Friday, June 7, 2013


The Path -- back to "White & Male" ??
The Next Round begins!  Mitt has convened the white&mighty to a shindig in Utah thrown by his son's venture-capital-fund.
Demographics are destiny, so, having been soundly and roundly beaten at the polls in 2012; what's to be done as 2016 looms?  The 2012 results showed clearly that non-white citizens, destined to be the voting majority in this country in this century, were the reason for Mitt's loss.  Mitt and the Repoobs, resting on our "white and male past" model for political leadership, now face the possibility of some non-male, possibly non-white, winning the election for President in 2016.  The Repoobs in Congress, led by their Tee-Pee Wing, have been steadily throwing every thing (and a tantrum to boot) at the President and our economy to negate and deny any legitimacy for his second term victory. 
Today's jobs numbers  show they continue to fail to cripple the economy by their antics in Congress.  So something must replace their miserably poor tactics, and give them a "crack" at a comeback??   The off-year election in 2014 is traditionally a Congressional election with a different electorate.  Unless this smaller, whiter, and more wealthy electorate delivers both houses of Congress to the Repoobs in 2014; which seems unlikely, because they have not changed their ways and are promising a return to their "tricks"  leading up to 2008 -- a time when they turned all the reigns loose and let the economy run amok -- they have to come up with a new story!  They have to "plot" ahead to 2016!
The stock market's "on a tear" today; gold is down sharply!  What's a white male stuck on "austerity" to do?
Stay Vigilant!  They're probably up to no good!
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