Sunday, August 16, 2015

'GODSPEED"; JULIAN !! ..say "Hello" to MARTIN (for us)??

January 14, 1940,  to August 15, 2015
a "REST", Well Earned!

I pulled from the shelf this morning, my copy of the 1972 volume of OUTSTANDING YOUNG MEN OF AMERICA, published by the JAYCEEs, and read, again, the Biography of Julian Bond.
Barely beyond the age, then, of our Millenials today, his list of accomplishments, at 32, were highly unusal, when compared to the thousands of other young men that volume included.  He went on, in the struggle, after Martin Luther King was murdered, to become, at one point, the Leader of the NAACP.  We can take this time to reflect on our Hopes, then, and our Realities, today?  Julian, a few months younger than me, was one of my HEROs!

Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Professor, gave an interview to Fareed Zacharia, this morning, in which he outlined his PLAN to restore Democracy to the United States by taking the power of Money out of our Politics.

Lessig promises in the interview to: "de-corrupt, uncorrupt the system, to make it so we are equal citizens again."  Lessig undermines his own effort, I believe, because he has the same failing most white leaders, of all political stripes have ... the "we" they speak of does NOT Include the Marginalized -- the Blacks, the Browns, and the Poor!  Lessig is energized for the same reason that Bernie's followers are:  they want those White, Middle Class persons, who never before doubted their Citizenship Status, to be restored; to no longer be Excluded by Big Money!!  TRUMP "GET's THIS", as he continues to POPULARIZE his concoction of CORRUPTION and RACISM!!

"We" have NEVER been a nation in which all natural-born citizens had Full Citizenship!  Only some Ivory-Tower Professor could be that blind??  Lessig says: "in the South, they used to run the white primary, where only whites were allowed to vote."  TODAY, both major Parties have extended that practice to the entire nation by designing Primary Elections in ways that very effectively shut out Non-White Voters !!

Lessig will FAIL with his Plan, if he thinks he can "fix" the system by only re-opening it to those white, Middle Class Voters who are currently shut-out by Big Money!!  Only fuzzy-headed Liberals could be so Blind!!

Stay Vigilant!  One of the Repoob Candidates would REMOVE the "natural-born" provision of Citizenship from our Constitution!  It ain't just the Mexicans, they Hate, folks!!  ALL CITIZENS, regardless of wealth, gender, skin color, or any other prohibition based on circumstances of birth within our United States; MUST be accorded FULL, and function-able CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS under any scheme "hatched" by Reformers!!

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