Thursday, January 1, 2015


If ya' workin', ya'  LIFE's workin'!!

The history of income-producing "work", FOR BLACKS,  is a long and tortuous one.  Brought here for "work" (and more than a little "Pleasure") by whites under their Slave System; White folk expected Blacks to  "work until they died", while only the white man got paid.  Following the Civil War, the whites were faced with having to "restructure" "work" for Blacks in the Sewer States.  Those few Blacks, outside the South, who were Indentured Servants; and  released from indenture; and those "born free", (or successful escapees) -- were exceptions -- before, during, anf after the Civil War.

That "restructured" system was a mixture of share-cropping and Penal Labor.  Those who escaped these two "choices", both inside and outside of the Sewer, were "Professional" men, like Doctors, Lawyers, Preachers, and Teachers.  Then jobs, with Unions grew (segregated Union Rolls), and jobs for "wages" (somtimes "pay" was offered in watermelons).  This system was interrupted by World War II, when Industry was forced to "hire" Blacks, and  Women, due to labor shortages.

Until 1979: during the White Backlash period that followed the Civil Rights Activities of the 1960s.
Then, most industrial jobs that required physical labor "disappeared".  UN-Recognized; but there, starting around 1830, were BLACK BUSINESSMEN who created work for themselves and those Blacks they hired.  My grandfather was one of those.  His sister was a school-teacher and investment-property owner in Tulsa, OK.  Their biggest problem, from the dawn of the 20th Century until the 1960s. was keeping the whites from stealing their assets, and threatening their lives.  I grew up on stories of the Tulsa "Riots" (a pogrom, really) experienced by my Great-Aunt.

I learned to "work" in my Grandfather's Tailoring and Dry-Cleaning Business.  I grew up around, and was fascinated by, heavy, and dangerous industrial equipment fueled by steam and gas, and a closed system of gasoline-by-product used for drycleaning.  I later noticed that most of my white colleagues in Science and Technology were children who played with things that exploded or burned.

We're ALL born with a brain!  What we need is freedom to create and keep what we create.  The Right-Wing Crackers yell about this; all the time, but, like "Rev'm Al " portrays with his "blueberry pie" stories -- they have ALWAYS been the TAKERS!!

Stay Vigilant!  Find a "gig", make it work, and don't get "ripped-off"!!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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