Thursday, December 31, 2015

it's the "PROSECUTORs" (Stupid!!)

From the City of "Brotherly Love";

Among the many things I learned, during my career as a U.S.A.F. Officer; was the tremendous differences, by place of origin, there were, between White service-members (all Ranks); and, a separate set of differences existed between Black service-members (all Ranks).  The most interesting differences, for me, were those exhibited by Blacks from big Northern Cities, like Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.  Each, in their way, believed that they were "superior" to other Blacks.  There were sharp differences, that were similar, among Whites, but Rural/City was not the Divide:  their differences were determined  by North/South origins.

Those years, 1962-1982, were inflamed by Racial Tensions and the White Backlash unleashed by Nixon and Hoover (J. Edgar).  "Watergate-Journalism", and Broadcast Media arrived, along with technological advances, that spawned our current  24/7MEDIA.  In their wake arrived FOX News, Atwater/Ailes, Limbaugh, and, "Archie-Bunker" on Television. 

Only fifteen years after our Defense Department was established, and 14 years after President Truman racially-integrated the U.S. Military; racial tensions were keenly felt among the Troops.  I documented my early experiences, at the time, in my Master's Thesis, in 1972.  McNamara was Sec/Def when I entered Service, and Wineberger was the ninth Sec/Def I served under.  Rumsfeld held the job between the years 1975-1977.  I am convinced the Military was "politicized" by the impact of "Backlash".

Television fed us "Archie-Bunker" the stereotypical Northern White, Urban-Ethnic, Bigot found among populations that included Chicago, New York, and many other cities in our North, East, and Middle-West.  Today, we're presented an "Archie-Bunker Prosecutor" who has pursued a path to "make his bones", politically, by "bagging" Bill Cosby.  Our Corrupt "Justice System", topped by  Salt-and-Pepper-Twin Bigots on our Supreme Court;  is "shot-through" with corrupt Judges, Prosecutors, Police Chiefs, and Mayors.

Their "RACE-CARD" political methods are widely used; and easily recognized.

Stay Vigilant!: Never in our History, has any Police Force been widely recognized as "fair and impartial" in its practices involving our Poor and Non-white persons and/or Communities.  All Cities and Towns, perpetually create and maintain areas; variously called Ghettos, Barrios, "Tenderloins" and "Skid-Row"; where City and State Administrators systematically cheat the Residents when they distribute Tax Benefits.  From paved roads, zoning enforcement , to other "services", the discrimination is obvious.  Our Racist Institutions;  from Public Schools to Police Forces, know, and feed off of these practices..  Chief among the Villains:  Public PROSECUTORS!!  Does this give you some idea how HUGE the task of "Justice Reform" will be??

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

"Comfortable" (about) MONEY??

If NOT; U can Expect a lot of "DIS-Comfort" in Ur LIFE!!

This question plagues most people, I suspect.  Most relationships "head South" over this question!  Most disagreements, disguised as other "issues", are really about MONEY. It's true for Individuals, and for Nations (and just about everything in-between, in size).  It's true for the RELIGIOUS-- and for those who are NOT religious.  It's a much bigger issue among Repoobs, Republicans, Tea Party folk, and the Political RIGHT; than among everyone else.

How much is BIG MONEY?  What is "Dirty" MONEY?  Who is RICH; and, Who Ain't??
The Richest People, in the Richest Nation on this Planet; should have quick and clear answers to these questions.  But, they DON'T!!

2016 Looms!  At this time of year in the good ol' U.S. of A., most citizens turn toward thoughts that involve MONEY!  Will we be Richer in 2016, than we were in 2015?  The younger we are, when we get "comfortable" about MONEY; the longer, happier, and healthier LIFE we may LIVE!  Do we pick relationships with people who share our views of MONEY?  Do we shape our value of other people in terms of MONEY?  Western History teaches that among Royals, Money, and Blood Lines (in that order) were the determinants that selected the (unfortunate) FEMALE for "sacrifice" to Royal Marriage.  That old practice can be seen in most marriages, today,, IF we examine them closely.

Stay Vigilant!  We are told that more White Americans, than ever before, are "Pissed" today; because they have been "Dumped" from the Middle Class by Repoobs and their Republican "Establishment" Associates; since 2000.  A couple of Maniacal Repoobs expect you to VOTE for them, as a result.  WILL U??  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

must ALL Non-Whites (in USA); FEAR "scared -WHITE-males" (with guns)??

CLEVELAND "makes the CASE"??

We've seen it all over the Country; thanks to Jeb Bush!!  His "STAND YOUR GROUND Law has enabled White Males to gain "absolution" -- for Murder --from our JUSTICE System.  All they have to plead is their "Fear".  A Black Grand-mother, is shot DEAD, through a closed door by a murderous Cop.  No one can claim to believe in Public Justice, and, also believe that Officials in Cleveland have acted in pursuit of "Justice" in the case of the 12 years old Black Child murdered by Cops.

From Zimmerman, who killed Trayvon in Florida; to Ferguson, MO., New York City, and "Chiraq";
one would have to be blind and deaf in unbelievable ways, to plead unawareness of the central fact in all of it: A White Male who declares he was "In FEAR" can escape any type of "Justice" in the United States, for MURDER!!  If the Victim  IS Not-White; the Justice System is "satisfied"!  "Peer-Justice"??  Where??

Justice Thurgood Marshall warned us!  He said in a televised interview that the KLAN was changing its White Robes of Hate, for the Black Robes of "Justice", in America.  He did so at the time Daddy Bush was installing Clarence Thomas on our Supreme Court.

Stay Vigilant  People who refuse to acknowledge the Injustice of Others, whom they consider to be "Not like Themselves", are opening the doors to their own visits with Injustice!

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Sunday, December 27, 2015

has the COLOR-LINE become "Electrified", and "Global" ??

The "Global" View??

Whether it's Putin and "Ethnics/Muslims" of Eastern Europe; or, Netanyahu and the Israeli's"Cousins" (Palestinians); or Police Departments denying Protective Services to Black and Brown People in Cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles.; the centuries-old
COLOR LINE seems to be, not only alive and well; but, also "electrified" and "Global", in 2015!

Digitization of all forms of Communication has led to virtual collapse of distances, that have always made it safe for Mankind to create and grow Prejudices, Suspicions, and habits of Discrimination against their neighbors.  No Continent or Country, or Religion is immune from this History.  The "compaction" that results from the collapse of those old, safe, operating distances, makes awareness more acute, and inter-actions more violent.  All of these, and more; from the mistreatment of smaller children by larger children within a family, to the systematic, centuries-old economic theft that has benefited Whites across Continents, are showing signs of increased "inflammation"!

These "Lines" are acting more like "electrified fences" used to keep cattle confined within spaces provided for them.  People, are not cattle; however, as the entire world recognizes, from millions of wealthy Middle-Easterners, who are tramping their way to Western Europe.

Stay Vigilant!  Stupid Politicians, like Senator Graham, would have us believe that this phenomenon can be "contained" or "eradicated" by Boots-On-The-Ground, in Iraq.  Even Cheney knew that was a Lie, .. before he changed his Tune!

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

TRUMP(n' cruz): What are they TEACHING our Children??

Televised MEDIA is "Everywhere"!!

Seeping into every crack, crevice, and pore; driven by their MEDIA "Talking-HEADS"; the current KINGS of REPUBLICAN-WORLD are inseminating our children with some extremely VILE messages:

1)  The Meanest BULLY wins! 2) The "sneakiest" and most cowardly win! 3) Those who pretend to have power and wealth, most convincingly, are precisely those we should follow!  4) Old fashioned values of "fair-play" are for LOSERS!  5) Only those who say "nice" things about you, can be your FRIENDS! 

I'm most concerned about those in our country who REALLY are 10 years of age, or younger: NOT those knucle-draggers in TRUMP's audiences who cheer him on, and have, somehow managed to get "stuck" at that mental and emotional level.

Stay Vigilant!  This sick "Media-ready Porridge" is mixed into just about everything that "sells" in our MEDIA today.  Our new Digital Technologies "thrive" on this ROT.  Have Cruz n' TRUMP created their version of a "Khristian Madrassa"?

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Friday, December 25, 2015

PEACE!! at CHRISTMAS (time): LET there BE??

THE World can HAVE "Peace"; if we're willing to ACT!!







(apologies to RUDYARD!)

stay vigilant!

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

a Very 'DARK' Xmas Story??

How Trump n' Cruz become the Next Dick n' Dubya; in 2016??

Trump has finally made it all the way to the Sewer!  The Sad Tale is that he is taking the Voting Public with him, by reducing Hillary; using a little boy's "Potty Humor"!!   Is this Effective use of "MEDIA-as-WEAPON"??

It's a no-brainer, to those who paid attention in the 2014 "Off-Year" Election: TWO-THIRDS OF ELIGIBLE VOTERS DID NOT VOTE!!  I wonder what percentage of the German Electorate did not bother to vote in the year Hitler "won", and then, destroyed their Democracy??  Those in the Electorate who findd these Politicians too VULGAR, for their tastes, Simply Do Not Vote!!

Stay Vigilant!  The world's BAD GUYS (Putin, Assad, Netanyahu, and Trump) seem to AGREE; that  the USA, and Western Europe have to be Divided, and Weakened.  They are well on their way, using MONEY, MEDIA (talkin' heads -- not the Ads). and the latent Hatred between Kristians and Muslims.  Remember:  "W" started this "Crusades" talk.  Hold your nose, and VOTE against these guys!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

PATRIOTISM, mixed with PARANOIA, and "Hate"!!

"Hate" in Speech??

I can't recall, before TRUMP, that is; any Politician on our National level, ever using the word "Hate!"; so often, and with such venom, in his Campaign!!  Can you?  Why does no one in the MEDIA "call him" on this?  MONEY, Careers, Competition, all of the usual suspects; rush to mind.

Still, it tells us all that THIS TIME, IT IS REALLY DIFFERENT!!  There is something loose in this Land, that I haven't felt since the days of KKK pogroms in the late Forties and early Fifties.  Why are so many citizens "comfortable" with this?  Some twisted, perverted, type of Patriotism is leaking out of the Sewer States, and Texas; and from those States that this Movement has converted to RED.  Dylaan Roof has shown us that there is a type of "Kristianity"  blended into their hatred.

If you count them, I'm willing to wager, you will be hard-pressed to find even 25% of the white males who slavishly follow Trump, that have served in our Military!  They would be in the streets, however,  protesting, or worse, if we had to restore the DRAFT!  The Poor, and Black, and Brown Citizens who have serve in our Military are rarely featured in their stories touting their "concern" for Veterans.  Why do you think that is?  Set aside Trump's wealth; and he would match his followers  on most other behavioral points.

We are confronted with"Patriotic" Bullies, who don't serve in our Military!  That spells Patriotism in Trump-Land??

Stay Vigilant!  Even the "dullest tool" in Trump's Klan might harbor some slight suspicion that neither Trump, nor Cruz, is serious about DEFENDING anyone!  Can you count those people who come forth to testify about Trump making them RICH??  Have you seen anyone? ,,,  Exactly!!

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Does SYRIA need a "T"-Party??

What did IRAQ "teach" us??

Here we go again!  Talking Heads in MEDIA are squawking incessantly about turning Syria into a Democracy through Elections.  That didn't work in Iraq; why should it work for Syria?  After all, the Syrians who are storming Europe with their feet, are the RICH ones!!  The POOR Syrians certainly would not have the huge sums demanded by the "Traffik-ers".

There's no record of any opposition to Assad from the RICH Syrians.  Democracy requires loyal opposition within the Body-Politic.  Where would a non-violent, loyal opposition come from?

Besides, our current Circus;  posing as an Election Campaign Process;  run by the Republican Party; is on display for the entire world to witness.  TRUMP has "dry-gulched" our "Tea-Party"; while it was well on its way to kill the Republican Party, and, Overthrow the Democracy we have here.  (That's 'Texas Tea, by the way.. Daddy Bush forsake New England Tea, for Texas, some years back).  We can't pretend that our Tea Party has, in any way, been loyal to either, the Obama Presidency, or, to our Constitution!  They clearly would prefer a Theocracy.  They would scrap all of the Bill of Rights, except for the 2nd Amendment (their peculiar interpretation, that is)!

We can rest assured that TRUMP bears CRUZ in his belly.  Whenever he loses the "stomach" for this grotesque Charade; he, undoubtedly, will "cough-up" Cruz, and, our MEDIA will completely ignore the fact that he is not Native-born!

Stay Vigilant!  Merry Christmas!!  Get plenty of rest, we'll all need it in 2016.

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All rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, December 21, 2015

NO "Daddy-Money" at CHRISTMAS (time)??

"Been There"!!

Amerikka is "spilling it's guts" on the Vegas Strip?  Some, "stung-out" and "down-and-out"; Black, female, "grown-CHILD", with a very much outta-luck Toddler in tow, seems to have "LOST-IT" in Vegas: killing someone with her car; and maiming tens of others.  Could this be a portrayal of what its like "Living-while-Black" in Portland, Oregon, today??  She's searching for the "Baby-Daddy", we're told.

The Cracker PO-LICE are "lickin' their chops" on this one.  The D.A./Prosecutor in Ferguson was no where to be found in that mess, but the D.A., in Vegas, was elbowing the Sheriff out of  camera light and "grand-standing" to questions about "Death Sentencing" before any  basic facts are known.  He's probably figuring to get to be  Guv'na of Nevada by "burning" this child!  God Knows there ain't gonna be no Johnny Cochran to spring up in her Defense!

Stay Vigilant!  Sewer State behavior can be found ANYWHERE in the U.S. today.  "There, but for the Will of God"??  You'all know what I mean!  I remember those Christmases!  When Dad's were Laid Off (then); or (today) when Momma ain't got no job: Life can be MEAN!

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

ARCHIE BUNKER's "AMERIKKA" "Dies" Strangely??

Strange Phenomenon?

One might think, in a rational world, a story that reveals a startling change in death rates for white males in the United States would lead the Media Headlines, 24/7!!  But, NO!  It's TRUMP and his imbecilic rantings -- Non-Stop!   They're starting to cut PUTIN into their reporting on TRUMP.  Both "Politicians" are basking in the Media Lights.  Some reports link the death rate change to Trump's popularity.

This is exactly the "slice" of our population that blindly follows TRUMP!.  It is also that part of our population that loves guns, hates people who are not white, and flocks to employment in police forces and firefighting.  Ushered into our Middle Class by Ronald Reagan, following a decade of "White Backlash" kicked off earlier by Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover, the "Bunker bunch", high school education, at best, manufacture workers, Union members, were at their economic peak.  "White makes Right", "Hard-Hats"; they made up that part of the "Silent Majority".  It's their KIDS, now in their 40's and 50's who are "dying" -- from Drugs, Alcohol, and Guns.  Trump is hoping that these guys who hate "Meat-heads" with higher education, will carry him to victory in 2016.

A phenomenon, seen only in the United States, which could be explained by a deep feeling of repeated betrayal by Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, and, now, face the likelihood of living under Hillary-Rule!  Obama should have everything cleaned up and quite tidy for her, and for the Europeans by the time his second term ends.  No thanks, in any way to the Republican Party, whose failures since 1968 are staggering!.  They include Watergate, Iran-Gate, 9/11, and the Great Recession.  No wonder they will follow someone who feeds them "Birther-Crap"!  They appear willing to vote for a near-white guy, that  they know was NOT born in the United States, as our Constitution requires!

Stay Vigilant!  Those who have us all on our way to "HELL" -- in a hand-basket; are also dying at record rates!

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

time to STOP "Parsing" WORDS, and START "Parsing" PEOPLE??

Hey Jeb: not all JERKS, are created EQUAL??

Slaves "knew" the Good Whites!  They avoided"Trash"; when they could.  Has "integrated" education robbed black and brown kids from knowing which White People are most harmful, and how to handle them?

TRUMP has come along to help us with this!  Not since George Wallace, has this Country seen such a dangerous person run for high Office.  Comparing public reaction today, to TRUMP and CRUZ, and that sort, with Wallace, shows how our public sensibilities have changed since 1968.

Stay Vigilant!  All citizens, as individuals, must decide to turn away this home-grown threat posed by the GOP Candidates!  We have to learn the difference between Riots, and Pogroms.  We have to learn to do what we must, BEFORE our Society reaches that point!  Blind Belief that our Police, and Law Enforcement apparatus is Clean, Honest, and interested in Public Safety; needt to be carefully "parsed"!!

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Friday, December 18, 2015

It's OIL!! (time for) GOP to "Come to JESUS"??

Protestant? or, Catholic?

The Financial Markets are screaming that the Saudi's are in "the driver's seat"!  Putin and TRUMP are locked in a "mutual-admiration" embrace (to the titillation of Media)!  Our most-bigoted citizens are killing Muslims, while occupying Center Stage in our Politics; moving to the tune of the GOP's malignant Pipers -- what's to make of all of this??

Things have really changed!  Perhaps, PERMANENTLY.  We clearly are a VILLAGE, now, like it or not.  People who could be easily ignored for the past 500 years; suddenly have a VOICE, and can make themselves heard is a variety of ways; thanks to the Internet!  The Old Days of our Founder's desired WASP rule (in what TRUMP refers to, when he speaks of "Our Country") is changing!  Catholic, White Males have found their voice, and are claiming that space that was carved out by Catholics in the Americas more than 100 years before the Pilgrims arrived on our shores.  The Kennedy's were first to find voice for Catholic Leadership.  They were murdered; along with two prominent Leaders of American Blacks, at that time.  This time, is clearly different:  when the entire World; (a single Village? a single Market?); for the first time, must work together for the survival of all!  White Catholic Ethnics, find it just as easy as Sewer State WASPS, to regard non-whites as less-than-Human Beings (Chi-Raq, is an example)!

MEDIA, curiously, is busy trying to convince us that we should be more scared today, than we were following 9/11.  They must think we've become much more Stupid in the 14 years that have passed.  Where is Michael Moore, anyway??  Isn't he the guy who wrote:  Stupid White Men (2001)?? 

The Oil Glut is revealing what might be a Bubble, in Hedge Funds.  Surprise!, Surprise?  Dodd-Frank, obviously couldn't foresee, and/or prevent, EVERYTHING, going forward.  It would seem that this new Village we all inhabit, thanks to Technology, would make it easier for us to SEE the thieves who are picking our pockets! 

Stay Vigilant!  Early signs are that the Global Village will be run by Dictatorial, Gangsters; of one nationality or another.  Law Enforcement, itself, has become seriously corrupt; at the County and Local levels, throughout the United States.  Cops, themselves, are more endangered, because Hard Right Politicians, in thrall to the NRA, will not act to remove the heavy artillery that has made its way onto our streets.  Whites, as their numbers shrink, are turning against more kinds of "others" in our midst, led by Trump, Cruz, and their followers.  Muslim-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, along with Black Americans are, all, "targets" for Trump and his Klan.  Many of the members of these targeted groups will JOIN with Trump; in accordance with the dictates of the Stockholm Syndrome.

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

an INDISPUTABLE "Truth" ??


The "rub" comes, when European, (and maybe other) Religious Teachings, Doctrines, Programs, Theories, etc., have promoted the IDEA, that some persons on our planet are HUMAN, while others, are NOT!  Or; some are MORE Human than Others; and, therefore, a Rank, of Superior/Inferior , or Exceptional, applies.

A Socio-Economic PROBLEM arises, when these get written into LAWs.  (JIM CROW Laws, for instance).  

A Grave Human TRAGEDY occurs, when persons, so designated as less-than Human, come to Accept or Believe it!   Those Beliefs have been openly accepted., as Booker T. Washington did, in his "Atlanta Compromise", or "Five-Fingers" Speech of 1895.  By doing so, speaking, he claimed, on behalf of Freed Slaves, Washington, singlehandedly, enabled whites to impose JIM CROW LAW!  He also created a most-peculiar creature; so loved by our GOP in 2015; the BLACK Conservative!  Other copies of this creature exist; in other hues.

The Self-emancipated Slave, Frederick Douglass, vehemently disagreed with this Belief; as did W.E.B. DuBois (he had his own "specious" version, however). Hundreds of Black Leaders, since 1895, have disagreed, but , but failed to give sufficient VOICE to the issue.  This must be faced squarely in 2015!  Compromises regarding the humanity of persons of color must end!   All such compromises for the past century, have been under a banner of "Civil Rights" as a substitute for Human Rights.

In 2015, confusion continues to be sown, in many guises, producing doubt in the minds of many young people, of all colors.  It also permits the rise of Demagogues like many of those candidates running for President in 2016.  It certainly explains those Blacks who behave in ways that show greater disdain for their fellow Blacks than thatexpressed by Trump followers on T.V.  Since the time of the Christopher Commission,  Daryl Gates, Police Chief;  D.A., Garcetti; in Los Angeles; under Mayor Bradley; we all should not be surprised that Black and Brown Cops can be persuaded to accept and comply with the mind-set of the "Force", and participate in the denial of Human Rights to Black and Brown citizens.  This pattern of D.A./Prosecutor/Police Chiefs/Rogue Cops has been known to exist for at least a couple of decades.  We should not be shocked with what is happening in Ferguson, or Baltimore.  We saw it in the Diallo Case in the NYPD.

Stay Vigilant!  If people of color really want the respect of others, they have to start with a resolve to demand respect as a Human Being.  This must be done as an INDIVIDUAL!  Compromises, whether proposed by Martin Luther King, or Booker T. Washington, or any one else; leads back to Chattel Slavery.  This Half/Slave or Half/Free question still dogs this Nation!  Why else would otherwise sane humans wait patiently for a white child assassin to reload his gun, as he killed them in cold blood?   Why would any white child think he had the Right to do that? 

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

GOP: "Promoting" TOTALITARIANISM!! ..(at home, and abroad)

They Have NO "Shame"!!

Last night in Las Vegas, the GOP "Top Nine" droned on for the better part of two hours  stirring Fear and Panic among the Populace.  Led by a Real-Estate "Promoter", most of those vying for the Office of President of the U.S. preached pure Totalitarianism!  The Audience, either unaware of our Constitutional Freedoms, or, no longer caring about them, CHEERED them on!  Attacking Iraq had to be "topped"; so.  Guv'na Christie proposed starting World War III  (next time)!

We're a Nation, gone MAD with Media-Driven FEAR!  FDR would have no chance to CALM the populace with today's technologies, and Loonies on the Air Waves.

TRUMP, the Real-Estate Promoter, has grown rich on an industry that thrived, after WW-II, on the establishment and growth of "whites-only" Suburbia.   Racial and Class Fears were the main ingredient for making Millions, and for creating Ghettos and Barrios, with the support of Corrupt Local Politicians.  It is an Industry with dirty hands; and, is largely responsible  for what we see in Baltimore, Ferguson, and many "tenderloins" "barrios" and "skid-rows" throughout our Nation.

CHOICE, folks, is what the GOP has placed on the "chopping block".  The "knuckle-dragging" Gringos who form the bulk of their Base, have a "kill-or-be-killed" mentality.  Choice is a commodity they reserve for themselves and their "KIND".

Stay Vigilant!  We've entered a time where MOB Rule is preferred by one of our two Major Political Parties.  This in un-charted territory!  Those who support this CRAP because you think it is entertaining,  are playing into the hands of TRUMP, and CRUZ.  Last night's performance showed that these two are operating as "a team"!!

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Home of HOLLYWOOD, in Panic??

Stirring up FEAR?

We're given a strange pair of Cities to compare today.  Receiving the same "THREAT", Los Angeles and New York City take diametrically-opposite responses!  LA, with what turns out to be a "Traveling" School Superintendent, gets permission from the Cheif of Police, and, the Mayor (Garcetti -- that name ring a "bell"??); to SHUT DOWN the Public Schools.  New York City, after consultation with the Mayor, and Chief of Police, treats the "Threat" as a HOAX!   The Superintendent who mans the "point of the spear" in Los Angeles, used to do that same job for New York City, and San Jose, CA, and Pasadena, CA.  The Old Guy Really gets around (maybe he'll be YOUR School Super next??   an interesting "Tale of Two Cities" -- one with a Strong Mayor and Good Government, and the Other, without?

Stay Vigilant!  The GOP can be expected to turn the crank on our Fear epidemic, yet again, in its last "Debate" tonight.  If you, as I do, compare their Clown Car to roles in the Wizard of Oz, what do you see?
From my perspective: TRUMP is the Cowardly Lion
FIORINA is working hard to convince us that she is NOT the "Good" Witch
JEB is the Tin Man
The SCARECROW is Carson (as Michael sang, he "Cain't Win")
CRUZ is stealthily conniving to become the WIZ (hiding his hand behind the curtain, of course)
MARCO,  and the rest of the Clowns, are the MUNCHKINS
DOROTHY ??  That role is for those Voters STUPID enough to BELIEVE anything they say!! 

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, December 14, 2015

GOP's "Disaster" Formula for the USA??

tryin' to Fight Religious Extremism, WITH Religious Extremism!!

The LAST (thank GOD!), of the CNN Republican Primary Campaign "Debates" will occur tomorrow night!  MEDIA has already begun to shift positions; consistent with their constant:  "Muck-Stirring", "Let's You and Him Fight!"  modus operandi!!

Despite what they all KNOW can result, (nobody can be THAT un-educated); the Talking Heads keep whipping up Fear, Suspicion, Hatreds and Extreme Religions -- all for Profit.  It never occurs to them that they may be driving the USA down the road Syria took.  It doesn't seem to matter to them that we ALL could LOSE every thing we have -- like the Syrians!

Fighting Religions with Guns is just plain STUPID!  If they really believe their Bible, what about that part that says, "Live by the Sword; die by the Sword"??

The GOP "Front-Runners" court our Most Extreme CHRISTIAN religions, while pandering to the FEAR in the general Public of those who practice Extreme MUSLIM religions!  The Politicians and the MEDIA are in a win-win situation!  Their Country, however, is cast steadily deeper into a "lose-lose" situation. 

The most wonderful thing about being "American", was the Right of every U. S. Citizen to BELIEVE whatever he or she chose to believe.  They DO NOT have the Right to Physically Force, or, otherwise Coerce anyone else into their Religious beliefs!  The GOP, obviously, does not cherish this Right??

Stay Vigilant!  Most Believers, of ANY Religion, BELIEVE they know what is RIGHT and TRUE.  That's O.K.  To organize, and/or to commit VIOLENCE (whether in Church in Charleston, S.C., or on the Sands of the Middle East) to these ends, connotes EXTREMISM!  Reject those who succor Religious Extremism in any form, and by any method!

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

is TRUMP "De-Integrating" WHITE-amerika??

What White Historians won't "talk-about"??

Peruse Brewton Berry's Race and Ethnic Relations, (1951).  Look up the data collected by Emory S. Bogardus, for his Social Distance Scale.  Visit that period in the United States when Mormons and their Behaviors were found unacceptable in the states of Missouri, and Illinois.  They were thrown out (Iowa gave them only hours to cross their State)!  They set up operations in that part of our country that was Lawless, and "bushwhacked" Wagon Trains!  They looted and murdered (keeping any Blond-haired Children): and blaming the atrocities on  Native American Tribes.  Thee was little or no "civilization" between the western border of Missouir and the California Sierras.

'Twas largely Public Education, that brought hundreds of hyphenated-European groups together in an artificial "White" America.  This happened after the Civil War, while Southern Politicians, with the help of Ohio Presidents, were assembling JIM CROW.  

Bogardus' data shows which groups were accepted onto the list of "White" Americans, and, their relative rank of "whiteness".  Turn on Television, anywhere in the United States, today, and you will see White America reflected in ways that show it, still, to be strongly "Segregated" from those citizens whose skin tones are "Dark"!  Public Education is virtually useless for crossing this Color Line; or, for "integrating" people of color.  In 2015, after the unmistakable appeals of the Republican Party, the Color Line appears to be here to stay!  "Education" remains under the strict control of Whites (by regulation, administration, and operation, to include teacher's unions)!

TRUMP is of the right sort to capitalize on all of this.  The chattering heads in our MEDIA are "smitten" by TRUMP (and Cruz?).  One might think that "Alabama Joe" is in LOVE?    We have been wondering for years where all of those nasty people, on T.V. screaming their support for George Wallace and Bull Connor went.  TRUMP has found them!  Hiding-out in their Bibles!  His Flock Grows daily!

Stay Vigilant!  Today's Agreement in Paris, the first International Law governing Climate Change, shows what the anti-Trumps of this world are capable of?  Putin, Netanyahu, Assad, (Trump?), and many others; are headed for History's Ash-Can??   Netanyahu doesn't find Trump to be quite as useful as Boehner?

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Friday, December 11, 2015

a 'FACE' for (institutionalized) CRUELTIES and DEFAMATION??

"in yo' FACE"??
"Inane" to some, "Insane" to others; TRUMP has unquestionably provided a FACE for Fascism, in the Americas, in the 21st Century.  The COP in Oklahoma, convicted of serial Rape, behind a badge, joins those COPS in Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago ("CHIRAQ"??), NYC, TEXAS (the whole damn State), and many other places, too numerous to list completely.  He provides a "Face" for the unspeakable EVILs they commit.  All of them hide within Institutions: Police Departments; City , State, and County Offices; our State Legislatures; and, our Congress and Supreme Court!   Churches and Schools (K-Phd), and their Political Supporters, are also participants in what has grown into Systematized Violence against Minorities, and a Campaign of Consistent Destruction of our abilities to Govern ourselves!  Having "Crippled" our Supreme Court with the "crippled" minds of Justices like Scalia and Thomas; the GOP has, over the past two and a half decades, with a "steady-drip" and "drum-beat" fashion, used MEDIA to degrade the legitimacy and Power of all three Branches of our Federal Government!  

DEFAMATION of the Presidency and the Executive Branch has been the GOP Program for the Federal Government, starting with Clinton, and resuming, against Obama.  In the case of Obama, RACE provided increased capability to weaken and disrupt the Executive Branch! Congress, through its Committee Structure, conspicuously "meddles" with the Defense and State Departments, and the Intelligence Community).  "Dubya" gave a National Medal to a CIA Director,  to reward him for his failures in 9/11!   It is no small wonder that Polls released today, show President Obama's approval rating is suspiciously close to that of  Dubya, at this point in his Second Term?
MEDIA is a culprit; and, may also provide a method, for Citizens to Fight Back!  We may not be able to put a stop their wreckage, but we can at least pin a FACE on both the CRUEL ones, and the DEFAMERs!  Boehner got tired of being the HEAVY in the HOUSE, so he "split"!  Ryan had to be bargained with, before he consented to step in to that spot.  He's hiding behind a beard, now, just so we won't confuse the Cruel Acts he must perform with that guy who ran, and lost, to Obama, in 2012!  There are rumors that "Mitt and Ryan" may attempt a come-back in 2016; as replacements for TRUMP and his RUMP (Cruz)!

Stay Vigilant!  When will the other 47 States get "enough" of this insane "spell" cast, every four years, by IOWA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, and SOUTH CAROLINA ???  We can STOP this CRAP dead in its tracks, and REPLACE the GOP!  (If we really want to)!!
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Thursday, December 10, 2015


We have to "Re-Learn" This??

Drucker, 30 years ago, explained a major Role for Religions; as the SOURCE, and CONTROL, of ALL "Knowledge".  Those of us who know about Ptolemy, Galileo, and Copernicus, know how well that "knowledge" has often proved to be!  Religions also are the SOURCE and Distributor of Superstitions, Prejudices, and mass hatreds.  People have, throughout History, lived in TERROR of Religion, and its Purveyors.  Commonly known as Priests, Rabbis, and other religious officials; Modern History has witnessed Monstrous applications of Religion, by Government Officials; most notably in Germany during Hitler's Rise.

Modern History also has witnessed a yawning GAP between Socio-economic Progress and Technological Advances.  That GAP grows dangerously wider as many Applications of Cold War Technology Advances are falling into the hands of  violent, and  backward, Religious Groups and Factions in many places in our World!  TRUMP, and his backers have brought this awareness to sharper focus, as Politicians, in many countries, take up the cudgel of religiously-tainted hatreds.  We shudder to think what might have happened, had Hitler and his Nazis NOT driven technically-brilliant Jews out of their country, and to the United States!  What would have been the fate of mankind, had Hitler's forces WON the race to develop Nuclear Weapons?  We tend to think of all Technological Advances as beneficial to Man-kind!  Technological Advances in both written and televised MEDIA is NOT working to benefit all of Man-kind!  We do our selves, and our children, a tremendous disservice, when we blindly expect technology break-throughs to be uniformly "good"!

Amoral and Immoral Politicians can be expected to use anything, and, everything at their command to increase their POWER and to WIN their aggressive pursuits.  We are now witnessing deliberate political extermination of all Politicians who possess some moral sense, by those Politicians of more- questionable morals!  Religion steps in to blur and confuse those of us who seek Truth, Honesty, and Accountability from Politicians.

Stay Vigilant!  Religion depends on Ignorance and Hatred to thrive!  So do practitioners of Amoral and Immoral Politics.  "Anything to WIN". and "Winner-Take-All" can be prescriptions for Mass Suicide!  Who is "teaching" YOUR kids?  WHAT are they "learning"?

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

WHITE AMERICA: "On The Couch" ??

The SCHIZOID  Nature of RACE (in the Americas)??

From the frozen territories of Sarah Palin's Alaska, to the southern-most Oligarchies of Latin America, TRUMP has "blown the cover" (sheets?); under which RACISM has been hidden and "perfected" over a period lasting nearly 500 years!  TRUMP, himself, appears before our T.V. cameras as "questionably-stable"; to those viewers who can still see, and think, clearly!  Race, and aversion to persons who do not have white skin, has been the "secret sauce" that nurtured the growth and wealth of the Americas, and Europe!  Western Culture flourished from the wealth produced by the Evil, slave-based, System, in its chattel and Jim Crow forms!  Its well-documented, that White children "catch" the disease within their first few years on the Planet.  Attempts by Liberals to "cover" Race, with multi-colored puppets, have failed to eradicate the disease.

 Today, "Conservative" Politicians, and their supporters in our MEDIA, struggle to maintain and "re-fashion" the System, All the while, their uniform assertion is a Schizophrenic Denial of Race!  How else, can sane. people rationalize their "insane" and uniform stance; taken in opposition to President Obama??  The best way to lose "Conservative" bona-fides, is to cooperate, or support, Obama; on any issue!!  They will be "running against" Obama; even after he's left Office!  

Using the "Hammer" of 24-7 MEDIA; this insanity seems to be spreading to those voters who (profess to Polls), to be anti-Trump.  Only incontrovertible results from Voting will tell -- and we're a couple of months away from the first Caucuses.

Stay Vigilant!   If your skin is darker than that of an Aryan, TRUMP and his followers will eventually get around to you!  GOP "Leadership" offers weak opposition to TRUMPS most-recent position on Muslims, while offering their own version of the same sentiments.  Non-whites, also, have "caught" their own versions of this malady, over several centuries.  It has progressed to a point where Black and Brown Children murder each other -- and our Society "accepts" that as normal!  Our challenge is to take back control over the minds of our children; thereby shielding them from the influence of Institutions that operate to spread this Evil.  TRUMP can be credited from bringing all of this out into the open? 

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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"We" (thought) FASCISM (was) DEFEATED, (IN 1945)??

Is it  TIME to bring it OUT of the SHADOWS" ??

Obviously, "Joe and Mika" don't think so!.  They spent more than half an hour on their daily "wee-hours watering hole", assisting TRUMP, who was "live" on phone-in, to "walk-back" his attack on our Constitution and on Muslin-Americans!  I don't think they succeeded very well!  Not since old Joe McCarthy, have the Republicans had to scramble so hard to shove their Fascist Leanings back into their "closet".

Slowly, in Media in the USA, TRUMP has been "accused of fascism" for his beliefs.  ://

Those in my generation were raised on anti-Communism, so exclusively, that "Fascism"; an EVIL we went to war to defeat, after Pearl Harbor, was almost never mentioned!  After McCarthyism, "Fascism"  was so successfully banned from exposure in Media,  that our Citizens who were born after 1948, barely knew what it was.  That allowed Reagan to snuggle up to the Vatican, visit Bitburg, Germany, and carry on his "dog-whistle" campaign against Blacks, and in Favor of Nazi's. His celebrated visit to Philadelphia, Mississippi was an embrace for the KKK.  Reagan wrapped Fascists ideologies with "Conservatism", so well, then; that NOW, "Conservatives" are in a Panic about TRUMP!

Stay Vigilant!  Some in Media claim that ISIS understands "Millennials", world-wide, much better than Western Governments do.  If that is so, it will be impossible for "Conservatives", who are locked in the mind-sets of the 1950s, to understand, in any way, how to effectively combat their Propaganda!  DickandDubya thought we were "too innocent" to see the thousands of pictures taken at Abu-Ghraib; so they hid them from us.  Take a look a those few photos that leaked into our Press.  Any wonder about who is being Radicalized, and WHY??   Maybe we, also, had better take seriously the threats posed to us by Cruz and Rubio??

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Monday, December 7, 2015

LINCOLN: "Persevered" and Saved Our Nation!

It's Time for the Citizenry to TAKE A STAND??

Either SUPPORT the President, or Assist his ENEMIES (both Foreign and Domestic)!  We have only one President at a time, in this Country.  In the 1850's our internal enemies attacked the Nation openly.  Today, they use the MEDIA.  The "Arm-Chair" John Wayne Crowd flocked to "Alabama Joe's" TV show this morning to "Back-bite and Distort" the President's Message to the Nation, delivered last night, from the Oval Office.  It's obvious that the intellect-level of the Leadership in the GOP has sunk to a point that has never-before been seen in the History of this Nation.  We have a fractured government, designed by these Racist, Empty-Headed, Fear-Mongering, Bullies.  Their goal, obviously, has been to re-play the Civil War; but they are too cowardly to say so, openly.  ISIS, ASSAD, Netanyahu, and Putin; could not wish for better Allies!  A Stronger bunch of Democrats in Congress could defeat this Rabble!  What is the complete Role of the Saudi's, and Oil, in all of this?  We're being "Mushroomed" by Media!

If our MEDIA served us better, they would tell us that Immigrant Groups in the United States often produce Violent Gangs that prey upon their "own" people.  I vividly remember a Chinese Gang, in the mid-1980's, in Los Angeles, who entered a Chinese Restaurant in the Kingdom City  section, and sprayed the place with machine guns.  Similar events occurred, later,  with Vietnamese Gangs in Rainier Valley, in Seattle.  We know that Mexican and other Central American Gangs have been deported from the L.A. area, for their violent acts; over the past several decades.  We paid little attention because "WE" (whites?) were not the targets!  We need to GET a GRIP!  The white males bullies who are beating up on our President the most, and banging the drums for war; are content to have our Military include Women in Combat Roles, while they and their kin avoid any risk!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP, in his "babble-ings" often cites a TROJAN HORSE!  Could it be the Trump IS the Trojan Horse, and in his belly rides Ted Cruz?  Think about it?

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Sunday, December 6, 2015

"TRUMP-ism" (explained?)

Cable-MEDIA "struggles"

Cable-Media, on Sunday Mornings, is when and where the Industry disembowels itself, in angst!
CNN is the most "troubled", it seems.  Two of their shows, today, are painfully introspective:  Fareed Zachcaria's  GPS, and Jake Tapper's State of the Union.  Fareed interviewed Susan Rice (the "good" Rice); and Tapper called on Montel Williams.  Montel, as readers of this Blog know, agrees with THE OWL:  TRUMP is in this game to get the GOP Nomination!   I think, due to Cable Media, it's now a DONE DEAL!!  The only choice left for the GOP is to deny TRUMP the nomination at their Convention.  If they do, the Party, already "fractured", will "shatter"; and fly off into irrelevancy, in the Politics of these (former?) United States of America!  NOTE: this nation was founded on the notion of a Strong, Two-Party, System!  Racism is a poison that is strong enough to dissolve our Union!

Having "bagged" the GOP, TRUMP is moving on to get the Presidency itself, either for himself, or one of his two Cuban "Clones" --Cruz, or Rubio!  Using a "parry-and-withdraw", technique, he utters some outrage, waits for the public response, and then decides whether, and how much, he needs to "obviate" its impact.  He has multiple methods for "adjusting" the results: he can attack the source, through humiliation, economic ruin, vicious pantomime, or; when all else fails; tell a lie.  In all cases, he advances his lead by gaining more and more of the "undecided" vote for our General Election!
The inordinately long campaign gives TRUMP (and his invisible backers?) plenty of time to "get it right"!  The so-called-smart-people, in the MEDIA and inside the GOP,  should be scared to death; both, for our Nation, and for what they have done!

Remember; the Paris Attack revealed that 2nd-Generation Immigrant Males should be the focus of our ISIA concerns.  These are the "main-ingredient" for the ISIS advance outside of the Middle East.  This bears out, in the San Bernadino Event, and it also fits Cruz and Rubio!!  Susan Rice explained to Fareed how Rubio can appear so "Bright" to his "base":  he simply assumes credit for what Obama is already doing; knowing they will never THINK of giving Obama any credit!  Gloria Steinem told Charlie Rose, something to this effect:

If the GOP has a peculiar type of CANCER
Only President Obama had the CURE
the GOP would rather DIE, than see Obama get CREDIT for Anything!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP's technique mirrors what  Old Veterinarians do to avoid getting the Crap kicked out of them, when they have to give a "shot" to a horse.  The "kick" of an animal that weighs more than 1000 pounds can be life-threatening!  They first "thump" the spot where the "needle" is to be inserted, and then quickly insert, while the impact spot has been numbed.  The American Public can still "kick the crap out of TRUMP" (and his co-conspirators?).  It must happen soon, however, our our "kick" will no longer matter.  Iowa is only a couple of months away!

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Saturday, December 5, 2015

RELIGIONs; RACE; and GUNS? (Stir Twice?)


It's time for all citizens of the USA, to read, or re-read Jared Diamond's 2005 book: COLLAPSE, How Societies Choose To Fail or Succeed.  Note the word: "Choose" !  If this Nation collapses, after almost a decade of Race-baiting against our President, and, a  Media-Driven Hysteria that is feeding two Hate-Mongers, posing as Politicians; it will be by CHOICE!! We know what is before us, we've known, since 9/11.  We didn't need  Bin Laden's Speech (2004), for us to realize that we have to work together to fight this Threat!  So far, we have chosen NOT to do that!

Because this Threat comes wrapped in packaging that is both Racial and Religious, the United States is particularly vulnerable; and must quickly overcome our traditional denial of our weaknesses in these  areas.  You can be sure that TRUMP and CRUZ, are both keenly aware, and, eager to capitalize on these weaknesses.  Our MEDIA has reduced its role to one of "fanning flames" , with "gossip"; rather than to inform the public of the facts and sub-texts of Events.  "Talking Heads" are in full competition, issuing opinions, masked as facts!  This is the stuff of Hysteria!

Stay Vigilant!  It will take nerves of steel to get through this most recent Event, and whatever comes after it.  Reverting back to the "go-it-alone" "Tough-Guys" approach of Dick and Dubya, will only spread the chaos wider.  Cooler and more Mature Heads are called for!  Defeating this Threat will require the best Minds on our Planet!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015



There, on T.V.; for all the world's ignorant whites to see, a collection of slick and prosperous Black Preachers, "doin' their thang", at Election Time!  Long before MEDIA cut themselves in on the Largess of Election Campainin' in Amerika; Black Preachers, since 1870, have been assured a "pay-off" by white candidates, who use them to "manipulate" the Black Vote in those areas were Blacks actually voted.  Mobsters also, understood this phenomenon very well!

Those of us who grew up in Black Communities, and had more than the usual number of brain cells, that worked; learned early-on that one of the "pay-offs" for being a Black Preacher, was MONEY from white Politicians at election time!  Along with freedom to "diddle" the wives of the Church, drive new cars, have chef and maid services, and wear the latest styles of clothing, the Political Payoffs served to give the typical Black Preacher a very "cushy" life!  Stealin' in the Name of de Lawd" is what it was all about.  It's sorta like, white lawyers and policemen who "break the law from the inside"!

JIM CROW Presidents, from 1870 to 1970, used Black Preachers to provide them "intell" on the Black Community, and to provide "calm" in times when whites "over-reached" with their abuses.
James Baldwin wrote about it; Phillis Wheatly told us about it in her Poetry in the 1700's.  Montesqueiu explained it to all Christians in his Spirit of Laws in the 1740s.  Du Bois told us, more than 100 years ago, all that we need to know, in Souls of Black Folk!

The Ugly Truth is:

Too many Black, and other non-white-colored People on this Planet
still believe that GOD is White;
and, all non-whites need to be "refin'd"  
before they can become Christians

Pope Too was in Africa a few days ago
"doubling down" 
on this message

The Right-Wing Politician, from Daddy Bush to TRUMP, understand this message, and are very handy at "layin' hands" on the likes of these Preachers, Clarence Thomas, "Condi", etc.

Stay Vigilant!  There are deep-rooted, and long-lasting reasons for the quandary, in which we all remain trapped.  TRUMP knows this!

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Monday, November 30, 2015

EBOLA! ; ISIS ; TRUMP!! (??)

No Accident?? --
-- That these three "Scourges" appear at, or near, the same TIME, in our History??  The First, an Act of Nature, was inflamed and spread by the effects of Post-War Technologies.  The Second, and Third, followed quickly; in the wake of the Invasion of Iraq by Dick and W;  backed by the GOP and those of our citizens, who, while quaking in their boots with Fear and Hatred, submitted to encouragement to "retaliate"  in opposition  to Islam!  Recent revelations of what happened in Fallujah, explain, in detail, the rise of ISIS.  The constant "siren" of the GOP to somehow blame Obama for events that clearly occurred before he entered the Presidency, is "music to the ears" of those blind believers who are succored by each drop of venom that drops from the pursed and puckered lips of  Donald Trump!  These events, also, were made possible, due to the Power of Post-Cold-War Technologies!  Imagine the fate of our Troops in the current Civil War, if President Obama had NOT removed them in 2011.  The Civil War in Iraq was predicted, early-on, by Brighter Minds, in opposition to the Iraq Invasion!

Old, previously vanquished EVILs have been resurrected by TRUMP, and, enhanced by MEDIA techniques and technologies, have been spread vi-rally!  HYSTERIA is the evil wind that drives the flames of Hatred spewed by Trump.  MEDIA greed feeds the process!  The Republican Party, having made their Pact with several Devils, since the days of Richard M. Nixon, has truly "sewn the Whirl-wind"!  Media Talking Heads, like Mourning "Alabama" Joe, can barely pretend to be impartial as they speak so glowingly of TRUMP!  Those who are convinced that TRUMP can be stopped, are simply, not paying close attention!  TRUMP's litany persistently blares the message that ONLY HE has the POWER to SAVE "his" People!  At the rate he attacks every conceivable group, or individual, both within and outside the GOP, who criticizes or opposes him, in any way, WE WILL SOON KNOW WHO "his" People are!!  There may not be many in number; but, that may not matter!
The "Shrill One" is singing a  monotonous song that  will appeal to every "closet Bigot" in the United States! Many of those are People of Color!!
Unlike Ebola, the virus spread by TRUMP does NOT have a self-limiting trait!  It does NOT "burn itself out"!  The last time the World faced such a viral spread, total Continents were swept up in the Carnage!
Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP knows that the Moral Code of our Nation has been vanquished by Events of the past five and -a-half  Decades.  We have made too many mistakes; beginning with VietNam!  While we were failing to restore Colonialism for the French, we were also failing in our efforts to restore JIM CROW at home!  Efforts to "reason" with the hysteria of viral hatreds, spread by Media-Masters like TRUMP, are foolish!
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Sunday, November 29, 2015

colorado: "SHOOT's .. (again) / GOP "Takes-Cover"??

"Message" Heard??

Robert Dear, is the name of this one.  Bundy, the "old white guy" involved in the Nevada Shootings, spouted similar "Obama-Hate".  Clearly, the GOP multi-year campaign, taken up,  to a man (and one woman) by the Clown Car of their 2016 Candidates, will have to respond to this event.  Even their thick-headed "Base" can connect-the-dots on this Killing Spree.  Modern Media will find these guys, even in the nooks and crannies of our Colorado mountains!

Colorado Springs has been described as a "Mecca" for Hard-Right, Extreme, "Religious" Nuts.  The GOP drum-beat against Abortion and Planned Parenthood, evidently "resonated"; sparking this Event.

MEDIA struggles to push this incident under their "Mental Health" blanket, and resist the new theme of "Domestic Terrorism".  Those who have been "amused" by the GOP's antics, should be getting a bit "anxious", now, about the entire prospect that one of these Clowns could wind up in the Oval Office!

The GOP should be careful about their "Mental Health" dodge, however.  Connecting the Dots on that topic leads back to "Mad Ronnie Reagan"; who, as Guv'na of California hit on the idea of closing the State's Mental Hospitals, and throwing the inmates onto our Streets, with only their medications.
Our Homeless Problem started around that time, also!  Are you SURE this country can survive another round with one of these Know-Nothings in charge??

Stay Vigilant!  Even the truly Stupid cannot dismiss the messages Colorado brings us.  Maybe, they'll get around to watching Blind-Sided  It is interesting to Connect-The-Dots that tie origin and rise of ISIS to our Contract Soldiers, and what happened to Fallujah!  Then, check the story about the absence of training and equipment provided by the Police, for the Cop who was killed by Dear!!  It seems all their resources were shifted to SWAT Teams that proved to be ineffective!

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Is WORLD WAR "Rumbling"??

Time to take a "WORLD" View?

While the USA is "entertaining" itself with "Sectarian" and "Out-House" Politics; we live in a World of Nations that have other concerns!!  It just may be important for us to keep an eye on Putin, as we "get our groove" from TRUMP's Racism??  Frida Ghitis tells us that the world is walking the path that led to World War I.

As we entered the last Century, the world faced many of the problems we see today.  Flush with the new "technology" of the Machine Age, the World rushed to War to learn what "improvements" could be had by replacing the old Agricultural-Age weaponry with "Machine Guns".  They didn't like the answer they got.  The carnage that resulted, still stands our in History!   There is a theory that mankind goes to War with the tools defined by the way they earn their living.  If that is true, then INFORMATION, or MIS-INFORMATION will shape the weaponry of World War III.  If we look carefully at the non-verbal messaging on the faces of our Talking Heads on T.V., we can see that TRUMP is "converting" a large swath of them.

But, Putin is the guy with the Nukes, AND the Propaganda Machinery of the MEDIA Age!  TRUMP, so far, has only the latter.  Oil, and other Energy-Source issues, so prominent in the lead-up to WW-II, lie at the root of the multi-faceted hostilities we see around us today.

Stay Vigilant!  Remember, it was some obscure East-European Arch-Duke who provided the TRIGGER for World War I.  Is Assad today's "Arch-Duke"?   If we allow the GOP to "screw" us out of our DEMOCRACY; WWW-I; the War to End all Wars; may be a "picnic" by comparison!!

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Is CHICAGO our "OCCUPIED" West-Bank??

"Trouble" In-the-LOOP??

Blacks,( and Sane Whites) in Chicago know; their City has really "done-it", this time.  13 Months!!
16 Shots!!  Enough Said??

Rosa Parks accomplished more than all of the Black Preachers combined!!  She took the issue to  Moneyed-Interests, and got results!  Let's hope, the same works for Chicago?

Ever since the real "Mayor Daly" used Chicago Cops to "crack heads" of (mostly white and middle class) kids in the Chicago Streets, in 1968; that City has been in a constant "stew" of Repressions; Economic, Racial, and by Ethnic Division.  Over time, it has tried a White Female Mayor, a Black Male Mayor:  it has attacked "Welfare",  and, REFORMED the School Systems.  All of this was done within the worst of the old Ward-Healer Spoils Systems.  Blacks and other non-whites "played-into" that System.  They Lost!  Big-Time!  Their Kids are murdering each other, as a result!!

The Cracker Right LOVES Netanyahu, because his Repressive Tactics against Palestinians, appears to be working.  I'm sure TRUMP is impressed with his "Fence".  Netanyahu does not have to worry about a Constitution that offers the Freedoms ours does.  Cheney and "W" found our Constitution to be a "burden", so they "spurned" it.  The GOP has followed suit.

Blacks have to realize that Rosa and the Bus Boycott TRUMPED Bull Connor, because the Moneyed Interests were adversely impacted.  In these precarious Economic Times, MONEY must be made to TALK for the Oppressed!  Money is doing quite well for rich whites, Thank you Very Much.  Rich non-whites must look closely at the limits whites have placed on the spending of their money, and find remedies?  A Street Protest, in the LOOP, seems like a great start.

Stay Vigilant!  In order for CHICAGO to be the rotten mess it is today, many layers of "Government" from Ward Captains to the Mayor, and from the Cop on the Beat to the Judges on the Benches, have been complicit, for a very long time.   Our Founders knew that UN-CHECKED POWER is the ultimate EVIL on Earth!  We must find an effective way to CHECK the POWER of MONEYed Interests!

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Thursday, November 26, 2015

it's the "SHEET"!!; Stupid

TRUMP's"Magic" ..

... may lie in his ability to "Free" Whites to enjoy their Racism "in the open"!  From the time of President Wilson, the Racist President who strongly supported Segregation, the KKK was the REAL Political Party that dominated our Nation.  There are famous photographs of the Klan marching in Washington, D.C., during his Term in Office.  In the Decades that followed the 1929 Crash, the Klan went "underground".  They did not go away.  They have historically formed the core of that stubborn 25%-30% of the American Electorate that was "religiously" Hard Right!  Trump is LOVED by this part of our Society, and, gives "permission" to vent, to the rest of our Whites who pretend to be "above" that element of white, un-educated, mostly male Southerners.  Mourning ("Alabama") Joe collects many of these "closet" Racists on his daily gathering on MSNBC.  They can be found in all Colors.  TRUMP does away with the need for the SHEET, in 2015??  It is "Magic" for those whites who can use the secrecy of the Ballot Box to "cover" their true Values.

Stay Vigilant!  We all have to get a lot better, at understanding. and accurately determining what our "neighbors" truly believe ??

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

from "Whence" Cometh YOUR "Protection"??

"The" QUESTION for this "AGE"??

TRUMP "screams and rants" about PROTECTION, while instructing a MOB to attack a defenseless individual in their midst!  ANYONE who believes such a "Leader" will protect THEM;   is a FOOL!!
He doesn't even try to protect himself!  He hires Bullies and off-duty COPS,  for that purpose.

Instead of gathering in the streets and yelling about how much Black Lives Matter; Blacks, and other non-whites, had better begin to think seriously about their Physical and Economic Security; in these United States, post-Trayvon!  White Floridians, acting safely within Institutions they Control, made it abundantly clear during the Trial of Zimmerman, what they REALLY think about JUSTICE; and how it should be limited by Race!  Guv'na Jeb Bush "contributed" the Stand-Your-Ground- Gun Law!

A number of Public Administrators, paid to protect our Constitution, and provide Public Safety, turned their Oaths of Office on their heads!  This happened in Florida, but there are fresh Cases in New York, Illinois, Maryland, South Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, and Texas!  There are places where the Video Evidence was available, in abundance; yet, failed to allow "Justice" across the Color Line!

REFORM is the ready remedy; usually proposed by Whites-in-Office; on the Left, Right, and Center.  It is the exact same message they have used since our Civil War ended.  The Record of Reforms shows the transformation of Old Racist Policies, into New Racist Policies, written into "Law" or "Regulations", and then roundly ignored by White Administrators who control the impacted Institutions.

  What "Institutions"?

Prisons; Public Prosecutors; Grand Jurors; Educators; Police Forces;  Legislators (City, County, State and Federal); Priests, Ministers, and Rabbis;  the list is long!  These "Administrators, paid with public tax dollars, know what the Law "reads", and they know what their  "Politics" will allow them to do.  Into the Chasm between those two "known" factors, is scraped all of the egregious Injustices we see aired, daily, in our News Media.  Talking Heads have been trained to "spin" the News in ways that permit the status-quo to continue.  No Public Administrators are named, nor shamed; except for an out-of-favor Politician!   No corrupted Judge is ever exposed in Media!  No Public Prosecutors have bee held to account, (except for their personal peccadillos, or some sleazy "bridge" affair)!

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks, and other Non-Whites, have a lot to learn if they really wish to establish Justice, in these United States.  The GOP lets us know daily, just who thinks they are IN CHARGE, and expect to STAY in Charge!  Demonstrating and Petition-signing will not change their behavior! It can serve to win them Votes; from the Riff-Raff that put them in office.  Do your Homework!  Get to know better, those who may live next to you; yet, will work against your well-being! Economically, Politically, Legally: and other ways!  Learn the most effective ways to get and hold their attention, and for addressing your needs!   The VOTE, alone, will prove insufficient!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

GOP: a new "LOW" ??

Time to STOP "Laughing"??

TRUMP is now using, in his campaign, "openly",  approving verbal references to an: "Austrian with the little moustache" !   He is awakening old, ugly ideas and historic travesties, that have been, before now, referred to only in "dog-whistle" and other "euphemistic" language!!   I was correct in my very fist BLOG for the OWL (7Apr2011), when I wrote about "Ghosts of Goebebels" being "loosed" again on this Planet.

In a rally in Birmingham, TRUMP gave his approval for his crowd's  physical attack upon a member of the audience.  This is right out of the ugly play book of Nazis!  The Republican Party has almost two dozen other "Candidates" for President, who have "echoed"  TRUMP's language and tactics.  These are Monstrous Times, and it doesn't take "9/11" or "Paris" to make that fact evident!

All Societies, have their 'Wings", and corresponding "Wing-Nuts"; but these monsters are ushering in a FUTURE for all of us, that is BUTT-UGLY, and will become VIOLENT; if  Saner Elements within our Society don't step forward and help to Shut-Them-Down!  MEDIA must do its part.  It should realize that it operates on our Air Waves, at the indulgence of the Public-at Large!!

This GOP behavior betrays their claim to "Make Our Country Great"!!   These candidates, by their rhetoric and actions, show clearly, that they will NOT abide by any Oath of Office that requires loyalty to, and protection for, our Constitution!

Stay Vigilant!  Pretending to run for Public Office, these Clowns are spreading Hate, Suspicion, and Distrust, in ways that endanger the lives of people, here at Home, and,  around the Globe!  This morning's Joint Presentations by President Obama, and French President Hollande should make it clear to everyone that we must vigorously resist the harangues of these GOP "Sh*t-Stirrers"!  

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Monday, November 23, 2015


A New Low for "NEWS"??

Hounded by Papparazzi, the Driver of the Princess was found "Negligent"!

In 1997, we thought of Papparazzi as those merciless photographers who ruined people's lives in hopes of getting a photo they could sell to those contemptible "Scandal Rags"!  In less than 20 years, T.V, News Broadcasters (Right, Left, Center) have become "Papparazzi".  They HOUND us to DEATH with whatever story they think "has legs".  Every Channel, 24/7; its the same "bit"; from some standard "script" -- Ad-Nauseam!  We all are forced to live with Papparazzi News, today.  
Televised News has become one big Scandal Sheet!  They want us to think the rest of the World has disappeared -- no NEWS, from any other place, EXISTS!  A better plan to drive the MASSES to a Nervous Breakdown, could not be devised.  We all know how this happened, and who is responsible.  The amazing thing is how quickly people, we thought had "integrity" succumbed to this sleazy business!

An old Veteran of the Scandal Rags, TRUMP is ready made for this environment!  His Poll Numbers show that!  How do we explain our failure to STOP this CRAP, though??  

Could it be that we are Lemmings; always ready to believe and react to anything the MEDIA chooses to "shock" us with?? Or, are we Hamsters; who, like Rubio, are so ambitious to "rise" from a place like Hialiah?  And, are so Racist, as to believe that anyone who is not Black can be better than Obama?? These MEDIA Darlin's, will kiss any behind, or play in any gutter,  that permits them to "shoot the moon" to the White House??

Stay Vigilant!  If the Crap is driving you mad, just remember where the OFF button is??  Fight for your Sanity, and for the ability to Think for Yourself!!

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

we ALL, may be livin' some version of "SCHENGEN"??

Does "PARIS" threaten the "Unity" of an Extended Europe??
When I began my studies with Drucker, in 1985, Peter spoke a great deal about the emerging
European Economic Community, in which borders were essentially eliminated, for trade purposes, and for travel.  It was named for the Schengen Agreement, signed in 1985 by ten EU member states in the town of Schengen, Luxembourg.  With their common borders thus eliminated, their External Borders, took on much greater significance for such purposes as Security.

Thirty years later, we experience the unending horde of Refugees, spilling out of the Middle East; in flight, from widespread warfare.  Border Security cannot withstand such a flood of immigrants.
The Paris Killings last week, awaken political pressures to close those borders.  "The Donald", in the United States, striving to "own" what little is left of the Republican Party, uses Border Fences as his campaign theme.
What does all of this mean for Global Trade?  Nobody knows.  Given the staggering amounts of MONEY to be lost, I'm willing to bet that, even weak governments, will find a way to keep the MONEY flowing??

The concept of weak or ineffective borders can pertain, also, to Religions, Races, Nationalities, and their respective affinities.  National Identities have been a major issue since the Beirut Bombing of our Marines, that happened during Ronnie Reagan's first Term, in 1983.  Hostage-taking, that began with Iran in 1979, spread throughout the Middle East for a while.  People have been "voting with their feet "ever since those days of War between Sharon and Arafat.  The instabilities have grown; through Iran-Contra, Cold War Collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Putin-driven, "Cold-War-Echo", of 2015.

Political Parties are not immune from this question.  Republican Party Candidates, with their un-ending Hindsight, are rabidly pushing "Fences" and other devices that divide people, concepts, and causes.
They are firmly committed to "Conserving" our War-ridden Past.  The Democratic Party, in contrast, is busy putting forth ideas that counter the destructive and misleading slogans of the RIGHT, and provide Strategies for a more Secure and Prosperous Future.

Stay Vigilant!  Only those Religious "Apocalyptics" who are convinced there is NO FUTURE can be happy with the issues being circulated by these Repoobs.!!
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