining Republican in the President's Cabinet has precipitously "Resigned".  (It has just been announced that FERGUSON will "deliver" its "DECISION" within the next two hours).  The whole world is watching -- both!

When I was born, we didn't have a Defense Department -- we had a WAR Department, and a Deoartment of the Navy.  I was Commissioned to serve in the Systems Command of the United States Air Force, fifteen years after both, the Defense Department, and the U.S. Air Force, were created in 1947.  Also created in the 1947 Executive, were the CIA, the NSC, and the Joint-Chiefs of Staff, 

Under our Constitution, only Congress can declare War against foreign powers.  Since the formation of the Defense Department, Congress has NOT declared WAR!  We fought a Police Action in Korea, a  "Limited" military encounter under the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (later rescinded).
The other "Declared" wars were trumped up "Wars" by Presidents!  (Johnson, Nixon, and "W" Bush); --(War on Poverty, War on Drugs, and War on Terror0 respectively.  All of these "Wars" were "travesties" imposed on the Citizens of the United States!

During the past 6-Decades-and7-years, the Defense Department has grown to an organization so large, NOBODY has succeeded in managing it!  If Eisenhower complained, we can only wonder what all the Presidents, since, have encountered.  

President Kennedy, (who succeeded Eisenhower, for 1000 days)  gave us all an insight into difficulties he faced keeping the likes of General LeMay under his control.  I arrived, a 2nd Lt in the USAF, in the Washington D.C. area; mid-way of President Kennedy's 1000 days, and served there  mid-way through LBJ's 2000 days.  I departed that area as a Captain in theUSAF.  That period covered The Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy's Assassination, Malcolm X Assassination,  The Gulf Of Tonkin Incident,  the War on Poverty, the March on Washington for Civil Rights. and the March on the White House following the Burmingham Church Bombing.  The role played by the Defense Department in its lifetime has been  "problematic".  Military Adventures by Presidents; from Johnson to Cheney/Bush, have all served to enlarge the operations of the Department and make it more "unmanageable".

At the same time these organizations were formed, the U.S. Military was placed under Truman's Execuitve Order to racially integrate all of their operations.  Fifteen years later, the Military Services were still interrnally imbroiled in its efforts to comply with the Executive Order.  The"scars" of those difficulties are visible in on today's military, and on the many Defense Secretaries who were charged with its Management.  One of those former Defense Chiefs, Cheney (1402 days under President -Bush-41), in his role as Vice President of the United States, joined with Donald Rumsfeld, who RETURNED to that office, after serving 427 days under President (appointed) Gerald Ford.  Rumsfeld served 2158 days under Cheney/Bush, before being replaced under pressure, with Robert Gates, by "W". (All FACTS are a result of a Google Search and Wikipedia).

Stay Vigilant!  Sound like a "MESS"?  U BET!!  Only "Citizen's VOTES" can clean up the COMPLEX!  Are we ready for a NEW Reorganization of our National Security??

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

"WHITE-EYES" O' If Only TWO could be US!

Native Roots

For those of us born west of the Mississippi River (especially); and for many born to the East of that
Divide; our lineage (blood-lines) are European/Native/______; (fill in the blank)!.  Because of the bed-rock racist nature of our country, Whites do not recognize their "kin" if there is "one drop" of African, or Native blood mixed in.  For most "Blacks" the percentage of European blood may be much greater than the 50% President Obama has.  My percentage is European/Native/African, with the largest percentages belonging to Native and European blood lines.  Nevertheless, my total "branded" I.D. has been "Colored", "Black", "African-American"; or, whatever suits the fancy of those Whites who delight in "dictating our status".

My Native ancestors, I am told, referred to Europeans as "White-Eyes".  I'm sure they knew that their eyes weren't completely white, but they were, through nuance, stating that Europeans saw the world, and the non-white peoples of the world in a way that was unique to them.  

I thought I "KNEW" Whites, when I left Missouri in '59, but my twenty years in the Military blew that notion to HELL!  Not only the Whites, but All of the Non-whites, varied in distinct ways by where they were born and raised, and what proportion and variety of non-whites they were exposed to.  I met many Whites who never saw a Non-white person until they left home for the Military!
I met many Non-Whites who complied exactly with the views and attitudes of the Whites they were exposed to, in all ways; including the Identity (name) and view of themselves; enforced upon them by their Whites!  My experiences in meeting and talking with these people; and devising ways to escape the harm their views and attitudes produced, was worth many PhD's!

I was always fascinated by those Blacks who were deeply wedded to their State Identities, and to the prevailing prejudices of their State and Region.  Even when it was clear they were the BUTT of those views.  I found this to be, without exception, the curse of  Blacks from what I later came to describe as the Sewer States (below the Mason-Dixon Line).  When I left Missouri, I left behind their views of me, and their attitudes toward Blacks.  I was determined to avoid Military Assignments that would land me in an environment as bad or worse than Missouri.  I had no more respect for a Missouri White than they would demonstrate toward me.  President Obama should use this measuring stick in dealing with the CRUD in Congress that find themselves incapable of respecting him as a Human Being!  I have found that most of the people on this earth DEMAND basic respect as a Human Being!  I was surpprised at the number of non-whites in the United States that do not.  It is especially disheartening to see Black Millenials (many on T.V.) who bear that curse!

Stay Vigilant!  O' If Only Two Could Be Us; To See Ourselves as Others See Us!  -- and to Respond Appropriately.  Even Jesus demanded that much RESPECT!  TRY IT!! You might be amazed at how much your Life will IMPROVE!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

REPOOB "B.S.": "Secure Our Borders"

Hispanics (and the rest of us) are being Lied To!!

The Republicans say they want "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" AFTER they "secure" our "Borders".  HELL will freeze-over FIRST!  They think Immigrants are dumber than the Repoob "Base".  Anyone with an I.Q. above 10, who has seen a map of the 50 States, at least once, KNOWS how ridiculous that statement is.  Besides, what Republican wants to claim that General LeMay DID NOT "secure our borders" during the Cold War?  Must we continuously remind them that 9/11 happened ON THEIR WATCH; when "W" was supposed to be IN CHARGE??

We have States with Land Borders only; States with Land and Navigable-Water Borders; and States with Navigable-Water Borders only.  There are, by my count, 16 states with foreign exposure by navigable water; 7 statees by both land and navigable water; and 7 exposed only by land borders.
Of the total 30 states only TWO: Arizona and Texas, are the one's that are Bitchin' the loudest!
Does our Republican Congress intend to come up with a "border security" plan for these 30 states??
Don't bet your ass!! 

So, what is this Repoob Crap, Really, all about?  The borders the Repoob Crud is concerned about is their psycho-social borders that don't permit power sharing with ANYONE who ain't WHITE, and thinks like they think!!  Plain and Simple!  That explains McConnell and Boehner (both Ohio River Rats), all of the Sewer State Crud, and followers of  "reprobates", like of Stanford,  Brigham Young,
and  Fremont.  What we have here, is a pure STRUGGLE FOR POWER!!

Stay Vigilant!  Pull your heads out and PAY ATTENTION!  You're not likely to find answers to your problems in Social Media, OR on the Lame-Stream MEDIA.

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USA: in "Crisis" -- PARTICIPATION "Robbed"??

Why YOU Must Protest to SAVE our DEMOCRACY!!

Every Citizen who wishes to live in our "Participatory"  DEMOCRACY should be "in the streets" in protest over what is happening in Missouri and in our Congress in Washington.  What we're witnessing is the Military Arm of those who have sought, for decades, to whittle away the participation of select-Whites, while returning to the most egregious forms of past Opression for Non-Whites.

When Georgie Bush convinced us all to "Go Shopping", he robbed us of our Participation in the Healing of 9/11, while contributing to the CAMPAIGN of FEAR that has grown until, in 2014,   white citizens were convinced to voluntarily NOT PARTICIPATE in Voting!

The MOB that formed with the "Contract on America" and Newt Gengrich, grew into RED America, returning to Segregation tactics against select-Blacks, Deportation tactics against select-Hispanics,, and gradual impoverishment of Middle and Lower Class whites.  Don't believe, for an instant, that the Republicans did NOT KNOW what they were doing when they Destroyed our Economy in 2008 ("W" probably didn't know ... Cheney ran things).

The "Monkey-Wrench" (in their eyes)  was thrown into their plans with the Election of the Black Man with the Funny Name, as President, in 2008.  Leaders of their "KLAN", McConnell, Limbaugh,
Boehner, in the national Legislature, The Heritage, and other, "Think Tanks" for State House Governorships, and Old Reliable (Clarence Thomas) as the perpetual key to the Supreme Court, guaranteeing a passive "swing vote" of 5-4.  Their goal evidently was to build up from the "rabble" in the Sewer States; spread the RED out West in Governorships; unite with traditional anti-black Ethnics in the cities of the Middle West and Northeast to gain control of the Three Branches of our Federal Government, with the Presidency being the last step.  They even have their Post-Democracy "President" (Cruz) in place when they succeed, like the Nazis in Germany,  to eliminate elections!!

Why all of this? To Govern at a time when whites are no longer a majority in the United States!!  Until they get what they want, Government will be hampered at both the Legislative and Judicial Branches, and at as many Red Governorships they can amass at the State Level.

They do this by eleiminating PARTICIPATION first and foremost.  Why are tanks rolling in Missouri (a German-Catholic Bastion)?  Because only a select "elite" of racist whites have held sway in that state since its founding in 1821.  The Klan is the real  political party there.  Democrat or Republican governors have not strayed from the format.  That explains Jay Nixon ii 2014.  There is a cadre of Black participants (mostly Church Ministers) who have helped maintain this system.  I witnessed this, first hand, for the first 20 years of my life.  Clarence Thomas was "produced" by a  Senator representing Missouri.

Stay Vigilant!  The fight over Immigration will get UGLY!  Oppression for all non-whites; Black, Natives, Hispano, or Asian will be key to Republican Plans for "Governing" what is left of the United States, should they succeed in bringing about the kind of nation evnisioned by the likes of Cruz, Perry, McConnell, Jay Nixon, and similar CRUD leading this turn toward Neo-Naziism!  Social Media is NOT PARTICIPATION!  Learn how to get elected to office -- starting at the level of your Local School Board.  That's how the RED CRUD does it!!  At first -- you DON'T Participate; and then, you CAN'T Participate!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Thursday, November 20, 2014

"White POWER"?? or, WHITE "Backlash"??

The Answer may be Near??

More than 100 days, and counting, we await the "shoe" to drop in Missouri.  When I left there, in 1959, my Civil Rights activities had been participation in a  "walk-out" to boycott Black on Black racism in our school (white inspired), and protests against Jim Crow seating at our local theaters.  Civil Rights had not gone "national", and Civil Rights Protests around the country were still all- Black.

Ten years later, all HELL had broken loose across our country, President assassinated, Black Civil Rights Leaders assassinated, with evidence of Government involvement, and Riot in the streets.
What immediately set in, at the beginning of the 1970s, was called "White Backlash"!.  As I have written in these Blogs, I experienced those early days in the Military, following more than 10 years of our Defense Department's (brand new in 1948) struggles with President Truman's Executive Order to "Integrate".  My Master's Thesis, in 1972, documented the White-"Backlash" reactions to Integration, both in the Military and in our streets, and across our nation.  Education, and "Busing" was the first line of attack by Whites, and, over these past 45 years, has proven to be the most devastating to our nation as a whole, and to our non-white children, in particular.  Evidence: look at our jails today; and, the murder by black children of other black children in our streets.  White Administrators efforts of "Education" to "segregate, while integrating; under the same roof" has worked well for white interests.

Because Think Tanks, Lobbyists, and the Politicians owned by Lobbyists, often know things the rest of us don't; we're often MUSHROOMED as a national PUBLIC.  You know, the way mushrooms are grown: "kept in the dark and fed CRAP" (the alias, that is)!  Our post-Cold-War MEDIA has been perfectly suited for furthering the aims of these "white interests"

We see them on display, today, in Ferguson, and in the White House, where the First Black President is set to call the BLUFF of a political party that has been consumed by a FACTION.   That faction, driven by think tanks, has caused the general dysfunction, and sporadic non-function of our Federal Government.  The Faction is driven by it's total unwillingness and inability to GOVERN in cooperation with a President who is not white!  They have no concern for what happens to their country as a result.  This has been very minutely displayed by a large cast of "characters" over the past 6 years -- years 39-45 of the "Backlash"!!

What was thought to be a "Backlash" is far more sinister.  It can be visioned as a repeat of the period: 1840-1861)!  We could be  re-visiting the reign of President Polk, and its aftermath!  We're seeing the methodical take-over of our nation -- deviding it between Red and Blue states!  The former "Confederate States" have "metastasized" into RED States that are dedicated to thwart the Federal Government at every turn, while rendering ou Congress inoperative.  Our electorate, in a curious act on non-voting, has allowed the Faction to control Congress.  A Senator from one of the RED states, not known as a "radical", speaks openly of "armed rebellion"!

Stay Vigilant!  This story is still unfolding around us.  Are you "stirring" in your mushroom bed??

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

When Will BLACKS "Learn": how to "OWN" their MUSIC??

Sustain the WORLD, while "Losing" YOUR OWN??

The struggle that Taylor Swift and Garth Brooks are waging to "get control" of their "music", is something that many Black Artists have tried and failed to achieve -- for more than a century of trying!

From the days in the 1920s when and enterprising Black owner of a furniture store "gave away" 'records' in order to sell Victrolas, this saga, tragic and horrific, has been a tale of theft, murder, drug-hookin' and various forms of mayhem!

Just about EVERY KIND OF PERSON took part in raping OUR music -- from your run-of-the-mill Southern Red Neck, to large corporations.  Stories told by Ray Charles, Billie Holliday, and many others are Legend.  My favorite is the story told by "Pops", Louis Armstrong, who checked himself into jail to keep the Italian Mobsters from stealing his pay.  Every white immigrant (especially Jews) FOUND IT EASY to take their "slice" of the un-ending pie produced by Black Artists.

I am extremely fortunate to have been alive the past 75 years, along with all of these wonderful people -- many known to ALL -- and  many, many more known only to members of the "Black Community".  As Blacks abandon their "Community" in search of an elusive "Integration", the community, along with their Black Artists, continue to fade away.  I will always treasure my evening in Vegas with Duke Ellington.  During a very slow night in a Lounge in the Hilton, Duke and his Band were playing to a sparse crowd, and he visited my table at each break; autographing pictures of my kids.

The cruelest stroke  (worse then the Racist-Elvis!) came when the "Mop-Heads" arrived, and white kids escaped the clutch of their parents to get their hands on our "Race Music".  Nobody's World has been the same since.

Of course OUR MUSIC includes far more than "Rock and Roll" -- the Crackers even stole the name of the Genre!  Before the white kid's riotous obsession BEGAN --Black Kids, for more than a decade, danced to the original artists!  There's a "huge" Repertoire of Black Music: from Spirituals, to Rag-Time, and Jazz.  Most useful to the Black Community was the "social and personal" networking function provided by the music and the lyrics.

The Healing Powers of the Music are not recognized by blacks, or white; as much as they should be!- The "Preachers and the Church" have laid claim, and much more control than deserved.  I was shocked when I got to San Francisco in the late 50's and found Psychology was taught as a college course!  I was amused to learn the "White-Folk" went to Shrinks and paid large sums to get "treatments" we got from OUR MUSIC-- for FREE!

Stay Vigilant!   Some young, enterprising Black Child may, yet, learn how to bring Our Music HOME to a re-vitalized BLACK COMMUNITY!!   I also have a '78 of Charlie Parker, featuring Miles Davis! Miles signed the recording for me!   I can't count all of the wonderful black artists I was fortunate enough to see, hear "live";  and "party" with.  It is a shame that whites never learned how to properly value them before they PASSED ON.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Nixon's "Brain"

As more of our states turn RED, do we have to look forward to more STATES of (Imagined) EMERGENCY??  Where the HELL is the Fire, Guv/na??

The Citizens of this country, are not those referred to by the Repoobs as: "The American People" -- those ageing white people who voted in the Mid-Term and form the base of the Crack-Pots holed up in our House of Representatives.  The Citizens are the attacked.  The Repoobs are the Attackers!
Guv'na Nixon is clearly a Democrat version of the Repoobs.  He "imagines" a state of emergency and calls out the National Guard (his state Militia, really).  Most of us don't realize that Missouri is now a state under Martial Law??  The Rights of Free Citizens have been withdrawn by this "tiny" Dictator.

There HAS to be some LAW against this!! The CONSTITUTION, perhaps??  If there ain't, there sure oughta be!

Stay Vigilant!  Have you checked-out your Rights, (and your Guv'na) lately?  Wonder what kind of Federal AID Nixon is seeking from Obama?

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Are U a "Mercenary"??

When Little Georgie Bush was asked what we citizens could do to support the Iraq War, his answer was "Go Shopping".  By that action, he turned 99% of the citizens of this country into mindless MERCERNARIES!!  That's getying someone else to fight your battles; usually by paying them.
Those Master Mercernaries, the Conquistadores, did it the old fashioned way!  They negotiated a "percentage" of the new territory in exchange for "converting" any natives found there.  They "converted" at the point of a sword!  Far more died, than were converted!  

Later those "jobs" were "unbundled":  Soldiers did the fithting (Military); Missionaries did the converting; and the Mercenaries, were, at first, the people who paid for the military and the missionaries.  Now, the "mercernaries can be either those who only pay; or also those who take the pay to fight.

Today,  the world faces ISIS, or ISIL, upon a return to "Crusades"; again, a gift from Little Georgie Bush.

Europeans, who profitted mightily, since 1492, from the Conquering, the Enslavements, the Exterminations, and, later the Colonization of non-white peoples after 1492, are, today, having a "Devil" of a time getting other people to do their fighting.  The Christians from Europe (Catholics) now have TWO POPES on the job of holding down the "faithful".  Tough sledding!!

The real threat to the world is the contamination of Religion with Politics in the 21st Century.  Every single individual is involved, like-it, or not!  As warfare and violence become more "Democratized" under the effects of technological advances; Governments are moving toward  new styles of Coercion in the name of Democracy (Israel, Egypt, Russia, the U.S.(?) as examples).  The Muslim Religion is being singled out at a THREAT by Western MEDIA.  The poison of this "religicized" terrorism is spreading widely and rapidly.  Just as ideas are not eradicated by bullets; religions aren't "eradicated" by adopting this new form.  They simply turn sinister!  People lose their right to "choose" their religion -- and the right not to be "forced" in any way by the religion of others.  The sorry history of the African Continent, since the 1940s; when European Colonialism began to unravel, first in India, and then spread to Africa, can be traced to this evolution.
From Ebola, to the lack of clean water, U. S. and European "Interests", through local, highly-paid; Lackeys, are culpable for the current malignant state of AFRICA!

Our precious rights are disappearing slowly.  The Repoobs are the vanguard of this poison in the United States.  Complacency and Ignorance, outside of the South, where is has been cultivated for centuries, are the major "accelerants" of the phenomenon.

Stay Vigilant!  None of these important issues are as "black AND white" as Our MEDIA "paints" them!  Time to Beat our MEDIA into 21st Century "Plowshares"?? 

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Wherefore?? ... "SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE"

"Millenial" Change??
"Soldiers of Fortune":  we all have some notion of who these people are. -- from Christopher Columbus in 1492, to American G.I.s; who shucked their uniforms in Iraq for more money from Blackwater.  Their more altruistic brethren continued to fight and die for much less money. Our planet has always been plagued with this phenomenon!!   Most wars may never have been fought without them.  They come in all colors, and, hiustorically,  were almost exclusively male.  The original ones were white, poor, European males.  The "Overseers" who made the Slave Plantations work in the Americas and the Caribbean, were "soldiers of fortune". They were the ancestors of the "sludge" that controls the Sewer States in the Southern United States.

Today, we have Journalists, Missionaries, and many other types of males, and some females, who wander far from home, in search of fame and fortune.  A close look at the Ebola Volunteers may reveal a very sophisticated type of Soldier of Fortune; many of them women.  If they get caught, or, are infected, or, otherwise "fail"in their pursuit;  our MEDIA seems eager to paint them as "Humanitarians"!  Are we being duped?  What about those who do get rich, either in the medical fields, or in the burgeoning "security" industry?
What's an ambitious, poor, white male, from the Americas, or from Europe, to do, to get rich, in the 21st Century??  We've had a number of cases in our "NEWS" of people who fall short of their goals, but, others keep going into harm's way;  helping the MEDIA to grows richer from telling their stories (many of them appear  "fabricated").  Governments are involved; as payers of "ransom", as are NEWS Organizations, also.

Does this play into ISIS, or ISIL hands??  Is it not  clear, these days, WHO is "US", and WHO are "THEM"?  Are there cross-currents leading in several directions?  Are we being herded like sheep?
Is this the nature of "Crusades" or "Jihad" in the 21st Century??
Today, we're being told of Saudi links to 9/11!  Some soldiers of fortune may be seeking their reward "in their NEXT WORLD?  Technology makes astounding new things possible, I guess!.

Stay Vigilant!  Strain your Propaganda servings for "hidden" messages?

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Sunday, November 16, 2014


"BARBARIANS" at your gates
"Barbarians" OWNING your CONGRESS

It should be clear after the 2014 election, that severe structural changes have occurred in our Electoral System; without a Constitutional Convention.  The 21st Century MEDIA is the "forcing agent"  From the Trayvon Martin Trial to the Election of 2014, the MEDIA has been the "crucible" in which public thinking and  "outcomes" have been formed.  The most to be feared of outcomes, is the 2014 event, where the Hard-Right Barbarians (Republicans) used their MEDIA supplicants to convince two-thirds of the voting public to not participate  in the election!  That is the impact of their campaign of an unending variety of "boogeymen" to be feared.  They've even passed laws allowing white males to get away with murder if they can convince the public that they were "afraid"!

Compare this with the state of affairs in Gernamy in 1933, when the last free election was held there, before they lost their Democracy.  Since 1949, not one German election has seen less than 70% voter participation -- their peak participation was above 90%!  It seems the Germans know how to value a Democracy??

The Barbarians "ATTACK" -- they don't cooperate, consult, coordinate, consider, or compromise!
If it "Ain't broke, don't fix it"  they cry, while the sane ones among us do all we can to PROTECT our laws and our legal systems from their cynical attack, and corruption.  They have become experts at USING the LAW to BREAK the LAW!  They are attacking Internet Neutrality, because they fear Free Speech, like most Dictators around the world today.

Seeking "sensation" to attract "eyeballs", Media Talking Heads unashamedly insert their private OPINIONS, disguised as NEWS.  MEDIA has drifted to the RIGHT, while pretending to be UN-Biased!  They have found that FEAR, SUSPICION, and PARANOIA work wonders for their bottom lines.

No matter what he does, Republicans will investigate and attack the President, claiming some "illegality".  The disgraced Alberto Gonzales has been"resurfaced" ot support the "Illegality" claims against President Obama.  This same "tool" of Cheney/Bush supported the "legality" of torture in Iraq, before he was pushed out, in disgrace, as our Attorney General.  Marshmallow Candy expressed dismay this morning that thinking Hispanics and the President have grounds not to TRUST anything the Repoobs say at this point.

Villiagorosa, former May of LA was on with Gonzales.  He should have mentioned names like Sepulvada, Pico, and Vallejo, and the failure of  President Polk to extend legal protections to landowners after the United States laid claim to their lands.  Polk's utilization of thugs like Fremont is documented in 1846, a Year of Decision, by Bernard Devoto.  Arguments over "legality" have been numerous and endless in our history.  They have been used to hide humongous crimes.

Stay Vigilant!  President Obama is correct to go down in history DEFENDING our Constitution against this bunch!

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

"GOD" ; or, "JUNGLE" ?? "Community" or TRIBE??

CRUSADE -- Where Religion retreats to TRIBE??

Little Georgie Bush uttered the word "Crusade" in his  rant against Al Queda.  Despite some back-tracking, both sides of the Iraq issue have seen his utterance "pan out" -- yeilding  today's ISIS, or ISIL.  Ronnie Reagan was bombed out of Lebanon and retreated, taking on Grenada, and, soon after, Nicaraugua, Salvador , in Iran/Contra, and the run-up to Central America Drug Trafficing.

Propaganda in our MEDIA, helps to confuse the public, while the HARD-Liners hype fear of ISIS; manipulating the situation to their advantage.  They can thank Obama for getting our troops out of the way before this all-out Shi-ite/Sunni bloodbath started in earnest!  They won't thank Obama; of course.

This may explain, somewhat,  the Mid-Term Vote?  The "good" whites did not vote, because they were "confused", scared, or "pissed-off!!.  The Tribal whites came out to vote??  White Supremacy was, evrywhere, the stealth issue on the ballots.  It also can explain why the Ferguson manipulators, chose mid-November as the earliest date for releasing their "decision"; whether or not to indict their killer-cop.  We got video footage this morning of what his backers were doing with him; within moments after the shooting.

Science and Technology play peculiar roles here, also.   "Science" is again under attack by Religion, at a time when  average, ignorant, whites "worship" Technology (for which they have little functioning knowlege or skills).  They "make up"  their rationale as they go along; whipping their curious religious views into their politics, to create Scientism!  Pope Too has his hands full with this.

Alas, for Poor Non-White citizens! (especially the women); they  won't fare well.  They will not question their blind belief in the Religion that was taught to their ancestors, by whites, under force of the lash.  The blindness they exhibit, seems primal.  This provides comfort to those Tribal whites in the Sewer States, and helps, as they take steps to "tighten the screws"; stifling  the ability of non-whites to vote, or to become citizens.  They don't realize that prosperous groups, voluntarily-limit their family sizes -- prompting a continuing decline in birth rates.

We see whites in this country, and around the world, preaching their Religion, while practicing their Tribalism.  To see where Religion, Tribe, and Politics are united, consider Syria.   Tribalism reigns among whites in the United States, owing to their warring ethnic roots in Europe; their practice of using Religion as a weapon of warfare; and their addiction to employing Eugenics in multiple forms

 I have owned my home in four states,  and lived in white neighborhoods, altogether,  in eight states.  I was shocked to witness the inability and/or unwillingness of whites to live like a "community" among their own!    Because Black, "communities are not like that, we often can't recognize the difference,; expecting whites to agree with  us about"community".  This also explains why our Congress will NEVER allow non-white immigration to this country at rates that exceed the attrition rate of that immigrant group.  We don't understand the "math" that lies behind "immigration" and/or "abortion".  Non-whites around the world should not be fooled by the new, "kinder/gentler" Catholic Church, advocated by Pope Too.  I don't KNOW what it will take to wake up Black Women in the Sewer States, and stop the predestined paths that black children are doomed to take!

Stay Vigilant!  Brace yourself for the "Ferguson" Round!  "2016" will arrive sooner that we think??

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Friday, November 14, 2014

"CRACKERS in a BOX"?? Both, in MO, and in CONGRESS?

Repoob Quandary??

Railing in the MEDIA, from Congress and the Missouri State House, Cracker Leadership (both Parties) is jeering and shouting threats, while they try desperately to figure out how to "get it right" -- how to steer a path in their fight against Non-Whites (Blacks and Mexicans) without "pissin'-off" those whites who are not CRACKERS!

Who are the CRACKERS??  We saw them paraded in the Republican Primaries in 2012.  Huntsman, finding his stomach turning in their presence, distanced himself from them.  They are those whites who voted Rebuplican in the Mid-Terms in Pavlovian Response to the conditioning from Mitch and his Gang, Ted Cruz, and Rush Limbaugh (Karl Rove is still a "player" but members like Palin, and Trump have crowded him out of the limelight.  Crackers cannot "integrate", and oppose, on sight, any non-white that does not "Obey" them!

When I was a kid in Missouri, and the KLAN marched at night, Blacks met them at the Railroad Tracks with guns, and they backed-off!  Its not clear what it will take before they desist in their attempts bring Gestapo tactics to city streets and to cripple the Executive Branch of our Government. They fear a return to their earlier attacks on our economy, such as Shut-Downs.  Black Youth today, in MO, and elsewhere, have much more powerful, and non-violent, tools for combatting this CRUD that is now posing as MODERATE Republicans.  

Obama is calling their bluff on Immigration, it appears, and the spineless Demos in Congress are in a tizzy.  The twin runs at Obama over the Pipeline (both Dem and Repoobs from Louisiana) are pathetic and pitiful!  The Repoob threats also contain the "Impeach" option.  John and Mitch are looking more and more impotent every day.  They're really afraid of what they will face when they eventually take control of Congtess in January.

I learned in my 1970s studies at UNM that Congress was overwhelmed by the task of governing  a 300M+ population with the antiquated tools and methods they were using.  Example: they knew in 1970 that a doctor from one of the Sewer States had taken an old chicken-coop, converted it into an "old-folks-home" and billed the government more than $1M in one year under Medicaid.  Congress did nothing to stop Medicare Fraud in the South; allowing it to grow to the monstrous proportions I found on Miami Beach when I lived in Miami.  Congress began, in 1970, Legislating in Theme-Only, and invading the Executive Branch through their Lobbyists.  Obama sits atop an Executive Branch that is riddled by Congress.  The Defense and State Departments are the most egregious cases.

Repoobs have driven all of this since the Gengrich Invasion of 1994.  The ran "open-loop" during the Cheney/Bush years.  Remember Denny Hastert and Tom Delay?  Where do you think Boehner learned his tactics?

Quandary:  How to not "step on it" in the next two years, while making the National Voters see them as anything BUT the Right-Wing Nuts they are!

Stay Vigilant!  What is your strategy for combatting CRACKERS??

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

TRUST: "Gone"?? : FEAR: "In Charge"?? Welcome to REPOOB-LAND!!

Democrats seem to be in a "rush" as they turn their Butts to the conquering Cracker-Repoobs.
Landrieu (a "near-beer", if you look closely) is busy making her coming loss "pyrric"; with the help of her "scare-d-cat" Demos!  The Cracker-Right, led by Guv'na Nixon of Mighty MO, is shaking their fists at would-be Demonstrators, as they prepare for the finale of thier Grand Jury Farce.

The list of things the Cracker-Right have at their disposal to continuously "Scare-Hell" out of our fellow white citizens, is extremely long: Ferguson, ISUS, Ebola, black Voters, Obama, "Mexicans"-on-the Border,and, the "Guv-a-ment" they're trying to CONQUER.  Makes you wonder if any whites get to sleep at night!

As our money drains down, and Demand shrinks, the Repoobs have been spectaculary successful at using FEAR to destroy TRUST.  It should be expected that they will continue to utilize FEAR as their major instrument as they asume POWER!!  They started with 9-11, and have made great headway, as they terrorize the publicin through Off-Year elections; as they continue to lose Presidential Elections.

If they can continue to keep the average white voter "Cowed", they might have a chance to win the Presidency in 2016??  How's Ted Cruz lookin' to ya' right-about-now??
The "Report Card" delivered on November 4, continues to reveal startling facts about the electorate in the United States.  It seems to be weary; generally "pissed-off"; and highly suceptible to the "mind-f---" the Repoobs employ so adeptly -- from Rush Limbaugh to Mitch McConnell.  Never mind that none of it  is TRUE!  White voters are disparaged (by their "own"); at a time when our economy shows every sign of recovery, from the Repoob Meltdown of 2008; EXCEPT for the fact that the poorly educated, and unskilled in our country cannot participate!!  Racism has kept the average white person believing that those categories only apply to Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans.  With the rapid decline of the white "Middle-Class", they're learning that this belief, along with the rest of their steady diet of PROPAGANDA, leaves them "High and Dry".  Non-whites have the entire world, available for "networking";  since so many whites deliberately choose NOT to "INTEGRATE" or SHARE POWER across Color Lines.
Stay Vigilant!  "Wooden Nickles"? -- ANYONE??

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

JACK MA: "NEMESIS" for "Cracker-Capitalism"?? What's In "Store" for Non-Whites around the World?

Happy Veteran's Day
As a Retired-Colonel, Decorated and Awarded for achievements in Military Aircraft, Nuclear Testing, and High Energy Laser Programs; I found this morning's televised interview with Jack Ma, Founder  of Alibaba, "ground-breaking".  Reviewing my Drucker Notes from the mid-1980s, I heard things said in the interview that indicated profound changes ahead for Economic Models now pursued across our planet.  

China has experienced periods of wealth development along its Pacific Coast several times in its history.  Each time before, it failed to migrate the improvements in wealth into its interior.  From what I heard Jack Ma say this morning, This Time, it May Be Different !  Ma's focus is, first, on China; but, eventually for his customers -- World-Wide.   There seems to be no limit as to "products" he embraces.  He is backed by China's State-Capitalism.   Putin embraces the same concept, but OIL is his "One-Trick Pony".  That explains why he has to "Bully" Europe.

"Cracker Capitalism" came upon us in 1989, the year the Soviet Union collapsed.  That is when the FINANCIAL BOYS, over-threw our Industrial Model of Capitalism, and began the "scorched-earth", Conquistador-Chattel-Slave-Model of economics we see practiced today.  Rolling, successive, ever-larger, "Bubbles" that collapse: - Ruining more and more people's lives.  The Mid-Year Election has set us up of yet another of these.  The Cracker-Capitalists have no concern for Communities, Tribes, Races, or Religions.  They skillfully play on all of these, but, are interested only in the Law of the Jungle/Winner-Take-All kinds of outcomes.  No single individual, or company, of any size, is safe from its grasp.  They desperately need to conquer the government of the United States to provide them a base for at least one of them to "Conquer" the planet.  Who will benefit?  Only the Top Dog:  the one left standing after all "Competition" is vanquished.  By acquiescing to the HARD RIGHT in  November; the "shallow" citizens of the U.S.  have opened the door to this kind of outcome.  Examine the Republicans' ACTIONS; their words are mere PROPAGANDA!  Their "Talking Heads" are carefully placed throughout our print and televised MEDIA.

Jack Ma (Alibaba) envisions a totally different world, with a polar-opposite outcome:  one where the customer comes first/shareholder, last!   The customer's happiness is the new road to economic success??  Nothing can be more foreign to European Values, or the BEHAVIOR of the "darlings": of our domestic economy.

Stay Vigilant!  If Ma's version of Entrepreneurialism catches on among non-white citizens of this planet; Europe's time-worn tricks of bringing in MISSIONARIES (Pope-Too?) --  may no longer work!  Look at what mayhem was sown in Uganda, when HARD RIGHT misionaries fromdiffering parts of the .U.S, swept into UGANDDA,  setting the Ugandas tostrife, including murder, against each other over Homosexuality!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, November 10, 2014


"Delusion" or. "The Cycle"??

As I re-read: W.E.B. DuBois Critiques Booker T. Washington;
it appears we are entering a third "cycle" of an "old process".  He wrote in 1903, looking back to 1619.  We read in 2014, after a devastating national election in which our white citizens declared to the world (either by their vote, or their abstention) their support for those same practices that have prevailed in this country since its founding in 1776.

Founded as a nation by white males who were rich and Protestant, the United States was set as a "preserve" where similar whites were privileged under a Constitution.  Black Slaves, present in what was to become the new nation, for more than 150 years,  were designated to be 3/5 of a human being.  All others were, in various ways excluded from the full protection of their Constitution: white males who were not Protestant, Jews, Women; the Native Peoples were mentioned as "Indian Tribes", over which Congress would have power to "Regulate Commerce".

Our struggles under the Constitution, for the past two hundred and twenty-five years, have been struggles by groups that were originally "not included" under the protections of the Constitution. 

DeTocqueville, visited and toured the United States in 1830; originally interested in our Prison System; that we use today for "Weekend Entertainment" on our T.V., and "profits" on Wall Street. His published work Democracy in America, noted peculiarities about our nation that included how it "worked" to govern itself.  He noted that Blacks were designated to be "worked to death" in servitude, "condemned in the womb"; and "Indians" were designated for extermination.  History has shown persistent attempts to pursue that course.  Along the way, there was a Civil War between those whites who did not own slaves, and resented  unfair economic competition, and those whites who risked all, to preserve their "way of life".  That struggle still persists, as the "losers" of the Civil War spread their "Way of Life' across the nation, by turning States RED, under the banner of the Republican Party.

Included in their "Way of Life" is a peculiar type of Christianity that sacntions religious violence and hatreds, re-segregation and suppression of Blacks, and the special type of poverty that persists below the Mason-Dixon Line.  The current movement is a recurrence of a "cycle" that began in 1867; was defeated in 1965, and has been running anew, in Backlash, since then.

Read the DuBois Critique and you will see that Black Americans are in their third cycle in their struggles.  They may now recognize it, because they see a "Black" President, roundly rejected by white voters, before their God and the whole World.  Wealth, accumulated by Blacks, and lost to white "confiscation through government" is what is "cycled"

The first cycle occurred before the Civil War, then again, after the defeat of Jim Crow, and now, under a Republican take-over of "Government" that pretends loudly to hold "Government" in comtempt!  This cycle hold a special, 2014, violence against Blacks that resides inside our "Justice" system.

Voter suppression, then, and now, "Education" their control and oversight, then and now, and Black Conservative "tools" who assist the whites in their confiscation of non-white wealth, then and now, are all revealed in the 1903 Critique.

Stay Vigilant!  Ferret out TRUTH!

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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Can NON-WHITE(s) and the POOR "SURVIVE"??

Look to the "ol South (USA)??

Looks like the Hitlerian Tactic of the "BIG LIE" Worked ! -- for the GOP!!  They did Hitler's boys one better, using our most techologically-sophisticated Propaganda Media, and their Big Lie, Wrapped in Non-White Skin Color.  The Non-whites and Liberals did not vote their usual numbers;  only the White Supremacist fringe --37%--VOTED.  Those are some of the facts surrounding the  U.S. Version of voting away Democracy!  A recent survey, aired by Fareed Zacharia this morning, shows that citizens of the U.S. rank second in the world as MOST IGNORANT!  Only ITALY (that figures?) outranks us on that scale.  The Mid-Term Election results underscore that finding.

Only the most ignorant, most racist, and strongest believers in White Supremacy made up the 37% that voted.  The remainder were disgusted by the relentless campaign to paint Obama as "Boogey-man"! It has been waged, by the Republicans, for 6 years; in myriad ways.  Voters either stayed home in disgust; or, in fear!  In the case of  Democrat voters, they decided not to Vote because, some may have thought, Obama was really a closet Republican??

The 63% ABDICATION of the voting process by the U.S. electorate, puts the Republicans right where they want to be -- IN CHARGE of both the Congress and the Supreme Court!.--  a most retograde, and economically disastrous condition for all Citizens -- except for those who can afford to escape!  Poor whites and Blacks in the Old Deep South have not been able to escape in nearly 400 years!.  Take a cursory tour through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana today, and you'll see what their kind of grinding poverty produces.  Even those Blacks with money, are heavily proscripted by whites, in ways that limit their spending power.

Ben Franklin, James Madison, Lord Byron, all warned of the fate of IGNORANT Societies.  We will be no exception!

Hispanics are especially vulnerable; because of IMMIGRATION!  Only the blindest of the blind can't see that this Congress will NEVER give them what they want!  If they push Obama in ways that delay or block Executive action, it will be at their PERIL.  Their only hope is an Executive Order.  The Emancipation Proclamation by President Lincoln was an EXECUTIVE ORDER!

In order for the Euro-American Economic Model to survive, in the global marketplace; Global Serfdom must return!  As things sit now, the Europeans have turned the United States into their COLONY!   We fight, and pay for Wars that benefit them.  We allow our Banks to take from our Poor and Non-whites, in the U.S., and provide those funds only to White Male Bankers and Hedge-Fund Boys.  Banks launder Dirty Money (including the Vatican Bank, reportedly) for use by Hedge Funders!!

Stay Vigilant!  This RED-TIDE cam only be stopped at the LEGISLATURE(s) in your State Government!

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Saturday, November 8, 2014

"GONE" (girl)?? ... the REAL "Lesson" from the Mid-Term "Vote"???

As I See It

The Real Message from the MId-Terms came yesterday, when the "Supremes" dropped the "Other s
shoe"??  The Cracke -Right still "OWNS" Clarence Thomas; and they plan to use him for the final blow against Women and Gays.  Mitch and John can continue to BLATHER on, and DO nothing! They know Obama won't let them take the actions they want to take CONGRESS!  Their REAL goal is to make 2016 "safe" for Jeb Bush (the "good" GOP), while fencing off "Terrible Ted Cruz", the Heritage wing-nut of the GOP.  The supreme Court is set to "scuttle" Obama's signature achievement, the ACA (Obamacare).  In the process, they will also take another swing at Gay Marriage?  Blacks are well on their way BACK to the world of  "Booker-T".   The Poor; whites, and others, can "suck-it-up"!  Remember Moynihan??
White Women, performed as predicted.  White Southern Opposition to Civil Rights, in the 1960s in Congress (were LBJ, along with his side-kick in Skull-duggery, J. Edgar, "complicit"). slipped "women" into Civil Rights legislation, as a "minority";  knowing that, when the time came, white women would defer to their whiteness over their gender.  Women can't be a minority!  Nature determined that!

We saw the first stage of this in the early 1980s. when Mad Ronnie cowed white women into submission over the ERA.  Except for "Wacko's", such as Michelle Bachmann, and Joni Ernst, there's not sufficient  "testosterone" among white women, to matter.  Non-white women are "up sh*t creek", for depending on white women to lead them to victory over Racism.

 Barack Obama's election in 2008, and Coakley's loss in the Massachusetts Governor's Race this year, show that ANY male (including a Black Male) is preferred over Women; for positions or real power!  The vote in 2014 (especially the "WHITE-SUPREMACIST vote) echoed that sentiment.  Mitch and John will continue to blow hard to get Obama to NOT USE the power that white presidents have used!  If the Supreme Court decides to send Obamacare back to this Congress, there is precious little Obama can do about that.  Those who would lose their healthcare, however,  should be ENRAGED!!

The Supeme Court is the "Girl that brung the Repoobs to the Dance" in 2000.  They may be the final instrument in paving the way for Jeb Bush in 2016.  Corporate Power is what the Mid-Terms provided; to replace our Democracy.  Whites aim to DOMINATE the growing Global Economy.  The Cracker-Element  here at home will be in charge of "Over-sseing" what is left of our National Economy.  The Poor and others who cannot reach the 1%, will be the new slaves.

As for IMMIGRATION:  Immigrants today, are the wrong color!  Allowing them to enter this country will hasten the day when white numbers fall too low to manage at home.  Expect NOTHING of substance from the Republicans for Immigration Reform -- Now, or Ever!.  Sorry, the Mid-Terms were very important; as we warned they would be!

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Friday, November 7, 2014

OBAMA v. "MITCH and BOEHNER"?? What do the next 2 Years "Portend"??

Who Does "John" think he' s KIDDING?

Who out there still thinks our "WELL" is NOT POISONED, already??  Mitch and the Ditch (Ohio River runs between) Gang, poisoned the minds of the elctorate, riding on RACE; beginning in 2008!  Are the next two years their "end game", are they readying us for the ascendancy ot "Terrible Teddy from Texas"??

The Financial Market may have a thing or two to say about that, I suppose.  It opened DOWN this morning -- I guess the hangover has worn off, and the "partiers" are now learning who they have been sleeping with?

The "Girl" that "brung us" to this Dance, thus far; has been the FEDERAL RESERVE!  That was because the Congress of the United States would NOT do its JOB, and take their Responsibility to tend to the FISCAL Policy of this country!  Do we really think, it will do so now; after the Crackers among our voting population managed to catch the rest of the voters sleeping while they took over the entire CONGRESS??

Does anyone think they will step up to that Responsibiity, and FIX our TAX CODE, Now??
Better check out what you've been drinking, if you do.

Obama is on the right track; as the economic data of the past 6 years clearly show.  Never mind that the Crackers who voted on Tuesday can't spell Fiscal; nevertheless tell anyone what it means!  Such may be the sorry state of "Education" for everybody in the Ditch (Sewer) States? ?  They're busy bringing their hatreds and poverty to YOUR State!! (RED, anyone?)

Obama has both Putin and Netanyahu "on the run", despite their sympathizers among the Republicans.  He would be a fool to let up now.  The Closet-Crackers among the Democrat Party Members have to be ferreted out and exposed to the public!  Why did the Millenials NOT VOTE?
Are they way ahead of the old, white Crackers who made up the majority of the electorate on Tuesday?   Are they on an entirely, hich-tech, "lilly-pad" that focuses on intellectual property rather than RACE and RELIGION??  Do they know best the economic trends ahead, both in our national economy AND the global economy? Does TV generation versus Mobile Media generation say it all?  

Where was the so-called SMART MONEY??  Was it TRUMPED by Dirty Money, or Religious and Racist Money?  

Pay no attention to the Black "Talking Heads" in our Media.   They are scripted, and paid by white bosses!  "Ditch" Bosses have operated on this principle for centuries.  Where do you think the NFL learned its Management Practices? How do the Republicans choose their Blacks and Browns?

Stay Vigilant!  Tend to your MONEY, and hope Obama keeps a "firm hand on the wheel".  His Course of Actions defines our present economic well-being.

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Thursday, November 6, 2014


Will Man-Kind "Survive"??

"america" spoke on Tuesday, November 4, 2014!!  It rendered the following "verdict" : WHITE SKIN MUST PREVAIL;  at all cost!

OBAMA is considered to be GUILTY! -- for not changing the color of his skin!  The part of him that is white, evidently, did not produce the results a significant portion of our white voting public desired.

MEDIA (Right, Left, and a small, but vastly differentiated Center) is "Piling ON" Obama in the aftermath of the Mid-Term Elections, with contorted, confusing, and conflicting, "Messages"!  It's amazing how many reasons they cough up to hide their personal aversion to Skin Color.  Quiet Social Distance, is no longer sufficient in these days of Ebola, Ferguson, and ISIS.  Most of us have been confused; ALL of us are scared of the future!  What used to be "manageable at home" is "unmanageable" abroad.  Crackers have undermined our President, State Department, and Intelligence Community, as a result of their 6-year campaign, led by Mitch McConnell.

Any person, either gender, of any color, other than Black, would have garnered much more Respect, Appreciation, and Honor for what Obama has accomplished.  Instead, the heinous Crackers who did all the damage to our lives and our economy, have been Rewarded for their actions, and are poised to take credit for the amazing accomplishments of President Obama.

Why??;  because the Crackers in his own party, and many Black citizens, failed to support his Herculean efforts to save our way of life. Some, like Justice Thomas, worked with the Tea Party to bring him down!

We can no longer pretend that we are champions of  Justice, or, Democracy!
What we're witnessing is not Democracy -- it is some version of the Naziism of Germany, eighty years ago.  Mitch and his Ditch Gang were brilliant in their design of this "Coup", however; they have managed to appear as "Moderates" by installing the Lunatic, Ted Cruz, as the new definition of Far Right!

Stay Vigilant!  This will be much more than a Bumpy Night as we proceed into the 21st Century.
The now universal, tendency to loathe all things and people with the smallest touch of Black Africa, began 2500 years ago with the SUPRESSION of  Black Pharoahs in Egypt.  Read Montesquieu!!

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