Sunday, June 23, 2013


They "Have" Saved: Mankind
Take another look at the movie, Thirteen Days (2000), or read Jeffrey Sachs' new book: To Move the World: JFK's Quest for Peace, and, if you can reason and comprehend above 6th-grade level, you will see immediately why the title of this blog points toward truth!
On that day in October of 1962 (don't tell Rubio, he thinks it happened in 1963), I had been assigned to NSA for about 3 full months.  My first-born (at the Fort George G. Meade Hospital) had been home for a little over a month.  We lived on the Fort, in the shadow of "The Puzzle Palace".  We just knew we were "goner's"!
I have suspected, from those days, that JFK was a "Lincoln" in my lifetime; (even though I missed my first opportunity to vote for him; my first white friend was a Republican from South Dakota).  Then, there was the Liddy Biddy Johnson question; that lingers to this day.  Sachs' book reveals the secret activities that allowed the President, working behind the scenes with Khrushchev, to save the world from what was overwhelmingly slated to become a nuclear World War III. 
The close-held "secrets" were crucial to that outcome.  So, even though mushy-headed Lefty's might boo Nancy Pelosi over her position in the Snowden Affair, those who know better, and can think better, know otherwise.  This nation continues to pay a heavy price for the fact that our Baby-Boomers remained babies for too long!
The new book also reveals the members list of the EXCOMM.  Other recent publications reveal the close relationship between Liddy Biddy and J. Edgar Hoover.  Anybody still have a copy of "MacBird!"??! (I Do).
Stay Vigilant!  THINK! for Ur Self! ??
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