Friday, June 1, 2012

CAN BLACKS (and other Non-Whites) BE RACIST??)

Absolutely!!  End the Finger-pointing!

Allport, in The Nature of Prejudice,  shows that in hard economic times people seek solace by returning to their "roots" (racial, tribal, religious, national, etc.).Our politicians remind us that although we don't have a state religion, the United States is a ""Christian" nation.  Moreover, it is a Protestant, Christian nation.  This means that in this country "every-person" has direct access and can interpret the Bible and to define God.

The Bible, re-written by Europeans in 1611, states that God is white.  This message has been promulgated by religion since the founding of the Roman version of Christianity.  Which also might  explain the "re-make" of Jesus, the Palestinian, into Jesus, the European.

When you believe in a religion in which your God has cursed you, and your" kind", in perpetuity, you have a problem.  In order to extinguish a harmful belief, it seems logical to concentrate on the majority of those who hold the belief.  Since the overwhelming majority of Christian believers, and those on this planet under the control of Christian institutions and governments, are not white, what to do?

In this country, and, in most of the Americas, you can revert to some "work-around"; such as the "paper-bag test" in which those closer to the Chalk side of the skin-color spectrum discriminate against those of darker hue; closer to the Charcoal side.

In that part of the Americas dominated by Roman Christian and Spanish influences, that trend goes to absurd lengths to include eye color, hair texture and color, and skin color.  In all of the Americas you can find evidence of this type of discrimination among siblings within a family.

Then, there is the intersection of racial and tribal factors, such as Native American lineage.  In the United States there are people like Tommy, an Alaskan Native I be-friended in 1960, who was a permanent paraplegic from injuries inflicted upon him by children of other tribes in an "Indian School".  These places, set up and enforced by our government and many churches, were designed to eradicate,  under duress, any tribal attributes among these children, who were forcibly removed from their families.

So, unlike white racism, which is unidirectional; non-white and black racism is bi-directional.  In favor of those higher up the color scale and against those below.  This practice, long-standing, causes many types of personal and societal maladies.  Politicians, aware of these conditions, select thus- afflicted individuals to perform special roles in our government -- like making sure there will never be another Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court.

I am not claiming the Christians "invented" all of this.  The separation of good and evil by distinct source is traceable to Zoroastrianism, and to Persians of the 6th Century BCE.  Color appears to have been applied to their distinctions of good and evil by the time the original Bible(s) were written.

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