Saturday, November 30, 2013

Blue PLANET : White "CURSE" ??

Is it "In Our STARS" ??
I think it was in one of my books by C.P. Snow, where he remarks that the elites (white?) on this planet have essentially "screwed" it up so thoroughly (take your pick for "ways"); that they know it can't be "fixed"; and are, therefore, looking desperately for another habitable planet to "escape" to.  NASA is promoting a photo, taken from a point in space beyond Saturn, of the "blue dot" that is the Planet Earth.
The other night, I saw Krauthammer, "for the hour" commiserating with Charlie Rose about President Obama's "weaknesses" and how the White Right is succeeding in destroying his "credibility"!  The episode reminded me of one of the novels in my collection about the Antebellum South, where the Idle, White, Rich are lolling around wondering what the "Darkies" are up to.  Krauthammer declared that the United States, post Cold-War, is a "Reluctant Hegemon".  The White-Right has swallowed its own brand of CRAP!!
Pope-Too is striking out in a massive reform of Catholic Propaganda to attack Post-Cold War Capitalism, and convince the greedy that money ain't "everything".  He's also getting a lot of "color" into his photo-shoots.  Is that all "too-little, and 500-yrs too-late"?  We'll have to see how gullible the non-white "targets" remain in 2013.
How did we (on this planet) arrive at this sorry state?  It all started with the fall of Rome, and the rise of the European version of Christianity (around 475 A.D.).  Over the ensuing  1500+  years, Europeans, plying technological advances in ocean navigation, roamed the planet laying siege, at the point of the sword, to all they could reach.  The treatment of the people they "discovered" was pretty much the same everywhere: "convert to Christianity on the pain of death", and then "serve the whites until you die".
Led by the Popes, the crowned heads of Europe obeyed the methods and practices dictated by Rome until Henry in England "flipped off" the Pope, and started his own Church.  (All Hail the Horny Crowned Head?)  Later a "twisted" dude in Germany, named Martin Luther, pulled a similar caper; to be followed by another, John Calvin.   The world was off and running; with a legion of Slave Masters seeking slaves all over the planet.  Many employed lesser-whites (Overseers) to do their dirty work.  That class of white remains in power in the United States today.  All the while, Christian Missionaries were "breaking new ground"; finding more non-white suckers to "Mind-eff" and enslave, or kill (the order varied).  Either way, the whites got rich and the grandma in London wound up "owning" almost all of those parts of the Earth not covered by water.  We got the African Slave Trade, Colonization of non-whites (all sorts, and shades) ;  Institutions and Governments: (white-dominated or controlled), corporations, non-governmental organizations,  and Charitable Foundations; all of which complete the web of white-control on the planet today. Units of currency will do the dirty deeds henceforth!
A complete, global, folklore has grown along with the spread of white dominance.  Much of it comes from the institution of slavery in the Americas:
    "You Can't Believe anything a non-white says:  "they all LIE"
    "Some of them might be Bright, but only if some white person trained them"
    "You can't TRUST anyone who is not white"
Fortunately, for all of us, these purveyors of their true "religion" have come out from under their sheets and are "in our faces" in the media, in the courts, and in our governments.  They define themselves as Conservatives or "Tea Partiers"; or both.  Many adherents can be found in the Democratic Party.
Stay Vigilant!  There is an all-out assault by this bunch, to take over this nation (state-by-state).
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

CAN U "CARE"?? ... DO U "CARE"?? ...

Can U "PAY" Anyone 2 " CARE" ??
Nothing seems to get at the "heart" of what we're all about in the U.S., quite like OBAMACARE!
The White-Right and its "Twisted Sisters" (Rush, O'Reilly, and Beck) on Talk-Radio, are really rabid (along with their lackeys, The Republican and Tea Parties); about the topic.  They don't like even the idea of poor and minority citizens getting decent health care.  Why?  The answer gets to the root of "Immigrant (white) America".

 Lind's "Next American Nation" points to the the fact that the Founders of this nation, contemplating a land populated with millions of non-white people, set about turning the place into a home for white Europeans only!  Immigration, the method by which many of them arrived, was the key; and they wanted only the "whitest of the white" here.  Benjamin Franklin even worried that Germans were not "white" enough to emigrate to what is now the United States.  Now the color of the immigrants has shifted profoundly, and we, as an "immigrant nation", suffer great angst, in this 21st Century, over immigration!

Before the Civil War, the national policy was to exterminate all Natives, and work all Blacks to death as slaves (de Tocqueville).  Obviously, that plan did not work out so well, in spite of the best efforts of people like President Jackson, Sam Houston, Austin, Fremont, and many others.  If they didn't plan to keep minorities and non-whites alive, why in the world would they care about whether or not they have access to Health Care?  The powers-that-be in Missouri certainly did not, during my up-bringing there.  A color, and class, line has always run through Medicine in this country.

God, (and advances in Pharmacology) have turned the tables on everyone, in that we now can all expect to live long past the point where we are significantly healthy; and face extended periods of pain, discomfort, and economic ruin.  All of this, because a politician, named Nixon, decided in the 1970s to place the health of the entire nation in the hands of insurance companies and the medical "marketplace".

This political and economic war against public healthcare can be expected to become long-lasting and wider spread, as "market forces" do everything they can to deny healthcare to anyone except the white and wealthy.

Stay Vigilant!  Learn as much as you can about your body and mind, before protracted illnesses appear!  Can U "Care" for yourself?  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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Monday, November 25, 2013


You "Gotta-be Jokin"
As if "Rap" weren't evidence enough of the deprivations suffered by Black Youth in this country as a result of "Integration"; this latest black craze:;  the "knockout game"; is further evidence of the collapse of those black communities that took us centuries to build.   As whites build their "gated communities", armed to the teeth; blacks are abandoning black communities; desperately trying to "integrate" white "communities";with disastrous results (Think Sanford, and Trayvon).  There is also a global parallel of this phenomenon, as non-whites of other nations abandon their countries to "integrate" Europe and the United States.

My generation succeeded in building, against tremendous odds, functioning communities that produced the "model" first-blacks of today, like Condi and Oprah (both of whom have no children).  We also produced world-renown cultural musical, fashion, food, language, and political imprints on the overall culture of the United States.  The generations that followed us rapidly abandoned their communities striking out to take individual advantage of their gifts, while allowing the communities that produced those gifts to die, and black children to raise each other on the streets.  The white-Right could not be happier.  They have grown stronger in their racist ways while we become more "dysfunctional".  It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see where all of this is heading.

As white children become more "protected"; white males are "losing their minds" in record fashion, using their guns to act out their fantasies of such racist symbols as Batman and Superman (check out the history and evolution of these "Super-heroes").   Black youth, with access to "cheap" guns, are using those guns to murder each other for "sport"!   The entire culture of the United States "rots" as a result.

We know that white youth also copy anything that black youth "invent" socially or culturally.  It won't take long for this "knockout" phenomenon to spread to disadvantaged youth among whites and other non-whites.

The White-Right, while striving to keep these "deprivations" of non-whites on the rise, will have to recognize that "nobody wins", in the long run.  They have to abandon the racism of the Whigs and the Founding Master Class, or this nation is doomed.

Stay Vigilant!  We have too many "first-blacks" today, and not enough believers in real "community"! ; where families and children are safe and healthy; both physically and psychologically.

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

To WHOM (?) Do YOU "DEFER" ??

Your Answer is "Crucial" to Your FUTURE!
If you are a citizen of the United States of America, your answer should be NO ONE!; no person, no Race, no Religion, no Crowned Head, no Nationality, No "Color", No Political Party!  In this country the CITIZEN IS SOVEREIGN -- WE BOW TO NO ONE!
What do I mean when I use the term "defer"??  The Cambridge Dictionary definition is the definition I use  In common language, to whom do you "back down"?;  "suck-up"?;  "fear"?; "EMULATE"?; "WORSHIP"?; or believe to be "SUPERIOR or EXCEPTIONAL"?.  Check your mirrors before you answer, because, in this country too many of us "defer" on sight!  When you "defer" in this way, you disempower yourself, and, correspondingly, empower those entities or persons to whom you defer.  Do you choose "whites" over those of darker hue"?  Rich over Poor? Male over Female? A certain religion or sect over all others?
This question looms large as we approach the 2014 Election.  By effectively "Nullifying" the election of 2012, the Repoobs are confident that they will gain control of both the House and Senate in 2014; and thereby "shut-down" "destroy" or otherwise sully any progress President Obama and this Nation has made since their "Calamities" performed between 2000-2008.  Can you imagine the damage Boehner and McConnell can do if they link-up and run both houses of Congress?  This could become (I'm sure they and their backers are hoping) the 2nd Reconstruction the White-Right has been seeking since 1968!!
Why are they so confident?; after their string of failures since 2008?  Because the citizens of this nation fall asleep on guard duty during Off-Year Elections, and they DON'T VOTE!  Only the Old, Religious, Fanatic, or Agenda-Driven (often financial), vote in the Off-Year.  These elections are the "Achilles-Heel" of Democracies.  Minorities, especially, DO NOT VOTE in the Off-year!  The Young, are often "too busy" to vote.  Do so in 2014; and RUE THE RESULTS!!
Stay Vigilant!  Let Down Your Guard, and LOSE all your hard-fought gains.  No Change is Permanent in this country.  No Law is self-enforcing
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

BEWARE the "JACK-BOOT" (here)!!

Growing Strong and wearing Many MASKS 
At the time of my birth (1939) a major Democratic nation had completely "succumbed" to an incipient attack from within by forces seeking Dictatorship for purposes of taking over the world.
They did so in pursuit of instituting a Master Race for world domination.
Today, as they see overwhelming demographic forces foreshadowing their decline, the remnants of those people on the planet who have harbored and fed these sentiments since the end of World War II are busy undermining the Democracy of the United States of America; from within!
With the aid of Media powers that are orders of magnitude greater than those available to the 1930s bunch; today's forces have seized control of our images, our thought processes, and our ability to discern Right from Wrong.  You see it most vividly in the refusal of their adherents in the Federal Government to acknowledge the Will of the People, and to serve the Constitutional purposes of our Founding.  You saw the "Jack-Boot" in the Florida Courtroom (ask the "bullied" Juror). 
They wear many masks: "public safety", "religion", "party politics", and "law".  They've combined with our historic and eternal forces of repression in our nation, from the "Region of the Lash"; and are spreading rapidly their poison to states outside that region.  An attempt by them was defeated at the ballot box this week, here, when those "Jack-Boot" forces, wearing their mask of "religious zealotry" attempted to repress the rights of women to choose their own health measures.  Last week also presented our nation with "Jack-Boots", wearing the mask of "public safety", who fired live rounds at a lone Mother, driving on an isolated mountain road with her five children.

Check out Radley Balko's book: Rise of the Warrior Cop  You will see a picture of the "Safety Forces" defending the Republican National Convention in Tampa in 2012.  Is this what the Extreme Right plans to use to replace the image of "Bull Connor"??  Read the book, before you "knee-jerkedly" accept the drivel of the Right-Wing-Media.  Republican Governors are the "spearheads" of this phenomenon in many states.  Mayor Bloomberg was caught aiding and abetting this in New York City.  As he is replaced by a more fair-minded, and less racist Mayor, the Media has mounted a fear and smear campaign of his administration; before he enters office!

Stay Vigilant!  This war against White Supremacy will be long, GLOBAL, and ugly.  Don't allow your religious beliefs to be USED  for the purposes of these forces.  Do what we're doing here: hold your elected officials, from City Council, to Mayor, to County and State Legislators, to Governors, Representatives, Senators, and Judges ACCOUNTABLE!!  VOTE: NO REPUBLICANS IN 2014!
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Friday, November 22, 2013

JFK -- (50 Years "On")

My "Where were You"?  Update
Those of you who regularly read this blog know, by now, that I missed my only opportunity to vote for JFK in 1960, because he selected LBJ for his Vice Presidential running mate.  Fifty years after his assassination, I still think JFK would be alive today had he picked someone else.  As a 21-year-old, first time voter in 1960, I was very well aware of LBJ's track record with the "Segs" of the South; and learned, later, that he was extremely close to J.Edgar Hoover.  At that time, the FBI was full of Southern Segs, and openly anti-black.  Washington D.C. was racially segregated and dominated by politicians from below the Mason-Dixon Line.
On November 22, 1963, a Friday, I was at work in a physics research laboratory in the Washington, D.C. area.  The small group of researchers numbered less than 30, virtually all male (a lone female researcher), half Jewish; the other half mostly Catholic (few Protestants, a single black, a single woman).  We often had heated political arguments in the lunch room on Fridays, where we also held a mandatory,  Friday lecture on some topic related to advanced physics research.  As I remember, the Catholics on the staff were nervous about the fact that JFK was not well liked in the Congress and in the Nation.  Opposition to his leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis a year before, and his stance on Civil Rights made them anxious that there could be some anti-Catholic "blow-back".
When the announcement came of the assassination, we left, in shock, early for home.  The general atmosphere in the Washington, D.C. area was, because of the Missile Crisis the year before, highly tense and very fearful.  I remember the nation's response to be mixed between those who were openly cheering the event and those who could not contain their grief.  I remember a news report that Gerald Ford, a member of the Commission to investigate the assassination, provided J. Edgar Hoover private reports of each day's activities on the Commission.  Suspicions reigned, in about every direction.
The "9-11-2001" event cast a pall over the nation in a very different way than that of "11-22-63", in that the rage-mixed-with fear of this century, was deep grief (for some), mixed with glee and fear, then.   Both marked extremely dark chapters in our history, and a "turning" toward ever-darker events.
I probably won't live long enough to see it, but I believe this nation will work its way out of the darkness that has shrouded the past fifty years; when it comes to see clearly and understand the connections between what is happening now and what happened then.
Stay Vigilant!  VOTE in 2014, as if the election were a Presidential Election!!  Do that for
                               "your Country"!!
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Check Out the VIDEO!
The Hon.SUSANA MARTINEZ, Governor of  the state of NEW MEXICO:
As I went to bed last night, I caught Lawrence O'Donnell's  Last Word show on television. He showed the nation, and the world, footage of New Mexico's "finest"; brutalising' and firing live rounds, at an un-armed black woman and her five children; near Taos.  This footage is every-bit as damaging to the image of New Mexico as the Rodney King tapes were to the City of Los Angeles.  The woman, and her 14-year-old son were arrested on minor, trumped-up, charges.
As a long-time citizen and supporter of New Mexico, and your recent Economic Development efforts, I am as sickened and enraged as anyone who sees this video could be!  I demand that you personally take charge of, and thoroughly investigate  this event;  making sure that No One in the line, or other position of responsibility escapes full, public, and aggressive punishment!
I am  a retired, service disabled, veteran who served this nation, in the state of New Mexico, for several decades.  I have worked with many dedicated New Mexico citizens in support of issues vital to the state since my arrival in 1967.  I am a long-term supporter of New Mexico TOWN HALL, and have recommended that process to officials in other states. 
This incident flies in the face of everything hundreds of dedicated citizens of this state have worked arduously to create and improve.  When I arrived in 1967, then Governor Cargo, was engaged in anti-Tijerina  I'm sure you don't want to return this state to those days of cross-cultural tensions.  We need for you to reassure the citizens of our state, the nation, and all those around the world who saw, or will see this video that this does NOT represent our beautiful, fair-minded Land of Enchantment.  We don't need this kind of Tea Party Poison, here, that is seeping into other states in our nation. 
On this day of celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, this is your opportunity to insure that we continue to work toward "A More-Prefect UNION". 
We Must Stay Vigilant!
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Monday, November 18, 2013


Where are those Men in "White" Hats, Today?
In case you missed it, The SCIENCE Channel aired The Challenger Disaster last week; starring William Hurt in the role played by William Hurt on the Panel to investigate the NASA Challenger Disaster of January, 1986.
In the Fall of 1985, in a Seminar led by Peter Drucker, he commented following a presentation by a fellow student who worked for Morton-Thiokol, that NASA was skating on "thin ice" by stretching 1960's technology far beyond its limits.  He warned that some "disaster" was in the wings.  We didn't dream it would appear that following January.
Maybe it was the collective experience of the Great Depression that produced such men as Richard Feynman; a uniquely brilliant teacher of the principles of Physics, and an extremely caring human being.  Maybe it was the outcome of the Cold War that produced the type of scum we find throughout government today?  As the film clearly shows the scum in government existed during the time of the Disaster.  Nobody seemed to learn how to correct the behavior of NASA, it seems, because Disaster struck, under similarly questionable circumstances in 2003.  The Nation was "shocked" in 1986;  they simply "shrugged" in 2003.  All sense of caring for the lives of Astronauts seemed to have been swallowed up in larger disasters; like "9/11".
Are there no persons, like Richard Feynman left, who will doggedly pursue and expose truth, at risk of his own life and reputation?  It certainly seems that way.  During my early years as an Officer in the United States Air Force, people with character, like Feynman, were relatively common at many levels within government.
Stay Vigilant!  We can be that kind of Nation again  -- if we want it badly enough!
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Sunday, November 17, 2013


WHERE is the "CAVALRY" ??
At this point in their 2nd Term, past U.S. Presidents (those who won a 2nd Term; all of whom were white and male) usually entered a kind of "Doldrums" in which, as a Lame Duck, they had to struggle with Congress to "complete" their "Agendas" and to "preserve" their "Legacies".  Reminiscent of Slick Willy's 2nd term, the Hyenas in the House (Republicans) are set in earnest to find some grounds for "Impeachment" of the President.  Also reminiscent, Netanyahu is sticking his nose into our domestic politics; as if the Congress of the United States is his "plaything".  He also enjoys a special "relationship" with our Zealot (nut-job) Right-Wing Politicians and their followers.  Its awfully hard to shoo some "flies" away!
"Queen Ann"  (almost) Romney is back in the News   A clip I saw for and up-coming CNN interview with Piers Morgan shows her shedding "crocodile tears" and faux "concern" (or glee?) that President Obama's entire legacy may be: "at jeopardy". 
Against the background of FDR's Presidency, Barry's "run", so far, portends a glorious place in the history of this nation.  No other President (any color, any gender) could have achieved what he has ALREADY against the dedicated opposition and sabotage of the scurrilous creatures he's had to face.
But, "where is the Cavalry"??  The sad truth is that there isn't one for the first Black President of the United States.  The history of the Presidents for the United States clearly shows that they each had their "gang" of "backers".  The uniquely horrific performance of the "trash" that conspired to grab power in this country in 2000, presented us with a situation in which no "white male" really wanted to take on the task of cleaning up and restoring our economy, our honor, and our country.  They lacked the BALLS, and there was nothing in it for any of our many white FACTIONS.
Everybody (including Slick Willy) is busy preparing for our next chapter in which we switch back to White, and change Gender!
Stay Vigilant!  As we move forward from here, our Citizenry (white, non-white, male, non-male) should seriously contemplate the history  of the German Democracy in the early 1930's!!
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

NERO "fiddled"..., OBAMA "fumbles" ...

... "HYENAS "Gather"??
Nero "fiddled" as Rome fell; the story goes.  He didn't do that, however, in the middle of the Coliseum; while the "Pundits" of that day sat around 'opining' -- pretending it was not also THEIR Empire that was in peril!

What's Up? with OUR "venerated Talking Heads"??  There is a curious kind of "detachment" from President Obama, as they (almost-all white -- total political spectrum) drone on about the "failings or short-comings" of the first Black President.  Perhaps they're convinced (or hoping) that this will be our LAST President-Of-Color??

Mitt is back in the news, spreading his "sour-grapes crap"; and so is Cheney.  They're both seeking to rub some of their sh*t off onto Obama.  They think the current problems with Obamacare will provide them the opportunity.  One wack-job-pundit is even comparing Obama's Health Care controversies with "Katrina" and Cheney/Bush!  Do we need any better proof that we've descended into the Cuckoo's Nest?

Of course, poor whites fell for,(and continued to vote for) Reagan, Daddy-Bush,  Slick Willy, and Cheney/Bush, while those Off-shored everybody's Jobs.  The Republicans are hoping they can turn this same voting block against Obamacre;  and, thereby get away with providing NO HEALTH CARE relief at all!

 Who are some of the other Hyenas?  The "Industries" (Medical, Pharmaceutical, Hospitals, and Insurance) and their respective Lobbyists and funders.  Then there are the paid "operatives" who do their bidding within the Congress.  Tons of Money to be had by all!  Spineless Democrats can be found among their number!

As we approach the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of our first (and only) Catholic President; (The First Lady refused to change her blood-splattered pink suit) -- ("I want them to see what they have done", she reportedly said); it appears the Republicans will stop at nothing to destroy the accomplishments of the first Black President; and to destroy his reputation in the process!

Stay Vigilant!  What's in all of this for You??

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Friday, November 15, 2013


"ABOVE" the Lower-48??
My visits to Canada have sometimes permitted discussion that compares "racism" in Canada to the "lower-48".  The Canadians have some interesting insights on the differences between the whites that emigrated from Europe to Canada and those who emigrated from Europe to what became the "States".   They differ  particularly in their views of the way each country "treated" their "First Nation" peoples (we were taught to call them "Indians").  The Canadians I met felt that they did not have the troubles we have because they didn't deal in "Treaties" with their First Nation Peoples; most of our treaties were abrogated with egregious and lasting effects.  It was their  Canadian "whites" that they were particularly proud of, though; because they felt Canadian whites were a 'cut above' those in the "Lower-48".
I would love to replay those conversations in the wake of  Mayor Ford of Toronto  I'm sure our Tea Party members would compare quite "favorably" with the images we see of the Toronto Mayor.  Have we somehow "passed the trash" to theNorth?  Or; were they simply WRONG; and H.L.Mencken  was RIGHT; in his observation that it was not Europe's "best" that emigrated to the Americas.
"Pass the Trash" is one of my favorite poker games.  I'm sure the U.S can "see" Canada "once", and "raise" them "twice" when it comes to matters such as these.  The GOP has a particular fondness for white males of the sort that the Toronto Mayor presents.  They even complain of not being able to "find enough" of them!  If only we could "profit" by shipping some of our Tea Party Nuts to the NORTH?  We might make a serious dent in our national debt!
Stay Vigilant!  The more "exceptional" we think the U.S. is; the more we find that we're WRONG!
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Thursday, November 14, 2013


It Didn"t START Here; It Won't END Here !!
For those of any age, color, or socio-economic status, who think the United States will "cure" or "overcome" racism; they must come to see that their delusions aid in the persistence of this ancient evil.  Baron-Charles Louis de Montesquieu, in his Spirit of Laws, made it clear in 1748 how racism, economics, and religion "work together" to build the wealth and grandeur of Europe. 
Because  "Education" in the United States if more about "Pedigree" and "Status" than "understanding" the world in which we live and provide for ourselves and our families; we suffer, generation after generation, with the scourge of color racism.  Our questionable approach to "education" has also produced such miscreants on the non-white side of the Color Line as Booker T. Washington, (in or past) and Clarence Thomas, (today).  Understanding provides working knowledge:  the knowledge used to improve one's own life first!   Working knowledge is life-long, and grows over one's lifetime.  If what you're doing doesn't improve your life over time, stop doing it! 
The stupid kids I watch on television who think we've somehow entered into a "post-racial" world, are not only sadly mistaken -- they perpetuate the scourge, by preserving it for the next generations!  Racism cannot be "ignored" away
Sarah Palin is taking on "Pope-Too" for being "liberal"  We should all know to "consider the source" of such a belief; but think deeper:  Do we really believe that things would be better racially if we simply change the gender of our political leaders?  Palin is no Thatcher, but they both share the "race thing" it appears.  But, I digress?  Ask yourself, "what did the "Nazi-Pope" do to better race relations?
Let's all get serious about the scourge.  It comes back in slightly altered form, generation after generation, while we pretend we're making "Progress".  People of color, the world over, have a lot at stake in seriously tackling this scourge at its root.  Race is more dangerous than nuclear weapons!
Stay Vigilant!  See the GOP for what they truly represent in their shenanigans against ObamaCare, "Stand Your Ground", voter suppression, and whatever their next gimmick turns out to be.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Post 2012 Politics
Every day seems to reveal more of what our new "politics" will be in this country; Post-Obama; and Post-2012.  There seems to be little doubt that MEDIA will shape, and then "report" whatever our new "politics" becomes.  INTERESTS: racial, cultural, tribal, religious, regional, economic, ... the list is long ... seem to replace the role of Political Parties.  Each seems to harbor the threat of  some new DIVIDE (cities versus rural towns, for example).  The DEVIDES appear to be hyper-splitting and multiplying rapidly under the influence of various INTERESTS.  What is evolving is a highly complex national fabric that is coalescing into something that resembles a three-way split, that pits CORPORATE INTERESTS vs. THE "PEOPLE" vs. the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
All of this is wreaking havoc with our historical governmental structures; from local to federal levels.  INTERESTS have the money and political clout to direct members of LELGISLATURES to invade the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of government at all  levels; "tweaking", in the most minute ways, the functions of legal,  Administrative, Judicial, and Legislative outcomes.  The current OBAMACARE MORASS is a case in point in which the INTERESTS buy off the LEGISLATURES, THAT hold the powers of the "Purse" and "Oversight" of Executive Agencies; creating current debacle that has us all pulling our hair out.  Like Banshees, the MEDIA keeps turning the screws and "amping up" the levels of confusion -- all for tremendous monetary gain.
Stay Vigilant:  "Insurance" is really a promise to pay; and "Politics" is a promise to perform; on a PROMISE!   Are you "getting" it??  We should just try to stay "healthy"; and pray for "sanity".
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Sunday, November 10, 2013

CBS: "Can't Be Sure"?? (anymore)

Oh, How Far We've Strayed"
I'll say again: "Where is Walter Cronkite?; when we need him so desperately?"  On this morning's Reliable Sources,, (we can hope) on CNN, the Behghazi "flap" reared its ugly head again (see earlier blogs).  It appears that CBS' Sixty Minutes was "duped", and, therefore "made a mistake" when they reported as fact, information that was not true.  Isn't it funny, when the MEDIA only "makes mistakes", while a perfectly understandable variance in interpretation of a statement by the first Black President is widely reported as "A LIE"?????
This isn't just some routine subject.  A Presidential Candidate in the 2012 election staked a great deal on this "story"; first by "breaking it" early in the campaign, and then again during, what was perhaps, the most dramatic moment in the Presidential Debates of 2012.  Other high visibility "politicians" have their "tender parts" caught in a "door-jamb" also.  Maybe the Pols will get away, yet again, by "kissing this up" to the stupidity of the average MEDIA "consumer".
Shall we review the "bidding"?  The LIE, in today's media can be any perceived variance in anyone's perception of TRUTH.  Then there's a question of MONEY taken under questionable conditions (STEALING?).  Lastly, there's a matter of lives lost (KILLING?).  That old triad seems to "pop up" repeatedly and inescapably.  Our MEDIA celebrities, drawn by the gravity of the FOX model, seem to get "tripped up" constantly.  Somehow, I don't feel sorry for them.  We all should feel sorry for US; that we're subjected to this very dangerous CRAP!
I was going to write today about POPE-TOO, and his recent "moves" to shore up his "flock". (see earlier blogs).  I will return to him shortly.  The Real HELL we all face today is what the three Abrahamic Religions are subjecting us to as they war over possession of Nuclear Weapons.  Given this MEDIA, and the certainty of  annihilation of life on this planet as a result; the mixture of the two should keep us all up nights.
I've had to take a couple of weeks to recoup from health problems (It's HELL getting OLD!)  Hoperfully,  I still have time left to pursue my goals of waking up those who can be; thereby preserving a measure of freedom and sanity.
Stay Vigilant!  Siren Songs are still what they were of old.
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