Friday, November 16, 2012


The RED States Want "Out"??
Now we see what these "yahoos" have really wanted all along!  They want to replay our Civil War!
I can just see McCain as the leader of the New Confederacy, and his South Carolinian side-kick as the new Robert E. Lee.  Oozing out from the Old South, on the backs of Wing-Nut and rascist Christians, these people have spread like a scourge throughout the United States.  They, apparently, now believe they have no future here.  This is the 21st Century, for Chrise-Sake!!
But knowledge and understanding never were strengths for this lot.  Led by Texas, that state allowed into the Union with the intent of splitting into four slave states in order to preserve chattel slavery in this country forever, they have always been the dis-loyal opposition to every tenet of our Founding!
Steady readers of this blog have probably noticed that I strive to never use the term "Americans" to describe the citizens of this nation.  We're "American" alright, but so is the poorest, blackest, inhabitant of the Favelas in Brazil!  Our media, and other lazy speakers in Academia and elsewhere should let go of this age-old bigotry and refer to citizens of this nation as "Citizens of the United States of America".
The yahoos who want to leave, always referred to themselves as "Real Americans" -- translated to mean white, Southern, poorly educated (no geography lessons), and super-religious.  By their reckonin' Obama is "not American", Hispanics and other "illegals" are "not American",  no other Foreigner of any non-white hue can ever be "American".  Our colleges and other national institutions let them get away with this!
Stay Vigilant!

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