Tuesday, June 26, 2012

DO THE MATH! Calm Your Fears!

Can Our Economy Withstand a "Transition"?

Following the 1988 election, I attended a Washington Think Tank presentation on the "Transition" from Mad Ronnie to Daddy Bush.  Illuminaries like Ted Koppel were presenting.  I naively asked who was charged with coming up with the strategy for governig in the new administration.  That prompted titters in the room.  I quickly learned that presidential politics in this country is modeled on our old city-immigrants gang behavior.  One gang arises to push out the gang in power.  There is little or no thought of "transition" until the battle is won.  I was told that the new administration would be lucky to "find the light switches" in the White House.  And, remember, Daddy Bush was Ronnie's Vice President.

Fast forward to the end of Dubya's administration and the never-ending series of debacles that period wrought.  Their crowning achievent came in 2008 with an atttack on our economy, and on this nation, unlike anything seen since the 1929 Wall Street Crash.  In September of 2008, just days before the election, they brought us the "come to Jesus" moment for all in power, but especially for the two candidates running.  One froze, the other had a plan.  The guy with the plan won.

When he tried to "transition" into governing, the Repoobs, who just finished 8 full years of frigging up everything they touched, set about to destroy all chances of his succeeding.  They made it impossible for him to get the staff he needed to govern (that part requiring Congressional approval); and used filibuster rules in the Senate to hamstring just about everything else.  In spite of them, the new guy stopped the rate of  job-hemorrhage by bailing out the auto industry; repaired the banking system so our ATM's would continue to work; and passed an historic Health-Care bill to break our habit of out-of-control spending on the health care for an aging population.

The gang who, with the help of the Supremes, seized control in 2000, is now lining up behind a bunch of rich backers; none of whom anyone with an I.Q. above 50 would "follow to the bathroom".  They want to regain power and subject our fragile economy, and the more fragile global economy, to the shock of another "transition".

Throw off the calculations of what "peanuts" you might gain at the expense your neighbor in this election, and figure instead what you might lose in another "transition" to this new "gang with no plan"!

Stay Vigilant!

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