Sunday, January 18, 2015

RACE and "SCREW-ON" "Heads"

It's ALL to "Fool" the Public?

MEDIA reports that the company in China that is set to compete with APPLE has selected  a white male "head" for it's International Operations.  It will target Brazil and other "Developing" nation Middle Class buyers.  I remember, in Los Angeles, in the early 80's, a Japanese Immigrant small business owner who explained why he would NEVER hire a Black employee.  They "think too much", he said.  Koreans, I have found,  demand white male leadership in any business relationships they form in the United States.  Only white language instructors are sought from the United States to teach in South Korea.   In my early research for graduate school studies, I found that the Chinese, in the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD) discriminated against Koreans on the basis of skin color.

Laws will never end the practices of racial discrimination, when they are "in the bones".  The Racial reactions to President Obama from Sewer State inhabitants are, likewise, "in the bones".  That explains why the practices shift; only in surface presentations, but do not fundamentally change from one generation to the next.  Repoobs are preparing for the end of the Obama Administration and, I guess, are praying that no one else comes along who can regularly "kick their asses" the way Obama has.

James Fallows of Atlantic Monthly  published in Dec, 2014, The Tragedy Of The American Military.  Fallows cites Eisenhower, Truman and Abraham Lincoln as earlier Presidents who respected our Military, but were tough on Generals.  I entered military service in 1962, as Vietnam was "heating up".  Although Eisenhower warned of the "Military/Industrial" relationship, it was the assassination of Kennedy which set the stage for Johnson's Great Society and Civil Rights Legislation.  The "White Backlash" to the upheaval following the assassination of Martin Luther King, raised its ugly head, early, in the Military.  I witnessed the change in culture as the leadership died, from those who were Korea and WW-II soldiers.  What arose as "leadership" that followed was heavily influenced by race wars that raged within the American Military from the late 60's throughout the 70's.  The arrival of Reagan and Wineberger presented the nation with a Military infected with many of the maladies cited by Fallows.  I cited this phenomenon in a portion of my graduate Thesis, in 1972.  The deliberate abandonment of the Hatch Act and it's requirements for a "non-political" military; compounded by Nixon's disposal of the Draft; sealed the fate of our Military!  By the time I retired in 1982, "Political Generals" were everywhere!

Then, of course, there was the decision of our "Elites" to quell urban uprisings in response to the King Assassination, by "installing" Black Mayors across the nation; from Newark, to Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle.  All were "Screw-Ons" while whites continued to run things behind the scenes.  Mayor Washington of Chicago inherited a Strong Mayor position, and tried to DO THE JOB! -- to the horror of whites.  They should have known that someone like Obama would emerge??

Stay Vigilant!  The RACE ISSUE is Global, and immutable in any "real" sense, as we watch the "purge" of Muslims in Europe.  Here at home, "blowback" from the Sixties; added to Jim Crow; added to Chattel Slavery and Colonization continues to haunt the Americas and the planet!  Current "Leadership" continues to weave new racial fabric.

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