Thursday, June 4, 2015


People "Tolerate" CORRUPTION; until they DON'T!!

A warning to all "mega-criminals" who profit from technological advance:  People can get tired of it!!  Hitler found that out in World War II.  Japan learned that also, in World War II.  We had been warned by Stilwell  ( ), about War in Asia.  Truman knew that the Atomic Bomb would be the only thing that would take the will to fight away from Japan.

Today's Menaces comes from the Middle East, and characters like Netanyahu, Assad, and Putin.
The surprise was that Mbarak turned out to be a "decent fellow", when compared to Ghadafi, Assad, and the rest.  Oh Well!; as Europe retreats from its historic world role (1492-2015), what emerges is "anybody's guess" at this point!

One thing is clear, however: Europe will ride the Technology Horse until the "end" !! In World War I, Europeans wanted to test the ability of machines to slaughter people.  They got their answer.  As blowback, that War also produced Hitler, and, revelation of the deep racism of Europeans, Catholics, and Germans.  (Russians weren't too kind to Jews, either).

In 2015, the United States, Europe's "stand-in", since 1945, is testing new Technological Break-through's  in the field of FINANCE; hoping to maintain that Technological Edge gained over Suleiman in the 1520's.  Had Suleiman's forces gone back the next day into Vienna, Christianity might be "toast" today!  We might not be cursed , in our daily lives; with these Twisted Interpretations emanating from our Sewer States!  The Rabble in the Middle East today; who dream of restoring the Grandeur of Old Empire, are equally "ignorant and twisted"??

The Corruption of Race plied with MONEY; that feeds the Soccer Stink-Pile, the Football (USA) Stink-Pile, the Drug and Gun and Human Trafficking Stink-Piles; are all fed by advances in Technology; created in our efforts to "Win" the Cold War.

Stay Vigilant!  CLEAN HOUSE (globally) is the Right Track for the World!  "Bladder" is just a start!  Banks, Hedge Funds, Foundations, and other sources of funding for Corruption must be "flushed-out".  TECHNOLOGY will answer THAT Need, Too!!  We need to find  People with Integrity . .. that word that scares HELL out of today's GOP!!

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