Thursday, October 31, 2013

WHAT'S in YOUR "Policy" ??

R U 2 "Scared" to READ It??
Happy Halloween!  Courtesy of the likes of Cruz and Rubio, the Inquisitions of Old are returning in macabre forms.  This "Scare" from the Repoobs, the Tea Partiers, and the GOP, in their lock-step political dance, could be a blessing in disguise.  If you're like me, I admit that I don't read every bit of my insurance policies.  These in-human specters have haunted us since the early days of the Republican Primary campaigns of 2011-12.  We need to pay better attention to them. 
The Banks grabbed our attention when they crapped on our economy in mid-September of 2008.  No one realized that the Insurance Industry had also shape-shifted in that time-frame without our awareness.    We continued signing our insurance policies the same way we signed our mortgages: WITHOUT READING THEM.  Obamacre comes as a warning to us all that we had better start READING  the damn things.  Home, Auto, Life, Hang-Nails, all sorts of "swaps" and "risk" instruments; the list is limitless.   The common element:  large amounts of money.  Apparently enough to buy a complete political party.
Those Republicans in the House who voted, at the 11th hour, with Democrats to keep this country from defaulting on our debts HAVE DISAVOWED THEIR VOTES.  Their "owners" must be really scary guys.  Instead of standing up proudly for their act to save the nation, they are scurrying away like low-creatures can be expected to do.
I'm busy examining ALL of  policies, and changing those that need it.  How about you?
Stay Vigilant!  Even the most stupid can be "awakened".
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Is it 200?? or "50"?? (JOBS)

Twenty-Five Years; and Counting 
Twenty-Five years ago (well before Clinton, and NAFTA), Peter Drucker told his class:
   1.  That jobs would disappear as employers scoured the globe in search of "cheap" labor (and why).
   2.  That jobs would not re-appear until robots are widely used to replace people (and why).
   3.  The jobs of the future will be hi-tech,  and low-touch (and why)
   4.   No company in the "near future" would need more than 200 of the "right" employees
            (and why). 
   5.  Workers would have to take "responsibility" for their own careers, and benefits; (health care
           retirement, and savings) (and why).
   6.  Companies of the "future" could "operate" anywhere; with the "right" talent; access to air travel;  and state-of-the-art communications links. (and why).         
Over these ensuing decades, events have unfolded pretty much along the lines that Drucker specified.  If he knew, why didn't our politicians?  If they knew, why did they "perform" in office the way they have since the mid-1980s?   Why did they keep the people they "represent" in the dark? My Answer:  They had "other fish" to fry; there was nothing it for them; they might have to "lead".
After watching one of our major political parties deliberately shut-down our federal government , and also  deliberately threaten to default on our nation's debts; only the most naïve can still believe that members of the GOP mean to deliver on anything they promise.  They clearly have an agenda they are not willing to reveal. 

Ted Cruz's insinuations regarding our  future for this country, portray an end to the country the Founders envisioned, to be replaced by an oligarchic "mafia" that will use intimidation to rule.
What's with the "50"?? Before Reagan, we more or less operated under a national social contract; wherein a person's "career" spanned the years between their 20's through the age of 55.  At that time, many "plateaued" for 10 years until 65, when they were "dumped" onto the federal government under Social Security and Medicare (if they lived long enough).  Today, to prevent the bankruptcy of our federal economy by the cost of medical care for retiring Baby-Boomers; Obamacare offers better health care to all workers, regardless of age, or employment status.  In response, employers and insurance companies are changing their post-Reagan "rules" by curtailing their number of employees to less than 50.  By doing so, they can escape the reach of the new health care laws.
Stay Vigilant!  Do you smell the rat(s), YET??

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is PUTIN Playin' MURDOCH's Game to "Take Down" the U.S.?

Does Our Media Help Putin?
I was assigned to the NSA in the days when the KGB went up against President Kennedy, and the U.S. won!   (The Cuban Missile Crisis) (see earlier Blog).  The NSA of that day was a very different organization than the Post-9/11 organization we have today.  It was changed drastically under Cheney/Bush  If some Media "journalist" would carefully study the Washington Post news stories of that era (1960-1965), they might be able to recount the number of times the Russians were successful in "planting" their stooges there, and else-where, in our "intelligence" community.
Today, we can wonder whether and when Putin will "tire" of Snowden; and what will happen to him at that point.  Only a child would believe the story we're told (with little or no detail) about how Snowden "penetrated" the NSA.  Our dis-loyal political opposition should spend their time INVESTIGATING that!!; NOT health-care for our citizens!
Our childish and lazy "Media Darlin's" would not THINK of doing real journalism!  The nation suffers as a result.  The Murdoch Media; FOX  and Friends, are big fish, but I'm sure Putin and his apparatus are bigger fish who are better at the game of manipulating and "fooling"  gullible publics.
While our domestic "questionably-loyal political opposition" is busy using the Murdoch Media as a weapon to bludgeon President Obama over "Obamacare"; AND to shift the blame for activities of Cheney/Bush onto Obama; Putin is playing a wider, global game, of driving a wedge between the United States and its Allies.  Our Media has become a dangerous "mega-tool" for today's "players" it would appear.  Children (of any age) should be excluded from using this weapon.
Stay Vigilant!  Both our LEFT and our RIGHT should be ashamed of themselves.
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Sunday, October 27, 2013


Repoob "Composition" - 2013
A Poll reported this week shows the composition of the Republican Party, post-Shutdown, at roughly 1/3 Tea Party, 1/3 "Religious", and 1/3 "Moderate".  If this poll is an accurate indication of the current state of the GOP (we made need a large "grain of salt"), it is hard to see how the civil war within the Party will shake-out.  It is also hard to see how a credible candidate will emerge in 2016 for the next Presidential Election.  It is already clear that the Gerrymandering that took place during the Cheney/Bush Era, has given the Repoobs tremendous advantages in the Congressional Cycles (2014, next), they are at a large disadvantage in the Presidential Rounds.  Their wanton abuse of the parts of the electorate they deem "undesirable" or "to be "chastened", makes you wonder if they even PLAN to stand for election in the future.  There is serious rumblings among their number that ALL persons should face serious restrictions on their right to vote.  Most alarming, is a serious proposal to return to the practice of having the Senate of the United States APPOINTED by the Governors!
Assuming the 2016 candidate will spring somehow from that 1/3 of the Party they consider to be Moderate, only Jeb Bush comes to mind.  Governor Christy fits New Jersey, but its hard to see that style of politics appealing to the entire nation.  The Tea Party sprites are everywhere to be seen, however: Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Graham, are already out.  Santorum is getting some play from the "Religious" wing of the GOP.  These might be seen as the "horses" running early to keep the splits fed with their particular diets.
A February2013 report of Gallup Daily Tracking results showing the make-up of our two national parites by race is worth reviewing.  Although it was reported months ahead of the Tea Party's "Shutdown", the poll reveals the post-2012 drift away from the voting public, by race and ethnicity.  
It is clear that a new nation is emerging, post-Obama.  It is not yet clear whether either Party has a strategy to lead that new nation.
Stay Vigilant!  "A Republic", IF; we can keep it??
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Saturday, October 26, 2013


The "Prez" at P-Tech 
In my fifth Blog (C.C. Hubbard, written: 1-18-12); I explained how my generation was privileged to have so many brilliant role models of highly-educated, gifted and talented Coloreds, Blacks, Afro-Americans, and Negros, to emulate.  They were all produced under a public education system that was segregated, woefully under-funded, and discriminated against in numerable ways.  That system was deliberately destroyed by White Supremacists in local governments who sought to insure that social and economic advantages enjoyed by white children would not be threatened. Marching under a newly-acquired banner of the Republican Party, and led by the likes of Tricky Dick Nixon, that party has, since the early 1970s become more and more open in their adoption of Ku Klux Klan tactics to "Backlash" against all evidence of "success" in racial integration (anti-Obama behavior, for example).  The devastation to our K-12 public schools (for children of all colors), that has occurred over the past several decades is obvious to all who would see it.
Today, (more than 480 blogs later), we've seen the re-election of the first black President, who, yesterday, spoke at an innovative K-12 Charter School in Brooklyn, a Borough of New York City.  President Obama cited P-Tech as a model for solving many of the nation's problems associated with educating K-12 minority children.  The "product" of P-Tech is a 2-yr Associate Degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) for children who are not fortunate enough to be born to parents who can provide 4-yr college educations.  The education provided would be of high-enough quality to provide graduates "guaranteed" jobs from the nation's leading manufacturers; and would be FREE!
Sounds miraculous!  All of this for poor, non-white (especially included are black kids) children?
This will surely piss-off the White Supremacists who have fought bitterly for decades to ensure that all white children would keep their prior advantages for access to quality education and to jobs.  Over the intervening decades, the quality of education, and jobs, have both disappeared (for poor and middle class children of all colors); in spite of the best efforts of the Klan-driven Republicans.  Their frustration has grown to a point where they just-barely missed pushing our nation to Debt Default for the first time in its history.  They have clearly demonstrated the ability and the willingness to destroy this country to get their way (which is to put the non-whites back into their historic "place" in our socio-economics).  They have effectively "nullified" the results of the 2012 election.
Impoverished and segregated African-Americans thrived in my youth because we were able to use "community" to overcome the destructive effects of poverty.  The community realized that successfully educated children resulted from three "legs": home, community, and classroom teaching.  The bond between all three was unshakeable.
Ronnie Reagan gained his popularity among whites in this country by removing all vestiges of "community" from all aspects of business and government throughout our nation. 
Today there are efforts among Hispanics in California, and, it appears, at P-Tech, to restore at least those family ties that were broken so deliberately so many years ago.
Stay Vigilant!  If this nation is to survive, White Supremacy must be defeated in 2014!
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Friday, October 25, 2013

"OBAMACARE" a Halloween MASK ??

What's "HIDDEN"??
The "apoplexy" displayed in the Murdoch Media in their campaign to kill "Obamacare" is masking something that is very large.  Evidence of the hidden "thing" stems from our inability to "believe" any "reason" they give us to support their words and actions.  There are hundreds of millions of dollars available for those of questionable "Morals" who flock to flak for the hard-Right Media. 
What is "masked" is the fact that "death" for "undesirables" is a long-lasting belief and practice of Europeans. It extends all the way back to the time when a dying Rome  subsumed Christianity and fashioned a new European "God" for export (at the tip of a sword) to the world.  Viewed through the lens of this  history, that includes "mass extermination", "death under the lash", "euthanasia", "abduction of  non-white children", the German "final solution", and shapes our modern version of  "assimilation"; the unrelenting drive to rid society of its "un-wanted" is what lies beneath the mask of those who attack "Obamacare".  Medical care for those viewed as  "undesirable" drives the white Right "Bananas"!  It explains why 26 Republican Governors cheerfully "dump" their undesirables onto the back of the federal government and taxpayers.
Today, the list of "undesirables" extends to poor and disabled whites.  Because of Cheney/Bush-era spending, there is no longer enough money to include poor whites in the "middle class".. That Reagan-era promise has to be broken.  After depriving the "undesirables" of health care, the white-Right will move to destroy Social Security, Workmen's Compensation, and Medicare.
Using the methods perfected by Atwater and Rove, The Right Propaganda Mill is enlisting the support of poor whites to destroy their health care.  The Right succeeded in their campaign to destroy labor unions, and to export jobs, and they expect similar success for this campaign.
Stay Vigilant! Boo!, the poor and non-white lose, yet again??
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Thursday, October 24, 2013


Where Do YOU "Fit"??
In the United States, we view our politicians as our "Leaders" (oxymoron:  example, Ted Cruz).
In the United States, we look to our government for goods and services at "bargain" prices, or for free (considered "smart" when the rich do it; considered "immoral" when the non-rich participate).
In the United States we expect the rich to pay less, or nothing at all for the things they acquire (moronic).  In the United States, we expect that those who can afford lobbyists will  "get away" with cheating the taxpayers and taking more from government than they pay for (moronic and stupid).
In a country like ours, that was designed to pit the very wealthy, religious WASPs, against everyone else; we have, over time, expanded our "divisions" to include non-WASPs, non-whites, economic classes; and, today, urban dwellers, rural dwellers, and  wealthy political "donors". (Pathetic!) 
In the beginning, there was such a thing as DISCIPLINE, in our personal behaviors, in our communities, between and within races, between and within classes, within families, and in social thought.  DISCIPLINE became a dirty word in all manner of relationships; it quickly disappeared as the Baby Boom materialized and grew like a cancer within our society.  It was our amazing DISCIPLINE as a society that brought us victory in World War II.  We promptly discarded it immediately after the War ended.
Today, that spoiled, undisciplined Baby Boom horde is entering Social Security at the rate of 10,000 per day.  They have saved virtually nothing (undisciplined); they've raised children who have no moral compass, and who "scare Hell" out of their parents.  The "gang mentality" that characterized our European ethnic immigrants can now be found in our politics, in our police forces, and within our military forces.
I'm not advocating that we return to beating Hell out of our kids; but common sense demands that we "draw lines" somewhere; or the entire nation will devolve into "gun-crazed" chaos.
Stay Vigilant!  A little bit of discipline here; a little bit of discipline there; could work wonders!
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013


We Don't ACT like we KNOW that !!
Republicans in our Congress are busily throwing sand into the gears of our Government; while Ted Cruz pauses to take a "victory lap" among his foaming and drooling backers in Texas.  Over the weekend, former Secretary of State and former Secretary of Treasury, James Baker, told Fareed Zacharia  that Cruz worked for him in 2000!  
That could explain a lot of things that happened in the 2000 election, (Bush v. Gore); and many other events  we have suffered through, as a nation, since that time.  Important people were "thrown under the bus" along the way, including the first female member of our Supreme Court.
 In response to a flap brewing over Congressman Grayson's comparison of the Tea Party to the KKK,,0,1030288., another Congressman interviewed on T.V. this morning said that there are three things that are not discussed in our Congress: Nazis, Slavery, and the KKK.  If true, then Congress provides "cover" for the politics of those who trade in these beliefs; and, who exist in our society today.  They have coalesced into some of the most vicious right-wing politics this nation has seen in almost a century.  The Tea Party certainly is a FACTION that contains traces of these subjects, and threatens the viability of our Government.

Suppose, for a moment, that you hired a team of people to run your business; to find and fix problems so that the business could run smoothly and efficiently.  What, then, would you do if you found that they intended just the opposite; to make sure your business did not run efficiently, or, run at all.  Instead, they looked for ways to profit from any inefficiency, while not "fixing" anything!  Suppose also, that you couldn't get rid of them because they were protected by a large "union" that was firmly installed as a pillar of our Governent.  Does this explain the Republican Party and their relationship to the Tea Party?
Speaking of government inefficiency; I was given a tour of the "control room" of NASA's JPL in the early 1990s, to witness their process for receiving data from their explorer satellites.  I was appalled at the "mish-mash" of computing equipment they were using.  It turns out that the "government" is really thousands of "bureaucrats", all of whom have their pet habits and likes and dislikes.  They grow in layers over decades.  Because we don't want "thieves" in our government, we make it very difficult for the "best and brightest" to serve in government and/or to sell their goods and services to our government.  We all know this; but we act like we DON'T KNOW this!  Shame on Us!!  Don't fall for the crap in the Media, sponsored by the opponents to Obamacare.  Stay Vigilant!
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"TEA" brewed with HATRED

WHO are the "Hated" ??
Whatever you might think about the Tea Party, only the most blind can fail to see that "hatred runs through it".  Who and what is "hated" by a member of that "Party" may vary, but "hate" is the common thread.  Ted Cruz, who has managed to "paste" himself in the lead of the Party, reminds me of David Duke  Forerunner to the likes of Cruz, Limbaugh, Rove, and similar practitioners of the art of racial, religious, and class hatreds; Duke was the kind of guy that "you could dress up, but you couldn't let him out among a decent citizenry".  He wasn't ready for prime time.  Karl Rove and Lee Atwater have prepared the social fabric for Duke's successors: Cruz, Graham, Rubio, Rand Paul, and other less known contenders.
Who and what are the targets of these hatreds?  President Obama heads the list, quickly followed by his family, his political party, his ability to win elections, persons of color, persons who have the intelligence to resist their messages, the rich, the poor, non-Christians, foreigners, females, the sick, "moderates", Conservatives with an IQ above 50, and "compromise".  I'm sure, with a little thought, you can add items to this list.
Because of the immense amounts of money available to feed this growing cesspool of hatred, the MEDIA is being lured more and more into the orbit of those fellow members who clearly are "propagandists".  We run the risk of falling into a trap like the public of  "Remember The Maine" and "Yellow Journalism" of the 1890s.  I feel sorry for those youngsters who weren't alive to experience the journalism of Edward R. Murrow, Eric Sevareid,  and Walter Cronkite.  This younger generation of talking heads in our Media  are hungrier, meaner, more cynical, less well-informed, lazier, and less respectful of "Fact or Truth".  These failings of our contemporary media help to explain the "Cuckoo's Nest" nature of our social existence today.  I can foresee a new "industry" in which Media practitioners "Out" fellow members for taking money or favors from those who pay for this type of extremism, and "shading" their journalism in exchange.   We saw the dangers of "Yellow Journalism" during the recent "Shutdown and Default" caper foisted on this nation by the Tea Party.
Another scary future  might be a large-scale replay of Jim Jone's recent "Kool-Aid" debacle in a jungle in Latin America.  "Tea" or "Kool-Aid", the outcome could be the same.
Stay Vigilant!  Take a Deep Breath!  "Technology" is NOT God!
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Monday, October 21, 2013


Who "Cares"
Without skipping a beat, the Repoobs, and their Republican Hosts have "pivoted" from serious attempts to wreck the U.S. Economy, and the Global Economy, to a campaign to sabotage and undermine the roll-out of ObamaCare.
We know politicians are "agents" for others, so who are they "shilling" for?  Why is "healthcare" so important that strong elements of our nation are willing to go to extra-Constitutional lengths, risking the life of the Republican Party, to deny, weaken, or destroy it?
This subject has haunted my life since 1945, when my mother died a bloody, horrific death; bleeding-out during childbirth.  She and my baby brother lived for just moments after the ordeal ended.  It took years for me any my siblings to learn the details of what went on in that segregated, Hospital No. 2, on that Sunday; which started off as a bright, sun-filled autumn day, and ended in a terrific thunderstorm.  The black doctors, not knowing how to handle her situation, fled the scene, leaving teen-age nurse-assistants behind to tend to my mother and mop to up the blood.  No white doctor, by law and custom, could be called, or would lift a finger to help.
In 1960, I worked my way through college in San Francisco by living and working at the USPHS Hospital, also known as the US Marine Hospital.  I was harangued many times by doctors on the staff about the evils of "socialized medicine".  (By that time, I firmly believed that the AMA was the "American Murderers Association").  I met a Holocaust Survivor, a co-worker, who told me her life story.  I became interested in what happened in Germany and learned that medical doctors were key to the Nazi "final solution".
All of this was before Nixon got the bright idea to "monetize" health care by inserting insurance companies into the process of healthcare, and organizing hospitals "for profit".  Before Nixon, patients dealt directly with their doctors, and many doctors provided services in exchange for chickens or vegetables.  They also visited their patients in their homes. Except for that day in 1945 and once before in 1938, mother successfully delivered  seven children at home, attended by a black doctor.   Most hospitals were "not-for-profit", and owned by religious organizations.  During World War II, health care was delivered in the home by visiting Nurses.
This history can help explain the tremendous effort by factions within this nation to cripple, deny, and destroy "healthcare".  The cost to vested interests are staggering.  The costs to taxpayers are even greater.
Stay Vigilant!  We may all become software experts now; courtesy of the Repoobs?
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Sunday, October 20, 2013


Did Reagan "Get It Wrong" 
Reagan, known more for his cunning and "affability" than intellect; famously declared "Government is the Problem"!  He might better have said Governments Are The Problem!  With a little thought, we can learn, that the recent maneuver against the Federal Government President Obama was elected to lead in 2012, has collided with one or more of the shadow governments that have grown within our federal government since the end of World War  II.  President Eisenhower named the first one: The Military-Industrial Complex  President Truman,  in 1973, called the CIA a "government of its own".
Over the more  than five decades that have elapsed since,  Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Supreme Court, have each established large constituencies that act like "governments".  They are very large, autonomous, separately funded,  have competing agendas, and cannot be managed.  No Chief Executive of the federal government, or federal court system, or the separate Cabinet Agencies can "corral" these competing "governments";  because they each have their separate access to funding through connections within Congress and/or through special treatment within our Tax Code.  These several "governments" have formed a multi-headed hydra, like the one in Ancient Mythology.  This monster is real, however. HUD, Agriculture, Big Oil, Finance Industries; they all compete against "the people" for "services" of the Federal Government.  The Repoobs call this Federal Spending, but, will do nothing to get this spending under control!  Ted Cruz is using this as a tool to demolish the Federal Government  (after he gets elected to "lead" it!).   
The central link to all of it is Congress.  The House of Representatives, is the source of their money.  The battles we see raging is really over who gets the money.  Race, class, greed, class hatred; are all tools our Media use to keep us uninformed and misled.  We're living in this insanity as a result.
Each Administration, starting with Eisenhower, has seen some department of the federal government break loose and become its own "government".  President Kennedy complained bitterly that he lacked the power to get "Langley" to change its road sign.
The phenomenon has spread to the various state governments, and progressed to a point where many have effectively "seceded" from our federal system.  Obamacare is a case in point.  Twenty-six states have seized on the law's "opt-out" provision; betting they could "break" the law in the process.  Texas, always a secession-leaning "lone star", is blaring a siren song to those young, white, Millenials, who can't make it in the stronger economies of California, Washington, New York, and other wealthier states; to come to Texas and learn how to live large while living poor; off the backs of their "cheap labor".  
Stay Vigilant!  Keep this in mind while you watch the maneuvers of the next 90 days.
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Saturday, October 19, 2013


A Turn Toward Our Racial Future?? 
In a unique and historic election, Cory Booker was elected a few days ago to the Senate of the United States, from the State of New Jersey.  In the 65 years that I have been politically aware, I can remember only Edward Brooke, a black Republican Senator, and Adam Clayton Powell, a black Democrat Representative.  Both were from the New England region of our nation. 
When I reached voting age, young whites were protesting the Draft, in ever-increasing numbers, and black youth were in the streets protesting racial discrimination in it many manifestations.  Powell, who rose to a powerful position as Committee Chairman, was driven out of office by fellow Democrats; led by LBJ.  Ed Brooke, silently left the Senate.  Carole Moseley Braun, in 1993, was next to be both black and a U.S. Senator.
During the 60s, four assassinations of political leaders, both black and white, by agents of the Hard Right, brought about a strategy of encouraging the election of blacks as Mayors of major U.S. cities.  The strategy was designed to quell the rioting by black citizens that followed the assassinations.  White citizens did not respond in any similar way (hardly at all) to the assassinations.
Immersed in McCarthy-era politics, confused by our role in the Vietnam War; whites seemed to not care much, and quietly accepted the official explanations for the deaths.  The government's mask slipped somewhat in their explanations for the assassination of Martin Luther King.
Cory Booker adds some interesting history to that of black Senators elected since the end of the Civil War.  Like the large majority of Blacks, African-American, Hispanics (etc.), Booker exhibits the mestizo mixture (black, white, Native) in his ancestral heritage; increasing rapidly in the United States.
His election comes during a period of time when the Extreme, White, Right-Wing is engaged in a death struggle against our Constitution and the total Economic Life of the United States.  Having failed successively in getting their hands on power at the Federal level; through Supreme Court rulings, National Elections, and "Regular Order" in Congress; they took a run at ending both the government and the economy.  They failed, narrowly, because the few white women in Congress came together to stop their attack.  They have arranged to renew thier attack after they "rest-up" for 90 days.  The Tea Party is their tool for achieving dictatorial domination of the nation.
Two things became clear in this most-recent attack from the Extreme Right:  It is racial; driven by white males; and they are antithetical to the survival of the Constitution of the United States.  We face a dedicated enemy "from within".
Stay Vigilant!  Normal, Electoral voting is weakened by Media propaganda; it may fail to protect us.
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Friday, October 18, 2013

NATION in a "DITCH" ??

Can We "get out" ??
Everyone recognized the tremendous "ditch" the Cheney/Bush gang dug for our economy, for this nation, and for the global economy; and the 2008 Meltdown they left us with.  Lo and behold, while struggling to get out of that one, the first black President discovered there is another, older, "ditch" within. This other ditch is one his upbringing did not prepare him for.
My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the whites who controlled our Segregationist and Jim Crow daily existence, had decided long before that they were willing to keep non-whites "in a ditch", socially, economically, spiritually, and legally; even if it meant they would have to inhabit the ditch to keep them there.
When the whites arrived on these shores in the 1600s, their first task was to deal with the huge number of Native Peoples who were here.  Also, immediately (arriving one year before the Mayflower), there were black slaves to contend with in the original Colonies.
The Southern Colonies (receiving slavery and plantation lifestyles from the Spanish and Portuguese parts of the Americas) clung to that life; while the Northern Colonies abolished slavery, preferring to grow rich financing and insuring the slave trade.  The Southern Masters, who imported the dregs of Europe to "manage and oversee" their slaves, had idle time on their hands, to make Revolution and to dominate the government of what ultimately became The United States of America. 
Fast-forward to 2013, we find that, following a Civil War, the slave system was replaced with an economically more efficient Jim Crow system, targeted against former slaves and other non-whites.  An extermination campaign, and other forms of genocide were enacted against Native Americans in the 1830s.  The Overseer "dregs" (Catholic, poor, lower-class), seized the reigns of government formerly held by the Master class; all of whom were WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants).  Today they are represented by the Tea Party.
Following the Civil War, our public school system was put in place to coalesce diverse white ethnics into a single white tribe.  After 1954, when the system began to crack under a Supreme Court Desegregation ruling, the Republican Party reversed their founding principles on Race, and embraced the Southern dregs as their "base".  To make things even worse, they rigged our laws to give carte blanche immigration status to refugees from dictatorial regimes in former Spanish parts of the Americas.  These people form the base of the Tea Party insurgency today.  There you have it! -- Ditches within ditches.
Stay Vigilant!  K-12 education cannot turn today's children "white".  The system "dumbs-down"!
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New (2023) "COLOR LINE" ??

How Many "Drops" ?
Yo-Yo-Ma, and members of his Silk Road Ensemble were guests of the Charlie Rose show last night.
Among those in the Ensemble, it was obvious that Yo-Yo was the only one with skin dark enough to not "bleach" under television lighting.  Assembled with a noble cause to use the Arts to break down barriers between East and West culture; the Ensemble may be perpetuating one of the oldest "sins" of the Arts -- skin color discrimination against "darker" artists and their talents.  The Art and those artists who derive from "darker" peoples must, also, be allowed out of the shadows before those artists die!
From the Jim-Crow-era definition of "one drop" in the Supreme Court Plessey  decision, to the  "brown bag" color line adopted by black college students in the early 20th Century, a first glance continues to speak volumes today; whether in the Arts, Politics, Education, Employment .. the list is long.  Its importance drives the Tea Party and their backers in their never-ending attacks upon the first black President of the United States.  Media stars who may not support the Tea Party, exhibit a type of ambivalence, or denial, toward their racial messages.
Historically, the closing of the Silk Road caused the launch of Columbus and his ships to the Americas, and the establishment of skin color racism on this side of our planet.  The failure to acknowledge this scourge could doom Yo-Yo's  project .  The Ensemble intersects with "Education" in this country; continuing the ugly history of the Arts in racially tainting the perceptions of young children. 
Our nation wastes billions of dollars, insisting that color doesn't matter in the education of children in 2013.  Children are continuing to be "taught" by people who do not identify with them racially, culturally, economically, or politically.  Impacted by these practices in our "integrated" classrooms, all children in K-12  exhibit steadily-declining learning performance.  Our "educators" have perverted Ralph Ellison.  He did not advocate "invisibility" nor "color-blindness; he knew the problem lies deep in the psyche of all persons on our planet.   Its roots extend back 3500 years to Zoroastrianism. 
Those whites who are disturbed by their declining numbers  in the world; as demographic trends march forward, may be heartened by Yo-Yo's project, however; he may have  found a large group of "new whites"?  
Stay Vigilant!  Skin Color Racism, and the religions that spawn and perpetuate it, must be confronted.
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Thursday, October 17, 2013


Connecting the DOTS!!
Very large "dots" were placed before us in the "Shutdown" and "Default Threat".  The most obvious took place in front of the White House a few days ago.  Scrape aside all of the obfuscating rhetoric from the Repoob Right, and you will see :
            1.  War Debt; and resulting, severe, economic consequences to all citizens.
            2.  Media propaganda controlled by demagogues.
            3.  Refusal of the wealthy to pay any part of the debt.
            4.  Shift of payment; from the wealthy onto common citizens. 
            5.  Demagogues arising, using the media to spread confusion, inflict economic pain,
                  and identify scapegoats.
            6. Subterfuges: like the "Obamacare Law", used to mask their intent to overthrow the
We have been ignoring this set of events for the past several years!  If we continue to ignore these, the United States will travel the road travelled by Nazi Germany in the 1930s.  The parallels are stark, and should be obvious to anyone with an I.Q. above 50, and the will and courage to take a stand against it.  Politicians and Think Tanks in Washington, D.C. are betting against the ability of our citizenry to effectively counter their attack.  The battleground will be the United States Congress.
Their scapegoat of the moment is the President of the United States.  They can use his color, and project upon him the Religion that we've all been conditioned to fear.  Secondary scapegoats are those "immigrants" who are not white. 
We have to end the tendency of all Media to ignore the blatant racism that is rising in the nation, on the streets; in the workplace; in hiring, firing, promotion, and layoff. One part of the Media is clearly using race to fuel their political diatribes.
The Republican Party, the G.O.P., has become a perfect "embryo" to harbor this monstrous attack on both our domestic economy and the global economy.  The main question for our citizenry is whether the Party has to be destroyed to eliminate the existential threat to our nation posed by the demagogues who are parasitically embedded within it.  It is not clear that this can be accomplished.  Both sides are NOT to BLAME!  We need to dismiss "blame" and focus on the "Threat"!!
Those citizens (of all colors) who think they can continue to "hopscotch" back and forth across the "color line" in 2013, are playing extremely dangerous games with their children's future.
Stay Vigilant!  Stand up to the Enemy Within??  Its time for White Supremacy to GO!  Its Too Expensive!!
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


McCain & Cruz hold the KEYS ??
We got to see who the Repoobs are talking about, when they say "Americans", or, "The People".
The people we all saw in confrontations with police in front of the White House, form the "base" for the votes that brought us Ronald Reagan, and all of the white and male Presidents who followed him.  This all started with prominent Heritage Foundations operatives in the late 1970's.  I was told by someone "in the know", in 1979, that Heritage was searching for an "affable dummy" to become President of the United States.  We got Reagan, and his political strategist, Lee Atwater, and this "base" was built.  This "base" brought us Reagan, Daddy Bush, Slick Willy, and "W".  Hopefully, this "base" will continue to shrink.
An organization knows as Heritage Action  figured prominently in yesterday's activities in the "Default" saga we're all suffering from.  Senator Cruz, at this eleventh hour, states that he will not question "the timing" of today's proposal for getting our government and Congress back in business.  Is Cruz waiting for a "better time" to continue his "Cruz-ade"?  Over the weekend, McCain warned: "what goes around, comes around".  Is he, too, waiting for a better "time"?
A new Esquire-NBC News survey seems to show that our nation is rapidly forming a new "political middle".  If the findings pan out, "time" is not on the side of the Repoobs; and, maybe not on the side of the Republicans.  
The question, for the moment, is whether this represents only a loss for "this round"; of a fight that will resume in January of 2014?  Speaking of time, its now more than 10 months after the election of 2012, and the "American People" recognized by the Repoobs, still don't "understand" what elections mean.  McCain seems to be looking for a path back toward the "Middle"; while Cruz is hoping to push further to the Right.  The other "pantywaists" on the Right (Rubio, Graham, Paul) may be seeing the end of their "political road".  We can only hope.
Stay Vigilant!  Where do you stand? : Righteous Right; Talk-Radio Head; Bleeding Heart; Gospel Left; Minivan Moderate; MBA Middle; Pick-Up Populist; Whatever Man ??
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Crème de menthe" ??

The "Flavor" of Our Despair??
Can we conclude that South Carolina has learned a thing or two since the "Firing on Fort Sumter"?
From 1861 to this date, the rage and determination to overthrow the government of the United States
has festered.  Since 2010 it has reappeared; running full-tilt in the run-up to the presidential election of 2012.  The cast of characters is long, and most of them appeared before all of us on television during the recent Primaries and the General Election.
After losing their battles in the Supreme Court and in the General Election, they have doubled-down, yet again, in what seems like a perpetual stream of fast-fading "reasons" for their actions, obfuscating their goal to destroy our federal government through tactics like "Shutdown" and "Default".
Last night, they kicked off the latest in their long list of "insanities" in a D.C. eatery named Tortilla Coast .  What occurred there was tantamount to a political "cuckolding" of the Speaker of the House.  Today, everyone was surprised to see a "second round" of this political act upon the Speaker of the House by Heritage Action and their leader.
Hanging in the balance of this chicanery is the future of the financial strength of our government, both domestically and abroad.  Ted Cruz is one of the two "agents" inflicting these insults upon the Speaker.  He is from Texas; his "handler" is from South Carolina.
Whether we actually "Default" at this stage in this sorry litany, or not, we are destined to face it yet again in January of 2014.  What a way to run the most powerful nation in the world on this date in 2013.  So Much For Tea Party PATRIOTS ??
Stay Vigilant!  Save your government?? The Tea Party wants it destroyed!
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Monday, October 14, 2013

This AIN'T Funny!!

"Greed vs. Hate"??
Our MEDIA (both, extreme Right, and Left) treat our "difficulties" in governing  in the United States as something to joke about.  The Late Night Talk Shows are thriving on the phenomenon.  At the risk that many readers might find this Blog humorless; I suggest: THIS AIN'T FUNNY!
It could be, because just about all of these shows, and our Media, in general, are dominated by a certain mind-set, characterized by a curious mix of deniability, invincibility, and an aversion to all things non-white; they are left with only humor as a tool with which to cope.  That humor is ringing more and more hollow as the 17th of October approaches.
The fact that Ted Cruz appeared in our Senate, and in less than a year dominated all the other Senators, AND virtually took over the House of Representatives; is due to the strength and depth of his financial backing; NOT  his "intellect".  The fact, also, that he and Sarah Palin were both driven to the streets yesterday; outside the White House; stirring up a mob spouting their visceral hatred of President Obama; tells me that their backers are unhappy, thus far, with the apparent failure of their campaign.  They are turning up the heat in all directions.
Could it be, that Palin is pushed into "street duty" because her "backers" are turning up the heat on her?
Could it be that she quit her job as Governor of Alaska to acquire these "backers"?  She pulls the strings for both Cruz and Rubio; both of whom have Batista Cubans in their lineage.  Could these "backers" be "foreign"?  Because of Citizens United, we could never know.  How far, and, in what direction does this web extend?
(Back to our childish, infantile, spoiled, white Media);  Bill Maher said on his show last Friday that we're witnessing a contest between Greed and Hate.  That's the closest I've heard any of them admit that visceral, race-driven, hatred of non-whites could be playing a role in what we're witnessing.  It's surprising how far the other, older, "talking heads" will go to bemoan the fact that our President doesn't "have the relationship" with Congress that past Presidents had in the last 17 Shut-downs.
Well; DUH!!, as my grand-children would say.
Let's pray GREED finds a way to break its old Reagan alliance with HATRED.
Stay Vigilant!  If you still want to "laugh" at this, view King Vidor's "Our Daily Bread",
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Sunday, October 13, 2013


The Road Ahead: "Syria"?: Or, "America"?? 
Citizens of this country should stop kidding themselves:  We are in the late stages of a long, "defining" war for a "New America".  It started, I think, with President Harry Truman, who dropped the "bomb" on Japan; but also "Integrated" the Military Services in 1948.  I wrote a Master's Thesis in Public Administration in 1972, which examined closely the status of that existential shift, and the historical roots of the underlying conflicts. The Warren Court "Integrated" the Public Schools six years later.  The Freedom Rides to "Integrate" Public Accommodations, began shortly thereafter.  I was commissioned as a military officer fourteen years after Truman's Executive Order.
Both, in the military and in our "civilian" lives, the battles were waged against Truman's action to integrate the military and the Court's action to integrate our social lives.  Jim Crow and Segregation Laws were in place in those days.  They defined the new face of "slavery" for black citizens (shifting from irons to economics).  Presidents since then, all white and male until 2008, have taken steps to shape the outcome of the social and economic upheaval that came in the wake of Truman's Order.
The Republican Party, in response to public resistance, turned their historic stance on this subject (racial oppression) on its head when Nixon lead it into the "land of cotton".  Earlier, Lyndon Johnson, as atonement for the assassination of President Kennedy, did an "about face" on his earlier political  stance and policies regarding Race, by taking the lead (with the silent support of J. Edgar Hoover and his "blackmail" files) to "integrate" our legal structure vis-à-vis Race.  Reagan came along, brought the Catholic Church into the fight, enlarged the battlefield, and kicked the war against persons of color into "high gear".
The Republican Party, in its new clothes, proceeded to wreck our economy, stir up racial animus, and set a new path for our national politics.  Aided by the likes of Lee Atwater and Karl Rove, they seduced a majority of white voters to their side of politics.
In 2008, they succeeded in running everything off the rails.  The economic collapse (global in size) was so "scary" that even a large number of Republicans voted for the first black President.  Hispanics, who, like Native Americans, believed themselves to be "white", because the other whites told them they were; woke up and realized that they had been, all-along, treated like the blacks.  Women, Gays, and myriad others joined the train.  The Hispanics took on the cause of "Immigration".
The same warriors that had been fighting blacks since 1948 (religious people, Southern "Crackers", etc.) now turned against the Hispanics.  As late as 2000, the Republican Party had hopes of driving a wedge, permanently, between the Hispanics and  blacks.  Their stance on Immigration lost the Hispanics for the Republicans.
Stay Vigilant!  Is it to be Cruz and "Syria", or the Democrats, and the end of the race wars?
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Saturday, October 12, 2013


Can We See "Clearly" Now??
Yesterday's defiant performances before the Values Voters Summit , by Senator Cruz of Texas and others,  should make it clearer for all to see that our Virulent Right is clear in its intent, and relentless in its pursuit of their goals.  Cruz, along with Rubio, Graham, Paul, and former Senator Santorum, are similar weeds that sprout from the polluted grounds of our Virulent Right.   "Damn the Torpedo(s) and Democracy, Too" appears to be their battle cry.  They are joined by Republican Governors around the country in their goal of ending Constitutional Rule, while also using remnants of our electoral system to fashion their "New (white-ruled) Confederacy".
The "Sabotage-Democracy-Campaign" the Repoobs started in 2008; wherein Republicans have undermined everything that President Obama has tried to do, in his efforts to clean-up the economic mess they made during their 2000-2008 rule; has "failed", so far, to make him "fail".
In that same Cheney/Bush period, someone proclaimed: "The Constitution will not be a Suicide Pact".  They've moved beyond that position to conclude that our  Constitution is of little "value" to the Virulent Right in its drive to guarantee White Rule, in spite of impending Demographics.  Their choke-hold on the House of Representatives comes from their ability to "vote the trees"; and thereby deny electoral clout to urban citizens in this country.  They can also "bet" that citizens will not vote in local and state elections; paying attention only to national elections.  Only a "revolt" by all citizens eligible to vote at the local and state level, will save our economy, "fix" our problems, and return the effectiveness of our Constitution.
Their tool is the DEBT CEILING.  They perpetually threaten the good faith and credit of the nation in order to extort ransom from the nation at large.  The Speaker of the House, thereby, becomes more powerful than the President of the United States.  The economy will FOREVER hang by a thread.  Voters don't get to decide who will be Speaker of the House.  A weak person in that job can be bullied by a small minority in the Party that holds a majority in the House. A weak minority Party that is incapable of waging an effective counter threat to the minority within the majority-Party, is equally responsible for the impotence that redounds to our Constitution.
Stay Vigilant!  The Demagogues are Gathering!
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013


A "Patch" for a Design Flaw ??
Whenever some "FACTION" arises within any branch of our Federal Government, using powers granted under our Constitution, with clear intent to threaten the Viability of the Nation, or, to "Extort" powers not granted under the Constitution of the United States; all persons involved with that FACTION shall be arrested by the Chief Executive , and tried for TREASON!
We've seen for the past ten months, and for several months prior, the evolution of tactics by a FACTION within our Congress to usurp extra-Constitutional Power.  A weakness, or design-flaw in the Constitution has been  exploited by Multinational Corporate interests and regional and religious elements within our populace.  When our Congress passed legislation establishing multinational corporations in the 1970s, they failed to exact any kind of national allegiance from those entities.  They relied on "Patriotism".  We now see that elements of our nation limit their "Patriotism" to their own race, class, religion, or financial interest.  This trend puts the nation at risk.
Our weak voting majority in the Democrat Party has, so far, proved to be ineffective in dealing with a bullying, well-organized and well-funded Faction within the Republican Party that is dedicated to the destruction of our Government, as it was designed to function by the Founders and writers of our Constitution.  We've had to amend that Constitution several times to "fix" design flaws.  The time has arrived to "fix" flaws that have been exposed during the Cold War and the Technological Revolution that accompanied it.
Much of that technological advance has been focused in new Media, and communication technologies.  The power to persuade, confuse, and deceive have magnified significantly as a result.  We saw these conditions wreak havoc on the Democracy that Germany lost in the 1930s.
Stay Vigilant!  It is time to stop wring our hands and FIX what is broken!
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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

'THEY" used to "WEAR SHEETS" !!

A Great Nation Under (mortal?) ATTACK ???
It is very frustrating, as a tiny minority of the "Silent Generation"; who does NOT support the Tea Party; or viciously hate President Obama; to watch what used to be the Ku Klux Klan operate openly on their mission to destroy the Constitution of the United States.  As a black, retired disabled veteran, it is equally frustrating to see too many of our older Veterans fall under the sway of these home-grown Insurgents.
Upon his retirement, Justice Thurgood Marshall warned us that the Klan was exchanging its white sheets for the black robes of Judges in our Court systems.  In the 20+ years since his retirement, its quite startling to see how far the insurgents have progressed toward their goal.  The "capture" of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the "immobilization" of the Senate Minority Leader, clear the way for their final push to overthrow our Constitution.
Our young "talking heads" in the Media, are blinded by election politics, and can't see that elections no longer matter to the Insurgents.  A new poll shows a significant portion of that element believes that President Obama is seeking to remain in office after 2016.  That indicates that they don't believe elections matter anymore.  They already have staked-out the territory they want to claim (Red States), and now seek to weaken the Federal Government to a point where it becomes little more than  a "honey-pot" of tax-payer revenues; used to subsidize the Rich.
These insurgents are "Nativists" who hate "Globalism".  They are "deadbeats" who fundamentally believe in "welching" on debt obligations.  China issued warnings to the United States about paying our debt this morning.  Remember, there is no honor among "thieves".
Like frogs in a tub, we're all seduced into thinking that "someone else" will feel the pain -- not "us"!
That is their strongest weaponOur, means "My", "We" means "my group"  (however defined).  By the time you feel the pain; nothing can be done! 
BE ASSURED:  if they reach the point of not paying our national debt in accordance with current practice, WE WILL ALL HAVE LOST OUR COUNTRY!  They will destroy everything put in place following World War II -- the U.N., IMF, World Bank, Bretton Woods understandings.
These are Zealots, who believe they are saving "their" race, religion, and "people".
Stay Vigilant!  Wake up those whose heads are comfortably tucked in their "warm spot" while they O.D. on "football"!
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Monday, October 7, 2013


Where Do YOU Stand? 
As the Repoobs continue their decades-old process of swallowing the Republican Party; it is useful to review "where we stand", relative to the Repoobs.  In 2003, I had the misfortune of being a resident, for the second time, of the state of Texas.  While I was there, Tom Delay, and his fellow Repoobs in the House of Representatives were very "busy" in their attack on the Texas State Legislature.  Following their takeover of Texas for the first time in more than 100 years, the Republican Legislature performed an unprecedented Redistricting (gerrymandering) of the State, with the purpose of insuring that the Repoob contingent among white voters in Texas would "lock-in" control over all other citizens of the state.  In the process, the Democrats in the State Legislature had to flee the state to hold off the attack.  Using Federal resources, the Repoobs conquered the Texas Legislature.  Those whites, blacks, browns, Natives, and others of Texas, who do not support the likes of Perry, Cruz, and Cornyn, have, so far, failed to launch an effective counter to the Repoobs of Texas. 
Today, parallel tactics are underway in our Congress.  Failure of our Media to report this phenomenon accurately is evidence of their confusion, ignorance, and/or complicity in the overthrow of government in this country as we've know it since the end of our Civil War. 
What motivates these people?  They've known since the days of Nixon that white citizens were losing the "numbers" game; and had to do something to maintain "white supremacy".  Many elements in our political and economic nation have worked together since the early 70's to fashion a collective response.  They drew initially on the energy of the "white backlash" to the legal end of Jim Crow; and the new legislation aimed at assisting the newly-freed Blacks.  Over time, they gained assistance from the 1980 rise of Reagan, and the Red-Neck Revolt of 2000.  They have openly labeled themselves as "Tea Party" insurgents.  As Senator McCain learned, these extremists are fully prepared to "Shoot their Hostage(s)".  The problem is that you cannot confuse all Republicans with these people.  Neither can you confuse all whites with these people.  It was a great shock to learn that our Speaker of the House has capitulated to them (he may have assisted them along the way, however).
We, who are not Repoobs, or Repoop-sympathizers, have to TAKE A STAND.  Our failure to do that, promptly, has already cost this nation its respect in the world; and will cost our TREASURE, from here forward.  A cursory review of the steps taken by this element of our society since the Meltdown of 2008, will reveal a great deal to identify the supporters of this bunch, and the extent of their "involvement".
Those whites, blacks, browns, and others who are the "targets" of Repoobs, have to wake up, get organized, and realize what they have to lose!   Its sad to learn that black citizens remain so confused, blind, and un-prepared to counter this enemy.  Everything, from the "education" of our children; to their "freedom"; to their ability to  earn a living or remain alive, is at stake!
Stay Vigilant!  We've met the "enemy"; can we deal with them??
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Sunday, October 6, 2013


Where Does This All End? 
Mona Charen, a Columnist, who strikes me as "Bill Buckley wearing a wig"; appeared on C-Span this morning, droning on about the "Shutdown".  She is a member of a long list of "cheerleaders" for the extreme (cracker?) Right that emerged in our politics in the early 90's with Newt Gengrich.  These white women support the Extreme Right in their march to re-define this nation.  Its a long list; that also includes Sarah Palin, Lynn Cheney, and Ann Coulter.
We exited the 20th Century as our population was shifting away from the "Rust Belt" center, with mostly young people moving to both Coasts; in the South and the West.  After 2000, and the "revolt" within our government, capsulated in "Bush v. Gore", the migration shifted as the Old South "leaked" out into the plains states, and the mountain West.  The nation decided to split itself along Red/Blue lines.  They have been forming a "New Confederacy".
Then came the results of  8 years of Cheney/Bush ; which turned a budget surplus into a huge budget deficit, by splurging on wars and tax cuts.  Capped by the financial meltdown in 2008, these Red-Neck insurgents morphed into the 'Tea Party'.  The pile of garbage they left in place of our government  in 2008, was tackled by our first Black President.  Struggling mightily for five years, now, he returned a "Pulse" to our economy, put patches on the lawlessness that reigned before he arrived, passed a national Health Care Bill, got elected (twice); and is now rewarded with a "faction" strategically placed within our government with the intent to destroy it.  What's their problem??  The Constitution of the United States!
Sensing, early on, that demographics was against them (not enough whites), they embraced a long list of maneuvers to destroy our system, based, by our Founders, on "checks and balances"; hoping to craft some type of government in which "their brand"  of "whites" can hold perpetual control.
BOTH SIDES:  you will hear this a lot from the Media (audio, video, and print).  They switch immediately to THREE SIDES (President, Democrats, Republicans).  They don't even mention the "Tea Party" faction that rests at the heart of their shenanigans.  It was revealed on C-Span that Edwin(sleezy?) Meese, an old Nixon-ite, authored this latest maneuver (de-fund the Health Care Law) as a pretext for shutting down government. 
Using our Media to launch this new, and "Un-Civil" war on our Constitution, these talking (screeching ?) heads are busy encouraging their followers through "selective" hearing, and seeing, the various "talking points".  If you're confused, you're expected to be.  The more confusion they spread in the Media, the better they advance toward their goal of a permanently split nation.

THE SOLUTION:  Fix our money problems.  Get us back to zero deficit, and put us on a path to pay for the coming retirement of Baby Boomers!
Stay Vigilant! "Don't Take Any Wooden (Media) Nickels!!

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Saturday, October 5, 2013


Who has one? How Much does one Cost?
As this infantile insanity (Shutdown) drags on inside our Congress, fewer than 40; mean-spirited, dim-witted, anarchic, Tea-Party Nuts are successfully threatening the finances and livelihood of hundreds of millions of our citizenry.  They also threaten the World Bond Market with their "know-nothing" shenanigans.
We're told that this bunch is being led by a Canadian-born Texan (in our Senate) named Cruz.  Texans, (if you read closely the history of this nation since the 1830's) are not too fond of paying allegiance to any political entity; other than Texas.  That's been the long history of white Texans, I might add.
But Texans love horses and cattle!  They know well what a "cattle-prod" is; and how to use one.  That's used mostly for the cows (they aren't as smart as horses) -- Texans "kick" their horses.  What we need in Washington is the right "prod" for this recalcitrant bunch holed up in the House of Representatives.
They've done significant harm already, and are now threatening the entire global financial structure with their temper tantrums.  What's their problem?  They can't understand that this nation stakes its reputation and its very life on the good "faith and credit" of its WORD and its LAWS.  They use words in a rambling, nonsensical, deceptive and propagandistic manner; while pretending they can ignore established LAW.
The Speaker of the House is the person charged by our Constitution to solve this kind of problem.  He has failed to do that, so far.  He hails for a Bar in Ohio.  He either doesn't know about cattle prods, doesn't have one, or does not know how to use one.  He could turn to Texas or Oklahoma for assistance, but those guys are really anarchists at heart.  The Speaker will probably have to turn to New Mexico or Colorado; forsome  common-sense and expertise.
In the meantime, the rest of us can raise money and prepare to pay the expert that can get these "loonies" in the House "off-the-dime"??
Stay Vigilant!  Pray for some "Sanity"?
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Friday, October 4, 2013

"NO GUN" ???

Was it the Baby?; that scared the Cops??
The level of gunfire, caught on video, of the assembled "army" in Massachusetts, firing on an unarmed suspect hiding in a boat; caught the attention of more than a few viewers.  It raised questions of: "why so much firepower"? 
The Naval Yard shooting a few weeks back, showed the public, once again, the overwhelming firepower unleashed on the public streets in response to local alarms.  The uniformed "shooters" were literally tripping over each other.  It was never quite clear who was in command.
It simply may have been "testosterone"!  My Dad used to say: "one boy is a boy; two boys amount to half a boy; three or more, no boy at all".  More than three hyped-up males (regardless of age) threatens "mob-action" and "mob-mentality".
It is time the public raises the question:  are we being over-policed??  Add race, and/or, mental or emotional distress to the mix; and all manner of questions pop up.  We revisit, in our memories, images of Katrina, Newtown, Aurora, Sanford, and Tucson.  Is there a disturbing and ugly pattern unfolding?
Some of the most easily terrified among us will think that no amount of "firepower" in the hands of "authorities" can be enough.  We easily forget the "police riots" that were so common before 9/11.
Since 9/11, we may have turned "policing" into internal warfare.  That cannot be a "good thing" .
Perhaps we could ask that everyone given a badge and a gun submit to a psychological profile, and certified training (results displayed as public record) before they're "turned loose" on the public.  This policy would add protection for other officers "on the beat".  We know how easy it is to cover up public shootings.
Stay Vigilant!  No one is "immune"!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Are the People "Well-Served"??
Dereliction of Duty:  As a retired military officer, I am very familiar with the concept.  I've had to take unusual measures, on two occasions, to protect the interests of the citizens of this country; in events where egregious dereliction of duty was involved.
Can we extend this United States Code Title 10,892;  by making it applicable, beyond the branches of the U.S. Military?  Politicians, who take Oaths of Office, to Support and Defend our Constitution, should be made subject to a law like this!  Those, like the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who are in a direct line to succeed the President of the United States, should bear special responsibility in this regard.
We should be able to determine whether they:
     1) willingly refuse to perform their duties
     2) incapacitate themselves in such a way as to be unable to perform their duties
     3) vacate their post
     4) commit acts of omission that rise to the level of criminal negligence
If Speaker Boehner persists in not performing his Constitutional Duties; (the Hastert Rule is NOT part of our Constitution) to a point where this country is placed in grave danger; laws should be reviewed to determine if his behavior is "actionable".  Damages; can certainly be measured in dollars and in harm to all citizens.
Stay Vigilant!  Don't sit, "idly-by", and watch your country be destroyed from within!  LEARN what DEFAULT MEANS!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC


Don't be CONFUSED!
No one hates "BIG" Government more; than "BIG" Money does.  BIG Money also hates labor unions.  They used their sycophants in our federal legislature (CONGRESS), to destroy labor unions; over the past thirty years.
Big Money is now adapting the tactics of Big Labor.  The "work-slowdown" went into effect in 2010 when the Republican Party regained control of the House of Representatives.  Virtually no significant legislation has been passed since that time, and we got a "Sequester" instead of workable Budgets.  We now have a "work-stoppage", aka "Shutdown".  What's next? 
It is not unlikely that Big Money will do what Big Labor did when they found themselves in extreme positions -- they will destroy the plant, the corporation, the workplace.  DEFAULT is next.  That will incapacitate the Federal Government; destroy this nation, and set us back, economically, to approximately 1910!
Shortly before 1910, the Citizenry had "had enough" of the excesses of the "Robber Barons".  They passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Law  to get Big Money, (at that time the "Robber Barons"), under control.
The Republican Party, since Nixon's time, have been the "hand-maidens" for Big Money.  The Tea Party, currently holding the House of Representatives hostage, are actually a  "Goon-Squad" for Big Money.
(Queen) Ann Romney is back in the Media, taunting the voters for failing to choose her husband, (who is a Money Boy) for President in 2012
Why all of this?  Why the dis-information campaigns in the media? What are they afraid of?
Stay Vigilant!  We still have the Sherman Anti-Trust Law around.
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


New Name for a New Age ?
In our Media-Driven Age, common words lose their meaning; and many words tend to hold no meaning at all.  Words are used now, only to shape "feelings".  This technique, called "dissembling" , is extremely useful for all kinds of activities.  Advertising is the most obvious use; and also the most lucrative.  Your life can depend on your ability to detect dissemblance and discover the risk to your finances, your health, or your personal safety.  (Pay very close attention to the "warnings" given, at high speed, at the end of the drug ads).
Just about every industry has used some kind of "deception" in its advertising.  The practice is as old as the "snake-oil" salesmen from the days of the Covered Wagon.  Pretty pictures, "pretty" people, and other devices are used to aid the "dissembler".
Politics is the "gold mine" for most dissemblers.  The most successful ones, have always been those (usually white and male) office seekers are best at employing the technique.  Television, in the early days, gave politicians huge problems,  until they learned what to "say" and how to "say" it.  Their pitches, today, are indicative of how stupid, racist, gullible, etc., they think their audience is.
The last time the world was in economic difficulty at our current levels, "spell-binders" were the most successful dissemblers.  How do you know who is dissembling?  Check out what they "say", and, how soon they change their story.  Watch also what they do!  You'll find that the disparity is often shockingly obvious.  It all proves what that politician really thinks of your ability to be fooled.
Senator Cruz is a new phenomenon -- a politician who puts words in the mouths of other politicians, while preserving an option to take opposing stances.  You have to admit that a politician who can manipulate other politicians, like dummies, is something unique!  And extremely dangerous.
Technology, today, has driven advertising and politics together in our Media.  It is very important to listen and observe a "talking-head" very closely.  It won't take long to determine any hidden motivations.  More often, the "talking-heads" produce (rapidly?) books for sale, and then give a "sales pitch" disguised as "News".

The Repoobs are seeking strong, white-male-dominated, STATE Government, and weak, or tax-collection-only FEDERAL government.  They resist power-sharing with anyone who is non-white.  Even the totally blind should be able to see this by now!

Stay Vigilant!  Don't believe the Limbaughs, Cantors, Boehners and CRUZ: DISSEMBLERS!

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