Sunday, December 30, 2012

"DRY-GULCH": Update

Good News!  The President made it safely through the gulch; thanks to expert driving (Pelosi), and astute work on the "shotgun" (Reid).    The President, unharmed, remains firm in his determination to achieve a "fair and balanced" resolution for this nation's economy, the international economy, and World Markets.  The coach is a lot worse for wear, however.  Let's pray the wheels don't fall off before this "ride" comes to its conclusion.  There is still much rough road ahead as the "midnight deadline" looms.  The entire dry-gulch episode lasted less than an hour, while the Financial Markets were in session and hanging on every twist and turn.
The hold-up men (Boehner and McConnell) are a lot worse for wear; although Boehner appeared to have been injured earlier by a self-inflicted gunshot wound; leaving McConnell to do the heavy lifting.  The President sent them all back to the  "Hole In the Wall" (Congress) with instructions for McConnell to collaborate with Reid to reach a solution to our financial impasse.  Boehner has called the House of Representatives back into session, but if this "lame-duck session" expires without a settlement, he may not recover from his self-inflicted injuries.
At this writing, the Senate, in a rare Sunday session, has just heard McConnell declare he needs a different "dancing partner" and he is reaching out to the Vice President of the United States (also a non-voting "President" of the Senate).  This is a ominous twist, perhaps.
Stay Tuned.  Strap on your "cliff parachutes". Get ready for $7 per gallon milk prices.
Stay Vigilant!

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