Thursday, March 31, 2016

BLACKS: (want your) "FREEDOM"?? ... then, "GO" (for it)!!

It won't "FIND" you!

 In my work with Minority Youth, and in Programs designed to help them; the most difficult thing I learned to understand was their "difficulty" with leaving the, so-called,  comforts of the environment they were born into; to search for a better life!  Often, it was fear of loneliness; pain of separation from family and friends; letting go of the "familiar" in exchange for the "unknown"; or some combination of things.

The small percentage that succeeds in graduating from a four-year college program, often faced being lured back into the same squalor, violence, and discrimination they wanted to escape.  From that first day at the age of 17, or later, when they decided to "leave"; a path  (sentier) began to unfold, that would continue its formation until their last breath is drawn.  It takes courage, dedication, drive, and doggedness to stay on that path, as it unfolds, with each,, unseen, step!

Contacts made along the way have defined my life, since that day in 1959, when I shook the dust of Missouri, permanently, off my feet; and set out to find my sentier.!   I learned that everyone I thought to be a Friend, often was NOT!  Likewise, everyone I thought to be an Enemy, often was NOT!  The speed and clarity with which I learned what was True in my relationships, determined the amount of benefit or damage that occurred.  Ending bad relationships, always hard, takes steel, and some talent (you learn that as you go).

Stay Vigilant!  GO WEST!!  Even these many years later, I find that Blacks and other non-Whites fare better in that part of the United States that lies to the West of the Mississippi River.  North of the Mason-Dixon, is a given, for Blacks, as discovered by Millions who migrated during the days of World War II, and thereafter.  It gets easier as you "GO"!!  Avoid Slums and Ghettos, and similar places that are set aside by Whites who Govern; with the assistance of the Real Estate Industry.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

REPUBLICANS: (BEYOND) ugly; (approaching) EVIL??

The "FACE" of Overthrow; 2016??

UGLY, were the KatzenJammers (McCain and Graham); even, The Ditch Boys (Boehner and McConnell -- from opposite sides of the Ohio River).  EVIL, appears now, threatening a stealthy Overthrow of the United States Government by FORCE, and, the secrecy of the Ballot Box!  

Raw, naked FORCE can be found in highly developed Societies on our Planet, only in WAR, and in SPORTS;  both of which, have a few Rules to LIMIT its excesses.  It has reappeared on our Planet in the 21st Century, posing as seemingly "normal" events, like Political Campaigns.  It ranges from most brutal oppression's (Assad of Syria), to less obvious ones in Israel and the West Bank, and, Territorial Grabs under cover of Ethnic Conflict (Crimea).

In the United States, the Malignant Right succeeded to steadily take over Legislatures within several States, because average Citizens pay little or no attention to the behind-the-scenes operations of their Local Government.  Think Tanks, like Heritage, have led this movement (DeMint, ALEC).  Ted CRUZ operated within the House of Representatives, from his position within the Senate, to undermine Boehner; precipitating  his Resignation, and the Rise of Ryan.  The House of Representatives has proven to be the KEY to their Movement!  Our Government has been "hamstrung" by their efforts.

Now comes the Brass Knuckles tactics of TRUMP and his Backers.  Their MOB brutality is committed with the aid and comfort of our incredibly INCOMPETENT MEDIA!!  No one can know how this combination of tactics will "play out"!!

Stay Vigilant!  Comfortable in their personal views of RACE, the majority of our citizens have slept while these forces were busily working to get rid of the Checks and Balances which lie at the heart of our Constitution.  Cheney famously lamented that the "Constitution" should not become a "Suicide Pact"!  Representative Government is under attack in the United States!  We should borrow the behavior of Paul Revere, and "tell your friends"??  CLEAN (out) the HOUSE in 2016!!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Non-Whites just don't GET it??

Think about it, folks! A group of tired, old, wrinkled, white, Rock Stars, deplaned last week in CUBA; on a Mission to introduce "Rock and Roll"; stolen from Blacks in the United States, to (mostly) Blacks  in CUBA, (more than six decades "late")!!  If that don't sum up major economic  quandaries that non-Whites face, across this planet ; I guess nothing can.

As too many Black Musicians have learned over the past 60 years, there is a racial divide, both culturally, and financially, in the "Music Business".  It has been there since the days of Rag-Time, and Scott Joplin, actually, but that would be too back in History, for most of today's "thinkers" to go.  I remember a scene in some film, in which Sting explained to one of the Marsalis Artists how "Markets" belong to Whites!

TRUMP and CRUZ have White Voters "bent around their axles" over Political Correctness.  They define that malady as not being allowed by "Government" to use whatever languange they choose, to speak about whomever they choose; "however" they choose!!  Blacks and other Non-Whites are drawn in to that Tabloid "mouth-off", and fail to recognize that Economic Issues are where they should be focusing their brainpower.  No Politician can solve that issue for them; and no Politician, currently running, expresses much interest in the issue. 

Owning a successful business can be a path to Wealth; but not without a full understanding of how Markets work, and, a secure path to Funding!  Too many non-whites lack both!  It has often been true that Non-white Entrepreneurs give away their creative spark, or idea, in search of Funding -- and wind up with Neither!

Stay Vigilant!  These principles apply to All Business Ventures.  "Business Operations"  have been described as WAR!  Just as in War, a healthy Paranoia serves Business Owners well!

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Monday, March 28, 2016


Actions "betray" an UGLY FUTURE??

I followed my big Sister, WEST, to the Bay Area, in 1959.  She RESTS there, in perpetuity, in a nice spot where she can watch sunsets over the Golden Gate!  I found, in 1960, a San Francisco dedicated to Proving that it was NOT; like Southern California, dominated by John Birchers, and the likes of Barry Goldwater!!

San Francisco, in 1960, struggled to overthrow Segregated Housing.  In 2016, we find the City dominated by young White Male Supremacists; who are busily re-segregating it's housing, under the processes of "Gentrification"!!

I was a young, Black, Air Force Officer in the days of "I Dream of Jeannie", a slick propaganda piece for a racist, in those days, NASA.  This show came in the wake of Sputnik; when our Congress established Engineering Schools that were segregated to favor of white males.  They called the National Defense Education Act .  Because of that bit of  "dirty work" by Congress, I was forced to select Physics as my course of Study.  It worked out much better for me, in the long run!

I traveled back to the Bay Area many times, between 1960 and 1982, enforcing contracts with Silicon Valley Companies.  I witnessed the development of that phenomenon!  It was much more egalitarian in those days than it is today!  Like their legislation establishing the Multinational Corporation in the early 1970s; Congress sowed the seeds for multiple atrocities we have witnessed since.

Stay Vigilant!  Russia, Germany, and other European Countries have shown the world the immense damage that can be created when Advanced Technologies rest in the hands of people of questionable Morals!

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

for EASTER; choose REASON!! Not, "Religio-Racism"!!

Where Religion has GONE WRONG??

Belatedly, in Europe, Religious Leaders are coming forth to Speak against the tide of Religiously-driven Hate that is rising throughout our World.  Religious Leaders in the United States are muted, or drowned-out by our Hyena--driven Media.

Although the founding groups of, what is now, the United States of America came here in pursuit of Religious Freedom, the Nation they designed, failed to encompass a view of Humanity that crossed racial and economic class lines.  That flaw, has festered for years.  It has already produced a bloody Civil War, and threatens to do so again.  Political Leaders on our Extreme Right have captured one of our Two Major Parties, and threaten to collapse our Nation into a Racially-driven Bloodbath!  News from Brussels indicates that Nation is similarly headed.  The World has ignored the Belgian in our History, from the Congo ("Heart of Darkness"), to the U.N. "handling" of Rwanda.

Our Founders were reputed to have been such "Men of Reason"!!  The past seven years of Republican "Reason"; led by the likes of McConnell and Boehner, have demonstrated to the entire World their disdain for "Reason"!   Nativism reign, here; fanned by CRUZ and TRUMP,  The Republican Party has banned REASON; as evidenced by its treatment of Kasich.

Those who cling most fervently to their Religions have the World Stage and take great delight in their
conviction that the "End Times" have arrived.  Leaders like Putin, Netanyahu, Assad, and, we can now add TRUMP and CRUZ, seem convinced that conditions are ripe for their view of the Newest World-Order.  It is one, they hope, in which they can achieve the goals they espouse.

Stay Vigilant!   "If you can keep your head, when others are losing theirs, and blaming it on you" (apologies ot Kipling); we just MIGHT have a chance of saving the United States from the fate of Syria!

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

(racial) INTEGRITY?? ... BERNIE? Or, ..HILLARY(??)

a NATION at the (racial) BREAKING POINT??
White Males are "hunkering-down"  behind the REPOOB version of the old Republican Party, as their front-runners battle over which white "first lady" should replace Michelle.  Even whites in the South know that Michelle, (or, her Mother, for that matter) are eminently better Models for what it means to be a "Woman", in the USA today!!

White America seems to be approaching a racial "nervous break-down"!!  We are eight months away from the CHOICE!!  Will Whties choose the "Mad Man", or the "Megalomaniac"?? Which one is the greater threat to THEIR Security?

"Hamilton"; the rage on Broadway (tickets at $2K); features young white "pretenders to POWER" in the late 1700s, who refuse to "throw away their SHOT"!!  It was not uncommon, though, at that time, to "hide" their "DROP" (of black blood, that is).  My Generation had Carter Woodson and others to protect us from mass ignorance in these matters.  Cracker Historians kept alive the custom of denying facts that expose the questionable racial roots of early Americans.  It would be interesting to see if some enterprising non-white will seize upon the President Guerrero parallel, that took place in Mexico, thirty years or so later. and

The most famous "white", studied during my early school days was Plessy, who was "busted" by Taney's SCOTUS.  In these days of DNA it is much more difficult for Whites to continue the Lies they have lived concerning their racial roots.

Stay Vigilant!  Could it be that the Nation will "flip" toward Majority Black, just as the 1990 Census "flipped", in an instant, the percentage of "Hispanics" we have living here.  (They had been hiding out as "whites" for centuries).  Is this what the Repoobs in our Congress really fear??  There is NO integrity on this subject among Republicans!! Among Democrats, Bernie seems to have the Integrity, while Hillary (clinging to the immense confusion on these matters, among Minority Women), continues Bubba's "triangulation"!  Looking for a SIGN?  Check out Bernie and the "little birdie"!
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Friday, March 25, 2016

REPOOB "Cat-Fight"??

"Dust-Bin"? "Looney-Bin"?  BOTH??

Should the World need more evidence of the fact that the Republican Party is not "fit-to LEAD"; the latest "News" from the Campaign Trail features CRUZ and TRUMP sparring over whose Wife is
better!!  Better for WHAT;  (they don't say)!!  I can't imagine either one as First Lady (how, quaint) of the United States of America!  Can YOU??

Miss America? (anyone)?  "Tabloidism" is a "word" that could be used to describe the process in which American Journalism was destroyed: following Watergate.

The Republican Party went to the Sewer States, in the Nixon-Era, in search of a new "Base"!  What they found was, indeed, base !!  Blended with the dregs of the Urban Ethnics of the North, their new-found (base) Base is an embarrassment to the Nation; and to what remains of their Party!

Stay Vigilant!  As their front-runners continue to "dog" each deeper into the gutter, the Republicans give us all a better chance to WAKE; the HELL, UP!! 

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

can EUROPE "Integrate"; (like the USA) ??

NO!, because EUROPE is headquarters for Global "White Hierarchy"!!

Hiding in Plain Sight is the FACT of White Supremacy, and its role in World Affairs.
Colonialism and Slavery in the Americas gave root to the Virulent Right Wing Politics that has grown-up among Oligarchs in Latin America; and, among the descendants of  "Overseer Class" and wealthy Investors in the Slave Trade.  Europe took the reins after our Civil War, spreading their Colonies into Black Africa (more economical to enslave Africans where they were born, I guess).  The rise of Industrialism during the JIM CROW period, developed a segment of White Male Americans who gave rise to Hitler and his Evils (Henry Ford, is best known).  Just as White Males in the U.S. were proud to announce that they "Don't Dance"; we've learned from the likes of TRUMP, CRUZ, and Dylaan Roof, that they "Don't Integrate" that much, either!!  Females are another topic, altogether (all colors)!!  They have their own, unique, form of Slavery to contend with.  Bogardus (, showed us the Hierarchy for Whites inside the USA; all of whom fall below Whites with British Accents, today (in MEDIA, for example)!

Given a golden opportunity to Leave the Color Line behind them, in the 20th Century, White Males, in the Internet Age, have fashioned a new form of Jim Crow, instead.  We can see it plainly in Silicon Valley, circa 2016.  As a participant in the formation of Silicon Valley, I know, first hand, that the generation of White Males, there, in the Sixties, Seventies, and early Eighties, were much more egalitarian than what we see there today.  Contrast Shultz of Starbucks, with Cook of Apple, for example.  My daughter was a founding member of a highly successful Silicon Valley Start-Up in the Eighties; yet there are virtually no Black Females present within most of those companies, today.

Finding Spritual Brotherhood with Indian Talent (from India, that is); Silicon Valley has veered off in that direction; as, have the most Virulent Forms of Republican Politics (Guv'nas Jindal and Haley, for example).  "Integration" in the USA "works", if at all, because of persons like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, and scores of others who are sufficiently "compliant" with the dictates of Right Wing Conservatism.

TRUMP and CRUZ are "ringing all bells" to bring out the absolute worst in Whites for the 2016 Election.  We might be surprised by the numbers of non-Whites who. also, will vote for them!  

Stay Vigilant!  The Enemies of Democratic Forms of Government; from ISIL and others in the Middle East, to Far Right and Far Left Factions throughout the Americas have to be countered by ALL OF US, if they are to be defeated.  Our Virulent Right is playing their game in ways that will increase their strength.  FEAR is the common currency they use.  Racism causes us to make the mistake we made in the case of the Boston Bombing -- because our eyes told us the Tsarnaevs were "White", they were accepted, and not suspected to be the Terrorists we found them to be!  Our attitudes about Immigration may be "upside down"!

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

the CHOICE is "Clarified"

TRUMP, or CRUZ: either way; Repoobs "Lose"??

They must expect that a significant portion of U.S. Citizens, who are "certifiable"; are hiding that fact very well!! Otherwise, CRUZ and TRUMP must be under the influence of some psychodelic "Kool-Aid", convincing them that "Patrolling Muslim Neighborhoods" and "Water-Boarding" are winning Campaign Themes that will appeal to these Voters and to bring them to the POLLS in November!  They purport to follow the Israelis, and their "Profiling" tactics.

It is disgusting that both of these Reprobates seize upon the tragic carnage in Brussels, to promote their chillingly Dictatorial Agendas!!  TRUMP's "numbers" reveal that more American Citizens are opposed to our Democratic Republic than our National Image reveals.  Perhaps; they're just too stupid to realize that, if Constitutional Rights are taken away from their target populations; they would lose their's, also?

Stay Vigilant!  After witnessing the stellar outcomes of President Obama's State Visits to Cuba and Argentina; Ted Cruz, should be ashamed of the positions he puts forward!!  His campaign raises questions about his character; ever as much as Trump's Vulgarity and Mob pandering!  Marco knifed Jeb; taking them both out of the Race.  Now, Jeb endorses CRUZ!!  Go figure!!

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

r we ALL "Lab-RATS"??

"Mis-Educate" for Political Control??

In his Address to the Cuban People, in Havana, this morning (Raoul Castro attended); President Obama told us that DEMOCRACY draws it's strength from the People, while its Enemies draw their strength from the STATE.  In the United States, we have to recognize that MONEY, Institutions, and Public Policy are the primary weapons used by our Democracy's  Enemies!

We were founded as a Republic; not, so much as a Democracy!  We've been fighting for hundreds of years to achieve a Democracy that works well for the Poor, and for non-White "Minorities".  Democracy, throughout the Americas, has been threatened by Institutions, like the Catholic Church; by Public Policies of Slavery and Segregation; and by Discrimination, enforced by big MONEY!

Since 1954, Whites, in the USA, who abhor Democracy, have acted to "dumb-down" and restrict access to our Educational System; to a point that threatens the National Security of our Country!!  Case in Point:  Since 1954, it is more difficult to find citizens who understand that we are a Republic, much more than a Democracy; or, that the STATE, in the USA, unlike most other places, is NOT the Federal Government!!  We have Divided Government; between FederalGovernment, and 50 separate States. We also have Separated Powers (Judicial, Executive, and Legislative).  Enemies of Democracy in the USA in 2016, use the Legislative Powers in the Separate States and in the Federal Government, to poison the efficient functioning of our entire nation!  Driven by national Think Tanks, their goal is to move our Poor and Minorities back into a permanent "Lab-Rat" status -- perpetually in the service of BIG MONEY, which ultimately, will be controlled by a handful  of WHITE MALES!!

"Education" has devolved to skills-based TRAINING; for citizen LAB-RATS!!  MEDIA is specially adapted to reinforce our mis-education, while making us all comfortable within our new, de-based, status.  Hopefully, the Cuban People, who heard President Obama's Address this morning realize this!! GOD-knows, the Voters who lean or stampede toward TRUMP and CRUZ, the two Authoritarian (Dictatorial) Candidates offered by the Republican Party, either DO NOT, or, Don't Care!!

Stay Vigilant!  Minorities, especially, and Women (all colors) must take careful steps to make sure they are not helping their Enemies entrap them!! 

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Monday, March 21, 2016


"SPRING" is here ..

Our White MEDIA (do not include Al-Jazeera, or Amy Goodman's "Democracy Now") has flocked to Cuba, to record the first visit of a sitting American President, in the past 88 years!
It is easy to spot White MEDIA -- they're the ones with the Racist Camera-Persons, who "spot" non-whites for "negative" stories, and only the "fairest-skinned" for "positive stories".  The Lead is usually a female, like Andrea Mitchell, who manages to appear conveniently blind, also, to her Propaganda Value.

Like it or not, there ARE Cubans who are darker-skinned than President Obama (or, Raul Castro, for that matter).  You can bet, U.S. Media will not visit their homes, any more than you find them comfortably in the homes of U.S. citizens who are not white!

We really need a "Spring" for all dark-skinned citizens of the Americas who are trapped in the Ancient Skin-Color Curse that Montesquieu and Thomas Jefferson trace back to AFRICA; to places where Christianity was kept alive, following the death of Christ!  In places like Ethiopia, Eritrea, Carthage, and Egypt.  Romans did not "pick up" the Religion until more than 400 years after the death of Christ.

TRUMP and CRUZ are set to oppose the Liberation and Independence of Non-whites -- at all costs, it seems!!  Unfortunately, Millennials who are non-white, play into the hands of these Reprobates, by choosing Emotion, instead of Rationality to combat them!

Stay Vigilant!  Our Planet seems to be drifting toward reorganization into CANTONs of differing, though like-minded, individuals; seeking their own definitions of Safety, Sanitation, and Sanity! Thanks to Internet Technologies, this movement toward the atomization of peoples and cultures may mark the future.  We choose CHAOS, rather than give up the ancient divide between those light-skinned enough to claim white status, and those who are not!!  The World seems to prefer a future like that faced by the Dominican Republic; locked on an Island with Haiti; and in a deadly Civil War based on skin color!!

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Is CRUZ "white-enough" for WHITE Voters??

What will CUBA tell us??

Today, President Obama, with his Family, and a large entourage of Congressional Representatives, and Trade-Seekers, travels to CUBA for a 3-day trip.  HISTORIC!  I came of age with the Bay of Pigs. Too much blood has flowed, in the wake of events that came with the overthrow of Cuba's Dictator, Batista!  Those Cubanswho profited under Batista fled to Florida to escape Castro's Jails!, As I witnessed during my time in residence in Miami (2003-2005), Batista's Dream of acceptance as "White", remains strong among Cubans in the United States!!  Repoobs were eager to hold out that promise to them, for nefarious reasons!  History will tell us whether their Darker Brethren, imprisoned on the Island by the Castro's, and the U.S. Embargo, will begin to see better days that are no longer marked by Racial and Economic discrimination!!  Master Marco has not fared well as Terrible Teddy. That could be, because Ted is a few shades lighter, and much more Authoritarian (Dictatorial) in his Policies?  The Mormons seem to like Ted.  Is there a market for tins of  Batista's white face powder??

The World seems to be in a Lull; poised for the outcome of TRUMP-Mania in the United States.  Putin has unilaterally withdrawn troops for Syria; and taken, instead, to the MEDIA, to let the World know what HE thinks of TRUMP!  Strange "doings"!!

"Bernie" slogs on in his quest to reach the Pacific Coast and Electoral Gold.  The Repoobs are cracking-up into more pieces than  we can count.  A Busted and Broke-Down Convention looms ahead for them.  What's WRONG with Kasich?? He is legitimately "white" (the last time I took a close look)!  Why do Repoobs find HIM almost as unacceptable as MEXICANS??

Stay Vigilant!  With the entire World "gone-Crazy" (even Netanyahu seems to be "layin'-low"); just about ANYTHING could happen!  REGISTER, AND VOTE (Y'all)!!  Study (closely) the events of the past 8 years -- THEN, select your candidate!

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Friday, March 18, 2016

Are we "Addicted" to FALSE PROMISES??

"tell me PRETTY Lies" ??

In a country like the USA, we find "canyons" that outline our deep divisions!  They include RACE and POVERTY, fundamentally, and, run-deep, across our land! 

Other divisions, like GENDER and SEXUAL Orientation, also exist as "pocket-canyons"; buried deeply within  each separate "world" these canyons create.   Long-standing biases, that feed Tribal and Racial roots define our great Institutions:  We have used Institutions (the Church, the Justice System, our Educational Institutions, etc.),  to sustain and propagate these demented mind-sets, while, as  individuals,we've become convinced that we have moved beyond them.

NOW comes along, a couple of skillful Demagogues who can speak directly to our buried prejudices.  Technological Advances also arrive in time to allow maximum projection of their talents, as they both appeal to the worst that is within us -- all the while, promising to feed the GREED that drives the Privileged, and, the White Poor!  We're living in the midst of this Social Dynamite, "Living on Lies!!

We are stupid enough to believe that all we have to do is expose the Lies, to fix our problems!  TRUMP, and CRUZ know that TRUTH, like TRUST, are dead , in this country!  They were killed by Nixon and LBJ!   Reagan, the Bushes, and "Bubba" Clinton, have systematically "milked" us, along the way.  Our Public Administrators, since 1974, and  our Public Institutions (Schools, Churches, Courts, Police Forces) are especially instrumental in extending this condition throughout our Nation.

Blacks and other non-whites have always paid TAXES, like everyone else; and, they continue to believe in the False Promise that they will receive equal benefits from their Taxation!
They NEVER get it! except in cases where it is too difficult to separate benefits by Race (National Defense, for example). We see the results of this in Congressional Hearings examining the actions of Governor Snyder of Michigan.  Republicans have been busily installing Political Leaders like Snyder and Walker of Wisconsin, for years!  In America, you know where the Poor and Non-Whites live; that's where the paved roads stop, there are no traffic lights, no public transportation, etc.  As the numbers of white voters decline, White Republicans increase their efforts to turn the USA toward Apartheid, so recently paramount in South Africa!

Stay Vigilant!  Whites must realize that their water can be poisoned by Republicans, too!  If we're all fools; enough to allow TRUMP or CRUZ to get their demented minds in control of this Country; NOBODY will "win"!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

McConnell "protects" TRUMP's "Chance to Choose" ??

The More we see; the UGLIER it all looks!!

Yesterday yielded some answers:  Rubio is "history"; TRUMP is now in a "slug-fest" with CRUZ for the fealty of our Great Unwashed!!  OHIO came through, and Kasich lives on as the only sane candidate running for the nomination of what used to be our Republican Party.  "The People", according to Republicans, are those living in or near the Appalachians!  "American Taliban"??

McConnell's (Senate Majority Leader) reaction to the Nominee chosen, today,  by President Obama to replace Antonin Scalia, is unprecedented in American History!  SCOTUS Nominees have faced rough sledding before, but, NEVER have we seen a total shutdown of the Senate's Constitutional Duties in the Nominating Process for SCOTUS Judges!  McConnell, as, what is appearing more and more to be The Grand Kleagle, of a 21st Century KKK Party, declares "The People" must decide!!  TRUMP and CRUZ are chasing unique sub-sets of what Republicans regard as "Their People".   CRUZ followers cover their Hate, with Religion!  TRUMP followers revel in letting their Hate "hang-Out"!!What we all can see and hear from their People, is downright disgusting!!  Repoobs are in active pursuit of our RABBLE!  We all know that TRUMP makes the decisions for that bunch!

Speaking of CHOICEs, the looming "Open" Republican Convention, in July;  will clearly be a place where even these scurrilous Repoob "choosers" (voters), may be shunted aside by the Elites of the Republican Party.  Republicans speak with "forked tongues"!!  They seek Dictatorship, in one form or another!

Stay Vigilant!  The road, for all of us, just got longer.  Ninety days to the Repoob "Downey-Brook" in July; then, another four months to Election Day.  Even if you're hiding under a rock, somewhere, you HAVE to get involved in this!! It's your chance to participate in something really "Historic"!!

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

on the IDEs ... in 2016

...The United States faces internal Terror!

Today, my top five BLOGs feature ANIMAL FARM (10Mar); hidden internal MONSTERs (13Mar); WHITEs, on rampage (12Mar),  our BANK's, and their treatment of Blacks and Non-Whites (14Mar) and, the question of whether OHIO can "Save Us" (29Feb)!  Today, all eyes are on Ohio, because, Master Rubio may prove unable to hold on to his Home State of Florida!

What is causing all of this?  The threat of two White-Supremacist, Authoritarian, professionally disruptive, Candidates on the FAR RIGHT of the Republican Party!! Both seek to bring Dictatorship to the United States of America; as they trample on our Constitution!

Are the American Voters capable of withstanding the threat these Republicans pose??  The entire WORLD wants to know the answer to that question!  We may get a glimpse of that answer by the end of this DAY!!

The Republican Party has labored long, and with fine detail, to bring about this state of affairs.  The most obvious has been their seven-year campaign to infiltrate our Congress (both Houses), and our Courts (SCOTUS and the Federal Benches) with their poisonous ideologies.  Today, Archie Bunker America tries its hand, at re staging the French Revolution!   That Revolution erupted at the time our Constitution came to life!

Stay Vigilant!  In my late years, I do not have the time to see fully the outcome of these events, should OHIO (our "Center"??) -- NOT HOLD!

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Monday, March 14, 2016

do ("Black") BANKs matter??

Once Upon a Time; there was a "Freedman's Bank"!!

What happened to it?  In short: JIM CROW, and the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags that worked to destroy that Bank; and, steal the assets of the Freed Slaves.  Their long-term goal was to make non-whites in the United States, permanently dependent upon Whites for their money, in forms of pay, and, for all forms of banking services.  As was the case with my Grandfather, and many other small businessmen in the early 1900's; the Banks "appropriated" their funds, at will.  Until this day, People of Color are poorly served, if at all, by our Banks, throughout the Country, and, Non-Whites are, as a result, most disproportionately DEPENDENT on Whites for their income.  Over time, Blacks, and other non-whites developed habits of SPENDING their money.  Grandpa made me aware of the fact that in my home-town, everything most Blacks owned were either worn, ingested, or, otherwise consumed.

Many of them "traded" with Gram-Pa, when they needed Credit, but, did not when they had Cash to Spend!

"The White Man's Ice is Colder", was one of his expressions.
In the Global Economy; any group of people who do not control their access to wealth, will be left behind!

Poor and  Lower Class White Citizens of this Country may be following TRUMP and CRUZ because they expect those guys to provide them access to wealth, through extraordinary means; Authoritarian, or, UnConstitutional Means!!  It is hard to see how they can become successful participants in a Global Economy, otherwise.

Stay Vigilant!  MEDIA is "consumed" with the Social Aspects of TRUMP and CRUZ.  They ignore the Economic Hopes of those hordes who flock in their wake.  Religion can serve as a Mask, for both!  Financial Ignorance is rampant in this Country; even among the "Highly Educated"!!

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Is the MONSTER "Loose" ??

from TRUMAN to TRUMP: this "Monster" has a LONG-TAIL??

Maybe we will have to look all the way back to the contested election that produced Rutherford B. Hayes, and the betrayal of Abraham Lincoln's prayerful speech at Gettysburg??  Because we have an intense dislike for any History that may not betray White People as Angels, we have set ourselves up for the Monstrous Devils that have remained in the "shadows" controlling all of our daily lives.  We simply won't see what we don't want to see!  It makes the job of our Incompetent and Greedy MEDIA even easier!

Don't get me wrong, TRUMP is the spoiled 2-year-old, "Bart Simpson", MESSENGER for the Bad Guys!  Check out Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics, by Weiler and Hetherington!

Starting in the 1870's, we find Lincoln assassinated, a deeply divided electorate, warfare between the two Parties, and we got Hayes and JIM CROW as a result.  Fast-forward to the late 1940's; we find the Beloved FDR dead, Truman wrapping up the loose ends of World War II, and a USA that has an "open-door" to Nazi Immigrants.  Growing up in a KKK family (my Aunt worked for them, until she found the Klan Robes), and familiar with Organized Crime that backed the KKK (our Baath Party-equivalent?); Truman had a "belly-full" of the damages Segregation had caused to our Military and our Society.  His Civil Rights program was met with vicious Republican opposition and he was hounded out of office, in favor of the "aversively-racist" Eisenhower.  Eisenhower's Vice-President, Richard Nixon joined openly in support of the rising Republican McCarthy Movement.  Borrowing the tactics and strength of the McCarthy Movement was J.Edgar Hoover.  His power grew, after the Bay of Pigs; keeping him in office until his death in 1972, and, in control under Johnson, Nixon, and the Congresses of that time (through Blackmail)!  Bad Stuff happened during that time:  Assassination of President Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin L. King, and Atty General Robert Kennedy.  Mayor Daly in Chicago, a Democrat, worked to provide Nixon's "Law and Order" platform that had brought us to our School-to-Prison Industries of today.  Throw in Ford, (Hoover's "stooge") on the Kerner Commission, Reagan, the Bushes (and Cheney) -- and you wind up with the HUGELY "Pisssed-off" Voters we have today!

Stay Vigilant!  As Governments weaken around the world; Global Crime Syndicates grow in power!  It is well documented that Organized Crime was "friendly" with J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI.  The FBI supported the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, and ran COINTELPRO!  BBC, and many other MEDIA sources report on TRUMP's connection to Organized Crime.  CRUZ, another Authoritarian; is reportedly ready to "launch" this news at the right time!   The MONSTER AT HOME may be much larger and more real than any from abroad??

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

What Do WHITEs "Want"??

A "Privileged" People turn toward "Self-Destruction"??

TRUMP clearly has no intention; to "let-up", or "back-off"!!  The more he gets away with, the more he pushes the assumed "limits".  When will those among us who think we're still "sane"; rise up and put a stop to this madness?  Don't expect the MEDIA to do it for us!  The MEDIA is handsomely paid for "doing it" TO us!!

Do Whites realize that Global Economies are here to stay??  Do they think TRUMP followers have the skills to make us competitive in a Global Economy?  Are they at all likely to DEVELOP those skills??  I see no path to GREATNESS, there!!

Do Whites (TRUMP, CRUZ, rubio, and most of the other Repoobs speak ONLY to Whites, about the rest of us), expect our TECHNOLOGY, in the hands of stupid people, will work Miracles??

It appears that Whites are looking for someone to Surrender!  Who?  Other Whites?  All of the world's non-whites?  All of the world's non-Christian Religions?

The sing-song, repetitive, Rant that Trump utters; is so familiar by now, that his followers can "sing-along"!  Why do they need to gather in such large numbers, in Public?  Do they want the rest of us to see who they are; what they look like; how they act??  Are we witnessing a diseased Mind, linking, in Public, with similarly diseased Minds?

The mature, providential, and wise leadership that steered this country through Depression and World Wars; leaving us and the wider White World with wealth and security; clearly, has disappeared!  They left us a Nation that could only be destroyed from within!!  Trump and Cruz have developed, since the days Nixon first discovered his "Silent Majority"; into the perfect instruments that can cause our internal Collapse!!

Stay Vigilant!  Whites might just wake up and realize what non-Whites have had to contend with in this Country, for hundreds of years!  History will not be kind to a Political Party that meticulously devised methods to destroy its Country; while in search of POWER!  Have we moved beyond "Conversation"!!

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Friday, March 11, 2016

TRUMP/carson: "Pud'n-Head" chooses "Bi-Polar" ...(??)

... instead of "Scorched-Earth"(?)
"Pud'n Head" was Mark Twain's name for those Southern Blacks who seemed to lack "Mother-Witt"!
Trained, expertly, by Southern Whites, for Centuries, these characters (Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, "9-9-9"; are some recent examples) have been carefully placed in our lives by sleazy politicians to insure that people who have historically been "marginalized", remain that way!  Daddy Bush placed Clarence on SCOTUS to make sure that an intelligent Justice who is Black and Proud to Be so, would NEVER again get an opportunity to influence the way Whites distribute Justice in the United States.  We were warned, on T.V., by Justice Marshall about this; but Blacks paid little or no attention!

Trump, should he win the Presidency, will have his own, resident "Tom" inside the Executive Branch, to assist other Extreme Right-Wing politicians to "Govern"  the rest of us!  Remember, Condi; after admitting she knew about the airplanes headed for those Towers in New York, before the event; managed to magically remove all accountability from Cheney and "W'; for allowing it to happen!

The Psychological and Emotional State that produces people like these, is termed, Stockholm Syndrome.  It also explains the Sonderkommandos;   These Jews assisted Nazi Death Camp Operators in the extermination of fellow Jews.  Extreme Times produce Extreme Human Beings!  Formal "Education" does NOT protect us from individuals like these!  Condi counseled us all to "Get Over It!!
There are far too many parallels with the 1930s in Europe, for these Republican Election Campaigns to NOT be recognized as following some kind of Script!!  The American People are, and probably have been, for decades, under PSYOP attack by the Right Wing!

Stay Vigilant!  The cherub-faced butcher who murdered 9 Blacks in Church in South Carolina benefited  from two facets of  this social sickness: (1) the Murder of Black Leadership; and (2) immediate "forgiveness" by People who have been conditioned to refrain from any type of Righteous Anger!!  Truth and Reconciliation (for Blacks, primarily) is yet another variant of this kind of Tool for supporting White Supremacy!

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

ANIMAL FARM: where the PIGS "Rule" (??)

FAT Pigs; SKINNY Pigs, or, BOTH (??)

THIS TIME, its "different" ... that "sense" prevailed, as President Obama held his Press Conference with Canada's Premier Trudeau, this morning.  You might get the impression that
Canada's new Leader was hastening to get as much accomplished as possible while the United States still had a President who was not from the "funny farm"!  The Front-Runner for the Presidency, from the Republican Party appears regularly on Television as a Hooligan inciting a street brawl.

Obviously, the Educational System (K through Graduate School), in the United States, in spite of spending untold Billions of Dollars "educating" our population, has failed, miserably, to produce citizenry who understand how Civil Societies function, and how Democratic Government works!

Many, if not most American school-children were assigned to read Animal Farm, published in 1945 by George Orwell to satirize the Russian Revolution, and the rise of Stalin.  Using barn-yard animals as main characters, the book was taken as a "children"s book.  Misapplied, and poorly taught, most children who read the book, remember it only vaguely, as adults, and are puzzled by its meaning.

Pigs; ever the symbol of GREED, were the controlling characters.  That symbology is everlasting, it seems.   As the United States faces the stark possibility of being led by a couple of men who have
obvious mental and emotional difficulties; there is finger-pointing and denial in every sector of our Society, as we seek someone to BLAME, other than our own GREED, Ignorance, and Racist Proclivities.

Ronald Reagan gets my vote for this unique outcome, because he "invented" the SKINNY PIG -- the low-class, and no-class, Racist White, also known as "Archie Bunkers" who became the Reagan Democrats!  Joining the Bull Connor and KKK groups in the Former Confederate States, these mostly Northern White Ethnics became convinced by "Ronnie" that they were entitled to membership in the Morning in America, because of their stand against Civil Rights!  Even though they were as "Poor as Job's Turkey" they hitched up their britches and moved right in!  Shabbily treated by the Elites who were "in charge" in Morning in America; this bunch has become "Fed-up", and ready to return to the Anarchy of the mid-19th Century.

Stay Vigilant!  This Year's Election requires "Come to Jesus" Sour-Searching for every White American, whether or NOT they are supporters of either TRUMP or CRUZ.  We'll know on the 15th (the Ides of March Primary Elections in Florida and Ohio)!

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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

it's the (think ?) TANKs!! ... "Stupid"!!

R they, really, PLOT tanks??

Anyone who thinks TRUMP, or any other piece of our current "Chaos", sprang from the BLUE", somehow;  probably also believed those fake "props" TRUMP used in last night's "infomercial", disguised as a Press Conference!  CNBC exposed the truth about the Water, the Magazine, the Steaks, etc., that were shown to the T.V. audience, and, to TRUMP's "blind, faithful, followers"!

TRUMP's followers and Bernie's Followers (who shocked everyone, including Bernie; last night in Michigan); BOTH focus Anti-Washington Sentiment!  Aside from their displeasure with their own Politicians (of BOTH parties??), there are Lobbyists, and Think Tank operants!  They usually operate "behind the scenes"; but, occasionally, one of them becomes prominent.  Such was the case with Lynne Cheney, when, in Reagan's second Term, she served as his Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities.  Her "snow-job" on American History, undoubtedly, has contributed to the phenomenon that can be seen in today's TRUMP (and CRUZ) Followings!!  Lynne is a "senior fellow in education and culture at the  American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research" (a Think Tank)!!

Senator DeMint, current President of the Heritage Foundation (a Think Tank), left his job as Leader of the Conservative Caucus in the U.S. Senate to take the helm at Heritage.  Currently believed by Voters to influence Foreign Policy; it's very clear Heritage is focusing on Domestic Policy!  Senator Cruz can be traced to him, as can the strange "doings" in our House of Representatives.  Throw in the
Legislatures in our RED States (the favorite color of the Reagan's, incidentally); and you have a clearer picture of the Movement that is now claimed by Donald TRUMP!

Stay Vigilant!  The SURPRISE Vote from Michigan, last night for Bernie Sanders, might just be the Beginning of a Tale to be told by those anti-Washington Voters who blame BOTH Democrats and Republicans for the sorry state of our Nation today.  "Bernie" may really be the one "annointed" by American Voters (those who are NOT hate-filled, Rabid, Racist, Idiots); to Lead this Country to it's next  stop on the Journey to the Next America!  (NOTE: the Wicked Witch on the Clown Car has "popped-out" with and Endorsement for "Terrible-Teddy CRUZ -- a DeMint collaborator?

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

trump: where"DISRUPTION" meets "RACE" (?)

The "Greater" Struggle?

Any American Citizen, with a "functional education" at the 6th-grade level, or higher, KNOWS
the importance of Color Racism in the daily operation of our Economy and our Institutions.  Our Politicians have been relentless in maintaining the barriers that have been placed in our Educational Systems, Housing, Legal System, etc.  

Drucker taught, more than thirty years ago, that the coming IT Economies will present Disruptions for Businesses: especially those that heavily use "Licensing" for protecting the economic interests of its Members (Medical, Teaching, Legal, Religious Ministry, Alcohol Sales, etc.  The early manifestations of that can be seen with Uber and Airbnb.

TRUMP (and Cruz) have discovered the "Granddaddy of Disruption" -- our Addiction to Color-Racism!!  We also have to note that Racial and Ethnic Tensions are rife in our World today, wielded as weapons by three most notorious practitioners: Assad, Putin, and Netanyahu!  The Elections of 2016 show which Whites have succumbed to Racial and Religious siren songs.

By linking our historic Ethnic  (economic) Discrimination Systems, in our Regions outside the Deep South, to the anti-Black (economic) Racial Discrimination System within the South; TRUMP has our Nation, both politically, and economically, "By the Throat".  Netanyahu has entered into the Politics of all of this by forming close ties with our Extreme Right Radicals.

Bloomberg's announcement yesterday, that he will not run against Trump (and that entering his Campaign at this point might HELP Trump); came on the day we learn that Rubio may not be able to HOLD Florida, on March 15th!

Stay Vigilant!  Whether all of this bodes the END of the Republican Party, or the USA, or, BOTH -- hangs in the balance.  Who Votes, How Many, and When; (maybe Where -- House of Representatives) will tell us the Answers to the Questions.  TRUMP is betting on our "uneducated".

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Monday, March 7, 2016

"Arbeit Macht Frei" (??) ... (in 2016)

is the USA "Despairing" of Democracy??

We now see our leading candidate on the Political Right, openly inciting MOBS, to the glee and cooperation of our MEDIA.  I warned of this sort of thing in one of my earlier BLOGS,  almost five years ago!  read: The Government Shutdown (Ghosts of Goebbels:) 4/7/2011.  TRUMP, is reported t quotes Mussolini.  His cosest, and most likely opposition, appears to admire the Dictator whose first Concentration Camp, Dachau, was built to contain POLITICAL Prisoners, and, bore the phrase "Arbeit Mact Frei" on its gate!  We have come a long way; back to these roots of  miseries that led to World War II.  World Leaders, like Assad, Putin, Netanyahu, openly undermine other governments while they oppress their Peoples at home.  They spread pretty words and promises in Diplomatic Circles, while they engage in acts that spread violence and hatred.

We have a silly and shallow MEDIA, composed of individuals involved in self-promotion, and personal profit, at the expense of their Country.  We talk a lot about RACISM, without addressing the sophisticated Genocides, that underlie it.

What's our response to all of this? The approving Hoots and derision of the MOB that supports our Political Right!

Paralysis, in both Political Parties, in our Congress rein's, while Right Wing Governors destroy Democracy in one State after another!.  We have been led to this by a succession of "Leaders"; most of whom, have lied to, and manipulated Voters since the end of War II, and Truman left office.  Why? Because, beginning with Lyndon Johnson (as was revealed to us by Barry Goldwater), High Political Office Became The preferred Path to Personal Wealth!!  

Except for John Kennedy, who had his own wealth, and Jimmy Carter, whose wealth was found in his Faith, this characterization of our choices for President, has held, and,  led us to the Great Recession of Dick-and-Dubya!  President Obama was handed the unwanted job of cleaning us their Mess; without any help from the Political Right!

Stay Vigilant!  We're ALL in this hole, but there is still daylight overhead!

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Sunday, March 6, 2016

REAGAN: is this the END of an "Era"(?)

Mixed "Reviews" ?

As we gather the News, this morning, of the Passing of Nancy Reagan; we also get News that Master Marco, to whom she gave her "blessing", to succeed "Ronnie", is also not in good "Political Health".
Neither is Ronnie's Republican Party; as we see it continue, publicly, along a road that appears to  lead to its demise!

We're told they met in the throes of "McCarthyism".  Ronnie "saved" Nancy; they got married, had two children, and lived, happily, ever-after.  Not so, for the United States, however.  The seeds planted in those days, grew; with foreign entanglements in Vietnam and Cuba; assassinations at home; and, the Right-Wing Extremism of Goldwater, and Nixon -- to produce the Presidency of Reagan.  This Country may never recover, fully, from those blows.  We're told that Nancy's role, in Ronnie's Presidency, may not rival that of Cheney's role in Dubya's; but, it was NOT "unsubstantial"

As they say, that all "water, down the (Flint?) River"!

Stay Vigilant! and, stay focused!  The significance of this Election grows daily! 

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

"IKE's KANSAS" (??)

Our "Saga" Continues ...

I am convinced that these days will be written about, very often, in our future.  Today,
as White America searches deep within its "soul", we have a gathering, in Maryland, of CPAC (America's Christian "Taliban"), and Caucuses in the great State of Kansas!  Just as Iowa has changed drastically from the State I knew in my youth; Kansas has also been drastically transformed by a political march in our Country, to the Extreme Right.  Thanks to the Republican Party, Racial Tensions have led to the sorry state we find ourselves in.  The Republican Party has been a WHITE Party, ever since Nixon chose that direction for them.  It has strayed Far; from the Republican Party of Teddy Roosevelt (who was no Liberal on racial matters),

Since the first White Person among Conservatives to stand up, convincingly, and oppose Donald Trump
was Female; the GOP male candidates have found the courage to follow her.  It took white females to shame cowardly white males into flying our new Bombers that were built for World War II.  Trump, fearing, no doubt, more such opposition at CPAC; has decided to flee to Kansas, instead.  

As White America continues to rip itself to shreds, in search of its "soul"; we all get to see how many "strands", "versions" and "varieties" of whites have been hiding behind their ubiquitous White Mask! That Mask has been built skillfully, over many years, and, kept before the World by White MEDIA, to include Hollywood.  As the Mask peels, the true picture gets really ugly; and does so quite rapidly! In the wake of all of this, Dana Bash can be seen at CPAC "interviewing" Rubio; in such a way as to pick him up from the Trash Bin, TRUMP assigned him to.

Truman left office, much like Obama will leave office:  hated, and hounded, by a Republican Congress; for his efforts to make White America take Civil Rights seriously!  He was replaced by IKE, who, actually, was a Racist, behind his Mask.  I learned from the Buffalo Soldiers of that era, how arduously IKE worked to PREVENT the Integration of our Armed Services!

IKE's Kansas, in the hands of arch-Conservative, Guv'na Brownback has been driven toward Bankruptcy!  The GOP "knucle-draggers" in Kansas will accept Poverty, in order to get "their" America back.  Meg Whitman is telling us that the entire Country will face Poverty if TRUMP is placed in the White House by these "Know-Nothings"!

Stay Vigilant!  It will be not long before we know how all of this turns out.  What is YOUR "Plan B"??  In time, all MASKS will "fall-away"!

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Friday, March 4, 2016

"GREAT"(?): 'twas our ROOTS that made AMERICA ...

... "GREAT" -- in the first place!

Last night's "rotten" display of "Repoob-ism" by the Cuban Sandwich (named by this BLOG, a month ago, as the Iowa Results became known); shows the results of straying too far from one's ROOTs!!  This Nation's best ROOTS (Black/White/"mixed") have been betrayed by those of us who know better, since that day our Nation faced the challenge of President Kennedy's initiatives to move us away from our own version of Apartheid!!

TRUMP, RUBIO, and CRUZ showed us, and the World, why NONE of them should be considered, seriously, for the Nomination to become President of these (used-to-be) United States!!  Torn between a White-Obsession with Abortion, and Black Neglect of "Baby-Mommy Syndrome"; our Country sinks deeper and deeper into the "Muck" on display by last night's  crummy trio!  Kasich, in contrast, appeared as an "Angel on the Horizon"!!

ROOTS??  Let's take a look.  The Black Slaves knew, early on, that a "better" White Person resided in a place called Canada.  They risked life and limb to cross a frozen Ohio River, and that Divided State (on matters of Slavery) to reach Canada.  North/South Divides in the United States, and East/West Divides in Europe, have, since 1619, driven the fates of this Nation.  Born in the minds of Slave Holding, Protestant, Wealthy, White Males (mostly), our Nation held together; for about 70 years, before it became apparent that Civil War was brewing.  What drove it? Economic Stresses between a Slave-Holding, Wealthy, South; ruled by Idle, Military-Obsessed, White Males, and a rapidly Industrializing North, constantly fed by a flood of (mostly Eastern) European "Trash"!!  Most of that Immigrant Flood was shut out of the American Dream in those days because they were of the wrong Religion, and were Poor!  Those Whites who were of the right Religion (non-Catholic), and Wealthy, were beneficiaries of the rising Industrialization, and, Financial Investments (Banking and Insurance) in the Slave Trade.

Fast-forward to 2016:  TRUMP, is the "King" of Eastern-European "Trash"; and, has found the key that unites them to today's Southern White Trash!    Sprinkle on a couple of Cubans, and, you have the Dynamite that may (this time) Blow Us permanently, Apart!! (for real)?? 

Stay Vigilant!  Return to the BEST of your ROOTS, and begin to re-build this Nation!!  Step away from the Racism inspired the works of Bishop de-Las Casas, and Spain (borrowed by French Catholics?).  Find a way to "shut-down" the Non-White "Baby-Mommy Factories" that feed our NFL and NBA.  We may find ourselves rid of the triple curse of Urban Gun Violence, our Nation's Heroin Curse and, Ignorant, Murderous, Racist, Rogue COPS??  Whites have to stop blaming Abortion for their declining numbers.  It just might be that White Women understand what feeds their Poverty??

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Thursday, March 3, 2016

why WHITEs should LISTEN to ROMNEY?? the IDES of MARCH approach

On the 15th of March (12 days from now), TRUMP could wrap up his run for President, as the Republican Nominee.  At truly the 11th Hour, Mitt Romney comes before the public with a BLAST against TRUMP, and a plea that Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich "get together"!!  Strange doings in a strange election!

Romney and TRUMP have something in common that may not be apparent to most Voters:  remember the story of Romney, as a teenager, son of the Governor of Michigan, purloining a State Trooper Uniform, and "harassing motorists"??  Such is the "training" for rich brats who are white, in the United States.  "It takes one to know one", as we used to say!  

Romney's message is really most immediately effective against those "Media Plants" who support Trump, and use their media positions to propel his candidacy.  They, in response to Romney, will "out" themselves, like chicken-pox!  Rick Santelli's rant on MSNBC, following Romney's speech was very revealing.  Santelli is a very early Tea Party extremist.  Romney will "part the waters" for Whites, as they move, as individuals, and for Institutions, to "disassociate" themselves from the Rabble that Trump has brought alive in our Politics -- like never before, thanks to MEDIA!!  This Monster may really be "unstoppable" at this point.  As closet sympathizers for leaders like Putin, and supporters of Netanyahu; these American Voters have "given up" on our Constitution, apparently.  Separation of Powers, so fundamental to our Governments's design, will be trashed by TRUMP!  That's obvious from his actions in the campaign, as was outlined by Romney.

Stay Vigilant!  If the "Center", that has kept the United States from collapse, thus far, does not hold in 2016; the enemies of the USA, both foreign and domestic, will have won!  Trump quotes Mussolini; Rubio descends from a history of Batista Dictatorship; and Cruz is a Vengeful admirer of Strongmen!  Them's the choices served up by the GOP.  Did Clint Eastwood realize his message would be so well heard!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

will TRUMP "Launch" CRUZ?? ...

   ... is RUBIO their "Unwitting, yet transparent" FOIL??

In, what has to be the STING of all times, TRUMP's election results, last night, show him to be on track to "fool" the USA into accepting Ted Cruz as their next President(??)  The foolish "talking heads" in our MEDIA, who have been consistently wrong in their  "insights and explanations" are busily distracting an entire Nation, as the rest of the Planet looks on, in sheer Horror!  Taking Putin's (and Netanyahu"s) Game-Plan, to the next level; TRUMP has the talent and the connections to pull it off!

STING?  Don't know what that means?  Get a copy of the Movie, starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman  That's the Movie, where Hollywood tries to trick up into believing Scott Joplin's music, used as the soundtrack, was written by Marvin Hamlisch 

Twenty-five years back, we were involved in studying "trades" of SSTO versus TSTO technologies, in our efforts to reduce the costs of Space Launches.  Single Stage to Orbit, where we launched from earth to the insertion point; was much too expensive to sustain with the old designs.  New designs were sought, along with new proposals for other alternatives.  TSTO, or, Two-Stages-to Orbit appeared on the scene.  In Politics, in 2016,TRUMP may be only the  first stage, that will "flame-out" at the proper time; then, CRUZ, who has ridden comfortably (review his performance in the debates) on TRUMP's "opening act" can easily reach his destination, benefiting from the lift  he receives.  There is already talk on T.V. this morning, about our desperate "Republican Establishment" beginning to think along those lines.  This might also explain the obvious "erratic" nature of Trump's Campaign so far, his obvious lies about the Klan, the need for McConnell and Ryan to Cleanse themselves before the cameras, and,  the "shocking'" switch by Guv'na Christie.  (Attorney-General)??

This a TEXAS-SIZE gambit, folks!!  Texas had to come up with something to hold on to its controls over our culture; especially the textbooks that have "dummed-down" our Public School children.  This STING could be a Plan-B that reaches all the way back to Dallas!

Almost immediately after entering the U.S. Senate in 2013, CRUZ began the practice of "cuckolding" the Speaker of the House; undermining his leadership.  Cruz led attempts to Shut Down the Government, that ultimately led to the permanent Grid-Lock we now see in the House of Representatives.  We have not seen this before, in our History!   Does only "Terrible Teddy" hold the key to Grid-Lok??  

Stay Vigilant!  All Americans, especially Blacks, and other Non-whites, must VOTE this year AGAINST anyone and everyone associated with what used to be the Republican Party!!  If you treasure your wealth, your health, and that of those near and dear to you, SAVE YOUR COUNTRY!
Syria can happen anywhere!!

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