Friday, June 26, 2015

A Nation; "CAUGHT", between WHO to love; and, HOW to love??

The GAP between Good and Evil??

As we struggle forward as a Nation, in our eternal GAP between GOOD and EVIL, President Obama, and this day (June 26, 2015) will, undoubtedly,  go On Record, HISTORICALLY!  On this 
Same Day, this President speaks to the Nation on a breakthrough SCOTUS Ruling, legalizing Gay Marriage (GOOD); AND, commemorating Nine Murder Victims in our Sewer State of Record:  South Carolina.  In this State ,where Rebellion against our Union first raised its Ugly Head; Murder! ; for no reason greater than SKIN COLOR, brings us all to Reflection!

Alexis de Tocqueville, in his book, Democracy in America (1830), spelled it out clearly.  This Nation was founded by Rich White Males, who decreed immediate DEATH for Native Americans, because their LAND was coveted; and a slower, more cruel DEATH for Black Slaves, because their
LABOR was essential!  It remains a true observation, in 2015, when Persons of Color "Create" and Prepare Feasts, and where Whites stand first in line to benefit from their Creations, Sweat, Inspirations,  Perseverance, and BREAKTHROUGHs!!  WHITES, as their birthright, continue to expect LOVE and Obedience in Return..  Victims, mostly young black males, range as low in age as Twelve!  Whites do little or nothing to protect them!

It's the LOVE , however, where we're "hung-up".  Up 'til this day, we were told WHO and HOW to Love, by Whites who claimed Christianity as their "Authority".  Today, they will be forced by LAW to relent on their efforts to enforce their views on WHO we can Love.

HOW we LOVE?  Willie Lynch, from the mid-1700s , remains the sad Rule Book , that dictates how Blacks should disrespect each other by denying their respect and affections for their Parents, Siblings, and all Neighbors who are Darker in Skin Color.  That Curse lies at the root of Black Powerlessness today, and at the root of White Hatreds and Indifference!

Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice; both "products" of the Bush Family and other "Conservatives", are the Poster Children for Black Self-Loathing.  This poison is the major impediment of "Black Progress".  Money must be joined by Organization,   based in TRUST, for any People to have true POWER.

The ENJOINDER, or Parallel Commandment, for WHITES (and their wannabee's) is to maintain maximum SOCIAL DISTANCE from anyone who has darker skin!.  This  hundreds-years-old behavior has become GLOBAL, following World War II!

Stay Vigilant!  One tiny step FORWARD; one GIANT step BACKWARD??

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