Saturday, May 31, 2014

$-VALUE OF BLACKS in U.S. in 2014?


A former Microsoft "Tech-i" has bid  $2B for the L.A. Clippers!!  The figure comes as a shock to everyone: white fans, other team owners, the MEDIA, and the public at large.  Who'd -a - "Thunk-it"??  Well, I guess we now know the direction of the 21st century economy?  Forget Health Care; eyeballs watching Blacks dribble basketballs is the wave of our future!

Our slave-holding founders really started something!  At these prices, don't expect racism to end anytime soon.  Whites are right to keep their distance from non-whites.  How would the "system" continue otherwise?  Non-whites will continue (futilely) to try to "integrate".  Not even the black money (Oprahs's bid) was "competitive", it seems.

Pity the poor  players (even those with $M salaries); who have to contend, as individuals, against a time-honored and well organized machine that works like this!

Stay Vigilant!  What is your role in all of this?

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Friday, May 30, 2014



Tribute is warranted for the sound judgment and integrity of both President Obama and General Shinseki for their joint decision to remove him from the spotlight, and focus, instead, on finding a way to solve the monumental problems we sick and injured veterans face as we try to live with dignity in the United States of America.  Not one program for Veterans, in my lifetime, has escaped being "proscribed" (meddled with, strictly limited) by members of Congress.  Their "powers of the purse" have been used to corrupt the VA in more ways than be we can count here.  Their ability to meddle in the operations and minute details of any Executive Branch agency is virtually unlimited.  They corrupt them by putting their own operatives inside the Cabinet agencies.  They have been joined by Koch-sponsored MEDIA in the Lynching of Shinseki.

Congress accepts no accountability for its actions and in-actions.  Neither do those MEDIA talking heads who drove the mob frenzy.  I was disturbed by Chris Matthews' screams for the head of Shenseki, while admitting that a huge, heavily funded bureaucracy will be left to flounder as a result.  His solution: find someone who can FIX the problems.  Sound insane?  It is!!

Veterans Advocacy Groups led the lynch mob.  My experience with these groups has been uniformly negative.  They are good at grabbing the media spotlight, fund-raising, and garnering favor from politicians.  They are not close in any way to individual veterans.  No one has demanded an accounting of what they have done for veterans in their state.  They, likewise, accept no accountability for this mess.

The public, with blind allegiance to their politicians and their Veterans Spokespersons, has joined in the mob action.  This is a preview of what "Government By Koch" will bring to the United States.  We demand honesty and transparency from our (Executive Branch?) Federal Government.  This kind of mob action guarantees that we will NEVER get that!  What person, who is rational, and realizes better options available, will SERVE a PUBLIC as craven as this one?  We're in the market for another STUCKEE, it seems.

Stay Vigilant!  Anybody else get a whiff of  "Putin-tactics" here?

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Thursday, May 29, 2014


The 21st Century "Finesse"??

2016 is closer than we would like, given the "Crap Storm" from the Hard Right gearing up to thwart a candidacy by Hillary Clinton.  An  informative comparison of the two terms of Bill Clinton with those of Barack Obama reveals the net effect of Race; decidedly most harmful in the case of Barack Obama!  The lack of any human decency or morality that is characteristic of Hard Right Media Campaigns,  present in both Presidencies, has a level of vitriol and pure evil that is much more intense in the Obama years.

From the candidates, now on the horizon, it appears that the "Race" of the candidates will not be a "factor" in 2016.  Its now clear that GENDER will replace Race.  But, will Hillary (or some, as yet unknown, candidate) "triangulate"  Race to gain a larger white vote? 

Hollywood's "mythologies" (LIES) about white male "cowboys" are in no way matched by their lies about "Cowgirls (of any color).  Non-white "Cow-Persons" are rarely mentioned in white versions of the history of the United States.  Such is the challenge of the "First White Female President"??  The consolation prize, for those who care deeply, is that the White House will return to its "historic" color occupant.

But what kind of country will the First White Female (FWF) face?  What un-finished "mess" will Obama leave?

We will have to suffer the remainder of this 2014 campaign season, and get through the 2016 season; which is "heating up" at this writing.  The economy appears to have "stumbled" in the first quarter of 2014.  "Smart" money is heading for U.S. Treasuries instead of Gold.  The VIX is AWOL!  Taken together, this could augur a "mini- 2008"  before "2016"?  Let the ambitions of the "FWF" take note!

As for Race, the peculiar affinity of Black Women for White Southerners (like Bubba Clinton), and their un shakeable belief in a White Jesus, may help the "FWF".  Will a Hard Right, White Male "Out-Seg" the FWF?

The confusion of non-white females with their "tensions" with males of all colors, versus their "Race" concerns, can be yet another "asset" for the FWF.

Stay Vigilant!  Every similar passage in the history of this nation was "solved" by a Grand Compromise that short-changed non-whites.  Will the 21st Century Jim Crow be a Jane Crow??

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

TERRORISM: fueled by White, Male Supremacy??

The "Manifesto"

The scenes of a heavily grieving father, following the shootings near U.C. Santa Barbara, haunt us all.  The wail is to "DO SOMETHING", and "WHY"???  We hear this after all of the long list of shootings in recent years.  This one is different, in at least one way.  The "Manifesto" is rife with references to "White", "Blond", Female, and several denigration of "Blacks" and "Hispanics".  These rantings were from a young man who had been troubled with these concepts since he was 8-Years-Old!  A young man who, a citizen of the U.S, was clearly not economically deprived;  targeted other young people who were, similarly, not economically deprived citizens of the U.S.

It clearly was TERRORISM; but, yet, it is not "processed" as such!  Not by the MEDIA, or by the parents of the slain.  They don't seem to be able to "connect the dots" that link the widely accepted "norms" referenced in the shooter's Manifesto, to the outcome.  Once again, there is "shock" that stems from the noncompliance of the facts in the case with what we've been conditioned to expect in cases of Terrorism!  The religion, race, color, and economic class factors are absent.  Why do we persist in keeping that widely accepted "profile" alive?

It is a situation that impacts National Security, both at home and abroad.  President Obama's speech today to the graduating cadets at West Point, went into detail concerning the Terrorism Threat we face. Obviously, the gap between reality and the common perception is huge.  

The path this nation has trod since World War II has been characterized by  national perceptions of our many racial differences and their role at the core of national politics and economics.  The Republican Party has assaulted us, and the world, with an orgy of their race-tinged assertions for the past six years.   Their actions, and in-actions have been targeted toward guaranteeing the failure of the Obama Presidency.   They are now preparing the most expensive campaign for an off-year election, based on a personal, race-tinged attack on the President of the U.S. and his family, because of their race.  That Party has pursued this theme since the 1970s and the Presidency of Richard Nixon.  They have managed to hobble, in many ways, the function of our national government.  That has cost us all a great deal, financially, and saps our national strength.  We have been, as a result, disgraced as a people and as a nation.  We are paralyzed, while knowing full well what WE should DO.

Our instincts for personal security doom us to act in ways that provide the growing "insecurity"  we see around us.  President Obama counseled the graduating cadets to learn skills that will eradicate the conditions that feed Terrorism .  Those skills have to be learned and applied here AT HOME!

Stay Vigilant!  "Pogo" should become the GOD for us all??

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


How Many "Buckets" are there,in the U.S.

The dirty little secret about "Race" in the U.S. is, that anyone with eyes gets to "question" the "Race" of anyone else.  If the "eyes" come packaged in indisputably "white" skin (naturally blond hair helps), then those people also get to "judge" the Race of others.  As with the Tsarnaev Brothers who bombed the Marathon in Boston;  Elliott Rodgers' "Race", also, has come into question.  White Media is hasty to cast aspersions on anyone who is white, or,"passing" for white, if they're guilty of some form of Terrorism.  White citizens of the U.S. can't yet "process" Terrorism if it is practiced by white males.  The "White Bucket" allows its members to "kick-down" exclusively.  It's chilling that Rodgers singled out White, Blond, Females as his targets. 

Read Jefferson, De Tocqueville, Montesquieu, or Andy Jackson and Sam Houston, and you'll know how and why those whites who left Europe for other parts of the planet carried with them the intent and need to slaughter, and/or enslave, and "brainwash", (kidnapped non-white children, especially) people of Color.  From that centuries-long history they developed an economic engine that has empowered and enriched the West over time.  In this post-Soviet Union era, with tensions from both the Old Russia and the New China, "Capitalism" is struggling for a recognizable, and defend-able  face in the 21st Century.  Lady de Rothschild convenes today in  London a gathering of  "250 delegates from 37 countries and 35 business sectors representing assets under management of about $30 trillion" to discuss "The Will to Make Capitalism Fairer; The Means To Do It."  "Bubba" Clinton will be there along with other "usual suspects".

It appears that they are more interested in keeping their system alive, than in making it inclusive for those who remain "marginalized". Victims, like Rice and Thomas, are enlisted to support the inequities of the current system.  Keynes, following the structural financial failure of the late 1920s and 1930s, gave us the answer:  "capital" must be allowed to flow freely among all who partake in the system.  We have never done that.  Most non-whites have been carefully "condtioned" to be incapable of functioning in a Capitalist System that is both fair and inclusive.  "Bubba" is the first to know that!  Unfortunately, Black and other non-white Representatives in our Federal Governent of the United States are doomed to view Racial Matters as a Social Phenomenon -- not an Economic one!

Last night, Charlie Rose asked his guest, Bryan Cranston, who after "Walter White, in Breaking Bad", is playing LBJ; Why can't Obama be more like LBJ.  Cranston's reply was typical of those fearful of losing their place in the white bubble.  Both Charlie and Cranston failed to notice that LBJ did not face a racially-hostile Congress.

Stay Vigilant!  Changing the "furniture" inside Jim Crow won't remedy anything in the 21st Century!

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Monday, May 26, 2014


What Is It?? Who Decides??

On this Memorial Day, I remember a conversation I had with General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., at the RED BARN in Seattle.  I was shocked when he thanked ME for my service as an officer in the United States Air Force between the years of 1962 and 1982.  He autographed my copy of his book with those sentiments.
He explained that he and his contemporaries did all they could to bring about the events of 1948; (Truman's Executive Order to Integrate the Military Services), and, (co-incidentally, the year the USAF was established); but it was the job of those of us who were the firsts in our roles as young black officers, to set the stage for the success of the event. 

As a child of World War II, remembering vividly the Black-Outs, I was very aware early of claims of  "Our National Interest".  I expected that when I became an adult, I would understand fully what the phrase meant and how it was determined.  That didn't happen.  The understanding that the public had during the Presidencies of FDR and Harry Truman, seemed to dim with the Presidency of Eisenhower and the rise of McCarthyism.  A climate of fear set in that only deepened as I got older.  I certainly expected to get a clearer view of "National Interest" once I was commissioned into the USAF.  NOT!!  The country had been so traumatized by Korea, McCarthyism, "Duck and Cover" and "Red Scare" campaigns, that the earlier trust the public had in government disappeared.  The assassinations, the Vietnam frenzies, the tragedies of Dick Nixon, and the deep dive into Right Wing Extremism, led by Ronald Reagan, brought us to the sorry mess we're in today.  Born half a generation ahead of the Baby Boomer horde, I've had unique positions from which to view these events.

Inside the Air Force, I saw a similar transition.  The older officers who served in World War II were distinctly different, and more open-minded, that the younger officers who were commissioned after 1970.
Torn by racial strife in the Military Services, the younger officers were much less open-minded, and did not hold a comprehensive view of our National Interest, or their personal career interests.  They divided  into "stovepipes" or cells, determined more by their race, or region of origin, and behaved as members of "cliques".  As the older officers retired, those that replaced them were less and less interested in retaining the proven practices that came before.  "Administrative" processes replaced personal involvement in solving training and morale issues.  The overall quality of management declined as I approached retirement in 1982. "Reaganism" and the after-effects of racial strife among "enlisteds" in uniform, took its toll on management.
Cheney and Rumsfeld "finished off" the military; making it a shadow of what it was in 1962.  As a result, nobody shares belief that our Wars under Cheney/Bush were in the "National Interest".

Before I met General Davis at the Red Barn, I had been told by the "Buffalo Soldiers" of the Fort Huachuca era, what Eisenhower and his buddies did to keep the push for Integration by men 
 who served as "Tuskeegee Airmen"  from succeeding. 

Stay Vigilant!  Do YOU know what is in our National Interest?  Who Decides?

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Sunday, May 25, 2014


"GOVERNMENT" is the "PROBLEM"; so WE must "GOVERN"??

Un-masked; this reveals the true strategy of Koch-driven campaigns to re-take power by the Extreme Right in the United States in 2014.  Google your copy of  "The Case for Reparations" in the latest issue of the Atlantic Monthly.  The title is a misnomer; ignore "reparations" as the fantasy it has always been;  the article provides the finest detail I've ever seen in one place of the stupendous, global, "economy" that was spawned by 'King Cotton'  in the Antebellum South of these United States.

We are, perhaps at a beginning of a Great Awakening on this planet?  Recent statements by the likes of Michael Jordan, Pele, and Jabron indicate a shift.  There is a definite shift in stance regarding the economics of organized sports, globally, and a realization that Malcolm was right:  no matter how much education, or wealth you amass, "whites" will "own" non-whites in some way; UNLESS they take personal steps to avoid that outcome. 

Even those "TWEEN-ERs" (not white; but more importantly, not "black"), who have made out like fat rats playing both sides of the race game, are coming to realizations that the price they must pay, only to continue to be rejected by whites, is too dear.  Master Marco, and Terrible Teddy Cruz are still hopeful that lightning will strike and Nancy Reagan, or Jeb Bush will gain them "access" into the "white" club.  Events near Santa Barbara over the weekend seem to indicate that "Terrorism" has now become a weapon of choice by some of the "Tweeners"?? (read the "Manifesto").  Other "Tweeners" include Bobby Jendal, and the Governor of South Carolina.  If they look back to their native India, they will find that their roots (race, caste) are being ripped out at home; witness the outcome of the massive election just held there.

The issue is MONEY flows, in a global economic future that lacks Institutional Safeguards; like enforceable International Laws, Banking Institutions, Postal Capabilities, etc.  We're facing, thanks to Putin, a Global WILD-WEST.  Hollywood has not fashioned a LIE like "Cowboys with White Hats" to cover the realities of the Mountain Men, and "Gunslingers" of our OLD WEST.  Take a look at "Shane", if you dare  You will find it hard to miss the TRUTH of Wild-West existence.

How do they profit from Kleptocracy?  Whether it was Bootlegging, Drug trading, Human Trafficking,, the same (white) elites reap the money at the top.  The system was perfected following the collapse of Chattel Slavery in the U.S. Civil War; with "Reconstruction" that led to Jim Crow in the U.S, and Colonization in other parts of the world.  The money flows have changed very little since the first Elizabeth invented the Corporation!  Our State Department has labored diligently over the past 100 years or more to export that system to the Globe.  If the Koch-Agents succeed in gaining the Senate of the United States this Fall, Putin will be the winner; as he continues to drive his wedge to break up the EU.

Stay Vigilant!  This ain't your garden-variety Racism, anymore!  Pull your head out and KEEP UP!
The MEDIA serves as a drug; to mislead you, and keep you a victim (are you "poor whites" listening)??

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Saturday, May 24, 2014


Will the U.S. "O.D." on "KOCH"??

Just about every 'white'  Talking Head in our visual and audio MEDIA reacts similarly to the recently exposed utterances of Silver, Bundy, and Cuban:  they advise those speaking out to remain "silent".   Any 'white' public figure, like Senator Rockefeller of W. Va., is accused of  '"playing the race card" by their fellow 'white' Congressional Representatives.  These "deniers" persist in pretending that no one can see through their "fig leaf" denials.  They continue to enrage 'adults' across the planet who, daily, see a non-white face staring back at them when  they look in a mirror.

Obamacare, "and Behghazi", are the two most-recent in a long list of "issues" surfaced and whipped to a frenzy in our Media by the Far Right (Republican) Party.  They succeed in their goal of making every white citizen fearful of any and everything associated with President Obama.  It started, according to Minority Leader of our Senate, McConnel, on the day of his Inauguration.  BEFORE the President had a chance to take any action on any topic.  A direct line from President Nixon and his actions to define racial lines and categories for the United States, and his willingness to commit crime to further is political goals can be seen in the current election campaign in the state of Mississippi to unseat a 'white' Senator who is not "extreme enough" on matters of race.  The Nixon tactics of the early 1970's were copied in Mississippi.  The M.O. of the Republican Party is unmistakable -- and its RACIST.  All of the Tea Party strategies are financed by two of the Koch Brothers of Kansas.

Schulman's book: The Sons of Wichita, shows the ties of the Koch Brothers back to the John Birch Society and the politics of the extreme Right in this country in the 1950s.  In my rise to the rank of Cadet Colonel and leadership of the AFROTC Corp at San Francisco State in 1961, my fellow cadets taunted me with my opposition to both Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater for what I considered to be racist leanings.  I really dug into the backgrounds of both as I prepared for my first national election the year before,  in 1960.
More than twenty years after I completed my Air Force career, I wound up an Executive in a large corporation in the Northwest.  I met and got to know a lot of Libertarians.  I had always considered Libertarians to be racists who lacked the courage to admit their convictions.  I could understand the fine shadings they used mentally and emotionally to cling to their philosophies, but they failed to convince me that what they believed was fundamentally different from the beliefs of the worst white racists that I experienced in my youth in Missouri.

Today, the Libertarians are the group that provides "cover" for those Republicans who are uncomfortable with the Tea Party wing of their party.  If they succumb to the strategies in force for the past six years to destroy any Moderate Republicans and to drive the country into the arms of the old John Birch goal of Hard Right social and political policies, the entire Nation will have lost its way.

Stay Vigilant!  I grew up on Jazz and Rag Time music.  That provides me with a "distance" to hear and see clearly extremes of both Right and Left.  I can "keep the beat" of Democracy alive.  In these times of economic calamity, Libertarians are hankering for Autocracy -- Stability over "Freedom".  P.S. I met Goldwater, in person, in Los Angeles, in 1987.

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Friday, May 23, 2014


GREEN is the Color of Racism in 2014!

Donald Sterling, Cliven Bundy, Mark Cuban, NBA vs NFL; Take your pick!  This cess pool of white vs. black race talk in the Media is expanding out of  "control"?   In the final analysis, it was a serious threat of a "work stoppage" by the PLAYERS in the NBA, that crystallized the issue in Sterling's case.  Whether that will translate to the NFL, spurred by a Letter from the Senate of the United States to the owner of the Washington football team, is TBD.  If the NFL Players (all colors) decide that they don't want to be the "vehicle" for transporting ancient racial stereotypes into the 21st Century; and select an appropriate means to carry this message to team owners, and to the public at large, then, and only then, will this PROBLEM fade away!

Stay Vigilant!  MONEY can be useful, when applied appropriately to a problem. Mitch Mcconnel is hoping he can ride a globally-funded, 6-year, race-based denigration campaign, to victory in 2014.  Will the Public allow it??

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"DIMON" in the ROUGH??

"Gentrification" in the 21st Century?

In our "stealthy" world, awash in Propaganda, we need the correct "background" to see correct "images"  of what we're offered to believe.  Detroit, the "Motor City" (see Blog from the OWL, November 30, 2012), is back in the news.  Dimon, of Chase Bank,; "invests" in this decaying, rotting, hulk, the "inner core" of the neglected "inner cities" problem in the United States that reaches back more than fifty years.

Bubba Clinton is spearheading a similar move as whites "move back" to Harlem, an historic black "inner city" on Manhattan Island, NYC.  What's UP??

"Community Development", according to Dimon.  Is that similar to "Community Organizing"?  Who "owns" property in Detroit, these days?  Who "owned" the property of Detroit when it was "all black"?  Wikipedia's account  of the famous 1943 Detroit Race Riot shows the "all white" racial composition  of the city as Blacks were recruited to the city to support the War effort

For those economically "savvy", and up on the dollars and "sense" of energy costs, A regenerated, properly planned new city could be very pleasant to live in -- no matter what your color.  But what "color" will be "favored" in Detroit today?  How would we know?  If it goes the way of our politics, FAT CATS will have the edge; "color" TBD!

If Security, or "Public Safety" is your concern, and you are a history buff, you'll know that cities were, in the old days, a place where people gathered with defense from "invaders", in mind.   Has the world worked its way back to that?  We know the "suburbs" were created by politicians with federal money to benefit "white" veterans returning from World War II.  Our economy has turned in a direction where suburban living is not sustainable, economically.

Stay Vigilant!  Get Your Bids In?  Are they "playing" for "Table Stakes"??  "Deja Vu"??

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014


We's Takes Yo' MONEY, and  Feeds U Bullsh*t!

Could this be the banner under which the Elites of the 21st Century are now operating?  So far, they're winning, it seems.  The Propaganda Machines that pass for "News Media" are profiting and proliferating.  Politicians are breaking down doors to get out of politics, and into "Media".  All the money to be made these days, can be found in "foolin the public".  Putin is doing better by taking off his shirt than Obama is doing by "talking".  But, can it last?

In the mid-80s, as he described what we could expect as the "Global Economy" progressed, Peter Drucker told us: 
"The Global Economy cannot be sustained without Global Institutions like; International LAW, a fair Justice System, Banking,  Postal Systems that are safe and reliable, etc. 

 So far, we have none of that.  The "winners" of the Cold War -- European Capitalists -- have been able to "run the table" since 1989.  Cheney/Bush screwed that up, once they seized power in the U.S.  They destroyed the centuries-old effectiveness of  European Military Might with their invasion of Iraq on false pretense, and their destruction of the global economy in 2008.  We are left, today, with the "aftermath" of European "Exceptional ism" aka "White Supremacy"??
The rest of this century will probably be spent struggling with the shreds left to us by Cheney/Bush and the capability of the BIG MONEY interests to step into the vacuum.  It certainly will not be pretty.  We're in the stage now of determining whether the poorer whites, who clearly have been "dumped" by the Elites, will continue to support them domestically.  The Tea Party performance in today's elections will begin to tell us the answer.  The 2014 Off-Year Elections in the United States will probably set the pattern for what comes next on the international stage.

That's the TOP-DOWN picture.  What is the BOTTOM-UP picture?  Since "Occupy" fizzled, the White Right is feeling pretty good about taking Congressional control this Fall.  What about the non-whites who are gaining numbers and soon will be the demographic majority.  Here, again, the U.S. will probably determine the pattern.  In the "Developing" Nations, those citizens who were lucky enough to gain good educations, (think Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas?), voted with their feet and left their fellow citizens behind, as they migrated to Europe and to the United  Nations in New York City.  The more "unfortunate" were left behind to fend for themselves amid religious and economic strife.

Latin America, according to the most recent issue of Americas Quarterly, is looking to ORGANIZING, beyond race, nation, religion, and tribe to find ways to improve the economic, political, and social standing of its citizens.  They are also seeking more VOICE, and DECISION POWER in world affairs.  
The Catholic Church, the source of TOP-DOWN power structure in Latin America, will face a challenge to its historic role from the "Consulta Previa" resulting from the adoption of International Labour Organization Convention 169 (ILO 169).  Check it out!
The technologies of Social Media may promise a cure, yet,  for the violence-prone struggles emanating from
Sub-Saharan Africa.

Stay Vigilant!  What keeps the Citizens of the U.S. in their "deep slumber"??
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Nations for "Jobs".  Elites, like Condoleeza Rice, and Clarence Thomas, hired out to the White Right and    enabled the debackles

Monday, May 19, 2014

"GOOD LUCK" escapes to FRANCE ...

... in search of "LOST" GIRLS??

 More than fifty years ago, when JFK was our President, I wrote a book review for one of my classes at San Francisco State, investigating the "Winds of Change" in sub-Saharan Africa.  Colonialism had begun its "wane" in Africa.  I met, and had many conversations with, a bright Ghanaian; who was studying Hospital Administration,  brought to the United States by our State Department.  With leaders like Kwame  Nkhrumah, the future for that part of Africa seemed to be very bright.  After the murder of JFK, all of that changed drastically.  The parade of so-called "leaders" for that part of Africa, all of whom were openly manipulated by Europe, has been been "sickening" to watch!  In the meantime, Black Africa has sunk further and further  into the morass of tribal and religious hatreds left behind by the Europeans; who fed, and used them, adroitly, to rule during the Colonial Period.

Fast-forward to 2014, and we find Nigeria, the fastest growing, both in population and wealth, nation in the region, led by "Good Luck".  There is a crisis there today, because Nigeria is becoming a world player in oil production and distribution.  With the widespread eruption in tribal and religious violence in Sub-Saharan Africa, from Sudan, to Libya (on the Mediterranean), we see the FRENCH re-appear.  "Massa", obviously, was not that far in the "background", it would seem.  

We only have to ponder for a moment the long-suffering plight of Haiti at the hands of the French.  (By the way, when will be see a public accounting of all that loot collected by "W" and "Bubba" several years back, to "restore" Haiti after the massive earthquake??)  Not since Toussaint kicked the Royal Butt of Napoleon have the French allowed ANYONE to help Haiti in any substantial way.  That includes the infamous Duvalier s, ;  used by the French as their on-site "overseers" to oppress that pitiful country.  European treatment of "Africans" has been "traditional" since; it seems.

While the Media is harping (for now) about the "lost girls", don't miss the sub-text of this story.  The kidnapped girls have yet to be found.  Eerily; so does that lost passenger jet full of more than 200 souls, that our MEDIA has lost interest in.

The psychological and emotional "bait and switch" routine applied by our global Media only makes it harder for "sovereign citizens" in "Democracies" to make clear and rational decisions.

Stay Vigilant!  Try to keep your eye "on the ball"??  No wonder! that whites remain "afraid" of blacks?

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, May 18, 2014

"Common Sense", like CHARITY, begins AT HOME!

PARENTS and everyone else, Take note!

We're supposed to be the nation where "Common Sense" prevails.  It certainly used to; until around 1952, as I remember.  After that, we seem to have, collectively, "gone round the bend".  Maybe it was all the fear of the "mushroom cloud" that we could all see from the atmospheric nuclear tests that were common in those days.  (Condi took "pains" to remind us, remember?   I don't think she was old enough;  to "remember")!

Maybe we just had too many babies, too fast, and nobody could control the horde.  The parents of my day certainly knew the chaos that would prevail if children were allowed to be "in charge".  Somehow, after 1963, nobody wanted to be "in charge" of anything.  Everyone seemed to be looking for someone to blame for whatever they were upset about; like the draft, the War in Vietnam, The Bay of Pigs, "Communism", racial strife, -- the list seemed to grow by the year after JFK was murdered.  

Maybe it was because of the order to integrate the schools.   A move to "take over"  the parenting role?   That role and its accompanying responsibilities, seemed to move away from the home, the parents, and the community, to "government", in some form; to the PTA, the School Boards, to the Mayors, Governors, and Representatives at the national level.  The brats were put "in charge", because the "officials" who took over parenting roles were immediately overwhelmed!  The most self-centered parents took control but no responsibility!.   From first grade on, (after 1968) the kids of the most organized parents got whatever they demanded!

Decades later, and,  $Billions of wasted dollars, nobody has a clue of a "solution"  that can pass any "common sense" evaluation.  Within about a decade from now, the majority of the youth  in the United States will be "of-color".  Anybody knows, whether they will admit it or not, that persons of color are "marginalized" (kept outside)  of the "mainstream" in this country;  both socially and economically.  How can this country grow or prosper in the future while relying on a work force that is deliberately kept out of our economy?  This question begs for bit of sanity from each of us.  Its long past time to WAKE UP from our Race War;  begun in 1970 by whites on the political Right, and  led by Tricky Dick Nixon.

Parents (defined as those who directly participated in the birth of a child) MUST be returned to their traditional roles of responsibility.  They must be empowered, by law and national resources, to do the job of raising socially responsible, industrious, and skilled workers to grow our economy. Only that will provide for the "public safety" of everyone.

We know the costs;  in dollars and social strife, that resulted by passively "going shopping" while an unlucky, or duped,  "few" did the fighting and dying in our unprovoked wars of choice.  To blame later Presidents and other Officials for acts they did not commit, only striving to repair, is INSANE!  It must stop!  Under our system, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is Constitutionally responsible for national spending!

Stay Vigilant!  Repeating what we're now doing only hastens total collapse!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

"BUBBLE", "BUBBLE"; Toil and ...

...the Pay grows "Less and Less"!

We've all been fixated on the Housing "Bubble"; the Hi-Tech "Bubble"; etc., and we fail to realize that those are all FINANCIAL Bubbles.  There are other, much more important and dangerous "bubbles" we ought to be concerned about.  BUBBLE (defined): A condition that occurs when Price and Value get dangerously out of line.  There's an old saying that defines a Cynic as someone who knows the Price of Everything, and the Value of Nothing!  Does that fit our Millineals?  Especially those who are Trust Babies (living off money they didn't earn)??  Who is to decide what is  "dangerously out of line"?  The rat-pack of course, all of  those who think they'll "get out" ahead of everyone else.  That seems to be the story of 2008; (and 2014?); in a nutshell!

Religions have been running the oldest of "Bubbles" on our planet; and are the animus behind the mass killings that seem to be spreading.  When religions hide inside a "culture" or nation , or "economy" (Think Israel and Syria?), its truly amazing how quickly everything can collapse: wiping out centuries of  "progress".  The Financial, or Speculative Bubbles are tied to Modern Capitalism, that is attributed to Karl Marx.  Marx is also "credited" with theory of Communism. Facism, born in Roman Christianity, has survived both Hitler and Mussolini, and gained a new lease on life in the Americas.  You will know a Fascist by the trait of Totalitarianism that is ever present. (Coercion, in the case of the Governor Christie Model).  

Today, the world is caught between the death of  those twin "bubbles, (or religions?).  In their places seem to be two evolving types of "Criminal Bubbles" -- one of the sort being created by Putin to replace the Communism of the Old Soviet Union, and the other, playing out in our Government and Corporate Structures.  We have our "choice" of speculations; either those criminals who steal in the name of some corporate structure, or those who operate inside  our Government (all levels).  

Media infuses  these "Bubbles" with immense power over human perception.  Just think: less than two months ago, the entire planet was obsessed with a disappeared nite flite carrying more than 200 people.  Now, nobody gives a "Sh*T"!, and that story has been made to "disappear"  from our collective consciousness.  If that doesn't scare you, you're probably beyond help! 

Although "Capitalism" may be on shaky ground these  days, "Capital" is NOT.  Only those who have and can control Capital will survive the economic turns we're in.  As we move through this phase, Media, and Religion are in control!  There's a story, told my Michener, I think,  about the woman who assisted the Aztec Priests as they cut out the hearts of  young boys and rolled their bodies down the Temple steps.  When she saw her son among the "sacrificials", she pushed the Priest off the Temple and watched his body roll down among the dead!  The sacrifices stopped, the Religion died, and the Culture followed.  The world is overdue for this kind of "Spring Cleaning"!

Stay Vigilant!  Life at the "Margins" in the Global Economy will consume YOU, eventually!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, May 16, 2014

WHY "WHITES" (don't?; won't? can't?) "INTEGRATE"

Is it back to "Global" Now??

With the threat of "Hillary" for President, and the recent "firing"? of Jill Abramson of the NY Times,; its becoming increasingly clear that two pillars of the world's support system (gender and skin color) are in "crisis".

After what the world had witnessed since 2008, nobody can deny that it's the skin color of the guy elected to clean of the Cheney/Bush mess that has the United States of America "in extremis": economically, fiscally, and socially.  We face the real possibility of the loss of our limited Democracy in the 2014 Congressional Elections.

Why? because WHITE MALES are challenged to share power across race and gender lines.  So far, they are unwilling or unable to do that.  History can be ignored, but it can't be denied for those of us who do not live in some fantasy-world.  Most of us know that White Male Supremacy (Protestant and Wealthy) was the foundation upon which the Founders built the United States of America.  The Civil War ended the Protestant and Wealthy limitations.  On this anniversary of the Brown v. Board Decision in 1954, we celebrate the beginning of the end of the "color" limitation.  The white males, who have wielded the "whip hand" over this nation since the beginning, are now facing the beginning of the end of the "male" part.  The entire world has witnessed, with the two elections of President Barack Obama, the extreme lengths that whites are willing to go, to avoid the inevitable future they face.  Rich white males saw the last barrier of their protection crumble as they threw poor and middle-class whites out of the "boat" that Reagan coaxed them onto.

There is now, with the rise of  "Putinism"  from the former Soviet Union, and the reality that China may surpass the United States this year as the "richest nation" on the planet (held by the U.S. since the 1880s), the need to recognize that White Male Supremacy was exported across our planet by Europe-- it was not created in the Americas, and it cannot be ended here!.  The vehicle of export, historically, has been  Catholicism, a new religion created in Rome in the 5th Century, and based on antipathy to any and all things not "white".  

Over time, the "religion" shifted from "Christ" to "Control"; principally of the world's wealth.  In the 21st Century the battle rages on all fronts as the embattled white males of the globe struggle to retain their grip on the peoples under their control.  In the Americas in the beginning, the gun, the sword, and the whip were the main tools of control over all those who were not "born in Europe".  Over time, control of access to wealth became the standard tool for their control.  Today, the concentration of money, in terms of assets and organization, are the pattern.  Globally, in addition to Putin, Europe has to battle China, India, and a growing number of "non-white" governments who are vying for more of a voice in world affairs.  Cheney/Bush destroyed the grip of "fear" that has sustained Europeans so well for so long.  They wasted the amassed treasure of "fear of whites" and "blind belief" in the various forms of  "Christian Exceptional-ism".  Organized sports players (those thought most beyond reach) are beginning to wake up and to see the intersection of race, and sports, and money).

Stay Vigilant!  "Integration" that is one-sided, is really "acceptance" of the worst of the old order?  What is our path from here?

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC   

Thursday, May 15, 2014


"black" in 2014??

Bobby Jendal "hides" his White Supremacy behind a non-white face; as he strives to sell his version of a non-white David Duke to Deep South voters.  Ditto: Governor Haley in South Carolina.  Given the sorry returns they're getting from the entire country, and their dwindling Media impact, the Rabid Right (Republicans) are contemplating more than their belly buttons, these days.

2014 electoral outcomes in the U.S. will depend on what the other voters (rational whites, non-whites, and, especially, those voters who consider themselves to be "black") DO; s we approach the election!.  The sad reality is that it is still true today, as Tim Geithner  notes, your prospects for fulfilling your "American Dream" depends more on the zip code in which you were born, than anything else.  

For most persons born in regions of the U.S. with "inner cities", "black districts", etc.; or, complete cities like Newark, and Gary, the birth trap is large and all-pervasive.  Not only do white-controlled policies dictate every aspect of life for "blacks", from cradle to grave, "ambitious" blacks are busy these days selling their skin to "capitalize" on the desperate need Conservatives have to push their crap through black and brown mouths.  The Tea Party is spending less than 10% of its campaign funds on campaigns -- the greedy "leaders" are pocketing the rest of the money.  Take the BIG MONEY away, and the voters of the U.S., and the government officials at all levels, will return to their "senses" instantly!

Then there're the "ain't gonna neva change" folk like Reb'm Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, who will do everything they can to keep black minds enslaved to the old, narrow, "Christian" view of their lives and their world.  Black Americans don't know that white Presidents, from the time of Jim Crow, have relied on black "preachers" to keep them informed of any restlessness among the "darkies".  The hold of Slavery on all minds is very significant, still.  Poverty, ambition, desperation, depression, are ingredients of a toxic stew that pervades the consciousness of far too many people still consigned to the "black bubble".  The degree to which whites control that "Bubble" has not changed significantly.  There is increased strain and tension, both inside the white and black bubbles as the 2014 election campaigns heat up.

Then, there's AFRICA!  White BIG MONEY is lathering up, in anticipation of raping the "emerging" middle classes around the world in places where they have "colonial" histories.  Their perceived "advantages" will have to compete with China, Korea, and wealth Persian Gulf interests.  If Blacks realize the value of a wider world view, they may find a way out of their "Bubble"?  Marketing, in all directions, will become more and more useful, as blacks struggle to shed the "skin" of  Chattel Slavery.  Millenial Blacks are fooling themselves by believing that "significant" progress has been made.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Of Generations and Millinea

Donald Sterling attacks "Magic" Johnson :  He's old! At eighty, he's both old enough to "know better" and too old to "help himself".

Such is the nature of White Supremacy in the Americas, and in he World!. At a time when Europe is more worried about "Sterling", and other currencies, than they are about Putin and his creation of a new "Eurasian" version of "Russian Supremacy"; it appears Europeans think they can continue to appease Vladimir and "buy him off"!  It's a fool's posture, but, nevertheless, that's what we're seeing.  Refer to my earlier Blog: The Quicksilver of White Racism in the U.S. (7/15/2012), and you will see how a young, white, female "talking head" in our Media spreads the 21st Century version of this delusion.  Generations, and "age" will not excuse, or lessen, the danger (to ALL of US) that this 1500+ years-old practice continues into the future for our children.

Mourning Joe, Joe Kernan, Rick Santelli, Mario Rubio, Ted Cruz, Graham/McCain, Boehner, and all like them who barrage us constantly in the Media with their contempt for all things Obama, extend, along with Rush Limbaugh, the current version of what keeps whites dominant, in all aspects of the lives of non-whites,; and keeps non-whites "marginal", both socially and economically.  Rubio and Cruz represent non-black, non-whites, who, along with Clarence and Condi, act as if they believe that White Supremacy must be continued.

Financial "Hegemons", who back Red-State tactics to extend the control of the White-Right from our Deep South, into the Inter-Mountain West and Southwest, are flooding the public airwaves with messages aimed at taking the Senate in the Fall of 2014.

Watch for signs of "self-censoring" by white "talking heads" in our Media.  Blacks are "dubbed" and "scripted" much more carefully, and its easier to tell when they're speaking "their own" minds.  Even athletes are beginning to "wake up" to their own complicity in this mess.  Karem Abdul Jabar does a pretty good job in the latest TIME issue.  I'm not sure that many readers of any color or persuasion will have the sophistication or "education" required to understand what Jbar is telling us.

Stay Vigilant!  Its a lot like Kudzu, that evil weed that took over the Deep South.  It's roots are so strong, and Putin is issuing a new version that spreads the Ethnic and Asian ties.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, May 12, 2014


"Return" the Scene of the Crime?

To those of us with more than a 6th grade education, the significance of the juxtaposition of Benghazi and Carthage is obvious.  From the rest,  we can guage the impact of the ignorance that is feeding the likes of Putin, Romney, Mitch McConnell, Graham/McCain, Boehner, Bachmann, Eastwood, Clive Bundy; and the new "GQ Slickster" Boehner has chosen to lead the "Inquisition" (read: "Select Committee") on Benghazi.

Carthage evokes the ultimate in "REVENGE" for perceived wrongs.  It is also the place where Scipio Africanus avenged Rome for the Rape of Italy at the hands of Hannibal.  It signifies the seed of anti-African biases that have infected the entire planet through the teachings and institutions of Catholicism and European Christianity, for more than 1500 years.  It has taught the entire planet to fear, distrust, and even hate all things and persons who are not white.  Those with enough native sense to recognize the fallacy inherent in these teachings, are, nevertheless, trapped into a system that requires them to "play along" in some way.  Feted as "Fascist Italy's most spectacular costume epic", Mussolini's 1938 film sets forth their triumph.

Mitch McConnell, the old Kentuckyian, who knows a thing or two about "RACE-horses", trotted out his trusty steed, in November, 2008, the moment he recognized that Barak Obama would win the Presidency of the United States.  Joining with traditional Southern "Christian" Racists, "Evangelicals" , and, strangely, Netayanhu of Israel, this combination of money, political talent, and rabid conviction, set about to destroy the President's chances of repairing the damages their fellow White Supremacists had brought upon the country since 2000.  Having failed, spectacularly, TWICE, to prevent his re-election in 2012; these forces have designed their "make or break" run for 2014, with the twin targets of Hillary Clinton's threatened run in 2016, and President Obama's remaining term in office.

A strange thing is happening, however.  Some more intelligent whites in the South are moving to counter the activities of the "wack-o's" among them.  "Sane, white Democrats are emerging in Georgia, and Virginia.  Could it be that, as the Old Racists flee the South for the Inter-Mountain West, the remainder becomes "blacker" and more "Democrat"?  Speaking of strange things, we witnessed over the weekend a grown, black male "crying tears of joy" for being "selected" to the Plantation of Big Leave Football!  Go figure??

In Sub-Saharan Africa (the black part the Europeans controlled most closely) we see young, backward, black males, brandishing modern weapons they did not make or buy, as they "kidnap" young girls.  The Media of the world concentrates on the color of the males, but NOT the guns provided to them!  Why?

Buckle your seatbelts!  The run for November is in full swing.  Will the Race-Riders Win??

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Sunday, May 11, 2014


From Nixon to Putin (with Kissinger "riding shotgun"?)

My 685-page, hard-bound copy of  Piketty's book: Capital  tells me essentially the same thing my Grandfather told me in the 1950's:  "Money goes to Money".   In other words, wealth has a way of associating with wealth, and consolidating power.  My Grandfather explained how that impacted Racism in the Deep South as opposed to the border state where we lived, west of the Mississippi River.  

Putin is struggling to regain wealth and power for the former Soviet Union, by any and all means, it seems.  He enlists the same "side-kick" Nixon used more than forty years ago as he set the Republican Party on its current road to ruin by plying Race as a means to consolidate money and wealth in the hands of whites, as whites struggled to hold back the Civil Rights Revolution in the United States.  Blood Feuds; whether they are race-based, by skin color, by tribe; by religion; by caste; or economic class; have been with us, in some form, since the Stone Age.  Although the Chinese discriminated by skin color against Koreans in the Tang Dynasty (618 -907 A.D.); no group has profited as much from blood feuds as the Europeans of today.  As for enslavement of women, all cultures and religions have their own version of that evil!

With the Media, belatedly, whipping up a frenzy over the kidnapping of African school girls, Europe, and its spin-off countries, are positioning themselves to invade Africa, once again.  Since the weakening of their hold on Africa in the 1960s, Europe has managed to keep African countries locked in their Tribal and racial Hell used by Europeans to keep "order" during Colonial Rule.  The tribal rivalries in Nigeria, were an outstanding example of the manipulation of African governments and their policies since the 1960s.  With the economy of the European Union under pressure, Europe is looking to, again, invade African nations for their wealth.  Governments, like that of Nigeria have been deliberately kept weak, even though their growth should indicate strength.  Nigeria has overtaken South Africa as the strongest economy in Africa.  White South Africans find themselves, discriminated against by their own Elites, as evidenced in the Pistorius Trial.  

Here at home, to preclude President Obama from turning our economy toward growth, the Republicans in the House are doubling down on their race-based policies in preparation for a Media-circus, once again, over BENGHAZI!  Their real target is to take the U.S, Senate in the 2014 Election.   If they succeed, it could spell disaster for our economy in the 21st Century, and assign this nation to eventual collapse;.  

Kissinger, who is reported on Zacharia's show as "meeting regularly" with Putin, assures us that Vladimir is not interested in taking back all of the Ukraine; and maybe not even the eastern half.  No report as to whether Zissinger is "meeting" at all with President Obama.  Do YOU think that's strange?

Stay Vigilant!  The more things change ...?

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, May 10, 2014

when "caring" MEANS "SERVING"

Is That the "RUB" in the U.S.?

For much of my approaching 75 years, we've joked in this country:  "We're From The GOVERNMENT, and We're here to HELP!"   You could always get a laugh with that line.  After Mad Ronnie and his 1980's crap, that line was no longer funny.  Reagan's goal to "starve" the Federal Government into extinction, has largely been met over the ensuing decades, by ever-more-extreme politicians who have succeeded in ruining our economy with "deficits as far as the eye can see"! 

Why the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?  Because of the Commerce Clause in our Constitution, used by Presidents from Eisenhower to Kennedy to quell insurrection and nullification from Deep South States over Civil Rights.  The Racists wanted to have free reign and control over those GOVERNMENTs that remained:
State Governors; State Legislatures, County Governors and Legislators; Regional Governments; City Governments and their Councils; School Boards; (and even Dog Catchers, I guess).  Reagan, a gifted, sinister, and not to well educated man, KNEW that the average "JOE" was more stupid than he was; not very observant, and at least mildly racist.  

Nixon had set up the "Third-Party-Payment" scheme for medical "care" in the 1970s.  Those three parties were the Doctors, Hospitals, and Federal Government.  Insurance Companies and Employers "muscled" in and took over; eventually turning the Doctors into Slaves, and limiting the "wiggle" room for Hospitals.  Religions, who had "cornered" the Hospital market through their "charity" tradition, sold their Hospitals to syndicates for "fat profits" -- and you know the rest.  Where was the Patient?  In the middle, of  course, between the Government (federal money bag), and either the Doctor, or the Hospital, or both.  Employers had already "hooked" up with the FEDs through Payroll Taxation.

Unbeknownst to the the average,"JOE" , actuarial data showed as early as the mid-seventies, that this scheme would "blow up".  Why, because due to a revolution in pharmaceuticals;  Doctors and Hospitals came under pressure as Surgeons, the MASTERS of MEDICINE ,didn't need to CUT people as much.  Oops!  To make matters worse, patients stopped dying on time! Ooops (again).

Since our Founding, the U.S. has been a nation designed to take Europe's "undesirables" and provide them a haven where they could seek their fortunes by exploiting Native Americans (for land), and Chattel Slaves (for labor, creativity, ingenuity, and anything else whites (males, at first) desired.  You see:  U.S. Citizens who run things here, came here to BE SERVED, NOT to "serve", or even to "CARE"!  Ooops!  How did we miss that?

What is to happen to the poor PATIENT in this dog-pile?  They are in the middle, and in the way; caught between the Seekers of Jobs, or Riches, in the Medical or "Health" Care Industry, and the Federal Government Money Bags.  Problem for those Killers of the Federal Government -- who will pay the money to these greedy, and ever-less-competent "Care Givers"?  Oops, yet again.  I told you, Reagan and his followers weren't the "Smartest Tools".  Romney's solution is put us all under CORPORATE Dictates!

Stay Vigilant!  Pity the poor Patient who may also be a Veteran from our Wars??

Copyright © 2014 :  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Friday, May 9, 2014


Look More Closely to find the "Skunk"??

A Clue, for "older" Veterans who are still fighting, as I was for more than 20 years, to get their cases handled by the VA:
    (1)   If you chose an organization like the American Legion, or G.I. Forum to "Advocate" for you;  
              get rid of them, and become your own advocate.  I was constantly turned down until I did that, because the VA Specialists are not allowed to help you directly, they must defer your case to your "advocate".  It is precisely this system that has opened the door to the Mess the VA has become over the past several decades.
    (2)  Keep your own copy of your records.  Military records: even if its only loose pages; all of your doctors records: your evaluations, etc.  The VA is "up "sh*t creek" when it comes to finding old records.  Your "advocates" are busy grooming their organization's image for fund-raising purposes.  Good Luck!

The Grand Deceivers (Republicans) are busy dismantling our Government as designed by the Founders of our Nation.  They are well funded, well organized, and will stop at nothing to protect their own interests (Money, and Complete Control).  Even their GOD (Reagan -- the most artful deceiver) Warned: TRUST, but VERIFY!!  The Republicans can count you to not verify, or, even question their basic motives.  SHAME ON US, for that.  Question EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, and, especially anything you trust BLINDLY in this era controlled by Super Propaganda.  Use you wits, if you have any left.

Congress enabled all of this, criminal politician, by criminal politician.  Every administration, since I began voting in 1960, has selected an Agency in the Executive Branch for its "piggy bank".  Johnson's crew exploited HUD,;  the "process" moved around the Executive Branch,  to Agriculture, EPA,  Education, -- Check it out!  Why? because Congress realized in 1970 that the country had become too complex to manage the way the Framers of Our Constitution designed the Checks and Balances system that served us so well before then.  

What did they do?  They began passing "Themes and Dreams" in place of Laws.  They threw these over to the "Regulatory Agencies".  Then they set up Congressional Committees, in infiltrate those agencies with their "own" people.  With the Power of the Purse (in the House), they could lavish or starve any part of the Executive Branch they chose.  President Kennedy learned the limits on the Powers of the President when Congress was opposed to him.  It was always easy to keep the President "in the dark", if necessary.  The President's power became weaker over time in the good ways of our past (FDR and Truman), and stronger in the ways demonstrated by Cheney/Bush.  Got the Picture?

Example: in one of my classes while studying for my first Masters Degree, I learned that, in 1970, some doctor from the Deep South, bought some old ramshackle chicken coops, loaded them with "Old Folk" and billed Medicare more than $1M in one year for "medical services".  Congress refused to act in 1970, individual Politicians, saw the "goldmine" ... and you know the rest of the story.

It ani't  Gen.Shinseki we should be worried about, whether you are a veteran or not!  Worry about what is happening in your House of Representatives, and in your State House, and in your Country!

Stay Vigilant!  Pull your heads out of places like "Mourning Joe".  Looks like he's becoming a shill for Romney?

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC



The Most Evil of the Two

I 'm writing this after viewing two, juxtaposed,  Charlie Rose interviews; of Lynne Cheney and Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe.  When the two things that, I feel, could ultimately destroy the United States, and, perhaps, civilized life on this planet, are are involved in one T.V. show, I sit up and pay close attention!  Those two things: White Supremacy and Sex-based Violence.  Neither will be easy to "overcome".  White Supremacy is inseparable from  Christianity on this planet, and Sexual Violence is endemic in the way Male Humans are "socialized" in most cultures.  Both are deeply "individual" in their threat to society, but "collective" in the manner in which they are dispersed and reinforced.  Both are deeply rooted in the Female;  as keeper of the "faith"; enforcers of societal beliefs within both children and adults,;and as most impacted "victims"!

In my career, I have, on two occasions had the misfortune of living in areas where Presidents like to stay or play when they travel.  In both cases, in Seattle, and in Florida, I've had to pass through Security to get home at the end of the day.  Clinton, in Seattle; Cheney/ Bush in South Florida.

Back to Lynne:  I first became aware of her deeply-rooted White Supremacist leanings when she and Bill Bennett, both "shills" for White Supremacy in the Reagan Administration, would "hold forth" on C-Span, propagating their slants on White Supremacy and American "Culture".  Feeling that she was "misguided" by her limited education, I gifted Lynne with a copy of my 1972 Master's Thesis, American Values in Black and White.  We all learned, later, of Bennett's deeply held "Cultural" beliefs when he was revealed as a closet gambling addict, in private rooms set up for him by Casinos.

White Supremacy is most dangerous because of its roots in Religion, Culture, and all aspects of the lives of humans who are born into the ages-old divide instituted by the early Catholic Church when it invented its European version of Christianity.  It is deeply embedded in persons who see themselves as "white"; and their victims; throughout our history.  It is also deeply embedded in those who will protect that belief, at all cost, and in any guise.  The sad truth is that a true White Supremacist is incapable of fully respecting anyone that they define as "not-white".  The power to determine and define "whiteness" rests with "whites", and the institutions they control.

Violence, connected with human sexuality, is a learned behavior that too many males acquire from association with animals in their "natural" state.  The Military in the United States has tapped into this phenomenon to get young males prepared to kill (Susie Rottencrotch; Madonna-Whore).  Many White Ethnic and Deep South Whites adhere strongly to these practices in their attraction to non-white sex targets.  The illicit sex-trade depends on this violent aspect of sexuality for the huge profits of their trade.

As defenders of White Supremacy, therefore, those who, especially, strive to disguise,or make it "more acceptable" are  the most evil people among us (Mourning Joe).  Of, course, they don't see themselves that way; be they the Southern  "Corn-pone" Christians of our Deep South, (including the black ones), or, our Italian and Irish Catholic Ethnics of our North.  Only someone like Lynne Cheney could see Condi Rice as a "role-model" in the 21st Century!  (For Whom??)  White Supremacists; especially the artful and popular personages who have "winning ways",  are most dangerous for all of us, regardless of skin color; much more than  the "dominative" RACISTS.

Stay Vigilant!  These issues are tough ones!  That's why they are so dangerous for human beings.

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

"MOURNNG JOE": 21ST Century JIM CROW Template??

What Joe Biden Knew?

IN YOUR FACE:  Putin, and the Far Right Media both know that we're not only stupid; we're also blind!
It doesn't matter what you see; like Animal Farm, you must believe what they TELL you!  So it Goes, with "Morning Joe"??  If you look closely at what 'Kleage Scarborough" propagates, you can see the outlines of the template for the 21st Century.  Representing a "Safe Surburbs" for White America, Morning Joe, copying most of the old T.V. rules for features involving Blacks (for example, only those who stayed tuned to the end of the show will see any features involving Black America -- MVP Mom, for example) Joe and his mindless, subservient white female sidekick, spins his web daily.

Joe Biden "let slip" the message that "they" want to put "y'all" back on the Reservation!  With the help of Classic Tom's like Booker T. Washington; that was their method in the late 1800's, as whites successfully installed Jim Crow to replace Chattel Slavery.  Economic and Social Discrimination has rested at the HEART of Capitalism, since it sprang forth in the 1800s.  Whites, who see themselves as "in charge" of all peoples on our planet, cannot allow their diminishing numbers to change their grip on the world's wealth.  

What will be new in the 21st Century, according to the scene unfolding on Morning Joe's Suburbs (the place that is safe for whites of all political stripes to venture), is the inclusion of Poor and Middle Class Whites among the Discriminated-Against Victims!  They didn't wake up while they drank the Right Media's Kool-Aid and voted for Cheney Bush to saddle them with war debts, or, while taking every red nickel they could get their hands on for the Rich.  They didn't wake up while the White Rich, shipped their jobs overseas.  They didn't wake up while the same Hooligans in our House of Representatives destroyed the structure for our domestic economy.  Such is the Power of our White Supremacist Religion!

Note how Joe has tucked the "Gay Rep" (Roberts) under his wing; along with the "new Booker-T, or Clarence Thomas, heaven forbid ((Michael Steele).  The model is working, because you have to have a long time line, during which you were fully awake, to see what appears;  IN YOUR FACE!

Today, Joe, slammed Blacks by featuring Donny & Marie, and showing us how Mormon Families were "superior" to Black Families.  After the Beatles came here to rip off Rock and Roll from Blacks; The Osmond boys ripped off Michael and the Jackson Five.  The age-old practice of "monetizing" Black music dates back to Ragtime and Vaudville, and extends through Rock&Roll, Jazz, and, now, Rap!  Black "artists" have greased the process by "accommodating" the Mob-owned and controlled Music Industry.  Mormons dropped their open denigration of Blacks at about the same time the Osmonds ripped off Michael and his brothers.  The White Media, pissed over the outcome of O.J.'s trial, doubled down on hapless Michael, driving him to his death.  The White Right Campaign, in the 1970s (starting in Gary, IN?) to have BLACK MAYORS confuse Blacks and prevent Rioting, also began in the 1970s).  How did that turn out for Blacks??

Stay Vigilant!  Keep your eye on "Mourning Joe"??  Vote against 21st Century Jim Crow?

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, May 7, 2014



We certainly know better; in the 21st Century!  We're perpetuating one of the most vile ideas the Europeans ever came up with!  We've read Montesquieu, and Jefferson.  We know why they did it, and what they gained from doing it.  But, what's in it for us?  Putin may be happy with his chance to take a ride on racial, ethnic, and tribal hatreds; but we all recognize what a "throwback" he represents.

Obviously, we can't have white people, if there are no black people.  President Obama states that "Orange, is the new black".  If so, then what will be the "new white" for the 21st century?  Do only non-white people get to answer that question?  We have to quit terrorizing tiny white folk!  These babies are not that stupid.  They can count!  They know they're outnumbered on this shrinking, "social-media-connected" planet.  Besides, they're losing their money and the ability to make non-whites fear them.  So, I think, its time we get rid of the skin-color habit.

Maybe when we turn on our televisions afterward, we might see people of all colors, instead of just white, with a few "dabs" of other colors added for effect.  Maybe our governments, at all levels, would work again. Maybe we would have states and regions "colored" for their economic progress and innovative ideas instead of Red/Blue to denote whether or not they are gun-totin', ignorant, and poverty-stricken, and mad-as-Hell!

Stay Vigilant!  Be sure to vote your answer this Fall?

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


What Does It Look Like? Who's At Risk??

Those trouble-making, war-mongering Katzenjammers in our Senate (McCain and Graham) need to do a little reading and less yakking in the MEDIA!.  I strongly urge them to pick up and read a copy of  Peter Drucker's Post-Capitalist Society (1993).  Chapter 3, Labor, Capital, and Their Future, states: 

       "We have already moved into an "employee society" where labor is no longer an asset.  We equally have moved into a "capitalism" without capitalists - which defies everything still considered self-evident truth, if not "the laws of nature" by politicians."

Why do we allow these loud-mouths to continually appear on the Sunday Talk Shows, spouting their garbage about world affairs, when they obviously are the type of politician Drucker referred to in 1993?
In these troubled times, we need Leaders, not Propagandists in their positions.  Do they read?  Is anyone on their staffs aware of these fundamental changes that have been progressing steadily over the past several decades?

This week's AARP Bulletin contains an article citing Age Bias.  It appears evident that workers, aged 50 to 65, are systematically being targeted for dismissal in order to save costs for the companies, and to robb the workers of their retirement benefits.  These same workers, (mostly middle class whites) paid no attention while lower class workers were mistreated in the workplace.  "First they came for my neighbor; then they came for me ...??

Warfare, in the 21st Century, will wear many masks.  Politicians can continue to spin their lies to keep their various games going, while all people, of all races, income classes, nationalities, religions, tribes, etc. are systematically exploited by Money Capital.  Human Capital is mostly ignored by economists, politicians, Financial Markets, Central Bankers; while the financial and social rape and ruin continues to spread.  This sets the ground for what Putin has seized upon:  the ability of Governments to increase their power by setting neighbor against neighbor.

What is at stake is the complete re-making of our economic and social lives; no matter who are, or where we live.  The MEDIA is very good at creating distractions.  The most recent may be the campaign about  the kidnapped girls in Nigeria.  While everyone's attention is being called to that intractable issue; the steady diminution of buying power, and ability to control one's own life, continues unabated, EVERYWHERE.

Who Gains??  Money Capital, first and foremost; then State Actors, like Putin; then those states who can
effectively manage their national assets, while working to destroy the assets of competing nations.

Stay Vigilant!  Those Hooligans in Nevada, also, represent the new face of Warfare, in a Post-Capitalist Society.  Individuals have much too much to learn in order to protect themselves.  They are easily picked off by race, age, residency, etc.  Politicians are exactly the WRONG TEACHERS!!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, May 5, 2014



Syria; Crimea; Ukraine; and, now, Nevada??  Technological changes often bring about other change that is not clearly recognized; often mistaken for some obvious benefit, while a hidden evil takes longer to emerge.  Such could be the case for SOCIAL MEDIA??  It's obvious by now that PROPAGANDA in 2014 is a very different, and much more dangerous evil, than it was in Germany leading up to World War II.

What is the underlying reason?  Peter Drucker taught, that Religions invented  real powers from their ability to control access to information.  Governments followed in the wake of powerful Religions,  and copied that technique; thereby, inducing a dependence upon Government, and also providing a means for UNITING the governed in their perception of threats and rewards.  Before Social Media emerged in its current form, Governments were witnessing a loss in power, as Citizens were able to find alternative sources for information.  The advent of Social Media has rapidly accelerated that  flight to alternative sources for information.  It has, also, accelerated the turn away from Government, at the Federal level, and a rise in the challenges to the powers of Government.  In the United States, President Ronald Reagan, a friend of the George Wallace-style revolts against the central powers granted to the Federal Government by our Constitution; began a campaign to convince (mostly racist white citizens) that "THE GOVERNMENT" (Federal) was THE PROBLEM!  For What? Whatever beleaguered citizen could substitute as a grievance.  Most of the stated reasons masked other, less honorable ones. 

Into the fray was drawn Rupert Murdoch and his Propaganda Rags, joined by adherents like Roger Ailes, who built the Propaganda Machine known as FOX NEWS.  Add to this the phenomenon of weakening Governments, across the planet, as people returned to Religious, Racial, Regional, Ethnic, and Tribal roots for support.
We have seen country after country implode.  We now see one of our States, Nevada, where the Governor and one of its Senators, are sympathetic with armed insurgents that have taken up arms against Federal Government operations in their state.  Those insurgents are now terrorizing other citizens of the state.  Two Representatives of the terrorized citizens at the Federal Level are acting to protect the citizens, while the Governor and one of the Senators have not acted to protect  all citizens of the state.

The Off-Year Congressional Election this Fall, is targeted by those practicing non-military insurrection against the Federal Government (FROM WITHIN the Government)  to gain full control of the federal LEGISLATIVE Branch.  They hope to add to their control, since 2000, of the JUDICIAL Branch and our national Justice System.  With two of the three branches of our federal government, designed by our Founders to prevent Concentration of Power in the hands of Factions, they can overpower the Executive Branch.  Foreign interests see this, while the insurgents blame the phenomenon on the current President.
Stay Vigilant!  Your VOTE is your only weapon to turn away this threat to the United States.  Umder our Constitution, the PEOPLE are SOVEREIGN; and, therefore, are the GOVERNMENT!  Wallace and Reagan were master propagandists who haveset the stage for the SUPER PROPAGANDA that dominates our MEDIA, worldwide, today.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Why are WHITES So Eager to "Borrow" Victim-hood ??

From the Lynching reported from Paris, TX , February 1st, 1893, to Abu-Ghraib, there can be detected a theme among a significant segment of "White America" that involves "borrowing"  victim-hood from REAL victims;  in order to justify collective "Vengeance Killings".  From listening to our fellow citizens who, in 2014, most strongly support the Death Penalty, that theme, resting on their demented interpretations of Christian teachings, comes through loud and clear.  The crime never happened to these supporters.  They would not have the courage to confront one of the targeted "criminals" on their own, and unprotected by a mob, or a gun.  Yet they flock, en-masse to approve and participate in "collective killing".  These same whites would be quick to condemn just about any other "collective" action in our nation as "Socialist".  Perhaps this IS -- they typpe of Socialism Hitler produced with the help of the Catholic Church??

 "Officials" of our Justice System, from the Cop on the Beat to members of our SCOTUS, are "corrupted" by this ages old trend.  It is a sickness that smacks of Genocide, when you reflect on the fact that the targets of this type of sentiment is usually some non-white male, and the perpetrators are traditionally, white males.  

In order to prove that she can be just as "tough" as any Texas Governor (the state with the "mother-lode" of these Jerks), a blonde, super-white woman Governor of Oklahoma has demonstrated her "abilities" in this regard.  I challenge everyone who supports this crap to read the detailed account of the Paris, Texas, lynching, in which an entire region of whites took days off, camped out with entire families, engaged in the meticulous torture and killing of one black male.  It would turn the stomach of any sane human being!  But that''s TEXAS, writ-large, both then, and now!  The trend has wafted North from Texas, through Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and parts of Iowa.  It parallels, roughly the old border between the Union and Confederacy during the Civil War (the one in the 19th Century -- not the "Stealth Civil War" that began in the 20th Century, after Civil Rights Legislation was passed by Congress).  The insurrectionists are, today, "holed-up" in the House of Representatives;  after effectively "shutting down" any appreciable functioning of Government for this country, in both domestic and foreign affairs.

The demented white (or near-white Zimmerman) males who gunned down un-armed black teenagers recently; only to get leniency from our "Justice" system; both claimed themselves to be the "victims"!! What goes on in the Cracker Mind that produces such a viewpoint??

Stay Vigilant!  Can we use this trait as a "litmus test" to identify those whites who are racists of the type produced in Germany in the 1930s.?  Don't rely on white Talking Heads in our Media to tell you who is racist, and who is NOT!

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