Friday, January 9, 2015

NOT: "One" of 'US' ??

A World"s Cry for Suicide??

Whether its John Boehner's and Micth McConnell's "Triumph"; or the current upheaval on the streets of Paris, the "root" is the same??  If you're a non-white "American", and you visited Paris, as I did, for the first time, you can't help but notice how "cold" the (white) "French" are!  It is not surprising that they don't "mix well" with non-whites from their "Colonies".  It is surprising that it could come to this!  The United States, feigning "Integration" since the 1960s, has at least given Lip Service, to attempts to "get along" with its non-white citizens.  We must all pray for the French.

In one of my readings; as I remember, either C.P. Snow, or maybe Freeman Dyson, who stated that "Mankind" had despaired of ever making peace with their neighbors on Planet Earth, and hankers for another Planet to "escape" to.  "Fat Chance!" it seems.  We're STUCK with each other.

Our new Congress is planning to spend the next two years "beatin' Hell" out of Obama; as the Republicans have for the past six years!  It's gained them  control of Congress, so far.  Its not clear who is looking to gain what in the streets of Paris, today.  Neo-Nazis and Hard Right Nuts all over the world are getting a "shot in the arm" from these doings, however!.  We're all less safe, day-to-day, as a result.

Will we find our way to an Obama Future, or will it be the Repoob's Past that lies before us?  The Difference?  Any idiot should realize that Living in harmonious unity with your close neighbors is a "no-brainer"!!  They obviously don't; in France, or Israel,  Assad's Syria, or Putin's backyard.  Then there's AFRICA -- Europe's "Muck-Pile" --derived from their past and present Exploits on that Continent.

Technology has knitted all of this into a single fabric.  There's no escape from its "blowback".  There are not enough guns to thwart its consequences.  WE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO USE OUR CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES TO CO-EXIST!  That means taking the time and trouble to:
       1. Find a way to live in harmony with EVERYONE within a thousand miles of us.  (YOUR COMMUNITY)
      2.  Find a way to take the racial hatreds out of Religion (all of them).
      3.  Devise an economy for each  community IN WHICH THERE ARE NO SHARP INEQUITIES.

Stay Vigilant!  We are our own worst enemy!  As the little one's say: Dat's da' Truuf'' !!

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