Friday, October 31, 2014

Will "america" OUT itself (NEXT WEEK) ...

... about RACE and POVERTY ??

What everybody KNOWs; yet NOBODY will ADMIT, is that "america": (the "white" part of the U.S. population; according to the WHITE RIGHT) "operates" at the intersection of RACE and POVERTY.  Their "Chosen" and "Christian" status empowers them to sit in judgment of anything and everything the Poor and the Non-white do, or say, or believe!

Congressman Charlie Rangel, and Vice-President Biden have come under attack recently in our malicious MEDIA (blacks, browns, and whites) for comments they made regarding SLAVERY!  Rangel, who was 9 years old when I was born; and Biden who was born when I was 3 years old, are both old enough to KNOW what they're talking about!!  Sorry, if that don't fit with the "Politically-Correct Scripts that everyone is playing from these days,  There seems to be a script for EVERYONE, since the Blacks got a teeney-weenie taste of Freedom in the 1960s.  The black and brown youngsters (anybody below the age of 50) were MIND-F**Ked to a fare-thee-well by our Public Education System and some Churches to believe that the PAST was OVER!  A New Day is assumed for blacks, Hispanics, women, some Native-Americans; but NOT for the poor;  and  non-specific "non-whites"; especially Mexican Immigrants!  Everyone admits that RACISM still exists,; at the same time they DENY that ANYONE is Racist!  I hope that explains what fuels the Republican attack strategies against the First Black President, (who is supposed to be half-white) while he is constrained to speak for ALL citizens; and cannot FIGHT BACK.

Stupid (young and old) black talking-heads in the MEDIA are most dangerous because they follow scripts that proclaim Racism as a thing of our PAST.
  They are simple-minded just enough to think that the Police Dogs and the scenes made popular in ROOTs, and 12 Days A Slave, DEFINED Slavery!  Women, Hispanics, the Hnadicapped, and now, GAYs are taking a ride on the backs of  black struggles of our generation! 

Because they don't focus on the economic root and methods of extracting wealth from others AGAINST THEIR WILL; they are powerless to combat situations like TRAYVON, FERGUSON, or the GUN VIOLENCE, and EBOLA thar are growing as techniques of Coercion today. The LAW was anything white males stated it to be; before the Civil War;  and, before Civil Rights in the 1960s; and remains so TODAY!!  Only  Whites can decide what is LAW, what Laws will be ENFORCED, and what Laws  to ignore, or discard!

Sounds like Slavery to me!!  What won't you do to keep your Job???

Stay Vigilant!  Masks are beginning to slip, as TABOOS against Race, Religion (expecially the Catholic and Jewish Histories) and Poverty are struggling to remain  OFF-LIMITS for fair, honest, and frank discussion in the Public Square.

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

"SIT DOWN" and "SHUT-UP" ; or "STAND UP" and FIGHT!! (while we still can)??

Republicans get "EMOTIONAL"

Like little boys who have trouble holding their pee, the Repoobs (from Jeb to Christie, and the other, wacko "sludge" in between) can't wait to show us what they have in store for this country!! Once they get POWER!  (both in 2014, and 2016);  EVERYONE will have to "Sit Down" for whomever emerges as the REAL "SMART" MONEY in all of this!   From Tojo and Adolf, until now, only those who have a broad enough view can posssibly "connect" the dots.  Most people born after 1950 can't even "see" the dots!.  Their children can't "see" or "hear" anything that really matters in their lives!

It's clear that we're living in a WARP in time, when only the most un-principled actors hold sway.  They do so by taking advantage of what technology PERMITS them to do; NOT what we all expect people who are MORAL will do.  Wall Street Fat Cats and their hi-tech enablers will never see jail for their crimes, because our LAWS allowed them to do so.  Airplanes full of passengers can "disappear without a trace" because of WARPs in our technological advances that permit it. Children in developed nations; especially vain, under-developed females are setting themselves up for horrible lives by Sexting with their cell phones.  ISIS or ISIL show us daily how they use the fall-out from technological advances to consolidate their power.  Our "tribal" responses to EBOLA from Republican "Leaders" endanger us all!  NOTHING in our system can protect them, or us, from the multiple consequences.  In every case, the INCENTIVES (from our "traditionsl" Capitalist econonics)   propel these practices.

Fortunately, not ALL of the Bad Guys are enlisting on the side of the new EVILS.  The new-evil-ones are more likely to be rich, white, male, citizens of the United States and Europe, and completely AMORAL!  Fifteen Presidents, acting simultaneously could not combat this consolidation of global evil!

While we continue to sleep, it appears that MEXICO is being transformed into a Criminal STATE that is ready-made for the operations of these kinds of new-age Capitalists!

Technology advances have WARPED the meaning and function of "INFRASTRUCTURE.  Just as the Boeing 747, "leapt over" the traditional infrastructure limitations of Third World nations, transforming them into "Developing" nations; the CELL PHONE is transforming the lives and the capabilities of CHILDREN, all over the world, in ways their parents cannot detect, or understand.
Global consequences are emerging already.  The children of the "rising" nations will be strengthened, while those of the "Developed" nations seem to be lured by the AMORAL forces (shrapnel from the collapse of COLD WAR Captialism).  The "controllers" of our global economy are getting prepared to "rape" (again) the developing nations, because only they have available assets to acquire.

Stay Vigilant!  While too many white citizens, driven by thech-powered MEDIA, and assisted by AMORAL nations like India, plunge ahead toward the Pied-Pipers of the likes of Bush(es), Christie, Romney, and Cruz; there is still a little time for them to deflect the charge of the Bullies, WITH THEIR VOTES!!

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Are you Old Enough to Know??

I just ordered Dick Cavett's Watergate, from PBS.  I defended my Master's Thesis in 1972, entitled American Values In Black and White   (University of New Mexico).  1972: an election year, in which Richard Nixon was seeking relection as President of the United States.  CREEP was the Committee to Re-Elect the President; an organ of the Republican Party.  The campaign ads and speeches were all about the Watergate Break-In; dismissed by Republicans as a "Minor Burgulary" in what we later learned to be an extensive, multi-layered COVER-UP of multiple cirmes against the people of our country.  In spite of the campaigning that year,  Voters re-elected Dick Nixon in a LANDSLIDE!

Less then 2 years later,  mid-1974, the majority of the nation agreed to putting the President on Trial for High Ciimes, if he was not Impeached.  He chose to Resign, and, later, Gerald Ford Pardoned him for his crimes.  Nixon accepted the Pardon, signifying that he HAD committed a crime.  He went to his death, many years later, still struggling to cover up the significance of his accepting the Pardon.

Those my age, who entered Military Service in 1962,  knew that Nixon was reeling from his 1960 loss, in his "run" for the Presidency against Jack Kennedy.  The Resignation was the result of  a "flip-flop" from the voting public.  Their view of Nixon; over that short period, stunned and deeply disturbed the entire nation.  J. Edgar Hoover, that great "enabler" of dirty deeds among top politician, died in 1972, as I remember.  The Kennedy/Johnson years had great influence on how Nixon set up operations in the White House (a taping system, which "did NIXON in" was also used by Johnson?)

The Voting citizenry, did not FLIP FLOP, in the years after the Pardon!  Gerald Ford lost to Carter in 1976, as a consequence of Watergate.

Looking back toward 1960:  Ford was "appointed" to replace Nixon's Vice-President, Agnew, who was caught stealing, in 1973.  Some see that as preparation to bolster the on-going Cover-Up.  (Ford, as I remember, was also a "tipster" to J. Edgar Hoover, every day, as to the findings and other activities, of the commission investigating Kennedy's assasination.  I lived in the area at the time, and followed the Washington Post accounts, daily.

The Republicans have stayed on the CREEP(y) side of all of that CRAP, by undermining Carter,  and picking Reagan, who was not too shabby himself, at the business of breaking the law as President (Iran-Contra, and making possible the current Drug-Alley, stretching from Panama to our Southern Border).

We've just lived through six years of an unprecedented campaign waged by the Republicans to  Demean, Denigrate, and Demonize the President of the United States -- not for his policies, because they set their strategy on the day he was elected in 2008.  It was because he was not WHITE!  They knew that racism lurked, at some level, in the bones and "gut" of every white citizen, and most of those non-whites who were "light enough" to get by.  We will know in a week if their campaign, waged by Deep South oppressors, linked with racist "Ethnics" from the North, works in 2014!  Their "strategy" has made clear to any enemies of this Nation, a clear method for destroying us, through internal collapse!

Stay Vigilant!  Hope this personally-recounted History Lesson helps in your decision for VOTING, six days from now.

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The PROBLEM with "BULLIES" ... and "Strong" men; Dictators, etc.

Who will Protect YOU, 
When the Bullies; (as they ALL do)
Decide to "Turn" on YOU??

Think About It!  That's Why
We Have; (for another week?)

Stay Vigilant!  VOTE!  Be Careful What You "Wish" For!
(Look CAREFULLY at ALL Candidates --"See-Thru" their MASKS?

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"Da-GUV-NA'S" ??

First Perry; Then, Cuomo; and THEN CHRISTIE !!
"Know Nothings" (return)

What IS IT? About Politicians? -- in the USA, that is.  First Perry of Texas, puffed himself up, ran before the cameras and the lights, and declared that HE was the guy to CONTROL Ebola; and by implication, PROVE that Obama was "weak"!  We all saw what a miserable MESS that turned out to be.

NEXT, Cuomo, looking much more competent than Perry, in company with the Mayor of New York and assorted medical and public health personne;  presented themselves in the wake of the first case of Ebola in New York City..  Slick PR job!  

THEN: Christie, and all of his two-tons of POWER, came on the scene, WITH Cuomo, and they managed to "stash away" a WHITE nurse, ("quarantined"on the Jersey side AGAINST HER WILL), who was returning from MISSIONARY activities with Ebola in Africa. Apparently, in a make-shift TENT; put together by politicians!  All three  Guv-Na's have  declared a 2014 version of NULLIFICATION?? -- overthrow the authority of the Federal Government, and, thereby, show Obama to be WEAK!

This takes place, 8 days before the most pivotal off-year election in my long lifetime!

If you are one of the angry white voters who "GO" with this; you don't DESERVE a Democracy to scuttle!  This three Guv'nas High-Wire takes place, along with Mitch, Mitt, Jeb and Sarah, and the rest of those Republican "new" faces vying for our "affections" -- and you just have to shake your head.  BUT, you have to have an I.Q. above 10, to "see" any of this at all!

Stay Vigilant!  MAKE DAMN SURE you VOTE!  This performance by the Guv'nas deserves no less!

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Monday, October 27, 2014

"EIGHT DAYS" ... AND Counting ?? Will History Record that the USA "VOTED-Away" it's DEMOCRACY in 2014??

Yearning for a "strong" leader (Putin?, Netanyahu?; Ted Cruz, or, a Drug Lord?), scared white voters, according to Polls, are "leaning" toward rewarding the Republicans for their tireless efforts to weaken our Federal Government and Stigmatize the First Black President!

When they WIN, Gun-Running wins; and all that flows from those "skirts": ISUS,   Boko-Haraam;  Drug Trafficcing; Human Trafficicng; Kidnappings; Killer-Cops; School shootings; you can imagine what else belongs on this list!  The NRA, posing to protect the misunderstood, and mis-interpreted, 2nd Amendment to our Constitution, in IN CHARGE!   REALLY, it enables  and abets  global marketing of guns. and all of that ubiquioius firepower we see non-stop on our MEDIA!!  They make TERRORISM, at all levels, possible!  Virtually NONE of the Terrorists in the world today, supply the guns they use!  Most of the guns come from WESTERN  traders, and, manufacturers!

Brazil, one of the world's largest Democracies, voted to take different path, a couple of days ago.
The United States, another of the top four Democracies in the world by population, (Indonesis and India are the other two) has yet to DECIDE!!  Rather than return to their racist and oppressive past, Brazil chose to press forward on the road to a more inclusive nation.  Republicans do NOT want that for this country!

Brazil has a past of African chattel slavery, similar to ours.  Their racial stratification of their society, and the discrimination that is rampant there, is similar to ours.  Their Favelas parallel our Ghettos -- both designed and maintained by white governing forces and policies.  Their Catholic religious history parallels that of our "Ethnic" populations.  Beliefs and social practices follow that history.

Stay Vigilant!  The stampede of racializesd politics, invented by Mitch and the Ditch Gang in 2008, may yet enable our Greedy PIGs to "Fly" ??

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Sunday, October 26, 2014


The Fear-Mongering "Dark Forces" are back for yet another attempt!

The spreaders of FEAR and HATE (Hard-Right elements -- mostly in the Republican "orbit") have returned, for yet another try at gaining triumph over our Democracy!  Having been roundly rebuked by the national electorate in 2008, and 2012; they've returned, led by "Mitch and his Ditch Gang", to claim the Senate of the United States.  This will give them control over our Congress and the Supreme Court (given to Bush in 2000).  That comprises two-thirds of our National Government!  It leaves only the Executive Branch for them to "beat-up" on until 2016!

Given two new Fears not previously available (ISIS and EBOLA), they believe that this time, the Angry White Male Vote will boost them over the top in an Off-Year Election.  Found to be a national, vulnerable path to power in the 2010 election, Republicans gained a "sweep", promising JOBS.  Those jobs never materialized, but that does not matter to the Angry Whites.

This time, maybe not?  Marysville is an almost totally white, blue collar, unionized "Boeing" town close to Everett, where Boeing builds 747s and other huge airplanes.  Wealthier that most blue-collar whites (because Boeing "got-it-right", and built a strong economic base for the economy of that part of Washington State) the area has no reason to expect the kind of deep trauma the school killings brought to them.  This is the heart of NRA country!  No friend to people who are not white, these people are much more tolerant than the other whites around this country "in thrall" to the RED conversion flowing from our Sewer States.

IF these people realize (perhaps, not too late?) that the NRA is causing their children to suffer; will that be enough to awaken them from the "trance" brought on by Mitch and his "Ditch" Gang?  Will they form their own version of the "Ferguson Rebellion"?  The election on November 4th is a perfect time for the white mothers of this country to show what they really think about what's best for their children's safety!  NRA supports GUNS, necessary for Gun-Trafficing; Drug Smuggling; Human Trafficing; groups like Boko-Haram and ISIS, and other Pirates operating in the world today.  We will have yet MORE of this, courtesy of the Hard-Right Republicans?

Stay Vigilant!  Don't join those "chicken-sh*ts" who are seekibng a "dictator" ("strong" leader) to run this country!  Haven't you had enough of Corporate Power; in your pay-checks, on your job, in your life??  

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Saturday, October 25, 2014


The Dog "Not-Barking"??

Unless I missed it; none of the media outlets (especially, CNN) has yet noted that the Marysville shooting is the second in a row, where a racially-troubled, "integrated", non-white is the "shooter"!!  Just about ALL of the rash of shootings since Columbine, have "featured" white, male, "shooters".
Review the shooting account in Santa Barbara, and the internet revelations of that "shooter".  Why is MEDIA NOT pointing to that case for similarities?  Instead, they "blame" parents for not knowing what their kids are doing, and "lament" the fact that this kid seemed to have "everything"; socially, that white kids want.
Curious, ain't it??

I especially want to draw attention to the media campaign, belatedly, to get "parents" more involved.
Does this mean that the School "System" has given up on its demands, made in the late 1950's when they were forced to "Integrate" the nation's schools?  At that time they insisted, and prevailed,  in three areas :
          Programs would begin with First Grade, adding one grade each year, thereafter.
          Non-white Parents must relinquish their rights to have any input into whatever the "Educators"
          decided to do.  And, "Integration" within the schoold would proceed on terms set by whites; 
          who controlled the school "system" then; and continue, to this day.

Two patterns quickly emerged, "Tracking" was re-instituted, leading to "School-to-prison" for many black and brown males; and undermining of  parental authority was instituted, targeted, early-on, against  black and brown children.  This led to black children, early on, seeing "education" as "acting white"; and the killing of black and brown children, by other black and brown children.  This has been a pattern for the past 30 years or more!  "Backlash" was a multi-headed monster, that has led to places like Ferguson, today, and the ability of Republicans to undertake a six-year Media Campaign to carefully stigmatize and undermine the authority of the first Black President of the United States.
This country has "sown the wind" in terms of race and non-white cultures, and is beginning to reap bizarre and easily disguised results?  Whites have to stop insisting on controlling what is taught to non-white children!  
Stay Vigilant!  Open your eyes! VOTE!!
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Friday, October 24, 2014

MEDIA: "Responsible"?; or: "GOSSIP"? -- in a time of "Stealth" Civil-War?

"103", or: "100.3" ?  Who is to "Blame"?
EBOLA arrives in NYC, and our supposed 'Responsible MEDIA' fu*k's-up BIG-TIME!

For those of us who pay attention, there is a significant difference between a body temperature of 103 degrees and 100.3 degrees! 
Too late, the terror value of that announcement has already been captured by the Republican-led yahoos engaged in an attack on our Democracy.  Issa (a friend of ISUS?) is back on his horse in the House attempting to use this latest "news" to defeat Obama once and for all!  All of the RED (necks) running for office in their camp;  in Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire, Kansas, and usual suspects, like Guv'na Perry, in the Sewer States below the Mason-Dixon Line, are energized this close to the election.  They hope to benefit as their elections tighten..  The performance by Trick Perry, when Ebola arrived in Dallas, was starkly inferior to that of Governor, Cuomo, Mayor DiBlasio, and the panoply of professionals on display in their News Conference yesterday.  If not for the "Judge" in Dallas, there would be NOTHING good to say about Texas and their handling of Ebola.  

During most of my lifetime, when most News was in print, we all knew the difference between "legitimate" news sources and "Gossip", aka, Tabloids, Celebrity News, and Entertainment News.
In our 24/7 Media cacophony, shrill (mostly female) heads are everywhere, lowering the level of everything to GOSSIP!  Our Hard-Right, Ultra-Right, Neo-Fascist elements (currrently residing in the Republican Party) found their "home"!  Facts no longer maater; nor does accuracy.
What if, inspite of the MEDIA machinations, they "reveal" their hand, or their structure?  We may be witnessing that in the Ferguson, Mo. "News".  It should be clear to all by now that, like Bin Laden's 9/11, the Media was meant to play a role in maximizing "eyeballs" on their "event".  The high-noon-style slaying of the black youth in the street, and the body lying there in a pool of blood for four hours was no "accident".  Even the most stupid Missouri-Cracker is not THAT STUPID!  Once seen or heard, the images and sounds, and, any other messages to the human brain, cannot be "erased".

Keep this in mind as you enter your Polling Place, eleven days from today?

Stay Vigilant!
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

NYC (Blue) v. DALLAS (Red)?? (Life or Death ...of a Nation)?

Right-Track? Wrong Track?

Stay Vigilant!  VOTE

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Joe and Mika "At-It"??

Anyone who knows the history of the U.S., knows about THE KLAN.  Sorta like the Baath Party in Iraq -- in the U.S., though, if you were white, and male, and wanted to be "successful", you had to belong.  Truman was a member.  Included were  members of both of our traditional parties, Deomcrat and Republican.  Most of the membership were Democrats,  until Nixon; then the Republicans became the Democrats!  You have to keep up.

This morning, "Mourning" Joe; T.V.'s latest attempt at portraying the "average white guy".  (his predecessor, IMUS, "flamed-out" over Race and Gender issues, as I remember -- after this morning, Joe seemed confident to "go-there"!)   There are, really, TWO Joe(s) out there on T.V.!  - One for the MONEY (Kiernan) and the other for the SHOW (Scarborough).  Both are White, Hard-Right, and Male!

This morning's issue?  A mixture:  tightening poll results for Governor's Races in swing states, and the angst of WOMEN over the way other women look on Social Media.  They settled on a comment by Elizabeth Warren (U.S. Senator), who admitted that women were treated "differently" in the Senate, but refused to name names!  Joe just "Could'nt Understand" that.  Mika seemed confused; both supporting and dissin' Warren.

The KLAN (formed in the late 1800's) stayed hidden, preferring, mostly to come out at night, under white bed-sheets, to engage in their favorite sport:  LYNCHING Black people!  Of all the published stories about the deeds of this bunch in our history (mostly male; mostly poor;  always white)  the one that most struck me is the account by The Reverend P Thomas Stanford, in 1903, of a lynching that took place oustide Paris, Texas. This Paris is located up in a corner of Texas that links it with Oklahoma and Arkansas.  According to his source, from Paris, Texas, February 1st, 1893, it took place near neighboring Texarkana:  "it was no spontaneous affair, but had been carefully planned and executed ...".  An entire community, men, women, and children took DAYS mutilating, burning alive, and fighting over bones for souveniers.  I'm sure Joe knows about MOB mind-sets.  It is impossible for anyone single member to be NAMED!  That's the POINT!  Same for Good-ol' Boys!

The Polls for the mid-term elections due in 12 days, show that the contests will be tight in the swing states where women's votes (white) are pitted against men's votes (white); like Colorado; where the most liberal of Liberals, Democrat, Udall is is "running away" from President Obama!  Polls are "skewed" by who is taking them, and how the questions are worded, AND by the fact that the English Language is not interpreted the same in all parts of this country -- the WORDS can have various meaning to the educated citizens, and God-help those white males (most of them) with defective educations!

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be confused by the "Joe(s)"!  Did you note "twiggy"- Mika's "DIG" on Beyonce?

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

USA: The NEW "Face" of "GOVERNMENT"??

What's in Their Message?

Much of the message from our Hard-Right Republicans is designed to get us to NOT TRUST "Government" (dog-whistle for President Obama).  They are steadily wreaking havoc on the Federal Government; by subverting our Supreme Court, and infiltrating many parts of the Executive Branch, to weaken it's ability to do its job.  That much is CLEAR; while they continue to spend $MILLIONS to take over the Senate of the United States, and suppress the right of citizens to vote.

At the same time, they are moving into State Houses and Legislatures around the country, turning  states RED, in the Inter-Mountain West and Southwest.  They expect to WIN!; largely, on the votes of Cracker-Whites, who can be easily scared with race-based messaging.  They've been consistent for 6 years, and use every breaking news item for their cause (Canadian "shooter"; but, strangely, NOT the military-dressed, white-survivalist in Appalachia) .  All of this is whipped to a frenzy by our witless, White-Dominated talking heads in our Media!  Latest wrinkle:  ANOTHER NIXON!  This time, in Missouri.!  A Democrat Governor, former State Attorney General, who very quickly came forth with a Lawn-Jockey; Black State Trooper, to cover his ass when Ferguson erupted.  He is now announcing a strange "Commission" (shades of the "Misissippi Sovereignty" caper?).  We're asked, before the final shoe drops on what St. Louis has in store;  given the strange pattern of  "news leaks" since the shooting of Michael Brown,  to set aside all of these events and focus on some vague racial FUTURE!  Strange request; its like asking you, while your house is burning, to forget about the fire, and concentrate instead, on what some "new" house could look like!  Hand-selected members of the new "Commission" are yet "to be determined"?

If we take a long breath, and look closer, we realize that "Government" at the Federal Level has been paralyzed by the Hard Right.  ALEC; has been busy subverting State Legislatures; around a national strategy, or Hard-Right plan, to take over governing in the United States.  It is amazing, that these scare tactics get as many whites to "knee jerk" in their direction.

Will we have to depend on the non-white vote to save our Democracy?

"Zombie" Corporations; High-Tech, "Entrepreneurial" groups, who gather to "Gentrify" cities like Detroit;  "undesirables" are being muscled aside by the new, young, hi-tech rich in the Bay Area of California.

All of this augurs to outline a new face of GOVERNMENT in the United States for the 21st Century:  one in which very rich whites will continue to rule, and keep all the wealth,, despite diminishing numbers; necessary to prevail in a Democracy.  We've tolerated all sorts of Government tactics throughout the Sewer States during our history.  Have whites abandoned common sense, and let down their guard?  Are they ready to waltz into the arms of a Hard Right/Corporate alliance to "govern" our country?  Funding comes from Hedge Funds (our 401K funds??), Philanthropic Donations to "Non-Profits":  Private "Charitable Trusts"!  All of these provide non-economic "jobs" for Trust Babies of the wealthy.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be "led around by the nose" by our Hard-Right;-White; sensation-and- "entertainment" MEDIA!  Get better informed before you VOTE -- just 13 days from now!

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USA: "ADDICTED" to Color-Hysteria??

Has our 24/7 "Sing-Song" Media Driven Us There?
We know that our knee-jerk, Cracker Response to anything President Obama says or does, has nothing to do with his "POLICIES"; because Mitch and his Ditch-Gang in the Republican Party set their plan and their strategy on the night Obama was elected in 2008!  You can kill that lie, right now!

As the Ebola "Scare" appears to be lifting among those of us who can still think for ourselves, it lingers in the Cracker-Mind; firmly attached, by Republicans, to Obama!  Are all whites in this country now "trained" in the mind-set of the Germans in the 30's, when Goebbels and his people drove them to see "Jews" everywhere?  Is that why Democrats are also drawing away from their Leader?  Have we lost sight of the breakdown in Law and Order and the rise of human trafficing among white middle class children, while we scramble to "separate" ourselves, in search of some "safe" and "white" hiding place?  It's beginning to appear that way.  A National Depression, driven by MEDIA, appears to be growing, and making us less able to help ourselves and our families.

Technology, mis-applied, is wreaking havoc on our children, both boys and girls, who are passing through the "normal" emotional stages of human maturition, turning them into unwitting, immature, cogs in a vast "sexting" world that even sophisticated parents cannot control?  The racial hysteria that attaches to everything in our lives, is doing massive damage to the social-psyche of the entire nation.
The Cracker-Right has convinced the most Hysterical among us that "Government" cannot be trusted, while spending vast sums to BECOME "Government"!  Why?  Maybe you wouldn't't let them, if you UNDERSTOOD their real game?  

ISIS, EBOLA, Ukraine, they all have become color-and-class-linked tools in the global hysteria growing from Middle East turmoil; economic pressures on the EU; AND the scramble of South American, Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa nations, as they,  have to act together to protect themselves and their survival interests?  The economically-distracted white world is struggling to keep its centuries-old "divide-and conquer" machines in operation, to spread poverty and violence  in the non-white world.  To end that violence, white nations have to atone for their past; and TURN about face!    They could accomplish that with Obama??  Firepower does not work on DISEASES!   Extreme poverty in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America is the handi-work of European Christians!  We must RETIRE that old Hollywood MYTH of the all-right; all-white; doo-good COWBOY (who a veiled susbstitute for the buthering Conquistadors of the late 1400's).

We have EVERYTHING to FEAR, it seems from the growing, unshakealbe, Color-Hysteria that has produced Ferguson, MO; murders of black youth in our streets by Gestapo Cops; withdrawal of our population along color lines; and a slowing economy!  Race-Politics becomes deadly in hard economic times!

Stay Vigilant!  Media points to the "jobs" in North Dakato oil fields, but they hide the sex-trade jobs thar are turning that State into a Brothel!  Hysteria can lead us to a level of social degradation that a nation cannot easily recover from -- Germany -- and GOD-- knows!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The "Real" VOTER FRAUD?? It's "in yo' face" in the Sewer States

The "Constitution"  Model?  

A few years ago, a young attorney told me of growing up in Texas, in a small town where her father employed a number of Blacks.  For every election, those Blacks had to PROVE that they voted for the choice of their employer, or THEY LOST THEIR JOBS.  Martin Luther King emboldened a lot of Blacks in the Sewer States to take a risk and vote their own minds.  Crackers had to invent other methods.  

The Constitution, in its "3/5 of a person" provisions for Black Representation, did NOT provide representation for Blacks!.  It quantified the white-belief that non-whites are NOT HUMAN, and gave White Slave Owners, additional Representative Power in our federal government.  That expalins why, from our Beginning, Crackers from the South dominated the Federal Government of the United States.  That did not change, substantionally, until the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Our current Supreme Court (which has "Gone to the Dogs"? ) recently did away with all of that; returning the Sewer States and those RED states that are popping up all over, to the bad old days of the late 1700's. 

If you can't beat your slaves into submission, you have to "cheat" them into submission.  That works against Blacks, today, in the Old South, AND against those more "successful" Blacks who appear to have escaped (See: THE OWL Blog,OPRAH's "PURSE" (incident); 10Aug13).  It also works for those who seek to "control" women behind upper-class closed doors.

Neither Government, nor any of our Institutions (especially the Church) can save us, when we don't or won't act to save ourselves!

Stay Vigilant!  VOTE -- it just might be your LAST CHANCE!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Will the PIGS "Fly" (this time)??

Maybe ... NOT???

Animal Farm!;  that classic work by George Orwell in the late-1940's, has outlasted 1984.  Because of  Watergate (1974), perhaps, 1984 came -and -went; without so much as a "speed-bump's" notice? We have all been so meserized by MEDIA, and its abilities to lead us around by our noses (and other body parts), DOUBLESPEAK seemed, somehow, Quaint!  

Given the toxic "pig-sty" the Dallas Hospital turned out to be, we all KNOW who the real pigs are! In spite of their tranquilizing, multi-shades of lip-stick, and constantly-shifting "painted" candidates; the Cracker-Right continues to get away with BLAMING OBAMA for everything!  But, all is not lost -- even this close to election day!  Our seriously "compromised" Supreme Court of the United States, turned racist and retro-grade,  cast it's VOTE, in the wee-morning hours, for the Pigs!  Jeb Bush, made it possible for  any white person who claims to be "afraid", to get away with MURDER!!  Armed with that, the PIGS have been running "free" to trample and sh*t-on the entire nation, turning it RED under a blanket of extreme Christianity! 

The Cracker Media is now laying-out the "case" on Ferguson, MO.,  by dripping daily its "talking points" and persuading the slow of wit Crackers in our population, to continue to support the "militarization" of "policing"!  Those of us who were paying attention, noticed something awry in the sweep by those Boston Police when they went, house-to-house, searching for Tsarnaev; only to miss their target!  THEN we heard "world-war-three" in firepower, let loose on the row-boat (point-blank), and they MISSED hitting him!  Are we besiged with out-of-control,  over-armed dumb-fu*ks, serving as our POLICE?  Keep on bowing to these PIGS and, after they get the Senate, we'll all find out their true agenda.  Is there a Parallel Situation, lurking in our Health Care;  behind closed doors and a cynical, lazy, racist, MEDIA ??  Get off you ass and ask some questions!  You may be shocked with what you find! An entire "army" has been searching our "jungles" known as Appalachia; failing for more than a month to find ONE WHITE BOY!  Wonder why?  They FOUND a black guy to blame, and bring up on made-up charges, in a case in Virginia, BEFORE they knew if the victim was alive and in hiding!

MONEY BOYS are getting scared now!  Our entire economy now faces a threat of Deflation!  In the past, they've always let the PIGS run, but ONLY SO FAR!  BIG MONEY interests operate far above the level of what excites the Bush(es) and their "lessers" in the Republican Party.  A new POLL, commissioned by "Hispanics", shows that "Hispanics" are not as dumb as the Republicans (or "Bill and Hill") have been "Playing" them!  The numbers show that the HARD RIGHT among the "Hispanics" are only 21%:  mostly those Batista Cubans in Florida, owned by the Republicans.  The Cubans (as Rubio has shown) have no use for other types of "Hispanics".

The Cracker-Media took on the role of farming the mass-mind of ignorant, and easy-to-scare, whites; immediately after Johnny Cochran shocked us all by shattering the old Media Model that worked for decades to control periodic uprisings among minorities in Center Cities and earlier Police Brutality.  After hounding Michael Jackson to his death, using these tactics, MEDIA  moved on to set the "script" for us all to give Zimmerman a "Pass" for murdering Trayvon.  Poor "Georgie" convinced the Crackers he was "scared".  

Even Ebola is turning out not to be the perfect "lock" the Repoobs thought it would be!  Amazingly, the Virus is not (yet) as dangerous as we thought!  AND, Obama has gotten beyond those traitorus elements among his "Advisors", and has a GRIP on this issue -- both at home and ABROAD.

Stay Vigilant!  Think for yourself! and PRAY others (all colors) will do the same -- BEFORE YOU VOTE ON November 4.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

EBOLA(?) ; ISIS(?) ; or, "OIL" ??? .. A "Trifecta": for Cracker-Rule??

Check your "Mirror" or, your "Roots"?

Those of us who seek to survive the economic "shock", planned for us next, by the Cracker-Right and their Money Backers, after they gain the Senate (Dallas and Ebola is a warning); we KNOW we have to look intelligently ahead, while reading the signs along the road!  The White/Right take-over will NOT be through Rebellion, Nullification, (like our LAST Civil War), NOR through Secession as Trick Perry and his fellow Texans continuously threaten:  It will build a Legislature/Judicial juggernaught with which they will batter the Executive third of our governing model!

We have no credible Journalism in this country anymore!  Everything that drives our Media must have shock value, and be dummed-down to the Cracker level.  The Hospitals in this country are  hiding severe fiscal problems; while doctors scramble to save their "economic" bacon.  Nobody is looking!  We choose to blindly swallow that "best medical system" crap!  If we had real Journalism, someone would dig up the REAL story behind the Texas-Coup that swung our Supreme Court behind Bush v. Gore in 2000; and what really happened to Sandra-Day and Rehnquist as the Cheney/Bush boys polished off the SCOTUS, turning it, and our entire Judicial/Law Enforcement System, into the racist-sham it is now?  Did you notice the 5 a.m. "ruling" by the Cracker portion of the Court, allowing Texas to discriminate against millions of that state's voters?  Maybe you now understand why Terrible Teddy Cruz thinks he will be our President in 2016?  It also explains blind, white reaction to Obama; or, Ferguson, MO., et-cetera.

Our Media has programmed us to "see" color when we hear certain words or phrases.  We've known this for quite a while; but never took it seriously.  Now they've added "Ebola" and "ISIS" to that list.  The bad news is that ISIS seems to know that, and they're winning the global PR Game!  Pope-Too has to "UP" his game; if he intends to hold the Christian, centuries-old, White Supremacy Model for world domination in place.

The Election is two weeks away, and the White Right thinks it has the outcome "in-the-bag"!  Thinking voters are being sickened by what they see and hear, and may stay home, along with those "puddin'-head Blacks who always serve Crackers.  Blacks will ALWAYS follow whatever white Media lays out for them, "Christians" continue to swallow the brew served in both Protestant and Catholic outlets.

A new wrinkle:  Old-World-Indians are returning to the role they played in Apartheid Africa.  As Mandela is dead, along with Martin and Malcolm, these "non-whites" (Jendal, Haley) spring up as "stand-ins" for old-line white extremists like David Duke.  It is AMAZING that Southern Blacks in Louisiana are confused by Jendal's "Color".  Zacharia, and the new face of  Microsoft, are examples in the Media and Technology sectors of our economy?  EVERYBODY should read and understand  RACE,CLASS, and the WORLD SYSTEM, (1987).. by Oliver C. Cox!   Alex Haley had no idea what he started with "ROOTS"!

Martin Wolf, in his new book, concludes that OIL will determine our economic future!  The 2008 Meltdown, courtesy of Bush/Cheney, shifted the economic structure back in favor of the Consuming Nations -- not the Exporting Nations.  Bad news for Russia and China, and, curiously, Germany?  Worse news for us? -- We're broke, and can't continue to "consume"!  The Developing Nations CAN consume, however, and some are beginning to open their doors to displaced educated and talented immigrants from the Middle East.

Stay Vigilant!  Last Chance to stop all of this from sending the U.S. to the bottom of the world's economic trash can!

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Saturday, October 18, 2014

WHITES ((globally): Learn How MARGINALIZATION "Impoverishes" YOU!!

What Economists Don't Tell You

In his recent blockbuster, Piketty book;  strangely "skirts" the topic of HUMAN CAPITAL.  From their arrival in the Americas, Europeans relied on Human Capital, in the form of the worst type of human Slavery known to man.  That Human Capital was key to everything we think is "good" about Western Culture.  As Captialism progressed, it became more and more necessary to disguise the abuses of human capital until today, when large corporations are routinely stealing wages from dummed-down and Union-less workers.

The real issue is that today, as in the beginning, Western Capitalism faces NON-WHITE human capital, both at home and abroad.  Statistics may show that it is the college-educated non-whites who are disporportionately "Laid-Off" in today's employment market.  We know how they are routinely cheated by our "Education Industry".  In the Great Depression, Labor united with Negros to get the Wagner Act passed by Congress to establish Labor Unions.  Once in Power, racist Unions segregated their roles to discriminate against all non-whites.  They were sitting ducks when racist Mad Roinnie lured them to destroy their Unions in the early 1980s (Norman Lear "back-fired")?

The racist believes that only white males are "smart enough" to have good ideas, or be capable leaders or managers.  President Obama consistently exposes the stupidity of these Crackers in our Congress, but voters don't "get" it!

Our economic future can be improved beyond measure, and Capitalism can be "saved" from its imminent doom (look closely at the EU), IF it takes its boot off the necks of the non-whites on this planet.  Big Money still needs to keep the LIE alive that only whites can RULE, and must remain IN CONTROL.  Those beliefs, stoked by Clhristians, both Catholic and Protestant, yields the kind of future Pat Robertson, and that Ilk portends.

Stay Vigilant!  THINK, before you VOTE!  Marginalization is the border maintained by "Whites" as they troop the Color Line in our Media, our Education Establishment, and our Government!

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
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President KENNEDY needed a CZAR (also)??

Repoobs should Really "KNOCK-IT-OFF" !!

Two weeks or so from their goal, the Republicans should back off the FEAR mongering!  We now have "Dr" Paul slinging EBOLA fears in the MEDIA.  At this point, the public is probably getting more P*ssed-OFF than scared; more angry and depressed than incited to vote!

Shortly after I arrived in Washington in mid-1962, there was a story in the Washington Post about President Kennedy's frustrations in his failed attempts to get the Bureaucracy to change a road sign near Langley, Va.  He learned, as I was shocked to learn from the story, how LITTLE POWER Presidents have at their command.  Fast forward to these days of EBOLA and ISIS, and we find similar issues faced by our first Black President.  He, like President Obama, was surrounded by "Advisers" he could not trust.

Hemmed in, on all sides, by a Cracker Mob in the Senate and House that hated Czars;
until they succeeded in pushing him to appoint a CZAR for Ebola; they then flip the switch back to their earlier position of claiming he is weak, and relying on too many CZARS!  Its maddening having to listen to anything these nin-com-poops utter.  Hopefully, more people will do as I did today, and vote EARLY against every Republican on the Ballot!

Unfortunately, voters in this country are like children going to the candy store looking for their favorite desires or special flavors.  They think Presidents and elected "leaders"  can deliver on the spot.  The very rich and powerful receive that kind of service from their Lobbyists, who pressure the politicians they "own" to deliver, by hook or by crook.  There is more than enough money being thrown around to meet the desires of the Elites; but, for those of us who don't "own" a few politicians,  we have to become  "wise buyers" with our VOTES.

It seems, looking back, that All  Hell broke loose with Kennedy's elecion in 1960.  It was my first presidential election, and  hopes were dashed within those thirty or so months before he was assassinated in Dallas.  The President's Brother, Bobby, was the best CZAR available, as it turned out!  Before Liddy Biddy got out of office, both Jack and Bobby were killed, along with both Martin and Malcolm.  Throw in the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Jack was as "besieged" then by the Hard Right, as  Obama today!   His Catholicism, and the feat of becoming the first non-WASP President since our nation was founded, may have been somewhat akin to what President Obama faces with RACE?  The comparison is weak, because RACE trumps everything in this Christian Nation, and throughout the world.  Repoobs have spent six years making sure we all got that message!

Stay Vigilant!  VOTE!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, October 17, 2014

"AFRICANS" are "Cleaner" than DALLAS??

Simple, "Safe" Procedures vs. "Autoclave" vs. "DALLAS"

We've become accustomed to the anti-Obama "filth" that emanates from the mouth of the Texas Governor, and their Congressional Politicians, but we can be shocked by the stories of the highly contagious filth that "piled to the ceiling" inside the Dallas Hospital where the first EBOLA patient (Black) died, and two nurses (one Black-- and relatively ignored after being attacked by the Presss; the other Vietnamese -- who is becoming a Media-Darling).  It also has been reported that the reason Nebraska is so good at handling their patients, derives from their use of autoclave technology  This is an old technology; among many we used to develop advanced weaponry during the Cold War.  The simpler cleaning techniques used in Africa are better than the practices found in the Dallas Hospital!  Sanitation Contractors in the U.S. are breaching their contracts, in fear of the disease, spread by politicians!!

As the Election approaches, the Obama-haters are banging the drums,spreading fear of EBOLA, in hopes of getting the Cracker Vote to give them the Senate.  If the terror mounts to the levels that Cheney/Bush achieved, they just might succeed.

Jog your memory: in the early days of "Shock and Awe" there were two young female soldiers; one Black, a true Heroine, and one white, a "fake heroine".  The black one was ignored by the Media until the TRUTH leaked out about the Media campaign to "promote" the white girl.  Media is much more effective at stirring the race-pot, in these days of Murdoch!

During the days that race-war raged inside the U.S. Military (1968-1978), setting the stage for the "radicalized" military that Cheney/Bush inherited; I learned from talks with fellow officers from all over our country (all colors, various ethnicities, varied income classes) how pervasive and frustrating racial beliefs and attitudes were for those who, genuinely wanted to rid themselves, and their children from the scourge.  Many of the white servicemen were from our Sewer (Red) States of today.  Officer quality, enforced by the Hatch Act, was far superior when I entered service in 1962, than it was when I left service in 1982.  The older, World-War-II bunch really TRIED to make Truman's Executive Order work!

Toqueville, in Democracy in America, tells of observing a young white girl, age three, in a clearing in the Alabama woods, as she exerted her racial superiority over two grown women, one black, a slave, and one "Native".  White children pick up racism very early in life, because they are  taught that darker skinned people are "dirty".

Stay Vigilant!  Fight the Scourge; and those whites who move Heaven and Earth to keep their White Supremacy, along-side their brutal control over all things African.   They have weilded that power for hundreds of years.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Thursday, October 16, 2014

"KNOW-NOTHINGS" ?? Who "Knows"? --Does MONEY "KNOW"?

"TORTURED" Republican History

If you review the history of the Know Nothing Party;, you might be forgiven for thinking that you have been transported by to the 1850s.  Slavery, Kansas-Nebraska struggles, Secret Societies, Dying Whigs, Violent Anti-Immigration against Catholics (German and Irish, mostly; Chinese in San Francisco).  Our present Republican Party operates within a "Shell" that derives its name from that time, and that history.

Drucker Lesson:  MONEY knows MONEY!  It wouldn't know a good IDEA, if it crawled up its backsides!  In these times of hype and outright bullsh*t about Jobs and Gates; and how they rose to stardom and riches, it is still the good IDEAS, that money hungers for! Once the IDEA is ripped off, by BIG MONEY; the innovator, creator, dreamer, "technical genius" becomes expendable!  Pay close attention to TV Ads hustling your Ideas!  Zuckerberg's story is the exception that proves the rule.   MONEY BOYS benefit from  the myth that MONEY KNOWS BEST.

Then, there was yesterday! the Ides of October arrived: (is it a book-end to the Ides of March; when Putin and Netanyahu burst on the world stage with their high-wire acts.)   Margin Calls, anyone??  Most workers KNOW that their bosses may have all the MONEY and POWER, but most of them are dummer than crap!  They waste huge sums of money covering their stupidity, while buying the best PR available..  Want them to be YOUR boss??

But, Jobs and Gates, being white males, were easy Icons for the myth.  The Republican Party is counting on the history that flows from the 1850s to carry them to victory in three weeks.
They may prove the old adage:  If you're white; you don't have to be BRIGHT.  Non-whites can be as "creative" and "Innovative" as their personal survival demands; but only WHITES can fully benefit!
I'm sure that will be footnoted, somewhere in a future history written of the First Black President of the United States, who as Paul Ryan admitted to Charlie Rose is the "smartest person in the room"!

Stay Vigilant!  Watch your wallet, and your "creations"!  Are you ready for two more years of the Crap being dished out by Boehner and Mitch??  How do you plan to save yourself from the spreading diseases and poverty their policies bring?

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
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IT"S "EBOLA"; STUPID!! The MASS-Cracker-Mind Responds?

A 500-Year "Perfect Storm"

"Whites", across our planet, (right, Left, and Center) are the most-steeped in DENIAL of Race; and its insidiuous impact on anything to do with Wealth and Power, Capitalism; Socialism (both Right-Fascism; and Left-Communism).   Our every daily activity, as we live our lives, show signs of it!   It is IMPOSSIBLE to miss this message in the EBOLA  news events of the past several weeks.  The differences, by skin color, or  medical treatments, of whites vs. non-whites who were infected, both in the U.S. and in Africa by U.S., and other agencies and personnel is unavoidable!  The social responses show a clear, racial, differentiation.  There is also CLASS, which has always been a problem in the heirarchy of the Medical Profession ("dumping" the blame on the nurses and staff).  These practices have persisted for so many generations, they are not easily recognized, and are easier to overlook or disguise.

The John Wayne, or Wizard of OZ, syndrome of white America; and their overwhelming need to be assured that some "Powerful" figure will make THEM "safe"; is UNDENIABLE!  Their guns are ineffective in the face of this kind of disease!  It is clear,  from a crack-pot like McCain;  yelling in one moment that Obama is "Weak", or "Has Too Many Tsars"; and NOW, Demanding a TSAR!  Crackers are going Bananas over EBOLA!  Their long-standing fear and loathing of President Obama has led them to steadily undermine confidence for more than six years, in our ONLY President; at a very crucial time for the National Security.  The Insanity of Race in the 21st Century is hard to deny, and Everywhere you look.  It may take a long time for this to work its way through the world's financial markets.  Will our white, global, population mimic the German Population, some 80+ years ago?  American G.I.'s spread the U.S. b rand of RACE throughout the world during, and after, World War II.

Stay Vigilant!  PRAY -- but not to the Catholics who invented this wicked system in Mexico 500 years ago!  Blancos are less than one-third of the world's population; yet they INSIST on remaining in control.  Indios and Negros make up the remaining two-thirds, according to the Catholic Model.  They may have a thing or two to say about what is unfolding; if the trance they're under can be broken in time.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"RED" POLITICS meets "RED" MARKETS?? (BLUE -- in the BLACK, or RED -- in the RED)??

Are White voters "Waking UP"??

We awoke this morning to blood-red MARKETS!  The DOW plunged more than 300 points at open; on bad news about the world economy.  (I think it was Mitt's nasty, racist joke about Obama).  EBOLA, OIL, The U.S. Consumer -- all fingers were pointing in every conceivable direction.  FEAR, sown steadily for years by the Republicans, to keep their "faithful" in tow; has grown to "bite" everybody??  Well, for certain, "Mitt's" Tea Party, HEDGE buddies "took it in the shorts" today!

Just shows you that Bullies don't ALWAYS win!  Check out the economy of the states of Kansas and New Jersey to underscore that point.  The markets were'nt prepared for the event at open, and it was not able to "handle" the forced margin calls any better than it did.  

The Hard Right has amply demonstrated in its 6-year running race-war against President Obama that it is very willing to kill this economy to get its way (Government Shut-Downs, and Sequestration, following their 2008 Meltdown).  Whites, blinded by race, stay in their buggy, however.  Mitt is seriously being considered by those people as "viable" for 2016, and "credible" today.  What do they have for brains?

Greenspan's long run at the FED led to the 2008 DITCH!  Bernanke was left with only Monetary Policy to keep the economy running, because the Republicans Cut Taxes, placing the money in the pockets of the RICH.  They also CUT FUNDING to protect us from Public Health Scourges like EBOLA!  Why we tolerate any of these skunks is beyond me!!

Seriously, folk, this DITCH we've been in since 2008, courtesy of the Cracker Revolt, led by Gengrich in 1994.  The HEDGE Boys thought they were kings of a new world order on the ashes of the Soviet Union collapse.  Still think MITT is some kind of financial genius??;  Check out Staples!

Listen UP! to Obama:  He's on the right path to saving our eonomy and that of the world.  Europe, and Oil Prices are key to "solving" our problems, and the WORLD know it!!  Will they listen to Obma? Or, to MITCH and MITT?  How much deprivation (think Kansas and Harlan County, along with all the RED and impoverished states in their wake) are you prepared to take?    

Stay Vigilant!  Check out:  "Our Daily Bread" ; and ask yourself whether this country wants to revisit those days.  Obama has to bring world resources to bear  in time to stop Ebola in AFRICA (Europe's Garbage Pit for 500 years) before the entire planet is infected.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

usa: MITCH ; MITT ; Grimes(?) .. the "final" "Riverboat" GAMBLE??

Germany's 1930s "arrives" in the USA?

Mitt Romney is back in the Media, telling Race Jokes, again; that means the GOP expects to "Win" the Senate, "by hook, or by crook"!  That means Hillary and Bill will "Pack-it-In"!;: and retire to the grandbaby and the MONEY they've recently raised.  The road is now open for MITT.  (clue to the joke:  "What Can You DO?)  Crackers knew, in 2008, what Obama COULDN'T DO!;; which was --what the non-whites and liberal whites were praying for -- Save our Democracy, so, maybe,  they would have a chance to PARTICAPE fully.  Looks like THAT won't happen!  In their one and only debate, Evil MITCH tricked Grimes into claiming her CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!  Game Over!  EVERYBODY knows that the Ol' South (now totally GOP) has never given a Damn for our Constitution.  Fort Sumpter, and Sherman, and Jim Crow tells you all you need to know about that!  They have since spread their RED across the country; benefitting the lesser-evil ROMNNEY and his following.  (Remember when the Mormons ambushed the Wagon Trains, slaughtering and robbing, they KEPT the blonde, blue-eyed children as their own!  They blamed their crimes on the INDIANS!

God's Gifts keep coming, from Pope Too, waving a veiled "promise" of redemption to their hungry, Gay white sheep.  Pope Too seems, also, to move in lock-step with his black-in-black comrade, to keep those color codes they invented centuries ago, alive?  Demographics are hard to overcome.  Every white vote will count in 2014!  Even Liberal Whites (Maher?) don't want to give up White Supremacy!   The move by the Catholic Church to preserve its singular, most important, achievement, has been assisted by the spread of EBOLA across our planet.  The full impact of that on the globe's financial markets and national "Interests" is still unfolding.  ThE BIG MONEY boys are praying that the Race-Card, as played by the GOP over the past 6 years, will not harm THEIR Interests.  The Jury's still Out on that.

As for everyone else?  Look at Harlan County, Kentucky!  For all of his trumped-up power, Mitch McConnell has presided over its steady DECLINE, economically!  Those  poor whites!  He's paid by Coal Interests, as he screws the coal economy; blaming it all,  of course, on Obama.

Oh, back to "What can you you do"?  The Operative Word is YOU!!  The movie, The Help, showed us how the Cracker Mind is convinced that their white GOD, sent Blacks to these shores to clean up behind them; "innovate" for them; and allow them to take full CREDIT for anything they find either useful or profitable!.  Young Blacks in Ferguson may be just as blind as those older blacks before them, who chose "Booker-T" over "W.E.B"!  They need to understand the importance of the "Big Head" and stop living through their "Little Head"; turning black women into "Breeders" for 21st Century JIM CROW!

Stay Vigilant!  The 2014 Contest is for the WHITE VOTE!!  They're leaning toward 30s-Germany, and 2014-Russia, TODAY.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, October 13, 2014


Less-Well-Off Minorities and Poor Whites DON'T??

In the mid-80's, as a single parent, I had one child in Private Prep School in Los Angeles, one a student at Cal-Tech, and one a student at U.C. Santa Cruz.  I was enrolled in the Drucker Institute for my AEMBA, and I complained to Peter about the explosive rise in tuitions each year.  He explained why, (too lengthy for this space), and concluded that any "institution" whose "Input" Costs explode, while "Output"  Value plummets; is courting COLLAPSE!  

Defense RDT&E Laboratory Infrastructure Studies under Clinton did a lot to change that outcome, and shifted the picture to one in which Universities became partners with Industry and Government to cut costs.  In fact, the costs were shifted to students under Congressional "reforms" of student loan programs.  This happened shortly before Gengrich led the "Cracker Revolt" in the House of Representatives, that has since grown in Congress, and THINK TANKS.  

Rich students, both foreign and domestic, benefit immensely from the new arrangement.  They come from MONEY, and don't need the "pedigree stamp" to get a job, in the way that Middle Class and Lower Class students always have.  It explains why U.S. students "drop-out"??.  Immigrant students who are poor  have been especially targeted by the "Mills" that sprung up to get a cut of the $Billions "divvied-up" between Colleges and Universities, and Government "profits" from outrageous interest costs extracted from students.  Rich immigrant students benefit more than anyone!  Most poor and minority students wind up with huge debt, and no "pedigree".  All Rich students revert to the original purpose for "higher education" in the United States in the 1920's -- "broadening" for rich, white, males!  Many European nations often don't tie college education, paid privately, to employment opportunity.  The GOVERNMENTS make sure that those students who work in their industiries are educated and trained IN HIGH SCHOOL, and costs are  paid through  taxation from all citizens!

Mark Cuban, on CNBC this morning, showed that he understood part of the story, and recommended limits on amounts that can be borrowed to "fix" the problem.  He blamed the college "administration" for most of the problem, but also implicated the lazy, overpaid faculty.  He did not note that "military-industrial complex, and those lazy professors often "collaborate" in raping ideas from bright students, and profiting from their ability to "own" the companies formed.  Congress set all of this up!

My Grandfather was right in the 1950's: NEVER VOTE for the same politician TWICE!! They can't plot and get organized, if we do that.
Stay Vigilant!  Make Your VOTE Count??
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Sunday, October 12, 2014

"TRIAGE" and the "DEATH" of DEMOCRACY (in the U.S)??

OBAMA: Inside Bush(es) "Pottery-Barn"??

While "Prominent Public Servants"  (both parties) play hop-scotch across the Color Line, the election date draws perilously near.   Palin-pushin' McCain in on with Marshmallow Candy this morning screaming for a TSAR!  Funny; that is also what Putin's screaming for.   In that moment, we get the bad news of ANOTHER EBOLA CASE in, of all places, DALLAS,TEXAS.  Will we "canton" TEXAS -- that large land where bank accounts are huge and brains are infinitessimal?  McCain wants 'American' Troops on the ground in the Middle East (no white or rich fighters, though).  He wants to throw our remaining national debt into a spiral by becoming the "be-all-and-end-all" for the Middle East interests of the white world.  Funny; I thought, yesterday, they figured ISRAEL would do that job.  Of all the "blather" from talking heads this morning, NOBODY mentioned ISRAEL!

White voters have only 23 days to "grow up",;"take some responsibility"; and "realize" they have been living in a world of elaborate lies, where slick Propagandists "Lead", enriching themselves, and promoting their careers?  Funny how "Fauci" promoted his career on the back of AIDS, and returns for more with EBOLA??  Meanwhile, the same transmission history is repeated.

Coming Together! is what is needed to save our Democracy, and our personal HEALTH!  These really have to begin, and remain perserved, AT HOME, you know!  NOBODY believes that CRAP of sowing Democracy in the Middle East.! Take a CLOSE look at Israel (especially if you don't think you're WHITE).  Look even closer at Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey!  They're all playing us for stupid, overly-rich pigs.  The Katzenjammers, Mitch and his gang, and others on the Hard Right, are skating perilously close to being seen as ENEMIES of the STATE??

Stay Vigilant!  EBOLA compares approximately with the ATOMIC BOMB when you consider the structural and economic damage it can wreak.  Racism, War,  and RED-State Politics are less worthy of our attention!.  VOTING BLUE, just might SAVE YOU!!

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

"EURASIA"? : or, "RED"-America'? :or, "ISIS" ? ... White-America driven "BANANAS"??

"24" days; and "Counting"

We'll soon see whether Mitch and his Ditch crowd will succeed in their 6-year campaign to "conquer" Obama, and, using the same fear tactics of Bush/Cheney, "stampede" white America to vote away their Constitution and their Democracy.  New Mexico is in "play"; as it's Hard Right Guv'na, backed by Texas (eyeing our water and Gas/Oil), stayed strangely silent while her State Cops fired their guns on a black woman travelling back roads with her children.  She faces weak opposition for re-election, and, through her "Malinche-style" of "Conservatism", may turn this lonely Blue State, RED??   Both, Texas and New Mexico flew the Confederate Flag during our Civil War.

It's "too-many-things" for "Pea-Brained" followers of the Ditch Bunch to handle.  The two things they DO understand is RACE, and GUNS in the hands of Cops!  Most don't have a "clue" as to how "Government" works; whether at the School Board (closest), or, in Washington (farthest)!   They are blind and ignorant when it comes to government: whether School Board. City or Town, or Parish: COUNTY; Special District, or STATE levels THAT OPERATE in between.  Our "system" leaks and is vulnerable to RED-Attack within all of these"GOVERNMENT(s)"!

So; the cauldron receives more and more "ingredients" as the "Might-Makes-Right" forces, wearing the Robes of Religion, turn up the heat across the entire planet.  Remember, Putin said that his "New Russia" would be "Eurasian" and would have a new version of "Christianity"??   Don't lose sight of this; as he trades oil to China; while waiting on "the weather" to "freeze"  Europe! -- and what's really going on in North Korea?

EBOLA scares have our federal government "screening" all flying passengers from "affected"regions; plying the "Conservatives", who believe that Border-tactics can stop diseases.  WAR destroys health-systems!!  We used to recognize that; during World War Two!!, We had grass-roots health protection (visiting nurses) ACROSS COLOR LINES.  Not so; in "Dallas-Medicine"  today, when it comes to treating non-whites, apparently!  What our thimble-brained, scared-to-death Crackers who drive our RED State Express -- in support of the likes of McConnell, Romney, Cruz, and Rubio, DON'T know about basic public hygiene EDANGERS Everyone!  Staying white, and keeping your "distance" won't keep these cretins clean, or protect anyone from viruses!  A short video clip of a lone white woman, protecting a mentally handicapped black man from the Cops is in the Media.  Check it out!  What percentage of "bin-aflicted" whites are hiding among you, AND  blindlysupport Cops??

The sub-textual "religious wars", re-awakened by Bush/Cheney on the eve of their Iraq Invasion, is centuries old, and Both Christian and Muslim!  Those beliefs and tactics ATTRIBUTED TO Muslims in our Media, can be matched by /Christians and Jews (all THREE RELIGIONS DERIVE from the family of Abraham).  The only differnece is that because most Muslim nations are non-white; WHITE nations have benefitted inordinately from their centuries-old practices of  oppression, suppression , proselytizing, murder,  and other abuse of non-white nations, and non-whites within nations,  LED BY MISSIONARIES.

Stay Vigilant!  All of this has been tossed into ONE CAULDRON!  How many "witches" are stirring this brew?  We may never know, because our Supreme Court tells us not to pay heed to "disclosure"?

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Friday, October 10, 2014

look to LINCOLN!! ... not WASHINGTON

"DEFINING" Difference?

Rodrigues-Gerada's "haunting" face on the Washington Mall, is a fitting back-drop for the psychic struggle we're all going through as we try to "wrap our heads around" the sticatto "crises" that are impinging on just about every aspect of our lives today.  It bodes a dramatic shift in our perceptions of who we are; and especially what we will "look" like, as U.S. Citizens in the not-too-distant future.
It povides a "spine" for these crises, I suspect.

A couple of new books are being hawked on George Washington, and why we should see him, in 2014 as the Greatest of our Presidents.  I suggest just the opposite!  It shows how IRRELEVANT he is to where we are today, and where we're headed, as a nation, in a world splitting, tectonically, along various conflicting lines.  Washington was caught up in revolution against the British Crown, and the challenges of getting wealthy males, all white (not so sure about Hamilton, IF Plessey v. Ferguson
could be "reflected").  Skin color was not an issue they took seriously in their deliberations -- their goal was to establish a nation ruled by privileged WHITE MALES who were PROTESTANT.  Period!

Their accomplishment was to achieve a Unity among fierce Federalists.  Today,Mitch and Romney, their MONEY boys, want to take the country back to what it was before Washington!  Lincoln had COLOR thrust upon him, against his will, and his personal biases.  His "genius" was to solve the crisis while making the colored victims bear the ultimate costs; in perpetuity.

There is a lot of discussion concerning Bill Maher's show last week, where"Bin-Afflicted", and three other "white males" (none Muslim) "pontificated" on tneir new definitions of "racism"  and, "Muslims", in 2014.  The setting, complete with a Black "Eunuch", owned by the Hard Right, strangely in their midst.  He did not weigh in to the "brawl" that ensued among the whites.    That "brawl"  has gained wide blowback from the rest of white media.  I think the "youngster" in the bunch is vying to become a "white representative" for all  Muslims.  Muslims have no voice or controls over their image in our Meida.  BUT, they ain't Poor!   Pay attention to the get-rich scheme his sidekick is pushing to sell crappers in India.  Jay Z, Bono, even Bubba Clinton, have found the "Big Money" in International Charities and Foundations. These "blue-collar-white-boys" want some?

We, as a nation, and Blacks in particular, have to find our way "beyond Lincoln".  He armed Black Males in the Emancipation Proclamation, but they haven't yet found a way to benefit.  The Buffalo Soldiers became a tool for Westward Expansion and a prop for Jim Crow.  It provided Hollywood the perfect opportunity to create the lies of White Hats, Black Hats, Courageous white calvary, and John Wayne.  Blacks did all of the "heavy lifting" to tame the WEST!    Martin, and Malcolm are both dead and their movements have been co-opted by the Hard Right.  Jesse, and Rev'm Al "got over"!!

Latinos are learning the downside of too much community, while Blacks have to learn the benefits of "genuine" community.  Both have to quit letting "liberal whites" exercise the controls they have,; and the damage they inflict on our children under the disguise of "assimiliation" and "education".  Both Blacks and Latinos face "incarceration", instead of "integration"!  Six years of the OBAMA DRAMAs, courtesy of the Hard Right have shown that clearly!

Stay Vigilant!  All citizens who want to actually save our Constitution, must stay on track to get out the Vote in the next few days.  Every one counts for All Citizens of this Country!

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

USA: "STUCK" in MITCH's "Ditch"??

"Go Figure!" ??

Mitch McConnell, and his low-life fellow travelers, (curiously joined, of late, by Panetta, Gates, and Jimmy 'Cattah') are piling on  the President; as the date for 2014 Voting arrives.  A Six-year-long, steady campaign of weakening this President; from Congress, from the Sewer States, and from members inside his own Administration, has taken its toll.  Now, these same "mental midgets" shriek in alarm, because he has been made to appear "weak" to those who think they see a path to harm the nation!

It has long been known, that if a person seeks to keep another "in a ditch"; they most often have to get "down in the ditch" in the effort!  Sewer state interests have tilled their "ditch" ever since Sherman swept through Atlanta!.

Stay Vigilant!  If you feel that someone is "having you on", you're probably RIGHT!  HARD Right, that is -- Gone GLOBAL??

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yes, AND, "No!" ??

Rachel Maddow reports that one of the White Doctors, Brantly, returned to the United States for treament for EBOLA, received a blood transfusion from an African patient (a boy?) that he "cured".  The doctor was also "cured", once back in the U.S., using a limited supply, "experimental drug.  The doctor agreed to share his blood, by transfusion to others who returned here with the virus.  All of the white victims received such a blood transfusion.  Rachel reports that the Dallas Hospital contacted the doctor to see if he would share his blood with the Black victim of Ebola they, eventually, were treating.  The doctor agreed, but Dallas never responded to the offer!  The limited "experimental drug was no longer available.  The Black victim is the first, and only patient, diagnosed with EBOLA while in the United States to DIE!!

While we all wait for an answer to that question; perhaps its time to tell WHITE AMERICA the story of Dr. Charles, Drew, a "Negro", or "Colored" citizen, as we were designated by Governments at that time, who researched blood storage, and is credited for making wide-spread blood transfusion possible!  Born in 1904, he died in 1950, from a car crash; within 30 minutes after arriving in a hospital in North Carolina.   Red Cross Blood Banks resulted from his work.  He resigned from his position as director of blood plasma programs for the United States, in 1941, to protest  the U. S. Army's insistence that the blood of whites and non-whites be kept "Segregated"!
Many of our citizens, then, and to this day, believe that white blood is different, and "better" than the blood of non-whites.  Associated, "traditional", stigmas remain.  In Dallas???

Stay Vigilant!  Whites and Non-whites have a great deal of soul-searching to do; as we attempt to
survive the threats EBOLA has brought to the WEST -- from that same part of our planet where WHITES derived the riches to build their "Culture"!  We can't afford to place all of our energies on events in the Middle East!

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

DEATH: "Social Biases" in "WESTERN" Medicine??

It resides at it's ROOT!
"Savvy" Blacks (notice, I did NOT say "educated") in my generation, cannot be "surprised" that the first non-white EBOLA case in the United States was beyond the reach of Western Medicine!  Why?  As I learned at the age of 6, in 1945, and throughout my life until this day, people of color do NOT receive equitable treatment (if any) in the United States by the Medical Profession, or, it's attendant industries, such as Insurance and  Big Pharma!  Government; mostly at the State Level, but backed by all levels above the State, has been the "guarantor" of this practice.   Many of us know about the "Tuskeegee Experiment, but, mistakenly, think it was an isolated phenomenon.

Not so:  Europe learned, long before Doctors came to be Gods, that their twisted interpretation of Darwin's "Survival of the Species" could be used socially, to rid society of its "undesirables".  The practice traveled across  oceans and became "Eugenics".  The most recent example of this phenomenon was the ACT/SAT testing, recently "abandoned" by Big "Education".  It began in the United States about a hundred years ago, with I.Q. Tests , developed to "prove" that Christian Gentiles were "superior" in intellect to Jews.  It reached its pinnacle under Hitler, when German Doctors provided the core for the Holocaust Medical Experiments.  Results from those experiments lie at the root of modern "marketing" today.  MEDIA is quick to cover-up: (Catch Andrea Mitchell's show this morning, as she set-up the "alibies" for the incompentent racists in Dallas).  In New York City, in 1975, Doctors were routinely using welfare patients as "guinea pigs" for surgeries.  It would be interesting to see the results of an "honest" study of Stint Implant Patients, nationwide, by color, gender, and income class, to determine "success" versus "failure" rates.  Another study, using the same criteria, should measure those who needed treatment and were denied, for any reason.

Not only my Mother, in 1945, but six of my siblings who have died, were impacted by this phenomenon.  Too many non-white, and poor citizens, still view their "Doctor as God".  Too many die unnecessary, horrible, deaths as a result!  I have lost two brothers to this phenomenon wiithin the past three years!  Fortunately, after intense pleading, I was able to get my older brother to switch doctors, at the last minute; saving his life; by getting access to a doctor who was well trained, with the latest technology, and, who did not "discriminate".  Today, Doctors use their Nurses as a "wall" to avoid contact with their patients.
Stay Vigilant!  Yer' Money, or Yer' Life??  Not necessarily!  VOTE against the Conservatives who cling to the OLD WAYS!
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