Friday, December 14, 2012


Just What Are These Red-Necks R-e-a-l-l-y Up To?
Thus far past the election, Romney, Eastwood, and all the ugly stuff of the past year or so, the Repoobs (Republicans of the Redneck Variety) are "hard-at" keeping this nation on edge.  Their performance during the Debt-Ceiling Crisis in 2011 demonstrated, clearly, that they don't give a damn about the financial health of the nation.  So what are they really up to in the current "fiscal cliff" shenanigans?
In an interview on television yesterday Dan Rather, who knows a thing or two about getting "rolled" by Rednecks, said that this bunch, led by Boehner and McConnell, think they can "roll" President Obama for his watch and his wallet.  In other words, they think he's weak and will cave, no matter how strong a hand he is playing.
Their "dumps" in the media, that feed the frenzy of the clue-less, seem only to heighten tensions and waste precious time needed for difficult legislating.  They're not working at all in Congress!  But,  Why? 

This morning on C-Span, Nina Olsen, National Taxpayer Advocate, may have provided the answer. 
She said that the AMT, or Adjusted Minimum Tax, is just one of thousands of "extenders" in the Tax Code that will die abruptly when we go over the Fiscal Cliff.  That could cause major disruptions as millions of taxpayers attempt to pay their taxes in 2013.  Many filers would have their filing rejected by IRS.  What better way to screw the country, get revenge for the election, and starve the government to death!  A Tri-fecta of mayhem that puts Newt and his fellow bomb throwers to shame.
Why hasn't the "serious" media warned us of this?  Can this Redneck attack on Susan Rice be simply a grand diversion that wastes precious time and waltzes us all into disaster?  Fuzzy headed Democrats and other Liberals had better wake up and find out who the real enemies of this country are, and how long they've been working to wreck this nation and our Constitution.
Stay Vigilant!
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