Friday, August 31, 2012


Those who Can't Give it, Don't Deserve It
Its an old, but true statement that those who can't or won't give respect should not expect to receive it.  I have called what used to be the Republican Party Repoobs, precisely because they don't respect the lower classes, or non-white peoples in this country or on this planet.  They are consistent in displaying this fact, in their policies, their behaviors, their language, and in their Tampa Convention.  Their behavior during the Convention reeked with their contempt for the President, and people of color, making exceptions for those very few non-white supplicants in attendance.
Just in case anyone watching their proceedings, in this country or outside, missed this message, the Clint Eastwood travesty made the Repoob basic beliefs crystal clear.  Their behavior throughout was so extreme, just about anyone would have to wonder why they even bother to pretend they want to fairly govern this country.  From the top down, their intent to exclude "the other" in terms of skin color and wealth, is clear.  It can not be explained away or covered up with feints toward "humor".
The past few days have shown those of us who will think about what we've just seen, a clear picture of what kind of country they want to run, and what they really think of people they don't like or respect.
There was great bally-hoo in the speeches about God-given, Human, or Natural rights.  Mitt  pleaded that "they" deserved these rights, while implying others do not.  Their displays of contempt for the first non-white President of this country were despicable.  They have to lie about everything and twist facts to sustain and spread their hatred.  The biggest lie was told my Mitt when he stated that some of those in that room had voted for President Obama in 2008.  A two year old would know better than to try to claim something that  bogus.
When you think about it, their assertions and behavior portend grave consequences for our Constitution and Bill of Rights as we move ahead into our more multi-cultural future.  These people clearly are the ugliest of "white Americans".  They did the decent whites in this country a favor by showing their true beliefs to the world.  It sould have been a Klan rally, complete with gestures of throat cutting.  These ugly ones usually hide behind their skin,  pretending  to support the beliefs enshrined in our founding documents.
More threatening than their social attitudes and behavior is their economic plan for the country.
This type of citizen, during the Depression of the 1930's, was largely responsible for the length, depth, and severity of those times.  Mitt threatens trade wars with China and Russia (reminiscent of Smoot-Hawley).
Their religion of "cutting" (both spending and taxes) to regain prosperity, also harkens back to those days of deprivation.  The over-powering military build-up Mitt talks about will be a lure to War.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, August 30, 2012


The Hullabaloo Ends on a Whimper
The much-awaited Romney acceptance speech has whimpered away in the shadow of "Make My Day" Clint Eastwood.  The spectacle ends in tones of Chauvanism, Jingoism, and shallow Patriotism.  The major theme is, as it was in the beginning, an appeal to the special and "exceptional" people who make up the Repoob Party, and therefore have a right to lead this country.  Lots-a-Luck with that!   Their business was clearly to support business -- Small Business they claim, but all evidence points to Big Business and Big Oil.  No mention of how they will get operational funding or start-up money for small businesses.
We've seen a steady stream of this drivel for many years now. Oh, did I mention that it was shot-through with anti-Obama accusations and put-downs?  Romney clearly put the blame for "dividing us" on the President.  He thinks we were all asleep during that ugly interlude called the Repoob Primary.  A significant part of this country (the non-white part) received scarce mention by all the assembled, except for their token non-white women.
The biggest lie told was that this country is "not better off" than it was four years ago.
Then: we were losing jobs at a rate not seen before in this country. Now: we are gaining jobs.
Then: we were in the throes of a banking system melt-down.  Now: the safe function of our banking system has been restored.  Then: health care costs were sky-rocketing and insurance companies could deny coverage with impugnity.  Now: those conditions have been reversed.
All of this in the face of a solid front of sabotage of the government led by the Repoobs.
Romney failed to tell us how he would end the truculence of the Repoob House of Representatives.  We're left to assume that he will get their cooperation because he shares their skin tones.  His Vice President voted for all of the debt increasing legislation of the Bush years and then sabotaged the Simpson-Bowles commission to fix the mess.
If this style of politics is what we have to look forward to, this country has no future.  Any party an play the game the Repoobs have been running since the night the President was inaugurated four years ago.  What goes around can come around.  The voters might be as stupid or mean as the Repoobs are expecting.
Mitt talked about "dividers".  He might trot out Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, New Gengrich, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and their fellow "uniters" of this nation.  What a bunch of hooey!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


The Repoob Shindig in Tampa features their new "young lions"; Ryan, Paul, etc.  They have created a way to slip the old Reagan twist across generation lines.  Reagan convinced white voters that they were "middle class" because they were white and were not on welfare.  That brought him blue collar voters in a landslide.
The 21st century version is that you're an "American" if you inherited wealth or "lucked into" wealth.  Rand Paul pulled a clever trick of citing the hard work of non-white immigrants and then imputed their achievements and struggles to himself and his fellow "Conservatives".  Times are hard today and most people in poverty and on welfare are white.  The trick, or twist, just might not work.
Old lies, in younger mouths, repeated incessantly on television, is their hope to get out of their trailing position in this election.
The anti-abortion crusades are being weilded by these younger white males to an extent not before seen.  The Handmaid's Tale's_Tale  could be just over the horizon if these Repoobs get their way.  Those women (over 55) who are being wooed and reassured by Queen Ann that they are exempt from planned cuts, are conveniently over the child-bearing age.  Could it be that the pressures are being brought to bear on younger women slow or reverse the rise of women in the work force?  (See my earlier blog: "Mommy").
The recent issue of TIME with Mitt on the cover reveals insights into Mitt financial dealings.  If you read closely, you will get a glimpse of who really might  benefit from a Mitt reign, and who will not.  It also reveals details that might explain why he is so adamantly against letting the voting public see his recent, post 2008, tax returns.
The irony is that Reagan did not fare well at the ovarian lottery -- except for skin color.  He was still hustling for money even after he left the Presidency.  It was reported in the Los Angeles Times, in the early 80's, that wealthy "donors" provided his Bel Air house.
For those of us who have not yet found our "silver spoon", lets tell the Repoobs that we will not show wealth envy if they will stop pretending that they "work" for the money they lord over us.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The "Women" Thing
Today, on the anniversary of Katrina, we see its ghost (Hurricane Isaac) pummeling New Orleans.  The second day (third day, really) of their Shindig closes, and angry white Repoobs revel in Tampa.  Tonight they will parade a curious collection of women to shield them from the image of tribalism they have been projecting.

 Two of the women are Condoleeza Rice and Governor Martinez of New Mexico.  So far the Repoobs have ignored the economy to focus on their hatred for President Obama.  Boehner, McConnell, and Governor Barbour (whose state is also being impacted by Isaac) have paraded before the cameras to vent their bile against the President; while failing to offer any solutions to our problems as a nation.
Those of you who know the history of Mexico, also know of Malinche  Those who know of the history of race in the Americas know that Cortes, who brought  us most of the historical evils of the Spanish invasion; to include chattel slavery, would almost surely have failed in his attempt to conquer Mexico without the support of Malinche.  Condoleeza provided  "cover" for the Bush Administration as they fumbled our protection on 9/11.  Gov. Martinez may be setting the stage for a similar fate for "Hispanics" at the hands of global financiers, brought to us courtesy of Mitt and the Repoobs.
What lies behind the tendency of people to betray their own?  Check out Henry Bamford Parkes' book: "A History of Mexico", 3rd Ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1960.  It is about the best and most thorough history of Mexico, from the arrival of the Aztecs through all key events up to 1940.  This shows in detail how closely Cortes came to failure, and the role played by La Malinche.
A famous artist, Thomas Satterwhite Noble painted "The Price of Blood" which depicts the fundamental flaw in our national psyche that permits greed to trump humanity.  See which undergirds the tribalism we now see on display by Repoobs.  The action depicted in the painting is traced to the Biblical story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.
Stay Vigilant !  Chilling, isn't it?

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, August 27, 2012


About Race and Hurricanes
This blog is being written as the first day scheduled for the Repoob's Big Shindig in Tampa draws to a close.  It was feared that God Almighty was sending a mighty storm aimed at Tampa.  We now know that Tampa has been spared, but, eerily, we're staring at the possibility that Katrina's Ghost has appeared, to strike New Orleans on the anniversary of the debacle that occurred there seven years ago.  The spectacle of the Repoobs partying while New Orleans is evacuating, or worse, now haunts their big television mind-screw of the voters.  And they can't blame Obama for this!
This caused the cancellation of the opening day in Tampa, and the compacting of the remaining events scheduled.  Bobby Jindal, slated to be a star at the Shindig, is out of that picture and struggling to perform better than a former Governor of Louisiana did in 2005.  Is God riled by all the crap the Repoobs have thrown at us in the name of running for President of the United States?
Mitt's revelation over the weekend of where he really stands on the "Birther" question has caused a crap-storm on its own.  Other cracks in the Repoob party are showing at a very in-opportune moment.
The power to conjure up all of this for the Repoobs, at this time,  surely lies beyond that of man.
I know a bit about hurricanes, as it turns out.  I spent 2003 and 2004 in Miami in a high-rise in the middle of Biscayne Bay.  I rode out big hurricanes like Isabel, Charley, Frances and Ivan.  I threw in the towel and got the Hell out of Florida in the Spring of 2005.  The trail I followed as I returned to the more secure high desert of the Southwest, was dogged latter in that year by Katrina and Wilma.
My household goods got out of that Hell Hole, just a few days before Wilma hit the area where they were stored.
It occurred to me during my experiences riding out those storms, that the hurricanes that plague the southern states each year travel along the route of the Slave Trade.  That path is actually the graveyard of many thousands of slaves that were thrown to the sharks during the hundreds of years the Europeans plied that trade.
This nation still has some 70-plus days to ride out this election.  We can all pray that we save ourselves and secure a better future by putting these Repoob horrors behind us.
 Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Voters Must Tell Mitt: "This is NO JOKE!!"
After months of over-confidence, the Repoobs and Mitt seem to be running scared and stooping low.  Mitt's handlers now claim that Mitt was "joking" when he made his Birtherlism comment in Michigan a couple of days ago (Or Birtherism, if it comes from the likes of Trump).
Hip deep in running a religion that has strong tribalism and militarism in its history, Mitt should have thought the wiser about introducing Mormanism to the voting public this way.
Foaming at the mouth Southerners have long been on the scene, starting with Wallace in the "school-house door" and advancing quickily to religious-right politics.  The Repoobs largely make up this contingent, and the nation has tolerated them as fringe racists.  They are die-hard remnants of the Civil War in this country.  That war was largely a contest between slave-labor economics and free-labor economics; ending chattel slavery was used as a tactic to win the war for the North.  The threat was economic and regional, not, as today, national and economic, with race, class, and color used as bait.
Tribalism, however, is something far deeper and far more sinister.  A quick glance at what is going on in Syria and Norway should convince anybody of that.  It is often rooted in religious and economic struggle.  Economic shocks to this country have been persistent since Nixon took us off the Gold Standard in the early 70's.  They increased in intensity after the fall of Soviet Communism, and the Wall in Germany in 1989.  We have mistaken these as Recessions; each one more severe and more jobless as their "recoveries" ensued.
In the 2012 election, we face these factions backed by mega-and mysterious-wealth, bullying the voters. This follows more than three years of a  Repoob-conspiracy to hamstring and shut -down-in-slow-motion the national government, while increasing impoverishment of our state governments.
Stay Vigilant!  Our dim-witted Media is playing Hand-Maiden to this fiasco!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Truman's Definition of a Republican
I remember being taught, as a child, Harry Truman's definition of a Republican as "a person who will not lend anyone a dime, until they first prove they don't need it".  We have come to 2012 only to find that the Republican Party has been swallowed by Repoobs; deep South discontents, and their expatriates, who have doubled down in their efforts to take over this country, even if it takes another Civil War!
Democrats, who tend to not fare as well in the ovarian lottery as Republicans,  have throughout our history, tended to be builders, people who want to grow the country, who do so by making things.  The Republicans, throughout our history, tend to be people who are entitled to take; our money, our dreams, our lives and labor, and now our future.
The Repoobs, led by Mitt and Congressman Ryan, are demonstrating their disregard for truth, the law, and for the nation's financial health in their push to regain power.

 When I was in uniform, the Hatch Act,,  passed by Congress the year I was born, was used to deter us from speaking out on political matters while on active duty.  We see evidence on our T.V's everyday that this law is being brazenly broken.
Similar disregard for law is evidenced by religiously funded groups, called "social welfare groups" who openly fund political advertising.
We have to apply equal vigilance against "domestic enemies" as "foreign enemies".  Our Constitution requires it.  Any Party that fails in this requirement does not deserve to continue in existence.  Don't let your vote become weapons against your country.  This is not simply "dirty politics as usual".
Stay Vigilant!! "Citizens United" is a cancer in our Democracy.

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Case AGAINST Electing ANY Repoob


1.  Hope and Change (revisited):  There is no hope for us unless we change the most consistent facet of our economic difficulties:  the flow of MONEY that CORRUPTS our Processes and Representation. The most malevolent among the monied interests have come out of the shadows to buy every bit of "whatever it takes" to eliminate Obama.  From the day of Inauguration, they have locked up our government, showing no concern for the financial health of our economy or for the plight of  job seekers.  So far, thanks to Roberts protecting his Court from images of corruption, the President dodged their ploy to take him down on Obamacare.  If we elect Obama again, the good money people can emerge and get our economy moving.

2. Economic Shift:  In an earlier blog, I explained SAY'S LAW, and showed how the  Malevolent Monied Interests in the Global Economy have rendered it inoperable.  In its August 20, 2012 issue, TIME Magazine shows in an article entitled GO GLOCAL, what has happened to the world economies post-2008 Meltdown.  They explain why manufacturing jobs (the most lucrative in any economy) will NOT return to this country at a time when even foreigners are interested in building new operations here.  Since 2008, the Global Economy has shifted to a Glocal Economy, and what is called the Great Moderation has begun.  Check it out.  Romney and the Repoobs will do anything to get control of this economy before the citizenry catches on to these changes and their implications.

3. Concentrated Power:  Those on the Right who are not blinded by dark emotions must see by now that Romney is a money-hungry, un-principled head about to be attached in Convention to a malevolent social-issued body of Repoobs.  Even those Republicans who have not been run off by the Repoobs, are finally beginning to object to the levels to which their party has sunk.  Limbaugh, and now Akin,  (throw Rove in the mix) have both parties holding their noses.  The time is ripe for the voters to break the power lock these elements have held since the 2000 "Selection".

4. Recovery:  The sane money people in the world's Financial Markets are beginning to sense real recovery from the Cheney/Bush wreckage; although it will be slow going for at least two more years.   Pay attention:  Mitt has pledged to return to talk of War and Protectionism.   Against China!That's exactly what drove this nation to its ecoonomic depths in the 1930s Depression.

5. The Fear Factor:  The Gun Nuts, along with the No Tax Pledgers,  have done their bit to cripple this country and to hold us in fear of the future and of each other.  They must be put back into the caves they crawled out of.

6.  The TRUST Factor:  After the deep destruction of  ourTrust, in our institutions and in each other, accomplished by the Repoobs during the Cheney/Bush years; Mitt has the blind belief that we should elect him, ignoring his secrecy about his financial dealings, and to do so based on BLIND TRUST!
Even Mad Ronnie cautioned us to Trust, but VERIFY!!

 Stay Vigilant !  VOTE EARLY!!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, August 20, 2012


Its the BLACK Thing, After All

Rudy and Mitt are in the media lately "feigning indignation" over hapless Joe Biden; accusing him of being a racist.  As they say, "it takes one to know one".  But what about those of us who've had to live under the heel of racism?  We're never a part of the white-on-white conversations on race that the white male media loves to stage from time to time.

Mitt, born into Mormonism in 1947, and Rudy, born into Catholicism in 1944, are eerily similar men on this substrate of  "American Exceptionalism".  Both are money-grubbing, chamelion-like social climbers who have chosen politics as their path to wealth and power.  Mitt, born in Detroit, MI,  and Rudy, born in Brooklyn, NY share similar fates at the hands of the "ovarian lottery" as well.  Both have deeply troubling backgrounds when it comes to race in this country.

Joe Biden, Vice-President to the first (admitted) non-white male President of this country; was born in Scranton, PA, in 1942.  I'm older than all of these guys, and I was born "Negro" in north-central Missouri in 1939. 

A fellow officer in the Air Force, white, Catholic, read my Master's Thesis on the origins of racial attitudes and beliefs in the United States, and the conditions of racial integration within the military in 1972.  He described what it was like to be born white and Catholic is a Parish in Massachussetts.
He was puzzled why non-white citizens did not follow the advancement patterns practiced in his Parish.  He told me that it was common for a parishioner who got a job in the water company to work diligently to get jobs there for other members of his parish.  He noted that blacks, who had been here far longer that most whites, never adopted that practice.  He noted that self-help was also not practiced by Native Americans or Hispanics.  We both cited our experiences and academic sources to guess at answers, but none were satisfactory.

Back to Mitt and Rudy.  Both are driven men, with questionable methods of dealing with, and beliefs about "others"; both by race and religion.  They have long, zig-zag histories in the public eye, very often engaging in questionable practices when they strayed across boundaries of race, class, and religion.  Rudy's racist police force in NY city, for example, and Mitt's "evolution" in the Mormon religion that didn't get around to disavowing its racial beliefs until recently.

For most of my 73 years, white males in the media have delighted in round table discussions of race, without any inputs from non-whites.  They absolve and condemn each other, while discussing "the others".  They gave off impressions that they were in total control of this topic and phenomenon.

They should heed what Moynihan warned; that whatever "edge" whites held over non-whites, or conditions imposed on them by whites, would be lost within ten years.  After that time, whites would suffer similar conditions. 

Stay Vigilant! The kettles are banging away!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, August 18, 2012


From JFK to Today

If you've been following this blog, you know that my first vote in a presidential election occurred in 1960.  Torn between the segregationist politics of LBJ and the sleaziness of Tricky Dick, it was a tough choice.

The mean politics and assassinations of our leaders that took place within eight years of that election circumscribed a dark period in our nation's history.  It was a darker period than the decade of the fifties that gave us McCarthyism, Civil Rights turmoil and the beginnings of the Vietnam War.  In 1968, when the average baby-boomer was 21,  the entire world suffered as a Youth Rebellion.
And those were our fat years!

We're being told, slowly, about the involvement of our politicians and federal government agencies, like the FBI, in the assassinations of the sixties.  The period also gave us the extreme political rhetoric of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.  The moderate elements of our two major parties began to fade, only to be replaced by more extreme and larcinous politicians.

Over that time, as the baby-boomers grew from age 13 to 65, we now have grid-locked, wacko government in the Congress of the United States, and organizations like Zocalo Public Square, Cal Humanities, and the Institute for Civility and Politics wonder where the "civility" went.  At this writing, we have baby-boomers turning 65 at the rate of 10,000 per day, and are projected to do that for the next 19 years!

Add to all of this the fact that we're entering a period of lean years, and you see why we're scared, mean, and murder stalks our city streets and movie theaters.  Mad Ronnie Reagan, (he described himself that way), kicked this trend into high gear in 1980. 

In 2012 the voters have to get our federal legislature "off the dime" and back to work solving our nation's major problems, like, preparing for a sick and ageing population,  and ending theft and craziness in Congress.  Pick a party that will not consider Compromise, the "genius" of our form of goverment as "Evil".  Vote out all members who support grid-lock, and put in people who will change the rules of the place so that we can work on our problems.  The well-financed media attempts to place blame for all of the above on the current occupant of the White House must be blunted and ignored. 

Stay Vigilant!  The fiscal health and the very survival of the nation is at stake!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, August 17, 2012


Can a State Limit Voting Any Way It Wants?

Surely NOT, you say, to the subtext question.  If it were otherwise, a state could limit voting to only right-handed people who go fishing!  That's absurd, you say?  How about limiting voting only to those who have "valid, state-issued, driver's licenses"?  That says only people who are licensed to drive cars and who are current, can vote.  Equally absurd, you say?  Well tell that to states with Repoob Governors who are getting away with such limitations.
What does the "LAW" (federal voting law) limit?  You can't deny people by gender.  You can't deny people by skin color.  You can't deny people who don't have a certain amount of income or assets.
Well,  the Repoob Governors, and their Legislatures, have found a way to do all of that.  They are successfully circumventng Federal Law.  Not surprised, you say?  The Right Wing has always been searching for ways to nullify Federal Laws they don't like.
What is a state within their rights under law to require? (1) Residency, (2) Citizenship Status, (3) Registration, (4) Date and Place, or other similar provision for casting a vote.
The Repoob Governors have gone far beyond their rights and  may limit the number of voters significantly in the 2012 election.  UNLESS the voters take their revenge by VOTING A STRAIGHT TICKET that DENY THEIR VOTE to ANY REPOOB!!
THINK ABOUT IT!  We are not helpless in the face of this NULLIFICATION of Federal Law.

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, August 16, 2012


They're Counting on Our Ignorance

If you've had a chance to take a glimpse at Rifkin's book (my last blog), you know by now that this whole flurry and flap over "jobs" is a grand  con game the politicians have been playing for about sixty years. 

 That's how long the trend toward permanent annihilation of jobs in this country has been going on.  The root cause is that Say's Law "pooped out".  The law basically says that technological advances destroy jobs temporarily; but creates more new ones.

 Beginning about 60 years ago we learned that the technological advances were NOT creating enough new jobs and we began to get Jobless Recoveries from periodic economic downturns.  We began to see that the productivity gains were pocketed by corporations and the Financial Boys helping them to engineer the demise of our older industrial base.

The productivity gains were not plowed back as investments in new plants and equipment.  Instead, they scoured the planet looking for cheaper places to operate.  Financial bubbles were engineered to keep us asleep, it appears.

Add to this long history the aging baby boom population, and our neglect of technical education and you see the steady decline in work in this country; trending toward NO JOBS within the next three or four decades.  Now we know why the Repoobs stole everything but the kitchen sink when they had unfettered access to our treasury.

SAY'S LAW rested on the assumption of increased efficiency through technological innovation.
How efficient were the Repoobs at running the government?  From Enron to the Melt-Down, with Katrina along the way, take your pick, there's nary a hint of any efficiency at anything;  but looting.

Now Mitt and the Repoobs are knocking on the door to get another crack at our jobs.

Stay Vigilant!  They say "its different this time"?  You damn betcha!!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


The "Crystal Ball vs. Denial??

Want to know what's really going on?  You have to go back in time, about 15 years.  That's when I bought Jeremy Rifkin's book The End of Work
I bought the book because it echoed what Peter Drucker taught in his classes 10 years prior.  The knowledge has been around, altogether, for more than 25 years!  Dont'cha think the politicians knew and have been busy "getting theirs" while keeping us Mushroomed?

Rifkin writes on page 288: "In a world where sophisticated information and communication technologies will be able to replace more and more of the global workforce, it is unlikely that more than a fortunate few will be retrained for the relatively scarce high-tech scientific, professional, and managerial jobs made available in the emerging knowledge sector.  The very notion that millions of workers displaced by the re-engineering and automation of the agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors can be retrained  to scientists, engineers, technicians, executives, consultants, teachers, lawyers and the like, and then somehow find the appropriate number of job openings in the very narrow high-tech sector, seems at best a pipe dream and at worst a delusion."

The writer lays out what everyone in the Yin Yang Media scream for as a "serious discussion" of our future.  I highly recommend that every serious voter get and read a copy of this book before they vote.  You will understand why the Repoobs have grown so strong and have steadily waltzed us toward the twin-cliffs of Default and Fiscal Calamity.  Rifkin lays out in detail what he saw for our future in 1995.  You'll see why the Repoobs are silent on the subject; except to spread fear of Social Security and Obamacare.

The first decade of the 21st Century showed how easily the voters in this country can buy political lies and suffer succeeding economic collapses.  Let's wake up and make sure the second decade of this century doesn't dig us yet deeper into the morass.  Truth is not attractive, and quick-fixes are delusions.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

TRAYVON: "We Hold These Truths..."

To Get Away With Murder

Under cover of Mitt and his taxes, Ryan and his Budget, the Yin Yang Media has stealthily reported the latest twist in the Zimmerman caper.  It seems that there will be a "hearing", place and time yet to be specifried, in which the "Stand Your Ground Law" will be tried; and if they suceed in saving it, Zimmerman gets away with murder.  They are also trying to sack the judge in the case.

After the Sweden killings and trial, the Dark Knight Shootings (DKS), the Sikh Shootings(SS), we should all be thouroughly sick by now.  It should be clear that the Extreme Right funders are about to get away with this thing in a manner similar to the Repoobs in Congress; who are seeking to get away with blaming all of their misdeeds in the last decade on Obama.  So much public gun violence in such a short span: Trayvon was murdered on February 26, 2012.

Who all has "skin" in this game?  The Extreme Right, first and foremost.  They want to save their precious gun laws.  They are raising and spending large sums of money to get what they want.  "American Exceptionalism" is in play again.  Since it was used so effectively to give us all amnesia in the Abu Ghraib affair, why not use it again?  Compare the shooters!

I submit that we all have "skin" in this game. We, along with the Martin family, stand to lose our basic right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, if the gun law in question is upheld and Zimmerman is allowed to walk free.

The Hard Right screams for their "Freedom".  Those claims ring hollow in face of these facts.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, August 12, 2012


The Latest Wrinkle in the OBSTRUCTION Game??

The Repoobs are doubling down on the death grip they have our our politics, and on our future as a nation. 

What is the Gun Belt?   The end of World War II brought an end to the need to continue war-rationing our manufacturing resources and capabilities in this country.   The automobile industry  had been re-directed  to support the war effort.  The beginning signs of the coming Cold War required that our manufacturing industries continue, and to support a new need for high technology "aerospace" pursuits.  The auto industries at that time were itching to get back to making cars and, therefore, declined the proposal.  As a result a new set of companies came into being that ringed our coast lines and the deep South.  That "ring" of geography came to be known as the "gun belt".  Throw in NASA and you get the total picture.

Why is this important?  The Repoobs are waging war over the WARN Act  They're spreading fear among voters that there will be massive layoffs within days before we go to the polls in November.  The Aerospace Companies figure prominently in this move.  Check it out.

The liberals in the media (as opposed to the fictional "Liberal Media") are chucking over the Romney/Ryan combo.  They may be laughing too soon.  Nobody now doubts the power of fear-mongering during the Dubya years, before and after 9-11.  The success of the fear campaigns, mixxed with masss greed, caused middle-America to vote against their pocket books for the first time in our history. It brought about massive misappropriation of our treasury for wars, tax cuts, and an historic housing bubble.  The total list of malfeasance and misfeasance add up to the gigantic turn of a large budget surplus in 2000 to a massive budget deficit by the end of  2008.

Can the Repoobs "double down" on their tactics of fear-mongering, stoked by race-hatred and greed, to enable their four-year,  lock-step,  obstruction within our legislatures to work?  Only discerning and truly skeptical voters can prevent it.
 Stay Vigilant!

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Saturday, August 11, 2012


FORWARD, into the Past, MARCH!!

Mitt staged his big Veep Launch this morning on a ship named Wisconsin.  He stepped on his big moment by introducing Ryan as "the next president" of the United States, and then left the stage, only to return to make the necessary correction.  The pattern continues!
What takes closer scrutiny to discover is the nature of the staunch backers of Mitt and the Repoobs.
Although the location and setting were distinctly "military", the audience was more militant than military.  It had the "feel" of a people who were fearful and angry.
Their most ardent responses were to calls to "identity".  One of their fears may lie in their uncertainty whether their chosen "leader" identified with them!  His new Veep, Paul Ryan, may share that anxiety about Mitt, given the great wealth disparity and class difference between them.

For all of the rest of us; those Ann Romney denoted as "you people", there can be little doubt that we don't fit in Romneyworld, and will certainly not fare well in the future, as yet unspecified, that he envisions for us.

In his acceptance speech, Paul Ryan spoke of "equal opportunity, not equal outcomes".  His tone and context suggested he clearly meant "not-equal" outcomes.  Romney has made it clear that he see's himself and those dear to him inhabiting a world apart from the rest of us.  Its quite amazing that he managed to shield all five of his sons from public service, of any type, while he constantly pursued public office.  There is a subtle, but important, difference in the terms, you know.

The wreckage of the 2008 Melt-down is as complex and far-reaching as that of 9-11.  Why are we shocked that there is no clear vision, after just 3 and a half years, for where this economy, the European economy, and the global economy are heading?  It took about 10 years to work out the immediate repairs for 9-11.  Early repairs have been introduced, but will take years to work their way through the various economies.  Any politician who takes a non-compromising posture toward such an unclear aftermath of such monumental events is deranged or supremely dishonest.

Stay Vigilant!  Hang on for the next twist in this twisted tale!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, August 10, 2012


It's the ECONOMICS, Stupid??

Richard Frye and Michael Wallace, reported today on their work analyzing the social segregation of the rich and the poor within neighborhoods across the country.  Two findings jump out: the rich are gathering in separate neighborhoods (both black and white, together) and everyone else is being squeezed in a direction leading to poverty and away from home ownership.

Hooray!  We've fought Segregation and Segregation won!, Only now we're being segregated by whether or not we're included in the 1%.  On second thought, given the way President Obama has been treated by U.S citizens, its true that Integration failed to change basic racial attitudes completely.  Education and Wealth can carry non-whites only so far! 

Born in 1939, as "Negro" (on my birth certificate), I know a thing or two about Segregation (U.S., Course 101).  Make no mistake, Economics is the over-arching theme; then and now.  Notice also that the new data is reported by neighborhoods; not states, regions, or even cities or towns.

Looking back, it is clear now that Segregation, Jim, Crow, or whatever name it was called, was first and foremost an ECONOMIC system (also known as Peonage).  It was the system Chattel Slavery morphed into when Reconstruction was aborted following the Rutherford B. Hayes administration.
The families who showed up, in the 1950's, on the black side of the tracks in my small town in Missouri (with only the shirts on their backs), were escaping in the dark of night from Sharecropping in the southern states.  Re-visit "Miss Hilly" in the Mississippi of the 1960's in "The Help", to see peonage in full bloom.  Look at our privatized prison system to see the 21st century version of peonage. 

Racial Segregation in Missouri and outside the deep South was more social than economic.  The wealthier blacks were highly educated and were bound by the system with lower class and less educated blacks.  After the end of legal Segregation in the 60's, the wealthier and better-educated blacks escaped, leaving the less-wealthy and lesser educated blacks behind.  Only the black church and the general racial attitudes of whites kept the color bond intact.

I remember when they integrated the police force in my small town.  Blacks were given uniforms and billy clubs, but not allowed to carry guns.  If they wanted to exert authority over a black disobeying the law, they could do so.  If they discovered a white disobeying the law, they had to go tell a white officer.  We've gone some distance socially, but an even greater distance economically, for some,
The recent shooting (yes, there's been another mass killing since DKS) at the Sikh Mosque, shows the growing violence of disaffected whites who have fallen out of the Middle Class and blame non-whites and members of non-Christian religions.

As the winged swirl of  the ascending, monied, Undertaker class advances, expect more of this news.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


We're NOT Headed for the Graveyard!

In more than 40 years of experience in science and technology, as an experimenter and in management, both in the public and private sectors,  I've learned there are stages or phases in  business and in projects.  They are Innovator Moderator, and Undertaker phases.  There are managers who possess strengths or interests in one or another.  Rarely will you find a manager who has strengths in all three.

The Innovator is a manager who is very good  at starting projects or businesses, or organizations.  Once started, they're quickly over their heads.  In business, these people create start-ups and quickly sell them off for a profit. 

The Moderator takes over a struggling entity; repairs what's broken, an continues to grow it.  When it reaches peak growth, this type of manager is over his or her head, and needs to be replaced. 

The Undertaker is a manager who kills off failing entities so that  resources can be recouped for new enterprises.  When done properly, this is known as Creative Destruction.  When not done for beneficent reasons, it can lead to catastrophic destruction.  In 21st century practice, the Undertakers often can't wait for a company to fail;  they induce failure, with the help of politicians, in pursuit of quick profits.  Nothing good comes of their efforts.

Similar phases occur in politics and public affairs.  Politicians, also, can mirror the behaviors found in business and management.  We now have as President, a Moderator who is showing amazing progress in salvaging a reeling economy and government.

True to their nature, the Undertakers (in the jungle, they're known as carrion pursuers) have appeared and are ready to "finish off" all of us. 

Stay Vigilant !!  Why Elect the Undertaker??

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


A Free Service to the Public

This is the 100th Blog for the OWL!!  My mission, beginning in April of 2011, has been to bring some light and understanding to the public in the U.S. as we approach the 2012 election, and struggle to make sense of the disastrous economic Melt-Down, courtesy of our illustrious Public Representatives.  These were supposed to be people in whom our Founders thought we could place our trust.  With little doubt, that Trust has been betrayed at many levels, and over a long period of time.  I wrote these blogs because I remember a time when non-white minorities had thriving newspapers and other media available to them.  That was destroyed after the 1970s.

So, Tell Your Friends!  Feel free to download and distribute these writings to people who do not have access to the internet.  In the spirit of Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin, lets discover the power of pamphleteering in 2012!  If you have questions or comments, you can reach me at the e-mail address.  Keep all crap comments to yourselves, please.

Stay Vigilant!  READ!!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!!

Yesterday, I saw a news clip from the Truman Era (1944-1952) in which the President warns us to get prepared for people in this country living to the age of 100.  I was shocked!  I thought Peter Drucker was a visionary when he taught us this in the mid-1980's!  So much for the ability, and the mission of Academia to "help us live our lives better".  Foreign users of our higher-education system get much better return on their investment in that realm than we do on ours!  We're too stupid to make sure that all of our K-12 students get a fair chance of accessing our higher education system!

Do you think for a hot minute that parents from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and on; until the housing "bust" of 2008; would have continued to hock their homes for the worthless degrees Academia has dispensed to their children over this period?  What if they KNEW that the return on most of their investments would decline to nothing over this period?  Only those U.S. students who, after 1975, pursued curricula that included mathematics at or above calculus-level, received a fair return.  We can also see why white males (rich and poor) dropped out, or did not attend college.

It seems that in politics at all levels, the phrase: who knew what, and when did they know it ?; takes on its full and onerous meaning for us all.  Think about it; if you had a 30 year head start over everyone else, with just the knowledge of longer lives for all U.S. citizens, (then the life expectancy for average citizens was probably in their 40s; and those few who lived to 65, died within fives year after retiring), you would have invested accordingly and would be EXTREMELY wealthy today. 

You can bet the politicians and the insurance companies knew!  When did Nixon insert the insurance companies into the health-care programs in this country??  DUH!!

At the time Drucker taught these nasty demographics to his class, he also revealed the patterns and reasons for off-shoring manufacturing jobs; and when, and under which conditions, they would return.  Add to that his warning about Corporations dumping all costs of labor (career costs like pensions, health-care, training, etc.) onto the backs of the workers.  Add to that his warning that the employee-paid pension funds of the "knowledge workers" were largely un-protected; and the shenanigans of 2001-2008 within our financial markets make perfect sense.

Read my earlier blogs and you will see the role of the Yin-Yang Media is dumbing us all down to the point where we, like the free German citizens in the Great Depression, face a choice of electing a dictator.  You will also see why just about all U.S. citizens stopped being "smart buyers" about the time the Baby-Boomers entered their teen years.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Makes Sense, No?

Stand Off?  Why leave it just one sided?  Debates would be hollow against a backdrop of hidden tax filings.  If the voters are stupid enough to sit still for such media-driven insanity, the outcome of the election may not matter!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, August 6, 2012


Our Founders Knew

Most of us probably think that power turns evil whenever it is in the hands of our "enemy".  Our Founders knew that power turns evil whenever and wherever it becomes concentrated.  That's why they created a government wherein power was both separated and divided.   They divided governing between  Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches at both the State and Federal Levels. These branches, at both levels,  have separate and independent powers.  The Founders set rules in the Constitution for dividing power between the state and federal governments.  Ultimate power under our Constitution rests with the people and their vote.  In the United States, the people are soverign.  We're all taught that (or should have been). 

Facing a crucial election, the citizens of this country find themselves in a situation in which tremendous power has become concentrated.   Organized religions,  combined with wealthy corporations, have invaded a political party and are willing to destroy the economy in order to gain complete control of government at the federal level.
 Funded with unlimited supplies of money, these forces are also moving, through state governors within their party, to limit access to voting by citizens.  The factions, with full control of one house of the federal legislature, and near-control of the Supreme Court, have found a way to severely curtail the function  of the federal government with threats of cataclysmic cuts in funding needed for operation.

These events, made possible by leaps in technology, have strained the model of our government.
Having withstood the ravages of a Civil War, our government model may not surpass, unscathed,  this attack by concentrated power. 

Against the backdrop of a global Economic near-Depression, brought on by six years of total control by the party seeking to regain control, the people, alone, will have to defend our governmental model.
The independence of the branches at the Federal level is most threatened.  Corporate interests, through highly paid lobbyists have userped functions of the legislative branches; to include writing our laws, and the implementing agencies of the executive branch; to include writing regulations and corrupting regulators.

This government was formed, in part, to escape the tyranny of  royalty and ruling families.  Elements of the attacking forces within our government at both federal and state levels seek to undo these achievements.  Moneyed elites are at the door.  Do we let them in?
 Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Old Snake Oil: New Bottle?

Various outlets of our Yin Yang Media report that Master Rove and that ilk are hoisting Mitt and the Repoobs for this election under the banner of American Exceptionalism.  Those not clear on the meaning should visit the website shown above.  Mad Ronnie used the banner and linked it to Winthrop, "Shining City on a Hill" and Puritanism.  Look out for the 2012 update.

I you're like me, you probably think you have some notion of what the term means.  Check it out; you'll probably be surprised to learn the many conflicting ideas this term has been used for over time.
Superiority, White Supremacy; Capitalism; Private Property; Puritanism; Imperialism; War; Forgiveness; Chosen People; Manifest Destiny; Slaughter of Non-Whites; Slavery; Liberty; -- everything from 1492 on can be embodied in the term.

I grew up going to the movies on Saturday (for 15 cents or bottle caps) to watch Westerns -- Tom Mix, Roy Rogers, The Lone Ranger.  I was disturbed by the fact that "Justice" was one-sided.  If the Indians killed or harmed a white settler in anyway, whole tribes were wiped out to achieve "Justice".  If whites were found "guilty" of violating Treaties, no one was held accountable.  Joel Chandler, in Broken Arrow gave a memorable portrayal of such unequal justice.

Many decades later, after winning the Cold War, this country exhibited the same attitudes and behavior toward Abu Ghraib, cloaking it in "American Exceptionalism".  Mitt and his backers want to return to that stance and abandon Obama's attempts to achieve some more sane approach to justice among different peoples on this planet.  Its a stark choice, and a lot of money is riding on the outcome.

Remember, they're counting on the ignorance, greed, fear, or indifference of the voter to bring them victory in November.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, August 3, 2012


What "Success" Really Means in this Country

In my long years in this country, "Success" (which may be uniquely defined in this country) entails overcoming obstacles, and beating the odds;  to prevail over circumstances not of our making.  Discipline and perserverance are key to "success" defined in this way.  The version purveyed by Mitt and the Repoobs is a bunch of hooey.  It doesn't ring true when stacked up against people like those featured in two lead news stories that aired on August 3, 2012.

One story, aired on CNN, is that of Earnie Casillas.  Unemployed for four years, losing a large figure income and accompanying lifestyle, his marriage and home, he toughed it out; finally finding employment.  Shaken, he told his story compellingly, making even the most hard-hearted among us aware of the hair-breadth distance between his circumstance and ours.  When asked whom he would vote for this November, he responded that he would vote for Obama.  He evidently did not buy the "bull"' spread by the Repoobs; placing blame for the economy on the President.  He stated that the progress made thus far needs to be continued, and the President needs more time to repair the damage done by those who brought us the wreckage in our economy.  Check out the footage on CNN.

Another story aired today is that of Gabby Douglas, the young gymnast that spendidly represented our country; winning a gold medal in the London Olympics.  Her story reflects genuine drive, discipline, sacrifice, and grit; the kind that many of our citizens, past and present, have exhibited.

Congratulations to both Earnie and Gabby.  They lift us all.  They are both from those non-white "minorities" that the Repoobs hold in such low regard.

 Mitt's remarks abroad about the Palestinians shame us in a way that only these inspiring stories can counter.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Bookends? Mirrors in the Dark?

As more is revealed about Aurora (funny how we now have only to mention the place), it bears assembling the spare facts and looking for patterns.  Many startling things have emerged from these shootings; only a few months apart.  It seems there has been an explosion of similar events since 9/11.

Wikipedia,,_Colorado, shows Aurora as Denver's largest suburb, more than half the size of Denver.  It has a population (2010) of more than 325,000; about 60% white and 40% non-white.  All of those shot were white.

DKS is white; and Zimmerman is a white-wannabe who went out, armed, at night, looking for blacks.  DKS was obviously much more intelligent and capable than Zimmerman.  Do the numbers show (in their disparity) that DKS was looking for whites? Both shooters were in their 20s and males. Just about all of the mass shooters have been white male since 1976 (averaging 20 mass shootings/year,according to TIME, 6Aug12).  The places are ingrained in our consciousness.

A WELL-REGULATED MILITIA: is a requirement written by our Founders into the Constitution.
Just about everyone in this country, citizens and political leaders alike, ignore this.  Why??
DeTocqueville found in 1830 a tyrannical (white) majority ruling in this nation with murder (by gun) on its mind.  He found a new nation with two prominent goals: exterminate all Natives to get their land, and work all blacks to death in perpetuity.  Over hundreds of years, this has settled into the psyche of all of our citizens, in one way or another.  The Founders managed to depict blacks as less than human.

As the percentages of whites dwindle across the nation, the least-evolved, most threatened, and most extreme among the whites are more expressive of their fears and anxieties.  This angst is especially evident now as the political extremes are doubling down in their efforts to hoard all the money and guns;  strangle the economy; and take other draconian measures to hold onto to control.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


What you need to know to GET, and KEEP a Job!

For most of us, the world we knew just a decade or so has disappeared; especially when it comes to jobs and the workplace.  Gerald Chertavian was on C-Span the other day touting his new book about a program titled Year Up  He said that companies are laying off according to something called ABC, and hiring according to traditional methods which include degrees.  ABC denotes attitudes, behaviors, and communication skills.  Unfortunately for employers, these attributes can only be discovered on the job -- after a person is hired. 

In their employer-sponsored program for disadvantaged youths, they pay the students while in training for the specific skills and attributes an employer is seeking.  This should be a "heads-up" to everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, or other ovarian lottery benefits or deprivations.  The depression-level job market, coupled with the ability of employers to circumvent government regulations such as Affirmative Action, should alert everyone that employers hold the trump hand.  Performance on the job and ability to build the bottom line will trump features listed on resumes.  This calls into question the roles of traditional academia, private education companies, head-hunters, and other old techniques for acquiring employment.  Even traditional family-connection jobs will suffer if the bottom-line is endangered.

Western Governor's University,, was founded in 1997 to take advantage of Distance Learning in remote areas and to certify skills of the students before an employer hires them.  It was known by large corporations, like the one I retired from, that many top academic graduates were poor performers on the job.

Drucker taught us that it was not "who you know", but "who knows you and wants what you can produce" that matters when it comes to getting hired, keeping a job, and getting raises or promotions (things that are scarce or non-existent in today's job market).

So, if you can no longer count on your resume or a head hunter, what do you do?  Network, Network, Network!  You have to find the person who will actually make the hiring selection (usually the person with the budget and hiring authority); find a way to get them to know you, and proceed from there.  It would be wise to ask questions that will let you know whether you "fit" the job, the work environment, and your co-workers; but most people will be so desparate for money they will contort themselves and their personal relationships in ways that cannot last.

Work smarter, not harder; consider turning your talents and skills into an income-producing situation that you control.  Good Luck!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Some of them are "Laughing" All The Way to the BANK!

I guess its to be expected that a poorly educated and over-religious country like ours will laugh at those things we are troubled by, but don't fully understand.  The Mormons seem to be counting this in their efforts to install Mitt.  And it's our fault!

This nation has given the green light to religions to participate in business in ways that give them a competitive edge.   Businesses that are not backed by organized religions are at a distinct disadvantage.  The "Chicken" flap currently in the news today is a case in point.  The Mormon backing of anti-Gay issues has been widely reported.  We know the results of the invasion of organized religion invasion into our politics, during the Repoob rise.  We don't pay much attention to their activities within our corporations and smaller businesses.  We should, because we make it possible by giving them humongous tax breaks.

They were given these breaks because they promised to significantly reduce poverty, and to improve the lives of the communities in which they operate.  Have they??  Nobody's taking a serious look at this issue.  Maybe now, when the country faces bankruptcy is a good time to study it??.

Mitt also provides an excellent opportunity for all of us to look around at the lucrative activities of not only the Mormon businesses, but also those of all faiths. 

Laughter is a poor substitute for knowledge.  Google, in 2012, takes away all of our excuses for staying tragically ignorant on this phenomenon.  How much do we know about the "Mormon Wars" and "Massacres"?  What about the "White Horse" prophecy of Joseph Smith?  If we seriously start Googling, maybe Mitt will have to break his silence on these topics.  Laughter will not penetrate the shield behind which Mitt hides his tax treatments and his religious beliefs.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't let the joke be on us!

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