Thursday, October 23, 2014


Joe and Mika "At-It"??

Anyone who knows the history of the U.S., knows about THE KLAN.  Sorta like the Baath Party in Iraq -- in the U.S., though, if you were white, and male, and wanted to be "successful", you had to belong.  Truman was a member.  Included were  members of both of our traditional parties, Deomcrat and Republican.  Most of the membership were Democrats,  until Nixon; then the Republicans became the Democrats!  You have to keep up.

This morning, "Mourning" Joe; T.V.'s latest attempt at portraying the "average white guy".  (his predecessor, IMUS, "flamed-out" over Race and Gender issues, as I remember -- after this morning, Joe seemed confident to "go-there"!)   There are, really, TWO Joe(s) out there on T.V.!  - One for the MONEY (Kiernan) and the other for the SHOW (Scarborough).  Both are White, Hard-Right, and Male!

This morning's issue?  A mixture:  tightening poll results for Governor's Races in swing states, and the angst of WOMEN over the way other women look on Social Media.  They settled on a comment by Elizabeth Warren (U.S. Senator), who admitted that women were treated "differently" in the Senate, but refused to name names!  Joe just "Could'nt Understand" that.  Mika seemed confused; both supporting and dissin' Warren.

The KLAN (formed in the late 1800's) stayed hidden, preferring, mostly to come out at night, under white bed-sheets, to engage in their favorite sport:  LYNCHING Black people!  Of all the published stories about the deeds of this bunch in our history (mostly male; mostly poor;  always white)  the one that most struck me is the account by The Reverend P Thomas Stanford, in 1903, of a lynching that took place oustide Paris, Texas. This Paris is located up in a corner of Texas that links it with Oklahoma and Arkansas.  According to his source, from Paris, Texas, February 1st, 1893, it took place near neighboring Texarkana:  "it was no spontaneous affair, but had been carefully planned and executed ...".  An entire community, men, women, and children took DAYS mutilating, burning alive, and fighting over bones for souveniers.  I'm sure Joe knows about MOB mind-sets.  It is impossible for anyone single member to be NAMED!  That's the POINT!  Same for Good-ol' Boys!

The Polls for the mid-term elections due in 12 days, show that the contests will be tight in the swing states where women's votes (white) are pitted against men's votes (white); like Colorado; where the most liberal of Liberals, Democrat, Udall is is "running away" from President Obama!  Polls are "skewed" by who is taking them, and how the questions are worded, AND by the fact that the English Language is not interpreted the same in all parts of this country -- the WORDS can have various meaning to the educated citizens, and God-help those white males (most of them) with defective educations!

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be confused by the "Joe(s)"!  Did you note "twiggy"- Mika's "DIG" on Beyonce?

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