Friday, January 30, 2015

GOD (Ain't Got NO Use for) MONEY !!

DON''T need NO money TO DO "GOOD"

If your GOD requires your MONEY, what meaning does the story of Jesus and the Money-Changers in the Temple, HAVE for you?  We know Politicians of the Hard Right (think Republican) NEED Immoral Sums of MONEY to run their campaigns, AND they NEED GOD to run their Campaigns.  Do you really think GOD cares at all about Politics??  If so, where do you find that in YOUR Holy Book??

Is this a time when we all have to recall Moses on the Mount, when he warned the Children of Israel of the dangers of worshipping FALSE GODs??  Is this not a time for all of us, regardless of the GOD we worship, to re-read that story??  I don't know about you, but I feel we've been USED by politicians, citing Biblical inspirations, for Immoral ends.

It was reported that two-thirds of eligible voters DID NOT VOTE in 2014.  That should be grounds for negating the results of the election!  How did we get here?  I've come the conclusion that two Democracies, the U.S.A, and Israel, have trod wrong paths after losing their elected leaders to assassination:  Kennedy in 1963, and Rabin in 1995.  Both Countries have taken sharp political turns to the Hard Right, causing immense hardships for the traditionally marginalized people in each country, and dividing both nations within, while straying from the relationship between these two countries; that began in 1948.  Extreme Right Wing Politics has also played a strong hand in a growing, and metastasizing, 21st Century Crusade.

Stay Vigilant!  2016  is looming as the year that provides us an opportunity to find a path that will lead us back to Sanity -- and back to incomes that permit having and raising families!  This will be essential, if we are to return to economic growth of 5% or more.  Oil collapsed from $145 a barrel to $32 a barrel in 2008!  Oil Collapse has returned!

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