Tuesday, June 12, 2012


"If you Can't Beat-em, Join-em"

If you think a bit about it, just about all roads to and through Washington, D.C. (except for the kind you drive on),  lead to Lobbying.  For the purposes of this blog, a Lobbyist is anyone who acts in anyway to get the federal government to favor some person or group in a way not available to others.

Now that the Supremes have saddled us with "Citizens United", and,  barring any possibility of the"targets" of any lobbying effort to grow some backbone and principles,  we probably have no choice except to check out our own prospects to gain some of this "representation".  Let's be fair, some of the targets of the Lobbyists (paid and elected government officials and their staffs) are simply overwhelmed with their jobs (to include constant fund-raising); while others are stupid, venal, or all of these things.

As Mom's would say, "Don't nobody know" just how many lobbyist there are.  There are legal ones, illegal ones, those representing private interests, and those representing public interests (often private interests in disguise).  Just about nobody does it for free.

Lobbyists range from Corporate and Church leaders to ex-Presidents.  What do they all seek? Money, power, private laws favoring their interest and punishing their competition -- the gamut runs wide and long.  Church members are lobbyied-for, whether they know it or not.  Their church leaders probably are not in the habit of discussing this subject with their membership.  That's how the role of religion grew so strong in national politics over the past three decades (along with just about all of the other rotten trends we've picked us since 1980).

They've moved from influencing the writing of laws and regulations to actually writing them, and, then, moving into the regulating agencies to direct the way they work (or don't work, in the case of those Money Boys who brought us the Meltdown in 2008).

Where to go to get your lobbyist?  Start with your church, they've got the best gig of all -- tax freedom, no accountability, and a gullible public.  That's why they own so many businesses, and why the poverty numbers keep growing so rapidly.  If not a church, join the explosion of groups who pretend to work "on the behalf" of some poor, endangered, or sick group.  (Think, Haiti; what really happened to all that money?).

Lobbyists continue to grow like a virus because they have nothing that "preys" on them.  They have plenty of people who "pray" to them, however.
 Stay Vigilant!

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