Monday, June 1, 2015

"TERROR", Incorporated??

"MONEY-Centered" TERROR??

Can we see more clearly now; why the slaughter of innocent first graders was not enough to "wake up" the Citizenry from their  "coma";  and cure the "paralysis" that set in post-9/11??  We slept through "Anthrax", "Abu-Ghraib", "Intelligence-Failures" that came in serial fashion.  NOTHING seemed to make us strong enough to stand up against the WAR Dogs, and the NRA!

We did nothing as our Military was leached away by "Private Security" Companies that paid hand-selected soldiers to dump the uniforms for huge salaries; while their buddies faced the same threats for peanuts.  I saw creeps like Lindsey Graham rise to power within our Armed Forces, before Reagan arrived in 1980.  Lindsey was a JAG, a  Judge Advocate General, or Lawyer, in the Military.  They faced no bullets!!

In the face of these terrible years, our Nation has become a collection of Chicken-Sh*ts who hide behind "Stand Your Ground".  This SWILL from the HARD RIGHT should make reasonable people SICK AT THEIR STOMACHS!  Drug-, Human-, and Gun-Trafficking have grown asymptotically, along with the collapse of our surplus Economy.

Stay Vigilant!  We're being "Bushed", yet again.  In their wake, a GOP flood of mini-Napoleons are popping up by the dozens on the RIGHT.  We NEED a new Political Party -- a SANE Party, that appeals to those of us with Common Sense!  FEAR leads to Corruption, Death, and Poverty for Everyone!  Where will the WAR DOGS find the Troops they want to send to the Middle East?  The DRAFT??

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