Sunday, August 2, 2015

(Repoob) CAMPAIGN; and their "BASE"??

makin' "Sense"??

Did you see the new TV Ad (?), shot from the rear, of a (white) Toddler, precariously negotiating a long hall-way;  while, making its way to the windows?  The baby appears to be about 9 months old.  Let's wonder:  "Good Bet; that Baby is not yet Racist"??  The Clown Car awaits FOX News as it decides which Candidates among them will "make the cut-off" for their first "DEBATE" on Thursday night.  Since we can safely assume Babies don't enter this World with pre-knowledge of white-skin-racism, it is safe to assume that this, willingly-admitted "Racist Nation" will soon set about the task of "enlightening" this beautiful, new, un-corrupted creature!

How else to explain why their Clown Car has occupants who, less than 35 years ago, for some, could have been this Toddler?  Whites, when admitting that we are, indeed, a Racist Nation, often add the phrase:  "we've come a long way, but we have a long way to go"!  They don't specify the direction ahead, but it obviously is "circular"??  How else to explain the likes of Dillon Roof?  Now that White South Africa has walked away from its Apartheid; the U.S. A. assumes its place in the list of nations clinging to virulent and Murderous White Racism.  We learn weekly how Blacks must take greater precautions against Murderers who lurk within our Police Forces.

TRUMP shows us the growing Power and Reach of this "BASE", that the Republicans covet so much attention from -- along with their never-ending CASH??  Castenada, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs for Mexico, cites the deep concerns of Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America, in response to TRUMP's vicious attacks against those populations.  Even though Obama no longer poses any electoral threat to the Republicans, they can't quit their maligning of the President.  Of course, none of the Candidates will admit to being Racist, themselves.  This shows the pure "mind-eff-ery", so rampant in this Campaign!

Foreign Affairs Magazine, in its publication The Clash at 20, notes ties back to Religion and Tribe, to explain the rise in significance of the phenomenon at work within the Republican Campaign for 2016.  To see the RAW POWER of these forces, watch God Loves Uganda, an Independent Lens production that airs on PBS.  These young "Christians", from IHOP (not the pancake folk), in Kansas City, MO, systematically incite the citizens of Uganda to Murder each other!  Those young white Americans insinuate themselves into power over that entire Nation, by taking control of their Government Leaders, in the name of the Christian Religion.  No population, weakened by centuries of ignorance and poverty can withstand such a juggernaut in search of Power!  The Republican Party has been a direct "player" in this sad affair.

Stay Vigilant!  According to Foreign Affairs, the phenomenon is not limited to the United States!  Religion, and the extreme Paranoia it can employ, is at work in many places on the Globe; spreading violence and hatred, in the name of Jesus!

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