Friday, September 30, 2016

in "tribute" to SHIMON PERES??

Why Waste the Opportunity??

If thugs and Bad Guys (Mafia Bosses) do some of their most important work at Funerals, why can't the World's Good Guys do the same??

WHAT IF:  The World's Leaders, gathered at the Funeral of Shimon Peres, were to decide that, in his honor, they would move in unison to bring Putin and Assad before the World Court as WAR CRIMINALS for the activities in Aleppo??

"T'would solve a lot of Problems"!!  What would become of Syria?  Withdraw it, from History, along with the rubble they made of Aleppo!!  No Failed State should remain!

Stay Vigilant!  My other dream is that the American Voters will properly punish the Republican Party by "Withdrawing" it from History, for the crimes it has inflicted on this Nation.  Time to "Clean Out" all Republicans from our Congress??

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Not" (even) ONE Repoob-VOTE?? ... in 2016?

I will VOTE Early!!

I voted for the first time at the age of 21 (minimum eligible age, then) in 1960!  2016 may very well be my last vote in a Presidential Election in this  "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave".

The WAR of my life-time was the COLD WAR.  Vietnam, was really a FRENCH incursion that went awry, dragging us into it.

I can report, proudly, that I fought valiantly for the USA, for twenty years, on the front lines; standing alone often, to preserve our bulwark TRIAD, to use against our Foe.  

We won that War!  That's why it's imperative that we not let someone,  so adept at mesmerizing a significant segment of our population, to "open the door" to our enemies, both foreign, and domestic!

Many of the scientific and technical discoveries we made to win the COLD WAR have found their way into, what we all know as Silicon Valley.  One strange outcome of those developments, include a "Alice-in-Wonderland"  reality that MEDIA spins for TRUMP, and his fellow "deal-makers"! The Republican Gang that has captured both Houses of our Congress, does not care much for GOVERNING our Country.  They have seized upon every conceivable method to sow distrust and disrupt our government (all levels) function, and to cripple our Infrastrucure, through neglect.

These Thugs have a lot of company around our Globe, today!  From Syria to Moscow, we see Governments under siege; many of them have turned, murderously, against large percentages of their own citizens in a fight to their death, with no holds barred!  Former Governments are disappearing from the world map, as a result!

Stay Vigilant!  The United States of America must not become one of those collapsing Nations!
Vote against REPUBLICANS, and everything they have done to our Country since 2000!  Send them back to their KNOW NOTHING roots; a path chosen for them by Richard Nixon in 1973!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

will YOU trust TRUMP; (with all of) YOUR "Money"??

Folk who are no longer "wet, behind their ears" WOULD NOT!

TRUMP let his pants down, (figuratively) to show all of us the "ART" in his famous deal-making.  Mature beings are familiar with what he revealed:  he simply does NOT PAY what he owes!!  He was proud to tell us all about that, in Monday's Debate.

Whether you TRUST Hillary, or don't; ... whether you trust trump, or DON'T ... it should be, altogether, another matter , when it comes to your MONEY!!  Those who have money, or want to have money in their future, must worry about what would happen to them in a Nation lead by TRUMP!

Don't-cha THINK??

Stay Vigilant!  Only 40 days left before the clock runs out!  VOTE!; like you want to keep your MONEY??

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Monday, September 26, 2016

TRUMP: DOWN!! .. In "Flames"??

These THUGS will have to resort to Stealing??

TRUMP, and his thuggish Republican Backers came off badly on National TV tonight.  Before the largest audience the 2016 Debates are likely to garner, "The Donald" resorted to being the same, oafish, contorting, imbecilic windbag he's always been!  Those who think this man could lead the most prosperous Nation on the Planet, have to have sh*t for brains!! 

If the scales can, somehow, fall from the eyes of those of our citizens who were enamored of this clown, our Nation, may, once again, escape doom.  Everyone must vote for tonight's Debate Winner, however!  Those VOTERS who, like two-year-old's, object, because they can't get exactly what they want, should think again, after tonight!  Before we go into a tizzy about some imagined better alternative, we must first insure that we have a Country in which such a future could be possible??

Louis Armstrong told of instances when he checked himself into jail, to keep Italian Mobsters from extorting his Paycheck!  Note how many times TRUMP referred to extortive Protection Racket practices from our Gangster era,  in his Debate performance tonight.

Stay Vigilant!  To get our Country back from the extortion gang in the House and Senate, NO REPUBLICAN deserves a vote after putting this Nation through such embarrassment!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, September 24, 2016

BLACK AMERICA: "On The COUCH" ?? ... (it's about TIME; dont'cha think)

PUH-leeze!  Re-think this?

Black America, and their well-meaning White supporters, must NOT fall, again, for that old "sucker-punch" proposing "more dialog on Race" !! The shock of Blacks being mistreated on TV has, long ago, worn off, for White America!  TRUMP and his followers know this!  Expecting it to work, yet, one more time, is frankly, insane!

Catholics, after their Inquisition in Mexico, concocted 16 races, for purposes of delineating status among persons of color, relative to Whites.  The British system, in what is today the United States, reduced that number to 2: White and Black (everybody who was  non-white).  Only WASP Males of Wealth, were clearly accepted as White, from our beginning.  President Jackson widened that definition to include White Males who were neither Protestant, nor Wealthy.  The problem in Mexico was that Whites who were not born in Europe could not be accepted as White!!  This caused Hildalgo and Allende to literally lose their heads

Too many Black Americans, and their well-meaning white supporters fail to recognize the difference Jackson made to the "Race Dialog".  Most oher citizens did also, until 2008, when Whites with Wealth, threw poorer Whites, back "under the (economic) bus" ; from which they had been freed by LBJ, along with Blacks, in 1960's Civil Rights and Anti-Poverty Legislation.  It's time to move-on??

We can all start with re-reading, and understanding the Willie Lynch Sermon of the 1700's.  It is a Primer, on how to reduce People to sub-human status, and destroy TRUST in virtually ALL of the places where Nature and Human instinct require it for our human survival.  TRUMP, and his CHAOS merchants,, understand THIS  also!!
The prescribed 300 years expired in 2012!!

Stay Vigilant!  There's still time to get back to the drawing boards, and come up with answers that will STOP the likes of TRUMP, Giuliani, Putin, and Assad,  in-their-tracks!  BEWARE:  TRUMP-Blacks, are, like Clarence Thomas, (brought down on us by Daddy Bush) are from the Emperor Jones variety of Blacks in America!.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC  

Friday, September 23, 2016

TRUMP: makes "Good", on his THREAT of VIOLENCE?? ... (in NC?)

Could YOU plead with a COP, to spare the life of YOUR Spouse? ...
and remain sane as he takes their life, while you watch him do it

Let's face it folks, the United States is in the midst of a crisis in governance!  It was 2009 when Joe Wilson of South Carolina heckled President Obama, from within the audience of a Joint Session of Congress, with "You LIE"!  Earlier that year, Senator McConnell took it upon himself to lead Republicans, in what has become a non-ending campaign to end the Presidency of President Obama.  Repeated attempts to Shut Down our Government by various means have failed, but their practice of deliberately failing their Oath to Govern this Nation, has succeeded!  (Tom Delay's fingerprints, from 2003, are,also, all over this?)

Since 2009,the Party has driven rational Republicans out of their elected positions, and replaced them with Hooligan Tea Party insurgents who have produced Donald Trump as their Nominee for President of the USA in 2016!  Trump and this gang have threatened violence if they don't "win"!

South Carolina has produced most of that violence (Dylaan Roof, and a murdering Cop caught on video "planting" a gun by a Black victim he shot in the back!);  Now, North Carolina's Guv'na McCrory steps into this ugly light with a series of Laws targeting Voters of Color, and refusing to release Government Records of a blood-curdling murder of another Black victim!

Pressures on Sovereign States, the world over, are under intense pressure today from the fast pace of our Global Economy.  Religion-based Governance and the Institutions they have produced over hundreds of years are crumbling under the pressure.  Individuals are left naked to the winds of change in economics, politics, and their personal safety and security.  In Syria, and now, in North Carolina, we're learning what happens when persons acquire positions to Govern, and turn those powers against the governed!  Democracy, or other forms of representative government cannot function once faith and trust in leaders have been destroyed.  Bad Actors, around the world, have opened shop, engineering that destruction of trust, as a new way of "doin' bizness"!  From Gun-running, to Flesh Peddling, to Narcotics, the corruption of Government has played into the hands of Global Criminals acting within the mantle of Government!  Having frittered away their protections, Individual Citizens must now find a way to stand together and fight the scourge before us!  National Security has become a campaign slogan, and not much else!

Stay Vigilant!  Vote!  Tell Your Friends!  NOT ONE REPUBLICAN, if you want a future that could work for all citizens.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Oh,No!", Guv'na PENCE!!

No "Blank Check" for Police Forces!

Guv'na, you may have to toe the TRUMP line; but I'm sure you really don't believe that Police
Forces cannot be EVIL!  Do you really believe they only "Make Mistakes"!!

You obviously never heard of Daryl Gates' Cops and "Rodney King" in Los Angeles??  Or, The Christopher Commission??  What about Ferguson, MO?? What about Baltimore, MD?  What about Detective Mark Fuhrman?

Rogue Police Forces can easily become Gestapos!  We all know, by now, that the German Nazis were, first and foremost, Criminals who looted every Nation they invaded, for private gain!  No Democracy can survive, no should they countenance, this type of Force in its midst!!!  The endorsement of the FOP can't be that precious to the Republicans, can it??

Guv'na PENCE certainly makes us all wonder what he uses for brains?  Better yet, he must have a low opinion of what TRUMP followers use for brains!

TRUMP IS an expert on GHETTOs; however.  He and his fellow Real-Estate Industry Moguls have meticulously built them in the USA for more than seven decades!

Stay Vigilant!  Remember the German Nazis first targeted JEWS; and then expanded their enterprise.  Race is used to get them in the door -- once they're IN; nobody's safe!  We're only beginning to learn (less than 50 days to go) about the eclectic range of VICTIMS TRUMP has "looted"!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Is GLOBAL FASCISM "On-the-Move"??

It never WENT AWAY,  ... you know?

We, in the USA have been led by Policy Makers at our State and Federal Levels to ignore what little of it some of us knew; and to teach NOTHING about it to our children!!  As a result, we have a Nation of people who wouldn't recognize it, if it were "staring them in the face"!!

Ken Burns will attempt to enlighten us tonight on PBS: Defying The Nazis: The Sharps'War"

I'm willing to bet that NONE of TRUMP's supporters have any interest in this subject at all!  I wonder why??  Maybe Mike Pence can explain it to us?

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP and his backers are putting new lipstick on a very old pig!!

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

little "Chuckie" TODD: a "Profile" in COVERAGE?? ...

 ... from the lips of TRUMP's "ding-ie" Mouthpiece

Once in a while, a person who LIES, Professionally, STUMBLES  across some TRUTH!
That happened today on Meet The Press.  In response to Todd's breathless "reportage", in which he berated Hillary's campaign for not being Transparent and Trustworthy, while he neglected to do the same for the TRUMP campaign; the Mouthpiece uttered the phrase:  "profile in coverage"!
In-artfully recovering from her screw-up, she, nevertheless, opened a topic begging for consideration.
ARE THERE ANY MEDIA STARS, in the USA today, who could withstand close scrutiny for "Courage", in their COVERAGE??  It would be very hard to find one.  They're like Lemmings, in the way they mimic the verbiage of other reporters.  Their line of questioning is so often and obviously biased, it turns your stomach!  We can expect this MEDIA-driven mind-f**k to increase in the remaining 51 days left in the 2016 Campaign!  All HELL can be expected to break loose! 

Stay Vigilant!  This happened in a split-second!  Let's have some fun for 50 days ahead -- lets examine closely what each of the Media-darlin's we all know spout as "coverage" and search for some "courage"??

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

it's about (trump's) "MENTAL" health!! (stupid!) ...

We clearly see and hear ample evidence of his PHYSICAL condition (persona?)

In TRUMP, the entire World beholds a bloviating, obese, megalomaniac who uses his MOUTH as a "back-up" for his "back-sides"!  There is a certain, terrifying "stare" that TRUMP uses; and  has taught his children.  Certainly something psychotic going on there.

Once again, the MEDIA is finessing the real message, by leaving it hanging, somewhere in the ether; hiding in plain sight of those too mind-f*cked to see or hear it!  It's a phenomenon introduced by TRUMP to our, already cockamamie world!

Stay Vigilant!  Get Prepared!  Only 52 days left to save our Nation from Criminal Actors waiting in the wings behind TRUMP/PENCE!!   (Kellyanne 'whatever" will go down in history along-side Tokyo Rose, for her role in this caper)

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Friday, September 16, 2016

TRUMP: can he "Take Down" the USA?? WHO will BENEFIT??

Who will GOVERN? .. if TRUMP "win's"??

Recent and past History has shown that popular uprisings are "taken over"  by powerful unseen elements.  Egypt is the most recent example.  It appears, from what we're hearing from Aleppo, that Russia has taken charge in Syria.  The recent "cease fire" for humanitarian reasons has become, yet another, another Russian bait-and-switch?

At home, TRUMP continues to eat into Hillary's lead in the Polls.  He trumps his tremendous LIES, (birtherism) with even more obvious outrageous LIES.  His hate-filled followers don't seem deterred by anything he does.  They had better hope he doesn't decide to "shoot" them -- because TRUMP believes he has been given their permission!

Hiding in plain sight is the FACT that TRUMP doesn't MANAGE, or ADMINISTER his Business Deals with great success.  That should make it obvious that he doesn't intend to tend, to the day-to-day details of running a country.  Somebody knows the answer to the question of who will benefit, if Donald "wins"!!.  It would be nice if Hillary could flush an answer out of TRUMP in the up-coming first Debate?  We hear from MEDIA that the Debate will be "man against woman" -- no other players.

Stay Vigilant!  Get all your friends to vote in this election.  After witnessing the daily absurdities committed by TRUMP; I can finally understand how Germans, who are reputed to be smart people,
VOTED-AWAY their Democracy more than 80 years ago!!  Make sure it doesn't happen HERE, in 2016??

P.S.  Joe Scarborough, did your people enjoy copying  my "Pig in a Poke" blog, published 8/28/16??  

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

r U WILLING to "Kneel" before DICTATORs??

That's Just NOT "Who WE ARE!!

I speak for the overwhelming majority of my fellow Americans in the Silent Generation.  As children of World War II, we learned immediately that, as Americans, we DO NOT Bow, Kneel, Crawl, Genuflect, or in any other way pay homage to Bullies, Criminals, Crime Bosses, Thugs, or other Heads of State!

If recent POLL numbers are to be believed, too many of my birth generation must have died; because too many of those still alive are to be found supporting TRUMP!!

How did we get here?  Was it 9/11??  If so, then Bin Laden Won!!  Was it the message to "Go Shopping" and not worry about any personal obligation to defend our Nation?  If so, then the message of Woodstock has bled through Reaganism, all the way to TRUMP!  Is it our terror that hides in the clutch of of guns?  If so, that explains the insane power of the NRA, and the militarization of our nation's police forces!  The Republican Party has been reduced to its KNOW NOTHING roots!!

Stay Vigilant!  Stand with your Country!!  Don't let a criminal, and grossly negligent MEDIA terrorize you.  Terror is a deep emotion that only individuals  can posses; NOT some outside force!  Enough of us, who are strong enough to recognize that, may still, and yet SAVE OUR NATION!!

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

VOTERS! .. "All Hands" on DECK?? ... (Obama in PA, today)

Only YOU, and your FRIENDS, can keep "America" "STEADY and TRUE"??

Bless her heart, Hillary caught "Walking Pneumonia" on the Campaign Trail.  Were she a MALE who is also white, our STUPID MEDIA would pay no attention!!  "The Donald" (trump) asked his IOWA audience (teenie, tiny in size) today, "What have you got to lose?"

Were they not mesmerized Trumpster Zombies, they might shout back OUR COUNTRY! (you fool)!
But no, they, and our White-Male-Dominated MEDIA charge on, treating the 2016 Election like some spectator sport, where they have NOTHING to lose!  Iowans once were known for their Mid-Western COMMON SENSE!  Too much infusion of Red-State Muck from our Sewer Region, I guess.

Be that as it may, we can't afford to allow Hillary to stand in the Arena alone!  If the Glass Ceiling against Female Americans is defeated, WE ALL must get involved!  Hillary, herself, must make the request, heart-felt, for the assistance of every Citizen, in her lonely fight to save our Country from Organized Criminals from across our Planet, who have trafficked in Guns, Drugs, and Human Flesh for Centuries!  The balkanization against gun reform, and militarization of our nation's  Police Forces are evidence of their work, along with the return of our Republican Party to its KNOW NOTHING roots.  Mike Pence is scared to death to clearly utter any disparagement against David Duke.  His fellow Repooobs stand mute, and DIVIDED in the face ot the TRUMP Chaos that looms before us! 

Stay Vigilant, and Stand Ready!  The Fight for our Democracy draws near to its end!   Turn OUT!  VOTE!

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Monday, September 12, 2016

"We" all, have to STAY FOCUSED!!

November 8 is only 57 DAYS away!

Now is the time for EVERYBODY who TRULY loves and wants to SAVE the Nation that, as
Ben Franklin cautioned us, would be difficult to preserve; to keep their eyes trained for doing that!!
The pace for "flip-flops", "surprises", and "dirty tricks" will increase rapidly!

The purveyors of hate, lies, distrust, and every other form of deception, will stop at NOTHING to prevail!

They're betting on the uneducated (as TRUMP has called them), to triumph over those who, simply know better!  TRUMP seems to not know that it was the UNEDUCATED voters who elected TRUMAN!!  There is a very big difference between being Uneducated, and STUPID!  Haters can't see that, though. 

The EXTREME (Republican) Right of South Carolina and Mississippi lost their treasured Stars and Bars, because of Dylaan Roof.  They seek, in this election, to hide themselves beneath the Stars and Stripes!

Stay Vigilant!  To catch a Weasel, you will have to Corner him First!

Copyright © 2016:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Does it come down to what "we" mean, by "TOGETHER" ??? ... (in the USA)

Distortions upon distortions??

Today, the 15th Anniversary of "9/11", our malodorous MEDIA shows the the "Convenience" of Collective Memory, and Group-Think.  Often heard is the lament for the loss of the "Togetherness" we achieved immediately following that Event!

The two leading candidates of our two major political parties are emphasizing the "togetherness" concept.  One, does so openly, fully supported by facts and dialog; the other hides it,  as dog-whistle signals to select groups among us!  Where is the LOVE, today??  Gone With The Wind??

Truth is, the DIVISIONS that are so obvious to everyone today, as Election 2016 draws nearer, have
ALWAYS been here!  They're simply harder to hide in the wake of the Repoob Wreckage of 2008!! 

Blacks, Native Americans, and the Very Poor, of all Colors, have continuously faced the TERROR meted out by Politicians and Governments in the USA, since our Founding!! Biases, so readily expressed by individuals 50 years ago, have become INSTITUTIONALIZED today; permitting individuals to pretend they are bias-free!  No person of Color, or of female gender, with sound minds,  will buy into the Group-Think our MEDIA is dishing out.  Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, and perhaps, Barack Obama will rate the History Books as "rattlers" of the status-quo, but Education is being destroyed by "School Choice" (pay to learn); Crooked Judges, Cops, Prosecutors, etc, have permanently rigged our Justice System to withstand any serious attempts for change.  Other prominent biases have found their respective nests within our Institutions.  We all know of some part of our town, city, or county, where the Tax Dollar does not extend!

Stay Vigilant!  Only Citizens who see clearly what is before us, can do anything to bring about the CHANGE everyone proclaims to desire!  Incidentally, why does NO ONE mention the ANTHRAX Terror that occurred in the USA after 9/11?  Was it not terror, because it was an act that was based at home??   Keep playing games with sanity, and you'll feel right at home in the Cuckoo's Nest?

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Friday, September 9, 2016

Must the USA have it's own TALIBAN, to become "GREAT" (again)??

In a Nation formed to provide "Religious Freedom"??

Until I was about to choke on the images relayed, I watched TRUMP deliver his "diatribe" against his list of "bad people"; to the mesmerized delight of his deeply religious and virtually all white audience, today.  

As a 100% disabled Black Veteran who spent decades on the front lines, pursuing technology break-throughs, in search of ways to win the Cold War; I am particularly saddened to see the potential for our arsenal falling into the hands of a theocratic, radically-ignorant, band of our citizens; who advocate for what could become a home-grown Taliban!!  Foreign interventions in this process have also become openly visible in our MEDIA. .

Putin visited the United States, twice, in 2001, and mesmerized "W" Bush with his 'baby-blues".
Not so impressed, has Obama been with Putin.  Rightfully so!  This guy is more ruthless than Stalin and Hitler, combined!!  Obama had this guy's "number", early on.  I don't think Obama, or the World, for that matter, was prepared for the extreme nature of Putin's actions in Syria, and Eastern Europe,  Like Nixon, it seems that both Putin and Trump have mastered the hocus-pocus techniques for convincing the Public that they did not do, whatever they were obviously engaging in!  Trump has made the Wizard of Oz look like a piker with his ability to make people believe things that are preposterous to anyone with even limited intelligence.  Blind Faith from Religions has been generously brewed with Trump's spell-binding skills, to convince his "BASE" that invective and raw hatred directed against individuals, are acceptable substitutes for FACT, Reason, or even Bible Verses!!

Stay Vigilant!  We can all agree that the World does not need MORE RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM!!

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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

PUTIN: the "Connection" ...???

... is TRUMP  the "Trojan Horse", .. after all??

I recall that earlier in his year-long, never-ending RANTs, TRUMP referred often to a "Trojan Horse"!  Quite mysteriously, he stopped doing that.  I thought he might have realized that the average "Trumpster" is not well enough educated to know what it meant.  Now; that TRUMP has been "caught"; wrapped too tightly; to those who are wrapped too tightly; to PUTIN -- TRUMP, himself, may be the Trojan Horse he warned the World of! 

TRUMP may also be proven to have publicly, and LOUDLY --on in-yo face-MEDIA -- encouraged PUTIN to commit Cyber Crime against our country.  NO person who truly loves our Country, can truthfully ignore what TRUMP has done; and is continuing to do, by inference.  The FBI is investigating this, we're told.  Meanwhile, our whoring MEDIA charges blindly ahead, insisting on treating this election like the "horse-races" of old!

Stay Vigilant!  With barely 60 days left before the ELECTION, we have precious little time
to save our country from organized Criminals, both Foreign, and Domestic!!

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Saturday, September 3, 2016

is TRUMP "Stealin', in de name of de LAWD"??

Bigger than Reagan, The Bush Family, Bubba Clinton, and Cheney/"W" COMBINED??

Sounds and sights emanating from DETROIT, this morning, show how  TRUMP "gets 'ligeon' ", and trumps Reagan's "Welfare Queens"; Daddy Bush's curse of Atwater/Ailes; Bubba's "Sista Souljah"; and all Cheney/W deeds; COMBINED!

All of these White, Male, JIM CROW Presidents were continuing a long tradition of "keeping Black Americans in their place"!!  As the days of a triumphant, first Black President, who defeated an 8-year, character-assassination campaign run by Republicans, wind to their end; what's left of the Republican Party inflicts us with TRUMP and his character-assassination campaign against Hillary Clinton!!  I guess we have to get ready for 8 more years of Republicans mining for the bottom of their sh*t-pile of dirty tricks?  NOT if we get SMART, and get all of them OUT OF OFFICE in November!!

TRUMP, after MEXICO, has shown us all, clearly, what a TRUMP DICTATORSHIP would look like!   We met his contingent of Black Lackeys on TV this morning.  This crowd is a better paid version of the old crowd that has served JIM CROW Presidents for the past 146 years?  We have Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice and Dr. Carson as their major trophies!

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks have always known which of our many Black Preachers were "stealin' in de name of de lawd"!!   We've managed to survive and thrive, in spite of them all.  Today's crowd will be dealt with in a similar manner.  TRUMP is struggling mightily to find a new formula that will permit a dwindling white electorate to continue intimidating Blacks.  Guiliani and his crooked COP Partners may have revealed their hand in places like Acapulco and Ferguson??

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