Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Boehner's Answer to THE OWL (12/14/12)??
Our Repoob point-man was on the telly this morning to announce their "Plan-B".  It sounds familiar!
Read REPOOBS: "PLAN-B"?? (12/14/12) --the elements line up.  They're preparing to separate the Sequestration issue from the Taxation issue.
Given the horrific events in Connecticut in the past few days, they're scrambling to regain their footing in their battle with the President.  They're having to do so "under the gun", so-to-speak, because the gun nuts are their mainstay; politically, financially, racially, and ideologically.  The part of this nation that favors flooding our streets with automatic weapons measures 47%, according to recent election results.  They're flirting with going down the drain politically after the massacre of the innocents last Friday.
As if its not horrible enough that these nuts have the country by the throat financially, their plan to shift their base to the "think tanks" for purposes of waging their wars against the public may not help them either. 
Mayor Bloomberg is out front, attacking President Obama, obliquely blaming him for the shooting and charging him with offering only palliatives as a substitute for "immediate" action.  He told Charlie Rose he would have voted for Romney, if not for his shift on the gun issue.  He says he meant no "disrespect", but his tone definitely did not offer any "respect" for the President.  There is an element of panic among politicians of every persuasion because this shooting came from "out of the blue" and messes up their strategies regarding the fiscal cliff.  Looks like Gun Control has come back with a vengeance; up-ending the plans laid under Cheney/Bush/Hastert when they  allowed the Brady Bill to expire.  Life is rough for a Repoop in Congress these days.
But time is running out and the water is rising.  The Connecticut folks, as one talking head noted, don't need our money, they need emotional support and hard, accurate, means for keeping their children safe.  When children at this level on our food chain are no longer safe, who is??
Stay Vigilant!
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