Friday, November 23, 2012


Congress' Self-Imposed "Corner" 
The Voting Citizen is the ultimate, the essence, of our form of Democracy.  The voters spoke, and we will be de-coding the message for years, if not decades, to come.  The nearest threat to total devastation, like what befell Germany in 1933, has been deflected; hopefully for good!  The Cabal, led by a Big-Money "fixer",  mixed large sums of money with color-racism and generalized fear-mongering,  and still failed to turn us into a Corporate-Run Government.  We all should be proud of the outcome.  Remnants of the Cabal are still to be found in those state governments that are totally Repoob.  The Republican Party has a great deal of work to do.  It may take decades for them to fully exorcise the malignancy from their ranks.  This is a great start for the 21st Century!
The Cabal had numerous tricks up its sleeve to defeat the President and take power of the Executive Branch again.  This would restore the total control they exercised over this country between the years of 2000-2006, with only two years of split control of the Congress, during which they presided over the worst economic disaster this country has seen since 1933.
One of their tricks was Sequestration, a Faustian Bargain they were sure they would win, by defeating the President.  Now they are caught.  By winning the election, alone, the President wins the Sequestration gamble.  Revenue, which is the essential fuel any government needs to operate, will increase, even if the Repoobs continue their pyrrhic stance.  The voters will be hurt, unnecessarily, if it goes that way, because the poor will be disproprotionately harmed.
Let's review:  what is all this crap really about?  The Cheney/Bush cabal promised us that we would all profit if we launched an un-provoked attack ("Shock and Awe") on Iraq -- we would pay for the affair with their oil!  NOT!!  Now somebody else has to pay.  In war, when you lose, you have to pay!  By their second term, 2004, they knew their plan would come a cropper!  So, they cut taxes for the rich, twice, ... you know the rest.  Bottom line:  the rich are dead-set against paying this, or any, bill with their money!  Just like the banks after the Melt-down, the Rich are insistent that the poor and middle classes should pay these bills. (Remember: Wall Street vs. Main Street?)
The best outcome they can hope for now is Sequester, where everybody takes it up the rear-end through both, tax increases and pay cuts (and possibly Recession)!  Now you know why cabals are evil things.  You don't want them in your government.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright: 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

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