Sunday, June 30, 2013

The "DIVESTMENT" Solution??

A Rebuke to "Jim Crow 2.0", and the Roberts Court??
In his speech this morning to University students in South Africa, President Obama said it was the Divestment Movement to end Apartheid in South Africa that got him, at the age of 19, first interested in politics. Given the overwhelming numbers and large percentages of unemployed youth around the world today; that message should serve as a warning to young and old, black and white, rich and poor, and, especially, to those businessmen and investors who have financed our turn backward,  towards "Jim Crow 2.0".
Facing only scattered and weak resistance, the tightly organized and well financed forces favoring racial suppression in this country prevailed, in the Roberts Court Rulings last week. Much tighter organization, and denial of financial support, for those funding and, otherwise supporting the Extreme Right, remain as the only weapons for resistance.  We are bombarded with the wails of one such "business person" who is being abandoned in droves by corporate sponsors in response to uttered "racial" language.   Since Citizens United, another gift of the Roberts Court,  money has become the most valued weapon for those seeking to 'hold-tight' to the "white side" of the "color line".  (Gays, who might think they received a "favor" from the Court last week, might re-consider; given the increased power the Court handed to the 50 States to restrict the right to vote for ALL citizens).
What "book" is the Court following?  W.E.B. DuBois described in detail the "chapter and verse" of the methods we see practiced all around us, as the Congress and Court are in rebellion against the recent gains in Suffrage for black citizens.  The Roberts Court. last week, abrogated, again, the 15th Amendment of our Constitution.  Young citizens, victims of our "integrated education" of the past 50 years, do not understand what is happening.   Read the "book"!  It will provide fresh lens through which the Zimmerman Trial should be viewed.  The 12 years between 1865 and 1877 provided the foundation for the "mess" our country is in today.
Another approach, practiced by many people I know is People-To-People Networking for purposes of gaining sustainable employment, and increasing individual control over personal time and quality of life.  This is the only technique left to citizens, as corporations continue to "tighten the screws" in the work place.  Removing discrimination (on the surface) for Gays, while ignoring age discrimination in hiring and job retention, only serves to short-change the entire economy.  Ways have to be found for small businesses to "trade" and seek financing across borders, the way large companies do.  Otherwise, the workers will never gain leverage, or stop the slide toward total peonage.
Stay Vigilant!  Give small businesses here, access to the new funding for Africa!
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Saturday, June 29, 2013


The Sorry State of "Capitalism"??
There's been a "reversal" recently in growth patterns of  global and national economies.  "Developed" nations (mostly white) and "Developing" nations (the rest, except for for the most  "hopeless" ones), have reversed their growth patterns.   The machinations of Cheney, Bush, and Republicans,  "run-amok", set off the dismal chain of events leading to "hard" times for the world.  Developed nations have not "recovered" in their usual way, and their growth is extremely slow and "jobless", as a result. 
Some "Developing" nations appeared to be growing faster than the "Developed" nations.  Termed  BRICS; Economists  "hoped" they were leading the way "back".  Not any longer.  What happened?
The "Developing" nations hit a limit on the demand for raw materials and began to slow;  thereby, joining the decline of the Developed nations.  The "Developed" nations, racked by high unemployment and the unwillingness of banks to lend to anyone who really "needed" money (small businesses, poor whites and, as usual, all non-whites), compounded problems, causing stagnation.  Even those "Main Street" small businesses that could "squirrel" money from somewhere, found they have few or no customers.  'Greedy B*stards'  (read Banks and Hedge Funds), must realize that "rapacious" capitalism is bad for everyone!; and "suicidal" for Capitalism in general!
In the United States, the Federal Reserve has propped up the economy long enough to patch the tremendous hole in our banking system (just a "patch"; no real "fix").  We continue to limp along with extremely slow growth, and a "jobless" recovery.  The political parties continue to fight over "peanuts", while the country slides toward ruin.
Henry Ford said it!  If no one can buy the products (or services), the game's up!  The Fed is out of "juice"!
Stay Vigilant!  In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is King!

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Friday, June 28, 2013


A World Still "Stuck" on Color
Today, the first Black President travels to  "Deepest", "Darkest" Africa.  A place we've all been taught to fear in many ways; from the beat of the drum in our music, to the slightest hint of darkness in a person's skin in our visual media.  The "Supremes" confirmed that this week, in their ruling on Voting Rights; and the Trayvon Martin Trial has it on display for the entire world to see. 
A cursory comparison of the black witnesses to others, and the exclusion of blacks from the jury, shows the impact of more than 300 years of white, male, rule in this country.  "Keep Them Barefoot and Ignorant"; their guiding policy, has worked, un-mistakably!  But can Whites, and the Planet afford to continue this travesty??  The "Supremes" seem to think so.  With their magic black key (Justice Thomas), they have re-convened the Taney Court.  Homer Plessy, who was whiter than Marco Rubio, became the principal around whom that Court "defined" who was white, and who was not; and set the stage for JIM CROW legislation that haunts us to this day.  Roberts and company appear to want more of that!
In 1961, I was working at the U.S.P.H.S. Hospital in San  Francisco.  I also lived on those splendid grounds (now a high-end residential location).  Ghana was in its early stage of "independence" from Europe.  A very well educated gentlemen came, sponsored by our State Department, to learn Hospital Administration.  I got to know him, (he lived in my "empty" hotel).  He told me that Africa would "continue to go like this (palms up), until it could afford to go like this (palms down).  After more than 50 years, that time has not yet arrived!  Europe continues its rape of the sub-Saharan part of the continent, while, lately, it has to contend with China's interests in Africa's raw materials.  I wrote a book review for one of my classes at San Francisco State, on the "Winds of Change" in Africa.  In those days, there were countries with names like "Tanganyika" , and "Northern Rhodesia".  The whites in South Africa now live in the shadows, and in fear;  hoarding their wealth.  A sorry pass!
What's left of the Republican Party, continues to break apart on the "rocks" of color.  Nixon and Reagan set the Party on this course; based on anti-black sentiments; but, today, the problem lies in the color of the immigrants arriving across our Southern Border -- now simply designated as "THE" Border.
Stay Vigilant!  Find Ways to Clean "House" in 2014?? 
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Forces of "Darkness" Prevail?? 
Amidst the din of wild celebration (Gays), and the despondency of persons of color (Blacks and Browns), there lurks a "reality" of severe loss!  The Roberts Court, with its Italians (and their Black Lawn Jockey) "riding high"; has "high-tailed" out of their session ending in 2013; on a trail that leads back to the Taney Court of old.
Their rulings this week have stripped the Federal Government of its role (since the Warren Court) of interfering in whatever the States do, or don't do, to their citizens; so long as the States are not "egregious" in trampling on their basic Constitutional Rights.  We should ALL recognize that citizen-voting is NOT one of those rights (State Legislatures hold that power under the Constitution).
This also means Persons of Color (Blacks and Browns) will have to study the path the Gays took. They have to move away from their Moral Persuasion Approach; towards the brass-knuckles approach of MONEY and grass-roots organization, taken by the Gays.  In other words, More Malcolm, Less Martin!  Be aware, its not totally a "done deal" until the Court "tinkers" with the Commerce Clause; as it has been applied to Federal actions against the States.  Now, we understand more fully why Romney told CPAC to form their lines at the State level.  Black and Brown citizens have to pull their heads out, get up off their knees, stop praying and wailing in public, and learn to play "hard ball" with Rednecks!  Jesus has done his part.  Remember: Black Politicians like money, also; so be careful whom you support!!
From my experiences in Seattle in support of organizations like Brother to Brother; Blacks and Browns should not expect  strong backing from white and male Gays in future fights against the forces of "Darkness".  Our fight against AIDS got little support from them.  The results, today, show the ravages of AIDS in the Black and Brown communities; and stand in testament to that history. 
So jump and have fun for this "4th" (and Pride) season; but, beyond, lies serious work for all of us. 
For those of you who are "Straight"; remember, "first they came for ...." .  The devolvement of power back to the States, courtesy of the Roberts Court, bodes ill for ALL citizens; as the Federal Government continues to weaken (in both, its Executive and Legislative Branches), and the State Governments grow poorer; led by frightened Whites.  (South Africa in comic reverse).
These rulings insure passage of some sort of Immigration Bill; but it may be a hollow victory!  We will get a new group of Peons, I'm afraid.  I see a lot of "voting with our feet" in this country, in the future!
Stay Vigilant!  Those who are easily fooled, deserve what happens to them!
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Does Our Fate Lie "in the Bushes"??
Justice Marshall must be rolling in his grave!  He was right; "black snakes" are very dangerous!
Daddy Bush's "handiwork" finally pays off for the enemies of Civil Rights, free/fair elections, and, Democracy, in this country.  After 200 years of slavery, and 100 years of Jim Crow Segregation (Peonage); 48 years of "remedy" was simply too much for some folk.
Sandwiched between the economic squeeze of the Global Economy, their losing Demographics, their struggle to stop abortion of white babies, and the tidal wave of "immigrants" of the wrong color; what are those white citizens who are scared and angry to do??  The 2012 elections showed that, when allowed their right to vote, non-white young citizens WILL VOTE!  The "Supremes" ruling against Voting Rights today shows that to Dream is not enough; and, the arc of history may, in the long run, bend toward Justice; but as economists say: In the Long Run, We're All Dead! 
Back in the Bushes: the year is 2000, the place is Florida, Jeb Bush is Governor.  Voting Rights met a miserable fate there and then, as red-neck ignoramuses from outside Florida rampaged through that state; turning the election to "W" Bush (and Cheney).  The Supremes intervened there, too; placing their deciding thumb on the scales.  This week, in Florida, Jeb Bush's "Stand Your Ground" gun law is on trial along with Trayvon Martin (dead) and George Zimmerman (still breathing).
We're learning that the true crisis of the 8 years of  the Cheney/Bush "administration" may be the Snowden Affair.  From before 9/11 on, there seems to have been a series of "eff-ups" in our Intelligence apparatus.  How is it, that we came to this sorry pass where a company like Booze-Allen was the portal through which Snowden sprang?  Instead of chasing phantom "scandals", Congress must become "serious" and get to the bottom of what has become of our foreign and domestic "intelligence" and security structures; following 8 years of Cheney/Bush.  Obama has patched some holes,  but not others (financial system), and may not yet be aware of others ("intelligence").  We can see now why Congress has been a "drag" on his efforts?   Their  "Solid" opposition to gun legislation, and refusal to comply with the voters' directions in the election of 2012, are now more clearly understood?
Is it ironic, or tragic, that Mandela lies, clinging to life in formerly(?) Apartheid South Africa; waiting for Obama??
Stay Vigilant!  The battle for our country will be waged at home!
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Sunday, June 23, 2013


They "Have" Saved: Mankind
Take another look at the movie, Thirteen Days (2000), or read Jeffrey Sachs' new book: To Move the World: JFK's Quest for Peace, and, if you can reason and comprehend above 6th-grade level, you will see immediately why the title of this blog points toward truth!
On that day in October of 1962 (don't tell Rubio, he thinks it happened in 1963), I had been assigned to NSA for about 3 full months.  My first-born (at the Fort George G. Meade Hospital) had been home for a little over a month.  We lived on the Fort, in the shadow of "The Puzzle Palace".  We just knew we were "goner's"!
I have suspected, from those days, that JFK was a "Lincoln" in my lifetime; (even though I missed my first opportunity to vote for him; my first white friend was a Republican from South Dakota).  Then, there was the Liddy Biddy Johnson question; that lingers to this day.  Sachs' book reveals the secret activities that allowed the President, working behind the scenes with Khrushchev, to save the world from what was overwhelmingly slated to become a nuclear World War III. 
The close-held "secrets" were crucial to that outcome.  So, even though mushy-headed Lefty's might boo Nancy Pelosi over her position in the Snowden Affair, those who know better, and can think better, know otherwise.  This nation continues to pay a heavy price for the fact that our Baby-Boomers remained babies for too long!
The new book also reveals the members list of the EXCOMM.  Other recent publications reveal the close relationship between Liddy Biddy and J. Edgar Hoover.  Anybody still have a copy of "MacBird!"??! (I Do).
Stay Vigilant!  THINK! for Ur Self! ??
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Saturday, June 22, 2013

SOCIAL (and economic?) STIGMA: SHELL-GAME??

Is it All "Visual" Now??
After watching A Girl's Life (Google it on PBS) with my teen-age grand-daughter, I can become convinced that, in this media age, "visual cues" are everything.  They over-ride religious values (or cause deep internal conflict), parental teaching, peer-bonds, and are peculiarly "isolating" for targeted victims.  The question of whether the victim is also somehow to blame for what happens to them, is deeply psychotic in nature; with no clear answer.  Female/male relations, starting at steadily-younger ages today, are ground-zero; followed by color and race.  It is clear, however, that visual cues led Zimmerman to his current happenstance.  He was socially and psychologically conditioned to follow those cues.
We all become "players" in this shell-game of blame and  burgeoning protests; puppeteer'-ed  by media.  The Miami Heat is holding its big celebration on South Beach today, but, did you see the two-page fold- out in TIME recently of LeBron??  And what's up with Dennis Rodman??  The "visuals" on both of these guys are un-mistake-able!  Eldridge Cleaver, in Soul On Ice, was dead-on when he defined the "super-masculine menial" as large in body (and income, for some today), but miniscule in brain-power and common sense.  But, we gobble it down like pigs in swill.  Sure makes your average, effete, white boy feel superior, though.  Isn't is strange that these guys all are staunch defenders of "Christianity" in public?  That seems to be part of the "packaging" for media, I guess.  The Right has known that "religion sells" for quite some time, now.
Stay Vigilant!  Check your Mirrors??
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Friday, June 21, 2013


Can a Dead Black Child "Prevail"??
The massive movements on the Extreme Right; in Congress, the Media, the Supreme Court and the Florida Courts, show that the Summer of 2013 is shaping up to be one of the hottest on record!  The Extreme Right is at its most extreme, because they have a lot at stake.  The Farm Bill went down to defeat in the House yesterday, signaling the pitiful plight of Speaker Boehner.  (Turnabout is fair:  The President should be taunting Boehner, now,  to: "LEAD"!!!)  Our "Gentleman Farmers, and the poor to whom they dispense scraps, may have to revert to 1930's legislative provisions!
Senator "Bilbo" Graham of South Carolina is reported to have re-oriened the propaganda of FOX and similar rabble, causing a reversal of their position on pending immigration legislation.  It shows how desperate the Right is to "get a grip" on the "Hispanics".  There just might be another Rubio, or even  Cruz, buried in those humongous numbers.
At stake in the Trayvon trial is nothing less the "traditional" political "Leadersip" of the United States.  That Leadership has prevailed in this country since the days of the "Bourbon Democrats"!  (See: REPOOBS RISE? The OWL blog, dated 15Apr12; and, The Bourbon Democrats rise again?  Colbert King, Washington Post, 20Apr12).  Also at stake is Jeb Bush's "Stand Your Ground" gun law that the Rednecks love so much.  Add to this list pending "Supremes" decisions on Gay Marriage, Voting Rights, and Affirmative Action, and you get the full complexity of this picture.
In an interview with Charlie Rose a few nights ago, Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone, cited "rule of law" as a reason why venture capital investment funds flock to the United States.  If the "kangaroo" proceedings going on in our media prevail against this dead teenager, that "rule of law" will suffer, yet another, attack from within.  Could this be another argument in favor of "clean money"; needed to drive out "dirty money"??  We don't  yet see the "clean money" on the horizon!
Stay Vigilant!  Turn up the heat in the HOUSE!
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Thursday, June 20, 2013


"WHO" Do YOU Trust??  - "WHO" Trusts YOU??
No reporting, or any discussion of the topic of "Surveillance", should appear without the accompaniment of the word TRUST!!  But that would be too much to expect of Media these days.
Rarely, if ever, does trust and surveillance co-exist around some issue or event; whether personal and  private, or public.  In the United States, since President Obama was elected, and since the Republicans dropped their "stink bomb" on our economy (both occurred in 2008); TRUST, real or imagined, was the first casualty.  Even more so than immediately following 9/11.  The nation pulled together in 2001 and put their trust, blindly, in Cheney/Bush and our feckless Congress!
For a nation that admits its racist past, it should come as no surprise that the first Black President would not enjoy much trust from those who did not vote for him.  He obviously was not trusted that much by many who did vote for him! Those voters were scared sh*tless by the economic collapse, and were hoping Obama would, like Jesus, perform miracles.  He did, it fact, but not all the miracles they wanted, apparently.
How many ways do we distrust each other?  Let's count (some of ) the ways: Red/Blue; White/Black; Ethnic/Ethnic; North/South; East/West; Rich/Poor; Female/Male; Liberal/Conservative; (had enough?).  Nobody here trusts any "foreigner"!
So; surveillance of "foreigners" is o.k. -- but don't surveil US!!  (pick your poison from the list).  This entire charade is madness!  Are we witnessing more evidence of our ultimate decline as a nation?
Stay Vigilant!  Is your FACE BOOK page "public" or "private"??
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Racial, Gender, Tribal, Religious -- Wars Spread
Burning, killing, and other violence erupted days ago, among "neighbors" who have "peacefully" co-existed in Myanmar, (formerly Burma).  The Republicans in the House have corralled "their" white women to do battle with other white women in this country over the abortion of white babies (nobody believes the Republicans give a damn about any other babies).  The Republicans fall back on blatantly racial arguments to stop Immigration Reform, after their Batista Cuban "cover" falters, and the Congressional Budget Office determines that the nation would benefit economically from Reform.
Where Europeans drew borders in their rush to colonize and trap indigenous peoples into "slavery-in-place"; warring tribal and religious elements were also trapped.  As those old arrangements "unwind", locally and regionally, the entire world will continue to be threatened by what is happening in the Middle East and Africa.  Syria represents a mega-interaction of European "meddling" with the historic peoples in that region.
The corrupt institutions put in place to hold European designs in check, are coming un-raveled around the world; driven by technological advances in communication.  For example, members of the Congress of the United States, perhaps the most obviously corrupt of highly visible institutions, sounds pitiful and ludicrous when their members wail that Snowden should have placed his "trust" in them.
World War II, because it ended in localized nuclear annihilation, put an end to large-scale warfare between nation-states.  The dreaded "nuclear holocaust" portended by Cold War Hawks, never happened.  All of the remnants of earlier conflicts, however, were left to play out.  We're seeing that around the globe.  We still are plagued by the presence of the nukes, also; as addressed by President Obama in his Brandenburg Gate speech this morning.
In 1979, I was assigned to break a mutiny among nuclear scientists and to conduct a test of the B-52.  I saw, first-hand, the tentacles of corruption in the military.  It has only spread since.  Fighting corruption in  institutions will be the largest challenge facing citizens of Democracies around the world.  Where institutions do not exist, or are weak, all Hell may break loose.  It will be localized -- at least in the beginning.
Stay Vigilant!  Clean House in 2014!
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Who "Count"?  Who "Don't"??
The crocodile tears and alarm we see and hear  from the "Hawks", "War-mongers", and their groupies, as they point to Syria and demand massive and immediate intervention by the United States,  cannot be taken as anything more than self-serving.  Even Cheney has re-emerged (with someone else's heart) to add to the din.
They cite the number killed in Syria as justification for their cause.  Other body counts, though, are relatively ignored by this rabble.  for example, you might Google:
       The body-count of our military troops killed in Iraq
       The body-count of our military troops killed in Afghanistan
       The body-count of our military troops killed in Pakistan
       The body-count of the citizenry killed in those countries
       The body-count in Rwanda didn't matter -- then
       Even the body-count due to gun violence at home is not prominent in their sights
Is there anything else we need to know, in order to dismiss these people and their campaign?
Stay Vigilant!  Evil wears many masks.
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Monday, June 17, 2013

The "IN" CROWD Meets

Global "Relationship" Dysfunction?
President Obama is attending (if not "leading"?) the G-8 Summit today.  He does so, as his poll numbers are declining due to the Snowden Affair.  He also does so when a seriously disloyal opposition at home makes it clear to the world that the President is not "in" their crowd (not one of "them").  For political/racial reasons, this condition has persisted since his first election in 2008.
At the end World War II, reorganization of the world's governmental relationship structure began with the formation of the United Nations.  The Security Council (United States, Britain, France, China, and Russia), held veto power over the actions of all member states; thereby promising to prevent future wars.  Over the intervening years, this arrangement of international relationships proved woefully inadequate in terms of that goal.   From world Security, they later turned to world Economics.  The numbers of nations that gathered for economic issues has expanded and shrunk; sometimes G-5, or G-7, to G-8.  There is also a G-20 grouping.  All the while, "excluded states" clamber to be let "in". 
Formed to "correct" the flaws in international relations that led to both World Wars in the last century, The United Nations and the Security Council became an "in-crowd" of white, former colonial powers and the United States, Russia and China.  All of these nations, except China, were "victorious" in World War II.  France and Britain were "carried" to victory by the United States; restored to their former wealth and power (at little or no cost); and then "protected" throughout the Cold War (also at little or no cost).  Of course, Russia, a former ally, became their collective foe in the Cold War.  China, the "non-victorious" member of the original 5, was the only clearly non-white nation.  The  true "color" of the Russians has always remained in doubt to citizens of Europe and the United States.  Today, Russia stands undecided as to whether or not it is "Western".  Today's G-8 "leader", economically is the nation defeated by the four "victorious" nations: Germany!
The number one issue before the G-8 today is the "fission" -ing Middle East.  Culmination of  almost 70 years of bumbling, colonial and race-driven policies and actions by the former colonial powers and the United States has presented the group with Syria -- in a state of bloody civil and sectarian war.  The war in Syria follows sharply on the heels of other civil and sectarian wars in Iraq.  All states in the region are locked in a death-spiral; driven by religion and tribal hatreds.  The warring factions are clearly not part of the "In" Crowd.  The flames of these wars are fanned by Russia, the "loser" of the Cold War.  (are you able to keep up??)
The citizens of Europe and the Americas expect the first Black President, whom they clearly do no consider to be "in" their circles, to solve all of this -- in one meeting!  This is beyond insanity!
Stay Vigilant!  Relationships must possess trust and respect among all participants -- dont'cha think?
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

2 "DOTS' define the "LINE"

1 'Line' defines 2 (opposing) 'Directions'
The challenge for us all, henceforward, is to "connect the dots" (correctly); and choose the "line" (wisely)!  Jeffrey Sachs has released a new book about President Kennedy and his heroic ability to save all of us during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Residing at Fort Meade at the time, with my family (including a weeks-old first child); I owe that President a personal debt that, for many others, may be only dimly perceived; then or now.  To accomplish his feat, President Kennedy had to defy both the CIA and the Military.
President Obama (our first -- and last? -- Black one) has accomplished the feat of defeating, twice, serious attacks on our economy and our nation.  He did so by "connecting dots" and "defining lines" for the voters to make their choices.  In 2008, the "dot and line" were between him and McCain (Libertarian, Authoritarian, and borderline white supremacist).  In 2012 the "dot and line" were between him and Romney (Machiavellian Monetarist, and more-so, a white-supremacist).  As a result of those two events, our country is limping back toward economic and social stability.  It has become clear that our current domestic political opposition has suspect "loyalties";  to bear allegiance to some power other than that nation our Founders provided for us.  However, we know that Democracies can change radically (think 1933).
No matter which side you come down on regarding the latest "flap" in the media over Snowden,
you must choose between what we have perceived as our "freedoms" granted under our Constitution, and some new type of "authoritarianism".  What is possible (both good or evil); what is preferable (security or "freedom"); what has to change in our institutional hierarchy to achieve your desired outcome?  Is our Congress up to the task?  Do we need a new, carefully selected Congress in 2014?
Stay Vigilant!  Choose Wisely!
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Saturday, June 15, 2013


A Child's "Nightmare"
In the 1940's in Missouri, children in the primary grades at my school were taught to fear the "Truant Officer".  Truancy was a petty crime; the failure of a child to attend school.  The reasons did not matter.  If you were not there when the roll was called, and the teacher had not been notified in advance, you were reported as "truant".  There was also the dreaded "Reform School" at Booneville, where they sent small children, and, we were told, beat them until the blood on the floor was ankle deep.  The Truant Officer roamed the streets looking for children who should be in school.
I relate this to show that, for a very long time in this country, public school was a precursor to the prison system.  The economic reason underlying the truancy laws was found in the method the State used to fund the schools (student-days-attended).
For concerns having to do with public order, improved education levels, and discipline; the public, black and white, generally supported these laws.
Fast-forward 70 years, and the horror has a new face.  In that part of our country described by a prominent legislator as a "Hell Hole", the schools have become malignant "Hell Holes" that shuttle black and brown children into our Prison-Industrial System.  The trail now leads directly to profits on Wall Street!  There are other "benefits":  criminal records for minority children will prohibit them from getting legitimate jobs, deny them their right to vote, and commit them to a lifetime of recidivism.  In those parts of this country, truancy has become a white supremacist's dream!
The quality of the output from our school/education system at all levels in this country, has steadily declined over the years; leaving us in a position where we may never be able to regain globally-competitive status for anyone's child!  We're stupid enough to continue thinking that politicians can solve this problem -- also???
Stay Vigilant!  To save one, we must save them all!  Run for School Board!
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Friday, June 14, 2013


Time for a "McArthur" Moment??
The white and male "warmongers" ("cowboys") are gaining on Obama.  I'm from the non-white side of the segregated Silent Generation.  As a youth, we were at war on two fronts.  Cowboys (the Lone Ranger and Tom Mix) were on RADIO!  Propaganda was an "arm" of the Media.  Today's media is all about profit-driven propaganda.  Nothing drives profits like war.  Nothing drives war like racism, fueled by religion.
If you have run out of  (or been run out by) enemies, get involved in someone else's war.  If you can find a bloody Civil War -- even better!
Enter from stage left Elmer Gantry, Slick Willie, a master politician intent on establishing a dynasty.
He has become a media darling.  What's a beleaguered ("mixed-race" candidate; promoted to "first-black") President to do?  Channel good old "Harry S.", once again, and find a way to "fire" the bastards.
Roosevelt warned Churchill (against continuing "white supremacy" on a global level), and the warning went un-heeded.  The "cowboys" (fortified by imported (ex?) Nazis) were freed to run amok along a nasty trail that has led from Korea to Baghdad!  It has pushed the greatest nation on earth to a point of bankruptcy.  Now the "cowboys" shrieking "Liberty" and "freedom", want to finish off our country by getting in the middle of a bloody civil war in the Middle East; driven (on all sides) by religion and race.  The media is having a ball heaping gasoline on this fire.
Who is really responsible for this mess?  Europe's version of "cowboys"; who drew the lines and (later) set up the regimes in the Middle East, following World War II.  As a "cherry" on top of their "sh*t pile", they placed Israel.  Their motivation was cheap oil.
My suggestion to Obama:  use any means necessary to enter Syria and remove or destroy the chemical weapons.  Then withdraw and let the bastards kill each other!  Nuke anybody who strays outside the "cage" for the fight.
Stay Vigilant!  Let's break out of this "Cuckoo's Nest"!
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Thursday, June 13, 2013


"Dictatorship"  Arrives in Wisconsin ??
My algebra teacher was from Beloit (in 1956).  She was special, and what she taught us about Wisconsin was very different from we see in the video of the State Legislature that appeared yesterday.
This is beyond bullying -- it is outright dictatorship by a legislative majority.,0,5131271.storymajority   Rachel Maddow showed the clip last night.  It should bring chills to anyone who believes that some form of Democracy makes the best kind of government. Our democratic form of government may be dying slowly in the State Houses around this country.  Could this be the time for a Malignant Right version of "Superman"?
The current issue of TIME tells us to expect Superman's return to theaters this summer.  Aren't  we sufficiently weary, and somewhat afraid, of superheroes "appearing in theaters" in this country?
Superman was invented by a young Jewish immigrant in 1933.  Struggling to "fit in", at a time when Jews were discriminated against at a level similar to that of "Negroes"  (Jews lived on our side of the tracks in Missouri when I was a child -- and came out in public only after sundown);  it is understandable why someone might long for such a creature.
1933: a year when FDR took office and, over the next 12 years transformed the planet by out-witting and out-fighting dictators on both the political Right and Left; a year when this nation reached its deepest "scarcity" due to the Great Depression; the year when Adolf Hitler assumed power in Germany and put an end to its democratic form of government; and a year when a child, whose name I was given at birth, was murdered in Sioux City, Iowa.  The Right Wing has worked diligently to destroy everything FDR did to create a Middle Class in this country.
The off-year (not divisible by 4) elections are when we are most vulnerable; because factions and regions take advantage of the lack of a Presidential candidate on the ballot.  2014 could be the year when the Malignant Right achieves what it failed to get in the 2012 election?  "Sequestration" is doing the "job" of insuring a climate of "scarcity" for them.  Don't let 2014 be the "end of the world" for Democracy!
Stay Vigilant!  We need more Corporate supporters of  Democracy!
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Zimmerman Trial:  Connect The Dots!
Growing up in the borderline South during Segregation, my father made me and my brothers believe him, when he said:
    "I'll kill you myself; before I'll let some Cr***er with a gun do it!" (HE MEANT THE POLICE, ESPECIALLY ; there were no "integrated" police forces, then).
Parenting of black and brown males has changed drastically since the onset of "integration" and "women's liberation".  There was no prison industry, fed with mass arrests of black and brown males; in those days.  That portion of our population is "on its own", today; within Senator Graham's "Hell Hole", and outside of it.  Gun killings by young non-white males in their neighborhoods and gangs are rampant.   The larger society makes sure they get access to plenty of guns!  Parents and/or other adults are "absent" today, in the home and in the neighborhoods.  It has to be a lot cheaper to put adults back into kid's lives; than to build and maintain all of these prisons!
In Zimmerman's Trial, the issue is guns (continued open access for white males, mostly); laws, (like "stand your ground");  and continued terror, aimed at non-white populations!  There appears to be ample funding available to achieve these goals.
Read The Souls of Black Folk (again!).  It was published more than 100 years ago, as Jim Crow Laws were being written and passed at the state and  national levels in this country.  Ask yourself, what has REALLY changed in a positive way??  Keep an eye on the young "crop": Rubio, Paul, Graham, and Cruz; as they fashion new BILLS (laws) to ensnare the unwitting.  They don't call them bills for nothing -- there is always a cost, and someone has to pay!
Stay Vigilant!  Don't buy the Media Hype!
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"UP" From The "BOTTOM" ??

A View of a "Bright Future" from the Dentist's Chair??
A glimpse of future possibilities that are uplifting, promising, and encouraging; is hard to come by these days.  Yesterday, I saw one.  A young, black, female, approximately 21 years of age, was the Dental Assistant who worked with the dentist I visited.  She was extremely personable, and mentally and emotionally "on her game".  I calculated that she may never have the worries of the "temporary" worker that is multiplying so rapidly in this country.  She picked the right field, and has tremendous room to grow, both in her field and in personal income.
She told me she finished a high school here that has one of the worst reputations in the School System.  The black students there have walled themselves off in a part of the school they call "Africa".  In spite of it all, she ignored them, remained focused, gaining the STEM skills she needed to become a Dental Tech.
If she manages her "love" life well, she is on her way!  As a black female in the United States, she has opportunities that other black females on the planet do not have; but the dangers she faces are grave.
She was raised in the rural deep South until her early teens.  That probably explains her passage.  The move was timed well in terms of her matriculation.  The opportunities here are far greater than in the deep rural South, for any female;  regardless of color.
Hollywood is in high gear, mind-effin' young girls with images of "prince charming", "princesses of various stripes", and similar bullsh*t ; that leads most young females into the life traps that await them.
Add to that the peculiar mix of female gender messages extant in virtually all advertising, and young females have to be EXTREMELY strong to resist falling victim to the future prepared for them by our "culture".  Non-white females, and especially black females face horrible health risks also (they are still the highest risk group for contracting AIDS).
Stay Vigilant!  Keep a "level" head!
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Sunday, June 9, 2013


We're ALL Imprisoned??
The time for serious finger-pointing has come and gone.  Mandela may be breathing his last breaths; white males with hyper-firepower are continuing to rampage, both here and in South Africa; whites in South Africa (and those opportunist blacks who have squandered their opportunity to make significant change) may have to face serious consequences.  What is happening in Africa, both above and below the Sahara, can be traced to 500 years of European hegemony -- based on skin color, wrapped, prominently, in the Christian religion.  The other two Abrahamic religions are not without complicity.
Every aspect of our waking hours, whether we consider ourselves to be "black" or "white", or "in-between"; is conditioned by this scourge.  It has been the principal factor in our domestic politics since the nation was formed.  It was kicked into high gear by the demagoguery of right-wing politicians; from Reagan to Romney.  After the defeat of 2012, the impact on government at national and state levels has grown more severe.  The margin for gain (politically or financially), for anyone, is rapidly disappearing.  The up-coming "judicial circus" in Florida over the murder of an un-armed black teenager by a gun-toting non-black, is an ordeal we have to brace ourselves for.
Time to get together and work to get rid of this??  I have experienced sobbing white parents who despair that their children become tainted by racial attitudes, no matter what they do.  Every new wave of immigration to this country sends the pattern whirling with new intensity.  Mixed-race children in this country find their problems are more severe today than they were for those "passing" citizens in times past. 
None of us make conscious choices in this matter.  The conditions of our births make the determination.  Once we reach adulthood, we can overcome those conditions if we choose.  To succeed, the church and Hollywood (and cable-TV) have to be confronted.  It has been noted that religion and markets became the drivers of world affairs after 1979.  Visual Media is the major purveyor of our behavioral cues.  The churches and organized religions fuel the media.  Continuing to turn a "color-blind" eye toward this phenomenon is pure insanity!
Stay Vigilant!  Discover the real "root" of Terror??
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

The 50 States of 'DYSFUNCTION-LANDIA' ??

"We're ALL 'Minorities' NOW"??
Mitt's grand-gathering yesterday in Utah was an attempt to "fit yet-another mask" on Romney.
The "spin" holds that the Mitt that "would'a been", if he won in 2012, was the Mitt that showed up yesterday at the closed-door (excluding the press) gathering.  Mitt's public pronouncements, a few days before, revealed his disapproval of God's timing of Hurricane Sandy.
Next week, Trayvon Martin (not his "killer") goes on trial.  This week, the high class and highly paid legal defense lawyers put the "evidence" gathered by the police, on trial.  Most citizens harbor the mistaken notion that judicial trials in this country seek truth and fairness.  Nothing could be further from the "truth".  Trials here can best be described as a "joust" between opposing sides, where the best prepared (best paid?) side "unseats" the other.  Truth is not to be found anywhere in the game, EXCEPT, when it can be "proven" that a lie was told under oath.  Trayvon, of course, is dead; therefore, the better paid "defense" is also the better "prepared"??  If they get a judge to outlaw the evidence before the trial begins; even better for the slick defense.  Welcome to Dysfunction-Landia!  What an example Johnny Cochran set almost 20 years ago!
At the CPAC klan gathering a few months ago, Mitt told the Repoobs to focus their strengths and strategies at the State Government-Level.  Wisconsin and North Carolina seem to be "in play" already.  It may be that Big Money buys so much more for the Malignant Right at the state level.
Back to Utah; both Right and Left politico's were invited.  It appears that, since whites will be a minority in this country as we move through the 21st century,  it's most important that all whites, right, left, and center, come together in a "bi-partisan"(?) way.
Recent data show that women, in all households, are approaching the status of majority wage earner in this country.  Their income "earned" is steadily declining, in both amount and buying power;  workers lose more and more control over their lives; and bear increasing costs of employment (few or no benefits). 
Ira Katznelson explains in Fear Itself  how Legislators from the Deep South (Senator Graham's "Hell-Hole") have run this country since the time of the Founders.  He also explains how all of the big Crises (Our Founding, Lincoln's Civil War, and FDR's Great Depression) were settled on the backs of the Blacks.  Roots of Dysfunction-Landia??
Stay Vigilant! Develop a Factual Guide to lead you through The Garbage!
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Friday, June 7, 2013


The Path -- back to "White & Male" ??
The Next Round begins!  Mitt has convened the white&mighty to a shindig in Utah thrown by his son's venture-capital-fund.
Demographics are destiny, so, having been soundly and roundly beaten at the polls in 2012; what's to be done as 2016 looms?  The 2012 results showed clearly that non-white citizens, destined to be the voting majority in this country in this century, were the reason for Mitt's loss.  Mitt and the Repoobs, resting on our "white and male past" model for political leadership, now face the possibility of some non-male, possibly non-white, winning the election for President in 2016.  The Repoobs in Congress, led by their Tee-Pee Wing, have been steadily throwing every thing (and a tantrum to boot) at the President and our economy to negate and deny any legitimacy for his second term victory. 
Today's jobs numbers  show they continue to fail to cripple the economy by their antics in Congress.  So something must replace their miserably poor tactics, and give them a "crack" at a comeback??   The off-year election in 2014 is traditionally a Congressional election with a different electorate.  Unless this smaller, whiter, and more wealthy electorate delivers both houses of Congress to the Repoobs in 2014; which seems unlikely, because they have not changed their ways and are promising a return to their "tricks"  leading up to 2008 -- a time when they turned all the reigns loose and let the economy run amok -- they have to come up with a new story!  They have to "plot" ahead to 2016!
The stock market's "on a tear" today; gold is down sharply!  What's a white male stuck on "austerity" to do?
Stay Vigilant!  They're probably up to no good!
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Thursday, June 6, 2013


"Facing REALITY" ??
We pretend to be shocked and alarmed in this country when  we contemplate the dangerous and sad condition of our military forces; the gun violence of inner-city youth; the gun violence of white male middle class youth  ... the list grows.  This is "garbage" thinking that produces more garbage.
Rape is as "American" as the history of this part of the planet over the past 500 years.  It's all about striving for power and personal advancement over everyone else (including family members)!  This facet of the history of the United States is its most enduring one.  The ready-made, designed-in victims were the natives and the African slaves dragged to these shores.  The victim population has, over the past half-millennium, been expanded to include anyone any rapist thinks is weak in some way.  Technology has enhanced the reach and power of the rapist.  Rape has escaped confinement to the human body; and has expanded to include financial and employment practices of "business".  HR (Human Relations organizations within corporations) may have become the current instrument of choice, for "rape", in more serious manifestations?  Think in terms of age discrimination (ever-lowering age), single-parent workers, racial and other social discriminators,  gender discrimination, and sexual-orientation.  As their power grows, corporations will expand farther the list of the "weak"!  The Rapist may hail from any place on the planet.
We saw an earlier version of this movie during the 1920's when corporate and organized crime (redundant?) interests gained full reign over the weak around the globe.  We got the Depression of the 1930's as a result.  What's different today is that the "weak" are individuals; before, they were groups.
My summer reading includes Ira Katznelson's Fear Itself (Liveright Publishing, 2013).  My generation knew that white historians could not be trusted to tell us the truth.  That's why we sought out our "own" historians.  Katznelson quotes Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who admitted, shortly before his death, that we were right.  Trust was squandered in the lead-up to the Great Depression.  We see it happening again; by corporations and other "sacred elites" in Western governments.
Stay Vigilant!  Never stop "learning"!
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Is it 'COMMUNITY" or "ORGANIZER" ...??

That "scares'em" the Most??
In an interview with Charlie Rose a couple of nights back, Rahm Emanuel, currently Mayor of Chicago, laid blame for our "broken" government on the fact that voters no longer choose their representatives.  Due to successful gerrymandering, politicians can now choose their voters.  This opens the door to parallel government, and the end of "Democracy" as we thought we knew it.
However, for citizens of color, there is precious time left for them to "wake up and smell the coffee"!
ORGANIZATION is the key to personal success and wealth in this country, hence-forward.  Anyone who thinks it is "networking", has been successfully "mushroomed" by those who know better.
"The business of the United States is business" has never been more true than it is today.  The old "acccomodationist" black approach to personal wealth (think Herman Cain), it totally obsolete.
White citizens have known this for centuries (think Ku Klux Klan, and White Citizens Councils).
Non-whites have been mislead into believing they can "integrate" their way to success.  One person's "integration" may be another's "new subjugation"???
No matter how you see it, personal survival in terms of security in person and property, as well as social sanity; will depend on a healthy awareness of the new terrain evolving in this country and the development of skills to "play" on that terrain.  For example, does anyone think, seriously, that Dennis Rodman is the key role model for "competitiveness" for non-whites in our evolving global economy??
Poor (and some not so poor) whites may think the key to their future security is the gun; but they're wrong.  They have to find a way to undo centuries of socialization that make them unfit to coexist successfully in an awakening non-white world.
Poor and poorly-educated (hyper-religious) non-whites have their own share of this problem. 
Stay Vigilant!  Time to get to work -- building the right SKILLS!
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013


"Mis-Educated" & "Hyper-Religious" ??
Long ago, in a place long-destroyed, there was a single block within the business district of a small Midwest town that had a very interesting history.  On one end of the block was the fabled Maple Leaf Club, where Scott Joplin introduced Rag-Time music to the world.  On the other end was another small "beer-garden" and a warehouse for grocery stores.  In the middle of the block was "The Shops", a magic place owned by my Grandfather and Uncle, engaged in tailoring, haberdashery, and dry-cleaning.  I was privileged to "work" there, starting at the age of ten.  I learned many things that, to this day, are highly valuable.  The people I met on that block live indelibly in my memories and their lessons for me stood me in good stead and I roamed what became my world; as it unfolded beyond that place and time.  One of those lessons was "don't you become one of those 'educated fools'!".  I was often told that, when I told them I wanted to go to college when I grew up.  All of those people were "Colored"!  Most of them never finished High School.  Much of their "education" came from Church and various interpretations of The Bible.  These were people who survived, and managed to  thrive under conditions of state-sanctioned racial segregation, terror, and economic deprivation.
More than sixty years later, a degree in Physics, an advanced degree in Public Administration, and an Advanced Executive MBA, have led to two careers and small business ownership.  I have lived and pursued my careers in several of these United States.  I have learned much more from experience than from books.  I am still learning.
I recount this, because relevant and practical education has never been more important to non-white citizens of this country than it is today.  It has also, in this Media Age, become more difficult to achieve.
"Information" has exploded; most of it misleading and inaccurate.  The "blather" is designed to confuse and delude, mainly for profit, or some other advantage; leading to enhancing or maintaining the power of one group over another.  The black "divide" turns on this issue.  The Hard Right relies on their ability to use the non-white products of "Ivy League" schools to confuse and mislead black citizens.  These citizens are "whip-sawed" by educated fools on the one side, and sleazy religious "leaders" on the other.  This syndrome has kept black citizens "wandering" in their "wilderness" since we "Integrated" this nation more than sixty years ago.
Stay Vigilant!  Never stop digging for truth!
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Monday, June 3, 2013


From the "Black" Side (almost)  ?? 

Yesterday's (6/2/13) Sunday Talk Show prize clearly belongs to Steve Scully of C-SPAN.  With his eyes buggin' at times, he hosted Joe Madison (a popular black talk-radio host) and Crystal Wright (an upstart of the "conservative" and black Right)  in a debate.  I hesitate to call it a debate because Ms. Wright was out of her depth almost immediately on the show, which ran for 90 minutes.  You can see the entire session if you Google it.
The stated topic was President Obama's Commencement Speech at Morehouse (Google and read it).
John McLaughlin on his show that aired on PBS (5/25/13) said it was a remarkable speech.  He hardly has anything positive to say about this President.  The real issue, of course, is Race. 
The difference in ages and experience were apparent immediately.  Joe Madison, born in Dayton, OH, in 1949, was old enough to be a parent of Ms. Wright (on whom no bio can be found on the web).  She was obviously speaking from the right-wing "talking points"; frequently pausing to check her notes.  She is in the vein of Armstrong Williams and Star Parker;  black "conservatives" the right wing media fronted in prior Administrations.  On cross examination, she often wound up agreeing with Madison, while doggedly trying to flog the view of the Right.
This kind of show is markedly different for the Media; a departure; the Media usually has a token non-white face in a sea of white faces (most often male) when discussing Race.  We need more of it, in spite of the difficulty the Right Side has exhibited in finding a credible defender of their views.  C-SPAN can be credited with finding credible faces as Moderators.  Most of their moderators, chosen by Brian Lamb, have been white, and female.  It took a while to find one black, and one Hispanic male, but they made genuine efforts, with some success, to find credible candidates.
From the response of the viewers and the enthusiasm shown by Scully, I'm sure C-SPAN will repeat its efforts to get a black-on-black airing of racial attitudes in this country.
Stay Vigilant!  Race, as a phenomenon, is undergoing a "generational" shift?
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Sunday, June 2, 2013


Death By 1000 "CUTS" ??
We raised chickens in the backyard as I was growing up.  After watching the grown-ups "wring their necks" in the process of preparing them for dinner, I couldn't wait to try that.  When I got my chance, I found that it wasn't as easy as it looked.  My hand got sweaty and the chicken "popped" free; running in every direction, scared as Hell.
What's left of the Republican Party is scattered all over the place.  The Tee-Pee part, lead by the ding bat, is leaderless (head-less?) for now.  It's time for the voters to practice "head-wringing" for the rest of them.
More than 50 years after the "promise" of a new approach to the New Deal, signaled by Eisenhower's election, all that is left of his party is the multi-faceted "rot" in both houses of Congress.  The Democrats, nominally, control the Senate, and have their best chance of re-taking the House.  Harry Reid in the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi in the House seem unable to focus their opportunities to "finish off" this madness we've been witnessing since the 2012 election.  Harry won't put an end to the "60-vote rule" in the Senate, and Nancy can't form a united front against the crazies in the House.
As a result, the government of the "Greatest Democracy" continues to drift and rot.  FDR showed during the 30's what we have to do when our political structure collapses; we have to re-build.  He did that against the same Hellish opposition that Obama faces (without the racial component -- which history, alone, will determine the impact of).  It would be truly tragic if Race was the final death-knell of this grand experiment in Democracy.  De Tocqueville predicted in 1830 that this factor, would, in the end, decide.
Democrats are white, just like Republicans -- but not quite as mean.  Democrats build things that Republicans confiscate through "privatization".  Democrats prepare the banquet; Republicans commandeer the dining establishment, and restrict the guest list.  Its long past time for voters to "cull" both parties and "wring" the appropriate necks.  Minnesotans have taken first steps with Bachmann, it seems.
Check it out!  From the State Department, to Federal Courts, the plague of Republican obstructionism, obfuscation, lies, duplicity, and strategically-focused attacks on the instruments of governance have done more harm to this country than any single force in my life-time; approaching 74 years!  They were elected in 2010 on their promise of providing JOBS!  NOT one jobs bill has been passed by them in 4 years!  If voters allow them to get past 2014 with this crap, it could take a very long time for this country to gain back its prior strength. 
Stay Vigilant!  Make Harry Reid Invoke the "Nuclear" Option!!
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Saturday, June 1, 2013


Cause & Effect?
Shortly after my divorce, I joined a Divorce Counseling Class to speed up the "recovery" period.  I had no time to waste, because I suddenly had sole responsibility for four children and I was facing bankruptcy.  My eyes were opened when a young Hispanic woman spoke of having to be taken "home" by her husband with a black eye or split lip, periodically, to prove to "his mother" that he was "the man" in his own home.  I later became sensitive to stories from females of many other cultures in this country that related how their mothers raised them differently from their brothers.  Could it be that the seed to "Women's Liberation" lies in the mother/son relationship?
I am a motherless child, since the age of 6, but I clearly remember the whippings and stern lectures I received from my mother when I misbehaved!  I was the sixth child in a family of eight children, and the third male child.
So, are females "trained to serve", while males are "trained to be served" ?  If so, in any way, maybe we've found the path to a solution?  After several generations of mass- failings in performance by males in K-12 education; and more and more females having to be the dominant wage-earner in families; maybe we need to re-think the entire "Liberation" thing ??
Children don't enter this world knowing how to work and to be responsible for themselves.  They have to be taught!
Stay Vigilant!  Social Pathologies abound??
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