Wednesday, June 6, 2012


"2012 -- Taking Stock"

Last night's results from Wisconsin bring a message somewhat different from the labor-vote results in Ohio.  Now that we're almost through with the "Nut-Jobs" phase of the Repoob campaign (the "nut-jobs" have faded to background, and "Captain Vapid, or Vacuous" -- the guy with the most money -- is their "choice" for the tip of their ticket).  What remains to be done is their Veep-Pick.  Their heavily financed game of Global Chicken continues.  The United States and the European Union continue to be held hostage.

First, consider the money.  Not even the state of California has seen so much  "loot" spread around in a state or local election.  It is reported that all that money was used to "buy" both boots on the ground and  most of the "air time" available.  This can be studied as a text-book case of how government, in a country where the "People are Soverign", can be bought.

Any voter who still thinks we live in a Democracy, has some serious thinking and strategizing to do between now and November.  Unless the voter abdicates, betraying those of us who have sacrificed for freedom, there is still, shall I say, "hope"?, that our Democracy can be saved.

Lower-class whites who belong to unions, or work in state and local government jobs, are clearly being kicked off the "Reagan Wagon". Those who think they will survive the economic storm, stuck with Walker and the Fat Cats.   Families were split in the Wisconscin vote.  A close study should be done as to which citizens were left standing on either side of the "divide" that clearly shows in the voting.  In this country that operates on a color-based caste and class structure, the "shrinking of the middle" has probably been mis-cast.

"Citizens United", the weapon awarded to the Repoobs by the Supremes, clearly is highly destructive of the Democracy the founders thought they crafted for us.  Jefferson warned that "remaining ignorant, and expecting to remain free" would be fool-hardy.  E-mail evidence is surfacing that shows how long-running the Romney-train has been; and the depths to which his strategists have stooped.  The "nut jobs" (excusing Huntsman) were clearly trying to derail that train, to promote their own, more bizarre, agendas.

Please review tactics for "blowing off" Bullies, and check out my earlier blogs: The People vs. The Money (4-11-12), and Will The Center Hold? (5-8-12).

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