Monday, June 25, 2012

A "FIX" for "Citizen's United"?

The Power of the Voter

"A Republic, Ma'am, If You Can Keep It"; words, we're told, uttered by Benjamin Franklin, founder of our Constitution, and a white "escaped slave" (check it out!).  He was citing the immense power our founders gave to the voter in this nation; and, at the same time, warning of how easily the voters can lose that power.  The "Supremes" (or the radical 5 of them) doubled down today on their position regarding vast sums of money as "free speech" in a ruling against the State of Montana.  But, remember, Elections Have Consequences!

Adelson, big money backer of the Repoob insurgents, has openly stated his intention to spend however much money it takes to defeat President Obama and other Democrats in the election of 2012.  Mitt and the Repoobs met over the weekend with their other mega-donors to raise even more money.  Condi Rice, that "soul sister" of Clarence Thomas, was in attendance and gave a speech.

So the "fix" becomes clear.  Adelson tells us all what to do to keep them from overthrowing our government.  Their hooligans in the House of Representatives are not able, alone, to accomplish this task with their goose-stepping, Big Lie tactics.  VOTE AGAINST ANY AND ALL REPUBLICANS.
That will save your country, and give you a chance to re-structure our government with the current cancer eradicated.

But, you might say, you don't know anybody who sells their vote for money.  There are many tactics that accomplish the "buying" of your vote; without your conscious "sale".  Media barrages are the principal way their money works.  Hiring poll workers; changing state laws in state Legislatures; hiring people to flood the streets and knock on doors to "capture" voters; are most of the ways this excess money will be used.  The BIG LIE spoken in lock-step (goose-step?) by the Repoobs, has the psychological effect used so sucessfully in Germany during the 20's and 30's  to overthrow a Democracy from the inside.

The "army" that defends this nation must be the army of voters in 2012.

Stay Vigilant!

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