Thursday, April 30, 2015

politics 2016: BLACK/white; LEFT/right ...

TIME for STRATEGIES  .. NOT Emotions and Opinions!!

We can all expect the Presidency of the United States to return to WHITE; after 8 years of race-based "Tarring" of the first Black President by Republicans, and their Repoob (Tea Party) Surrogates.

These are the 'Birth Pains" for, what is emerging as the real,  "NEXT" America.  Michael Harrington wrote about this, (prematurely(?), in 1983.    Thirty-two years later, we know a lot more!  Harrington hints, in 1983, that the United States  had, somehow, transcended Race; leaving sex, religion, and politics, as  triple Evils in our Nation's future..  We now know, he was WRONG!

RACE is not only Back; it never went away!  It was "baked into" the deals that Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, and "Slick Willie" Clinton, each, made to keep Racial Injustice alive.  When the Southerners in Congress, in the 1960s, acquiesced to Civil Rights Legislation; it was with the provision that "Women" be included; as a "Minority".  Any half-educated school child KNOWS that Females are a natural Majority, in the Human Race!  It was Racism : that the Old Boys from the South were figuring on, in the 1960s.  WHITE Women were their "Secret Weapon" to keep Whites in Power.  So far, we've seen  Palin, Bachmann, and, now, Fiorina, surfaced on the Hard Right.  Now, there's  Hillary, alone on the Left!  In the wake of Baltimore, both Hillary and Jeb Bush are sending "forked" messages on RACE.  Government leaders are "Leaking" messages to cover for Police Action.

The Clintons learned their Politics in Arkansas; the home of Orville Faubus, a name Blacks of my Generation know Well!  He was the Racist Guv'na that kept schools closed to Blacks in that State, during the term of Eisenhower!

Blacks and Browns need to "come to grips" with their own version of:  "Doing the Same Thing, Over, and Over, Expecting CHANGE, that will have meaning!   Time, for persons of color, is running out!  Bubba was a slayer of the dreams of Blacks with his treatment of Welfare Women; and the dreams of all citizens, not in the top 1%, with NAFTA!  None of us know what the Clintons have been cooking up in DAVOS!

If English-speaking Blacks and Spanish-Speaking Blacks and Browns can find a meaningful common interest; they might find a future in which they can escape the  current  Economic Slavery that Whites continue to bind us to.  A close look at what happened to Michael Jackson and Oprah, should cause those of us who continue to pursue the "Crabs-in-a-Bucket" path to "Freedom";  realize just how Foolish and "Dead-Ended that path is!

Stay Vigilant!  Any fool can find it easy to AVOID those things they BELIEVE to be Wrong!  What is needed, for a successful future, is STRENGTH; to stop spending our energies on some  things that we've been taught are RIGHT!  Knowing which habits cripple us; is KEY!

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What's Up ? wit "ORGANIZED SPORTS" (y'all)

Capitulation to RACE?

This is too big to allow it to "slip through" in the shadows cast by MEDIA-Glare on Baltimore!

It is reported that the NFL is "voluntarily" giving up it's TAX-EXEMPTION STATUS !!  Also, in the shadows of Baltimore; taking place IN Baltimore; CAMDEN YARDS will commit an act Never Before Seen in Baseball!  It's the "seeing" part that is Revolutionary!  No one will be allowed to come to the YARDS to SEE today's Game.  The two teams will PLAY; with NO ONE in the Stands!!  A Hand-full of Black Kids can really be REVOLUTIONARY, after All??

Baseball hands the LIE to half a century of living off Jackie Robinson, and the NFL admits that there's little future left for sucking the life out of Black and Brown male youth throughout the Americas!  Was it the battered white brains that convinced them to do it?  Are the Racist Owners doubtful that Millenials will provide adequate options for their succession?

Stay Vigilant!  Television, and Cable, and Streaming, Revenues may, or may not prove adequate for whatever life-span the current Owners have left.

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"oh", .. BALTIMORE! ...

FOR Our "NEXT" america
Will There Be
A "New" Francis Scott Key?
And, will, He or She

The Parents Of Color in Baltimore MUST Take Back Their Chilren  from those white-dominated Institutions that have "owned" them since Brown v. Board?  Will those Parents learn, before it's too late, what was the "Miracle" that CC Hubbard brought to the Black Children of Central Missouri for the first half of the Twentieth Century?  That "Miracle" was the Strenths they gained  from an Extended Community of Parents who supported their school and the education of their children, above all else.

The Miracle Died; as Whites destroyed CC Hubbard; when they finally began to "Integrate"  Public Schools, annually; starting with First Grade, after 1957.! Not only was the School closed; the Faculty and Administration were summarily fired!  Parents of Color were persona-non-grata in the "Integrated" schools!    Blacks thought that "whatever whites had, was better"!!  Too many Blacks and Browns believe that, to this Day!!

Destroying the bond between Parent and Child is, perhaps, the most grievious thing Whites did, in general, and the most devastating for all black and brown children.  Taking from their centuries-old pattern of Indian Schools, wherein Whites kidnapped Indian Children and proceeded to "beat the Indian" out of them; "School Integration" in this country, has practiced a psychological version of that; while they relyied on the decaying Black Community to provide the necessary physical devastation.  Those with better "opportunities" could Escape.  In the Deep South, miscreants like Clarence and Condi, and Senator Scott were created.  They come in handy for the White Right Agenda.  If you examine it closely, the "Progressive": whites in our MEDIA are treating Baltimore "gingerly"!  They ignore the glaring fact that Baltimore proves, without doubt, that WHITES are ABOVE the LAW!!

Stay Vigilant!  From Sherrif Arpaio in Arizona to the new Guv'na Hogan of Maryland, the die seems to be cast.  Those of all colors and regions who will not tolerate a Police State, in any fashion, are running out of time, and options, to ACT.  The Republicans, with their Repoobs, Tea Party, and Religious Nuts, continue to drag our Country DOWN!

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015


We ALL have to Learn "Government" (USA version)

While the "dust" settles over Baltimore; and before the Cops decide which City will be "next" for a 'Police Riot', the Citizens of this Nation have to pay attention to how they are "governed"!

Long before the whites left our Cities, in droves, taking the Tax Base with them, they didn't TRUST their Government.  So, they set up various forms of Mayoral Government:  Strong Mayor/Weak Mayor; Council-Led; City-Manager Led, etc.  They solved their Ethnic Gang problems by turning those Gangs into Policemen.  

After the Urban Riots in the wake of the Assassination of Martin Luther King, whites came up with the idea that Blacks should be Mayors (they were convinced that Blacks didn't understand that most Mayors have little or no Power).  Of the Black Mayor "rash" that swept this country between 1970 and 2000, only one; Harold Washington in Chicago; was in a Strong Mayor position.  Most people think Cops are answerable to the the Mayor.  Not so, in most cities.  In too many cities, Cops don't answer to ANYONE!  After 2000, the trend sfifted, to include Sheriffs -- the Cops of the Counties -- and, blended forces; with City/County "shared" policing.  With the growth of strong Unions, and their own Constituency in Congress, Cops in the US have become an armed, autonomous, virtually independent, POWER unto themselves.  That's probably why the Baltimore Mayor doesn't know -- even now-- what that gang of Cops did to Freddie Gray, more than a week ago.  Whites who feel SAFE with this; should THINK, again??  This problem will not be solved by a SHOW OF FORCE!!

Stay Vigilant!  Now you know why Eric Holder was so hated by our Racist Right-Wingers in Congress!  Be Aware (check out the DRAFT,  You might be alarmed to find a similar story involving our Military??

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Monday, April 27, 2015

What do we "LEARN" from BALTIMORE??

"TESTING"!  not just  'TRAINING' -- Is Required !!

As whites in the MEDIA do their "fast-fumble" between "More Training", and " More Cameras";
Baltimore "teaches" us something quite different.  As the list of Crazed and Addicted Whites who commit public murder grows longer (with the protections of a Racist "Justice" System); so does their MAYHEM continue to spread!  The themes of "Predation" "Wanton Slaughter" and "Control at all Cost" ring through our lives: from Sandy Hook, to Denver, and,  Oklahoma City to Waco,

Baltimore is a City that has come a long way from the one I knew is the early 60s.  From Mayor Kurt Schmoke to Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the city has "Cleaned-up" and "Replaced" their way to the promising city we see today.  It is NOT the City you saw on The Wire!  Then, last week, a gang of young Cracker Cops managed to do their "thing",  on a young  black Male who was "targeted" in a way with which we've become all too familiar!  He "mysteriously" wound up with a broken neck, within minutes after being set-upon by the white gang.  Days-on, we still don't "know" any more than the Cameras tell us.

How about this: folks??  Devise a TEST for any white male who wants to serve on ANY Police Force in the United States.  That TEST will measure his depth of racial hatred; or fears of persons who are not white. That shouldn't be too hard to do.  APPLY that test to any white person who seeks to "serve" on a Police Force at the Town, City, County, or State levels -- NATIONWIDE.  Persons of Color have to be assured they are SAFE from an element that is obviously present within too many Police Forces in the USA!  Then, ERASE all obvious and not-so-obvious racial or class disparities embedded within our "Justice" Institutions.  ELIMINATE all applicants who score low grades on the TEST!  Test procedures and administration should be made public AT THE TIME of Hiring.  At No Time must Police be allowed to act, on BLIND FAITH from the Public.  They are armed, and empowered, to KILL, instantly, Anyone!

Stay Vigilant!  ALL Police Forces MUST reflect the neighborhoods of those they serve.

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

What is: "A CRIME"? ... in the USA ..

.. and, WHO "Decides" ??
We awake today to scenes of Baltimore as it replays scenes that followed  the "Rodney King"  beatings by Cops in LA, in 1991.  Today's mostly- Black, young, males, are a product of Maryland State "Education"! -- a fact, for which the State should hang its head in shame!  The parents of these kids were forced by Maryland Law to subject them to that "education".  Blacks must follow the Jews and "educate" their OWN Children!!  My first two children were born in Maryland.  Close friends of ours had relatives living in Turner Station, a part of  Baltimore that was heavily Segregated in 1962.  It has been transformed today, and as a promising Black Community; deserves a chance to thrive!

Suppose those youth were taught that the "injustice" they rage against can be traced directly back to the Inquisition in Spain; and its transplantation to the Americas?  Suppose they were taught that the "targets" of the Inquisition, in Spain, were Africans (Moors) and Jews.  Suppose they were taught to trace the results of that period of History for the Jewish decendents of today; and, for the African decendents of today.  Suppose they could see that their parents and grandparents; because of looming FEAR of "Muslims" in America (Malcolm-X); were persuaded by whites to "choose", in the early 60s, "Martin", and not, "Malcolm"?   Suppose they were taught; that "Choice",  has yielded little or no real and positive "consequences" for today?  Government actions, both, State and Federal, were implicated in the deaths of both men.  What if they knew that whites, then, were as terrified of Muslims, and Malcolm, as they are of ISIS today?

If they knew that W.E.B. DuBois, in Souls of Black Folk.  made it clear, over a hundred years ago, that LAW, post Civil War, was "anything" whites decided it would be.  Whites wrote Laws to be applied against Blacks, and the Poor -- a "euphemism for Black; in any manner they chose!  Blacks, mistakenly, believed that LAW automatically carried Constitutional Protections, and would be applied, equally, to the Powerful!  

Then came "O.J", 1992!  From then, in "white-eyes", the Crime-Rate began to "soar"!  To lower "crime-rates", whites simply had to shift their views of  what would be regarded as "crime"!  What we're witnessing today, is this "trick", as old as the Inquisition, applied to white recognition that they may have gone "too far", and their "criminal justice system" has to be "reformed".  Senator Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, declares that behind the facades of  white "respectability",  an alarmingly high percentage of white America are "stoned" out of their minds on prescription drugs; yet NONE of them fall prey to the "criminal justice system" in the way that blacks and the poor do.

Stay Vigilant!  Just as ISIS will not be defeated by guns, alone, Cracker-Injustice cannot be defeated by "praying" and seeking an absent "morality" in whites who were instructed more than a thousand years ago that they were "Exceptional"!  Knowledge and Ideas are what are required; not political advertising.  "White-controlled Institutions", like "Education" , "Public Safety", and "Religion" are the "safe havens" for the EVILS that must be fought today.

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

BLACKS: "No One" Will SAVE Us; BUT US!!

The "Pattern" Is CLEAR!

"Alien Policing"  is the crisis this country is witnessing!  When I owned property in LA, in the mid-1980s, it had a BLACK Mayor; but it was obvious that Daryl Gates and his Cops were not answerable to anyone!  They ran the streets any way the chose; leading to Rodney King, Importation of  Drugs, and, "O.J.".  The Christopher Commission "studied", found the Cops Corrupt, and "moved on".  Mad Ronnie Reagan gave off signals of  his support for the LA Cops.

Now, Baltimore shows how far this Cancer has progressed!  Clearly, Bundy in Nevada, revealed the Cracker-Mindset behind the trend; when he insisted that the "Sheriff", in Nevada, "arrest" Federal Government Officials!  This is the kind of thinking that has spread RED to State Legislatures across our country, put Tea Party traitors in our Congress; and is running their whelps, for President, in 2016!  It is not too late for citizens to "pull their heads out", and take appropriate actions; before it is too late!  Our Governors, Senators, and Congresspersons will "fiddle", "collaborate", or feign ignorance!  That is how they "prosper", and stay in office!

Stay Vigilant!  How long does this trail of deaths, and brutality have to get?; before the Blind and Stupid among us realize their responsibilities as CITIZENS??  In a Police State, NO ONE is SAFE!!

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Friday, April 24, 2015

NEW; "TOP ; (female) "COP" (Black) !!

Behold the accomplishments of HOLDER!

For the first time in my long years, the American People are no longer taking as GOSPEL, anything a white Cop claims as truth!  Questioning, in serious ways, at many levels,  involving all colors; is uderway across this nation.  Bad Cops are not GOOD for anybody!!  

As Eric Holder departs his Post; he is replaced by Loretta Lynch; as our first Black Female Attorney General for the United States.  Our Senate went out of its way to show their disdain for her nomination, by withhholding their final vote for twice as long as records show for any similar vote.

Attorney General Lynch will have a tough challenge, to get our Police Forces "cleaned-up", and to remove widespread corruption and restore accountability.  It is not the job of our Police to act as Tribal Protectors!  All are served equally, or none are served at all!

Stay Vigilant!  Note that the "rot" seems to have set in at the County Sheriff-level of Policing in our country.  It is clear that people who behave in their way, do not respect the rights of anyone!  The "bad seed" among white males, as demonstrated by the case of Timothy McVeigh, seems to have spread into our national Politics, in the Tea Party faction of the Republican Party.
Their kind of violence has been indiscriminate, until lately, when Zimmerman surfaced in Florida.

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

"WHITE-supremacy" -- "In DEATH-Throes"

R We Living thru an "Obama/Trayvon Revolution"??

No longer able to use Attack Dogs (literally), and White Sheets; Crackers have taken to Killing, in the open, black males; of various ages, all over this country.  White Law is helpless, in the face of this phenomenon!  It started with Trayvon, and has spread widely, increaing in intensity.  The most recent episode was a broken neck, performed by white cops, in Baltimore, on  a young, black male.

On our Political Streets, every variety of White Supremacist Candidate is surfacing on Repoob (Republican) Tickets; seeking to grab whatever that strategy will yield for them.  Lots of  Rich-White's -Money is obviously one yield.  After Romney's disaster 1n 2012, you'd think this crowd would have gotten the message; but, evidently NOT!  Money has its allure, after all.  Even Trump is stumpin'  again!

For those disgruntled Blacks on the Left, who think Obama's Presidency has done nothing for them; I suggest they take another look.  Clearly the "smartest guy in the rooom", when "mugged" by Crackers like McConnell, Boehner, and their lessers; Obama has beaten them all; repeatedly!!  White Supremacy can't have much of a life left after that!  Trayvon and Obama are bookends for the opening of a period that, I think, will lead to the demise of global White Supremacy.  If "Exceptional" White Males can be "outfoxed" consistently by Obama; what's a poor, ignorant, white Cop to do?

More importantly, when will poor, ignorant, Blacks wake up?  Willie Lynch promised 300 years of success with his formula.  That time is up!  It's not simply the passing of time, however.  It was 500 years ago, when Moctezuma mistook a Conquistador for a White GOD.  The world has been suffering from that delusion ever since!  Even then, Cuauhtemoc was not convinced; he nearly drove Cortes out of Mexico; in defeat.  Had he suceeded, there would be no world-wide Roman Christianity (maybe none at all).  There would be no African Slavery in the Americas.  There would be no Church-Led "Rape" of Native Peoples; from our Sioux Nations, to Zulu Lands -- of all of Africa, North America, and South America!

As the world emerges from their half-Millenial trance, foretold by Montesquieu, when he questioned whether Whites could be Christians, if it turned out that Non-whites were more than sub-human animals; --   Two questions  remain: (1) how long will this "Awakening" take, to fully unfold?; and (2) Can it remain mostly non-violent?

Stay Vigilant!  "Our" world has lived off a false "grading curve"; established in Mexico in 1530.  Are we beginning to see a new "Curve" emerging?  By what "standard" will it be set? 

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015


"Opportunity" ??  For Whom??

If you, like me, look in the mirror and do NOT see a white (or "passably" white) face staring back; then, you must know, in these days of systematised police executions of black males, that its long past time for NEW THINKING!  Old methods have failed, and Old Conditions have tragically worsened.

Yet, even this, too, can be "overcome", if we "Put Down Our Buckets, Where We Are";  to quote an old "Booker T. Washington story.  In two interviews held by Tavis Smiley, on last night's show; some incredible statistics were cited.  He interviewed Catherine Murphy, NYU Center for Global Affairs, and Journalist, and Ann Louise Bardach; both of whom are "experts" on the REAL Cuba.  Mass Media in the USA has a standard "face" for Cuba, shaped by the views of the Batista Cubans who fled to Miami.  In the Smiley interviews, you will learn that this is NOT the Cuba of 2015!

During the 50 years of failed Embargo, one third of the population, who were "white-enough-to pass" left the Island for places like Miami, Mexico City, and Europe.  The remaining two-thirds are Black or Brown, and are the overwhelming majority of Cubans in Cuba, in 2015!  Funny, the "picture" our Media paints does NOT show that!

They have "survived" 50 years of abuse under the Embargo.  They clearly do not intend to return to their horrible existence at the hands of the Batista-Exiles, or the U.S. policies and practices of days past.  Land, and other Assets have been re-distributed by Castro.  It is not likely that whites with money will easily "waltz" back into Cuba, slip the "noose" of money around their necks, and "pick up where their fathers left-off"!

What can we expect?  Nobody knows for sure; but there are clues.  The average income in Cuba today is $250 per year!  The "Average" Black or Brown person in the U.S. "wastes" that amount of money Monthly!

Smart Blacks/Browns can now stop "chasing whites" and think, for once, of pursuing Common Interests, that will further their advance toward Independence, Liberty, and Freedom.  These common interests can be pursued throughout the planet.  Is it time to reverse our past ,failed, practices and to broaden our horizons.  White Americans have had no problem advancing their "interests".  Now may be a time of "equal opportunity" that approaches reality?  Never, since the days of Columbus, has there been such abundance of opportunity and the means to access it!  We simply have to reverse our reverence for "all things white", learn a few languages, and venture out of of mental and physical "ghettos"!

Stay Vigilant!  Misplaced Trust is a condition that can be reconciled.  First, recognize the Common Interests you have with others who share your economic, political, and social shoes; then, proceed in directions and ways that make sense FOR YOU, and your family's future.  We finally may have a way out of this "box" we've been in for too long.  If we passively accept the murder of our children in the pursuit of some false nation of wealth and  "fair treatment" from white  institutions, we will have no future.  The past six years of Obama Presidency should convince all persons of color on this planet of that fact!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The "MAN" ... The MODEL


Those of you who have read these BLOGs (one thousand and seventeen, so far); know that seventy years ago my mother died in childbirth, leaving my father with eight children, alive, ranging from 2 to 13 in age.  My mother, and the infant, both lived, briefly, but there was not enough blood available for either of them to sustain life.

For the next four years, my father struggled, without significant help, to keep us alive, and to earn a living.  My mother was a college graduate; my father had a sixth-grade education; upgraded significantly by my mother, during their marriage of fifteen years.  Our child-rearing pattern had been firmly established by both parents,by the time of her death; and it served well to insure our survival for the next four years.  During those years,  we had to "raise" ourselves, overnight, while my Dad worked at his job, for the Railroad.  You can imagine the plehtora of "tales" that can be told of events during those years, when we all had to "grow up" -- to take full responsibility for our actions, and, to support each other.

Dad would arrive home at the crack of Dawn; get our breakfast, and get the six older children off to school.  During the day, he would cook, wash clothes, mind the two children who were too young for school, and get enough sleep to make it back to work; at Dusk.  He did this for four years.  There was a "nursery school" service that he could pay for.  Often the two youngest children would run away from the Nursery School, and show up on the Play-Ground at our School; at Recess time.  The "shock" experssed by the entire Black Community, at the time of the death, was quickly followed by a strange "withdrawal", and scarce offers of support.  We later learned that the community reaction was "orchestrated" by my Grand-mother, who decided to "grieve" her daughter's death in that way. My Grandfather did not share her behavior.  He would "drop by" the house to make sure we got to bed on time.

My Dad was, strangely, prepared for his role.  His Father deserted his family in 1918, to make a "killing" as a boot-legger.  My other Grandmother, his mother, was ill, and Dad dropped out of school, to work, from Dawn to Dusk, plowing fields on an adjoining farm.  His mother died when he was eighteen, and he fought, unsuccessfully, to gain custody for his three youngest siblings.  They were "taken" by the State of Missouri, and lived  miserable lives as a result.  One of them, a boy,, my namesake, was murdered in Sioux City, Iowa in 1933.  Dad married again, in 1949.  We got a Step-mother!

Stay Vigilant!  This country began to experience a trend toward under-performing male children, around the time Ronald Reagan arose to the Presidency.  All male children, regardless of class and race, have been impacted by the "forces" that have produced so many "worthless" males among us.  We still don't have a "handle" on the most significant causes.  The "degradation" has grown; along with this Nation's shift to rhe Hard Right.

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Monday, April 20, 2015


Is MEDIA forming a "MASS-MIND" in the USA??

Behavior of Immigrants in the USA often changes markedly by Generation, as their "New Life" here "evolves".  Great stresses can arise between parents and children as the "Old Ways" are cast off by the young and parental authority is challenged.  This phenomenon has been present for more than a century; but it is taking on bizarre twists as traditional home life changes from that of "Ozzie and Harriet" to "Modern Family".  

Its not as funny as Television would coax us to believe.  Recall the radom shooting of young, white, blond, women in Santa Barbara, some months back?  Details were skimpy, but some Reporters revealed what was written on the Social Media Site of the Shooter.  His "twists" revealed  mixed racial, generational, socio-sexual, as well as gender strands.  There was a definite "skin-color" conflict in the mind of the shooter.  

As we all can attest, MEDIA, maddeningly reports "News" from a nearly standard "script".  The Network, Channel, or "Talking Head" may vary, but the words we hear, and the pictures we see, don't vary much!  A lot of this is due to the fact that the "tallking head" does nothing more than "read the Prompter".  They often "stumble" in doing even that simple task.  They don't hesitate to interject their personal opinions, along with the script they read.

Its my contention that all of this is to engender a MASS MIND-SET that will come in handy for Politicians, Commercial Interests, and Public Institutions.  MEDIA is a major factor in "teaching" English to Immigrants who do not come from English-Speaking regions and do not speak English.  Often the Children within a family, will pick up the language most rapidly; and then "teach" their parents.  Many homes keep tensions between the old and new languages, and add those tensions to others within the household.  Gender variants exist among those tensions, with Daughters expected to be more "compliant".

No matter how eagerly, this "kool-aid" in consumed; another tension can develop within the newcomer, (and, similarly, among members of  older, "permanently marginalized" groups).  
That tension is born in a suspicion that "becoming" one of the Masses, will NOT permit those whose skin is not white to enjoy full benefits of "Assimilation".  In fact, "Assimilationists" run the risk of becoming permanently "INVISIBLE":  -- a condition in which they are permanently seen, but never heard, nor recognized, in ways that are fully human.  What they consume from Television will never reflect their lives!

Stay Vigilant!  If you allow "others" to "define" you, or capture your aspirations for their socio-economic benefit; you could find yourself in a strange, "asylum" that confers "invisibility", and "zombie" socio-political status.  It can happen to individuals, and to groups of people.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, April 19, 2015

"POPE-TOO"; under "ATTACK"?? ... (Why? ...He's so nice ..)

The Un-Raveling of HISTORY?

We awaken today to "News" that Turkey's President, Erdogan, attacked Pope Francis for his reference to "Ottoman Genocide"  Why do we let the "News" MEDIA, and the likes of Andrea Mitchell, spoon-feed our History to us?  HIT THE BOOKS!  We're living through a "Great Unraveling" of Sykes-Picot, and the Balfour Agreement, which occurred between 1915 and 1917, and left us with the Middle East we see imploding today.  For God's Sake, since we're so poisoned by "Hollywood-History"; we could at least view again  Lawrence of Arabia!  The visceral hatred of the Arabs by Europeans, was made unmistakeably clear in that film.   Also featured, were prominent prejudices toward the "Turks"!  For college-level, easy reading, I suggest The Making of the Modern World, Richard M. Brace, Harcourt & Co., NY, 1955.; in your search for TRUTH!

As we drift toward the 2016 Presidential Election, we can at least TRY to protect ourselves from the "bull-sh*t" we swallow for "News", on Media's 24/7, "mind-effing", "Cycle"!!

Busy trying to "implant"  mass-mind impressions of "Hillary", and Marco, and, even, "Terrible-Teddy Cruz", we're treated like small children, unwittingly engaged in playing some bizarre version of "Old-Maid"!

See if you can determine for yourself ,the "interests" today, of Israel, France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Turkey, Saudi-Arabia, and other "players"; in what is re-shaping our Politics and Economics, as the Global Economy grows.  Determine for yourself, the roles of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Religions.  Who holds the strongest "Cards"??

The Sykes-Picot and Balfour Agreements were DIPLOMATIC actions; taken to achieve what the First World War (1914-17), failed to achieve.  Leading up to that War, that historians say, marked the End of European World Dominance; check out the Triple Alliance between Rome, Berlin, and Vienna (1882-1914); The German-Romanian Alliance (1883-1916), and the several Balkan "Crises"; for a start!  

Our White (Republican) Party is busy foisting "geniuses" like Rubio, Cotton, Christie, and Cruz,;who say NOTHING of any of this.  Could it be that their "education" did not cover it?  What about yours?

Stay Vigilant!  We can THANK GOD we still have people like John Kerry working within our Government today.  We are not completly bereft of the "intelligence" it takes to recognize the importance of brilliant Diplomacy, to the survival and economic health of Nations.  We don't have any knowlege of that, flowing from McCain or Graham;  our "Katzenjammers" in the Senate!

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Saturday, April 18, 2015


The "Technique"

Hillary thinks it will take a Constitutional Amendment to get MONEY OUT OF OUR POLITICS?
If she's right, then we're "done-for"!!  Neither she, nor the rest of us have that much time to save our country.  We're on the leading edge of what will, undoubtedly become the most EXPENSIVE Presidential Election Campaign in our History!  The White Party (Republicans) are "flush" with Candidates.  The Blue Party (Democrats) have ONE (hillary).  With that much money, against the first FEMALE contender ... it may not even be a contest!  Why???

Since Dick Nixon took the GOP "South", in 1973, the Repoob Party has been busy continuing the Race War that Nixon and his Cronies were waging with Anti-busing, Race-based Census Boxes, and support for J.Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO.  All Repoob Presidents (and Clinton) have marched steadily in a rightward path, further dividing this country between White, and Non-Whites.  Daddy Bush "iced-the cake", in 1991, with Clarence Thomas, whose presence on the Court, and "lock-step-Scalia" Voting Pattern, have cursed us, with  Bush v. Gore, failure to defend us in 9/11; the Iraq War; relentless Right-Wing rulings against Justice for Minorities, and, Citizens United,  -- bringing us the notion that "Money is Speech"!  Following an equally specious finding that "Corporations had the Rights of Persons", the Court made possible the election of our first President that is openly hostile to our Constitution (Cheney was only the Vice President, actually).  The White Party has that candidate ready for 2016.  All other Repoob Candidates are distractions.

Its virtually indisputable that the CANDIDATE with the MOST MONEY wins elections in the USA.
If this turns out to be a $Trillion election, as forecast, that will be enough money to buy a Netflix membership for every family in the nation!  I'm not suggesting that voters will sell out so cheaply.  What I know, is, what makes money work the way it does in elections:  ADVERTISING is the tool that prevails.  The Winner will be the candidate that has the most of it, and uses it most effectively!

Perhaps the most EVIL thing to come out of our World War II experience was NOT the atomic bomb; it was the Nazi "Scientific" Discoveries of ways to overcome normal brain functions that prevent a human being from being  totally controlled by others.  They used the Jews as guinea-pigs to determine ways to overcome human resistance to all sorts of horrific stimuli.  That knowledge has been applied to televised ADVERTISING.

We've learned through Super-Bowl Ads what stimuli excites deeply-buried urges in people.  We also know that what enters the brain through the eyes will by-pass the brain's ability to skeptically evaluate messages.  Voila!  2016, in the hands of the White Party, looms ominously!  Six years of using MEDIA to make President Obama appear ineffective, has worked; if ONLY to make sure Whites do NOT give the first Black President CREDIT for his Achievements.  This outcome has been derived, from the most pampered and "educated" people on Earth!  The Gender Version is, no doubt, ready to run!

Stay Vigilant!  If you don't THINK for yourself NOW; it won't MATTER, Later!!

Copyright © 2015:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, April 17, 2015

"TOBACCO ROAD" .. (an explanation??)


A novel about poor Whites in the South, by Erskine Caldwell, published in 1932, Tobacco Road, is also a famous Jazz and Blues Classic, performed, "Deliciously", by Lou Rawls.  The Jazz number is about what its like growing up in a Chicago Slum.   A place that has produced Quincy Jones, Oprah, and our first Black President;  Chicago also was a major destination for the Great Migration of Blacks from the South, before World War II.

Lou Rawls belts lyrics like: "He left me here, to die or grow"; and, The Lord knows, how I loathe, Tobacacco Road.  It speaks of leaving, never to return; until rich enough to "blow it up" and "tear it down", and then rebuild the "dirty and filthy" town.

The repeated refrain, however, is: "But it's home, yeah; the only life I've ever known". 

In the United States, no one is restricted by law from leaving their Place of Birth.  The whole world knows of the miseries of Urban City life for Blacks in the U.S.  Why don't they leave?  Why do they stay; only to perpetuate the conditions they hate?  Is it hopelessness?  Is it fear of the unknown?  Are they convinced that everyplace in the U.S. would shove them into similar circumstances?  We're told that Ferguson is a a Destination for Blacks fleeing the slums of Saint Louis.  Chicago grows more and more explosive as the non-white populations grow and struggle to find ways to exist amidst crappy schools, inferior "education" from institutions controlled by Whites, gun violence on the streets, and cells of Cops who operate "Torture" Rings against them.

Facing a macabre form of "Love it or Leave it"; those who stick in the "muck seem" to have tremendous difficulty forming the type of Community that can bring forth the Change the song speaks of.  Coming off a Run-Off Election, Mayor Rahm Emmanuel (the guy who failed to cover "Obama's Back" with Congress) is limping back into Power with most of his prior goals in shambles.  He faces a hostile Black and Brown population of marginalized citizens.

Stay Vigilant!  I left Missouri 56 years ago, and have NEVER felt a need to return!  My life, and the lives of my children have been infinitely better, due to the opportunities we have found and pursued, as a result.  I feel sorry for people who Love a People, a Religion, a Place, or an Identity that reflects no Love or Respect for them!  Seek, and Go where you can achieve and work in a climate of Trust and Respect!

Copyright © 2015:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Thursday, April 16, 2015

"BEYOND the Reach of the LOVE of GOD" ?? (Oklahoma, 2015)

A "Sorry" Race History?

It took less than half a century for the Crackers (Sooners) who "Rushed" for Free Land from our "Government" (they hate so much, today); for them to RUINOUSLY "farm" that land;  turning it into a Dust Bowl!  The few Blacks in Oklahoma at that time, in places, like Boley in 1910, and Tulsa in 1921, were disenfranchised by State "Government" and murdering whites; who took away their rights and their property, along with their lives.

In 2015, we see an Old White Man; engaged, in what appears to be, a national trend of "killing" marginalized Black Males, in the name of "Public Safety".   A few weeks back, the President of the University of Oklahoma had to take swift action to "cover" for the image of that State.  It appears a National Fraternity was caught on camera (where else?) singing racial ditties that harkened back to the roots of the State.

The "picture" emerging of the Killer Cops across our Country, is one of  "murder" in the name of Public Safety.   It is a picture that recalls images of those rich white males, who, long past their sexual prime, pay huge sums to "shoot" dangerous animals in Africa.  The white environmentalists have put an end to that "sport",;so, they're taking to the streets of our cities and towns to "get their kicks"??  There are plenty of pot-bellied old Sheriffs around this Country to accommodate them.

This Country has strayed far to the political RIGHT;  driven there by craven Republicans who can only "win" politically when RACE is invoked (usually by some Dog Whistle -- they're rarely caught saying what they "really" think).  They've taught their YOUNG how to play their game; given Cruz, Rubio, Paul, and Christy as examples.  Christy derives from Northern Urban Gang backgrounds with a similar, but different history.

Stay Vigilant!  These "racial waters" will prove extemely difficult to navigate, for all of us!  International variants are evolving from these old racial roots; as they feed into our Global Economy, watered by huge sums of money, and adapted by Practitioners like Putin and Netanyahu!

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"WE" have Come to Take "OUR" country "BACK"??

Which "country" is YOUR "country"??

Master Marco has made it Official!  He, along with Ted Cruz and "Randy" Paul are, so far, a young version of that old, tired, pot-bellied, white, male crowd that has been hatin' on Obama for the past six years!  They're "slow", so they think we all, are "slow"!  You have to repeat yourself a lot when your target audience is "slow".  "We have come to take our country back" , has been uttered almost continuously, by Repoob and Republican  Groups, and their mouthpieces, in our MEDIA, for decades!

I got an "up-close, and personal" look at Master Marco's "country"; by living and working in Miami between the years 2003, and 2005.  From the vantage point of a high-rise in Biscayne Bay, at the water's end of Calle Ocho  I learned the many "countries" that make up Miami, and the peculiar way they interact.  If you read Tom Wolfe's Novel, Back To Blood, (2014), you'll get the jist of what its like to live in "Post-Mariel" Miami.

Black Miami, Cuban Miami, Haitian Miami, Miamians from places like Panama, to El Salvador, and Nicaragua, to Honduras, and throughout the Caribbean and Spanish-Speaking America: all of these "countries" co-exist, uncomfortably, along with Chinese, and Korean, and Jewish Communities.  There are also the mostly-white Super-Rich and Glitterati, of Star Island, South Beach, and Fire Island.  The Really Rich live on Brickell Key and along the water's edge.  Bush/Cheney parked themselves there when they set up shop for the 2004 Debates.

When the Mariel Cubans arrived, during the Carter years, most wealthy Miamians (white, of course) pulled up stakes and moved to Broward County (Fort Lauderdale).  Most Cubans in Hialeah and "Little Havana" are "dirt poor".  That's why you can smell so much "hunger" on Master Marco.  They don't "get-along" among themselves, much, nor with other groups.  They have lived in fear that Castro would die, and Miami would be "flooded" with Cuban Exiles!

Stay Vigilant!  Be Very wary, for the next nineteen months, whenever you hear the words: "WE", "OUR", and "US"!  This is how Republicans were taught DIVISION!  If you examine the person talking closely, you'll likely find that their "country" DOES NOT include YOU!!  Jeb Bush was Governor, when I lived in Miami.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


The "Line-Up" keeps GROWING!!

This ain't no "Coincidence", Folks!!   With a CRACKER MEDIA that stands ready to offer any and all  "Suppose-als" that might "excuse", or "confuse" whatever actions these Cops take; from Zimmmerman, to this Old Volunteer Deputy in Tulsa, Cops could rest easy; until North Charleston and the "suprise" Videotape.

 Lawyers, accustomed to using the Law to "Break" the Law, may not be able to "discredit"  this video, the way they have discredited vidoetapes before now!   They will have great difficulty with the one in North Charleston, because they have no controls over its "source".  This Video "trapped" more than the lying, murdering Cop:  It "caught" MEDIA, Police,  Municipal Officials, and Talking Heads ; all, "doin' their thing"; RED-HANDED!  They all have done things that can't be "Walked-Back" !

If we take the time to look more deeply into this, we might find  Members of Congress, National Think Tanks, and possibly, Foreign interests, "afoot" in this rash of murders taking place across the United States.  We all know that Fast and Furious started with Congress, under the watchful eye of Atty General Alberto Gonzales, who resigned from the Cheney/Bush regime.  The NRA, during that regime, rose in power to become a bigger TERROR to our Politicians than AIPAC!
We need to call for a National Investigation of this phenomenon, BEFORE ERIC HOLDER Leaves!

Stay Vigilant!  MEDIA is working mightily to shift our attention away from the Killer Cop in North Charleston, and on to the dead victim, by mounting a campaign to question "why Scott ran"!! Don't play into their "Suppose-als"!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Repoob MOB Attacks! (hillary)

Is MEDIA  "too- Handy" for Lynchings in 2015!

On Cue, as if prompted by Dog Whistles, the CRACKER Repoobs spring into synchronized action against Hillary Clinton!  The Scripts are well coordinated, the attackers come in all colors, and both genders.  We have Fiorina; we have Andrea Mitchell; we have the looney Doctor; we have the "almost Black" Guv'na of Louisiana; there is the "I wanna be white", Master Marco; and, we have, "I'll be the "meanest white", Ted Cruz.   We have a "most-confusing" white candidate, with slick Lies about his  views about Race,  Rand Paul (check for his "statement" on the slaying of Scott:  it favors the COP!)

The MOB does not have to wear Sheets, anymore (that is s-o-o in the Past)!  After more than six years of "Charachter-Lynching" Obama, and conniving to destroy all positive recogition for his efforts, the Republican Party has "arrived" at where it wants to be:  KING of the National Primary!  Hillary does not have to be "Primaried"; the Repoobs will take care of that!  Repoobs are now the PRIMARY Party, and Democrats are the GENERAL ELECTION Party!  Republicans, barring a "miracle", (some screw-up by the Clintons), know they will LOSE the General Electionin 2016.  They don't care!  They're too busy PERMANENTLY dividing the whites in our Electorate!  WHITES will have the hard choice of voting for Hillary, or continuing to starve.  The Republican goal is to make the top One-Percent PERMANENTLY Rich, while getting the rapidly growing number of impoverished  Whites to Pay for IT!!

So what if they can't afford food?? They can eat their GUNS for a main course, and have the AMMUNITION for dessert!  They be convinced to blame their plight on Obama (and Hillary) and every non-white, and "woman" on the Planet!  Fiorina and Bachmann, and a few others, like Condi, may be excepted!

Stay Vigilant!  The GAME, begun in 2000, is entering its FINAL Stages as we approach 2016!  Where to YOU Stand??

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no "sanctuary": are BLACKS (in the Deep-South) "OWNED"??

about"Politics" and Funerals ...and MURDER

We all have to READ; as well as view, and listen, to get a clear "picture" of what really transpired in North Charleston, SC, since that morning of the day before EASTER, 2015.  For those of you, as troubled by these events as I am, I recommend the solace of James Weldon Johnson's GOD'S TROMBONES.  I often, in time like these,  play my 1952 recording by Fred Waring's Singers.  The poems are available at Amazon in book form.

MEDIA leaves us confused:  Did Sharpton preach at the funeral or not?  It was reported that Scott's family didn't want him there.  Then the MEDIA showed us pictures of Sharpton preaching and praising the CRACKERS who are culpable in spreading, what we all know to be  LIEs about the incident!  The Funeral was presided over by Pastor George D. Hamilton, at the WORD Ministries Christian Center; according to Trymaine Lee's report dated 4/11/15.  Sharpton "preached" at the Charity Missionary Baptist Church.  Sharpton is reported, by CBSNewYork, 4/10/15: "Sharpton said he has been invited to preach and lead a prayer vigil in North Charleston. ... I am told the mayor and police chief have siad that if it do choose to come they will attened the service..."  Both Reports can be found on Google.

In my worst memories of Missouri, no CRACKER would invade a Black Church for a Funeral.  It has been done before in the Deep South, however; Daddy Bush, "W" and his wife, and both Clintons were present at Coretta Scott King's Funeral, as I recall.

The "Commandments" of Willie Lynch also play a role in these events.  From the 1700's to 2015; the "dissensions" sown among blacks to enhance profits by whites; still work in the South.  Some woman called in Cracker Cops to punish her "man" for not paying Child Support!

Stay Vigilant!  This EVIL can undo us ALL!

Copyright © 2015:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, April 12, 2015

a '''STIR-CRAZY" Solution??

Check It Out!

I recently saw (again), the film: Stir-Crazy (1980), starring Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder; it was directed by Sidney Poitier.  It occured to me that this film depicted something that Blacks in North Charleston, SC obviously lack, and desperately need: A Functioning Community -- that sets meaningful goals; works together to achieve them; and, gains its Freedom in the process!  The "Community" depicted in "Stir-Crazy" included one White Male; and he was not the "Boss"!

During my 20 years as an Officer in the Air Force, I learned a great deal that could only come from that setting, at that time!  It was the very early days of  our Racial Wars; that are still raging in this country.  President Kennedy had not "stong-armed" Industry in ths Country to hire Blacks or Browns for ANY Jobs, other than those traditional, menial, jobs evolved from Reconstruction!  In my third year of service, (1964), the President had been assassinated, and Industry was furiously looking for "tokens" to take highly visible, "only" jobs.  Those Blacks, who were eager to become "Firsts", flocked to them.

Inside the Military, I had been, since 1962, the only non-white Physicist inside the organizations to which I had been assigned.  It was also a time when the "best brains", available in the U.S., could be found serving in the  Military!  It became, after 1963, a way to "avoid the Draft",  INSIDE the military. Those "brains' were kept state-side, and never faced a foxhole!  Because my fellow officers were better educated, they tended to me more aware of what was going on, socially.  Most bases around the country and in foreign lands, where our troops were assigned, were experiencing racial tensions -- partly due to our Riots and "Busing" controversies, and partly due to long-standing "internal" resistance to President Truman's 1948 Desegration of the Military.  We were able to share experiences openly, and many of us did.  It was remarkable to learn how many different kinds of "Blacks" there are in this country!  There is an equal "variety" among Whites and Hispanics -- depending on the regions they came from and what kind of "Whites" ruled in those regions.  A most commonly recurring theme was the importance of "well-functioning communities".  We ALL could trace our successes in our early lives to Strong Communities that supported our early education and provived us personal safety.  My Black, Segregated Community in Missouri accomplished that! " Integration" DESTROYED that Community!

Those kinds of Communities are obviously absent today in our Big Cities, across our "Sewer State" South, and throw in Missouri, Indiana, Oklahoma, Texas and Arizona, and Kansas as border-bastions of  Bigotry. 

Stay Vigilant!   We've all been 'sippin'  Poisoned Kool-Aid FOR TOO MANY YEARS!!
Real Change starts with the kind of Politicians we elect!

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"RACE" in USA: "Exposed" (for real; FINALLY) by North Charleston, SC??

"America" Dis-Robed??

Not since I first read The Souls of Black Folk (1903), by W.E.B. DuBois, have I seen such clear evidence, in graphic detail, of the "design" followed, by Political Leaders in the U.S.A.  to "Criminalize" the Poor!  The Killer Cop (yet another) in North Charleston  draws us all further into the "policing" "Sewer"; in that Sewer State, exposing our Criminal Justice System, and the "culpability" of every elected, or appointed official who has actively, or passively, participated in it.  Placing Blacks on the "Force" did NOT bring "better policing", as we all can see!  The Killer Cop knew that the activities about which he filed false reports, were outside the view of his Dash-Cam!  Institutions, Police Departments, Public Schools, Prisons, and our Political "Process" were also "exposed"!  No "Quik-Fix", that could succeed in restoring our "normalcy", yet appears!

.In the Repoob Primaries, currently underway, a "Front-Runner" who makes overtures toward favoring "Reform" of the Criminal Justice System in our Country, did a Campaign swing in South Carolina, in the "wake" of this Killer-Cop Tragedy, and IGNORED it, altogether!  He should bow-OUT of serious contention, as a result!  His LIES are exposed, unmistakeably, to those of us who are awake, and CARE about Justice and Fairness.

From our Founding, Sewer State (and former Colony) influences in our Congress have drawn the lines, outlining this nation's attitudes and policies toward its Non-White, and Poor inhabitants.  From the beginning, as witnessed in DeTocqueville's Democracy in America, (1835), policies have portended DEATH for all Non-Whites!  Time-to Death, was the only variable.

Death Marches and Military Slaughter occurred where Native Lands were in contention.  The most brutal, degrading, and murderous Slavery occurred in situations where LABOR was the issue!.  With only a 5-year break, to switch from Chattel Slavery to Reconstruction (1865-1870), the Criminalization and Murder Policy has remained intact until 2015.  Over the interveneing years, our "Leaders" have incorporated elements of these policies into our Foreign Policy. 

Over the time from our Founding until now, our Politicians have done all they could to make sure "Poor" was synonymous with "Non-White"!  Today, more Poor people are White, when numbers, rather than percentages are used for measure.  Rich Whites are moving "Balls-to-the-Wall', to make sure, as many more poor whites as possible, are produced!

North Charleston also "dis-robed" MEDIA and its "Talking Heads" (female/male/ Black/non-Black), virtually all of them were busy; keeping us "Sheep" confused about what we were seeing.

Stay Vigilant!  The White Right is seeking to "lock-down" the Militarized Policing Apparatus the Red States have instituted (sneek-peeks have appeared in Boston and in Ferguson).   They're planning for 2016 to be "their year"!  They have taken our Congress, already!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, April 11, 2015



The "Greatest Nation on Earth" humiliates itself, when those Politicians who seek to become its PRESIDENT, crawl before the imperial NRA; and grovel for their "permission", and their MONEY!  That is precisely what we're witnessing, as Jeb -- 'Stand Your Ground, (if you're White; and "Fear" for your Life) BUSH -- strives to become the winning GOP Primary Candidate in 2016!  The other candidates are too inconsequential to matter, at this point.

President Obama tells the assembled in Panama that we will not be "Imprisoned" in our Past.  We have to find a way OUT of our many Prisons, before we can be sure of that.  Our politicians have become so Cynical, and so Sinister, that we're LOST in a psychic HELL, that will only worsen as the campaign season progresses.  It is a monstrous lie, to claim that any Leader can be "Democratically Elected" under such circumstances.  All thinking voters would reject this style of "Democracy"!

There is the PRISON of RACE-joined-with Tyranical Power, shoved into the face of the world in North Charleston, South Carolina.  There is the PRISON that contains multiple Prisons, while paraded under the name of  the Cuban Embargo; There is the Prison of non-white Skin that keeps the most unfortunate among Cubans, on the Island, locked in misery, while their "white-enough" brethren in the U.S. work tirelessly to keep the "screws" tightened on them! 

There are the multiple PRISONS operating under themany paths to "Exclusion", practiced by those who claim white status within the United States, and, support the freakish "Justice" system we operate in 2015.  There is the Prison of POVERTY that incarcerates more and more Whites who thought they were a "protected class".

Hard Right Republican Politicians work tirelessly to keep these prisons intact, to build MORE, and to keep complete control of the keys!  As they spread their RED poison across our land, the GOP also spreads ignorance, poverty, and despair.  This the face of policies fashioned to keep white control as their numbers continue to decline.

Stay Vigilant!  Whoever emerges as "winner" for 2016, has to provide the RIGHT message for the majority of those whose votes will  get counted in 2016. 

Copyright © 2015:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, April 10, 2015

"White Folk" cain't "Read" CRACKERS!!

What's In a VIDEO??

I propose a Congressional Medal of Honor for Courage, for Feidin Santana, the man who video-taped, on his cell-phone, the Murder of an unarmed Black Man.  Fat Chance! that our current Congress, this heap of Obama-Hatin' Bigots, will do that! Never-the-less, the sane among us can detect things from his Video, and the Dash-Cam video, later-released by the Police Department, that our MEDIA has missed! 

Remember, in the United States, if you're white, and male, you have the "tri-fecta" for "Success"!  If you fail to "Make It" here, you are a genuine FAILURE.  You are a failure if a black or brown citizen appears wealthier, or your employee drives a "better" car, etc.  White males, who fit this description of failure, often gravitate to the Police Forces in our nation.  There, they will be empowered to kill and/or harass, all  marginalized poor, and non-white, people.  Mr. Santana's video caught one of these CRACKERS in the act of murdering an un-armed Black.  The appearance of his Video "exposed" the Police Forces in North Charleston, the MEDIA in the United States, and the Murderer, IN THE ACT!  Never before have Black America been VINDICATED, with clear PROOF of activities that are so uniformly denied and protected by Whites!

In the Dash-CAM Video, the Killer Cop, as he pulls over the car driven by the victim, walks over to the stopped car, caressing the rear-end, lightly, next to the MERCEDES emblem.  No clear sign of a broken tail light.  The paint finish on the car appears to be in bad condition.  Cops have to make quick decisions, from a distance, at speed, to choose cars they will stop, and which to permit to pass.  This one: black man, expensive make of car, CRACKER Cop -- SOCIAL DYNAMITE!  Blacks of my generation KNOW this.  NO ONE in MEDIA has "picked up" this information; nor reported it!  In the "reporting" of the incident, we get a rare opportunity to see and hear an interview of a non-white BY a non-white.

No WHITES appear in the interview!  The tone, the information flow, and the content, become Markedly Different from the usual.  Virtually ALL whites are either "defensive", or "aggressive" when they conduct interviews of non-whites.  Not so, when the interviewer is also, not white, and appears to be un-scripted!

In Los Angeles, during his later life, Miles Davis, was reported to drive to the LAPD, show them his new, expensive car, and warn them to NOT Harass him!  When my BMW 635 was brand new, I was forced off the road in LA, by two CRACKERS who were convinced I had stolen the car!  LA had a BLACK Mayor at the time!  Today, Blacks in this country are forced to witness two candidates for President who run as if President Obama will be on the Ballot in 2016!  Both of  them are focusing entirely on the CRACKER VOTE!  One of them visited South Carolina within hours after the Murder and DID NOT MENTION IT in his campaign session!

Stay Vigilant!  When we live in a world divided along White/Non-White Lines by Europeans and their Progeny, for more than 500 years, we find that a multitude of "sins" lie buried on both sides of the Color Line.
They may be impossible to detect, EXCEPT by those on the "insides" of the activities in question.  We need a MEDIA for those of us who are NOT WHITE!  No "White" funding, staffing, script-writing, talking (or screaming) "heads", or "commentators"!  TRUTH may be easier to find this way??

Copyright © 2015:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Mourning" JOE is "SHOCKED"!! ... (Just "Shocked")

In Plain View

The MEDIA, Police in South Carolina, and the North Charleston Community, will NOT "get away clean"  in the latest "Slaughter by Cop" that took place on Saturday, April 4, in North Charleston.
The "Usual Suspects", playing their "Usual Tricks", were well on their way to another "success" with their standard "Policing" of Minorities in the United States.  The Charleston Police Department "bought" the Cop's Story; as did the Media.  The So-Called "Good Cops" on that force were silent, as usual.  The Murdering Cop even had an Attorney shilling for him.  Then a VIDEO surfaced!  Everything "flipped".  The Attorney defending the Cop "vaporized"; the MEDIA, everywhere, expresses "Shock"; the Police Chief immediately covers his Butt; and Institutionalized Racism "survives";  safe and sound within "Community Policing"!

White America should be ASHAMED OF ITSELF!  But, that's asking too much!  Instead, Crackers in our Midst are busy "dissembling"; while officiating in the "Horse Race" that will pick the most skillful Racist Politician that can "pass muster" with our Religious Right!  The Whites profess to not understand why their Racism never "changes" or "goes away"!

Why the Blacks who remain in the Sewer States have not moved away, by now, is beyond ME!!
Six Million Blacks left the deep South by the mid-1940s.  What keeps them in those miserable, deadly Hell Holes is something that must be better understood.  They are locked into an indefensible situation.  "Justice" down there, remains the JOKE, its always been!

Stay Vigilant!  Most people find ways to escape conditions that are not of their making; to seek a better life for themselves.  Blacks who stay there, and  provide the economic base for the wealth of the whites, in 2015, makes no sense at all!

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

a "Pathway" out of HELL??

"From Conquistadors to Neo-Cons"

The past 515 years on this "Blue Planet" have been years of un-mitigated "Hell" for most of its Non-Whites; while some form of "Golden Age" has evolved for the Whites!  "Terror", we have learned, can be detected in the womb; and, as DeTocqueville noted, "Black" fetuses, born into our most brutal slavery known to Man-kind, were those most subjected to a lifetime of "Terror".  The farther from pure white skin the fetus is , the greater the Terror.  Neo-Cons in 2015, banging their drums for World War III, are in attack-mode, against the world's "ruling" Nations (Security Council States) (+"1"), for seeking a NEW PATH ahead!!  Neo-Cons, and Netanyahu, will be satisfied only when NO POSSIBLE path exists!!

Christian Religions (those direct from Rome, for sure) believe there are "Levels" for Perdition.
Neo-Cons, evidently, believe "We're Not 'There', Yet"!  They want to plunge on into the Heart of Darkness.  The Gates were flung open for this Path we're on, by Ronald Reagan, who inherited the handi-work of LBJ and Tricky Dick Nixon.  (Nixon did us all the favor of "packaging" the Races into 5 neat Boxes, to make our Census Count easier.)  The path has led to 9/11 and the attack against Iraq.

Reagan, opening the doors, diplomatically, to the Vatican; for the first time in our History, also brought us the "Wars against Liberation Theology" in Latin America.  Religion and Politics joined, there, in Warfare;  more-so than ever before in the 20th Century.  Religious Warfare has been spreading and getting more butal, ever since.  "Sane" People want a different, more peaceful, path for the future of our children.  Those among us who are pathologically fearful cannot be convinced of the need for a new path.

An old joke, told by Moms Mabley, in the 50s, featured two convicts on Death Row in the United States: one Black, the other White.  As the hour of death approached for the White one, he "freaked out".  The Black one told him to "hitch up his pants, and take-it-like-a-man"!!  The White's Reply:  "That's Easy, for you; 'you-all' are Used To It"!!   The "Terror" of killer Cops, and similar, institutionalized, methods for spreading Fear for Political Purposes, are still useful for the Hard Right; and, they have been spreading that Terror, for Centuries!  No One gets "Used To That"!!

Stay Vigilant!  Watch to see who votes in Congress, to keep this Search for a Sane Future; and who votes for their beloved Armageddon!  Sykes-Picot; the "carve-up" of Africa; Discrimination of many types; are all "bubbling-up", like old corks, under the influence of the Internet!

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Monday, April 6, 2015

Have We Forgotten?? ISRAEL is a FOREIGN COUNTRY!!

The "America" of 1945 would NOT TOLERATE This!!

I know of no other Country that would tolerate these brazen attacks and "corruption" of its Institutions, such as we've witnessed over the past 6 years!  We knew, in 1945, what PROPAGANDA IS!  We  DON'T. today!  Interference in our Presidential Election processes; corruption of a major Political Party, brazen, daily, attacks on the President, from within our own MEDIA!  Citizens of other countries must wonder what "Possesses" Us, to put up with such CRAP!

Having already precipitated un-totalled losses, in both human lives and National Treasure, we leave our defenses down, allowing a supposed "Ally" to ravage us and our Institutions for no apparent GOOD; either for Israel, or for the Planet!

Our corrupted Judicial System has opened the flood gates to permit foreign money to pollute our Politics.  We can see the damage, as our President struggles to shape our Foreign Policy;  and to repair damages that have thus far mounted since Cheney and Bush were mesmerized into attacking Iraq.  Conditions in the Middle East have only grown worse as a result; while we struggle, alone, with the economic damages.  We know where this madness is coming from.  Why can't we STOP it?
Is it because prominent members of our Media are willing Agents?

Stay Vigilant!  Could you IMAGINE a Foreign Minister of Friend (Britain), or Foe (North Korea) getting away with what we permit Netanyahu to do to us?  So far, only ONE member of our Congress has publically declared: "He doesn't speak for me!"  Netanyahu is proven wrong in his "scare tactics"; and will NOT engage constructively with his Allies or his Enemies! 

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Sunday, April 5, 2015

"Plowshares" for WATER??

We Can't DRINK Oil, (ya' know...)

I remember back, almost 50 years, when I was conducting Nuclear Ungerground Tests, a Program called "Plowshares" that proposed using nuclear devices for peaceful purposes.

The rain water and snow-melt we  used to get in California has "shifted" far to the East!  We're running out of water for crops, and could run out of clean water for drinking, if this keeps up!  (Takes about 3 days for a human to DIE from lack of water).

With peaceful use of nuclear detonations, we might be able to put the water back??  Pipelines for OIL haven't made much sense,  If you factor in polluting our dwindling sources of drinking water; well, you get the picture.  If you want to build a nationwide pipeline for shipping WATER to where it is needed to sustain LIFE; well, that's more sensible?  If the early Roman Emporers were known for putting drinking water at convenient locations (for FREE) inside their Cities, and Public Baths, why can't we?

East of the Mississippi, we're drowning: with too much water.  West of the Mississippi, we'r running the risk of losing food crops in places like Texas, California, and, slowly, the the Ogalalla Bread-basket Region.  Perhaps its time to think about something other than WAR, and use our technology to sustain LIFE: just  THINK ABOUY THAT!  A large collection reservoir somewhere in the northern Mississippi River that pipes water, as needed, to Texas, and to the Colorado River, or, all the way to California!  Perhaps another in the Tenessee Valley, or, on the OHIO River?  It would take Nukes, modified for peaceful construction projects, to make something like that affordable?  We would have to keep the Blood-Suckers out of the Project, though!  We were able to pull off the Interstate Highway Program with Public Money; but, as I remember,  people were more honest, then!!

Stay Vigilant!  Do we have to be clearly "on the ropes" ;before we STOP considering,  seriously, these clowns currently vying to run to replace President Obama?

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Saturday, April 4, 2015


Will this put an END to "Mommie-Babies"??

Finally!    BET is leaning away from the "sexual" and toward the "intellectual", in their programming for young, Black Females!  Long, a pet peeve of mine, their prior programming "stunk" of the old tradition of emphasizing the "sexual" over all else -- a behavior, little changed since the days of chattel slavery.  A burden borne by all women of color for hundreds of years, this change signifies a REAL step away from the "many miseries" that impact all persons of color in Christian Cultures!

From the early days of his experiences as a slave, Frederick Douglass wrote about the "yard" where slave young, below the age of 12, ran loose, like chickens, covered only by some crude drop cloth, and without shoes.  They were overseen by some old Black Woman, too weak to do other work.  That was "Christian Up-bringing" for non-white slaves, at that time..  "Fast forward" -- to 2015!  The miserable conditions for today's children extend far beyond the age of 12;  and;  today's children have less protection than that provided by those old Slave Women!  In those days, the "value"  of the children was, both,  recognized, and protected!!  Today, it is NOT!

If you look closely at Media Images of non-white females today, the "Sexual" aspects are prominent.  The "intellectual" aspects are ignored.  That can be "understood" in terms of values internalized within all cultures, over the hundreds of years that Christians have controlled every aspect of mass thinking.  Hopefully, this is beginning to change??

To any extent that it does, the impact, from schools to jails, from Media to Organized Sports; will be REVOLUTIONARY!  No one can deny that Organized Sports depend directly on the steady supply of "Mommie-Babies" produced throughout the Americas, for its Existence, and its Obscene Riches.  Those riches (for the few, and mostly-white, recipients) come at a TREMENDOUS price; for Non-White Communities, like Ferguson, MO., and for our big-city ghettos, nationwide!  The Favelas of Brazil and similar "under-developed regions of Africa, also come to mind.

Stay Vigilant!  It will be the WOMEN, who run the Churches, and are the "keepers" of  Religions, and Cultures. who must become the Agents of Change!

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Friday, April 3, 2015

"white" CHRISTIANITY "On-Trial"??

"Church" as FORTRESS??

Bishop Richard Allen, (1760-1831), grew tired of the Segregation, and degrading treatment blacks received within the few white churches that deigned to "minister", at that time, to anyone who was not white; founded the first independent black denomination in the United States, in 1794.  In 1964, 170 years later, Martin Luther King observed that 11:00 a.m. on Sunday Morning, is the "most segregated hour" in the Nation.  The variety of laws, rules, and regulations, invented by whites  to keep non-whites excluded,  from their Faith, has been accompanied with  infusion of color racism into the other U. S. Institutions that are controlled by whites.  Republicans are engaged in furious machinations to keep racism embedded in our Politics.

Fast-Forwad to 2015, 100 years after Hollywood lead our Media down this road of degrading and excluding Blacks from the Human Race, in  the movie: Birth of a Nation; and we find our modern high-tech  televised MEDIA, divided along the Color Line.   FOX is the home-region Media for hard-bitten white supremacist viewers; while CNN has grafted some non-white faces onto their highly-scripted coverage, and began favoring Israel.   The rest of our Media is deeply wedded to the tradition of keeping our Media "white"!  EXCEPT for Alajerra America; it, alone, seems to konw that the "numbers" and Time are not on the side of our MEDIA and its "color-line-Reporting.  Our knowledge of what is happeining in the world is badly skewed as a result!  Our Meida is where politicians go to "bash" President Obama.  Our "dysfunctional" governing is rooted in racial Media bias.  Young Politicians, from Rubio to Cruz, are "cutting their teeth" on ways to play the color line.

In a "Christian" Nation, (as Republicans proudly proclaim); old, "Christian" practices need to be scrutinized very carefully, before Time runs out, and non-whites turn away completely!!   It is very easy  for our politicians to orchestrate "mob-thought" and actions! 

Stay Vigilant!  EVERYTHING; from issues like Zimmerman and Killer Cops, to matters of War and Peace, and to "profiling" are impacted negatively!   At a time when religiously-driven violence is growing around the world; close contemplation of how we must change our beliefs and practices, is paramount! 

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